y i Saturday, May 2, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE v 2jjjjju2i" saaawsew Hey, Mow' We neep a bioser cmjr here!' FOR RENT BUSINESS BUILDING In Keller. In , quire at Kelzer Beauty Belon. 3-3270. 1107- fPR RENT ) LARGE warehouse apace for rent or K lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire B. L. Stiff Pur- e i ; nlture Co. Phone 3-S185. J ' TOU LEASE, biulneu building, 4 Cor- neri district. 485 N. Lancaster Dr.. phone 33466 or 44019. J108" FOR RENT ROOMS BOOM WITH bath, clue In. Oentleman. J Phone 3-4701. Jkl07 TV, KITCHEN privileges, deeping room, 120.50 per month. Phone 1-7030. jkno rim ij.uiii nousexeeping room. uiar. 085 No. Church. JkllO' I LARGE lovely rooms available May 4. Cooking privileges II desired. 836 No. Winter. Jkl05' - SLEEPING ROOM for 1 Church. Phone 3-4330. 700 N. JklOT BOOMS FOR GIRLS Kitchen privilege. use entire house. 045 N. winter. Phone 14372 or 39400. IklOO' ROOM & BOARD If WANTED ELEDERLY couple to board and room, 2-7041. JJlofl FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED a bedroom house, with basement, fireplace, garage. Phone 3-3840. Jml07 IP P AL FOR couple, clean 1 bedroom house, on quiet street. Hemgeraior ana range, 140. Phone 3-6163. Jml06 BEDROOMS, auto heat, 835 Thomp son Ave. Inquire Ohm art it Calaba. Open house Sunday 10-5:00. jm!05 MODERN t BEDROOM, large living room, unfurnished garage, oil furnace, $75. 185 N. lath. Phone 3-3066. Jml05 NICE TWO bedroom houae. Gas stove and automatic furnace. $45. 1328 State. Oh mart St Calaba. Rltra. JmllO 4 BEDROOMS, redecorated, lOt Koon treet, SHverton. Phone 1-41 4S, 811 vrrton. im!05 ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, elec tric, ranee, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, lmmlated. 3332 Maple Avenue. J"""9' REALLY ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom du plex. At all able June 8th. 460 N. Win ter. JmlOS" UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom duplex, ex cept range. Close In. 830. Phone 2-8689 JmlOS- CLEAN. 1 BEDROOM, living Toom. kitchen, dinette. Range and utilities furnished. AdulU. 50. Phone 3-1339 jmlOj1 t-SEDROOM, unfurnished house. 130 month. See at 1710 N. Front. 4-2279, Jmioiv IMAUTwest 6alem house, den and work- -t, ftrt level. Living-Kitchen, bedroom and bath on lower level. Oood view. Garden space, aao per monin, Phone 2-3393. Jml06 CLEAN 4-berlroom house, full basement, wood furnace, wired for range. M, 4.Mfl5. Jml08- ft RNISHED, Extra lovely for 2. 145 Store, bus. Phone 35085- jmj" OFFICE FOR RENT FOt:R OR FIVE-ROOM eulte. Oregon Building. Pnone a-i: DESIRABLE office rooms 135 to las. Heat, lights, janitor inc. . V"" St. J"105 GROUND FLOOR office or store space for rent can " ""; ,,r, FOR RENT APARTMENTS LEE APTS. .., ni.tmaulshad Address n..,.tir,ii bachelor apartments with Pullman kitchens, at moderate rates n-.,. An .v.n.hl. l-bedroom epts from 077. Call 4-1041. Winter at Union en. LOVELY LARGE 3 room furnished apart ment. Utilities lurmsneu. Phone 3-73B7. Salem's FINEST 1 bedroom court apart. . n-...,. .i.n ..r.tr. and util ity room. Quality feature,. Stove and reirlgerator rumi.nca. 'z: - Vt-nMiciirn i roams, redecorated. Re- . .!,-.,. hath. 140. 401 SO. LIVING ROOM, dinette and kitchenette. Call alter 0. 