Page 18 rUK 3ALC nUUJtl I wn k . - - ' ' IF YOU PLAN TO BUY OR SELL A HOME, rARU OK INVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS LARGE FAMILY HOUI 1.M0 CM. in. of happy bora. III. la this thr.e year old View Home Ih.t hu everything to be desired for convenience and ""?" bed rooma, 1 bathe. W.u-ln eloteu. Th. bui. I lying room "... floor to celling view windows .1 hu the dining room. Ler, nook la the work-iavln. kitchen. Folding door, to the 'ear patio. Th. full derllihl basement 1 finished '''" n4t,1nli " a l.n. recreation room with fireplace. TO.r. In alio I complete summer kitchen In th. basement. Automatic OH Hea and Air conditioning, Double ln.ul.ted .nd weatherstrip The 8'orlou. . Tie. over Mountain.. Cltr .nd V.ller c.n n.v.r '"VA rued flower bedi- Sprinkler aretem. Th. owner hu over this lovely home, for oukk Ml. 130.000 I. ask .nd will take a . m. 1 er home In tf.d. u down payment. Ju.l lln . i n ring ,d we i w i ll rick you up and ihow rou this extraordinary bargain. cell.Tooar. 11-unrr apartment Hear St.t. Home and Shopping center. Over 110,000 annual rw Incom" Property In excellent condition. Never .ny vacanelee. Aged i.Tr do. res to retire .nd will aell for 305,000. Take bou.e up to aioooo and 8I5 00O cub. If you're lookhig for H.-l .,J i ..turn., better call Ul at one. ThU I. unuiuel. Severin Realty Company 835 N. High St. Dial FOR SALE HOUSES FREE BASEMENT! If you have been looking for i a., m . dmHiiitlon with three btd. roomi on on floor, but haven't felt that rou could ariora oMtmini, too, thin here to your ehane to get . fcoihl it I located In a last-aiowlng desirable district, south. The home V. man ".ivtrV faature. tUCh as kairh kltrhan a.hlnsta. wardrobe 10S' U, etc. The price will please rou, and don't worry about th financing; any terms wiinin iiuua win fin horn. 150.00 DOWN I another garage house, Joea ' itd nortli of town about 300 feet lrom WE, ahaked on th outside, p- utinnMt into I roomi. sink installed. full prlc 17800, payable at 126 per month. 'C REALTOR U-J PHflNF- i.44 1955 fairgrounds Rd. Evenlnf phone: 38241 For sale 5-room houi. lot aooiflO ft, barialn. Contact A. Q, Bom. PalU City, Or. 107 . fhEW LARGE 3 bedroom houi. inild utility, Va plum bin i, Jane doublo sa race. 1435 Erargretn Ave, Owner nd builder, Earl Seamiter. 107 SwNER WILL jell nice t bedroom horn. Located next to Kingwood, Weat a lem. Hu nice tarden space, WOO with terms. Phone 45479. U7' MODERN 3-bedroom view home, full baiement. two flreDlBces. radiant heat. . large llvini- room, dining room, break fast room. Choice aubuman. a-iaao, aloe 365 E. Rural, Nob Hill WE DON'T often have a nice home to olftr In this desirable acltool dti- trlct. The 6 rm. house Is In perlect condition, has 3 bedrooms and den, Ilreolace. and auto. heat, full base' mcnt with recreation room. Trees, shrubs and hedses completes the lovely corner lot. Immediate occupancy. Owner has reduced price to $13,00. It Is appraised for 114,000. Will take 11,000 down. Bal. on contract. Severin Realty Co. t6 N. High 0t. Dial 4-M43, l-MOtt a 100' ill. ROOUS, S baths, furnace, furniture! $8,600. 1179 4th 0t, 4-MW. aiW ALL ILXCTRIC, 1 blroom hUM, IMS Firry, Phone 1-1011, 3-3473. aloo fkCELLINT BOX Near Leell. aehool, new 3-bedroom. Fhon. 1-1053. alOO liiriB Dletrlct: Beautiful . new 3-bed-yoom bom. with dinette, lari. Uvlni room, Ineld. atlllty, foreed air will t.k. lat. car or pickup In tiade. 4-4807, 3-3377. alW 4VBXDRO6M houat, Aol location. Call 4-4804. al08 l-BXDROOM BOMB Lara, tardea ipot, fruit treei. Broad ftt., Monmouth, Ore. on. 107 HUDKINS BUY LINES BRAND NEW Choose your own eoloia. Beautiful yansh-trpe S-bednn. home. Do), bath, birch kitchen. La. living nn, with pic ture windows, raited fireplace hearth. dining rm.( snlrance hall, l&xtt party room wun tutvi. Bam ana toy. 1st bnnt. Dbl. gares. Within two blocks of new . Balem Mich oBohool, Tou could not build this nous your aelt for 110,000. Chas. Hudkins & Son KllAIaTOM mo . atvta at. rti. s tut Ph. Bvee. I-lft0 alOO Ttt OWNER3-bedroom houie with liv ing room, kitchen, 1 bathe, dinette. forced air oil furnace, electric pump, garase, fruit trees, 8,B00. $3,000 down, balance monthly. See at 1700 Pisher Road. Call after t p.m. or n Wfffg.ends. would consider ear ai part down payment. 