Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 04, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    jfondBy, May 4, 1953
Volunteers rush atop smoking debris followinir rh.m.
leal plant explosion at Peabody, Mass., as a hand of vic
tim later Identified as Francis Donovan, trapped in wreck
age, beckons for help. Donovan was first sighted by
Donald McCormick (left) and AP staff photographer J.
Walter Green who made this picture. Donovan was among
25 injured in the blast in which there is one known dead,
(AP Wirephoto)
WnndiT. Mar 4
Organised Marine Corps reserve
unit at navai avna juarme corps
Deserve training center.
Company B, 162nd Infantry regi
ment, and headquarters detach
ment. Oregon National Guard, at
ftdem armory.
MMth VAR squadron at ORC
Oregon Mobilisation designation
attachment No. 1, at ORC armory.
Jiame Officers
Eugene, (A1) Delegates to the
oreeon Reserve Officers Associa
tion conference here Saturday
elected Army Maj. Alvan P. Park
u president.
Elected vice president were:
Army Ma, Uuls J. Ammell,
Portland; Navy Com. Murdoch M."
Maxwell, Astoria; Air Force, Col.
Robert W. Sheets, . Portland. Lt.
Col. Percival Blenkinsop, Port
bud, was elected chaplain, and
Hi). Morgan Griffith, Eugene,
LU Ellamae W. Naylor, Portland,
wu appointed secretary and Lt.
Col. Joel Hertsohe Jr, Portland,
necutlve secretary.
toil Recruit Training
Sao Diego, Calif. Pvt. Gordon
Leroy Selby, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Eirold Selby, Route 1, Box 406,
Dallas, has recently completed his
btiic training at the Marine Corps
recruit depot here and will now
Use four weeks of individual com
bat training. Selby, a graduate of
the Salem Academy In 1951, prior
to hit enlistment was a mill work
er at the Willamlna Lumber com
pany, Wlllamlna, Oregon.
b Operation
Taking part in Sea Jump, Navy
iDd Marine Corps training exer
cise being staged April 30 through
Uiy 17 on the West Coast are
tlx men from this area, who are
Third Marine division at Camp
Four of the group are with the
Fourth Marine regiment. These
ue Pfc. George A. Sundlin, a
ttreman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Sundlin, 2580 Laurel ave
nue, Salem; Cpl. Harold D. Stan
ley, machine gunner, son of Mr.
end Mrs.. Charles Standley, Turn
er. Oregon; Cpl. Donald L. Steph
ens, a fire team leader, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephons of
Dayton; and Pfc. David L. Se
nlt in automatic rifleman, son
of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Seratt,
Route 2, Canby.
With the 4.2 mortar company of
Hie Ninth Marines, a unit of the
Third Marine Division, is Cpl.
Uwrence A. Pack, son of Mr. and
Aire. o. e. Facie, route a, iums
He is a squad leader.
One of the men from the Third
Marine division Is a Navy man.
He is HM2 Glenn C. Roberts, Mill
City, a corpsman in the Ninth
Marines. He is the son of Mr. and
Mri. Ramon L. Roberts, Mill City.
Serving at El Toro
Tm Marin. Torns Air Station,
B Toro, Calif .Pfc Mary A. Wied
ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Wiedner, Yamhill, Oregon, is
serving with Women Marine De-
tacnment One at this air swuon.
A m-aduate of the Yamhill Union
high school in 1852, Pfc. Wiedner
enlisted in the Marine Corps in
December, 1952. She is currently
eervlnsr as a clerk in the admin
istration ofUce of the Station
Operation Squadron One.
Honor Graduate
Ounn Ttahorto Pvt. GllV SCOtt,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott.
Sublimity, Oregon, was the honor
Graduate of the Cooks School
Class 21 recently graduating here.
The aoldier was presented with
a pen and .pencil set for being
the honor graduate with the pres
entation made by Maj. David E.
Brooks, chief of the manpower
division, personnel section at
Camp Roberts. Scott prior to his
induction in the army was on a
livestock ranch. His wife, Mary
Ann, resides at the Ross Motel
Paso Robles, near here.
At Air Station
' Moffett Field. Calif Trnv; V.
Dunn, aviation storekeeper air
man USN, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl L. Dunn, Gervais, Oregon,
recently reported at the Air Sta
tion here for duty with Air Trans
port Squadron 3. A graduate of
the Gervais hlch school. Dunn
attended the University of Ore
gon before entering the Naw in
September, 1951. Prior to being
assigned here he was stationed
at the U. S. Naval Station Kwa
Jaleln, Marshall Islands.
