Monday, May 4, 195S DENNIS the MENACE 'My Fans outr wwmme MiENiposawTviwa bap. they expwm ;au rmr tuuuTti vwn. ticnr BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. la, 11 Inchei clear, IS; No. t, f laches dear, 44. No aap wood or eulla. Coma and tet them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independence Road. Pb. Salem Mill. ma fANSIES, toe dozen. 113a Midway Drive, phono 36811. mal06 Building? New weathers tripped windows, com pletely . assembled, hundred In stock ready to so, It4 up. New picture windows (8.00 New doors 9'8Mx6,8" $5.50 l-Ub thlckbutt roofing ..$6.95 Unpalnted cedar shakes 85.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete . .(25.50 New J0"xl8" wuh basins J 11. 50 Cast Iron bath tuba, complete ...i9.50 New abower cabinets, complete. .$43.00 Colored bath lets ...Bargain 100-ial. steel leptio tanki $02.50 4" soil pipe 70 New electric water heater ......168.50 New ateel garage doors 155.00 Asbestos siding $9.50 New plasterboard 4x6 $1.40 Exterior white paint (gal.) ,...$2.05 Mahogany & birch plywood... bargain Water proof wall board, 4x8 ....$1.75 Boreen doors je.95 DOORS - Hundreds of fir and hardwood doors; birch, mahogany and gumwood. Pick your choice. Bargain. I SHINGLES I No 1 per so $0.25 No, 9 per sq ss.OO tin na .n .a aa CASH fe CARRY ' DISCOUNT' 260 ' 6Q. C. G. LONG & SONS v Phone 45051 I ml north of Keizer ma NURSERY STOCK AZALEAS Gift wrapped for Mother's Day. War ing Nursery, 102C Oak H1U Ave. (turn East from MB at south Village Tav ern). mbl06 PEPPERS, cabbage and tomato plants, by the thousands. Tuberous begonias, petunias, geraniums and all bedding out plants. Wholesale and retail. Ar thur Plant Greenhouse, 1208 So. 13th. Phone 3-4070. mblll COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plants. Middle Grove Nursery, 4920 Sllverton Rd. Phone 44032. mbiw EVERGREEN BALE Shrubbery! Orna mental Trees, Red Azaleas, 4 for $1.00. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brooks. mblOO GERANIUMS, FUSCHBIAS 25c DELPHINIUMS J for $1.00 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS .. S for $1.00 DAHLIA BULBS NAMED .. 3 for $1.00 GLAD BULBS 3 Ds. for $1.00 EVERBEARING SRAWBERRY PLANTS MERRILLS GREENHOUSE, BROOKS mblOT CHOICE GLOX1NEAS now blooming, Visitors welcome at Salem's African Violet headquarters. Fuchsia. Petunia, tomatoe fc bedding plants. Oppen's Oreenhouee, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbllt1 kEDDING PLANTS Sllverton Green Rouses the best in geraniums, fuchsias, pelagonlums, all other plants. Cabbage and lettuce 25c per dosen. $17 So. Water, on road to Silver Creek Falls. mono' AZALEAS IN bloom. Hardy varieties, Popular colors. 35c to $2.00. Sales yard. 2630 N. 6th. strayer Azalea Gar den, 555 Locust. mblOT EDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 22182. 3497 Hollywood Drive. mblOS For Sale MISCELLANEOUS )" BENCH VISE, like new, 8.00. Many other toola, cheap. Glenn Woodry'u, 1905 N. Summer nl06' OILAWAX BED. wire fence, wood fence, ruaa, ' 300 western magazines, mltcellaneoua articles. Will trade. 4-1S8I). nl08- PLAYER PIANO rolls 1.00. rr'a, loos N. summer. Glenn Wood- nlOO' K.M BULOVA wrist watch, sliahtlr shopworn, cloneout price 124.75. Hart- man Broa., 399 State. mm- I SINGLE Inneraorlna mattresses. Like new. Reasonable. Phone 3-9817. nl08' JTHREE-P1ECE bath room. Includes cast Iron let tub. lavatory and closet out tit, with flttlnia. See to appreciate at 149.50. Mra. Carryll Brown, enlnta 9 ami o. 1127 Hliies. nl07 ECONDITIONED Spin-Dry WMher, 160. White porcelain table, 4 chairs, 135. 2595 Sllverton Road. nloe WE ARE OVERSTOCKED on used ra dloa and combinations. Come In and see our exceptional bargains, 15 v. K9.I0. TRADER LOUIE , 1870 Lana Ave. n!06' SINOER Rl.TOfTTRIC PORTABLE Bewlni machine. Looks like new. Full Price 189.50. Includes free scwin, les. ons and reaular set of attachment!. SINOER SEW1NO MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial nlW DELTA 10" band aaw, else- portable bain ipraaer and pot. Banalns. Box . Capital Journal. "I07 USED SINOER Tread), combination electric cabinet sawing machine. Round bobln. A-t condition, has new motor. Only 819.80. SINOER BEWINO MACHINE CO. 130 N. Commercial M05- Muav Bendlx Economat automatic washer. Rum tood. only 135. Phone l-iioi. nioe fOR SALE Coil aprlni, axcelelnt con- o"on. Phone 4-4547. SENSATIONAL rt,. valu.ll Res. 44 95, 100 wool faced tui only 29.95 this week. Glenn Woodry'! Thrill eiore. M0 N. Summer. Terms, trades. nW 450 rca Victor TV, 21-Inch console Plu 30 foot antenna. Only 37S. 3515 8o. Commercial. 2-0966. INS. BEDS 6.00. Glenn Woodry Bar gains, 1805 N. Bummer. nJM PERTILIEEB Pulverised, rotted manure, ellvered anywhere. 