Moattay, May 4, 1953 3$ Three mit-nf.afato IT s MKrT-!jji-izTTST for the National Guard and representative! of the offices of four other states were in Salem Monday for a one-day school on the use of the leml-automatlc itock record port ing machine. In the front row left to right with Capt Joseph A. Dubuc, from the National Guard Bureau office In Washington, D.C., (far left) are left to right, Lt. Col. Robert B. Anderson, Hawaii. In aecond row between Hagen and Jelsma is Lt. Col. William Hugh Adams, Ore gon U. S. property and disbursing officer, who it host to the group. In the background are others from U. S. prop erty and disbursing offices in the Sixth Army area attend ing the school. Local Paragraphs Huffman Named Dean Tho mas Huffman of Daytcn, Ore., was named dean of Wclverton senate, Delta Theta Phi law fraternity, Willamette univer sity at an election held Friday night. Others elected to office were: Dave Wheeler, Salem, vice dean; Joseph French, Heppner, tribune; Parker Gies, Independence, clerk of exche quer; John Anicker, Tigard, master of ritual; Ralf Xrland son, Florence, chief of rolls; and Arthur Franzke, Portland, bailiff. Arrested in Denver Robert (Ricky) Herring, who is want ed by Salem police on an auto theft charge and by the FBI for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution has been arrested in Denver, police were noti fied here Friday. He is accus ed of stealing the ear of Frank C. Meier, 898 Tryon avenue, on January 28. The car was recovered February 18 in Ok lahoma City. Driver Charged Wesley J. Chrisman, Arlington, Washing ton was arrested by state police Friday on a eharge of drunk driving. He was held in lieu of $250 bail. Club 11 Meeting Townsend lub No. 17 will meet at the George Johnson home, 1335 North 18th street, at S p.m. Tuesday, May 6. The meeting is open to the public. Peacock Identified The va grant peacock that wandered into the premises of Mrs. Paul Wolfe Saturday afternoon has been identified as belonging to Dr. Lynn M. Hammerstad. The bird had been missing for near ly a week. - Bar ringer Improve Word from Denver is that Pvt. Wil liam E. Barringer, husband of a young Salem woman, is im proving In the hospital at Low ly Air Force Base where he is suffering from leukemia. His life was despaired of for sever al days and Betty Barringer, 16, of Salem, his wue, new w his bedside last Tuesday. Auxiliary Dinner The La dies Auxiliary of Eagles Lodge 2081 will have a potluck dinner at 6:30 Tuesday evening at Eagles Hall. Family night will be observed and a Mothers Day program presented. Wilhelm to Speak Rudy Wilhelm, speaker of the house of representatives d u r i n g the last session of the Oregon legis lature, will address the Salem Rotary club Wednesday noon i at the Marlon. "Sidelights and Highlights of the 47th Regular Session of the Legislative As sembly of Oregon" will be tre subject of his discourse. Lawfully Held That Ger ald Cravens, an inmate of the Oregon state prison is being lawfully held there, was the jinfUnai nt tnct decision re turned Monday by Circuit Judge George R. Duncan. Cravens initiated habeas cor nrnrvprllnes against the war of the prison several months ago. The case went, through the regular procedures tn mattpra of this nature, with the final brief having been filed April 20. BORN SALSM OINIRAL HOWITAL RANSOM To Mr. and Mn. Ralph Ransom. 1000 Plr St.. a bor. COMSTOCK-To Mr. and Mra. Harold Comitock. mo Trade St, a tlrl. May I. E RANDOM To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brandon. Rt. 4. Salem, a tlrl. May J. CAREY To Mr. tnd Mrl. Intent Carry. JMO Cherry St.. a tlrl. May I. SAl.tM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL HORTON To Mr. and Mra. John Hor n, JIM Campbell St., a boy. May J. BOCHSLER To Mr. and Mra. Albert Boehiler, U4I If. Chorea at, a firl. May 1, NTOHTraOALK To Mr. and Mrl. James Nlthtlntalt, J7J Tonl Are, a tlrl. May I. ., OILLSTo Mr. and Mrt. iamaa OlHt. 1130 Berry St.. ROEBSLER To Mr. and Mrt. BaroM ftxieler, Heather Lane, a boy. May S. ATTEND SCHOOL IN SALEM Will Install Officers Che- meketa Chapter, Order of De Molay, has been invited to in stall the officers of the Inde pendence Chapter Monday night. The meeting will be in the Independence Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. Those assisting in the installation are: Jim Stewart, installing officer; Larry Sharp, senior councillor; Bob Hughes, jun ior councillor; Milton McDan iel, chaplain; Jim Ellison, mar shall; Dick Ray, senior deacon. Charles Boyer is the dad ad visor. All members and friends of Chemeketa chapter are invited to attend. . Trans portation will be furnished if necessary. Discharge The generator was stolen from his 1953 Ford Wednesday or Thursday, . Lee