Msi Can't Seem io Keaclhi3 By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. . The Salem Senators paraded five pucnera to the mound in an attempt to stop Wenatchee In the second half of a twin bill at Waters park Sunday, but the Chiefs, who used three pitchers, outlaftled the Senators to win 10-8 In eight innings. The tame was scheduled for seven frames. Salem thus kicked its chan ces to pull up to the .500 mark In Western International lea gue play. The Senators came within one game of .500 by winning yesterday's opener, 1- o, Demna tne brilliant pitching oi bod uoiuns. Collins, the only Salem pitcher who has won a game this year, racked up his second win of the young season with a nifty six-hitter. He kept Wen- atcnee's hits well scattered. . The Chiefs never got more than one hit in an inning, and no body on the Wenatchee team got more than one hit. Wenatchee failed to get a man beyond second base un til the ninth inning, when the Chiefs, aided by a couple ' of walks, filled the bases with two out. Jack Hemphill came in to re lieve Collins at that point. Hemphill only pitched to one batter. But that was enough. Chuck Malmberg popped up to catcher Bob Nelson to end the game and give Salem Its 1-0 win. The Salem run came in the seventh inning when Nelson walked, was sacrificed to sec ond by Ray Stratton, and scor ed on Dick Sabatini's single. The second game was a scorekeeper's nightmare in which Salem used 15 players and Wenatchee 12. Bill Bevens started pitch ing for Salem. He worked five frames, then was fol lowed by, In order, Larry Borst, Hemphill, Dick Strom bach and Collins. Strombach, who went In with one out in the seventh and tayed until there was one out in the eighth, was nicked for the loss. Wenatchee's two win ning runs in the eighth were scored on Babe Fuhnnan's hit off Collins, but the men who scored were left on base by Strombach when Collins en tered the game, so Strombach was charged with the defeat. Ths seventh inning provid ed the most thrills in the nightcap. Salem held a 5-4 lead when the seventh in ning opened, Wenatchee scor ed four runs In the top of the seventh to go out front 1-5, then Salem scored three In the bottom of the seventh to tie the score at 8-all. The first two Salem batters In the seventh failed to reach base. ' All of the action eame after two out. Salem outhit Wenatchee in the nightcap, 12-8. Three of the Senators' hits were by Don Taylor, who had gone hitless in five nrevious games.' The Senators hit the trail for Victoria last night, and are scheduled to play in the Cans- dian city tonight. Bill Nelson, rookie outfielder who gradual ed from Salem high school last spring, was left behind. He was released by the club because he is to be called Into the armed forces soon. (By Ths Associated l?ressl One win streak was ended but another was in the making , Monday as the Western inter national Baseball League turn ed Into the second week of the 1953 camnaien. The Lewiston Broncs, unde feated in their first eight star tripped the ninth time out and fell 4-2 before -the Edmonton Eskimos in the second game of r-i doubleheader at Lewiston Sunday night. The Broncs won thevopener 3-1. Sookanc's Indians, mean while, made it lour straight with a twin killing at Spokane. shading the Calgary Stamped- ers 3-1 and 7-6. In other