3-0650. ll'JL OlfltENT. newly pelnted small base ment apartment. Market St. JplOS1 f.v.v vf'RN-iaitKn apt. Close In. Ph jpio' CLEAN l bedroom unturn. escept 'ec rente, near bus. cannery. -vur IP110 wndt-Bw .n.vKHrn unit for a couple. no pets. 4300 South Pacific hl,hJ'; CIOSE IH nice modern furnished ! room apartment. Adults. P h c ri 1311)0. ATTRACTIVE furnUheil Pullman sot Prlvn-e e-trer.re M Jidion. i-Wt NICE 4 LARGE rooms In Shopping Center. furnished, bsth. Phone 37841 JP100- - ONE-ROOM furnished house keeping ept.. close in north, cell Burt Plcha, 370 N. High. 8-4047, JlO lAiilvTHouslne Authority has vacant units for ouallfled persons Inou Ire at Housing Office. 1200 S. Htrt St. )pl KlvATE TIIREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. MODERN, unfurnished 1 room ant. 1140 S. 13th. bedroom 4- JPllV U N. SUMMER, nice, tl"";'-"0"! and-bath, furnished, ell utiml's paid available May 0. See now. 60J1P105 ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment. cloe to stale bulldlnss ana "',::" ter. Automatic wa.her. electric dryer, all utlllMe, paid. Alto Pullman apart ment. 401 M. Winter siki )Pl' t-BFDROOM furnished apartment. Hoi. lywood Dlst. Adults. Phone 'J'-,,, MlrtLV Fl RNlsm'D S-room. 1 ground floor. 1 room, kitclenette JplOO By Ketcham FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED apt., private bath, reduced rent. 108 No. nth. Ipios- NEAR STATE bulldlnis, clean, tur nlshed apt., private bath. T0 Marlon. )PlW CLEAN 1. BACHELOR apartment, and 1 and 3-bedroom furnished apartment. Each private bath, steam, washlni facilities psld. Block to state bulld Inea, department and trocerr store. Near shopping center. CaU 1-1151. JP105" 3 ROOM NICE apartment. Private bath. !8 N. Church. Phone 14715. 1p117 4 ROOM furnished apartment. A recu lar 1 bedroom home, and roomy. 405 B. Summer. JplOS 3-ROOM furnished court apartment, too. loffi Hedlson, phone 17700. JploO- 147.00 Furnished 3-rm. apt paid. 340 Division. 40030. utilities JP107 NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Apts. 550 No. Bummer. IP FURNISHED one or tiro bedroom court apartment. Close In. 20540. JplOO t-ROOM FURNISHED 495 6, Slat, Phone 36867. JP105 1-BEDROOM court apartment, appli ances furnished. Near Shopping Cen ter. Adults. 1420 Trade street. JplOS' - ROOM furnished clean downstairs apartment. Range, refrigerator, laun dry. Utilities paid. $40. Phone 2-9084. 2261 Hazel Ave. JplOS SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location, inquire n. u stiff Furniture. Phone 3-9185. IP EXQUISITE, 3 -room, bath, large, good view, ground floor, pnone 2-1117. JplOS1 LOST & FOUND LOST Red wool scarf, horse print. Re ward. Phone 3-8348. It 107 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS O-DRrVB MOVE TOURBZLP PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION (10 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1011 PAGE STEVENSON and All MEPFORD aav SALEM SAND at GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Itoad Clearing - Dtteblnt Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days 3-0408 Kvea. 3-4417 or 1-7413 Salem, Orecon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN HOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bide., State Ac Commercial Sta SALEM PH. 1-3311 m- BUILDING MATERIALS SURPLUS ITEMS Mill prices. Coast Ranee Mill. 065 zassel St.. west Be lem. mel05' BARN PAINT, White, Oal 03.00 BARN PAINT.gray, la 03.00 BARN PAINT, red, lal 13.00 BARN PAINT, green, gal 12.00 Norris Walker Paint Co. 1710 N. Front - Salem Ph. 4-2270 mal07' shfktiNO 115 oer M. while It lasts. Short 2x4, 115 per M. Big 10. 01 oait trim at your price. O. W. Klang Wrecking Co. Can be seen at 607 N Commercial. mama KEITH . BROWN'S Window Screen Time HEADQUARTERS FOR RYLOCK SCREENS. STANDARD SIZES ON HAND MAHOGANY DOORS 2- OxO-oxl, C HC A graoe s ew 2.4x6-6x1'. RC HC A grade ... 