Astoria. Oregon Wavne L. Hub.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hug of
Route 1. Mt. Ansel, was recently
promoted to a seaman in the U.S.
navy. Hug, who is stationed at
the U.6. Naval Station Tongue
Point, entered the Navy in June,
VFW Auxiliary
Elects Officers
Silverton District Encamp
ment for District 20, Auxiliary
to Veterans of Foreign Wars
was held Sunday afternoon in
the armory in Silverton with
Mrs. Anna Lenners, Woodburn
district president, presiding. ,
Guests introduced were:
Blanche Oberg, Portland, de
partment president; Cecil Ha
ter, Portland, department sen
ior vice-president; Jeanne Hop
kins, Salem, department assist
ant conductress; Marge Hanson, !
Dallas, president district 10;!
Wanda Dodge, Dallas. j
Annual election of officers
as held with the following
elected and appointed to fill
the offices: Marie Thomas, Sil
verton, president; Faye Simp
son, Salem, senior vice-president;
Catherine Lynch, Silver
ton, junior vice - president;
Frances Briggs, Salem, chap
lain; Hazel Tyler, Woodburn,
treasurer; Lavonne Romer, Sil
verton, conductress; Lenna El
liott, Silverton, guard; May
Mason, Rickreall, patriotic in
structor; Vivian Quartier, Sil
verton, secretary; Anna Len
ners, flag bearer: Blanche
Wentzel, Silverton. banner
bearer; Amelia Bolton, Salem,
musician; Mary Becker, Salem,
historian; Evelyn Kennedy. Sa
lem; Mary Horning, Woodburn;
Mary Lou Edgerton, Silverton,
trustees; color bearers, Mabel
Brooks, Marie Hansen, Donna
Kelso, Ann Clemens, all of Sa
Officers were installed by
Blanche Oberg. A gift was pre
sented to the. installing officer
b the district.
May Mason, Jr., past presi
dent of the district, presented
Anna Lenners with a district
past' .president's jewel. Mrs.
Lenners "was also presented
with gift by the auxiliaries of
the district, and from the re'
tiring officers.
Following the meeting the
auxiliary joined the Veterans
of Foreign Wars for a no-host
John B. ebMaoD, ! lMtl Burtl&g
horn. Artl 30. LU ruMtnt of tfl
Fourth . fturvlTMl kr Uf, Miner Mty
BbaoDon, Itiim; dausnUr, Mr. UUUn
Undrura. NtBDt. I4ftho: Mr. Km OIK
McComont. RuUlo, B. C.i Mr. Dorothy
Whltiur, Htltna, Moot.; Mr. Mtril
South, Poriltnd, Or.: Mr. Albort Wil
cox. Rtno, Ntv.i thret aodi, Chtrlei H.
nh.nnon. rIL Calif.:' Raymond P-
Shannon, Clatikanlt, Or.) Roy H. Bhan
non. Jor4n Valr; liter, Mr. Mattlt
MAsiftr. Jeim. Wvo.t 31 grandchlldrvQ,
ii mtt rndchildrn: 1 aat-frat
iranddauihur. Aorvlca will b held
TiuKlaj. My ft at 1:30 pm. at Clouih
Barrlck Chaptt with interment In Bl
ert Memorial vara, v
Vtrcy Blondell .
Percy Blundell tt Portland May 1
Lata reWent of 1350 Blulf St., Siltm.
Survived by wUe. Marl Blundell. Ba
lem; dautntor, Mr. Eileen windedihi.
Salem ; eon, Percy Ronald Bl undell,
Salem; alx trandchildyn; thr alitcra,
Mrs. Blanch Ptlerion, Sacramento,
CallM Mr. Kdna Davldaon. Sacramento.
Calif.; Mr. Bunk Boiicsi, Look Beach,
calif.: brother, Clarence Eiunoeii.
lem, Srvlce will be held Tueaday, May
I, at S p.m., In Vlrtll T. Golden Chapal
with rituallatlo rvlee by BPOI 338
and Interment at Balereit Memorial
Park. The Rer. John L. Caublt will ot
fJclata. ;-
Idiar Pdltaa Baanah
Bdiar Pulton Hannah, at tba real-
dance, 140 Hrubata Road, 8 Htm, May .
survivM by sutar, air, jeasit Phillips,
Plekan. Nb. Service will be held
Thuraday, May 7, at S p.m. In Vlrll T.
CoMen Chapel with he Rev. John Meyer
oincianni. !
ttatr Waal ' '
Homer Wait, formar raildnt af Jf-
fenon. Route 1, In Stayton Hoapltal.
aiay 2, at ace ot 68 years. Survived by
two ilaters, Blma Blanchard, Philomath,
and Mr. Alice DowelL Jefferson: one
brother, Alber West. Jafferaon; three
nepnews and lour nieces. Service will
be held In Jefferson Christian church
Tuwday, May 3, at t p.m. with In ter
mini in tienerion cemetery under ci
reotlon of Howell-Edwards Co.
