.4..-t.a .away Monday, May 4, 1953 Portland Suffers Twin toss to Hollywood Stars HnllvivnnH ft! P. rin O'Donnell hurled a brilliant! one-hit shutout to five the Hoi-I irwooa ours a i lo o second i VAMA .flnln... B.l J 11 m" tvvij vvcr ruriinnu an- ; er the Stars won the 11-lnninc '. opener 7, to 6 before 5,629 fans. O'Donnell scored his sixth , straight win ot the season and third shutout as Dino Restelli'j single to center with two out in the third deprived him of a no-hitter in the seven-inning second game. In the first game, Lee Walls' single in the 11th scored Joe Muir from second with the win ning run, Hollywood got the lone marker of the second game in the third Inning. Tom Saffell beat out an infield hit, Walls singled and Ted Bearu walked to load the bases, Saffell scored when Dale Long lifted an out field fly. The twin win gave the biasing Stars the series, six games to one. ' The first game winning run was scored after two were out. Muir, who relieved starter Mel Queen in the fourth inning to get credit for his second win, and Tom Saffell singled. Walls then drilled a ball into center field to score Muir. Granny Gladstone shot Port land off to a three-run inning lead when he homered over the left field fence with two men on. Hollywood got three back in th second inning on a walk to Chuck Stevens, Glad stone's error and singles by Dale Long, Clem Koshorek and Manager Bobby Bragan. Portland rapped Queen for three runs In the fourth, however. Walls' error paved the way for the unearned tal lies. Don Eggert was safe on the misene and scored on Jim Gadd's double. Red Adams and Frankie Austin walked to load the bags and Jim Russell singled in two runs. . tfSfk HE'S GOTxENERGY- !?;::' : - he eats sunbeams 'vi i ' Z$-rz afilrt;; j'i Is your child on the beam? Seriously, mothers- - t """"wiA"". lack of energy accounts for many failures in tht " - i v - lives of our young ones. They need new energy for IK &'C$ of c ' - ' very new activity... they need It to grtiw! J " SUNBEi , Me? f : A fine way to make sure your child gets that extra J Sfc'"f''0' jy energy is by serving fresh Sunbeam Bread at every ""Pitn m r'i meal-75 vital. energy units in every tlice! Sunbeam I m ' . Bread is a delicious way to give your whole family I tf 'iS OF - M I: : ' eztrapepl ooo I Stay on the beam... 2SS I I : PCL STANDINGS w l ret. w i ret. , v " 10 diuo u 10 13 11 31 II IT II M7 an Fran li ii .000 Aim. 1 .n Hiiywd Portlind It II .Mi Oakland 11 11 .133 Sgodar'a Raiulle: Seattle lo-lo, sin Frencieo I I. Loi Amrlei 3.1, Sacramento 0-3. Sen Dieio 1-1. Oakland 1-1. Hollywood M. Portland . Setarda? EtiilU: Seattle I. San mnctico 1 (10 lnnlui) Lo, Anielea 0, Sacramento 1 Portland 10, Hollywood i. San Ditto 4, Oakland 0. In the sixth, Ted Beard tri pled and scored on an infield out for the Stars. The Stars tied the game in the eighth on Saffell's single, another three bagger by Beard and Frankie Kelleher's single. By SCOTT BAILLIE San Francisco u.R) Well looks here! Lefty O'Doul's pore I'll San Diego Padres have rocketed from the basement to fifth place in the Pacific Coast League standings after sweep- th. r. T s..h.V. Tn , the rug twice la Sunday s dou- ble header. And it was a day of double header debacles around most of the open circuit, with the exception of the Los Angeles Sacramento tangle which saw each club win a game. And even there, the Seraphs wound up losing the series, 4-3, and skidded to a game and a half behind first place Seattle. The Suds doused, the San