2-0774 or 3-5073. nlll Maple and "w alnut full psnei twin beds complete with coll aprlms and toed Quality mattresses. Not 45 oo, but lutt 24.60. This week at Olenn JVoodrr'a, 1605 N. Bummer tlt SINGLE box sprln.s 500. Oleon Wood IT'a, 1404 M. eummet. 6y Ketcham I ihct wrevnMb'- For Sole MISCELLANEOUS TOP SOIL River a!lt and fill dirt. Prompt de livery, rnone x-1748. TIRES, truck parti. Ford. 825-10 and uu-v. v-.b.i. ajig umsint Ave. O107 CHESTS O1 DRAWERS Chooa. from over 200 new and need, 7.90 to 10.00. Olenn Woodry's, 06 N. Summer. moo- 6-VB. HARDWOOD bbj crib, drowlde. paum onus, wet proot mattress. .. auer e:su p.m. ni07 APT. ELECTRIC range, all white, like new, less than price at 09.50. Also reg. 90.00 Virtue chrome dinette only 40.60. Terms, trades, lower prices. Olenn Woodry'a, 1605 N. Summer. nlOfl BABY BUGGY, scale. Infant lnth tn 1 year maternity clothes 14. 3-2515. nl06 Oym Dandy play yard aeta lt.U. (Theie are display aamplea and have . lew paint (cratches.) Olenn Woodry'a, 1805 N. Summer. nlOB GABAGE DOORS, unfinished furniture uibuv w racr. omau carpenter ana cabinet repair jobs. Prices reasonable. Woodworking Fixit Shop . 1575 NO. IB Ph. 9-5368 nllS 8CHWIN BIKE, only 17.80. Glenn Wood ry s, wot, n, summer. nlOfl )-IN. COTTON mattress In aood con dition. 110.00. 307 8. 35th. nl06 TRAILER 86.00. Olenn Woodry's. nl06 Organic Fertilizer Free of - weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. nils UE-GAUGE shotgun 10.00. 12-gauge shells 1.7ft box. Glenn Woodry's, 1600 N Summer. nlOfl' LADY'S BICYCLE In good condition. Very t reasonable. 435 Jefferson St, nlOS RADIO-PHONO console combination, very spec. 39.50. Table radios 8.S0. Glenn Woodry's, 1808 N. Summer. nl06 Mcculloch chain saws, sob Edge- water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1641. n DAVENPORT sets, closing out, priced la.oo to mane quicic room, ojenn Woodry's, lOOS N, Bummer. nlOO1 HOWARD walnut piano and bench, ex cellent condition, $328. 370 So. 14th. niOfi NEW 42-GALLON Seldehuber elect, wa ter heater, discounted 50.00. (Never used.) Olenn Woodry s, 1005 N. Sum mer. Terms, trades. nl06' STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing Doroh columns, xurniture. nee w. Liberty. nlll ROUND OAK dining table 8.00. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 N. summer. niofl' CLOTHLINE POSTS, iron legs for ta- bies, xurniture, railings. no n. uio erty. B124- WROUGHT IRON 9-pc. dinette set. It's new, It's different, It's only 89.99 to Introduce this modern line to Salem. Glenn Woodry's, 160ft K. summer. nlOO1 HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185, SINOER SEW1NO machine 12.00. Woodry'a, 105 N. Summer. Olenn nloo1 ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, the best wo hava aver bad. Por aood orianle result, order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. 86.00 per yard. 4 yards aia. a v.rli 125. 10 yards 840. Flar atones, lav. atone, fence posts, 4x4 ant ruatlfl red cedar lenomr. Phllilns Bros.. Rt. 5. Box 493, Ph. 43081, Salem. 2 ml. E. 4 corners. CHROME CHAIRS 1.9J. Olenn Woodry's niuo- AA.LEU DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnis (or tracks and tractors. 1775 Sllverton Road n 18x24" PLATE mirrors 1.86. Olenn Wood ry's, 1605 N. Summer. n!06' CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, f.n. .Mb baan ooau ano stace. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493. I miles eat of 4 Corners Ph. 4-3081 Wanted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck scale price for second and old arowtn nr. i.ons ana oiiurv. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. tiAA w.u.r-. Rd. Pb. 4-1784 nal27 nnnniv WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-5110. na LOGS WANTED ... Mill Luncths 8 4" or IB 8' nimeter 8" to 16" Sawmill. Lengths 12' and longer. Diameter 8" to 10 Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ore. Pbo ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a. Ph. 511 JJlt ,,,,i,,trtctr, EXCHANGE MISC. u it l. "sell or trade for cattle, bean pounder bean stakes, 13 and 14 gauge wire Terrell Atwood, 4695 St.U. PERSONAL ALCOnoLICS ANONYMOUS. Oroup NO. . ,. m. commercial. Ph. I-45J7 I, 2088 SPECIAL AUTO iiiirmrR or DeSoto engine, com IM1S " ,'S 6150. If installed. 8.8!. Call after 6. 4656 State. Ouaranieew, .jjlllim AUTOOTIVEREfAJi. liAviNbAnTATOR TROUBLE? Valley HA,IW? .in ao ve four orob- f . . .mt a.vs rou money Pree etl- automobiles MM CHIVBOUT speclel deluxe l-pass. Ink coupe, 41,000 actual milts, to flu lust overhauled. SO rubber. Bodr and upholetery Ilk, new. Must 0. Hen to bt appreciated. Tumt can bo arranged. Pbone 1-4311. qlOl" 1U STDDEBAKU U-ton pickup, low mllesae, excellent condition. Mm. eiot lti two-doob Plymouth. Seasonable oim accepted. 