4-1036. elM1 PRICE RRDUCTO 1X MHO on this very nice S-rm. home. Bdrm. are large and this home Is in x rellrnt condition Inside and out. Att. tar awe. Putin and large lot 118x118. PA1RMOUNT irru, $-bdrm. home only $0090. All n one ftoor. Very eiran. JOHN J, PANN, REALTOR yll N. Hlsh Phone 43483 Eve. 38478 41M3, 2!3ie. 37401 alOfl $700 DOWN t-PR. home only ft yre. old. Ise. Tooms, per an fire , tile bath, oil fur nace, 80x138 lot. Might Uke late mod al ear to requlty. Pull price only $8800. DUPLEX fttde-by-aid cone. blk. bldg., a. aid has 3 bdrm. and earaie, 6 yrs. aid, 160-ft. frnntase on Bn. Par. Htway. A good lnvritment at $7AO0 full price. ONLY $3W0 One lee. B.H., lee. llv. rm., nice kit., all newly redecorated, else, water hrater St range, lee. lot with room to build on front. Extensive home nelih hnrhnod. pared St.. blk. to bus. . $ down, 140 mo. i NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 3-B.R. plastered home in nlre set ting, part basmt., lota of trees A ehrubi. Drtvt by 1746 . Summer. Only IWO. with tloOo down. Burt Picha 170 N Hlab 81. Bob Conklln, eves. Off: 3-4047 3-3591 10' tl.4SIHKI AnVFKTlSINU Per W.rd . Hum la, ' Per Word 4. Per W.rd, I lime. lee P.r W.rd, t Bfl.nta M, No Refnnda Mlnlm.m 10 Wer.i. BRADERK In Local Newe Only, Per Hard 1e Mlalmam 10' Ward, Ta PUtp. Ad In Same n.j't Paper, Phon. I-I40 Before 10 a.m. 4-5943 ; Eve. 2-5695, 8-3292 a!0 'rno cai c nin MONET, on imall inrMtmtot, xu- lor outiM of house. I bedroom on aln floor, large )Mnl end dining room combination. Rdeoratfd, nice bitohaB. SOxiK lot. aU ftnesd. Lan bui br door, I blocks ichool. llnt location. Saay money for aomton. MW Claud. T OWWBi rlrly nw J-btdroom hnfne. 32e0 Towmtnd Vay. 1W BEST BUY IN SALEM OUARiCNCI HOUI In ralrmount dJitriet. Lees than yr old. This hrun la HflMtionailr well built firstelasa materials and located In ..iiiat-. atrietly raaldantlal district. Lovely fireplace and picture window in combination living -ana amine room. Large. Utht. well arranged kitchen. Two extra larg bedrooms with huge wardrobe closet. Tile bath, hardwood floors, automatic oil heatinc furnace. Baiement. Attached double garage. Lane corner lot with beautiful trees, flowers and shrubs. If you are looking for an extremely fin bom you can-, BOi afford to miss aeelng this one. i Shown by appointment only. j FRANK LQCKMAN Real Estate tNT aPlnround. ltd. inn .101' $3,200. tfiOO down can get you this S-bed room home. Rxtra large kitchen, good- slied living room. Bath and Inside utility. Assume tl.SOO bal. Large lot on a paved at. In East Calem. e ar sail Frank Viatic I -aero or 4-W70 with McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 403 Canter Bt., flalrm a108' FOR SALE LOTS BUSINiaS LOT N. . COT. Uark.t Bv.r.ra.n. Fb. 3-8030. Walt Sooolofaky, Rial XitaU. a.107 BKATJTrruL tltW LOT ta trad, for your equity la your houit. Phono 41071. a.100 LOTS Top a Cand.larla. But .lew. Mttx 100 ft. On. of th. f.w rnnalalnr choice lot! In thu area. . teller lot. 80x100. Swell down par- mint n aooo price. Chas. Hudkins & Son RXALTORS 10 X. BUfl St. Fb. 1-4138 Ph. Bvu. I-O10O a.lH FOR SALE FARMS 20 Acres IRRIGATED of very good soil. All under torts a tlon. All well drained soil, mostly Willamette silt. Located north en paved road, V mile to tores, school bus by door. Buy this one with or without build loss. The owner will trad for a to ( acres with buildings or aell on easy terms. Evening Phones 3&BK3 or Mail Cj RtAlTOR I VI i PHrW- l.44a.4 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY MODERK 18-unlt aourt, tow caxr.t tnc coiu. over 81000 mo. Income. 830.000 will hand!.. REAL CLOSE Ift HOME plu. 8100 mo. Income. The toudltlon of this property is absolute ly beyond compere. Real value here at 811,000. BUSINESS BUILDING THREE builnen rentals Plus 1 sot rentals, Income 8370 mo. Main dr., loc.llon, will ik. small houi. In part .lohana. or aell on good lerms. Value 130,000, DUPLEX Sio. br aide, uch anil with I bre anl full bath, 1-ear gar., c.ntral utility hu. 111.000. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 33 N Blih EVE. CALL 1-107 Pb 1-SM1 3-0413 .107- 3 B. ROOMS DOWN PAYMENT7 WF. CAN PROBABLY WORK THAT ONE OUT. WOULD CON SIDER A SMALLER HOME. Now about th house--' It's really something nice. All large rooms, din ing room, too. Top flisht heaitng Urn. Attached garage. About 3 years oW )ui old enouih to hav a beau tiful yard, well located, also close to school and bus, tat part of ton. Si ft. 000 but don l let Wist dis turb you: It i worth It. Clyde Prall, Realtor 1M So. Mllh Ph. 4-3031 Ak for Mr. Wllllama Bve. Ml) 4-B8I4 .10S- : i ..i,t,t. run, WANTED fOilTIONa TRADES OWNER WANTS TO TRADE all 1-bdrm. home. .outh. at OOTtO. tor 1 bdrm.. Clou to VaUty Packlni Co. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE Oil lata- bullt 3-bdrm. home,, at 8830. for l.rt.r with baument. Alio will take lata model or. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE nil lari.r C.nd.larla horn, at 811.000, for cloi. In lat, built i-oarra. RANCHER WANTS TO TRADE hl TO ecru with late built rancb type home, located ut. at 811. M0, for In come property around the ..m. prlc. W.ntc action on account of health. SUMMERS REALTOR int STATE ST. PH. 1-40O1 ANY TTUE cioe foam hr WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE MEED LIBTINOS. Particularly higher priced homee and all types with low down payment. YOU CAN'T SPEND A NICKLE nit trill hami. It's DOthvu)y eltsn. Jh varv aood location. Near Highland school. Yard both front and back la ' very attractive. Insulated. Att. garaic. Pvd. St. and driveway. 1 Bedrooms plus smaller child' room. Pull price Only jarros. THIS IS A HONEY for a man that hu a hobby or anyone that needs an extra room for storase such aa a painter, cabinet maker or small business man. There Is an Ideal bids, in rear for the same. Besides the horn la axtra lovely. Has full basement. Plreplace. Spacious living room. Unusually well built. Spacious Bru. imulated. Lot of bulltlni. Lovely yard and shrubs. Owner leaving state, rull price oniy sis.ouv. jt.h.a terms If dulred. ST. VINCENT Dint. 3 Bedroom home. Spotlessly clean. Just like new. Sep. utility room, Lg. garage. Lots of bulltlne. Several cher ry trees. Pull price has been reduced to tiOQO. Terms 11 desirea. QUALITY HOME NEW DISTRICT This area Is well restricted. Lovely brand new S bedroom thouie. Plreplace. Forced air oil furnace. 1 car garage. Insulated. Eullt by one of Salem's bast builder, pull prlc $15,000. SPORTING GOODS AND BICYCLE aiore. This business Is doing very well. In good town. Could be expanded. Rent: on bldg. only $80. No blue sky. Every- j thing goes for Inventory plus $1000 for ! fhrturci. Requires about $9000 Invest- cent, I TAVERN Several pool tables. Card room. Cafe, j which Is rented, almost pays rent on : entire bldr. Extremely low overhead. 1 This place has been a money maker for many years. Pull price $11,000, WHOLESALE BUSINESS Extra large volume. No dead atock. Trucks and equip. In very good con dition. ' Requires a rather large In vestment but Idealfor the right party. No phone Information please. Shown evenings only. CALL FOR MR. XIOGTNS. EVE. PH. 4-6404 or DAN I8AAK, EVE. PH. 4-3S33 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-6030. a no answer can e-asw. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON- do w get one like this. I A. suburban with nice home buUt In 103$. Beat of soil. Only 1 miles from Salem. Barn, hog house, 3 -car garage. May consider xohang for home lnald eityup to HO 00. if you like an acreage this is M. Pun price 14,760. V2 ACRES Close In north. Very modern t bed room house, garage, fruit houie, pvd. St. I A. strawberries. 300 It. irrl. pipe. New television set, tractor, plow, har row, spring (ooth. Everything boas for , 450. 40 ACRES 1 Only 13 miles from Salem. 4 A. ber riei. Amity aoll. Very modern t bed room houie, 40x40 barn, chicken house, garage. Tractor on rubber, mower, rake, disc, harrow, garden tractor. Oood well. Everything goes for $17,600. Owner leaving state. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 3-4755. IT no answer call 4-3348. MORTOAOE LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-S3U or 1-7830 3038 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4738. 4-64B4, 4-333. 