Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 02, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Miss Proctor,
Dr. Needham
Wed Today
The First Congregational church was
the setting for a charmingly arranged
wedding this afternoon when Miss Mar
tha Pauline Proctor, recently of Ottum
wa, Iowa, was married to Dr. Winfield
H. Needham of Salem.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Emery Proctor of Ottumwa
who arrived this week for the wedding,
and Dr. Needham is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Needham of Salem.
White lilacs, pink snapdragons and
stock were arranged in baskets at cither
side of the altar, also tall candela
brum! holding whit tapers.
Jean Hobson Rich played the organ
preceding and during the service.
Cousin Attends
The petite brunette bride wore a
ballerina length dress of champagne
lace, a hat of the same lace with short
veil, and mitts of the lace. She carried
a bouquet of Talisman rosebuds. Mr.
Proctor gave his daughter in marriage.
Mrs. William C. Dyer, Jr., cousin of
the bride, was matron of honor. She
wore a French blue lace and taffeta
frock, ballerina length, with a small
blue flowered hat, and her flowers
were pink rosebuds.
Robert M. Needham was best man
for his brother. The ushers were Rich
ard L. Cooley and Delmar Gwynn.
The reception following was in the
church social room. Pink and white
blooms decorated the room and the
bride's table.
Mrs. Robert M. Needham, sister-in-law
of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Win
stanley Jenks poured. Mrs. Charles
Wiper, Sr., of Eugene and Mrs. Thomas
Smith of Forest Grove cut the cake.
Young Miss Beth Needham, niece of the
bridegroom, was in charge of the guest
Ont-of-Town Guests
Among out-of-town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Burnside and daughter,
Patty, of Richland, Wash., Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Smith of Forest Grove, Mr.
and Mrs. Darrell Elton of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiper, Sr., of
Eugene, Dr. and Mrs. Kimball Page of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rasmus
sen, Jr., of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. Harry
T. Butler and Lt. Col. and Mrs. T. L.
Wiper, all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wiper, Jr., of Eugene, Miss
Jymmie Riedel, Mrs. W. C. Rankin, and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Pierce, all of
Portland. '
For traveling the bride wore heath
r pink costume wool suit, navy and
white accessories and an off-white top
per. The couple will be at home at the
Capitol Plaza apartments, 1165 Che
meketa, after May 15.
Next week-end takes a large group of
parents to visit sons and daughters at
Oregon State College and University of
Oregon, both schools observing Mothers
At Eugene, the university combines
the event with tilt annual Junior Week
end festivities.
Invitations arc out this week-end for
a luncheon for which Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr. is to entertain on May 14
to honor Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor.
The party will be a buffet luncheon
t the University elub in Portland.
Among hostesses of next week will
be Mrs. Charles D. Wood and Mrs. A.
If. Loucks who have invited guests for
informal coffee parties on Thursday and
Friday. The series will be given at the
Wood home on West Lefelle.
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of tha
governor, will be at home Friday after
noon between 2 and 4 o'clock to local
friends wishing to call at that time, at
the Patterson home, 428 North Winter.
General meeting of the Woman's So
ciety of Christian Service of the West
Salem Methodist church will be on Wed
nesday. Mrs. H. D. Kortemeyer will
entertain the group at 1:30 o'clock at
her home.
Members of the board for Salem
branch of the American Association of
University Women are to meet Monday
evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. J. B. Beck, 1030 Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Needham
are leaving by car Sunday for a trip
south. They will attend the stationers'
convention at Ahwahnee Lodge in Yo
semlte, and also plan to spend a few
days tn San Francisco. They will be
gone about 10 days.
Kappa Delta alumnae are meeting at
the home of Mrs. Harris Lletz on Wed
nesday evening for their annual in
formal party honoring mothers. The
affair will be at 8 o'clock for all local
alumnae of the sorority and their moth
ers. Kappa Delta mothers who are new
In the community are Invited and may
contact Mrt. Hope Edwards 26061.
