Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 04, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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IT ;-
Psr 14
Monday, May 4, 1953
Kahut's Manager
Files Protest
Over Decision
EdmonUn fP) A disputed
ll-romnd split ioetsloa
awarded Karl" Walls, Cans
diaa heavyweight champ
from Edmonton, ever Port
land'! Joe Kahnt here Fri
day night was belaf rsriew
ed by the Edmonton boiinf
eommiMlon Monday.
Tony Carulll, K a hut's
Manager, filed a protest with
the Commission Saturday.
Carulll charged that one
Judge was coaching and
cheering Walls while scoring
the match. -
The judge In question,
whose name was not reveal
ed, scored K eight rounds
for Walls, two even and none
for Kahnt. The ether judge
aaw It five, four and eae and
the referee had It tour
rounds for each fighter and
twe even. Carulll wanted
the eomml'jlon to rule the
bout a "no decision' match.
gram at Hollywood Bowl Sat.
uiday night.
, Several roadsters ihowej up
at the track in hopes of rac
ing, but Jupiter Pluviui failed
to let up, and the cars were
forced to go home without
having even gotten off tholr
Another auto racing pro
gram is .teing lined up for
Rain Halts
Auto Racing
Rain forced postponement
of the opening auto racing pro
next Satuidoy.
Battmky, Hay IMS
. . . ...... - .: . ,. 4..., - ,. . ,
s . b -v-ri. . '
Dflrlc 5f0r WinilSr D"k Moreno p, wins
lUIIV JIUI 1TIIIIICI 7th Kentuehy Derby at
Louisville. Native Dancer, the favorite, Is second. In
TigoTBtor la third. (CP Telephoto)
'Expertf Still Say Best
Horse Didn't Win Derby
LoaUvUle, Ky. t.B Will
Native Dancer gain revenge for
Ms upset defeat in the Ken
tacky Derby by spoiling Dark
Star's bid for the tarf's triple
Veteran horsemen, Just re
covering from the surprise of
' Dark Star's 25 to 1 triumph in
' Saturday's run for the Roses at
. Churchill Downs, were busily
debating that Jtiig post-Derby
question today as both Star
eolts were readied for ship
. ' ment to Belmont Park.
Many of the hard boots very
? frankly said they thought the
' best horse didn't win the Der
by even the official chart of
the race declared the second
place Native Dancer 'probably
was tne Dest" in the field.
And these were stoutly argu
ing Al Vanderbilt's big gray
colt will wreak revenge on
Dark Star when the two clash
on May 23 in the second
"Jewel" of the triple crown,
the $100,00 added Preakness
Stakes at Plmlico.
Many Champion Loser
On the other, 'hand, Dark
Star's new legion of fans point
ed out that the Preakness is a
slxteenth-of-a-mlle shorter than
haul Dark Star in the Derby,
he'll never do H in a shorter
rsce. i
. jocsey jMnrl Moreno was
reaping a major share of the
praise from the hardbooti for
his winning ride on Dark Star.
The over-looked rider got his
speedy horse off in front and
rated him along at the head of
But Vanderbllt and walnerTw Dk CaaL
s wiiy iivii Mccn
Bill Winfrey emphasized that
they have "no complaints" Cf.0f af Another
about Guerin's ride, and theyj
World Champion
3:02, only three-fifths of a sec
ond off the Derby record.
Movie Ride
"He couldn't have ridden a
better race if I had given him
a blueprint," said Hayward.
There's no argument at all
that Native Dancer-had -what
one trainer called a "rough
trip" in the Derby, he was
jostled by Money Broker on
the first turn and then some
what boxed in.
"My horse sot slouched on
the first turn," said bitterly
disappointed jockey Xric Gue-
rin. "And, besides, he didn't
seem to like the track."
Some Native Dancer fans
were blaming Guerln for not
keepinng his previously un
beaten steed out of trouble.
They said that he should have
kept Native Dancer clear and
that, by failing to do so, he
generously overlooked Native
Dancer's bad racing luck with
the joint comment that they
have "no alibis" for his defeat.
Both Winfrey and Xd Kay-
ward, trainer of Dark Star, dis
closed that their horses came
out of the Derby in "perfect
condition" Winfrey denied
that the Dancer had developed
ankle trouble. Winfrey said
Native Dancer probably will
make his next start in the rich
Withers Stakes at Belmont,
the pack perfectly to clock May IS, but Hayward indicated
the Derby, and they argue that cost the favorite at least four
u nauve uancer eouian't over 'lengths.
the Derby champion probably
woul not run again until the
following week's Preakness. .
"Jewel," the $100,000 Belmont
Stakes, is another three weeks
after the Preakness, on June
13. That race is a mile and a
half, a quarter-mile lonaer
man me ferny,
Salem's own Tony Ross, who
wrestled world's heavyweight
champion Lou Thez a few
months ago, would like to get
a shot at world's junior heavy
weight champion Danny Mc
Shain, too.
All that stands between Ross
and a match with McShain is
tomorrow night's one - night
wrestling tournament at the
Salem armory.
Ross and seven other wres
tlers will compete in the
single - elimination tourney,
with the winner to enter the
ring against McShain the fol
lowing week.
Wrestlers entered hi tomor
row's tournament will draw
for positions just before the
j start of the tournament. i
SEE ... ENJOY . . .
Fishing and Hunting Big Game
Around the World by Merle Tobias
A Spectacular Moving Picture in Sound and Color
Fish - Big Gome Amazing Scenery!!
The dream trip every sportsman would like to take .. .
Action, Thrills, Adventure . . . 2 Solid Hours
Mr. Tobias traveled 48,300 miles and covered 29 countries by plane, boat, ox-cart,
elephant, camel and on foot to take thesepictures in MEXICO. CHILE, ARGEN
Admission Adults $1.00 Juniors 1 50c
Leslie Junior High School
MAY 5 AND 6, 8 P.M.
Sponsored by Salem Chapter Izaak Walton League. Tickets
available at the door. This show has shown to capacity audi
ences all over the Northwest.
1 : 'MWMMiMMMMisssssssssssSsssMal
I ujp JM OUT I the k Mimmi fMi ..
vl yWyYjjrm WIWMI, i 11 , II lllllIT 11 MIlZllWW 1 1 I M
-"- -"i It -
ire? U T4i
o Fun
o $200 in
o Free
Wednesday, May 13
(Thost net leaving frst tkktts from
Hi Capitol Snooping Conttr wiH hoy
o poy th rsquirsd ofmlilon prko.
In cot of rain, His gam will bo post
poned until May 14th)
Free Game-May
'Root, root, root for the home-team" with the rest of Salem on Wednesday night, May 13th, at the Salem
Bring the whole family . . . it's OUR treat! You can get tickets ABSOLUTELY FREE with no purchase ne
cessary at any store in the CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER! FREE PRIZES ... a Vi horsepower Elgin out
board motor ond a complete picnic set including a portable grill . . both valued at $100 . . will be awarded!
Remember see the Salem Senators in action Wednesday night, May 13th absolutely free as guests
of the CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER where you'll find the "friendliest stores in town."
6jS5virvvJ.- . IQMWMI 111
iHferA pi in i