1.1 , f ' ..." Monday, May 4, 195 A THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrOn Tele-Views Radio-Television On Television KPTV (Channel 27) t lOnlr arocramj aehlult In eaence) By DAVE BLACKMER Joseph Brenner, vice-president of the Lawrence Harvey Television interests called Tele-Views Saturday in regard to an invitation which I sent to Harvey on behalf of the Television Association of Salem. Brenner accepted the invitation to speak before the Television Association of Salem on May 11, at the Senator hotel. Flying to Oregon along with Brenner will be Harold Jury, former CBS chief engineer at Los Angeles. Jury will hold down the post of chief engineer for KPIC-TV and also serve as engineer adviser for the other Harvey channels. Brenner will work in a coordinating position for Har vey. Although, Brenner warns that, Harvey is going to work very closely with him on all business and Harvey will personally pass on all applicants before getting the final OK for their jobs. Following their original appearance in Salem, and their speaking engagement at the Television dinner May 11,' Doin men win De in aaiem lor several days to work on the technical details of the station. Hiring of help for the station is the least of their wor ries according to Mr. Brenner. Brenner said there are far more important matters that must be taken care of first. On the position of station manager, Brenner said that they have well over 8 applications for the position. And nary an individual was singled out for having the "inside track" for the job. In our chat Saturday afternoon Tele-Views also learned that the station is still planning to be on the air in Sep tember, however, if things go well a. test pattern will be on the air before that. A one kilowatt transmitter, . manufactured by the Radio Corporation of America will be the power used when the station goes on the air . . However the power will be increased at the availability of high powered trans mitters. A complete biography of both men will appear in Tele t Views later in the week. Any technical questions you may have, please send them to TELE-VIEWS we will forward them on to Brenner so that he can confirm his answers from Harvey before leaving Los Angeles for Salem. , YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING MONDAY Alan Young Show 6. Alan goes 3-D.. Sketches include musical comedy version of his life and satirization on 3-D. Chevron Theater 7. "The Worthless Thing." Hugh Beamont and Joan Camden. A priceless skull is replaced by a seemingly worthless sustitute . . involving the police in a weird case of murder. Voice of Firestone 7:30. Eugene Conley, lyric tenor of the Metropolitan Opera as guest; singing, "I Love You," "Addie Alia Madre" and others. I Love Lucy 8. "The Indian Show." Lucy takes her cue when a singer insists on having the afternoon off. Ethel and Fred do a "Peace Pipe" number. 1 Robert Montgomery Presents 9. "World by the Tail." Diana Lynn and Phyllis Kirk, in a comedy of a young ballerina and a U. N. attache. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VtEWING TUESDAY News and Sports 10:45 with Norm Wallace and Bill Clayton. - - Big Payoff 11. Payoff partner will be George L. Hansen MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC Salem's Mort Complete -Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Nlfht 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV MORE LIBERATED POWS COME HOME It I, 1 A a MONDAY 1:11 p.m. etrtb for Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. Lov of Lift 4:00 p.m. WiW Bill HIckok 4:10 p.m. Hoptlong Cujidy 1:10 p.m. Tcltniwi : p.m. Tlmo for Bnr ' 1:00 p.m. Alio Youni Chow :S0 p.m.Bportimii C)u p.m. Ntwi Caravan 1:00 p.m. Chevron Thcattr 7:30 p.m. Volet of Plrwtont 1:00 p.m. I Lovt Lucy :I0 p.m. Buttooi t oo p.m. Robtrt UoDttomtrr 10:30 p.m. Nltt Owl Th titer 1! Tkilrl I c itivtd. if mm I . vmr Iteatlta U W i ? : M. Call . fil ii . wt'll it tar but mm jj jJttl ft fOMl "VjT I CALL4-2271 - - HEIDER'S 42 COURT 1 120 aNTER I The family of Cpl. Tibor Rubin of Long Beach, Calif., . wu at foot of ramp ai he runs down to meet them. Tibor was first off the plane at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., the third bringing home released prisoners of war. (UP Telephoto) TUESDAY 1:30 ft.m. What' Cooktnr ' 10:00 t.m. Fraedom RIdbi 10:4ft t.m. Mornlos Edition 11:00 p.m. Thi