Honoring members of Salem chapters
of American Gold Star Mothers, Ameri
can War Mothers and mothers of unit
members, Capital unit, American Le
gion auxiliary, will present a special
program at their meeting Monday eve
ning. New officers will be nominated dur
ing a short business meeting which will
be followed by a social hour. Hostesses
will be Mrs. Lue Lucas, poppy chair
man, and her committee. The group is
to meet at the Woman's club house at
8 o'clock.
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WED LAST ganday tmaiog were Mr. and Mrs.
Steven Hufhee Benson, pktared at rifht cut
ting the 'cake at the reception. At left are the
bride and her attendants, left te rifht: Mrt.
Benson, Mrs. Robert Besnuter, Mrs. John Brlok
sen, Miss Joy Lewis, Mies Oihelene Lee, Miss
Carolyn Marshall. The Mrrlee aod reception
were at the Fwet Fnsbjrterkui eharch. The bride
Is the former Donna Bath JcSuuon, danfhter of
Mr. and Mrs, Oeorce i. Johnson. Mr. Benson b)
the son of Mr. and Mrs. U V. Benson.
-TIT-ROTTERS club will conclude 1U
III season with a dance next Friday
-- evening at the Senator hotel.
Dancing will be between 10 and 1
T. W. Lowry has served as president
of the group for the past season.
St. Paul's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, plans iU meeting for Wednes-
day, luncheon to be at 12:0 o'cloek In
the parish hall.
Altrusa club's regular luncheon meet-
Ing will be Tuesday noon at the Golden
of t
. 1 1
1 it ' ' J
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A rRJnE 01 h lc summer will be Mln Ethel Lou SUtnek, abor. who h
snnnuncrd hfr mmcmrnt to Stanley II. PetrulU M LaOrans. lit StlM SlanrK, who
?t n,jm.. r "I Willamette nnlvrnlty collrte of tnuMc furultv. Is the daiirhter of
Mr. and Mn. Anthony 8tnrk of Milwaukee, wis. Mr. Petrulla, A-Jc, Air Force, is 111
son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 8. retrulls e( LaGranie, lu.
r- v j Ml v ? , .Til
PINSTERS club members are meet-
5 home of Miss Janet Kirk with Miss
Evelyn Johnson and? Miss Antoinette
Kuzmanich as co-hostesses. The meet
ing will be at 8 o'clock.
Officers will be nominated.
Invitation is being extended to all
alumnae of the group to attend.
M George Rossman will entertain
the Theatre ArU group at her home on
Tuesday. Following dessert at 12:45
o'clock, Mrs. Raymond Walsh will pre-
sent "Point of No Return," adapted by
Paul Osborne from the novel by John
P. Marquand.
Miss Acton Tells
Miss Margy Acton, only senior from
Salem in the Delta Delta Delta soror
ity house at Oregon State college, Cor-
vallLs, will be among those honored at
the annual Pansy Breakfast of the
group, Sunday morning. The break
fast is to be at the chapter house be
tween 9 and 11 o'clock.
All senior girls on the college cam
pus are Invited to this affair and en
gaged girls are spotlighted in the pro
gram especially, this being the occasion
for them to announce their wedding
dates as they step through the big pansy
YWCA Table Setting Contest on
May 15-17 of Interest to Many
Spotlighted in organizational activi
ties for mid-May is the table setting
contest sponsored by the Salem YWCA,
The event will be set up at Valley Mo
tor company for three days, May 15, 16
and 17. It will be open between 1 and
9 p.m. on that Friday and between 9
a.m. and 9 p.m. on both Saturday and
Many organizations and individuals
are making preparations to enter the
different classifications, reports Mrs.
Robert W. Gormsen, general chairman.
Deadline for entries Is May 8 and those
interested may call either Mrs. Gorm
sen or Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr.