1711 M. winter St. Balara, Or,. qlor M.P.G 1ULX8 PER O ALLOW 0 ATUDEBAKER STARLIT! COOP! The overdrive makes motoring a $1095 SHSOCK MOTOR CO. Whtro ch.mex.u Oou to Church Open t a.m. to p.m. plot 18W CBXV. COCTE Thrse-quarter race motor, column ehlft, pipe,. axcUent bodr, 1175. 1-4748. 1174 Trade. Q1M 1911 CBZV. Club Coupe. Good condition. Radio and beater. 1-I1. 101 mi studebakeb champ. V.rr nice condition. Low mileaaa. Terr reajon abla. O. W. Hall. Ph. 4111 Wlverton. O.110 M.D. URAL DnjEaOIA '41 Hudson Commodore "' Pordor Sedan, leadr to ba ouitomlaad. Juat In from Oceanlako, $745 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Oou to Church Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. q108 RON'S '51 MERCURY Club coupe, sharpest in town, low mileage, clean, overdrive, heater, new set : premium white side walls - just installed. $1995 '52 CHEVROLET De luxe tudor, R&H, fen der skirts, white side walls, jet black finish, 1 owner, low mileage. $1745 '50 OLDSMOBILE De luxe 88 sedan. R&H, lender skirts, hydramat- ic. This is another very clean, 1-owner buy. ' $1795 '51 FORD . . Club coupe, custom, heat er, O.D., 1 owner, low mileage, very clean in side and out. $1495 '49 FORD V-8 Custom club coupe R&H, very clean. $845 '47 CHEVROLET coupe, R&H, 1 owner, very good rubber, clean. $645 '46 CHEVROLET . Convertible, R&H, cus . tomized hood and trunk white side walls, very clean in and out. $795 RON'S 1245 Broadway Phone 26808 0107 '41 PORD Maroon Convertible. Radio, heater, good rubber, excellent condi tion thruout. 1395. Pnone Green 44 or Blue 69, Mt. Angel. qlOS' CADILLAC 1962 Club Coupe. Original owner. Approximately 6 montha old, barely 5000 miles. WIU consider sta tion wagon In trade. 3-4993. Q109 1939 PIVE passenger Chev. Coupe. Radio and heater. 1125!b Jellerson St. oioo' 1950 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan. Call 4-5034 after a p.m. flldt BY OWNER: 1940 DeSoto club Coupe. Very good condition, very low price. Phone 2-8731. H0 1948 CROSLEY gtatlon wagon. $185 or will trad, for light plcx-up and pay difference. Ph. 3-6188. mo $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC S3 Sedan. Hydro., R&H 62495 51 Station Waaon, Hydro, R&H 2395 49 Sedan, RAH 1295 48 Sedan Coupe, RAH 1095 47 sedan Coupe, RAH 696 CHEVROLET 48 Sedan Coupe, RAH I FORD 40 Sedan. RAH 47 Club Coupe, RAH BEST FOR LESS 41 Sulck. RAH 40 Packard. RAH , 40 Chevrolet, H .1995 ,. 196 ..396 .. 195 .. 145 .. 75 17 Chevrolet M Plymouth ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 0.106 loan PLYMOUTH, radio, heater, good condition. 1471 Trade. Phone 1-1909. ' .HOI 194. CHEV. convertible, power top, yel low. Call after 4:30 p.m. 1-7311 or see at 1080 Boone Road. ql07 1847 KAISER, mutt seU, new tires, 8365 Phone 4-8206. ql07 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1916 HARLEY-DAVIDSO: . See Alien Campbell, 376 H. Church. (64) days. talW THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon BOATS U FOOT CALKZNU Craft U-bottom boat. Been In water once. WiU sell for half prioe. Phone 3-187t eveB"js. qql07 FINANCIAL rioe1 SO US FOR PARU. CITY OR ACRZAOI LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUT Real aatata mortcaaea oontracta State Finance Co. in So. Hltta St. Ph. 1-4121 I MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "its" out of your money problems. Up to $300 on small loans. Up to $600 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. S-llt Phone 14122 M-221 1ST S. Hlah St, ' rioi- LOANS UP TO $1500 on Slfnature. Purnlture. Car AT PERSONAL It'a "yes" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vlilt loan . . . phone first. You select best payment date. Between payday loans. Phone, write or come in TODAY! Personal Finance Co. , 105 S. HIGH ST.. 8ALKM State License Hoe. 8-121, ia.185 Loans over 1100 np to 11500 and up to 10 montha to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon rl29 Lie 8-133 and 11-321 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSDRANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" 11:08 Dally KSLU 1390 Kb . GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 136 10. Commercial St, Tel. 3-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church Parklni .-Plenty Ph. 1-2457 Lie. No. 11-150. S-1M MONEY TO loan on real aetata. Phone 2-0794. H17 5 Interest If von nave idle fund seeking in vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be ol uervlcs. For over Twenty-five Years we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid 60 semi-annual Interest payments totalling many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 8 INTEREST on funds from $800 to $8000. General Finance Corporation 136 B. COMMERCIAL BT. Salem. Oregon Phone 8-8161 TRAILERS 9 2-WHEETj TRAILERS. 