( Monday, May 4, 1953 Page 16 The Voice of Love By WIlilAMNEUBAUER (AP rl.niliaturn) STEVE ROPER CHAPTER 18 Somehow she got beck to the car, and somehow she drove through the fog to the hotel. She showed him Into the small living room, told him to make himself at home, then went down the hall to the Pullman kitchen. Roast beef or ham or both? And shouldn't he have milk and tea as well as coffee? She laugnea, feeling foolish. How little she knew about men I. She looked up as his steps sounded In the nau. very grave. ly she said: "I don't know what you like." "All sort of things, Ruth. Isn't jt terriDiy warm in nerer "Over a hundred, at least. "Can you carry all that?" he asked solicitously. "You know, women surprise me. They always seem so weak, so lraglle, yet they can do such heavy work. "Oh. It. really Isn't heavy. If you'll just drag those patio chairs to the shade ..." "Later," he murmured, equally oblivious to the little fact that the fog had grown thicker. He reached for the trny, knowing with the sure Instinct of love that with Its two plates and two glasses of milk and two paper napkins, it was a weight that would do lr . reparable damage to her young delicate arms. "Here," he ordered cruff y. "let me" "Do you think 111 do well?' Dan asked. "I d-" ihe said. -I really do think ju '11 make out well. It stands to reason, Dan. that with Doctor reaching retirement age, people will nave to come to you A year or so, and you'll be the one everyone calls Doctor." ' "ItH be a Rood life. I'll work you know. I won't say I'm as good as Pell Is right now, but people will get the Dest that's in me. And t prices they can afford to pay." ' "That will be Important. Dan ' Incidentally, you may as well know that Doctor has been saying some pretty awiui minus about you. He seems to think you're just in uus work ror wnat you .can get out oi it." He laughed ruefully. "I may nave given nun tnat impression. I was angry. He offered me so little. He seemed to resent me, as matter of fact." "He should retire." she said gloomily. "I do wish the two of you could work something out: So did Dan. Now that he had a chance to think he had a bad attack of stage-lright, A cold sweat broke out on his face. "If so darned warm." he complained "Drink your milk," she said cooly. And now the confusion, the sell consciousness were gone. Tills was her father all over again, a man who punished himself with fear, a man who wasn't at all sure of himself. "Ill help you, Dan, And Mr. O'Brien will help you, too. I think he's being very kind, don't you?" "Your bov friend's father?" Her cheeks burned. "My what? Dan, who said he's my boy friend? That Nancyl One of these days 111 skin her alive, I iwear ltl He took the metal table and pushed it away. He drew his chair closer, his eyes oorea into iters, Ruth. I'm a funny sort of man. I've never In my life gotten be tween another man and his girl friend. Call it silly, mil tnat's the truth." She waited: and there was more. Now the rear lence was gone, and the flowers were wraiths in the mist. The smell of the sea was heavy in the air; the clamminess of the sea was on their faces and hands. "It has to be right, you