4-8010 or $-3568 V no answer, phone 4-334$ Outstanding 2-BEDROOM HOME Only $8600. About 4 years old and In excellent condition. Dining room and also breakfast bar. Plastered In terior and shake anterior. Only 3 blocks to school and bus by door. Paved et. On a double lot. 3-BEDROOM $850 down, no loan costs. Lots of room for the money. Only $4850 full price. Plenty of storage apace. Extra lane lot with a snorted fruit and nut trees and good garden spot. Bus by ooor. paveo street. DOUBLE GARAGE Attached to a new 3-bedroom home wtlrt a beautiful view of the elty of fralem. Extra nice dining room. Lots of storage evace. Will trade for your mm noueea REIMANN . ' REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlah St. Phon. No. 1,303 Phon. .venlngs .nd Sunday: 4-1071, 1-3058, 4-138, 1-4870, 4-5318, 1-3384 f I OS WANTED REAL ESTATE NttTlcEi If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with ua. We nave ail kinds 01 caib buyers STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 8. Hlsh Bt ca WE ARE badly In need ot I and J-bedroom homes. In Leslie Diet. Also need nome anywhere with small down pay ment. What have your AL IAAAK. REALTOR, PR tJJlt If no answer, ph. 4-334$ a WE ark in need of good houses to sell, in or near Salem. If you wish w la i your property for sale, eee ORABENHOKST .BROS., REALTORS, 134 8. Liberty Ph. 3-n.i ea WANTED from owner 3 bpdroom house io sio.poo in south dirt net. 1-8873, ralOT SI It 1)1 NO LOT WANTED South, walk ing distance Calvary Baptist church Phon 4-1848 eves. c107 UR.VT M VINCI DEMAND for rarnu and aereaiej. List yours with Colbath ind co. See T. T. Anderson, Farm nerni. rnone J7H. FURNITURE FOR lKlt. TRAI1EH U-H'IE OPEN FRIDAY MONDAY KVBNINOA. dioa m Journal Want Ads Pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salrm, Oregon SOUTH Lorely I Br. home. 1 yre. old. Pencd yard. mud. utility, dmlsi room. J-car (.rue. A .lew home, South. 814.000. Term.. CLOSE IN Older 1 Br. modern home. Neat U Extra line lot. block, from Slit, odkli. 88.000. T.rma. Make . ,ood Iniutment rental. WANNA TRADE? Your 8 ar 4 bdrm. home for a .mailer on, .uch aa . 1. Cut. 1 Bdrm.. knotty pine, lane fenced yard, treea. Exc.ll.nt r.ntal. Prlc. .7M. ... 1. 1 Btirmi., altraetlv. 8 yr. aid HuLiad, ahaked, hloely arr.nied 8 vVryclo..,,in older t Bdrm., bu.rn.nt, furnace, flr.plac., a.rue, mall lot. Prlc. I8.0S0. .... "NEEDS LARGER HOME" Only r.uon for offermi Uile ne.rly new two Br. for ..! U Vloth.r hu com. to llr. with u, and w. muit bar. mar. room. Buy aur MUlly. FuU prlc. 810.4SO. A- A. LARSEN, Realtor Ml B. Hlab . Andy Halvomn Ph. ST103 A. Weill QUALITY PLUS In this txqui.ite Ranch-style home; besutiful 14x22 living room with iireplace; cheerful dining room; well planned inny kitchen ana nook; two large bedrooms with ample closets; Inviting Redwood den; tile bath. Corner lot in new district. Auto Sprinkling system. Rich carpeting, drapes, and A-l appliances included. It will be a pleasure to show you. Aaioo. with Cluett Sb Kenyon) 1W0 Palrtrounda Rd. Bvi. 3-8008 Grabenhorst Specials A FINE FAMILY HOME Convenient to achoola A transportation. 4H fcdrnu., tiled bath with operate mower .t.11 on flnt floor fuU up. Llv. rm. with fireplace. I.e. din. rm., beautiful kitchen and nook, dble. All newly redecorated Inilde. Seen by appt. only. CALL J. E. LAW. BNOLBWOOD SCHOOL l-yr.-old 1-bdrm. home, combination llv. rm., din. rm., kitchen with nook. Inside utility room, dble. garage. Fries 811.000. CALL PETER H. OET6ER UcKINLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Brand newl Immediate poaseaalonl Ranch style, 3-bdrm. home with llv. rm.. din. rm., kitchen with brkf. nook, utility room. Dble. garage. All Uils-onlr 111,400. CALL H. K. LAYMON EVERYTHING FOR THE FAMILY Finest district for schools J, bus, hopping close, 1 bdrms., hdwd. firs., 3 fireplaces, full b.smt., play room, dble. garage. Paved street, auto, oil heat. Lota of Intereit In thl home at ,17,500. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' M4 s. Liberty St. Fh. 1-8471 Bv.nlnge ex Sunday, call toy Perrli 8-1010 J. E. Law 3-0113 X. K- Laymon 1-8400 Peter H. oelser 1-0M8 clC 3-BEDROOM RANCH STYLE Nicest home ot this type that we have been privileged to offer In a long time. Wide entrance hall has combined wood and large planter. Roomy dining room plus nook In handy birch kitchen. 