Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 02, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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(JuUn-MIUtr lludlo picture)
THREE GIRLS take top poets in positions for publications at 6alem blah school
rt year. Left to right they are Mlai Marion Baiun, who is to be editor of the Clarion,
school newapaper; Mia Joyce Hirhley, biuineai manarer for the Clarion; and Mlu
YoOnrOUint. editor for the Viklnr. thft
Some Notations
May day wai "coffee" day for many in
Salem, Friday, two large coffee par
tie and a May luncheon making It
a big day for a large group . . , But it
was fun to tec all the beautiful May
basket effects and to run from one place
to another between the heavy ihowers
that were most un-May-llke , , ,
first on the schedule was the coffee
for which Mrs. William H. Hammond
and Mrs. Garlen L. Simpson were host
esses at the Hammond home ... A gay
May basket was arranged on the door
to greet guests at they arrived ... A
profusion of spring flowers decorated
the home, one especially catching the
eye being the huge basket of pink dog
wood on the piano . .. . The coffee table
was a May day scene, covered with a
bright pink cloth. The table was set
back against the window overlooking
the spacious gardens down the hillside,
and in the center was a tall blue vase
filled with bright blooms of various
colors, giving a Maypole effect, little
dolls in bright dresses standing around
the base ...
Among guests greeted during our call,
Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. T. Harold
Tomllnson, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs.
Charles D. Wood, Mrs. A. W. Loucks,
Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mrs. Robert Y.
Thornton, Mrs. Robert D. Ebersole, Mrs.
James C. Stone, Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr.,
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. Paul L. Pat
terson, Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs.
Harold M. dinger, Mrs. Claybourne
Dyer, Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., Mrs. Ralph
Wirth, Mrs. Werner Brown, Mrs. Rus
ael E. Pratt, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs.
James Walton, Mrs. Ralph E. Purvlne,
Mrs. Thomas Roberts, Jr., Mrs. Charles
A. Barclay, Mrs. George Beane, Mrs.
Marlon Lamb, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mrs. Donald McCar
gar, Mrs. Robert Drager . . .
The second charmingly arranged May
day party was the coffee for which Mrs.
Sidney Schleslnger and Mrs. Ralph
Schleslnger entertained at the home of
the former ... A May basket was set
at the top of the front steps to herald
the day ... A May pole with ribbons
wound around it centered the coffee
table . . . Topping the pole was a nose
gay and encircling the miniature pole
were little hobnail glass May baskets
filled with pastel blooms, the ribbons
from the poles reaching out to the bas
kets . . . The tablecloth was a dark
green one . . . Among guests during
our call: Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. Henry
V. Compton, Mrs. Stuart Compton, Mrs.
Earl T. Newbry, Mrs. Grant C. Rogers,
Mrs. Sol Schleslnger, Mrs. Louis Lor
eni, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Carl Steel
hammer, Mrs. Raymond Buslck, Mrs.
William R. Shlnn, Mrs. Kenneth Potts,
Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. John A.
Heltiel, Mrs. G. Herbert Smith ...
Next, was the annual May luncheon
for all women of St. Paul s Episcopal
church", the affair given at the parish
house . . . The tables were colorfully
set In the May basket theme'. . .It was
a very successful event, a large number ,
of women of the church and friends
attending the gathering given each
spring as a get-acquainted one . . .
Among those greeted during our stop
there Mrs. Gerhard Pagenstecner, Mrs.
L. E. deWeese, Mrs. Homer Goulet,
Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs. Charlea
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Ahnnl unml
By M. L. F.
H. Heltiel, Mrs. 1. S. Lochead and her
daughter, Mrs. Hubert L. Williamson;
Mrs. . D. Wiles; Mrs. George S. Hoff
man and her daughter, Miss Jeanne
Hoffman, who has been home this past
week from University of California;
Mrs. Sydney Kromer and her sister,
Miss Katharine O'Reilly; Mrs. William
H. Burghardt, Mrs. George H. Swift,
Mrs. Paul A. Lardon, Mrs. Glenn S.
