Page t THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Saturday, May 2, 1955 wmif.mimm In the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Aurora Turner Turner Wally Wipper, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiper, is taking basic training at Camp Roberts, Calif. Other Turner boys stationed at Camp Roberts are Vernon Credille, son of Mrs. John Miller and Phil Bates, son of Mrs. Bates, teacher at Cascade high school. Mrs. Loretta Morrison left Monday night to return to San Francisco after visiting in Turner for two weeks. Mrs. Morrison is the mother-in-law of Ruth Campbell. Tom Webb and son, Lilburn, have returned from California where they purchased two race horses, xne norses are raw being trained at Portland Mea dows. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Roberts have sold their residence to the Silas Kerner family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Merkel and children, Gary, Richard and Phillip were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Regler, arriving Monday af ternoon and leaving ruesaay afternoon. Mr. Merkel is the son of Mrs. Regier. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ro bertson and children are go ing to move to their new home, the Harry Barnett farm, over the week-end. . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Marsh and children have moved into their new home, the former residence of the Ralph Gre- gerson family. Ralph Helmken is in a Port land hospital recovering from a major operation. He is ex pected to return home soon. Mr. Helmken is a nephew of Mrs. Olive Catterlin and Mrs. Lou Small of Turner. Mrs. James (Chriatene) Mouke of San Francisco is visiting at Sixes. She is a sis ter of Mrs. Catterlin and Mrs. Small. Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small, who were injured in an auto wreck a short time ago, have been released from the hos pital. Mr. Small had six broken ribs. He Is the son of Mrs. Lou Small of Turner. Among those having gone asitTirtimrr"rr- smelt fishing this season are Bob Ball, Del Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Brutus Ashcroft, Louis Hennies. John Mickey and sons, Donald, Larry and Stevle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fierce, ai bert Jensen, Joe Holt, Fred Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Prather, Mr. Bassine, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sidweil ana cni dren, Jamie and Janice, Mrs, Ivy Sldwell, Frank Anaerson, Jim Versteag, J. tt. uirxsen, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Keene and Jerry Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mor ris sDent the week-end in Kel so, Wash., visiting his mother and other relatives, returning here Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prather spent Sunday in McMinnville visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fryrear.. Mrs. Fryrear is the former Mar sraret Prather. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell and Mrs. Scott Anderson have left for California. Mrs. An derson is the wife of the Metb odist minister. She is going to visit their children and ex pects to remain in California for a month. Lee Barber, who has been ill for some time and was in a Salem hospital for a while, is home but shows no im provement. Pedee OLD TIME DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. 60c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Oreh. 159 Court St. AUMSVILLE PAVILION DANCE Every Satnrdar Night U ML Southeast of Salem E Mane by LYLE AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadcast K8LM 7:St-8:0 P. H. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Kitchen Re-Opened Serving 5:S0 P.M.-'Til? Have dinner or a anack at the New Village Inn! 8mall Group or Large Group . . . The Food Is Always Tops. "The Three Guys" Appearing nightly this week and next NEW VILLAGE INN 1057 Portland Rd. Mrs. Rufus Dodge was host ess to the WSWS at her home Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. McCor- mack presented the lesson dur ing the morning session. Mrs. M, Dyer, newly elected president, had charge of the business meeting. Mrs. R. J. Smith will be the second delegate to the mission ary convention at Jennings Lodge next month. After a pot-luck dinner Mrs. Frank Sheythe completed the study book on Africa, current events were given by Miss Nola Womer. Visitors were Mrs. Dewey Cummins, Mrs. R. Pomeroy, Mrs. Kenneth Swingle, Mrs. Howard Perry. The birthday calendar was given by Mrs. Mollie Lacey. Mrs. Blankenbaker led the prayer circle. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Burbank, Lyle and Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell an Damm, Rodney and Trina, of Portland, were Sun day guests of their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Dyer. The Young Married People class at Sunday school were hosts to a surprise party held Friday evening at the club hall honoring their teacher, Mrs. Frank Sheythe, who with Mr. Sheythe is leaving soon for a month's trip through the southern states to New Or leans. Mrs. Bob Spinney, Kirk and Bobble of Philomath, Greg and Pamela Blankenbaker, recent ly visited the O. N. Burbanks at Cherry Grove. Tom Tharp, C. L. Burbank, Frank Sheythe, J. W. McCor mack and Rev. Delbert Dow attended a brotherhood rally and banauet at the EUB ' church at Albany Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. Wayne Blankenbaker and Stanley were luncheon guests at the Paul Ronco home Thursday. In the afternoon , Mrs. Blankenbaker and son and Mrs. Ronco and Bradley drove to Dallas. Mrs. C. L. Burbank spent several days the past week with Mrs. E. A. Fagg at Jen nings Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco and Bradley, Charles Ronco, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burbank, were dinner guests Sunday at the C. L. Burbank home. Aurora Aurora PTA offi cers for the new year were elected at the monthly meet ing. Serving will be Arthur Mills, president; Fred Saxton, vice-president; Mrs. William Wenzel, secretary; Mrs. Rob ert Keil, treasurer. Delegates named to repre sent Aurora at the state con gress at Medford were Mrs. George Elliott and Mrs. Wil liam Wenzel. A program of musical num bers and tap dancing was pre sented. Forty dollors was contribut ed to send two Aurora Boy scouts 10 the jamboree in San Francisco in June. The boys wno wn go 10 san jrranclsco v ih. iMnrthw nict,.iM are nooeri win ana Wendel , Key ciub( WB, the guest select ed to appear at tnis meeting. The club was Invited to meet at the home of Rona Workman for the May 2flth meeting. Ber la Thrash will act as co-host' ess with Mrs. Workman. State Representative E d Cardwell was featured speaker at the weekly meeting of the Kiwanis Wednesday, April 29. His topic was of his work as vice-chairman of Jorestry and Mines and vice-chairman of forestry committees. Out of town visitors at the meeting were Mr. Roy Breck, Corvallis; L. E. Scott, Leban on; and Don Pritchett, Lebanon. Each week a member of the Key Club, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis, is invited to at tend this luncheon meeting held in Grove's hall. John Ophus, high school student, and treas- McLln Installation of the new of ficers was Friday, May 16. Members of the Aurora vol unteer fire department are for mulating plans for the annual fireworks display to be given at Aurora city park on July 4. luemDers of the Aurora Woman's club will be guests of the Hubbard Woman's club Wednesday afternoon, May 6. Mrs. Harriet Ehlen accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Godlove to Eugene Monday, where she is the house guest of her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Will At a recent meeting of the Women's association of the Au rora Presbyterian church plana were formulated for the annual fall bazaar. Commit tees in charge will be: serving Mrs. JErnest Wright and Mrs. Wilbur Bevens; cards, Mrs. William Jensen; serving and selling food, Mrs. John Kraus, Mrs. Hattie Ehlen, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. George Kraus. The Country Store will be In charge of Mrs. Ralph Balr. The Parcel Post booth will be in charge of Mrs. Lorin Giesy. Selling candy and handling telephone calls will be Mrs. Herbert John and Mrs. Grace Bishop. The Rev. L. C. Leikauf, pas tor of Christ Lutheran church at Aurora, was stricken with a heart attack Saturday, and his place in the pulpit Sunday morning was occupied by Dr. George Koehler of Portland. This week the Rev. Leikauf was reported resting easily, but was under physicians orders to undertake no strenuous ef forts. 