see," said Dan Curtis. "It's a lifetime together. Its foundations must rest on bedrock. Am I making sense? What I'm trying to say Is that it would oe a rotten way to begin If Bob O'Brien had to be cut out. She liked him for that. And now she was angry all over again with Dr. Ambrose J. Pell. Here was a man of honor, here was a man of great Integrity, and in stead of appreciating that. Doctor had all but called him a would-be FRAMED ON A MURDER- WANTED FOR BREAKING JAIL AND BRUSHED OFF BY VOUR BEST FRIENDZ-yOLrVB LEARNED ABOUT LIFE IN A HURRY, ROPER A w v IF AS SOON A THIS IN THE MEANTIME. THE L " ?2 STUBBLE SPREADS, I'LL J CONDEMNED WAN ITf A l?. 5. ' .i y-ZA X SWl I TOV MV WAND AT VII HfABTY UiMBlJBSeil) rfl9Kl r.- ' Ys-.. V II I rj "-XTZ -- .11 --i rZr- 8 W - - ' II I dW W M -A s 11 x I is ' "SB r tecUu to likjcCTne neW member, mple J.-JItt jiayKiy , dimple J-jinHav, i&rruoiwr tAtti as'mich Vtrtunu vyKTtKitu a ' have an ix&tretum. Kconi Sc. urik4 ih&e iiancbie&ion- Will fead Ait vconA, - me raw - a disgrace to his proles-1 is a friend, Dan, nothing BRIGHTEN TOE HOURS! thief, slonl Bob more." The chair came nearer with metallic scrape of legs on cement. Her Hands were engiuied in nis, suddenly: she felt the warmth of them, the strengui or them, and the toucn made ner tingle. do vou oeueve in love at iirat sight, Ruth?" NO. ' He was taken aback. Then the wide, whimsical mouth curled Into a smile. "But it seems to have happened to me, Dan. I know It's silly. And I shouldn't be silly I I'm a teacher. More than that, I'm an experienced woman of twenty-three who knows that love should be of' the mind, not of the emotions. And yet" He nodded. "And yet ..." he trumpeted. The moment came at last. He. got up from his chair. He stood woodenly before her, tall, thin, handsome, in love. Then his hands twitched at the sides of his cocoa brown slacks. His hands reached for her, slid under her armplta and raised her to her feet. "Ruth," he whispered. "Oh, Ruth." (To Be Continued) Chaw far enjoym-tnt Want to beat boredom? ' Chew Wrigley't Spearmint Cuml . Help time past more pleasantly. a- ''&-.... nnviirtiere. : Eiijoy n wjwmh v frecilinn.. 1- . utsie gives mue lift DELICIOlKf '"'He, ROOM tc BOARD THE OTHER EVENING WHILE TOYING WITH SOME PEAS ON THE TABLECLOTH, AN IDEA CAME TO ME FOR. A NEW-STYLE GOLF PUTTER. ONE WHICH WILL GREATLY IMPROVE A GOLFER'S PUTTING.'... I'M HAVING A MODEL MADE AND t KNOW YOU'LL ACCLAIM THE PUFFLE PUTTER,' .IT rv w m ACROSS 1. Squsnder . 8. Japanese coin I. Small exploalon 11 Early Alex andrian prient li. Stanort in Peru 14. Wonder 15. nivulm 18. Organs of contrse tinn 18. Wild snimals it. Masonic 10. Invisible emanation It Artificial rhanne) 18. Existed 21). Resound 31. Sensitive 32. Pertaining to certain mountains 14. Fencing sword 38. Eneircli 37. Cast oft 3D. Went ahead 40. Fashion 42. Instigate 44. Roman omcial 46. On the ocean Ml Lead 53. Rose perfume 54. Anslo-Saxon monev 15, College in Cedar Rapids, lows 56. Perch . l ,T- 71 , f, ' ' '' , n ii'T.i-p;" srtrrmr-j? tryrv Ti rr n-tr n wrc th jt " r f! r ' -JUW sr -vryrvr wyr"ii rt tt " rr 'a Tt rt n f n r i - r kin sv li li etlll S ORPHAN ANNIE . "' "1 T' I. tfBuT he pojs ceeMV "" if oh, no! Tsrh-he'stheI f f40T BAD, S. I TO KNOW WHAT PEOPLE rT A GIFT- A HERE COMES SOCIAL LEADER, 1 , , I 0UR CRACK ABOUT 1 I WELL, DOrTT E IN TDWM WAMT BEFORE THAT'S WW SOME MRS. MSWOCl ( OF FUTILITY D II I MffiW PRUB BEINQ I QUOTE ME- ' y7 I THy KNOW THEY I PERLE6S LEADERS" aaW, II EikiaWtiJ I V II 1 -rf ' I 1 III I f fl Wl I S I i is IJJ 1 Jl Qtl Vi: k k :U IL -HJ - :- LIL ABNER . . ' . 