Paxson, Miss Mabel Robertson, Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. D. C. Roberts,
Mrs. George L. Hill, Mrs. C. A. Mc
Cargar, Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mrs. R. D.
Paris, Mrs. William J. Buslck and sev
eral greeted at the earlier coffees . . .
One of the most clever May day
touches the miniature May basket, a
real little basket, filled with real flow
ers, pinned to the purse carried by Mrs.
Theron Hoover as she called during so
cial activities, Friday . . .
Matrix Tabic, an annual event staged
by active and alumnae chapters of the
Theta Sigma Phi, national journalism
honorary, throughout the country, is
building up quite a tradition in Oregon
now . . . Portland alumnae arranged
their fifth annual one, Thursday night,
theirs being the larger Matrix Table in
the state . . ..These affairs were dreamed
up nearly 20 years ago and their purpose
is to honor women of achievement in all
fields of endeavor, although women in
journalism and writing are always in
cluded, of course, in the group of those
honored . . . There is one striking thing
about these Matrix Table dinners how
ever, setting them apart from routine
banquets ... At Matrix Table, politics,
prestige and "big names" mean nothing
... In other words, all guests come, re
gardless of who they are, on the same
basis, the theory being every one there
is important or he or she would not re
ceive and invitation! Only the "women
of achievement" honored at each event
are spotlighted and given special place
cards . . . Just another way of carrying
through "'e-ariE5s" a n cvtter-of-fast
principles and procedure in that free
dom of the press! . . . The Portland alum
nae chapter has worked out a scheme,
however, that assures every Individual
his place in the sun . . . Two members
make the introductions in a special sys
tem, using a hostess at each table, a
movable "mike" and a spotlight, and
in rapid order every guest at every table
is introduced! . . . Among the special
guests at the Thursday gathering were
Mrs. David I.yle Davis of Seattle, one
of the founders of Theta Sigma Phi; and
Mrs. John Webber, Portland, who was
one of the Theta Sigs starting the Matrix
Tables while living in the mid-west in
the early 20s . . .
A pie social will be featured at Man
brin Gardens Garden club on Tuesday,
the group to meet with Mrs. C. J, Wendt,
651 Manbrin drive, at 7:30 o'clock.
Scheduled for May 18 is the annual
plant sale which will take place In Man
brin Gardens.
A Mother's day program will follow
the 8 o'clock business meeting of Chad
wick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, on
Tuesday at the Masonic temple.
Miss Marie-Bosch, D. R. Madson
Are Married This Afternoon
A bride this afternoon was Miss Marie
Bosch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
H. Bosch of Brooks, her marriage to
Daniel Robert Madson, son of Dr. and
Mrs. W. E. Madson of Hawarden, Iowa,
being solemnized at 4 o'clock in the
First Presbyterian church.
Dr. Paul N. Poling' read the vows.
Pink and white snapdragons and daisies
and blue irises decorated the church
front for the service, and flowers and
ribbons marked the pews. Also arrang
ed alternately with the baskets of flow
ers were candelabrums entwined with
ribbons and flowers.
For the music, Homa L. Vickers of
Tillamook sang and Mrs. Rolph H.
Dobbs played the organ.
Miss Rosemary Richartz of Milton
Freewater, wearing a blue nylon tulle
over taffeta dress, ballerina length, and
Mrs. Homa L. Vickers of Tillamook, In
a rose colored crepe dress, ballerina
length, lighted the tapers.
In Brocaded Satin
Mr. Bosch gave his daughter in mar
riage. She wore a white brocaded satin
dress, styled with sweetheart neckline
and buttons down the front, long sleeves
pointed over the wrists and a train. The
fingertip veil of net was arranged from
a coronet of satin trimmed with seed
pearls. The bride carried a crescent
bouquet of white cymbidium orchids,
lilies of the valley and pink El'e ror
buds with two lovebirds arranged among
the flowers.
A cousin of the bride, Mrs. Howard
B. Somers of Portland, was matron of
honor. She wore a flocked pink nylon
tulle frock over taffeta, ballerina length.
In her hair was a white satin bandeau
' AY meeting for Salem Garden
club Is to be on Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock at Salem Wom
an's club.