865 and 675, or will exchange lor deer rifle. 310 Broad street, Monmouth. tl07 HOUSE TRAILERS EQUITT In 1951 Liberty bouse trailer. 31 ft. Phone 4-6115. tails vt poot trtnier house, sleeps four. eel lent condition. Phone g-ooos. laiui- DIRECTORY EXCAVATING Ben Otien A Bona. Excavatlna, arad- lna, land clearlna. Phone 1-1080. c-lU PCRNITUBE REFTNISHINO Furniture reflnlshlna. repalrlna. Ed gar Brock, 664 Norway BU Phone 38367. ' INSULATION insulation, .weatherstrips, aluminum acreena. Free estimates, T. Pullman. Ph. 8-5865. ol"' MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlni. renovates. Pull Una new mattresses. Ph. 3-4068. OFFICE PBBNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, sales, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer atands. Roen, 456 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR 8ERVICE Obert'a Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowera, knlvea, aheara, bi cycle! and email motors. Ph. 34616 or 45165. 18th and "D" Sts. Q114' SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a aervlce. 3-7404. aeptle tanka cleaned, line Guaranteed work. Phone 0125 Mike's Beptlc Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 1-8498. Oll0' Sewer, septic tanka, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rootar Sewer Service. Phone 3-5337. L. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. 0108' TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes used machines. Repalra at rent. Roen. 456 Court. o' TELEVISION Prompt television and aervlce. Phone 4-5981. day or night. radio repair 671 Market, 0116' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld's Laundry. Repairs, Reflnlsh Ing. 1440 S. 12th. Ph. 4-6403. Flck-UP. Delivery. one WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housecleanlng. Phone 3-3337. 147 Court. o' ADDING MACHINES All makea used maehlnea sold, repaired. Roen, 456 Court. Ph. rented, 1-6771. O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Builders' cheap aupplles. 3-7295 evenings. QU61 BULLDOEINO Bulldotlng. road clearing teeth. Vlr.ll Htaakey. 1010 Falrvlew. Ph. 2-1146. olll" CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash registers. All makes, solo, renieo. re paired. Roen. 456 court. Ph. 3-6773. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plnwln. rfUHne. iredins. Ford equip ment, eterthau, 4171 Market. Phone 1-1141. 010! DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, hucklea covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H M. Allender. 2-9911. O1061 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. r.n a. ... u, ftnelllns. Valley Mo. tor Co.. Salem Phone 1-2147 or 4-207 LODGE A SALEM LODGE No. 4 A.F, A.M. Wed.. May Stated Communicallon, 8:00 p.m. Address by Mr. Charles A. Spregue, 8:30 p.m. 108 2E2 Capitol Shopping Center Buys Out Park for May 13 The Sslem-tewbton Wett er n International leafs baseball game at Water, park May IS la already sellout. But yon can still get tickets. Merchants ef the Capitol Shopping Center have bought out the bail park that sight, and 'free tickets to the game will be, given to fan at any store in the Capital Shopping center. Ticket are already avail able at the (tores, and they are free for the asking. Some of the ticket etub will prove lucky, as there are such prise a an out board motor and a complete plcnio outfit, including a portable grill, to be given away along with a. number of other prizes. The Water field premise will be decorated to resem ble a world series game. Boxing Smoker At Sweet Home High Tonight Sweet Home Twelve matches of three rounds each will comprise a boxing smoker at Sweet Home high school to night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Athletic ' director G. B. (Jack) Frost arranged the smoker. Included on the card are these matches: Larry Sommers vs. Gene Ly man; Albert Harvey vs. Char les Gilchrest; Richard Arthur vs. Max Hoffman, Jerry Rogers vs. Bob Russell, Bob Williams vs. Ernie Arthur, Larry Caul dren vs. Norman Hllscher, Jim Olmstead vs. Darrel Moore: Paul Easterly vi. Bruce Har rell; Denzel Peck vs. Jim El mer; Jim Luttrull vs. Sonny Burres; Dick Zurcher vs. Dale Crocker; Bib Vinson vs. Don Kartevold. Minor Leagutj Scorfs (By The .Msoclated Press) Sencay Reraltit INTERNATIONAL LUOTJI Springfield at Rochester, postponed. Montreal 8-3. Syracuse 3-3. Baltimore 1-3, Toronto 0-3. Buffalo 10-3, Ottawa 0-3. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Bt. Paul 6-9, Columbus 4-3. Kansas Cite Toledo 6-8. Louisville 4-0, Indianapolis 3-1. Charleston 3-3, Minneapolis 3-0. TEXAS LEAGUE Dallas at Beaumont, postponed. Port. Worth 3, Bhreveport 0. . Oklahoma City 9, Ban Antonio t. Tulsa at Houston, postponed. PIONEER LEAGUE Billing 8. Focatello 0. Idaho Palls 3, Great Palls S. Ocien 13. Boise 7. Magic Valley 1-9, Bait Lake 4-11 LEGALS NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Friday. Jane 6. 1068 NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that on Friday, June fi. 1953, a special election will ba held In the area or territory bounded and described as follows, to wn; Beginning at the Initial corner of Watklna Addition to Polk county. Ore. gon. (see Vol. 4, Fg. 17, Record of Town Plata for aald county and atata) thence northerly along the east line of aald Watklna Addition and along the existing boundary line of the city of Salem to the northeast corner of said addition; thence nortnwesterly along the north Una of aald Watklna Addi tion to the northwest corner of the same; thence aouthwesterly along the west line of aald watklna Addition to the southwest corner or tne same; thence easterly along the south line of said Watklna Addition to the point of beginning. for the purpose of submitting to the registered voters of ouch area or ter ritory, for their approval or rejection, the poposltlon or annexation to tne City of Salem, Oregon, of aucb Area or territory. Tne registered voters oi aucn area Hereby are invited to vote upon the proposition of such annexation. THE FOLlilNO flack tor aexi elec tion will be at the residence of JOSEPH WATKIN8, at No. 165 WEBT WAY wlth kig the area above described. Said el ection will be bald at aald polling place beginning at 6:00 o'clock In the evening and continuing until 6:00 o'clock In the evening of the said 6th day of June, 1953. BY ORDER OP THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ot BALEM, OREOON, APRIL 37, 1953. I AUPKBU MUNirr City Recorder Salem, Oreton , May 4, 11, 16. 15. June 1. 1961 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that VICTORIA MADILL has been, by order of the circuit court or tn. state or Oregon for Marlon County, appointed Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estate Of FLORENCE CATTER LIN IRWIN, Deceased. Any persona hav ing claims against aald estate are re quested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said administratrix with the will annexed at 316 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within aut months from the date of this notice. Dated April 27. 1953. VICTORIA MADILL Administratrix with the Will An nexed of the Estate of FLORENCE CATTERLIN IRWIN. Deceased. RHOTEN, RHOTEN ft SPEKRBTIIA 310 Pioneer Trust Bldf. Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix. Apr. 27; May 4, 11, IS, 16. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HARLAN SCOTT has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon lor Marlon County, appointed aomini tralor of the Estate of ZADIE WKIMER SCOTT, Decensed. Any persons having rinimn at .t in at sa o estate are requeivea to preient them, with proper vouchers, to isid administrator at 310 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, Oregon, within six (ff) months from the date of this notice. Dated trill ZTin a ay oi apdi. ivoj. HARLAN SCOTT Administrator of the Satete ef ZADIE WEIMER SCOTT, Deceased. RHOTEN, RHOTEN A SPEERSTRA Attorneys at taw Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Administrator. Apr. 371 May 4. 11, It, 91. Th Board of Equalisation meets on the second Monday In May of each year for the purpoie oi examining, corrcc. in and equalising the eiaeiiment rolls nf Marlon County. Oregon. All persons dMiring to protest any assessment on said rolls muit ao so accoraing 10 me following provisions or m law: "Pe tition or applications for the reduc tion of a particular assessment shall be made tn trrltlnc, ver tiled by the oh of the applicant or his attorney, and be filed with the Board within one week from the time It is by law required to meet; and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or feted upon by the board." R. "TAD" AH ELTON County Assessor lor Marlon County, Oregon April II, rt, Way 4, 1951 FAN FARE J jXf Two Records Fall in NW Bowling Meet at Tacoma Tacoma VP Two record fell and Mew leader were -installed in iz divisions a fir ing continued Sunday in the 38th annual Northwestern In ternational Bowling Congress. John Bolger of Vancouver, Wash., set an all-time record in the commercial all-events competition, with 1,927, and teamed with Mike