1 Approximately 200 attended social night festivities at the Maplewood grange hall Tues day night. Mrs. Cal O. Lewis had charge of the program and Mrs. Jake Fenske was master of ceremonies. Mrs. Eleanor Hlnk led in group singing with Mrs. A, L. Welden at the piano. There were solos by Carol Campeau, songs by a trio of women, piano selections by Mrs. Warren Bunn and Anita Lewis, and a zither selection by Mrs. Henry Colvin. Mrs. Walter Meeks present ed a medicine man show. The refreshment committee In charge was Mr. and Mrs. Phaen Sayre, Sr., Mr. and Mrs Louis Bushman, Mrs. Frank Thlel, Mr. and Mrs. John Waite, Mrs. P. H. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ray smith Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Phillips of Coos Bay, formerly employ ed by Linn county fire patrol in Sweet Home, were Monday and Tuesday visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Trenholm and Mr. and Mrs. John Benson. Sublimity Stayton Stayton Dr. George G. Roseberry, district superinten dent of the Methodist church, win ne the speaker at the Sun day morning services at the church. A pot luck lunch will be served after the service, for the church members, their families and friends. In the afternoon Dr. Rose berry will conduct the fourth quarterly conference. This Is the annual church business meeting when new officers of the church are nominated. Communion services will be held on Sunday at the First Baptist church, when new members will be received. This service is conducted on the first Sunday of every month. On May 10. Mother's Dav will be observed, with flow ers presented to the oldest and the youngest mother Dresent at the services. The Union high school lun. ior and senior prom was held Thursday night in the hieh school gym. Preceding the trom. thp banquet was held at 8:30 with Pat Woods, home economics teacher, making the preparations. Merlin Morey underwent an operation at Salem Memorial hospital on Thursday morning. Mill City Sweet Home AMERICAN LEGION HALL DINING ROOM CLOSED FREE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT ORCHESTRA MUSIC For Legionnaires and Auxiliary Members 8andwlchea ft Coffee available Gala celebration eome one come all. Sweet Home building per mits issued during the month of April totaled $33,701.00. They were as follows: To Wally Thill, apartment bldg., $1000. Kenneth Groves to install window, $100. Charles Letts, for duplex building. $8000. Amr) Yandall, for addition to residence, $2500. Jim Barton, for basement, $5000. Jim Harcrow, for addition to building, $2500. Charles Letts, installing side walk, $100. Linn county Telephone Co., for new office building, $12, 000. Blaine Cobat, for residence, $5000. B. L. Simms for addition to residence, $200. Sublimity The St. Boniface high May Day Festival will be held Friday evening, May 1 in the parish gym. , The nsme of the queen who will be disclosed that evening will be chosen from the rep resentatives of the various classes, namely, Sharon Meier, of the senior class; Mary Louise Hottinger from the ju nior class; Geraldine Heuberg- er, representing the sopho mores and Nancy Nellson. the freshman class. Mrs. Fred Schluender was recently discharged from a Sa lem hospital, after having been hospitalized a week with pneumonia. Mrs. William Schmidt is confined to her home with arthritis. Mrs. George Schmidt, who was critically ill at the San tiam Memorial hospital, is greatly improved and has re turned to her home. Miss Louise Hauth, 13, of Mt. Angel, has been a patient at the 1 Minnie Hassler home the past few months. The little girl, a cancer vic tim, who is in a coma much of the time. Mrs. Louise Heuberger was hostess to the Altar Society at ner nome Monday evening. Discussions were In order con cerning the Cana conference which will be an event of June 7. The last meeting before the summer vacation will be held at the home of Mrs. Theodore Peters on Monday, May 25 John Mackie is convalescing at his home from nis recent siege of pneumonia while at Crescent City, Calif. Robert Hartman, navy elec tronics technician, third class, winner of the 1953 Pacific Army-Air-Force photography contest, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hartmann of Sub limity) and a graduate of St. Boniface high school. Detroit Mill ntv .Tnhn Ano,. I who was in the Santiam Me morial hospital in Stayton two weeks is home nuow. Mrs. Bertha Shepherd, of Gates, also Mrs. Arthur Rhoda were taken to the Santiam Memor ial hospital for medical ob servation and treatment this week. The Friendship circle, young matron's