Eamcs Sunday, Van- pouver cliDDed Yakima 9-3 and mc; Victoria whipped Tri-City 7-5 and 10-6. Two bases-empty home runs by Clint Cameron gave Lewis ton the edge In Sunday's open er at Lewiston. The Broncs continued their heavy-hitting in the nightcap but the Eski mos cashed in on a wild throw to hand the home team Its first setback. The Eskimos scored twice In the third inning on a single and triple and added two more runs, both unearned, when catcher Dick Neil, with the bases loaded, overshot first base and threw into right field while trying a pickoff play. Spokane's John Cordell tam ed Calgary with five well spaced hits in the opener at Spokane, while his teammates touched Bill Stites for eight, ' WIL Standings INTEINATIONAI. LCAGUI Associated Prem l. SSLT" ! 1 " i Victoria 4 .coo Wntehee I Trl-Clty 4 .III SBlsm Vancouver I 4 .lit idmntn i Yakima .iu Calgary I Senlay'e Baalist Vaneouvar l-l, Yakima 3-1. i Salem l-l. Wenalcheo 0-10. Victoria wo. Trl-Clty l-l. Spokane 3-1. Calgary Lewliton a-j, Edmonton 1-4. Satardar Beaalisi Spokane l-l, Calgary l-l. Lewliton io, Edmonton . Trt-Cllir II, Victoria I. Yakima s, Vancraver 1. MHil i Schodalai Trl-Clty t Vancouver. Balem t Vlctorli. . Only games scheduled. L ret. I .100 I .too 4 .131 I .! t .131 including Carl Bush's 875-foot triple in the fourth. Wilbur Johnson's sin ale scoring Dick Descalso, who had doubled, cinched the nightcap for the Indians. The Stamped ers scored two runs in the eighth but the rally was nip- pea py uordy Palm. who. re- liev Descalso on the mound. Descalso was credited with the win. , , ; ;. Vancouver staged a Sundav slugfest at Yakima, hammer ing out 18 hits in the first game and 11 in the seven-inning af terpiece. Danny the Lion Rios took the loss In the opener but was consoled by a home run over the left field wall in the seventh, his second of the sea son. Rookie Rod McKay turned in a three-hitter for the Cani- lanos in the nightcap. Victoria scored four runs in the sixth inning of the first game and capitalized on Tri City errors in the second to take both ends of the twin bill at Kennewick. The Braves staged last-ditch rallies in both games but both fell short. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 4, 1953 Page 13 Surprise Pittsburgh Team Racks Up Fifth Straight By CARL MJNDQUIST New York U.R Long John Llndell, who went 11 long years between pitching victor ies in the majors, was hoping today that his "knack with the knuck" would keep him from waiting that long tor the next one, even with the Pittsburgh Pirates. ' In fact, the Pirates might even be an asset, the . way they're going right now. For yesterday, as the 38-year-old Lindell turned in a four-hit, 8 Four-Way Tie For Lead in Gra-Y League GRA-T LEAGUE W L Pet. W 1 Hoover ' 2 2 .BOOfenllewood 3 : oerileid 1 1 ,333Qrnt ' l : W SAltm v 2 .OOORlchmond 2 : Bulb i : Pint lame: Wnatehoe (0) B Ulmbf.l I R.M'Ct.rf M.M'Ck.el 4 Purmn.ii 4 Culttl.c s Blchert,lf 4 Neil.l 4 Monroo.1 1 Beamn.p 1 x-Amra t i-Noih -Bthelo Totals m 14 ii Totals n in i xToi Monroe In Ith. . . Ren for Klenert In Ith. v Ran for Amara In lth. Wenatchee 000 000 0000 ( I Balem OOOOOOIOz 1 I 1 winning nor: Colllne. Pitcher IP B H It BR BOBB Beemon ....I II I 1 1 I I CoUlne Ha 11 I 7 4 Hemphill ... Vi 1 O I I Wild pltoh: BeAtnon. Left an basee: WenMche 