Mr. Clera Ann Bondsha
Mr. Clora Ann Bondshu, U3 8. Com
mercial St., late resident of Ketier dis
trict, at a local nurslnc home May 3,
at the ai of 03 year. Survived by
three eUter. Mrs. P. W. Mcintosh,
Aberdeen, Wash.; Mrs. Otis Olllett, Mor
ton, Wuh, and Mrs. John Bubankj,
Clark ton, Mo. AIM surviving are several
niece and nephews, Including Mrs. Lest
Munson, Salem: Mrs. Dane Purvlne,
Corvauis) D. R. Walker, Kelser; William
Bellamy. Newport, and E. L. Honrfjihn
Olympla, Wash. Oraveakle aervlces at
Jason Lee cemetery Tuesday. May 6,
at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Daniel Walker
of Corvallls officiating, under the direc
tion oi me virau t. uoiden company,
Kleaaer May THai
, Eleanor Mar Titm. former reatdont ft
Turner, at a local hospital May I. Sur
vived oy nusDana Raymond L. Titus;
on, uien nius, saiem: iauehter. mm.
Joseph Barter, Salem; and brother, Mer
rel D. Richard. Bonneville; and two
grandchildren. Member of Turner Chris
tian church and Rcbekah Pldellty of
Mid-Willamette Obituaries
Mrs. Florence Tanzer
Mm ' Wannan Tant'a A9.X
rVorth 17th street, died in a
Salem hospital Monday, May
4. Surviving are a daughter,
Mrs. John Weins and a son,
Louis Tanzer, both of Salem.
Announcements will be made
later by the. Virgil T. Golden
Funeral Home. , '
Linda Thurston
Scic Linda Gladys Thurs
ton, six year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Thurs
ton of Scio. died Saturday aft
ernoon at the Sacred Heart
hospital in Eugene following a
sudden illness. Born at Al
bany May 26, 1947, she tpent
her entire life in Scio. Besides
her parents she is survived! by
a brother, Donald Thurston,
Scio, and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Hartley of Jef
ferson. Services will be held
at the Fisher Funeral home
at Albany Tuesday, May 8, at
2 p.m. Interment will be in
the Willamette Memorial park.
Rev. Marvin McGill ot the Jef
ferson Christian church . will
officiate at the service.
Albert Diehl
Mt. Angel Albert Diehl,
64, a retired farmers died in
Silverton hospital Sunday
after a short illness.
Mr. Diehl ' was born March
4, 1688, at Iowa City, Iowa,
and came to Mt. Angel in 1911.
He married Irene Hauth Feb
ruary 8, 1927, at Mt. Angel.
He engaged In farming in the
district south of Mt. Angel un
til his retirement in 1952.
. Surviving are the widow,
and six children, Virgil Diehl,
Mt. Angel; Mrs. Mary Dalke,
Salem, and . Edwin, Donna
Marlene and Joal, at home;
two brothers, John and Al
oysius, Mt Angel; two sisters,
Mrs. Ed Barth, Portland, and
Mrs. Lawrence Rothenfluch,
Mt. Angel. Another daughter,
Mrs: Peter Erpelding, died in
Mr. Diehl was i, member of
the KnglbU of Columbus, the
Holy Name Society and a
member of the board of direc
tors of the Mt. Angel Flax
Growers' association.
The rosary will be recited
at St. Mary's church at 8 p.m.
Monday, ' March 4, and again
at 8:30 p.m. for the Knights
of Columbus and the Holy
Name Society at the Unger
Funeral Home. .
Funeral services will be at
8:15 a.m. Tuesday, May 8, at
St .Mary's church with burial
to follow la Calvary cemetery.
Tokyo. flJJB An rthn...b.
shook downtowii Tokyo early
louay. xne meteorological ob
servatory said the tremor waa
of minor intensiW , anil (
mated the epi-center as being
somewhere In the area between
Tokyo and Yokohama. ...
Turn.r, tnd BurprlH Orange, tlio of
Turner. Service, will bt held Wctfnes
d.y, M7 6. t S p.m. wltn the Rev.
Out Armjtronr. ot Turner ollleLUns.
with interment in ioor cemetery.
Worry of v
Slipping or Irritating?
Don't-be embarrassed by looM false
teeth sllpplns. dropplm or wobbllni
when on eat, talk or lauth. Just sprin
kle a little FASTHEKTH on your plates.
ThU pleasant powder fires a remarkable
xense of added comfort and security by
holding plates mora firmly. No tummy,
looey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alka
line (non-acid). Oct FASTVTH at any
drug store.
