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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1953)
Monday. May 4, IMS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon High School Choir in 'Pinafore' Two Nights Whan a Praiu t9 nUlBU -nil ors aboard Her Malestv's Shin "Pinafore" find themselves aurrounded by lovely ladies of royalty, only gaiety and ro mance could result, i Tuesday and Wednesday, ijlay 8 and 8, at 8 p.m., the Salem Hieh School rhnlr will ifiume the guise of British tara and proper royal ladies to present Gilbert and Sullivan's aauricai operetta, "ii.M.S Pinafore." ! Keizer Kelaer The Keizer Ladles "Sewins club will mwt Thurs day, May 7, at the home of Mrs. J. z. wnnenead. The day will be spent in quilting with a covered dish luncheon served at noon. Otto Yunker, who has seen several years in Scouting, was awarded the Scoutmasters key at the district court of honor which was held at Bush school last week. Mr. Vunkor U nnm a neighborhood commissioner lor me scouts, others receiv ing awards at the same time from Keizer troop 41 were Merritt Lynn, a bronze palm, and Lonnle Smith, a life award. . The Dine and Do club met at the home of Mrs. L. X. Sev ern, 1573 Bellvlew Ave., Thursday, April 23, for a 1 o'clock luncheon with the bus iness meeting following. -At the next meeting, birthdays will be celebrated. Guests were Mrs. Chris Lam parter and Mrs. Paul Schwy noch. Members present were Mrs. Lawrence Bagger, Mrs. W. P. Conboy, Mrs. H. H. Bren eman, Mrs. Mary Sloan, Mrs. M. C. Green, Mrs. G. C. Pom croy, Mrs. L. A. Wood and Mrs. Severns the hostess. The next meeting of the club will be held May 14 at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Bag ger, 810 Cummlngs Lane. Arnold Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Anderson, 8085 Claxter Kd., entertained with a birthday party on his 8th birthday recently at the home of his parents. Guests were Johnny and Greg Barnwell; Jean and Joyce Powell, Dale Zehner, Gary, Sharon and Tura Anderson, Mrs. Art Zehn er and Mrs. Amos Anderson. Mrs. George W. Clark, 430 Chemawa Rd., has returned from a six months trip visiting friends and relatives which took her to Laramie,. Wyo Denver, Colo,, Ft. Worth, Tex as, Wasco, Texas, Stockton and Sacramento, Calif. She made the trip partly by stage and with friends. Timber Carnival Plans Take Shape Albany Plans for the 1953 Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored Timber Carnival were taking shape this week and progress reports from narly every major committee were turned over to Carnival President Hayes Evans. Prize Chairman Ivan "Hao" Murray Friday revealed the onmnlete list of orlias which will be awarded during the final day, of the Timber Car nival act for Julv 2. S and 4. Total value of the prizes la $3,600. A report issued by Malcolm Blohn, queen candidate chair man, Indicated that seven ' contestants have entered the race for carnival queen. Additional applications will be received until May 15, Blohn said. Under the H ard F. Miller. the Salem High orchestra, the memDers, in 19th cen tury hoop skirt Or kaiitwai' garb, will offer the rollicking nunc ana asurical humor of Gilbert and Sullivan. Plavine the will be Marca Lee Bryant as Josephine, the captain's daughter, and Rns nr...... as Raloh Rackstraur sailor., The ship's captain, Roy inaiivy, ana kittle Buttercup, Mauryne Nichols, comprise the more mature element of ro mance. Sir Joseph Porter, the first lord of the admiralty, will be played by Dave Louthan. The remainder of the cast includes Pete Van Horn the villain, Beth Proebstal as Cousin Hebe m.nn tt.ii .. the boatswain, Bob Prall as the boatswain's mate, and 10-year-old Johnny Saffron as the mmsmpmate. Authentic stage settings will be Used and Trnfoaainnal mm. tumes have been rented from a costume house. Publicity is being handled by Susie Young- QUist. Student, and Frank