1, Selem u. Brrora: Teneelll, Monroe, mom. TWO-Dase. mis: culttl. Runs betted in: rjabatlnl. Sacrifice: R. Mccormick, Stratton, Wltborepoon. Stol- aeej: sanaum, porea. Double slam Malmberg to Puhrman to Neal. Time: 2:30. Umplrei: Ashford and Van Keu Secool garni: Waaateko U0 B H Ulmbf.l R.M'ck.rf Purmn,ei Culttl.U Neal.l Monro.1 Aubertc Btholo.p I-M.M'Ck Bauhfr.n Oubrt.p O A 1 I BbatnUf 4 OLubr.J 1 Tnui,ei 4 4 Pern, 4 O Wtspn.l 1 Taylor.rr 4 0 Neleon,c 1 1 1 1 Collins, p 1 0 Hmpbl,p (1) Sale B H O A OA 1 Sornu.lf I ' 4 ITanelMi 1 1 Perei.l 4 OWthpn.l 4 Tarlor.rf 4 1 Ltiby.l 4 1 Metres. I 1 Bovenc,p 1 a-Hallor 1 OBoret.p 1 t BmpbU.p I Stmbc.p Colllne,p e-Nslsoa 1 (I) taleaa B H O 1 10 1 1 t 10 Totals 21 B 14 I Totale 1 11 24 a Grounded out for Boteblo In Itn. a smiled for Serene In Ith. b Piled out for Colllni In Ith. Wenatche 000 310 4210 I 1 Salem 020 030 30 I 11 I winning pitcher: oubre; loeing pitcner: strombach. Pitcher IP B Bothelo I SI Bauhofer ...1 I Oubra Ve I Bevenl I . 11 Boret Ipliu 3 Hemphill .... Ve 1 Strombach .1 Colllni a, R BR BOBB Wild plteheo: Bevenl. Hemphill. Left on bates: Wenatchee 1. Salem I. Brrors TanseUl. Lubr, Wltherspoon, Aubert, Neal. Three-nase hlte: Wlinerepoon. Monroe. Two-base hlte: Malmberg, Tar tar. Runs batted In: Taylor 3, Master. son, Monroe 2. Noah, Serlvens,, Tanselll. Peres, Neal, . aseconnaes a, wiwier- sooon puhrman a- oacrmce: oaoaunii Monroe 2. Malmberg. stolen bases: McCormack 2, Maeterson. Time: 2:11. Umplree: Van Keuren and Ashford. At tendance: 1707. Sunday Unescores: First game. Vancouver 102 000 240 I Yakima 001 000 1001 Hernandes and Lundberg; Rloi, man ill and Oar. Second game. Vancouver KI0 010 01 Yeklme 000 000 0 0 McKay and Lundberg: Locke Mountalnes. .117 .117 .M7 Ml Richmond, which had all alone in first place in Gra Y Softball standings, suffered its first tie for first with En blewood, Grant and Bush. Englewood . defeated Rich mond 13-4 at Olinger field Saturday. The Englewooders scored nine runs in the third inning. Bush edged Hoover 3-1 and Garfield won by forfeit from West Salem in other junior high activity Saturday. Seattle IT Wins Two From Washington U Seattle W Seattle univer sity tripped the Unlveristy of Washinston Huskies on com ends of a baseball doublehead er, 1-0 and 5.4, here Saturday as the Chieftains' Ernie Fas- tornicky twirled a no-hit, no- run game in the opener. Pastornicky Issued lour bases on balls. Stltea and Brisker; Cordell and Sheet. SmuihI lint. Calgary 102 001 020-4 10 4 Spokane 204 000 10x 7 I 1 Roberts. Prancls (4). Levlnson (I) and Ullard; Descalso, Palm (I) and Trl, andos. to 2 victory over the Cardinals, Pittsburgh made It five victor ies in a row. ' And Llndell, who first was a Yankee pitcher, then Yankee outfielder, and finally a minor league pitcher again as he developed his knuckle ball, figured that he could "stick around In this fast com pany for awhile as long as they have trouble hitting this junk I throw." Lindell's last major league pitching victory was on July 18, 1942 in a relief job for the Yankees against the White Sox, That year he had a 2-1 won and lost record and now with yes terday's win he has a 1-2 mark for this year. Other Games The Dodgers made it six straight victories with a 4-3 decision over the Braves and the Phils took a pair from the Cubs, 5 to 