The program will feature impromptu'
talks by members on their favorite,
flowers. Miss Edith Schryver is to dis
cuss climbing hydrangeas. Others giv
ing the short comments will be: Mrs.
Walter H. Smith, on phlox; Miss Ellen
Quail, tuberous begonias; Mrs. Chester
M. Cox, primroses; Mrs. Wolcott E.
Buren, silk trees; Mrs. Charles Cole,
chrysanthemums; Mrs. Gordon Black,
wild flowers; Mrs. Fred Zimmerman,
lamb's tongues or deer's tongues; Mrs. ,
Lloyd Fleener, roses; Mrs. Jack Hen
ningsen, irises; Mrs. C. A. McCollam,
African violets; Mrs. Ben Maxwell,
New officers will be chosen at the
business session.
On the tea committee are Mrs. Grant
C. Rogers, chairman; Mrs. Merle D.
Travis, Mrs. Clara Brunk, Mrs. Ralph
. DaMetz, Mrs. Ellen Godfrey, Mrs. W. C.
Rambo, Mrs. R. B. Winslow, Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons, Mrs. Charles Swelstris,!
Mrs. WiUIam L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. John
Carr, Mrs. H. W. Elgin, Miss May Serv
ice, Mrs. John Wiles, Mrs. J. G. French,
Mrs, Carl Susfeauer.
Final plana for the carnation aale on
May 8 and S will be mad when Salem
chapter of the American War Mothers
meet at 2 p.m., Tuesday, at the Amer
ican Legion club.
Past oracles of Oregon Grape camp,
Royal Neighbors of America, will be
entertained on Monday at 8 o'clock by
Mrs. Mary Ackerman at her home, 192
West Myers.
Degree of Honor Protective associa
tion will meet Wednesday at the Wom
an's club house at 8 p.m. Mrs. Nellie
White is chairman of the program which
will feature a Mothers day theme.
Delegates to the national convention in
Chicago will be elected when Salem
chapter of The American Gold Star
Mothers meets Thursday evening. A
memorial program is planned. Members
are to be at the Veterans of Foreign Wars
hall at 8 o'clock.
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Uulin-uillit (todle Hctun)
ANNOUNCED last vrrk-tnd the fnrafpmml of Mls Donna Mae Phelps,
abore, daughter of Mr. and Mr. David U.Fhelpt, to Donald Lee Bunu, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Burnt.
with daisies at the side, and for her
flowers she carried a crescent of whit
Miss Bernlce 'Lehrman and Mrs.
Douglas Kieft were the bridesmaids.
Both wore light blue frocks styled iden
tically to that of the matron of honor's,
and they alsd wore the satin bandeaus
and carried the crescents of daisies.
Little Miss Joanne Somers was flower
girl. She wore a pink taffeta frock
with, pink ribbon bandeau in her hair
and carried a blue ribbon basket of
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Bosch wore a beige two-piece dress witft
bodice of lace, beige accessories and a
corsage of lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots
and garnet roses.
R. B. Herstine was best man. Serving
as ushers were Morris Bergman, Stan
Johnson, Jack Bosch, Dennis Lavender.
Aunts Assist
At the reception, Mrs. Catherine
Lyon, aunt of the bride, poured the
coffee, and another aunt, Mrs. John J.
Moritz, was at the punch bowl. Mrs.
J. M. Hartley cut the cake and assist
ing were Mrs. Max Hartman of Port
land, Mrs. Homa L. Vickers and Miss
Rosemary Richartz. Miss Betty Byrd
was In charge of the guest book. The
bride's table was set with an Ice blue
cloth, caught ud at the corners with pal
pink bows. The p'nk enke was encir
cled with pink and white blossoms.
For traveling, the bride wore a pow
der blue suit with white hat and acces
sories. The coude will go to Hawarden,
Iowa, to visit the bridegroom's parents
and upon their return after June 5 will
be at home at 1358 Chemeketa.
NNUAL musical program for the
Salem Woman's club will feature
the Madrigal singers from Wil
lamette university who will present Eng
lish and Czechoslovakian folk songs.