group of the Presby terian church Sunday school met at the home of Mrs. Mar tin Kelly Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ed Yarnell was in charge of the business session and Rev. Noble Streeter was in charge of the program. Re freshments concluded the meeting. Mrs. John Brewer of Lone Beach, Calif., is spending sev eral weeks in Mill City at the Hump ui ner aaugmer ana lam-1 It.. 1 jr " . uj, air. ana rars. uoraon iay and other relatives. District convention practice for Order of Eastern Star was held in Mill City Tuesday night. The district includes Turner, Jefferson, Stayton and Mill City chapters. Mill City eighth grade class held a cake sale in the school Tuesday to benefit their class treasury. There are more than 30 boys and girls to graduate this spring. Detroit Ten members of Detroit's sixth grade Busy Bee 4-H sewing club wil lattend the Marion county 4-H fair at Stayton next week with one of their leaders, Mrs. Georgia New and Mrs. Goldie Storey. The girls are in their third year of 4-H work, having be gun with a health club and now completing their second year in sewing. Mrs. Floy Storey and Mrs. New have been leaders for two years. The club members will dis play their year's project at the fair, hot dish holders, aprons and scarves. Last year the De troit group won distinction in the 4-H parade by being the only, club in uniform and they will again march in the parade Friday 'in uniform. Members of th club are De lores Gescher, Evelyn Harper, Sally New, Darlyene Storey, Martha Mason, Gloria Even son, Violet Robinson, Clydia Storey, Lodell Wallace and Susanne Moore. The Detroit Women's Civic club will sponsor a movie Tuesday evening, May S at 7:45 as a benefit for the school grounds landscaping fund. The picture scheduled Is en titled "It Happens Every Spring," starring Ray Milland and Susan Peters. There also will be a cartoon. Miss M. B. Miller is in charge of ticket sales. Farm Bureau Elects Officers at Mf. Angel Mt. Angel The Marion County Farm Bureau Center will meet Monday evening, May 4, at 7 pm. in the St. Mary's school auditorium, The guest' speaker will be Jack Bartlett, head of the Civil Aeronautics commission. A film also will be shown on "fire Jumpers" and crop spray ing. The Mt. Angel Farm Bureau Center met recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duda, Jim Jackson, president, spoke of the values of Farm Bureau life insurance. At the election of officers the following were elected: Jim Jackson, president; Walter Duda, vice-president; Erwin Nickodemus. county reDresen- tative; Mrs. Erwin Nickode mus, women's chairman; and Mrs. Hugo Hemshorn, center secretary. The next regular meeting of the Mt. Angel Center will be held May 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Hemshorn. Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hale at Clackamas over the past week-end. Brook Marie, thp old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. noDert Jones has been quite ill for the Dast wppIc with in. testinal" flu. Miss Joan Mainra vicitari in Salem Thursday on business. Mrs. William Talbot has re turned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoen lein and children of Stnrktnn Calif. Mrs. Bert Walklpv Mr Drew Hobbs and Mrs. Ted E. Smith were visitors in Dallas on Thursday. Sweet Home Crowns Queen c.noi Unmo Queen Eliza beth I (Elizabeth Wallace) was crowned Queen of May at high school ceremonies this week. Accompanied by student body president Don Kartevold, Queen Elizabeth, wearing white net-tulle and royal purple robes loH ihA nrnrpgslon of pastel at tired princesses and their es corts to the tnrone wucic Kartevold crowned Elizabeth in traditional ceremonies. Scat tering flower petals before the queen was little Mildred Kikel. UoorlnO lha tlVlIn of the robe were Misses Jerl and Linda I Brady. The Queen's retinue were Princess Patti Evans escorted by Jack Taylor; Princess Gloris Calderon escorted by dick, lur cher; Princess Enole Holcolm escorted by Dick Pierce; Prin cess Rayetta Bickford escorted by John Ophus; Princes Gayle Holten Loe, escorted by Bill Alwert; Princess Faye Rice escorted by Jim Barrett. 