3 Aery large bedrooms. Fully plastered double ga-r-i. This home la Just 2 years old, lawu -.nd shrubbery ar In. It's priced at $17,600 and worth the mon ey. Call ua now). Lee Ohmart GOOD LITTLE SUBURBAN BUY AT $7750 A horn. w4th 3 bedrooma and large lot fruit ireea tn the Salem Height dlttrlct. J-UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE N' Thl, rental unit k In good condition, living au.rl.ri and bachelor apt. down, 1 apt. np 811,000. i JUST SUBURBAN Largo 8-bedroom home with IV. acre of ground, fine well, small barn.jrhls home la In excellent condition and a good buy at 311,050. EAST ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT - 3 BEDROOMS t Nearly new, modern home in excellent condition both Inside and vout, ' att. garage, overslxed lot. Here 1 a chance to own a fl.e home for Juet 113,500. JUST BEAUTIFUL - NEW SUBURBAN HOME ' How would you like a 10 x 30 den? Plus a 14 X 38 living room and dining roomf Yes, IVi baths (tile) plus double garage and double lot. Here Is a homo you MUST see 810,000. ON 99E - NORTH i 10 Acres approx. M' on highway, good black loam soil. 3-bedroom home, well cared for, barn and chicken house, land lays good for , subdividing. 116,000. Will consider Salem property aa part payment. i Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 417 Court St. Eve.: Henry Torvend 38633 Ted Morrlnon 86049 Ralph Maddy 33488 EXCHANGE R E AL ESTATE NEW 7-unlt motel, electric heat. S Bens on hlway. Take aood home up to $10,000. About $3000 equity. OWNER must sell. OroMfs $10,000 yr. Peo ple's Exchange, Rltri., McMlnnvllle, Oregon. cb!06 WANT TO TRADE my 1400 equity in 60 Hudson Pacemaker as down payment on home. Have some cash. Phone 44384. rblM- B U SIN ESS OPPORTU N iTI ES SELF SERVICE laundry showing net profit. Muit sell at once. Will accept home, farm, eaulty or what hava you to (4,000 as down payment. Balanct terms. 486 N. Church St. cdl07 FRANCHISE I Salesman for exclusive distributor ship. Salem territories available. Nat, campaign on proven industrial equip ment, 11000 Inventory should net $1000 mo. ap. Box 78, Capital Journal. cdl07 BUSINESS and property, by owner, BROOK NOOK RESTAURANT. Brooks. Tavern, cards, pool, etc. Will eon alder trade. Call 1-1183 or 3-9073. cdl06 FOR RALE by Owner: 17Slj acres cleared, ready for exclusive housing project. 1840 feet lake frontase on popular Devils Lake. Price 18.000 cash. Lane seven-room bouse Included In price. Excellent opportunity for building con tractor. Property located one mile east of Oceanlake. edioa LARGE garage and body shop for aale or lease. On OPE, North. Phone 4-1463: nights Phone 3-8148. rdlOfl WANTED FURNITURE ti tM-frnrr. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR RALE Quart er-hors. Leaving for army. Poena 4.-454T. 18 BBOaweaxfBajTJwjjipjfj, a3XP - da Phone 3030 , Fb. 31 711 A. E. BMkctt Fh. 14001 Fb. 4-8304 ar Mil ar 4-4(78 Phone 34115 - 34116 Louis Lorens 85580 AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S ' TUESDAY EVENINGS 4810 CENTER ST.. SALEM ddlOB' LIVESTOCK WANTED IOCKF.R BEEP While face .lerelord. 30e. Locker pork. 35e. Nothing down. moi... to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salrm Meat Co., 1333 8. 3Slh. Ph. S-4H3 PETS AKC registered black cocker female pups, 8 weeks old, $26 each. Phone Springfield 6-1407. ecl08 PART TERRIER PtlPPltS to give away, 3330 So. 12th. Phone 4-1160. eclOfl1 WANTED Large type dog, not less than 3 months. 3-405B. eclD8' HOLLYWOOD AQVARll'M 1968 McCoy, one block east of N. Capitol, blocks north of Madison. Pb. 3-8897. CCllS1 FOR RALE purebred Shetland sheepdog puppies. (Miniature Collies). 3706 Che- mawa Road. eel06' WELL MARKKD Collle-Shepard puppies. Mate, .vu. rtmmitt gi.uo. a-moa ecl08 34 OO RE TROPICAL FISH. Parakeet. turtles, supplies. 3 miles from Lancast er on Macleay read. 4-377$. Closed Wedne.dayx. ecll$' JOE PALOOKA VT&66P, KSPERATRY TRIES 70 WARP OFF JOE'S Bl& GUNS. PUT CANT SEEM TO SPIN OUT OF THE CORNER, WES TRAPPEP. aN... f- CaDitol Lumber Fuel Co, Plea up your rr-.w-".. ; - uc woes. 1M Bo. Com'L. Phone 8-7731. " ANDERSON'S hand picked Ilea wooo. I corda, 814. pnone iii.i West Salem Fuel Co, BLOCKWOOD. U" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY pickup Wood lt Edeewelar Fhon. sal.m 1-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Planer trimming. $8 load. Phone 87731 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMP CHICKS, 817 80 per C. a w.r'. eirm more. .vu OOLDEN BROAD and Hew Hampshire ..... ...... UAnav anri cnicxe, pikdw - ThurKl.y. Our chlcke grow failer. Pox's Hatchery, 8830 State St. Ph. 1-4840. '' WANTED Colored heal. Lee', ery, phone 1-3B61. Hatch- FOB SALE Twice w.ekly, dey-okl chicks In New H.mpahlr., Parmenter., Red, While Leghorns, Auitra-Whlte, Whit Rocki, White Wyandottes. Psr menter cockerels. Lee H.tchery, phone 3.2X61. - f a. ........i PRODUCE ORGANICALLY GROWN tre. rlp.ned orenge. .nd grapefruit. Th. most de lldoui lulce you will ever drink. ' Rhub.rb, aipar.gus and spinach for fruslng. Your complete produce need, at prlcea like wholesale. Phillips Brothers Farm U.rket, OSSO Portland Hoed. 3 blocks north Lancutcr Drive. 