Miss Rosa Zimmerman will direct the
group. Also, Betty Starr Anderson will
sing a group of songs by Jerome Kern,
Mrs. Jason Lee accompanying.
Introduction of new members and
election of officers will precede the tea
hour. Assisting Mrs. J.- Roy McEvoy
with arrangements for the afternoon
will be Mrs, John W. Carr, Mrs. P. D.
Baker, Mrs. Arthur A. Keene, Mrs. R.
W. Marsters, Miss Eleanor Stephens,
Mrs. Roy E, Smith, Mrs. L. M. Ramage,
Mrs. Paul Bramble..
Major Norman W. Campion will be
speaker at the Hi-Y Mothers club meet
ing on Tuesday at the YMCA. His sub
ject will be "Youth Faces Compulsory
Military Training." Major Campion is
with the AFROTC at Willamette unl- i
Hostesses for the sack lunch at noon
are Mrs. R. W. Thomas, Mrs. W. N.
Thompson and Mrs. W. H. Boehmer.
This will be the final meeting of the
The Youth Legislature meet In Sa
lem next Friday and Saturday, and any
one knowing of a room where the ses
sions can take place la to call the
Child study group of American Asso
ciation of University Women is meet
ing next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Glen W. Wyatt,
1174 Ruge street. Mrs. Jack Boyd and
Mrs. Paul J. Frost are to be co-hostesses.
Mrs. Gilbert Jones la to show
the film, "Preface to a Life." Mrs.
Jones is from the Marion County Tuber
culosis and Health association.
This is the final meeting for the
season for the group and a new chair
man is to be named.
Recently accepted into Beta Gamma
Sigma, scholastic honorary of the school
of business administration at the Uni
versity of Oregon, was David Karr, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Karr of Salem. Mr.
Karr is president of his fraternity, Phi
Kappa Sigma, and will graduate in June.
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' THE WEDDING at Mr. and Mrs.
abor. was laa Saturday at the kerne of
jeanaen. Mr. rateraoa at an aaa af Mr.
' AY luncheon meeting for Salem
club, Daughters of the Nile, will
be at noon, Monday, at the Ma
sonic temple.
Hostesses for the day Include Mrs.
John T. Graybill, Mrs. Eldon D. Burres,
Mrs. Vern McMullen, Mrs. C. W. Prigge,
Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs. Earl Can
field, Mrs. Asahel FIh, Mrs. O. E. Mc
Crary, Mrs. R. L. Chrlstphler, Mrs.
Melvin Propp, Mrs. James M. Clinton,
Mrs. Arthur Cole, Mrs. Floyd K. Bow
ers, Mrs. C. W. Wilson, Mrs. Joseph
Hutchison, Mrs. C. H. McClung, Mrs.
David O. Crockett, Mrs. Loran Spauld
ing, Mrs. Verne Hasbrook, Mrs. Phil H.
Michael and Mrs. Lloyd Davenport.
Weslcyan Service guild of the Jason
Lee Methodist church will meet In the
KIrby room at 8 p.m., Monday. Mrs.
Swanson, Salem district guild secretary,
will install new officers at the meeting.
Following devotions and a special
pledge service led by Miss Vada Hill,
refreshments will be served by the host
ess committee, Mrs. Herman Rehfuss,
Mrs. Joe Brooks and Mrs. C. Ward
Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors
of America, will meet Wednesday at 8
p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Rev. Harold J Jones of Hughes
Memorial Methodist church in Portland,
will be speaker for the Woman's guild
of the First Congregational church on
Wednesday. The Rev. Mr. Jones is a
member of the commission of racial and
cultural relations of the Portland coun
cil of churches and has had wide experi
ence in social work. His subject will
be "Christian Techinlqiie for Effective
Viola selections will be presented by
Miss Muriel Fitts, and a woman's gift
dedication service will be conducted.
Mrs. Hjalmar Anderson and Miss
Elizabeth Russum are hostesses for the
afternoon meeting, to be at 2 o'clock.