Francisco Seals twice, 10-6 and 10-1. But things were really rough in San Diego where Oak land rated a team to watch in pre-season dope sheets, g-t conked 7-1, and 6-1. Second Best 1 The Seals not only lost a twin bill to Seattle but also came out second best as debat ers. Manager Tommy Heath was thumbed out of the first game in the fifth inning by first base umpire Gordon Ford. Later he was Joined by catcher Will Tieslera and first baseman George Vlco, who stirred the ire of plate pundit Joe Lacov etti. Walt Judnich hit a three run homer to help squash San Francisco in that opener. In the second affair, Seattle scored six times in a horren dous sixth inning that saw all. of the runs go down as un earned. With two out, third baseman Sal Taormina bob bled a grounder and the bags were packed. Jackie Tobin was given first on Interference by catcher Nini Tornay to squeeze in one run. Old re liable Muncrief then came in to rescue Bill Bradford, gave up a walk and then a three run double to Clarence Maddern, who stroked in five of the Se attle tallies. That knocked 'em into the aisles homeward bound. Rappin' Robert Wrathful Robert Dilllnger, who was horse-collared by the . ' Angels' Joe Hatten in the op ener while trying to hit safe ly in his 18th straight game, smacked in all three of Sacra mento's tallies to give the Sol ons a 3-1 verdict in the finale. L. A. won the first contest as Lefty Joe spun a three hitter. Two of the Seraph tallies were set up when Lennie Attyd kicked two grounders in a row at second. This week Seattle is at Port land, Los Angeles at Oakland, Sacramento at San Diego and San Francisco at Hollywood. The Rainiers-Sevos and Sacs Padres series open tonight. Pirat lama: Portland 100 100 000 00 1J 1 Hollrwood 030 Ml 103 017 11 1 Adama. Blllott (). Walbel (10) and Oladd; Queen. Muir (4) and Braaan- aecoad fame: Portland 000 000 00 1 0 Hollrwood Ml 000 x 1 4 0 Ward and rKfelnaon; O'Donnell and Malone. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orfo The Box Score Tut Portland - Hollnrood lirat saraa 01: , ParUaat ' . (t) llrwaad ilOl KOI AuitlD.M S 1 4 S SaifllUt I1SI RuMell,rfv ISIS Walli.l (lot RtitoUU(v till Board. I II I oladitn.ef tilt Lonf.U 1111 HeieM - s IS 4 a-ninr.ll IIS Eeaert.t 1111 SWlenj.1 S 1 S I BulnUl.l 111 b-Pnllpa.l I Drant.l 111 Bail all. I I II I Oladd.a 111! Koahrt.ai S 1 I S Adimi.f 111 Ereieaa 4 1 Illlott.p Quoin. 1 t Walbel.o I Mulr.a .411 ToUll 41 11 31 1 ToUW 41 IS 11 1 Two out whtn winning run ocorfd. a OMnilad lor IVui IB Ith. b walkod for eterana In 1Mb. Portland 10 100 000 40 Hlla .... 101 no 100 1111 Hollywood 030 001 30 1 T 010 001 040 1111 1; lb SB KrBbSo Hlla .. . Pitoner Adema i Elliott .... ...14 ...3 ...1 1114 141 1111 4 1 s s a Walbel Queen Muir ....IV. 114 0 1 Wlnnar: Muir. Low: Wafcel. ft: Aultln. Ruaieli. Oledatone, Skierl, Oladd, Adama, Walla, Beard 1, Loot, Stevena. Koehorek. Muir. V: Oladitona. waua. Koanorek. run: uiaaawne 1. Oladd. Rueiell 1, Eraaan S. Loaf. Beard, Kelliner. Walla. HBP: Br Ademi. Oat- fall. LOB: Portland . Hollywood I. IB: Beard 1. HR: Oladatono. Sao: Reatolll, Oladatono. BB: Beard. DP: Lons and Stevens; Auatln, Orant and Rolebl ate vena and Banall. T: S:43. Ut OarluooL Sllva and Doran. aeoond sama bos acort : ' (1) BaUnra H O A B H O A Austln.sa 0 0 1 Blfttll.Ct Ruasell.rf 1 Valla.3 Robbe.rl 0 Baard.rl 0 Lom.lt Reitelll.lf PlKHtn.cI Arlt.l Robnson.o Bailiukl, Orant.l Ward.p I Steveni.l 1 Baaaall.1 0 Malone.o 1 Koinria 0 - S O'Oonel.p Oil, Totali 11 1 II I Total! 