1-4513. "107' NETTED GEM and burbank s.ed po tstoes. Al Fed, 8130 PorUand .Rd. Phon. 44078. ffllO' GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema. plant any tlm. now to July, S3.80 per 100. Phllllpa Broi., Rt. 1. Box 403, . 3 miles east 4 Corner on St.t, St. Ph. 43081. f HELP WANTED FURNISHED apartment In exchange for 1 hour dally light work. 140 No. 33rd. tnalE. 1tV? HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED MAN In automotive ac cessories and speed eauipmont. All re plies confidential. Writ Box 78, Cap ital Journal. galOS roiJNG MAN for car hop. Woodroffe'e Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. aa WANTED Window and Interior display man, preferably between theages of 18 and 35. Experience essentlel. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter. Mont gomery Warri. ra HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Caahler and salesgirl. Apply 170 N. Liberty, gee Mr. neynoias. gblOO1 REFINED, middle-aged woman to share new home with widow as companion and helper. Wages. Write Box 83, Capital Journal. gbl08 EXPERIENCED BALES GIRL wanted. Apply In person. Hartman Bros., 399 State. gblOS1 JOBS - JOBS - JOBS FREE PLACEMENT For all students. Enroll now and get ready for a good Job. Office Jobs are Increasing. These Oood Jobs go those who are specialized. Night school lion, and Thurs. & to 9 o'clock. Day School Mon. Through Frl. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 31415 for Information, M ERR ITT DAVIS SCHOOL OP COMMERCE 430 State St. - Over the Man's Shop gbiio1 GIRL WANTED for housework and care of S children. Room, board, wages. Must want steady Job. 3-8356, 3-1047. gblOO WE HAVE AN excellent opening for young lady office assistant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Must be good typist and accurate. Permanent po sition. See Doctor Brown at Brown's Jeweler. 184 No. Liberty. Kb' CLERK -TYPIST, experienced, good on figures. Permanent 6 day week, write Box 78, capital Journal. gbioe WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. gba CAR HOPS Part time, Woodroffe'a San Shop,- 3400 Portland Road. Kb WANTED SALESMAN THIS IS IT If you're between the ages of 31 and $0 and have a good car, are making less than $100 week, are Interested In a. position with a top national or ganisationwhere you never have to wotry ngaln about unemployment, with wonderful promotional oppor tunity. You might be the man we are looking for. Drop In and eee Mr. Ludlow, Senator Hotel, Tuesday, May 5th, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. SHARP. ggl07 REAL ESTATE Salesman. Write box 79, Capital Journal br call Miss Welch, Broadway 4333 Broker, Portland. gxno EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THINKING ABOUT CHANGING YOUR JOB? Check our listing register today. We'll keep you posted on Job you want as they turn up. M Gen. ofc, must type .........$335 u cost sects, clerk $300 M Bkkpr., lmbr. yd., out 1335 liV-Oen. ofc., It. bkkpg $375 UUultlllth oor $350 M Acct., Jr. Od. educ. bead.... 375 M Ofc. credit mgr. Retail... to $350 F Gen. ofc, insur. exp $300 F Cashier, recept. 20-35 $175 P Recept. Dentist ofc Open P Recept. typist $-1 p.m... $1.35 hr. r Asst. to bkkpr. THemp. . ..$.. nr. F Beginner dr.'s ofc. recept.. type $150 F Switchboard opr ,,,...1160 P Bkkpr., exp 1350 F Recept., bkkpr., dr.'s ofc $300 F- Cahler, steno 1335 F Steno. Oen. ofc $l9fi F Steno. Legal, 5 day 1300 COMMEP.CIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 STATE STREET 1411 ORE. BLDO.) Portland office 808 Corbett Elds. grion WANTED POSITIONS ROTOTILL1NO Ph. 44632. Middle Orove Nurenry, 4920 silverton Road, hiw EARL COX 850 Marlon St.. Salem, Ore gon, phone 3-7336 Gardening and lawn work. hill MARV'S PLOWING and discing, proi amice. 4-5449. Jit GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre natal. on. Plow Ins. dLselne. leveling, rototllling. Service Center. Phone 43873. hlSO' CRMFVT WORK and finishing. A Bom beck. Phone $-9574. 