rafcfe 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, May 4, 195S Two Lebanon Firms Adopt Fast Time Lebanon Local Industrie are basically on standard time lor the summer, but two major firms have advanced starting hours lor shifts to conform with California head quarters. Santlam Lumber company here and In Sweet Home ad vanced shifts 39 minutes with the days crews at 7:30 and ended at 4:30. Crown Zellerback paper mills office workers and supervisors will come to work hour earlier mornings, working lrom 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The change will be effective May 4, and is done to conform with daylight schedules of headquarters In San Francisco, No time change has been indicated for the big Cascade Plywood corporation plant, Deviation from standard time is not expected in local stores and businesses. n0 tuss.no muss . no bother no dirt prco-to-logo THE CUM Nil L CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 Albany Names Honor Students Albany Charles Reynolds was chosen valedictorian of the 1953 class at the Albany Union high school, and Neil Causble salutatorian, It was announced Friday by Arnold Hagen, high school principal. ' The selections are made on the basis of scholarship and lor the first time in several years the two top places have been captured by boys. Both boys made nearly perfect grades during their four years of high school. Reynolds recently won the northwest championship in the merlcan Legion oratorical con American Legion oratorical contest. Causble is president of the high school student body and also active in speech de partment. He also played cen ter on the (team that represent ed Albany In the state cham pionship playoffs in Eugene this past year. . The Washington Redskins in the National Football League have won exactly '100 games since they began playing in the nation's capital in 1937. FLIGHT FROM A SKYSCRAPER 1 ) m ,7? ys- i -cyr- A. 1 I , I sun ' - 1 Miami police (below) question Teddy Wilson, who fell live stories in attempting escape lrom Dade County jail. Above, "policeman holds rope fashioned lrom bed sheets, leading to the jail. George Anderson, a slayer, made good his escape. (UP Telephoto) V - :' "- ; ! : ' ' r ' In Planning (or Your Motoring Needs Man's first rocket trip into the vast reaches of outer space still lies in the future, but ...... ..i. today's scientists are working years-ahead to make that dream come true. In the same forward-looking spirit, Richfield today is making years-ahead petroleum products to give your automobile better performance and longer life. " Richfield years-ahead quality begins with extensive laboratory research and con tinues with advanced production methods in Richfield's great refinery. And before any Richfield product reaches your car, it passes exacting road tests that prove its years-ahead performance under every driving condition of road ami weather. f Among Richfield years-ahead products that arc yours today are Richfield Rust-Proof Gasoline, the West's only gasoline that prevents rust and corrosion throughout your car's fuel system .Richlube H-D Motor Oil, the high detergency motor oil that cUam and protects the engine as it lubricates... and long-wearing Richfield lubricants that give smoother, quieter riding. So it is literally true that Rkhficld's traditional yean-ahead planning is giving your car superior performance today. Sec your Richfield Dealer regularly you'll be yean-ahead m motoring satisfaction! If it's RICHFIELD it's RIGHT... because RICHFIELD is Years-Ahead! kid NtoAiX --1- jssJWWssfyfB CO YOU KNOW YOU PAY 6 TAX ON EVERY GALLON OF GASOLINE? BEFORE TAXES GASOLINE COSTS NO MORE THAN 25 YEARS AGO Silverton Sets School Budget siivrrtnn Members of the budget committee and repre sentatives ol tne. memoers m ha KoorH nf directors ol .II - vertoon public school district No. 4, are preparing the budget of the schools lor maa-o." .Tim Ekman Is serving as budget chairman, assisted by Leo Lund, secretary; ana ui. Virgil Pettit, Olaf Paulson, Jr., Trf Rurlnn Members of district No. 4 board assisting with the completion of the hnrimtt were Norman Naegeli. chairman; and Ted Rutherford, A. D. Bollinger, Dr. E. L. Hen kel and Herman Goscrie. The designated date for the proposed budget and the ques tion of whether the kindergar ten shall be included within the school system, are to be up to the people for a vote, Saturday, May 23, at Eugene Field school gym. . v - A third issue for the voters to decide is the sanction of 1 Run . fnr nneratinff the kin- dersarten program within the schools. This amount is not a portion of the main budget and will be an additional levy. . The entire budget estimate lor the school year will be $312,340.92, an increase ol $34, 1 R7 S3 over that of the silt school year.