11 411 1 Portland 0M 000 00 Hlta Ml 000 01 Hollywood 2I!U Ill 100 X 1 Pltoher lp Ab R H Lr Bo Co Ward SI I a O'DonneU 1 11 1 4 1 R: satfell. REI: Lor . :. . Beard. LOB: Portland -4, Hollrwood 1. 3B: Alaiona. SB; Bearti. VP: ,u- ai... Hoblnion; Lons and Stevena. T: 1:11. U: BUva, Doran and Carlueol, A: , Plrat aama: ' Seattle 110 040 11011 IS 1 San Pranclaco ... .110 mo 101 ill Wtdmar. Klndalathar (II. Dal Duea (01 and Ortali: Boamler. Bradloard (1), Bavaca (1), Clouih (1). Bnandor (4) and Tteaiara, Torn ay (). aacond tami: v Saaltl SM It O10 M J Ban Pranclaco 010 000 o 1 1 Brane, Lovrtoh (1) and chrlallat Ma cau, Bradford (1),. Muncrief, (I) and Oregon State, Oregon Track Teams Both Lose (Br Tbi iaaoolaia Praai) Washington Stat and Wash ington shaped up Monday as the teams to beat in the Pacific Coast Conference Northern Di vision track . championship chase on the basis of lopsided dual meet wins Saturday. With George Wldenfelt and Denny Meyer paving the way, the Huskies of Washington roll ed over Oregon State's out gunned Beavers at Corvallls, 93-39. Wldenfelt, a versatile whirlwind at point-getting, piled up 14 counters as he wrapped up the discus event, tied for first in the high jump and placed second in three other events. Meyer cracked the meet rec ord with a 9:18.8 two-mile run, the fastest time ever recorded on Oregon State's Bell Field. At Pullman, Washington State collected 12 of IS ffrstsl 1288 State St. At a time when we fine Eastern Oregon on every beef cut in Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF BBEF. , Arm Cuh JFresb LEAN WN YORK CUT TENDER LOIN 8' saiin Etfll C ROAST or STEAK S5a Hearts and Tongues Young Hens,V 4tSmSTM. Fully DrisxJ and Drawn iy v wet i Bi.t ..lection of Fancy Eastern Or.gon Heraford b.if. crtdit may bo arranged. Nothing down a full ysar to Half or Whole Pound Baby Beef LIVER Tender, Lean, Meaty to scuttle Oregon's Ducks, 86 45. It was the third straight Northern Division track win for the Palouse outfit. Bill Link and Al Fisher of the Cougars set new meet rec ords. Link's time ot 1:54.1 for the 880 cracking the old stand ard of 1:54.8 set by Sharp of Oregon lnl98S, and Fisher's two mile run time of 9:27.3 beating the 9:35 record he es tablished himself last .year. . ) Linfield Downs PU Forest Grove W) Linfield spotted Pacific three runs in the second inning then went on a four-run splurge in the fifth here Saturday to dump Pacific, 10-4, in a Northwest Conference baseball game. ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT H H GROCERY FOLGERS f&St know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Blade (uh Rumps &oim9 IEEIF Front Quarter - Pound IS1' . 39l$1telBacbn , 49' More Sports on Page 19 Wolves Defeat Portland, 13-4 Monmouth, (U.B Oregon College of Education romped over the University of Port land, 13-4, in a non-league baseball contest here Saturday. The Wolves backed pitcher Whltey Palmquist's five-hit hurling with a 14-hlt attack ON WE THE BEST Fancy Eastern Oregon RourM-Bcm Wb Stub mum , & eeif Don't foil to toko odvontog poy. PCt U against the Pilot pitcher. VImI AtmllMtlAi.. Ll-Vl- II . Zomi proM it promptly nlirrwa hea ler, burntnc if aoiu, ruaaa, ata lato'o foot, paortiala and aimllar n ac aam ana wceup imtatlOBI. XOwat topi acratchinf and ao lids taunt, Thou tai how quiakly akin aUrttll l mmtu aeaural a ZEM0 oiwir out Awin strmstk Zirrn for stsbboia i HIGHWAY WAY IS... Phone 3-6489 Hereford mm f tio price.. ConvonJont Hind Quarter Pound CHUCK STEAK LB. 1 -li v- v-