v w ..... .., ............ v:W-;yvbivi,..il,-JW.Hltl.4,. 4 t t k, . . -..-.------'''''v"-"i"" "'" Monday. May 4, 1953 Paw t IWgWWwwi In the Valley Edited ay MIKE FORBES Woodbum High May Day Rites Woodburn Every available pice was illled at the high school gymnasium Friday night. May 1. for the annual May Day lestivities when MUs Joyce Yuranek was crowned "Queen of the May." Miss Yuranek, escorted by Jim Hugill, was crowned Queen Joyce I by Bob Withers, stu dent body president, and took her place upon the throne of green with background of spring flowers, surrounded by members of her court. Princesses and their escorts were: Seniors, Shirley Ander- son-Willard Thompson; Marjor ie Chiiwood-Bob Withers. Jun lore, Karen Magnuson - Gene Ficek; Joanne Schmld-Jerry Plank. Sophomores, Barbara Baumann-Jim Blanchard; Nina luce-Ronald Garnero. Fresh men, Agnes Danskey-Bob Bau aaann; Marllee Parker-Philip LaBarr. Paula Van Hoose was flower girl and Dale Rice, crown bearer. The program Included wind ing of the Maypole by the fresh men girls; dance of the SO'a (Charleston) In appropriate costumes by the juniors; acts by the tumbling team; our ia Torlte sports by the sopho mores; an artist's model by Eve Allen and Harriet Weigle; dreamer's drill by the drill team; dancing dolls, creative dancing; building pyramids. seniors; waltz dream, juniors, Woodburn Monmouth Monmouth Jerry Hill, son of Fred J. Hill, is home on a 80 day furlough from Lackland air force base at San Antonio, Tex as. He completed a course In ground crew aircraft mainte nance specializing In air frame repair and finished third In his class. He will report to New Jersey for assignment for Euro pean duty on completion of his furlough. Clifford Stump and Joseph Cummiskey were on the honor roll for winter term at OSC Stump, a graduate student In geological science, earned straight "A" average for academic hours. Cummiskey, graduate student In education, received s grade of 3.5 in his course of 11 academic hours. Woodburn The Woodburn high school student body and teachers have issued Invitations to all mothers of students to a special "Mother's Day" after noon at the high school Wed nesday, May 6. Mothers are to spend the afternoon from 1 o'clock on at the school. They will be met by the student council members, will sign the guest book and then be escort ed to the class 6f their son or daughter. Following the visit to the class the students and mothers will go to the gymnas ium for a special program, fol lowed by tea.. , Mrs. Helen Gulss, who has spent several weeks in Salem Mrs. Wilmuth Babe enter tained the Thimble Club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Q. L Russell reported that the wheel chair, owned by the club. now available for use by any one needing it Mrs. Mary Al derson used it until she went to a nursing home in Dallas re cently. Mrs. Bernlce Forbes spent the week end in Condon, going to see ber first grandchild, Syl via Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Forbes, who was born April 13 at a Heppner hospital, Mrs. Dora Moreland is at home now after spending the nut mnnth In Pnrvallta at thm carrying out the theme of the Ear, Conkey home Mr ,nd evening, "Dreamer's Holiday.1 The program was directed by Miss Catherine Elder. Assisting were Bette Norton, narration and musical technician; Miss Beverly Slaney and Alf Nelson, lighting; Albert Schalock, prop erties; Benton Dailey, music; Miss Leona Hopkins, programs; Bob Baumann, program cover design; ushers, Delmar Wolf, Dixie Rui, Paul Edwards, Norman Tyler, Duane Balrd; dreamers, Irene Layne, Donna Yickers. x . Mrs. Conkey, former residents, visited relatives and friends in Minnesota and then flew to Lansing, Mich,, and drove a new car home. Mrs. Moreland was in the home during their absence. The school district 13-C budg et was approved by a large ma jority with a small number voting. Irrigation Water Rale at Lebanon Lebanon A new low water rate for summer irrigation in . the city went into effect May 1, according to Kenneth Sims, Lebanon manager of Mountain States Power company. - This .rate, filed In April. 