Morlarty, also of Vancouver, for an all time commercial doubles mark of 1,293. New leaders also took over in the open singles, open all events, and open doubles and open five-man competition. Frisco Burnett, Tacoma, roll ed 244-213-229-684 to replace Gill Dell, Seattle, as open sin gles leader. - Allen Dam, Richmond, Calif., went into third place in that division with 658 but grabbed the open all-events lead with 1,865 resulting from his single total, plus 687 in double and 620 in team competition. Harry Me kus of Lonrview, Wash., had held the open all-events lead through the early weeks of the congress with 1,845. N ' However, Burnett and Earl Johnson, also of Tacoma, went into tne open doubles lead with total of 1,260. Burnett tolllne 616 and Johnson 644. As a re sult Burnett has 11,300 in the all-events, and Johnson, who bowled 636 to take seventh in the singles, haa 1,280. Both are expected to top Dahl after the team shoot Wednesday night, Tne ,1,260 roiled by Bur nett-Johnson team in open aouDies crowned waiter Lar son and Fred Hughes, Fort- land, who had 1,236. out of first place and dropped Ru dy, Sayler-Clyde Scott, Mis soula, Mont., 1,119, from sec ond to third. -Other week-end changes: Bision and Son, Richmond, took the open five-man lead with 2,891; Dick Lynn and Gene Carnegey, Eve ret Wash., fired 1,217, to take sec ond place in commercial dou bles behind Bolger and Mori- arty; Thor Skramsted and Bill Madden, Centralia, wound up in fourth place with 1,183, and Neal Yingling and John Mln- aglia, Yakima, in fifth, with 1,181. ' . Paul Loree of Bend, Ore., rolled 625 to take fifth place in commercial singles from Larry Eyman, Port Angeles, Wash., 621. .And Canyon Bowl of Beaverton, Ore., grabbed second place in the booster division with 2,596. In the 20th annual North western Women's Bowling as sociation tournament, Betty Moriarty of Vancouver shot 601 to replace Barbara Van Hoy, Spokane, 591, in the A division singles lead. Jac Klstner and Bev Novak, Vancouver, fired 1,643, to shove Marian Gavigan and Evelyn Stein,' Tacoma, 1,104, out of the top spot in the A division doubles. The Wendles Woodworking team of Eugene, Ore., shot 2, 410 to take second place in the B division behind Brew 66, Vancouver, 2,434. Roberta Thomas and Mae Little, Tacoma, rolled 1,046, Chicago Llvesteek Chicago (A) Hog prkat turned hlgh r Monday in a generally active and uneven market. Prices wsre 28 to TO cents higher on butchers and sow, fiev eral loads of choice 190 to 330 pound hoes brought a 833.75 a hundred pound top. Slaughter steers and sheuers were tin even but averaged fully steady In i moderately active market. Prime heavy steers were 50 cents hisner man rn day's close In some Instances. Cows were steady, bulls 35 to 50 cents higher. and vealera about steady. A few loads of prime 1,100 to 1,300 pound steers brought 834.00 to 138.00. The sheep market was not established entirely, but early sales of slaughter lambs were about 60 cents lower. A few loadi of choice and prime 103 to 105 pound wooled skins brought 835-60. Salable receipts Included 1,500 bogs, 30,000 cattle and 1.500 sheep. Portland Llvesteek Portland 0J.I9 Cattle 1700; market un even; fed steers and heifers 60-75c high' er; other classes mostly steady but cows slow; oholce 953-1076 lb. fed steers 34; few loads choice steers 900-1141 lbs. 33 33.50: good steers 33-33.60; commercial 30.50-31.60: choice mixed steers -heifers 33; load choice heifers held above 33: few good heifers 3O.60; few eanner -cutter cows 10-11.601 few utility-commercial bulls 16-18. Calves 350; market rather slow, stea dy: good-choice vealera 36-11 Including large lot range calves: Testers 31: utility- commercial 17-33; culls down to 10. Hogs 800: market slow: early sales about steady with Prlday; choice 180 338 lb. 26-36.96: 350600 lb. SOWS 32.60- 33.50. Sheep 600: few early sales around 60o higher; one lot choice-prime 110-lb. wooled lambs 33; choice-prime 93-lb. spring lambs 34: one lot choice No. 9 pelt slaughter ewes 7. Partlansl Baettlrle Market Portland UJ9 Top quality radishes sold mostly at 45-60 cents with best green onions at 66-80 cents a doten bunches on the Kastslde Partners' mar ket today; Canby, Hood River, Oresham and Orand Island asparagus wai fully steady with bunched spears mostly 4.36 a pyramid for Mo. 1 trade. and snatched she top berth la B division doubles from Bertha Jennings and Nellie Beck en, Long Beach, Wssh 1.033. Rollins TV of Vancouver, Wash., moved into second place in the booster division team race, firing 2,105 against the 2,262 posted by the lead er, Button Jewelers, Ellens burg, Wash. , ortland Wins Meet Portland UP) Portland Uni versity piled up 70 points Sat urday to win a four-way track meet with Pacific University, Portland State and Clark Jun ior College. Pacific got 39V., PorUand State 30 and Clark 17Vi. STOCKS (By The Auoolated Press) Admiral Corporation 3114 Allied Chemical 10 Vi AlUs Chalmers -... St American Airlines 13 H American Power Jt Llis.. .......... 