Wal ton Of the Enelish denartment Chester Goodman is the drama coach and make-up will be handled by Margaret Bur roughs. Both are Salem hi ah faculty members. : Tickets may be purchased from any choir member and will be sold at the door. ' School Election iiyMay18 Amitv . A school diatriot bond election for Amity ele mentary school No. 4, Yamhill county, will be held at the grade school building May 18, from 2 to 8 p.m. Recommenda tlona u . r . made by the school board at a recent meeting for the bond issue of 8150,000 to enlarge the present plant in order that the school may have an un auallfied standard ratine. The project would provide four classrooms, enlarge the gymnasium, and provide addi tional facilities for lavatories. Present facilities were built for the enrollment nf 13.1 tm. pils. The present enrollment Is ' TEARFUL REUNION r ..mmvA.- At Am Jim (Junior) Gilliam, rookie second baseman for the Brook' lyn Dodgers, was the Interna tional League's Most Valuable Player last year. f ii; 0 kJ Many months of separation end in a tearful reunion at Los Angeles, Calif., for Mrs. Bartola Garcia and her son, Pvt. Jose Garcia, one of the American prisoners of war released by the Communists in the recent exchange in Korea. (AP Wirephoto) . School Tax al Lebanon Low Lebanon Though expansion in Lebanon elementary schools has occasioned the hiring of five new teachers, Increased salaries, supplies and Janitor service, the estimated tax le vies for 1953-54 will have in creased only $12,245. This was shown when the budget committee submitted its findings this week. Receipts estimated to be greater than this year take credit for the slight increase, Supt. J. W. King said. These funds are from such sources as forest land sales. ' What this moderate increase may reflect in tax rates is not yet known. The rate depends on assessed valuations which have not yet been revealed, King told the committee. Total of all estimated expen ditures Is $484,388.' General fund total is $317,308. , Provision is again made for a summer recreation program in which elementary and union high school districts share equally. - v. The budget will be voted on at a school meeting on May 28. Dayton High School Girl Gets Diploma in Hospital Dayton On Wednesday aft ernoon, April 29, approximate ly 50 persons from Dayton, in cluding 25 seniors from the high school, faculty members, rela tlves and friends, gathered In the auditorium at the Tubercu losis hospital school in Salem. ' The occasion was the high school graduation exercises for Miss Theola Grover, who has been confined to the hospital since last November. It was made possible for her to re ceive her diploma at this serv ice, since she will be unable to attend the commencement at Dayton; as she is scheduled for major surgery oon May 8. Dr. A. W. Niemela gave the welcome and Howard Holt, principal of the local school, introduced Miss Myrtle Smith, who gave the salutatory. Miss Patty Grover sang a song, ac companied by Miss Marcena Fowler. Then Miss Fowler, who is validlctorlan, gave her ad dress. Ersel Gubser, chairman of the school board presented the diploma of graduatioon to The ola. During her several months at the hospital," she was able to complete credits with the as sistance of two bedside instruc tors. She received many gifts from her friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grover of Daytoon are her parents. The ola wore a crisp pastel green organdy dress with white bal lerina slippers, and an orchid corsage, a gift from her family, At the close of the afternoon, cookies and punch were served. Sally Studnick May Queen at Sffayfon Stayton Miss Sally Studnick has been chosen as May queen, to reign over the high school May day festivities to be held on May 9. She will be crowned queen during the ceremonies held during the morning on that day. Miss Studnick also is valedic torian of the senior