1001 3- 0i0.0xl. RC HC A arad 1107 5.s,.t1. RC HC A grade 11.11 Heron Ply. (" to 516" ell sites to 4x0 0 Piyron V all slsea to 4x8 ....21 so. ft. SHAKES 16" hislned Shakes with under- course I" , " 16" Besuly Wal cartoned shakes with undercourse - 10 colors ,.613.50 aq. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Phone 3-0111 Front Court St. WE GIVE 8 at H OREEN STAMPS BI'ILDER'S SPECIAL New plsned lum ber 111 per M. end up, delivered 3-2043. n1"t PLYWOOD P.l. ?r.a.: ! P'i. ' . . u.,, . t'.n ursllie and Laid wood pivwooae in aioj. " """ Screen Doors 0 05 up. Tension lite d. Screens. Welluoards o every kind. si so stR. Rooflnt. msny co,- ... I., .niter 15c It. No. 1 red osk fig. In he.:ed room to Insure drynew. Fir fig. S0 1X4 D M FIX 06 50. Doors. Doors A Doors. Mahojsny. Birch. Fir Slabs, and Psne,s 6.05 up .... H. f.. cheerful estimating ...vie. Nothing down, 36 months to pay. Free delivery. No order to amen. Its sppreclaled. Portland Road Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAY SAT. ... Portland Rd. Phone 4-441! Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles i. n inehei clear. IS: Wo. .--v..." .io.r ii No eap efood or rLI .ni ejt thrm. Ted Mullsr. ills. Come ana get inem- ' llsl.m-Ind.psnrtrnce n,.. 3-1106 MN'MrsTsoe doren. il Midair Dm s pnone 10I1U BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs We art closing out our entire stock f Lawn Mowers, Beet r to and Gas. Aleo Garden Hose. Regular Sale 116" Hand Mowers 824 M l1ft 1 It" Ou Rotary Uower 118.08 14 44 J 1" Elec. Rotary Mower 11.10 57.44 316" Site. Rotary Mower 7 SI WW 60 Feet Plastic Hose ft.M 4.76 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD rrool is Court t. Ph. 1-1111 We Olvo eVeH Oreea llamas ' Building? New weatherstrlpped wlndowa, om pl.uly euembled, bundredi m stock ready to go, 114 up. New picture window 10.00 Mew doors IT'll'l" 00.50 l-lab thlckbutt roofing oo.n Unpslnted cedar ahakas 05.70 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...135.30 Hew WHO" wash basins 317.50 Cast bath tube, complete ...100.50 Mew abower cabinets, complete. .143.00 Colored bath sate Bargain two-gal. ateel eeplle tanks 002.50 4" goll pipe 70 Mew electrle water heaters 001.50 Mew ateel garage doore 005.00 Asbestos elding 00.50 Mew plaaterboard 4x1 01.40 bterlor white paint (gal.) ... 02.05 Mahogany Ai birch plywood... bargain Water proof waU board, 4x1 ....01.76 Screen doors 18.00 DOORS Hundreds of fir and hardwood doors; birch, mahogany and gumwood. pick your choice. Bargain. SHINGLES Mo 1 per so 00.35 Ho, 1 per sq 05.00 Mo. 1 per sq 04.00 CASH & CARRY DISCOUNT 15c SQ. C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45051 1 ml. north of Keller ma' REDUCED 0.00 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 1-speed shift automatic gtarter. Starting price April 14th, 1365 50 MAY 4th $201.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front As court St. Phone 1-0111 WX GIVE L H. OREEN STAMPS ma NURSERY STOCK EVERGREEN SALE Shrubbery, Orna mental Trees, Red Asaleas, 4 for 01-00. Merrill's Oreenhouse, Brooks. mblOO SPECIAL SALE t-year-old vivid red asaleaa, 15c. Werlns'i Nursery, 1025 Oak Hill Ave (Turn east from ME at South Village tavern). moioo' OKRANLUMS, FU8CHSIAS 35c DELPHINIUMS 1 for 11.00 TUBEROUS BXOONIAS .. 1 for 01.00 DAHLIA BULBS NAMED .. 1 for 01.00 GLAD BULBS 3 Dx. for 01.00 EVERBEARINO SRAWBERRY PLANTS MERRILLS GREENHOUSE, BROOKS mbl07' CHOICE OLOXINEAS now blooming. Vlsltore welcome at Salem's African Violet headouertere. Fuchsia. Petunia. tomatoe As bedding plants. Oppen's Oreenhouse, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4 CHRYSANTHEMUMS, 000 verities, Eng lish American hardy, cushions, spoons, spiders. Oeranluma. delphiniums. Lu pine, Aatelbes, etc. Black's, 1370 Che- mewa Rd., lVb miles East of Kelser. 