Port, 845 Oak Hill avenue, re ported to the Marion county sheriff's office Friday. He did not know of the theft, he said, until he noticed the ear ampere meter continuously indicating discharge. Taxation Meeting A meet ing, which members of county courts and assessors are being urged to attend, will be held at the State House under the sponsorship of the assessment and taxation department There will be a discussion of the program of equalization values now in progress. District Vice President Carl Black of Dallas was one of the vice presidents elected at the recent convention of Christian Endeavor held in Portland. Black will serve the Marion, Folk, Willamette dis trict. Petition Boad Improvement Eight persons living along Reedy drive between Moody and Teas avenues have peti tioned the county court asking ashlatlc concrete pavement for the street. The petition was referred to the eingineers for checking. ' Driver Charged Norwood Edmund Gosnell, 160 Mabel street, was arrested by city police Saturday on a charge of drunk driving. He posted $250 ball and was released. Effort fo Kill (Continued from Page 1) The bomb nrobablv of a type to explode under pressure was examined at Ambernath ordnance factory and later sent to Bombay for analysis. Nehru went on irom Bom bay to New Delhi by plane, arriving late in the day, un aware of his narrow escape. He was winding up a 1,200 mile tour of the Maharashtrlan famine areas, ending at Jalna. KnRceeded Oandnl Nehru. 63. became India's first prime minister on Aug. ik 1017 Mohandas K. Gandhi. the great Indian spiritual and political leader, was assassi nated on Jan. 80, 1948. Nehru -foil help (n the mirltual leader- .hln nt Ranrlhl. with whom he worked througn many years oi political unrest and world tur moil to acnieve inaia s inoe pendence. Wanted Plot at Belcrest for four. State location, price. Box 84 Capital Journal. 108" Fresh killed hen turkey, 39c lb. We also sell turkeys by the piece. Orwigs Market, 3975 Sllverton Rd., Phone 45742. Air-steamship tickets any where. Kugel. 3-7694, 153 N High St. 106 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out- (.Jlnit wBllnnnstr aalprtinn, " u - . Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. AU I r7 I f4 V J IT Ragweed Prevalent The county court hat been inform ed that several roads in the Turner area are infested with ragweed and asks that the pest be sprayed. This will probably be done in connection with the county's plan to control ob noxious weeds. - Bike Found A blue color ed boy's bike was picked up Sunday evening by city police apparently abandoned just off John street in the 2000 block. Boys Cited Two young boys were apprehended by city police Friday after com plaints from the residential area of North Broadway street said that BB shot had struck houses there. The boys' guns were confiscated and they were cited to see the city juvenile officer. Car Flames A leaky car buretor was blamed for a fire in the car of W. M. DeMerse at Winter and Oak streets, Sunday, according to city fire men. Only minor damage was done to the car. Walsh Here William E. Walsh, Coos Bay attorney, was among those In Salem over the week-end to attend the May Day festivities st Willamette University. Mocday Walsh was in Portland for the meet ing of the state board of high er education. Shipowners (Continued from Page 1) Yet 19 firms owning 82 of the ships were nevertheless given charters to haul cargoes from the United States to help re arm the free world, Kennedy said. Stepping to the witness chair behind Kennedy, a string or spokesmen for government ag encies said they though steps should be taken to cut off "dual trade." Arthur G. Syran, transporta tion director for the Mutual Security Agency, told McCar thy it is correct that from the beginning of the Korean War up to this moment there has been, as the senators put it, no government policy to "refrain from aiding shipping compa nies that are aiding the en emy." Syran said he understands a policy pronouncement on the subject is under study now and will come along soon. "It is long overdue," Mc Carthy commented, "many, many lives overdue." COURT NEWS Circuit Court CalTart Fire Ini. Co. Tl. lutent 1 Barret: Order of Uamleiel with preju dice. Bntlir CoctrecUnt company ti. Sew. ard P. and Donna Oneta Rets; Ordc: allowlnc and denying motions by dc fendante. Plalntirr firm 10 are ti which to flit amended complaint. ma K. Wlckman ti. Bud Hanr Wlokmen: Defendant', anewer and eroi complaint. Oerald OraTtnt n. Oeont Alexander Plndlnia of faot decision by Juai eortt R. Duncan holde tfoat Crever le lawfully conllned In the itttt pen tentltry. navM c. Baura ti. Earl T. Mewbr and Robert T. Thornton: Amended an supplemental tomplalnt. Probate