1 and 2 to 0 behind Robin Roberts 'and Curt Sim- been Imons. The Cincinnati at New York doubleheader was rain ed out. , In the American League, the Indians also cashed in on fine pitching to defeat the Senators, io u, and 4 to 3, and the Athletics took two from the White Sox, 4 to 2 and 10 to 6. The Yankees came from behind to top the Tigers 6 to 5, and the Red Sox drubbed the Brown's, 14 to 5, then lost 6 to 8. Billy Loes pitched three-hit ball for his third victory as Junior Gilliam "broke a 3-S seventh Inning tie in Brooklyn with a run-scoring, single. Del Crandall hit a Milwaukee hom er. The other two Braves' runs were unearned. Four-Time Winners Robin Roberts and Curt Simmons, the one-two pitch punch of the Phillies became the first National League hurl- ers to win four games apiece with their triumphs over the Cabs, who now have lost five in a row. ' The Yankees, trailing 5-2, put over four runs in the ninth to top the Tigers as pinch-hit ter Irv Noren's two-run single Major Leagues (By Tn Associated Press) AMERICAN LEAGUE W h Pet. W L ltw York 12 I .704 Chicago 10 S Cleveland 10 t .017 St. Louis I Phlladel 10 7 .III Wsihlng S 12 Boston , I T .Ml Detroit 111 Sunday's Resaltei New Tort I, Detroit I. i Cleveland 1-4, Washington 0-1. - Philadelphia 4-10, Chicago l-l. Boston 14-1, St. Louis l-l. Saturday Beealie: Boston I, Cleveland 1. Washington I, St. Louis 4.' Philadelphia 4, Detroit 1. . Chicago I, New York 7. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. W L Brooklyn 11 I .Ml Pittsbrgh I Phlladel 11 I .Ul Chicago I f St. Louis 7 I .603 Nw York I 10 Milwaukee T I .131 Clneln 2 1 Sander's Besalts: Cincinnati at New York. rain. Brooklyn 4, Milwaukee 1. Philadelphia l-l. Chicago 1-0. Pittsburgh I, St. Louis S. Saturday Beealte: ' Pittsburgh 11, Cincinnati 4. St. Louis. New York, rain. Chicago, Brooklyn, rain, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, rain. Lewis and Clark Defeats Bearcats, Moves Into First (By Th Associated Proas) Lewis and Clark moved Into first place In Northwest Con ferenee baseball standings Sat urday by defeating Willam ette, 7-2., In other games, College of Idaho trimmed Whitman, 10-S and 2-0, In doubleheader and Linfield stopped Pacific, 10-4. Phil Wong scored ' what proved to be Lewis and Clark's winning run In the eighth In ning. The Pioneers added four more in the ninth. Ray Heide held Willamette batters to three hits. . Rogtr Eayrtt pitched part of the first game and all of the second In College of Idaho's aouDie win over wnitman. Sayre and Harold Clure scor ed the tying and winning run in the first game on a single by Jim Ludwlg. WUIeaiette (I) (I) LC B at O A B O A Wlng.l I 2MrteU.u 1 S Lswls.l 1 t Allen.o 4 Daniels,! t Shpard.rf 1 KeU.lf S I Hrde.p 3 1 , 1 " ' ' ; .. I l 1 s 1 B IS M 1 t 1 S was the ke blow. Jim Delaing hit a homer and a double for the Tigers. Lefty Bobby Shantz won his third game for the A's, scatter ing eight hits as Allie Clark delivered a two-run homer. Ferris Fain hit his second hom er in as many days for Chicago. In the second game, Alex Kell ner became the American Lea gue's first four game winner as Clark came through with three more runs batted In on two hits. Elsasser.lf 4 3 XrkndalU 4 Perlman.3 4 4 Resd.l 1 Koepf.e - 4 Shteld.rf I asorge.p S Orsy.p 1 Nelson.l Mascph t Doan,ph 1 