- The cost of in struction in tne proposed Duog et amounts to $205,102.70, an increase from $193,877.91, of the past school year. Facts given calling for the in .foam In hiiriifet fleures in brief include installation of a new heating plant In Eugene Field building; employe pay in crease of some $7,700 with teacher pay increases lrom $75 tn tann a vpnr- l 000 allot ment fnr new eautnment: and hiring an additional lirst grade teacner lor ?3,duu yearly wage. Silverton Has New Teachers Silverton Howard Balder- stone, superintendent of the local schools, has employed three new teachers lor grade instruction in the Eugene Field building for the coming year. Carl Jorgenson will teach in the sixth grade. - Miss Willetta Freeman and Mrs. Joann Jarnagan-Aumstutz are to be assigned to the second and third grades, the designa tion of each to be decided later. Another item of local school interest, is the circulation ol petitions in both the Evens Val ley and Silverton districts lor approval ol consolidation ol dis tricts. All district 4 voters are be ing reminded ol the regular school vote, May 23, Saturday afternoon and evening, at the Eugene school building. Strawberry Fair to Have Art Exhibit Lebanon Artists of the Santiam area are planning an initial exhibition during the trawberry fair, June 4-6. They plan to show oils, water- colors, pen, pencil and char coal sketches and other types of their work. The Lebanon Garden club has allotted a space in the old Cornet building. Mrs. Florence Jordan Is re- cieving requests for space in her Central Lane studio. No judging will be done and no entry fees charged since , this lirst showing is an informal basis, but all inter ested artists are urged to con tact Mrs. Jordan soon In order that space may be planned. Marble Champs Vie at Dallas Dallas With finrlnff rnmn marbles, and perhaps from an understanding Jupiter Pluvius comes fair weather so that the little fflobei can be eha with dry knees and clean anucxies. mat was the hope in Dallas, lor city wide elim ination matches were schedul ed lor this week-end to choose Dallas representatives at the state marble tournament at Portland later in the month. But, as so often happens, the weather has turned wet forc ing postponement of some of the matches. In the event that Saturday is fair, the tournament sched uled lor the Junior high school will take place on Saturday as scheduled. ' . The eliminations lor the Morrison and Lyle schools, however, will be postponed one week, according to V.F.W. committee Chairman Amos LeFors. It is expected that Morri son school students will com pete on , Thursday and Lyle students on Friday, May 7 and 8. On Saturday, May 9, the winners from all three schools will compete at the Junior High School grounds to choose those who will go to Portland. SAVE.. BUY ZOO Tablets 79$ I or ncuimuz fiord I Oll lsSlh.rH.Cwby.lSH4 J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBIRTY Auwqmea Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small .n.u.uuD viuurauveca oervice flCKUp I T ,H r CA AnnllanM. Ivan Royse and Walt Clans, Owners and Delivery on AWNINGS-TEHTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT AWNING CO 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. ' Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call lor Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO 14th & E. HOYT Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks : Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers - Air Com pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening -Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAMTOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong St Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets ' Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MAR10HM0TORS t e ivi tu eivunt u Mien T7 xm Si Yon can please your wife balance the budget and still have a newer model car! See as today for trade in values on your .lit buggy. i Budget Balancer Deluxe 1S49 Nash Ambassador Tudor radio, heater, overdrive, bed new paint, new tires, motor overhauled real value at 00 895 MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 , Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 1174 Eyewater St OILING WEST SALEM . TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL nPAT.TW OR 3-5769 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 155 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 mot mm THEOUISENBERRYHARMACir ei. tint UOLUherty 310 Cnrt, Dffnrinr. 2440 frm. ferfktl CmM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO 8. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 PJtf. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL SRadio-Televiiionl 880 Stott Motorola ! Dealers for cu...:. Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION PH. 4-2271 HIIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION - 395 N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE - INSTALLATION . SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television SoecialitU in the