Meeting Wednesday will be Centra
lia temple No. 11, Pythian Sisters, at
Beaver hall at 8 p.m. A Mothers day
program is planned.
Honored at a reception following tht
meeting of Hanna Rosa court, Order of
Amaranth, on Monday evening will be
court members who are grand officers.
They are Don Patton, royal patron;
Mrs. William Wilson, grand standard
bearer; Mrs. R. Lee Wood, grand asso
ciate lecturer; Mrs. James Barrell, grand
representative to Massachusetts; Gordon
Herrig, grand representative to Penn
sylvania. Mr. and Mrs. James Manning are
chairmen for arrangements, and assist
ing them will be Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Stirniman, Mr. and Mrs. Willnrd Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Archibald, Mrs.
Mable Rogers, Mrs. R. Lee Wood and
Mrs. Emma Brown.
Thomas Heore
ore Vatonea, (tails'
le-a Barota, Dr.
B. M. Pateream at Mai
Anna IopboobV
Mra. BMwtaa Am
the hrteVa
ana Ban.
North Band.
UQ Dinner
The annual spring dinner to ratst
- money for the scholarship fundi of the
University of Oregon Mothers and Dads
clubs will be next Wednesday evening,
May 8, in Mayflower hall. A ham dinner
is to be served at 6:80 o'clock, as no
host, the Salem Mothers and Dads clubs
as sponsors.
Invitation if extended to all parents,
alumni and friends of the university to
Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson,
both graduates of UO, will be among
those attending. Mrs. J. Allan Wlckham,
dean of women at the university, Is to
be a guest too.
Mrs. A. E. UHman heads the commit
tee in charge from the Mothers club
and is being assisted by Mrs. T. R. Ho
bart, Mrs. R. W. Dahlen, Mrs. Ralph
Hamilton, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs.
Harold Westfall.
Mrs. Idwin Burke and Mrs. Wayne
Parker will entertain the Copettes on
Tuesday at the Burke home. The group
will meet at 7:30 p.m.
KIngwood unit, American Legion
auxiliary, will choose new officers next
Thursday evening, the group to meet
at KIngwood Legion hall at 8 o'clock.
Missouri club Is meeting on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. E. B. Kasson, 881
Center, Mrs. Henry Knight and Mra.
L. Keyt as assisting hostesses.
Among those Introduced at the 43rd
annual convention of district No. 2, Py
thian Sisters, at Corvallis on Thursday
were Mrs. Albert Grlnde of Sllverton,
graMtelitef; Mr. .Claude Murphy, Pt
grand chief; Mrs. Claude Murphy, past
Frlneville, past grand chief and daugh
ter of Mrs. Laura Johnson of Salem;
Mrs. Ray Wolf, most excellent chief of
Centralis temple; Don Judson, grand
vice chancellor of the Knights of Py
thias. The conference was at tht American
Legion hall, Mrs. Don Judson represent
ing Centralla temple as an official dele
gate. The Salem group won first award
for publicity.
Officers from Salem conducted the
Initiation, Mrs. Ethel Pratt of Eugene,
mother of Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, becoming
a member. Officiating were Mrs. Ray
Wolf, Mrs, Ralph Wlllcox, Mrs. Harry
Wilson, Mrs. Clifford Schultz, Mrs. Axel
Jacobsen, Mn. Hubert Gatts, Mrs. Clara
Norton, Mrs. Howard Smith and Mrs.
Trllla batman.
Others from here attending the meet
ing were Mrs. D. M. Duvall, Mrs. A. A.
Niederberger, Mrs. Nora Pierce, Mrs.
G. W. Thomas, Mrs. Scott Ebrlght, Mrs.
O. C. Harris, Mrs. Mary Worthlngton,
Mrs. W. J. Peck, Mrs. Ama Muncey, Mrs.
Laura Johnson, Mrs. W. A. Stanton, Mrs.
Herman Bergner, Mrs, L. V. Decatur.
Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow, Mrs. C. M. Hix
on, Mrs, Lennie Irvine, Mrs. Emma
Solie, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Romalne and
Harry Wilson.