Kangae,ph 1 Totals 13 Willamette , Hits LC H1U Pitcher George Gray . Hvde . hbp Male y nyae. pit Alien, iaju Willamette 7, L&C I. E Haugen I, Klr kendaU, Koepf, George, Mart, Allen. HR Haugen, Wing. RBI Haugen, Male, Martell 1. DP Willamette: Eangan to Parisian to Reed; Oeora to IVoed; Klr kondall to Penman 'to Read. T 1:00. D Sampbell as Kegel.. First game. Edmonton 100 000 O0O1 I 1 Lewiston 000 210 00X- I 0 conant, Caeter (4) and Morgan; Tenon and Cameron. Second game. Edmonton 002 ooo 2004 I 1 Lewleton 000 000 2002 7 1 Wldner and Plianl: Nicholae, Clancy (I) and Nell, Cameron (1). Saturday llnoecoros: Pint game, Calgary 001 001 100 I I I Spokane 010 130 1010 14 2 Kapp. Scbult (9) and Llllard; Romero and Sheet. Second game. calsary loo ooo ooo ool ( o Spokane 000 000 010 012 I I Hlppner and Brleker; Spring, DeWItt (I), Pranks (11) and Trlandos, Sheets (). Edmonton ooo ooo 021 1 II 4 Lewleton 030 411 01140 1 Tisnerat, Eskenberry 141, Prentice (I) and Morgan: Brenner and Cameron. Victoria 012 Oil 000 111 Trl-Clty 001 201 Sx 1 II 2 Walker, Wllllama (4), Hodges (7), Ab arnathy 7 and Martin, Brusa (I); Tanner, Dobernlo (7) and Pesut. Vancouver OOO OOO 0011 I 1 Yakima 200 000 00s 2 0 Ouldborg, Thomason (I) and Lund berg, Plinn and Day. Wenatchee at Salem, postponed, rain. II 3 Chlp- 11 0 I 0 ana Plrst game, Victoria 101 014 0007 11 2 Trl-Clty 000 032 001 I 1 0 WMneskl, Williams (II, Walker III and Brusa, Martin 10); Snyder, Michel eon (I), Hockaday (I) and Peaut. Second game. Victoria 240 000 410 10 0 Trl-Clty 001 030 l-l 11 3 Bottler and Martin: Eioom, hockb day 13) and Johnson, Pesut II). Plrst gsme. Calsary ..... Spokane ..010 000 000-1 . .000 100 2011 Why Suffer Any Longer When others fail, uae our Chtnetvr rimedici. Am Mine tuccesi for (000 reart in China. No matter with what allmenia you are afflicted, dlaorteri, sinusitis, heart, lunsa, liver, kidney. iu, ontlpfttlon, ulcem, dUbete. rheumatliim, tall and bladder fever, skin, female complaints. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB Ce. Office Henre D te 1 Tee. and Bat. only til N. Cemmerelal Phene 11 SM SALEM, ORE. I 17 II -Totals 32 4 27 II 000 100 001-S I 001 100001 000 030 0147 4 I 010 000 031 ' TP .. B H R BR BOBB .1 17 13 11 I .1 I 14 1 0 1 I M 1 1 1 W 1 Whitman 100 40I.S10 I I College of Idaho... 100 Ml 11a 10 s S Oeborn. coon. Aronson aaa Fsner: Martin, Sana and dura. Second am (T Innlnga): Whitman 000 000 00 4 1 College of Idaho 100 000 02 t l Aronson and Neher; Sarr and cimre. Llnfteld 001 Ml 00 10 11 1 PaclllO' MO 010 OOO 4 S I Couraey and Olson; Waoote. Pol vast cr im uuigan. A- a Mm Hanging on the Ropes j I Jimmy Herring it' literally 'hanging on the ropes as he almost goes out of the ring In the second round at St. Nich olas Arena In New York. His opponent, Ralph (Tiger) Jones (left), a fast-moving middleweight, scored a 10-ronnd tra snimens decision. (UP Telephoto) McNulty Signed By Edmonton- Edmonton (1 Righthander nay Mcnuity, purcnasea as a nee sgent by the Edmonton entry in the 'Western Inter national League. Saturday, is due to Join the Eskimo pitch ing stall Tuesday. . McNulty, recently out loose by the San Francisco Seals of the Coast League, won 19 and lost 18 for the Salem Senators of the WIL last season. Mc Nulty is 28. Oregon Golfers Win Eugene u. University of Oregon