1595 N. 6th. h!09 DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE In country home, pickup and delivery, rnone 35108. hlO MICKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Phon 8-7Bie. hl31' PW II. I T la XSI I I tWT RNOrV UvYHEWA F VMM 1 8Q ,1 -r. EWi ' aaay V vVHERE YA GIT IMY...ARM5-. HERECucl '1 --.tdS - .Tile JlO-- TH' STRENGTH. ARE UE iSatf cE I tTMS- ' AUSSIE yf?W?la'7Sa MO.. .THAT LEAD wCiLtcN SVr5' I WILL DO CEILING, on. well or entire home. Do all linoa t. patouo.. and ipr.y, fumlab refirancaa, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-1844. hl04 MOWERS SBABPEfJED at door. Make It rim auv. Phone 1-0314. hlOO PLOWING DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 1-8300. hllO' TILLING WITH new M. E. Rot.ry tiller. Evenings 1-8331. 13.80 hour. hllO CABPENTEB Cabinet work, home re modeling. Ire. uttmat.s, C.U ' LIGHT CRAWLER, doling, dirt lenl Ing, grading. Phon. 1-3310. hW GRADING, leveling, backfilling, l.wnl, gardene. By hour, Job. Phono 1-3041. hl38 BOTOT1LL1NG av.nlngi, Saturdays, Sudsrs, Kelser area. Fhon. 1-5315. hl07 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-03B5. hi' PLOWING. DISCING, leveling, hour. Phon. 4-3111. 83.90 an hl33 i.sNnRPAPE maintenance, pruning. trimming, planting, leriuisins. " Ice Center. Phone 4-3873 hiao NEW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Pusne woicott, rnone a-oni, PAINTING, Pewr-banilng, free eitl- hioo m.te. Don Ulcero. pnone .-pai. BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Bremer, 3160 Lansing Ave. rnone 111 14 PAINTING 6 yean experience In Salem. yXJJ s j-j j s tiss s r r r r. WANTED TO RENT S OR 4 -BED ROOM home. Couple with a children. References. 2-7097. Jal08 bwam ..ncnDnnxt nnf iirnlihutl house. near Hollywood or Capitol Shopping district. Eldetly couple. 3-43B3. laiur BDSINES8 MAN wants to rent or lease good house, would sign one year lease, pay good rental, restore prop' erty In first class condition. Need three bedrooms, prefer fairly well out. Olv location of houi In reply. Write Box 80. Capital Journal. J107 FURNISHED BOUSE, man and wife. H. C. Oaley. 771 Bo. 3 1st. Salem. JallO RESPONSIBLE party will pay substan tial rent to lease or rent nice 2 oi . 4 -bedroom house by June 1. 4-3331. Jal06 FOR RENT BUSINESS BUILDING In Reiser. In quire at Kelier Beauty Salon. 3-3376. HOT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease, cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9165. J' ROOM & BOARD WANTED ELEDERLY and room, 3-7041. board JJ108 FOR RENT ROOMS ROOM WITH bath, close In. Gentleman. Phone 3-4701. JH107 TV, KITCHEN privileges, Bleeping room, 810.50 per month. Phone 3-7030. IkllO1 NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 085 No. Church. - JkllO' SLEEPING ROOM for I Church. Phone 3-4335. I. 700 N Jkl07' BOOHS FOR GIRLS Kitchen privilege, use entire house. 045 N. Winter. Phone 84373 or 39460. jklOO FOR RENT HOUSES 2-BEDROOM HOME. Reasonable. Must be neat and clean. Phone 3-8817. JmlOS COMPLETELY furnished. Lovely for two. Can't duplicate for $45. 3-5085. Jmlll- LOVELY NEW 1-bedroom duplex and ga rage, unfurnished except electric range. Couple only. East suburban. Reasonable. Phone 2-0010. JmlOS CLEAN 1-BEDROOM, living room, kitch en, dinette, attached garage. Adults. Garden. 137.50. 2-1329. Jmlll CLEAN, MODERN, 1-bedroom house In court. Stove and refrigerator xurn lahed. Close to bus. Big back yard. Ideal for couple. See at 1648 N. 6th or Phone 2-7430. Jm IDEAL FOR couple, clean 1 bedroom house, on quiet street. Refrigerator and range, $40. Phone 3-0163. JmlOS NICE TWO bedroom house. Oas stove and automatic furnace. $05. 1539 State. Ohmart Calaba, Rltrs. JmllO' ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, elec tric range, hardwood floors, auto matic heat. Insulated. 2332 Maple Avenue. Jml09 REALLY ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom du- Plex. Available June 5th. 460 N. Win ter. Jmioo 2-BEDROOM, unfurnished house, $30 month. See at 1710 N. Front. 4-3279. ,. JmlOS MALL West Salem house, den and work shop on first level. Llving-Kitcnen. bedroom and bath on tower level. Oood view. Garden space. $55 per month. Phone 3-3393. , Jml06 CLEAN 4 -bedroom house, full basement, wood furnace, wired for range. $60. 