3 American Tel A Tel 1HK American Tobacco ................. 73H Anaconda Copper 38 Atehlaon Railroad 9Stt Bethlehem Bteel B3 Boeing Airplane Co Borg Warner B3ft Burrows Adding Maehlx .. 1H California racKlng Canadian Pacific . Caterpillar Tractor as Celenese Corporation 30'i Chrysler corporation ., vvn cities Service . .. 8 Consolidated Edison 38 Consolidated Vultea 18 Crown 2ellerbach 39 Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak. . 44 V Bmareoa Radio 13 Qeneral Eleetrla 73 Oeneral Pooda MS 1 General Motors "1im. ao.M-ia.oo-. S1.0O- nVZ?. Pl,Wa Ooodyear Tire Homestake sdlnlng Co. . International Harvest!. International Paper . . jjohns Manvllle ....... Kennecott Copper iLlbby UcMeU I Lockheed Alrcralt ... iLoewea Incorporated . Long BeU . Ml . 83-Al ftVtt . 93Vj . 13 . 31 Montgomery ward ... .. eaA Nash Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Paclflo Paclflo American Pish Paclflo Cti A Electric Paclflo Tel A Tel ,. 37?, i.llSH Packard Motor Car ... Penney. J. C Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co ... 14 Phllco Radio Radio Corporation .. 33 .. 38 H .. 39 'A Rayonler Inoorp Rayonler In corn Pfd. . . 11 40H .. 53 V Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield OH .. SB 14 Safeway Stores Inc. ... Scott Paper Co . 36M . BOH Sears. Roebuck w Co. . 89 Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Paclflo . 34tt . 45 Standard Oil Calif. Standard OH N.J, ....... studebaker corp. ....... , 58U . 36 sunshine Mining Swift & Company Tan earn erica Corp Twentieth Ceittury Fos... Union Oil Company Union Paclflo ... S7U ... 37 ... 10-4 ... 40 ...lOBft ... 30 ... stVt ... 6'i ... 38 ... 40b ... 15 ... 41 I ... 3Vfr United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood... United States Steel Warner pictures WMtcrn Union Tel Westlnghouie Air Brak... Westlnghouse Electric .... Wool worth ... V ... 45 Btork Market New York (JP) The stock market made one of the strongest advances of the year Monday with major sections of the market in command. Oalns extended from 1 to nearly 1 points at the outside with the minus signs small and scattered. Steel, rail roads, and motors were In the fore front of the advanoe. Volume stepped ttp on ant nse w an estimated million and a half shares, weU above PtWaVe 1,300,000 shares. Chicago Grain Chicago iff) wniac oeveiopea nousa quiet strength on the board of trade Mnndav to advance around 3 cents at one time, the May contract gaining the most. Mills appeared to have stepped up their buying, and. In addition, the llqul Station nreeent last week did not re iwr. News from Korea was a uttie more pessimistic and this may have areaiM a nine oemann. oroaiirs aaia. The rest of the market inched higher with wheat, although to a much small er extent. May oats went against the general market trend. Buying hi corn was based partly on the corn-hog ratio, hich stands at 14.B compared wun S.fl a year ago. Wheat closed -l higher. May 83.18- 9.17: oats to 1 cent higher, May 41.57U-V4: oats lower to hither. May TOV-ii rye H-lVi higher, May OlMH-H: soybeans K-1H hither, May S3 0.-, and lard 10 to 95 cents hundred pounds hither, May 110.77, Portland Grain Portland W) Coarse trains unquoted Wheat (bid), to arrive market, bails No. 1 bulk, lellvered coast: Soft white 9.38: soft white (excluding Rex) 9.36; white club 3.38. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.38 1 10 per cent 9.38; 11 per cent 9.38; 19 per cent 3.38. Hard white baart: Ordinary 1.381 10 per cent 9.88; 11 per cent 9.38; 19 per cent 9.38. Monday's car receipts: Wheat 14; bar ley 10; Hour 6; corn 16; mill feed 9. NOTICE WE ARE NOW REGISTERING HELP FOR OUR 1953 SEASON. PLEASE APfVf IN PERSON STARR FOODS INC. CHURCH & MILL STS. Paw 19 ly Wok Dirzen M A RKE T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PBOOtrcB LIST Batterfat Tentative, subject t Im mediate change: Premium quality, maxi mum .15 of one per cent acidity de livered In Portland 68-71o lb.; first qual ity 67-700; second quality, 64-670. Valley route. WO country pdh. a awow ma. Batter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk cuDea to wholesale, aradea A. 13 score, 67c; A trade. 