Bis Piyofl 11:90 .m. Wclcomf Travtltr 13:00 noon Kite Smith 1:00 p.m. Bettr Fumejii ' 1:1& p.m. Arthur Oodfrcy 1:30 p.m. Strik. It Rich l:0p p.m. Uallnee Tnetttr ' 3:1ft p.m. Seirch (or TomoVrow 3:30 p.m. Love ot Life 4:00 p.mv-Hovdr Doodr - -4:4S p.m. Vacatlonlend -fi:00 p.m. Neme'i the Simo 5:30 p.m. Doui Kdwardi 5:45 p.m. Time for Beinr 6:00 p.m. Two for the Money 0:30 p.m. Dlneta Shore 8:43 p.m. Newe caravan 7:00 p.m. Ciroua Hour 3:00 p.m. rtrealde Theater 3:30 p.m. Circle Theater 3:00 p.m. Life of Rller 3:30 p.m. Scott Music Hall ' 10:00 p.m. Mr Little Martle 10:30 p.m. Nile Owl Theater Perrydale Postal , Exams To Be Given Perrydale A Civil Service examination will be held at Salem, Ore., at an unannoun ced date for the position of fourth class postmaster at Perrydale. ' Applications for the exam ination may be obtained on re quest at the Perrydale post office. Applicants must be not less than 21 nor more than 65 years of age May 21, 1953, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the Perry daled istrict. Applications must tie re ceived by the U. S. Civil Serv ice Commission, Washington 25, D.C., by . May 21. . VOLCANO ERUPTS Tokyo, ; (U.R) Mount Aso erupted again today for the fourth time in less than 10 days. There were no casualties. Liberty of Route 4 Box 146, Sherwood, Oregon for daughter "Helen Ruth." Kate Smith Show 12. Francois and Giselle Szony, acro- Liberty The Liberty School will have its May Festival Thursday, May 7 at 1:15, at the Liberty School. Plans are for an outdoor program but in case of bad weather, it will be held in the school audi torium. The pre-school conference was held Thursday at the Lib erty school with both pre school youngsters and mothers attending. Twenty-seven children and 25 mothers attended, although there are 41 registered for the first grade for next term. The group spent the whole day at school with the chil dren visiting the first grade class, and the mothers attend ed a meeting in which the Health nurse, George Wright, principal of Liberty School, and Arthur Myers, supervising principal of the rural area spoke to the mothers. . The group had lunch with the chil dren in the cafeteria. 4-H Spring Show Ready To Open, Stayton, May 4 Stay ton The annual 4-H spring show will open Tues day, May 4 In Stayton Civic building. Ethel Ralphs, North Santiam; Wilma Lensman, Aumsville, and Carolyn Ad ams of Jefferson are in the lead off position in a cake baking demonstration at 0 a.m. Mrs. John Smith, Corvallis, will act as judge for the con test that finds 14 4-H girls competing. Working Individ ually each girl mixes and bakes a sponge cake before the Judge. Following the first three bakers and starting at 10 a.m. will be Myra Myers and Gloria : Huber from Marion, and Prls-i cilia Durham, Keizer. ; I Three Middle Grove girls ! Gaylene Van Cleave, Carolyn Crum and Rita Buckner, com-! plete the ' morning schedule from 11 a.m. to 12. ! First bakers after lunch and ! starting at 1 p.m. will be I Marie DuRette, - Champoeg; j Barbara Lichty 'and Muriel Richard of Central Howell. Gwen Lundeen and Karen Boehmer of Bethany and Di ane Lovell ot Stayton are the last three entries and will start their work at 2 p.m. Scoring In based on 50 per cent for skill in doing the com plete process and 50 per cent on the finished product. Each girl must bake a true yellow sponge cake, one without bak ing powder or oil, and use soft-wheat flour milled in Ore gon or other Pacific northwest states. The cake baker who repre sents Marlon county at State Fair In the cake baking con test sponsored by Oregon wheat commission must have completed three years of 4-H club work Including this year In order to compete for the $100 college scholarship and the four 1954 4-H summer school scholarships. The annual 4-H spring show .will close Friday with the parade "4-H in Our Commu nity" at 1 p.m. through the business section of Stayton. All contests are open to the public. MALIK TO LONDON - x Moscow,' U.B Jacob Malik left by train early today for London to assume . his new duties as Soviet Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Phone 4-1451 1955. Commercial It is believed that herds of wild reindeer existed in north- Om GnndanI bb lata Dats ; laierii, presentation ana lniormai musical segment 12th century, ieaturea. : . r Two for the Money 6. $3,220 in cash prizes won. Narold Mahnke of