class at Un ion high school. Pag l Margaret Rose Turns Religious New York () The New York Daily News ' says , that England's Princess Margaret Rose reportedly may enter a religious order shortly after tne coronation of her sister, queen Elizabeth II. In a dispatch from Washing ton, Ruth Montgomery, of the newspaper's capital bureau at tributed to "diplomats return ing from London." Miss Montgomery's dispatch adds: "Since the death of her fa ther, King George VI, the pe tite princess has turned in creasingly to religion. Once the toast of such exclusive night clubs as London's Bagatelle," Four Hundred, and Embassy, she now goes out seldom ex cept to small gatherings of in timate friends." ; CHECK WRITER HELD Albany Being held in Oak. land, Calif., for Albany city police is Edward Marion Enge bretson, age unknown, who, Al bany Police Chief Ray Maddy alleges, cashed four worthless checks here between March 8 and 18, police reports showed Friday. ALL ' WMMaM ft NOMIts7 Cherry City Electric lit Chemeketa hone 24762 PHONE S-885S WALLY'S PRINT SHOP "wbert jenrlct la it pltdn, not juit ft promlet" MASONIC BIDG. Corner Stat and High ON THE HIGHWAY , V THE BEST WAY IS... Every Day Specializing Luncheon 65c o 80c Dinners choice or no. a.b. c.d , $1.10 HOT DINNER SAN. 55c We Feature the Finest in Chinese and . American Food Make Rife, Cafe 1964 N. Capitol Call Salem 4-3641 , At the Hollywood District Traffic Signals Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS S17 S. High Ph. 4S751 BEGINNING TOMORROW, TUESDAY AT THE SCHLESINGER CO. 409 COURT SALE! Tub Wall Cracked? We'll Fix It Permanently! For Beautiful Waterproof Bath and Kitchen Walls nn.t mi f 11 n with thfkBA 111- noylnr. unsightly cracks on your batnroom wans mj longer! Let NORRIS-WALK-ER give you a free estimate on renewing your walls with PLASTIC TILE ... tne per manent answer to cracks due 4. mniitiiM. iam and heat from shower and tub. Ask about Wall TUe tomorrow! Individual tiles Installed on three walls, 6" recess, 48" high. Average tub recess K0 Installed for only $59 00 GUARANTEED WORK. LOWEST PRICES . . . FHA TERMS . . . FREE ESTI MATE. NORM-WALKER PAINT CO. lilt N. Front fh. 4-M78 New Upright (VFood Freezer WM MA-UK Here's a brand-new General Electric Freezer that really bvm you your money's worth I It's rtfrigvatsd fop md bottom ... alto has three freezing shelves . . . bandy Spsee Maker door shelves, froxsn juice can dispenser, sliding and adjustable alumi num shelves and abding baskets. All food is within easy reach! And It's so loononucalt Ivy Hi Quantity! Bur sosstt In snimy darini pacial tatas, frna la row own O-E and enjoy all year "round I Enjoy Out-of-Season Foods) Buy fruits and vegetables la quantity at loweit "in-season" prices, freeze and store! SEE US TODAY I G-E MODELS FOR ANY SIZE FAMILY OR HOME! Tinkham Gilbert Appliance Co. 260 N. Liberty Phone 2-0312 rwJ ISENERAl Ielectric OF OVER. 300 MISSES' WOMEN'S AND JUNIORS' SCHLESINGER SUITS OFFERING UNUSUAL SAVINGS 1 GROUP SUITS THAT 1 GROUP SUITS THAT 1 GROUP SUITS THAT WERE. FORMERLY 49.95 to 55.00 WERE FORMERLY 59.95 to 65.00 WERE FORMERLY 69.95 to 89.50 NOW $28 NOW $38 NOW $48 An exceptional opportunity for you to obtain an outstanding Schlesinger suit whether yoj wear a Miss', Junior's or Woman's size,' and save many, many dollars as well. These are suits that do not sacrifice quality for their low sale prices, for they are regular Schlesinger suits that embody all of Schlesinger's high standards of fine workmanship and tailoring: The col lection includes the most desirable fabrics in widely diversified weaves ... the most wanted colors of the Spring season . . . styles that represent the most important silhouettes of 'this year. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity! , ' ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES CV 4091 ; MISSES' SIZES 0 WOMEN'S SIZES JUNIOR SIZES COURT