Winners in the contest will be deter
mined by balloting by those attending
tle display. The balloting will be com
pleted and counted at 6 p.m. that Sun
day. The project Is one of the means
planned by board members and YW
workers to augment funds for the new
YWCA building now under construc
tion. Among organizations entered In the
contest are: Delta Delta Delta alumnae,
Mrs. Wilfred Cole, chairman; Engle
wood Garden club, Mrs. Virgil Hiatt,
chairman;. Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Mrs.
Virgil Ekstrand; Salem Garden club,
Mrs. Jack Henningsen; Zonta club, Mrs.
Mary Thomas; First Congregational
guild, Mrs. L. K. Lawrence; Delta Gam
ma alumnae, Mrs. E. M. Page; Salem
Women's Army and Navy league, Mrs.
Willis Ross; Spinsters club, Mrs. Will
iam R. Shinn; St. Mary's guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church, Mrs. Kenneth
Sherman; Weavers guild, Mrs. Frank
Crawford; Junior Woman's club, Mrs.
Frank Ward; Pi Beta Phi, Mrs. James
Miller; Gamma Phi Beta, Mrs. Lesler
Carter; Salem Rose society, Mrs. Robert
G. Brady; Chiropractic auxiliary, Mrs.
R. W. DeMarco; Delta Zeta, Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen; Dabblers. Mrs. Norval Ed
Wards; Salem Business and Professional
Wedding Date
Miss Acton will reveal the date for her
marriage to Roger K. Smith of Berke
ley, Calif., the wedding to be on Tues-
day, June 16. An afternoon ceremony
Is planned at 4 o clock in the First Con-
gregational church here, the reception
following also to be at the church.
Miss Acton is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul A. Acton of Salem and Mr.
Smith Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
Smith of Berkeley. He is a senior at
Pacific university.
Special entertainment for the break
fast tomorrow will be a showing of
wedding dresses and trousseau fashions.
Women's club, Mrs. Don Ringle.
Among individuals entering the con
test are, Mrs. Lester F. Barr, Mrs. Stew
art Johnson, Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mrs.
Donald Barnlck, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr.,
Mrs. Ernest H. Miller, Mrs. William
Hugh Adams, Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr., Mrs.
Jerald S. Backstrand, Mrs. Sigfrid B.
Unander, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs.
William McElhinny, Mrs. Robert Brow
ne, Mrs. Jack Bartlett, Mrs. Adolf
Lietuvietis, Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Miss
Dorathea Steusloff.
Among committee members assisting
Mrs, Gormsen In arranging the event
are Mrs. James R. Phillips, Miss Mabel
Robertson, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs.
James Walton, hospitality committee;
Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Rollin
Haag, ticket committee; Mrs. Otto Sko
pil, Jr., and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, pro
gram committee; Mrs. A. E. Ullman
and Mrs. Arthur A. Atherton, prizes and
finances: Mrs. James Armpriest, insur
ance; Mrs. Harold Schick, publicity;
Miss Gertrude Acheson, Mrs. Harold 6.
Schneider, awards.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Frink are to ob
serve their golden wedding on May 20.
In celebration of the event, a recep
tion Is planned for Sunday, May 17, at
their home, friends being invited to
call between 2 and 5 o'clock.
The Frinks were married in Hastings,
Neb. They have lived in Salom since
1927. In their family are two daugh
ters and a son, Mrs. Henry Sprick,
Mrs. Walter Schcffe and Carl Frink.
all of Salem, and one grandchild, John
Scheffe of Salem.
Last meeting of the Alpha Chi Omega
Mothers club will be on Tuesday at 7:45
p.m. at the chapter house. Elections will
take place, new officers to take over in
the fall.
Attendants for
Wedding Listed
A wedding of Interest on mid-May's
calendar is that of Miss Joanne Blaxall
and Gene W. Bartu.
The ceremony is to be solemnized at
4 o'clock the afternoon of Sunday; May
17, in the First Congregational church
Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiating. For
the music, Vern Esch la to sing and
Jean Hobson Rich is to play the organ.
Lighting the candles will be Mrs.
Bruce Cowan of Portland and Mrs!