61 acore, SScl B. 0 score, 64cl C, 69 aeon, sac swot, pnoae svncuy nominal. Chaeee Be Hint price . j-oruauq wholesal.ra, Oregon singles, 41U-46oi Oregon t lb. loaf, 49tt-giVal triplets, IMo 1.88 than singles. sea a. wtuilesaiera oandiea ease - containing a. loss, cases included to.b. -Portland, A trade large, 57V-53t4c; A grade medium, 86tt-67tj B trade large, 52tt-53tte. P.rUand Dairy Starlet rtnttar prlca to matters: orao. aa print. Tics A carton. 73c; a prints, Tloi oarton, 7201 B prints, 680. Eggs -to retauera, tyraa. sua aarao. 61o; A lane, M-6oei AA medium Wi A medium, esc; A amall, nominal. Car tons, lo additional. cneooo nice to nsamra, iwmwn. Oregon singles. 6M-60oi t-lb. loaves, 52tt-imc; trlplete, I've less than sin gles. Premium brands singles. Mttei loaf. 0Uc Processed American eheeae. 6-lb. loaves to retail. 4314-460 lb. raallry 1.1V. OBleaeDamo, l quansy, s.o.d plants.) Fryers, 1V4-1 lbs. 3801 1-6 lbs. 38c; roosters, 4Vi lbs, and over, 28c; heavy hens, all weights, 19-ol light hens, .11 weights, H-34cl old rooat- s, 16-160. Dressed Chickens Fryers, 1V.-3 lbs. 43-46C; roasters. 43-4401 light hens, 31 32c; heavy bona, 16-3701 out up fryers, all weights. 43-440. Rabblte Average to trowora: uv. whites, 4-6 lbs.. 25-3701 1-6 lbs., 13-35. lb., old does, lO-ltoi law hither. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 61-6401 tut up, 66-660. - ' Country Killed Maata Veal Top Quality, r-4o art nan - heavies, 10-36c. Hota Loan blockers, 34-ISc-, sows, atht 38-30C. Lamb. Best, o-a. as. i apnnsera nominally 480 lb. Mattra Best. 14-ieo so.t en-.imty. t-120. Beef utility sows. 10-300 lb.l eanner- cutters, 31-23c; shells down to llo. rrean urease maata WhoMouera to retailer.! Dollax. peg net.: BMf .tears, ebotc tCO-TM aba, 17.00-46.001 tood, 16.00-39.001 .nnoamlel 33.cs-36.o3i utur.ty. ii.oo-84.oo-, save, commercial, 38.oo-J3.oo; ntutty. wijin- 31.001 cnnara-ctltt.TB, wa.TO-.n-w. eta irmotca ataeral. use quartan, 46.00-60.00: yotmda. 45.06-1.00i nut toua. triranMO. i.vo - o.w. trt- 1 34.00; .hUOka. 17W-41.00! IlbS, 4A.OO- l u.cia. i Vt 1 Vetea.1 nrals4-dlniUt. SS.Ul UmT Mai, B37-4B. Gtim oooa-enoYoe, aww. 1 uk trlm6. KiiTtaMTa. So-M tba- tu-u. oo&. a4A-44. Mttn ooon enow. ie-iu. rrk Cvtt Loins, No. 1, 8-13 lbs.. 3 trr; AVinuld.ri. IS lba.. 330-48. SDaTt- ribs. SC0-67J fresh hams, 10-14 lbs.. 57- y4 BmoM Hams-fiklnned, 881-M.M. Be- TAB I DnOISD nni--JUIUirU epu -U..v. 2Z! fined lard In drams, 811.80-lBi slab bao- on, Portland Mlicellaneons Celery CaL flat crate. 3-3 dos.. . 35 -4.25. Pew to 14.50. Ore., S3.35- (3.50. Onions M-Ib. sacks West Oregon yel lows, med. No. Is, 3.75-3.00: Texss white wax, 3.00-4.00: Texas yellows, 3-la. med., 2.60-75 per 00 lb. sack. ruiaiosa Oregon Russets no. i, .w i; naaie brands 4.85; 36 lbs., slse A, 1.38-70; 10 lb. mesh, 4S-55ot Idaho Rus sets. No. 1A. 1.50-0.00; 8-10 Jb. bales, 3.30-50; Calif. Jong whites, No. I, 3.75 4.35. Bar D. fl. No. 3 green alfalfa, de livered ear lots f.o.b. Portlsnd, nominal ly 836.00 ton; Seattle, 830-37. Wool urease oasis, wuiameiie vai- ley medium. 50-S3o lb.l Eastern Oregon fine and half-blood, 56-ea. Willamette Valley lamb wool, 43ei 13-month wool, 48-50C. . Hides Calves, io-3io jd. aocoraing is welshtti: ereen kins. 17-lfic; bulls, 4-Bcj green butcher cow hides, f-9o. Fuoerta wnoieiaie aeinnc price no. a large Barcelonas, 34-38o lb.l grower prices, orchard run, 14-16o lb. Wain all WOoiessie selling pries, urn quality large Pranouettes, 33-33e ib.f grower price, orchard run, 16-18o lb few best to 18o. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports ef Salem eJealen ..for the guidance r jonrnw readers. (Revisea aaiir.; Retail Peed Prleesi Rabbit Pellets 53 88 (- ID. nag( 84.58-6.40 (lM-lb. bag). Egg Mean Dairy Peed 83.56-1 .9 1 180 ft. beg), $4.35-5.16 (100 Wt.. Ponitry Baying rriees oiorea irrers, 38c: old roosters, 16c; colored fowl 36ei leghorn fowl, 34c i roosters, 98c Esgsi , Bsrlnr Pflees tft, AA, vci large A, 47-BScj medium AA, 45c i medium A, 44 -50c; small. 40c. Wholesale Prices sgf wnoiesaia prices generaUy 5-7 higher than the prices -above. Large trade A generally quoted at 61c; medium, 50c, Batterfat Buying price: Premium, TO 71c: No. 1, 87-OSci NO. 3. 60c. Batter Wholesale grade A parchment, Tie lb.l retail. 76c. Italy Is one of the few nation!- of the western world where prostitution is legal ized. LDT. T. T. Lam, NJ. Dr. O. Chan WD DRS. CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstair, 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday only 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 to 1 p.m. consultation, blood pressure and urine tests are free of charge Practiced since 1917. Write for attractive sift. No obii gallon. i , ; a I 'i - ; 11 a ri in Hi se ia la id , hi tn i gl B to a iB ii i he al Us th b h r ei