.Window washing, wall washing, floor waxing
B & B Janitorial & Window Service
By the lOfh
To enable your dealer to
continue your monthly
charge service.
smant tcmi SS
You've Never Seen Anything Like lt
-Oven v Cleaner
tW teemlml Just spread oa this non
, flammable, cltta-imelling "miracle"
. icily . . . then wipe off with warm water!
One application removes rreo black,
lurd-crasted, "bakad-oo" (rease! Works
oa anj Kind of oven . . . porcelain-enamel.
iron, meai. tjtt LAx-un today.
69? iMMr
; T tin tm ttw Wg tmnmy.llit Jar II I
CDCCI Handy, Tfrne-Savingllf
rlltt! Applicator Brush (JU
e eitratMt wi m bay fc leeneSm In tf ItnvOI
m7r sm
a, nm
by Warren Goodrich
Itching, pein o( simple pita drive you ouii?
Arouine Paio ecu innH to relieve euch
misery! Soothes raw tiisuei. Lubricates hard
ened parti. Helps heal crackinB. reduce swell
ing. Don't suffer needless agony of simple
piles, Get Paso, get real comfort. Ask doctor
bout it. Suppository form or tube with pipe.
Pa Oinlmtnt end SufipfisitoTits
"Pipe down with tho hum
rolng fallows! I've got to hear
tho dial tono boforo I dial I"
. . .The steady hum of the dial
tone is your signal to begin
dialing . . . Pacific Telephone.
Is Today
Tbtn Don't Spoil It With
Urn Stomach-AcM Indigestion!
Yea, for onlr a dime
roll of Toms, you can
here more fun today
and ewy dy-tins
the foods you like
without fear of stom
ach diltrese. For si
most instantly. Turns
bring toothing relict
Irons heartburn, (tas,
rressure pains. Quick,
y neutralize excess
rid. No mixing, no
ter needed. Just eat 1 or 2 delicious
Tumt alter meals ot whenever too
h eating, drinking, smoking upset
jour stomach. Get a roll of America s
favorite after-meal mints today.
I 1 P.V"lBhJ.i I
J l,;t of
mvj voir e)3 i swGr7
u u uuuuuuuu
o o
We were impressed recently by how much our every day
living is governed by custom. Our small boy was getting
ready to catch the school bus and had started to lace his
boots when he found one lace broken and no extra laces.
The next choice in footwear was a pair of muddy tennis
shoes that weren't even in the house, so the only other
alternative was a perfectly good pair of clean oxfords that
are usually reserved for Sunday. He couldn't wear those
either. Why? Simply because "nobody" wears those
"things" to school! That was news around our house, but
then we think you will agree it is an education to have
children in school.
And how about the custom of Just renewing the same fire
insurance policy every three years? Perhaps a reminder
is all that is necessary to let you know that there are
ways to save money on fire insurance. If your property
oualifies let your fire insurance premium earn a divi
dend while it protects your property. We'll be glad to
tell you about it, so call us at your convenience.
I7J N. Church
"Tho tipllil Stock (impiiri it rstarnd lis.."
i ' -
...... i ver i ;
ty xpanMlin . ''.'- $f ... C :
Now, over 190 completely new models to give you Wsasssssssssy " -
the one right truck for your job! Pickups to ! -mm m .f
65,000-lb. G.C.W. Big Jobs! New parallel channel ; Lt0iiJTS' t ' 1 1 TT I
frames! New easy service accessibility! New wide. V f ) $ j veW i ' 7rJ t
track, set-back front axles for shorter turning, " f ( 1 'x H.eft, W t J '
,' faster maneuvering! i-
; Widest choice of transmissions in If v P
truck history! One of many new !f ftt;lAvS
Ford Truck TIME-SAVING features Lj M'.J ; iM.
i - t r-" "I fiA c s6 r
S !r ' ' mmmmimmmmmmmmi "" ateeaaaaSSaa
Synchro-SllenI rranimliilons standard on
aH modali In 3-, 4- ond S-spd typet
no double-cMchlngl Faster, easier shlftlngl
Naw OvorcMvo Ironsmltsion sovei got,
cuts angina speed 30 while road speed h
unchangedl And Ford offers a fvty otfe
moltc transmission Fordomatld Both avail
able on all holf-ton models (extra cos).
New "Drivraed" Cab$ cuf drivtr fatigue . . j
New wider, adjustable seat with non -nag springs and counter
shock seat snubbert Ono-piece curved windshield, 65 bigger! 4-ft.
wide rear window! Push-button door handles, rotor door latches!
Greater hip room, ihoulder room, leg room arid foot room!
Steering column shift wKh oil 3-tpeed
tronsmlsslonil Three new overheod -valve
engines, V-8'i and Sxl Plus, faenow True
V-8 and Big Slxl A J-englne chokel
Mora NEW fecrtvras than
ever before introduced in any truck line e
Center and N: Liberty St.
1 I
" " rei