3-4250. mblOO' BEDDING PLANTS Stlverton Oreen Houses the best In gersnlums, fuchsias, pelagonluma, all other plants. cabbage and lettuce 35e per dosen 017 so. Water, on road to silver Creek rails. mbllO1 AZALEAS IN bloom. Hardy varieties. Popular colors. 36c to 12.00. Sales yard, 3030 N. 6th. Strayer Aisles Gar den, 155 Locust. mbl07 HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph 32102. 2407 Hollywood Drive, mblol For Sale MISCELLANEOUS MUST SELL Bendlx Economat automatic wather. Runs good. Only $35. Phone X-S103. nl06 1450 RCA Victor TV. 21 -Inch console plus 30 foot antenna. Only $375. 2516 So. Commercial. 2-0005. nl07 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 20774 or 3-S073. mis1 TOP SOIL River atlt and fill dirt, livery. Phone 2-1749. FOR SALE, small wood cook slove for apartment or trailer. 275 Market. moiY T1RKS, truck parts. Ford. B2V20 and 750-20. 4-2521. 2310 Lansing Ave. nlO' FOR SALE, 60-gal. orchard aprayer with 1.3 hp. motor. Ph. 43340 or see at 1680 Center St. n!03 0-YR. HARDWOOD baby crib, dropslde. Fall panel ends. Wet proof mattress. 125. Ph. 33447 sfter 4:10 p.m. nl07 BABY RUGGY, scale. Infant clothes tl 1 year maternity clothes 14. 1-3511. n!06' VERY GOOD dining room 33x54 blonde table and 4 chairs 635. 005 Vista. Phone 3-3080. n!05 ELECTRIC sewlna machine. Also Mod. el A panel truck. Phone 2-3002. nl05' LARGE TOOL chest, miscellaneous arti cles. Phone 4-1300. nlOV CHROME DINETTE set. swing rocker, Zenith console radio, lawnmower. Phone 3-5O20: nl05' KAYUM VIOL, full Site. Phone 3-7513 nioa GARAGE DOORS, unfinished lurnlture made to order. Small carpenter and cabinet repair Jobs. Prices reasonable Woodworking Fixit Shop 1675 Mo. 11 Ph. 2-5350 n gg-IN. COTTON mattress In good con. dltlon. 110 00. 307 B. 23th. nion BLACK IRON dlnettf ils, 5 PC 170 85 Glenn Woodry. 16D!. pi. Summer. Organic Fertilizer Free Racs- 2-1127. of weed tredt. and odorlesi r bj.lt P7dri dfiiftred. Pn nilfi LAUV'S BiriCLE In good condition. Very reasonable. 4J5 Jentrson si. niuiv MrCtLLOCH CHAIN PAWR, Wb Fdge water. West Balem. Salem Logging Sup' ply. Ph. 4-1141, 14HO TARPAVLIN, new. 1411 R. 4th. nios- HOWARD wslnut piano and beaoh, ex cellent condition, till. 370 Bo. 14th. moa SEVERAL I'SEfl one-men power saws at Ware's Perm Store. nlOV STEEL clothesline posts, plenters, ren ins porch columns, furniture. 1145 N. Liberty. nlll GARDEN TRACTOR, good Phone 4-3511. condition. M0S CI.OT.III.INE POSTS. Iron less for ts bl.s. furniture, ralllnss. 1143 N. Lib trtr. H4' POR SALE Upright Qnlbrenson piano Phone 3-14(3. nlOS IBOSPIT4L RED for sale or rent. H. L . ... ,...,.., Co Pnon, s.nsi n1 L. . Vt HP. ROI.I.EN ssrdrn tractor, p.ow, cultivator and grass cutter. 3-1330 101' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon AUTOMOeiLES t t BRING. ....... MAY BARGAINS PRICES HAVE "FALLEN" LIKE APRIL RAIN. NOW S THE TIME MAY TIME TO FIND THE USED CAR YOU WANT . . . AND BUY. LOOK AT THESE BUYS THIS WEEKEND. '52 DODGE $1795 Sedan, RH. fluid drive, only 7,100 aetual taUoa. Xere'o something to aee and own. '50 FORD $1385 Custom sudor sedan, KJiH, verdrtve. really very abarp and very clean I 47 DODGE $795 custom 4-door sedan, very clean, or igins! pslnt. excellent motor . . . and ejesnll Locations To' Serve Y.H1 Easily I tot North High M Chemsketa 1110 Portland ltd. Stan Baker Motors '49 CHEVROLET $1095 Fleetllne 4-door eedan, RAH. very clean and very excellent throughout. 