4-3495. JmlOS FURNISHED. Extra lovely for 3. $45. JmlOfl Store, bus. Phone 35085. OFFICE FOR RENT FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM aulte. Oregon Building. Phone 3-4114. JO GROUND FLOOR office or store apace for rent. Call at Pitta Market Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED, modern, 1-bedroom, court apartment, close to bus. Large lawn. Phone 3-3538. Jplll 2-ROOM ground floor apartment, close In. idwiy preferred. 845 Ferry, jpiob- NICE, LARGE, furnished, 3-room, up stairs apartment. Adults only. No pets. Close to state buildings and shopping center. 930 Garnet 8l. Phone 3-7645. JP1C8- I.ROOM furnished apartment, utilities furnished. Private entrance and bath. Phone 4-3521 or 2310 Lansing Ave. Jplll 8 APARTMENTS, close In, adults. Church. Phone 4-3457. 760 N. Jplll' LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Address Beautiful bachelor apartments with pullman kitchens, at modrrate rates. Television available. I-bedroom apt. from $77. Call 4-1641. Winter at Union St. ipm LIVING ROOM, dinette, and kitchenette' call after 6, 3-8656 jpno CLEAN FURNISHED apt. Close InTPlT 4J578. Jpl07 CLEAN 1 bedroom unfum. except elec. range, near bus, cannery. 2-8009. JptlO MODERN Ft RNlHHFn unit for a couple, no pets. .4360 South Pacific hlshwav. JP107 CLOSE IV nke modern furnished 3 room apartment. Adults. Phone 3B490. JpllO ATTRACTIVE furnished Pullman apt. Private entrance. 634 Judson. 3-4R85. Jpioe Monday, May 4, 1953 FOR RENT APARTMENTS in Shopping - jpl08 "th s.. ipio: pbIvTEHrWe.ROOM furnlihed court 850. 3500 apartment, cie." jpUS Portland rtoao. bedroom 4. r MOIItBN. "lirnl;,lh' JPHO room apt. . T U iTSFnRooM furniihed """",;; VMd 1JUI. " ., 1P101' bath, '.'round .."'T..on, k.tch.netle. . N. Pftmmerclal. FR003I NICE aparlment. TO ... rhnrch. Phon. 14745, 1P11T riooM lurn"l.hl ""?' '"V 1 1 bedroom home, .nd roomy, ma. OM"Unhedhto0nU.''3";.!m,D,)'p 47.0O-PurnlihKl "?'- ulllltle IpIOT am uivwiw". . NICELY PURNIsUED .parlmintij baiiador APU. 550 No. Summer. Am-)p- ItVERAL furniihed apartment, gooa location, inoulr. B. U Stiff Mrnltur.. b i . ..,K . Ip LOST & FOUND LOBT-Red wool scart, hors. print. Ke- pnone a-aj.o. . .... MISCELLANEOUS, BEE-HIVE TRUCKS C-DRIVB , MOVE YOORSELP SAVE U PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION ... i. t-r PHONE 3-1031 PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEPFORD SALEM SAND & GRAVEL KMrsni contract nt Hold Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Daya 3-8408 Eves. 3-4417 or 8-7411 Sslem, Oregon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State As Commercial Bta. SALEM fM s-JJi, BUILDING MATERIALS WRECKING building at 470 uarion Street, all material! zor cne.p. Madson Wrecking Co. m.lll SPECIAL STRAND STEEL GARAGE DOORS WITH HARDWARE 50.50 ' by T) PREE DELIVERY DRAYTON LUMBER CO. PH. 3-4303 mal07 BARN PAINT, white, Oal 83.00 BARN PAINT.iray, gal 13 00 BARN PAINT, red, gal 13.00 BARN PAINT, green, gal 13.00 Norris Walker Paint Co. 1710 N. Front - Salem Ph. 4-3378 mi 107- KEITH BROWN'S Window Screen Time HEADQUARTERS FOR RYLOCK SCREENS. STANDARD SIZES ON HAND MAHOGANY DOORS 3-OXS-8X1H C HC A grade I 8.13 l-4x6-8xl!i RO HC A trade ... 10.81 1-OxO-OxlH RC HC A grade .... 11.07 3-8x0-8x1 RO HC A grade 11.74 Reson Ply. V to 811" all Hies to 4x8 M so. ft. Plyron V" all tlses lo 4x3 ,...31 sc. ft, SHAKES 18" Stained shakes with under- cour ,12.00 ,,. 18" Beauty Wal cartoned shakes with undercourse - 10, colors ..$13.50 sq, KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Phone 3-0111 Front at Court St. WE GIVE 8 As H GREEN STAMPS ma BUILDER'S BPECIAL-New planed lum ber, lit per U. and up, delivered. REDUCED 8600 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwaler 10-H.P. Outbosrd Motor. 8-ipeed ihllt automatic starter. Starting price April 14th. 3311.50 MAY Sth $196.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front At Court St. Phone 3-8111 we c-rvE . h. meiTAKPa KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs We are closing out our entire atock of Lawn Mowers, ElectrH and oti. Also Garden Hose. u.- Regular Sale Hand Mower ,n,so ,i,.1s Gas Rol.ry ik,, ilt m 'M,J 3-18' 1-18' 3-16' 3-18' . """'J wower 71. RD 57.44 83 SO noi.ry Mower 70 OR 50 Feet PisMlc Hon 5P5 471 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD ront Courl St. p. M, '. Olve sah Drew stamp, Journal Want Ads Pay By Ham Fisher