1'" "fiJ-rur "l 5i !' "iSSsi' rJfel Mtt V-OOK.'.'-A LADDER FROM MY W HE'S BRINGING A X AH HAIN'T QOIN'I HEART '' ?SSfiXAb0Vla BOY FRENT-POP IVAN THE BOY FREMT WHO ) OUTVvlF NO OFNEW titS YF'rXftvYeSiV SAILOR.JT- HIS BOTTLESHIP, f WANTS TO MITT SAILOFtS. C RK IS "A M SsuaeV ,( JferBa THE WRECK OF" THE. 1 A NICE YUNK SPESH'LY NO Tur M' fri.:p tJ Bil.nk: V v V lf 'j fiara HESPERUSIvllK; IS 1 SLOBBOViAN f SLOBBOVIAN LlT-rTs-'- .fi ' i wm i . .. f7Crrn(wp"r'MF J r-v-rilw,SlTINGNEWf GORLT-1 GOT K ONES.'y S kuoim j! ffi! Tr k hopalongasdy"" "J( tTT" ... I 'BESZr 0. I I THAT LMM PETEREP tfUT f ASSPV I I yy J YEAH, AN' HE'S Vl VEARS AoO.'tWWPYIN SEEMEP TO ' J I CtfiN' PLENTY I ( WKE HICIN6 60METHIN6, V ONLY WHAT Al HIS RWHT HINP WffULP l KNOW WHAT S VWITU I TELLVUH I MARVIN WHAT V0 YOU I I TflLP WANT TW4E OMmi! HE WAS sj' fC ltLLW"" W HE TIMED HIMSELF 1 MPTI ft JEFF . :' ,- .. . -, - ' , , " - - ' W AwEAPPMLpAiIrfwui?F L I 5cH I r r-AUF vr" ' Tu'" TriH v T rMt! ' Tug iJA"g I f..:-:ij ia TUI" T"c P- "F t : PiTcikJiL -nlc WHAT! THF mattpdN FVSTT th,s MORNING 6BOAUSE AND ADDRESS OP THE fETLK1Hkr mUTS THE i LAST rolcSI : mtlJ& I TH0U6HT VOU WOULD BUTCHER THAT WANTS LsMWST? : BUT IU NAIL HIM i 'MWT VOU jHnT fesK7-, USE VOUR OWN COMMON SAWDUST... NOW USF j CTT&C& 'H CDWB SENSE AND JUDSMENT SN '" ' Z-, -r REX MORGAN, m!'d" ' 1 fff PSJ!c'lWi why oiont vou r was AtRaidI Iswe cleaned vqj of" E ij Kyes . . . but kow tell me I tl-j-'i, 4 IA 'Mf'Mlv TELL US YOU 7l'P BE BLAVCO ANY sjeSPONS:BiLITY UU EXACTLY HOW YOU PLANNED I , i V'A ' " rfcltsi .tST HetP, ft4s7- f fifth wet?e with V-w for it.' for HeK injury.' and executed her DONALD DUr' '' ' . ' Hl?inM& NTmI fl I r" 1 I fill I 1 1! I 71 (I i Lliai j) fjuST S I SV. CAN P?3S ) 1 OlV EnIIJALTI IP E A fral s i I-'1 1 J TWENTY Tl.VXSS W M.LE OU f' .lut.on .1 l.,urd.y. Pul. -L V, ' 'A ill I M . ill 5ST MARY WORTH ' " 1 -r-xrr,mr-mmM ltpoiM.fTl I t 1T t quite enough, libbv! I INO6000MAN5CONfB5,ONfO;...D) rMMSJrTl THA (ALL! PCit DO? I HERE -AFTEft THE OTHtM LEAVE! INMl4DEi"ArTtRMtAN0Hiv.Ft v,5lt?rTTHt:V,n Jl?V, T V VC.!lLED.HEAiDHtAi.AVS 'tiX' TT s-&M PLANNED TO UA THE WOBlO ABOUT Ar,'" J I t9 I . ! i 1 VsWI YOliR -.ACRirE. OWEN-. .Ai WON A2PS?t5,EP M V S ) i STx.1l lf AS SHL WAS GONE.1. -L H"THAJ! JX r-S f(-&ll T 'V 1 i rMsssinii . 'l tllm . .L4Ji li RADIO PROGRAM S KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO SiHBC i cm IIM ABC iimmi , IT. .1 l. C. G.I It NM.UIIM N'" J' JJ H.J.U.I.. S:j- H...I0.11 A..1 Jwi.r Jt Ow.l Mmm Mwl SHtf , I:J, WIS. at... A. GXfnr ' ";;; M.J'rU.... 1.4 iri I. Hi.. A. G.JIr.T K.T Wil ; 7ijn.i.' aiu 'iiSin; c.iii.. s. .;"' K"" !:!? r r .r.ii o.rr., c.i ti.. .. s. J m1,,l...m :u L. J r..dlr. UK LIS. Ml M..l I'.jf n., . KU. M.1.W Wlll.-lr. Sb ii!!L . 