1S2, applied in Albany last summer, but will be effective here for the first time this sea, ton, since Lebanon customers In prior years were billed on a flat rate basis Instead of on me, ters. The special rate will apply to all bills rendered from May 1 to Oct 31 and was set up to provide water for lawns at a reasonably low cost. During the season mentioned, water usage In excess of 1,000 cubic feet will cost 7c per 100 cuble feet. New Water Well Amity The city council has approved a lease for a new city well on the property of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cochran. The lease is for 69 years with eptlon for renewal and a pay ment of $120 a year rental. Drilling of the weU wlU be contracted on bids. The present well in the city park will be kept as a standby. Amity i urns urn nmnhrv Htrui I' June Anjnon ! "BATTU ClaXL'S" ; .: , terlinf Hayden 1st Color "KANSAS PACIFIC" Bud Loa Abbott OostcUe GO TO MARS" " a Beaald Beaten Ia Teohnleolor TAW ORDER" i Mat. Daily From 1 F. M. C- MttlWAT! I "UDiKAiniFUrt I "iDommt6i8r' Amity Examination of next year's first grade children, for Amity grade school, has been arranged for May 5 and fl at the office of Dr. E. A. Hahn, beginning at 2 p.m.. According to Albert Yoder, principal, children with fam ily names beginning from A to L will be expected on Tues day, May 6, and the remainder . of the alphabet on Wednesday, May 6. - The school board will pay for examinations, but a one dollar charge will be made for each pupil for the various Im munizations. Birth certificates and exam inations are a mutt for school in the fall. A child must be 6 years old before Nov. IS, ac cording to state law. UIMVETn THEATRE I 1 "am 22129 1 UMM MIMNi, MWHWAY ft. Oslos Open 1:00 Show at Dunk ENDS TUESDAY! In Technicolor "MiumyiiuHna" Tyro no Power "m cowniacHR" . OUtU DoRaTilUuid 1 TOMORROW! Bargain Motinee! 50 c (Inc. Tex) Til 5 P.M. KE DARED TO FIND ITS SmtSTER SECRET! . lOUI-ll I SJ p leui'fJ DEEHf $ ma UMvnui "taxi'VHsi BonslxJUaOf teat susjt ne neat la nan CO-FEATURE! s a-q HSaxTers WIN TOP STARS NARRATE THE IT0W 0 THf. WOwlOt BOfATTST FRAUD) COLO CARTOON LATE NEWS at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Russell Guiss, since returning from California, returned to Woodburn last week where she has opened her home and ex pects to remain. Mrs. Charles Kracow, the former Laura Ruggles, of Van, couver. Wash., was a recent guest of Mrs. Maude Mochel. As Miss Ruggles she taught for 10 years at Woodburn high school. The Woodburn high school band was one of the 21 bands taking part in the annual west ern district music contest sat' urday at the Oregon College of Education at Monmouth. T. C. Gorman, local justice of the peace, has returned to, his office In Woodburn after - an absence of three weeks during which he underwent surgery' at St. Vincent's hospital Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hecker, former Woodburn residents, have returned tto Oregon after a winter vacation in Arizona and Old Mexico. They are vis iting at the home of their son, Oliver Hecker, near Scotts Mills. The Heckers now live in Taft. Sheridan Sheridan Dolores Smith, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Frank W. Smith is valedictor ian of Sheridan's 1933 high school graduating class with a 3.7 average for four years of school. Jeanne Aaron, daugh tre of Mr. and Mrs. George H, Aaron, Is salutatorlan with an average of 3.4. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hart ling Of Dallas are the parents of a son, bon April IB in Mc Minnville. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Hamilton of Sheridan are the baby's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van dehey of Sheridan ar- the par ents of a son. Patrick William, born April 27 in McMinnyille. Maternal grandparents are' Mr. and Mrs. R. L. -Patrick of Napa, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Small of Sheridan are the par ents of a son, Michael Robert, born April 28. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mich aels of McMinnville and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Smail of Sher idan. A birthday dinner was held at the Marvin Tatom home last . qi.inm and Mrs week tor car- . "...a Barbara Bronson. Other guesU were Lorraine Tatom, H Newsom, Blair ArmlUge, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bronson, Guy Tatom and Mrs. Marvin Tatom. Mr. and Mrs. Don Trow bridge are the parents of daughter, Pamela Gay. born AprU 23 in Dallas. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs . John Rose and Mr. and Mrs Donald Trowbridge. Sr., all of Grand Ronde. The FL club met at the home ' 1 of Gertrude Reid'wlth LouUo -. M.tulH IM.. ThompsuH .v-,.v0,.B,, mere were fifteen members, and a guest, Lorraine Gloyer. pres. ent Pinochle was played with Roieada Haenny winning first pize. Marjorie Willhlte won door prize. LaVerna Cole was given a high schalr by the, club. , . BALLROOM SPECIAL Private Lessons 3 for $4.00 PAUL ARMSTRONG DANCE STUDIO 1SS S. Liberty Ph. " How Showing Open (:is Alan ladd-Deborah Kerr "iMff In th lilT, Also judy Canova-Stephen Dunne "Wic Iron Willi Wall" Now! Learn How To Permanently mm isr Surely Safely Sanely Scientifically i Without Drugs, Medication, Fad Diets, Exercise, Massage ,in 1 1 ii i 1 1 1 ' illbOlaiffi! it 2- tfce CMMMETMC Way la WEWHT CONTROl AeeiMsNcaNy Help aa AfiBStws ajegulului hi Yew Brain... Mdw YMtT aarWwfl BOM OH itdf ! Ovii iimi Ovtrtclliiy, tlw Only Knwii Omm of Ovr IMtliWft sAbMfnwl Nvnyr 101191 r Vmht Monty awocfc Uo rooultod io Um development of the CAL O-METRIC Way lb WEIGHT CONTROL. It ia the fact that eefweght people ere prone to develop heart dioeaoo, hlth blood preovur, srterkMcleroais, diabetes, etc, that has sader Hned the need for a aafe, aure way to weight control, such as CAL-O-MZTRIC Aad ft is the grim fact that an increeee of 25 per cent in weight increases the mortality rate 74 per cent that, fat the final analysis, is the funda mental reason why you should start taking the CAL-O-METRIC Way, tomorrow. Take the new CAL-O-METRIC Way and you enjoy three generous, delicious, perfectly. . balanced mealspTusabedtlme snack, each day; with all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and food nutrients you need in balanced propor tions. Take the CAL-O-METRIC Way and, even before you experience a substantial overall weight toes, you'll start losing ugly fat where ft shows most Take the CAL-O-METRIC Way and you'll help re-adjust your "Appestat" You'll follow the basic principle that can make your loss of weight permanent. Take the CAL-O-METRIC Way today, to . a handsomer, happier, healthier existence, tomorrow. Start, now! Before you realize it your "Appestat" will have readjusted itself to normal. Before you know ft your mirror, your family and your friends will tell you those ugly, excess pounds have melted away. And in their place youH find the new you, the trim, thin twin of your ok) stout sett Start the CAL-O-METRIC Way lb WEIGHT CON TROL, today 1 Start looking lovelier, feeUng bvttaf j Mvtttf toftftc i tomorrow I I year sex er age, wtsatsver your i weight, hew wevM you Hke to feee Rearrl eaace of agly, sjrcseqae fat ea yoer otasrwlii attractive body.. .become, aa a few, abort, dramatic weeks, a now, hand somer, snore magnetic and socially desirable psfsoaaMt? How would yon like to feel bet ter taaa yoe have felt in years...a more vigo reea, confident, happier woman or man, from waoat the harden of a depressing weight aeeaas Swddeniy to have lifted? And, finally, hew wees yea Mfce to deer sees your chencca of dying prenaterety, by es nach as 50? yom may, yea can, you wMl If you accept this one scMotiftc fact: You mutt overcome Qfotatimf sfo Ovwooflst owmMMo Doctors bow know that, located io the hfpothelniue of your brain ia the eppetite leguietiac mechanism of your body, called the "Appoetat" When this "Appestat" Is In normal working order, you tend to eat no mere celeries than yoer body needs for en ergy. But, when this appetite regulator gets oat of order and is set too high, you tend to Overeat to stoke your body with more fat betiding calories than you cen burn-up as eeergy. It is this sew knowledge of why 25,000,000 Americans are overweight that has spurred Intensive research by nutrition experts, that HOW Will YOU LOOK IN A BATHING SUIT THIS SUMMER? mim us? 950001031 Zlt:a;Tll i i V 0 '0.' You can be the Thin Twin of your Stout Self when you lose ugly fat fast where it shows most the New CAL-O-METRIC Way sr...r.i .WMT lLrd(0 71" 7ake Hf Right Way to Weight Control, Today ONLY 13-50 nnr?1; a) waytd weight h CONTROL Mr" f . 1 WMl MALE FAT DISTRIBUTION I "' "IB gf "f r i moo s'ZAk.i Jj it I i Mail This Coupon With Oniy 3.50 to PAYLESS 484 STATE ST. SALEM, ORE. Name Address City Slate We Prepay the Postage 1 1 t 1 T0