1 Floyd Kikel was Master of ftprpmnnipc and Mrs. Bvrd. physical education instuctor, and Jim Barrett .student cnair man, were in charge of corona tion ceremonies. The school band provided music for the coronation, in cluding both the processional and recessional. Trinity Lutherans Present Program Silverton The members of Trinity Lutheran Brotherhood met Friday evening, May 1, at the church with the program being presented by Oregon State college students from the Lutheran Student association of Corvallis. The Rev. Edvin Svendsen, director of the Lutheran Stu dent Foundation, was prTt to assist the four men who d tlcipated In the program Jul" tions. ,ec David Baker dssxriv..., .. kk.UCQ III. activities of the Corvsuj! group. Masis Yanrunyan 7 exchange student, descrih!5 hp World Studpnf nu-, V" Federation Activities n nna Tn A liohlpn i . ture number was presented h .w oaojkj,. appeared in vocal solo selec tions, L. A. Meyer, president, M nuuui-cu me i-ummiuee ngf, sonnel for the father-son bin" nupt tn hB thp -n- 1"" - ' K ut I r , day, May 22. , derson served late rsfr.v" ments.. 1 1 Milking Shorthorns ' Sold to R. W. Hoyden " Raymond W. Hayden, Rt 1 Salem, Ore., has added to hli herd by the purchase of Edge, canyon Anne, Edgecanyon Dorrls, and Edgecanyon Jennie from Robert D. Leikem, Rt, j Silverton, Ore. ' '. rne new animals are pure, bred Milking Shorthorns and the record of the transfer of ownership has been made by the American Milking Short, horn Society at Springfield. Mo. . PHONE S-34ST Lana Turner Kirk Douglas "BAD & BEAUTIFUL" Mltri Gaynor In Technicolor "THE I DON'T CARE GIRL" Webfoot Webfoot Honorine Mrs AmeS Holdredae of Webfnnt was 83 years of age, a group of relatives and friends gave her a sumrise nartv t hpr home Monday. Gifts and flowers were Dre- sented. Attending were her brnther- In-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. August Swanson of Sheridan; Mrs. Holdredee. Mr. nnrt Mr Roscoe Roberts, Mrs. Albert May, Mrs. A. M. Vernon and Mrs. Del Morgariedge of Webfoot. A ship must use a lnntrpr anchor chain in rough weather than in calm weather to allmv for ship movement. Qi Ends Tonight Open 6:00 "THE LAWLESS BREED" And "AARON SLICK FROM PUNKIN CREEK" 111 I II M B II lVs1 I Starts Sunday Cont 1:45 3 MAR KB0MH M . sL53-KX5B CHARLES C0WKXE ?f C3VCICSI2T THUNDBCl? UlfHBOlST Abo Judy Canovi - Stephen Dunne WAC FROM WALLA WALLA' fHONt ma UIISH GAI0INS, HIGHWAY GATKS OFfcN 7:00 SHOW AT DUSK ENDS TONITE (Sat.) "THUNDER IN THE EAST" Alan Ladd Deborah Kerr Plus "THE GCNFIGHTER" Gregory Peck STARTS SUNDAY! In Technicolor "MISSOURI GAMBLER" Tyrone Power Piper Laurie Plus "MY COUSIN RACHEL" Olivia DeHariland t BALLROOM SPECIAL Private Lessons 3 for $4.00 PAUL ARMSTRONG DANCE STUDIO 155 S. Liberty Ph. 27523 Salem High School Choir And Orchestra . . . PRESENTS . . . H.M.S. Pinafore By Gilbert A Sullivan S.H.S. Auditorium TUE5. & WED. MAY 5-6 8 P.M. Adults 75c Students 50c (TltkU Qm4 lor Illhtr Nlthl Ka Rnerrcd BmU) STARTS TOMORROW! CONT. SHOWS SAT. & SDN. Ends Today! (Sat.) "President's Lady" & "Down Among the Sheltering Palmi" ttOBOW HANDLES EM ROUGHER THAN N. Commercial walking ap ftatnt (tor Hello People: Sunday nil when fisherman own home from trying all day to ctch little flan he la very Ured and hungry. Many of theae Iaaac Wongton men brlr self and family up to my place for good Sunday dinner at ntte. Some of theae men even catch fish but neighbors are to num erous hardly have enough fiah Wt for children. They are Uking Chinese food better anyway. Tou Just come up and say "Fix for me special dinner of several dishes." You will be delight. 4f- YEESING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me this my cousin Frank Sweet Home Surprise fea ture of a recent meeting of the Five Point Club was a birthday cake honoring Mrs. Florence White. ) Rose Swagat, co-hostess for the evening, baked the cakej which was used at refreshment time. Hostess for the evening, was Mrs. Verlin Roberts of 601 ' i Main St. j ! Plans were completed at the meeting for a cooked food sale to be held May B in the Weddle building. I FREE! DANCE LESSONS niuui. nut (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction by Mr. Triple tt and staff nf MM MARK STUDIO 74 Dancing from 9 lo 12 TfAt Modern I t nirt Tlm HELD OVER! T tcL3 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. OF ON 4 tie FUN! JJjf I flCTUI -a MARI BLANCHARD THRIU. PACKED CO-fEATUHEI Ronald REAGAN DRAMA1 l l-l- Mil I II gff II , I I WW, A-7 V'f, SAW -Xi t 1 " '.' Mtk L I WltBiAtsiB! LV feav Wf THAT RIPPED ! mmu BBcme Mimni aitKUM HAYDEN . EYE MILLER I PLUS! COLOR CARTOON . AIRMAIL NEWS L