Lloyd Ramey.
Miss Sharron Wright of Portland Is
to be maid of honor. Bridesmaids are
to be Miss JoAnn Majek, Miss Ethel
DeGroote and Miss Margaret Dyer, the
latter two of Portland. Young Miss
Sandra Kelley is to be the junior brides
maid. Allan Bartu of Scotia, N.Y., will be
best man for his brother. Ushering will
be William Aschoff of Albany,
Homer Brock of Portland and Edwin
Quinn of Portland.
The reception following also is to be
at the church.
The bride-elect Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Blaxall of Salem and
Mr. Bartu is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mylo Bartu of Waldport.
Several from Salem are to attend the
no-host dinner to be given for the, Na
tional Guard association in Portland on
May 11 at the Multnomah hotel honor
Ing Major General Ellard H. Walsh,
president of the National Guard asso
ciation of the United States.
General Walsh, who is from Minne-'
sota, Is to be in Oregon that week-end
' as guest of Major General Thomas E.
Rllea, state adjutant general. General
and Mrs. Rllea will be returning from
the east that day.
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae meet
next Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk at 8 o'clock.
New officers will be elected at the
business session and luncheon for Sa
lem Soroptimist club next Wednesday
noon at the Golden Pheasant.
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are meet
ing on Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. Kenneth Carlson, Wallace road,
dessert at 7:30 o'clock.
Co-hostesses are Mrs. Wilfred Cole,
Mrs. J. B. Corlette, Miss Bertha Kohl
hagen. St. Agnes guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church plans its meeting for Tues
day evening, a no-host supper to be in
the parish hall at 6:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Jessie M. Davidson, Miss Freda
Cherrington, Miss Ruth Thayer and Mrs.
Marie Johnson are on the committee.
Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to
meet Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert at 1:15 o'clock.
Mrs. Emma Belle Robinson and Mrs.
Marie Illidge are to be co-hostesses.
May meeting for Salem General Hos
pital auxiliary will be next Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock at the Salem
At this time reports are due on the
membership drive conducted through
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae arc to meet
on Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Robert R. Burns, supper to be at 6:30
Hostess to her bridge club next Thurs
day evening will be Mrs. James H. Nich
olson, Jr., a late supper to follow the
eard games.
Dated for Thursday, June 4, is the an
nual spring silver tea of the Salem
YWCA, the event to be at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry.
Hostesses for the dinner meeting of
Cascade chapter of the National Secre
taries association on Tuesday will be
Mrs. William DeVall, chairman, Miss
Myrtle Ingram, Miss Mayme Smith and
Mrs. Howard Wicklund. The event will
be at the Wicklund home, 160 West
Lefelle, at 6:30 p.m.
There will be election of officers fol
lowed by discussion of National Secre
taries week, May 25-30. A special prd
gram and dinner is planned for May
26 when the group will install new
officers and conduct initiation for new
Thursday evening literature group of
the American Association of University
Women is tc meet next week at the
home of Mrs. Robert Hammond, 5105
Skyline road. Mrs. Kenneth Decatur
la to give the review.
South Salem Lions club auxiliary it
to meet next Wednesday evening at the
home of Mrs. Louis Neuman at 7:30
o'clock. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Arthur
Martin, Mrs. David Randolph, Mrs.
Howard Oberhsaw.
McKinley School Mothers club plans
its meeting for Monday evening at 8
o'clock in the Coral room of the school.
"What About Report Cards" is the gen
eral topic for the discussion.
Miss Florence Beardslcy, superinten
dent for elementary education, state
department of education, and Dr. Wal
ter E. Snyder, city superintendent of
schools, will lead the discussion.
Mrs. Kenneth Decatur, Mrs. William
Johnson, Mrs. Earl Cooke and Mrs. Carl
Armstrong are on the social committee
for the evening.
The nominating committee, including
Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Robert H. Hamil
ton, Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mrs. Carl Ol
son and Mrs. J. B. Avison, will report
and officers will be elected.