5:l5 Tr...ltra Jl. W.I.I, Bill Sin, .."'J.-j, M.1.4, .5 D. n.rr.w., T.D.fallr Girl. Mail. !!155!! J IS M..I. .s Mr. Inf.. Sl.lrr.l M.ln,.l M I. Ml. ""J VJIl M..I- B.I Klrkb.. C.. Cirt M..MF M;n;" Art B.S.r Klr. H.tP, Tl. """ T!I If N... N.w; V. ri-kl.T Sit. rr..l J'""" i.U.. 1 2. j f W. r.l.r... rr..t C. B.I. Oirr.S Kim ' i:MB.U M..I. P.O.I. At. W..lh.-. G.k. s.ppir Cl.l. "''"' V- R.I.. Ml. f.nnj El. NW N.w. Supp.r C b r;"1""" :J(I riH.r A Hs rrli G. Prtl N.wi pp.r C lib N.ws sj.llr Irns Lliltnlm S.a Hifi S.PP.r Clpb " i:M B"Vhrl..r jTrbVais Sll.tr I.sl. R.P.rl M.'l" 5,V?.ri. :f Birt 8krlr O. Bp.t Sllr.r .U Boond.p Ml '!.,L.j J(i Inra H.llTW..d Ft.nl R.w I C...' ll Olt B.d. UnJ ;t rint Nltbl.r M..I. Mill Ce.ler Bilin :M M..'. r.ll o.rli D Srn.b...ll. Hlith S"!".',,1""" Hill N.wi L. f.rieni Rrmpb.nell. Adi.olir. :W KddKFIib.r J. SUtl.ri Mrrt T.ir Slmle " 1:4' Boit. Cl.ni J.nl.r Mln NeUbb.r Muil. tltf Mrll Mint Town H" 2!!!St!! :V L.wli Dellir M..I1HI !"' J II! I:tn Fr.td.m US Mr. and Mr. Town M..I. M.il. 2 I !: rrt.d.ni ug N.rtb M.nlt.r N. !i5Jl"!.' """"" !:! K.rl.r rsi.r Final Flaal Ed. B.blnd Sl.r, SflfV" ll:l Sp.rU Flaal lat.rTl.wa Daara Tlai. Nwir.l i ,S. . Itrlr Tk. Cbaia Tmaiarr Dun Tlai. N.i J "I!5"" !:' Tb. Ckai. Bind Daac. TlaM Himai.r fi MtM Sons llsKI N.w. N7rTsb.w Dun Tim. H.mairr Ga Nihl Son. 11:11 L. MeCall Mail. . D.aea TIb. MldnliM N ski Sam II :lf Clip c.anill Mull. Daac. Tim. M.lodlel Jons ll:' City Caan.ll Mail. ' D.nc. Tin. Mrlodl.i Miht Sons H:a Bit. Off S on p.n Tim XHal, Mm I Is'sn or w tiifcVi uon I BI0W II ft CSf'A t,Mo.c,n,wi. Don't Blow Your Top beautiful T Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1120 lini Ave. h- 38558 WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 6:11 Data Wail BFD Or.t.n Or.t.a Far. NW N.wi Br.ikf.it M.lodl.i 6:15 U. Wait KOIN Kl.ck H.at Tlm.kc.pir N.ab Mtlodlr. 6:30 Da.. Weil KOIN KI.ek Or.toa Fata N.wi Brt.kl.it Firm News 6:45 Fata. Tlma KOIN Block Hoar Much Time Nook X.I. V.w. 7 : Caanttp Ed. KOIN Klack N.wi Hemlnswir Bt.ikfiil Mrdll.llon." 7:15 J. I. Wills New. M. Astonikr Br.lkfill Nook KOCO Klock 7:.10 N.wi N.wi Bob Gatted Gam Br.ikl.it KOf'O Klock 7:4S Knoa Man. H. Babbitt Bok Ha.cn Sim Hltei Nook KOCO Klock 8"00 Old Sons! Con. K.WB Breakfast bcell Btown- Jim Dandy New. 1:15 Old 8o.li N.wi Clak Family Altai Jim Dandr KOCO Black 8:Sf Mail. Bas Helen Trent Brt.kl.il Hi... af Jim Diadr KOCO KI.ek :4r Mail. Boa Gal Bandar Clnb Ke.1 Jim Dandr New. 9:00 N.w. Kaad Life A.M. Edit. Dt. Swotd Beck Fence Woman'! Fs7 9:15 Mailo Baa Ma retklna Todar'a Slat Call Cmnltt Malln.e Ma.lc 9-.M Mail. Box Dt. Milan. Friend la raitor'i Call Back Fence Pima Fit. 9:4' V. I lndl.hr Gald. Llsbt Need Bin. Coonl.i Millnee Etelrn K. 10:" Hoilen Hie. Mn. Burton D. Gardner Gl.n HardiT Bark Fence Rit. 10:1." Hoit.n Hu. F.rrr Maun Cb.t Hnntle: Tel. Te.t Matinee Record! 10:.ir Sttlke It Nota Dtaka M; Traa Ma.le Back Fen Ian 10:4' Blch Brllbter Da) Slorr Ma.lc Mallac. Recerd. 