golfers built their win streak to 21 with a 36-1 victory over Oregon State here Satur day. Don Kreiger of Oregon took medalist honors with a 72. WU Track Squad Defeats Whits At Walla Walla . ' Walla Walla, Wash.' U.R) ' Willamette aiiiverslty swspt four events and piled up en--ough points for second and third places to defeat Whit SMsn, 74H to SCH, In a dual track neet here Sarorday. The loatnc WhierrflAn Ml stoiutlriM, however, w e n etght first places - to seven for the visiting Bearcats. On ly ; doable winners were WhliEnan's Harold Parrott and WUlaarMtte's Deaa Ben son. Parrott esntnred tke mile sad Its, while Beiawm took first in .both Irardles. (WO) i 3rd Toud (Wtit)V Hark: SI'S". tMscus 1st' QUson (W0)i 2nd Plsiar (Whit); 3rd Porter (WU). Marxi 13r4". HJ 1st Scbulae (WU): 2nd Rob Ins cm (WMt)f 3rd 4-way lie lor 3rd. Mark: I",-1. V, r , 1. J ". Vault: 1st EUse (Whit); lud aUleola (WD); Murray (Whit). Mark: Il'S". Snot 1st Plexor (Whit): 2nd oiltoa (WU): 3rd Pouehet (Whit). Mark: 44'10". Javelin 1st Nenerud (WU)i and Mar tln.(WU)l 3rd Besaoa (WU). Mark: 1M'. 1-MOe lit Hmbert (Whit): Snd Emper (WU): 3rd Bradehaw (Whit).- Mark: 10:11. Rauur 1st Whitman (Sander. Fowler, Parrott, May). Mark: 3:11. 0SC Net Teams Win Eugene ftl.!0 Oregon State's varsity and Rook tennis teams posted 7-0 and. 0-1 victories over Oregon's varsity and troth squads here Saturday.) TIDE TABLE Mea far Tail, Ovasea May. IMS 01 iUe kg m-rer, May High Watera j Ton Bevsht 4 1:ta a.m. l.l . I:M 44 . I 1:11 a.aj. I. v: M rm. 4-1 ; S - l og a.m." s.t ' 1:30 P.m. 1.1 1 1:21 a.m. 1.1 1:05 p.m. 1.7 S , 7:S4 a.m. 4J ' 1:4 m.wL. M S. Caaat ant OMSatta. reeuaa. ctseaaail TlauaatgM MM a. as. -4,7 M-.U m. 1.1 11-.M a.m. -.( 11:17 S.I 12 W p.m. -OJ 1:03 a.m. 1:11 p.m. a-e, - m 1:1 m. as I m lat sVaneon (WTJ) tayl StlMlllar WU)t -Irn-Hntf (WU). 1W 1st Va Borm nroll' a Oak eas (WUli, lr loBsvnS ,CWU,. Matt :ro.l. - ' - Wla let Parrott (Wbdtll ml ataxnan- eon (won n . iwu). i SMI . . , 440 1st May nrsnn ana pemsr (Whtt)l M OrttMb (WO). Mart: IX lat wenenii fOTtrii InA Pel fWhlttl ltd Cocking (WC1. Mark: MA 210 1st Orlfflth (WU): 2nd Van Horn (WU): 3rd Lofland (WU). Mark: :2I. MO let Parrott (Whit): 2nd Hovt (WU): Irl Miller (WU). Mark: 3:00.1. BJ 1st Roc-inett fWhlDl Snd Shangla aTAkeaiiuiUaB tssrnsrsemV . cam. maamxM. tont skOBS AI. BZABZ AM- 1 ' asrxn TOlto T OMM1 At-rira hiM CBjcj m. 1 ; SBtKlN BUCK WKATsUtV PADOT MACK. - -. T - .- J.- ' . ;""-'S " SALEM ARMORY ' TUESDAY. 8:30 P.M. iftrnttti Itf Am. Itgleii No. 9 CEEi SPECIAL SLACK SALE Men1 Slacks 95 Pr. (FACTORY IRREGULARS) 100 Wool GABARDINES, FLANNELS . AND TWEEDS SIZES 28 THRU 42 Open All Day Saturday KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 So. 12th "The Street the Troins Run On" iLesLO(Br.... . In I performanoe with today only new-typo engine. ..with anazlng new ways to I steer and etop - You cant tmeetne wtvat Ctrye)er eogtreftng tacirwjfwp does for you I CCVv ' until you drtv tne car that's kn' fVret wvtlH nor airemj tiwN 1 nuaTii'iiii 'clryeUr than ciH other rrvakM of o&m corrvfcrarved I I "OWlR RIDBM ; rood rodayl Mew Yoirlkeir Now Available The New Chrysler Ait-temp Alr-Cofldftroning System 3;: .J? A SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 435 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. t PH. 4 3333 y