Court Beryl S. Ledterwood wttlt: nnei or der. dith r. cowden eetete: order admit- tint will to probate and appolntlni Gordon W. ooden aa executor. Mart L. Warnock aetata: Olotlnff de- oret and order or dutriDution. Julia Mead Idten aetata: Final order. Bftatt appraised at I7W8.JO. A. N. Buib titatt: order authorltlnt executor to secure aerriee or Bowers. DeTls tb Boflman for aha purpose ol tscertalnlnt hook Talue ol pioneer Trust company and to terra aa tax consult- anu in preparation oi tax reports. Dr. Oeont D. Bishop luardlauihlp Order appolnttnc Myrl Bishop guardian. Lydia Cut fuardlanihlp: Report of reslcnlnt tuardlan and appointment at pioneer Trust Co. John D. Wellj tatatt: Order admit ting will to probata and appolntlni Dorothy Burroughs and D. W. Bur routhi aa Joint executrix and executor. Miry M. Bowman estate: Final as count. Marriage License Roy X. Nohanan. 10, laborer, Routt I, box .lie. tna Karen r. Lewit, it, atu- dent, at noma, nn wiuiama, eaiem. Carlylt L. oarptr. letal. tannery worker, soot Lea St, and Lorraine Ho loway, at home, imq north Ith St., Salem. John f. Fox. 13. carman. Roseburt. tnd Tensile Loretrora, 7, attendant. lltl noyi an, ealtra. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Ortffom Property Officersof Six States Meet Here In Salem Monday to attend one-day school of instruction on the use of the semi-automatic stock record posting machine were U. S. property and disbursing officers from National Guards of six of the eight states in the Sixth Army area or their representatives and from the territories of Hawaii and Alaska. t m Both the Alaska U. S. P. and D. officer, Lt. Col. M. H. Jels- ma, and Lt. Col Robert B. An derson from Hawaii, flew to the States from their home towns. Coming in Monday morning in a Nevada National Guard plana was the group from Nevada. Their property and disbursing officer, however was unable to be in attendance, Two other U. S. P and D of ficers .were in attendance, Lt. Seek Golf Course On South Santa Sweet Home A meeting for the purpose of financing a golf course midway between Sweet Home and Lebanon was held at Grove's Hall May 1. Two committees were nam ed to canvas the Sweet Home and Lebanon communities to determine how many interest ed people would agree to pay green lees a year in advance if the club was built by private parties. . Lebanon committee members are Jack Brandt, Jack Owens, and Harry Miller. From Sweet Home the committeemen are Rex Pemberton, George Ed wards, and William Dudley. - Car, Boy Apprehended A car stolen from the Major Motors used car lot at 18th and State streets about 1:30 Monday morning was recover ed less than four hours later in Portland and a 14-year-old parolee of the state's McLaren School for Boys was arrested by police there on the eharge of auto theft. The boy is paroled to a Salem family. He was held for Juvenile authori ties. Latest figures again show IN THE face of the extravagant claims and chal lenges of others, in the face of all kinds of new fangled imokes, Camel's lead in popularity has been growing and growing and growing! What does Camel's great popularity mean to yonf To be so well liked by so many people, Camels have got to be better 1 They've got to have the flavor and mildness that suit smokers best pack after pack. So if you want greater smoking pleasure, try Camels. Smoke only Camels for 30 days and see how agreeable Camel's mildness and flavor are to you! Then you'll know why more people smoke Camels than any other cigarette! Camels Mildness d Flavor agree vnih more people af' Col. Albert Hagen from Wash ington and Oregon's officers Lt Col. William Hugh Adams. Other states having represen tatives from their offices were Montana, Idaho and Utah. Cali fornia and Arizona were not In attendance. Here from Washington, D. C. to serve as coordinator for the school was Capt. Joseph A. Du bac. The captain Is an artillery officer from the logistics branch of the supply section, army division, Office of Chief of the National Guard Bureau. The school was held In Ore gon because this state has been the pilot state for the Sixth Army area and has the machines in use for over three weeks. During the morning the group had lectures on proce dures with charts explaining the machine and in the after noon watched the machines in operation. State of World (Continued tram Page 1) times like ours the danger to our country involves the civil ian populations in the cities and towns and on the farms of our states. The responsibility of all local governments is immense. "Quite beyond the matter of responsibility is the matter of counsel and judgment. All po litical wisdom does not reside in the White House, nor in the executive branch, nor in Wash ington itself. It comes