11 :0f Doable ar Gtand Slam Whlapcrlna Ladle. Fair Back Fence Rayi 11:1' Nethlnr Mall. Saarkl Girl Marrlei Ladlri Fait Matinee Beeatdl ll:3f PhtaaaPaya Haaia .Battp V. Llndlabt Qaeen Fat Bark Fence Bui 11:4 Bab Hope Home P-arty Barney Keep Day M.tlnei Keeordi FM Mes.i KOIN IS l.t, a.m. I. II p.m. KEX M.J, ( la t p.m. DIAL LISTING, KOAC, 551 KOAC " A - M, . , W Newi and Wealben ltilo? Elaeclally far Women: 11:00. Oreioa S.bool af Alri 11:15. Naaa Fatm Boat. ftlf Taeadar P.M. 11:00, Nawsi rWMV U:is, Palk Coanlr At.nti 1:H, Rida 'Em Gawboyi S:M, E.peclallr for Women: 4:M, Watld BeTlew; S:M, Cbllt'rea'a Tbealeri :M. New. and Weathert 7:15, Eye.lnr Farm Hoar; t:4S, Modllitlani le:M, Slia Off. MRS. LEE RETURNS Portland, UP) Portland's for mer mayor, Mrs. Dorothy Mc Cullough Lee, returned home Saturday night from a four month mission to Germany lor the U. S. State Department. She was a consultant on city government in the U. S. zone there. TEACHER ILL Silverton Mrs. Oscar Cav ender (Minnie Mascher) an In structor in the primary depart ment of the Eugene Field grade school,' is a surgery patient at Silverton hospital, having en tered for treatment Wednesday of this week. Mr. Cavender who also has been ill, is at the Port land home of his sister, Mrs. Glenn Pogue, for several weeks, S. E. WHITWORTH HOME Dallas Back in his office after a two-week absence to undergo major surgery is Dal las Superintendent of Schools S. E. Whitworth. Mr. Whit worth had beenadmitted to St. Vincent's hospital in Port land for an operation. He ex pects to resume normal duties1 next week. 57. Bird's beak 5H. Terminal. 59. Contends with DOWN 1. Merrhsndi. 1. Scad eovtring 3. Fine fabric 4. Oitr In Oklahoma 5. Worm s. ADdlke 7. Jewish month : B. Scented 0. Chum 10. Bt under obligation 11. footl ike part 17. Easily broken II. Attempts 21. Va-e 33. 1-abor 24. American Indian 5.1. Drove 28. Move. In and (ro 27. Dismounted 2. Active 30. Swimming bird M. Loafed 35. American humorist SI. Slopped 41. Draw forth. 43. Mark on the skin 45. Sacred irruia of. (.ease 4 Reliev 49. Craflt 50. Study 31. Native metal 52 Crab M. Par: of a curv Q(dgyv Carol Curtis Pattern Vacation Variety! A versatile back-wrap fashion makes a cool halter-top sundress for summer fun. Wonderful In denims, piques, linen, cottons of all types. Note tht both sewlne. and Ironing will be especially essvl ,.N?. J!5 cui ln U. H., 1. 11. 20, 36, 38, 40. S.ie 1: i yds. 3o-m. or 4 vds. 39-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name Address. Stvle Number and Sire Address PATTERN BU. REAU, Capital Journal, fjjj Mis sion Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. kI6 for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and ' Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal. 652 Mis ion street, San Francisco 5, Calif Towelling Beach Bag. A piece of turkish towelling 25 by 28 Inches, yd. paatc faDrle Umnf, makes a benrb . , capacious enough to hold a big "ntning sun, oeach shoes and cosmetics. It's handsome, loo, as the crochet trim at either end and over-the-shoiuder strap Is marie of hrlrht ruA .t j .... ---o..- aiiu Ki"U till- fw ! Tft yarn which you'll a viir wiuic aioren. RnH in f ivid. t nt "7."' UWC1I1I.K DPHCn at war trCWIllH HI" structions, complete crochet and ;" n it directions. YOUR 2rA,wS'r,0ADDRESS' PATTERN Capital Journal, 652 Mission sueet, Ban Francisco 6, Calif.