Portland, Oregon appears as contestant with Hal Collins. They resemble President Eisenhower and ex-President Truman. , Scott Music Hall 9.' Patti Page plays the part of a "disc; jockey. Bob Crosby and Four Aces are guests. . ' j MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Kerrles . and Installation 1888 BUte St. Phono 1-7611 'Everything for Your WindW ELMER THE BLIND MAN Venetian Blinds, Drapes and Shades TraverM Rods Bambos Drapes and Shade. . Calumbia Matle Screens Clolh and Aluminum Awnin.i 'Fireplace Screen and Accessories 'Chapman Home Freesers Verti Vertical Blinds Foldlnr poors 'Transparent Plastle Store Shades 'Thermo-rlte, Glass Fireplace 'Slip Core We Wash, Paint, Slat and Retape Venetian Blinds ' Free Estimates 10 Down , . Pay Monthly V 187 Center St. (formerly West Salem) , Phone 3-7328 TV TROUBLES? '. Technician on duty till . 9:30 p.m. daily TELEVISION SERVICE CO. 1410 S. 12th Phone 4-5512 in the Hew 1953 UNIVERSAL The Hurrlcem F-VUad Engine new gives 30 greater power to Hie Universal 'Jeep'. See H today at EISNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High St. Salem Harvey Television Official to Speak Joseph Brenner, vice-president of the Harvey Television Stations, will speak before the Television Association of Sa lem next Monday night, May 11, at the Senator hotel. Lawrence Harvey, owner of Salem station (channel 24 ' UHF), is sending his veep to Salem along with Harold Jury, the chief engineer for the Har vey TV interests. In addition to speaking be fore the dealer group, Bren ner and JurjJ will be in Sa lem for several days to work on the technical details in volved in putting a television station on the air. Brenner and Jury are fly ing to Oregon from their homes in Los Angeles for the meeting. 1000 VETS RETURNING San Francisco, U The trooDshiD Gen. Dwight C. Sul tan was scheduled to dock at Fort Mason here today with nearly 1,000 veterans from the Far East. The group includes 447 Armv- personnel, 421 Ma- 'riiips and 83 Navy men, many irtjm Korea. r You can count on for Your quicK i cash: loan! for has a loan plan for everyone i SMALL r LARGE AMOUNTS I $25 to $1500 ! Room 200 I ! i I lour? ii. I m m m Phone 4-3396 r a J. 0. WAlKERy Mgr. Sftl X& 'K)u' t-yfX-p) T DEMONSTRATED THE ssss:J X '')f 1"Ti'".iuXm mileage built into today's cars when run M Jjjfa lS. xll UNDER IDENTICAL COMPETITIVE, HIGH-SPEED f&Jl iJSjjll CONDITIONS. IT GIVES YOU PAR" FOR 0tf JStI !J M ' " ' tamlR MILEAGEHATIS W'THIN Y0UR REACH'f lC U( 0ME7 mi WERE USED BY l oass ... l l WBREi Sfefla ' it, sun valley: iwtfnv KINO C3 STOCKTOH Vlos w angeles NEVER BEFORE COVERED BY THE COMPETING- CARS, RAN FROM LOS ANGELES VIA THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY TO STOCKTON, THEN OVER THE HIGH SIERRAS TO RENO, NORTH TO BOISE, AND ON INTO SUN VALLEY. IT REPRE SENTED THE MAXIMUM ALTITUDE 19' TO 7400' AND TEMPERATURE VARIATION -FROM NEAR FREEZING-TO CLOSE TO IOO DEGREES MOST MOTORISTS WOULD EXPERIENCE IN A FULL YEAR'S DRIVING-. ANOTHER EXTRA FRIENDLY SERVICE SPONSORED BY YOUR MOBILGAS DEALER AND GENERAL PETROLEUM EVERY ENTRY WAS .SmCK BVAMERtCAN ' AUWMOBLE' ASS0CAT7ON OPRCALS. OBSBRKfeRS RODE V EACH 24R 70 ASSURE RULES ' BEING- POLLOWED. CLASS A Ford Mainlint 6. . . .27.03 mp CLASS Hudaon Jet 22.05 mpg CLASS C Dodje V-8 23 41 mpf CLASS D Studtbaktr Land Cruiaer 22 88 mpg CLASS I Naah Ambaaaador. . .22.54 mpf CLASS Naah Ambaaaador Cuitom.. 21.11 mpg CLASS O Lincoln Capri 19.94 mp Spatial llghrwalght Claal Henry J Corsair 4 ... 28.25 mpl ' T I - I I jMobilgos III a aaaaj l'l'lt'tmM MH.II HI tHlM The SwMpnUkn winner wu the Ford Mainline 6 with 27.03 mile per gallon. HEM'S HOW YOUR FAVORITE PERFORMED fill K biiea Chrysler imtmw 17.74 DeSolornKMVi 20.92 Dodfe u 23.41 Fori) wwii 27.03 Hudson iwa 25.42 Kaiser uum 22.27 Lincoln ta.i , 19.94 Metcury vmki, 23.15 Niih muum 22.54 Packard ow 18.67 Plymouth ciMtiMi 22.83 Studebiker 26.86 tftCIM UOHTWlltHT CUSS Hwry lcu4 28.25 B I! Kish iMtiviw 25.37 (f f mm r. wsy avrvi i ii(n..iw;a-i'.diiinaraiw.'ini m'ii'ii)aT WINNHS wtrt picked In tach dlvinlon, according to a handicap aaaeaied on s "ton mllt" bai: ear weight wai multiplied by the length of the course and then divided by the gallon! of gasoline to get s "Ion-mile per gallon') figure. Sweepataket win ner wai the car which had th highest "ton-miles per gallon" of all cars In all divisions. fce"MltiaiiiwW1)Vi