from tre minds and hearts of sincere and devoted men, wherever their j field of action whether in fed eral, state and local govern ment or in private life. Unity of Action Sought The purpose of these ses sions is to share with you some of the information we have and some of the plans we are making in the area of national security. "It is our firm belief that in that way we can take a long step toward the goal of a united people determined to defend its way of life, to prove worthy of me leadership of the free CAMEL 2nd nuE (Mm 3rd PUCE Jill BMN0 4th aFrtiafttntifa'M.IWe i iiiiiiujiu. i iJiiu.1 1 hi iiii i iiuiuiimimivuiu L le&CAMEL. youKef See what you've been miisinj COUNTY 'i'X'L. lv4 1 , ir is A main structure to house Polk county's annual fair now under construction at RickreaU has frontage of 120 feet and a depth of 140. It is a concrete block build ing with a height of eight feet in front and IS at the back. It is planned to hold the fair In this new structure late in August of 1853. Building Permits Post Auto Sales, to alter a used car lot at 1108 South 12th, 81000. Ter minal lee tt Cold Storage Company, to repair cold stor age building at 890 North Front, $16,000. Madsen Wreck ing Company, to wreck one- story dwelling and garage at 476 Marion, $50. General Pe troleum Company, to alter a service station at 1770 Center, $800..,: . Muste Ratings North Mar ion union high school's band received a No. 1 rating in con- nection with the state western division music contest held at Monmouth. Sllverton' band received a No. I rating and its chorus earned a No. 1 spot. Makes Good GradesRon ald Philip Hoxie, Box 442, Route 1, Salem, is listed among students who have made su perior academic records in the fall semester at the University of Oklahoma, at Norman, Okla. These students made B averages or better. The list was announced by Dean James G. Harlow. world." In Inviting the governors to Washington, Eisenhower had promised "a first hand picture of the state of the world and the role of the United States in it." America's smokers five CAMELS the Greatest Vote of Confidence In cigarette hfstoiyl POPULARITY STANDINGS f -- MMumwiim-f mmim ' mmimi: 'iiiii aaiatrrrWTwrT Vf 'f ( .CAMELS MUST BE 6000. ' ) pvAkX AFTER ALL, MORE ' , Sy yA ff N PEOPLE SMOKE THEM THAW A TT3fi Vy AMV OTHER CIGARETTE. J 3rgjk !i 7" I TRIED THEM AMD LIKED hjWfjj Vy ( THEM BETTER THAN AW W '3 ' OTHER CIGARETTE. THEY J if HAVE JUST THE FLAVOR M'tffy AND MILDNESS i LlKEl JU -'v 'ti'-, mm li .mm .-is FAIR BUILDINGS AT Youth Session (OoDMnuad from Pa 1) Ashland, temporary president; Kenny Bond, Baker, chaplain of senate; Dean Masterson, La Grande, clerk of senate; Eve lyn Van Tassel, Gardiner, reading clerk; Dave Grim itad, Gresham, speaker of the house; Ron Pattee, Milwaukie, temporary speaker; Stanley Rick, Tillamook, chaplain of the house; Nancy McKlnistry, Medford, clerk; Bonnie Jean Ellsbeth, Grants Pass, reading clerk. Reporters for the session are Don Waggoner, .Portland; Jean. Tousley, Oswego: Jack Young- blood, Coos Bay; Norm Luth er, Salem; Beverly Bender, Sutherlln; Pat Rukovina, Med ford; Marlene Eblnger, Kla math Falls; Donald Frank, Hermlston, and Verna Welo. La Grande. Delegates from the Salem Hl-Y clubs will be Pete Phil lips and Bill Shepard, of the Claude Kells Hi-Y club; Gary Ferguson and Ernest Drapela, Abel Gregg elub; Frank Smith and Dave Hardle, John R. Mott elub; Roa Anderson and Norman Luther, A. A. Stagg elub; and Raymond Taylor and Fred Butler,, Arthur Cot ton elub. Bills prepared and ready OF THE 4 LEADING CIGARETTES Camer lead ever 2nd t" .Csirurs lestf over 3rd ; .Cimtfs lead over 4tti place f I rtft RICKREALL, to be Introduced by the Salem Hi-Y clubs include: To re strict carrying of loaded fire arms in vehicles on public highways. Allowing a $1,000 state tax exemption for parents with children In college. Outlaw all gambling. Place game law enforce ment in game commission hands. To list blood types on an in dividual's driver's license. Gus Moore, Salem YMCA secretary says "there are still a lot of delegates that need housing. Residents are re quested to caU the YMCA if they can house one or more delegates for- either "Thursday and Friday nights or only Fri day night. FRUITLAND MEETING , Fruitland The Fruitland Mothers Club will meet at the Fruitland school house at 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 6. The Kohinor diamond Is about 186 carats.- Solent High School Choir Ami Orchestra ... PRESENTS ... c H. M.S. Pinafore By Gilbert BoUItui S.H.S. Auditorium TWS. WED. MAY i-i t P.M. Adults 15e Students See TTAektta attS f.r Bilker Klibt Ma Batoned Stall) , 1 aucs brand place brand ' V" t 111 flllV m m brand B. a aeroeldi IWeese Oa. Wlostea-Balsa, X. O,