49 HUDSON $1095 Super 0 4-door sedan, 1-tone green, very clean. It's the FAMOUS "HUD SON STEPDOWM"! '50 STUDEBAKER $1095 Starlight champion club eoupe, over drive ,heatcr, hill holder . . . plus many extras. SHROCK'S Where Chemeketa Ooe to Church '51 DE SOTO $1895 Custom 4-door sedan, R&H, premium white ildewalle, automatic transmis sion, custom seat covers, beautiful ! tone paint. '48 PLYMOUTH 1$945 Special deluxe 2-4oor eedan, RAH, white aldewall tires, rery low mile age. Really aharp 1 '48 PONTIAC $895 Deluxe tudor sedan, RAH, lot of extras. Rosa nicer In Salem. Salem Automobile Co. 41 ft H. Com'L Ph. J-4117 BEST BUY'S BUICK VACATION DELIVERIES FOR MAY -JUNE - JULY PICK UP YOUR CAR IN EITHER CHICAGO, ILL. or FLINT, MICH. AS LOW AS $2355 Buick Special 2-door equipped with heater & defroster, direction signals, and license. Available for Immediate Delivery in Salem New 1953 Buick Special 2-door Sedan $2841 INCLUDING: OREGON'S OLDEST AUTOMOBILE AGENCY OTTO J. WILSON Company COMMERCIAL AT CENTER For Sole MISCELLANEOUS Singer Electric Walnut Cabinet aewir.f rrarhiTM ftws forward atvl re- vr!. Free se wing leison. 80 dis count. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'l. nIOi Singer Electric Portable Seas forward and reverse. Regaler set of attachments, tooke like ew. en. unn.td b.lence. Singer Sewing Center nlOO' ISO r. lboi t. ROTTED MANURE 1 000 rerds. the best we hate ever had Por good organic results order rotted cow msnure that toj can use without fear, r, 00 per rsrd 4 yards 111. I jards I3S. 10 yards 140. Pis, stones, Isva stone, fence post-v 4s4 stsksa and rustic red e.dar fencing. Phillips Bros.. Rt. . Box 40!. Ph 43081. ReHm. 2 ml. t. 4 Corners n- BALEU DIEBEL Roller and ball bearlnss lor trucks and uaclora. 1771 illverton Road CEDAR TELEPHONE and eleclrlo poi.S. fence posts, b.sn posts and stsk'S Phillips Bros.. Rt 0. Eox l. I mil's east si 0 Corners. PR. 4-lolL AUTOMOBILES APRIL SHOWERS -- ' MO UMBRELLA NEXDXDI ABANDON HOPE All Ye Who Enter Our Lot This Lot This Weekend - Or Anytime! UNLESS You are looking for a good used car buy! THE ONLY TIME YOU'LL GET SOAKED HERE IS ON RAINY DAYS! PICK TOUR USED CAR FROM MORE THAN M ON HAND ARROW USED CARS TOO H. Klgh FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We will beopen from I a.m. to p.m. dally except .Saturday to help you buy the uied car you have always wanted. COMI IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH Ufl! Aee our vaet atock of pre-war and late model Chevrolet. PLUS many other popular makes and model to gult your puriel DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 135 N. Commercial St. Phona -ans THE PLACE TO LOOK AND SAVEI '51 STA. WAGON $1495 Mash Rambler with loL of extras I '49 OLDSMOBILE 88 ..$395 4-door sedan, RAH , . . nlcel '42 CHEV. CONV $395 Coupe . . . something for summer driving enjoyment. a BUZZ CHEFFINGS MOTOR CO. Across A: south of Legion Club 1040 s. Com'l Ph. 41031 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The WeeW-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later UNDERSEAT HEATER DEFROSTER FOAMTEX CUSHIONS EASY-EYE GLASS DIRECTION SIGNALS LICENSE PHONE 2-3623 Wont.d MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck acale price for second ana 14 growth fir. Long end Abort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. I ISO wslisce Ad. Ph. 4-1784 nal27 WOollRIAtrplanos. PhonTT-lllo! na LOGS WANTED stud aim. Lengths r 4" sr lr 1 Diameter 0" to 10". Bawmtll, Leogthe ir and longer. Diameter 1" to 10". Top prlcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phon 1133 na ELECTRIC 1-0110 RANGES. Woodrr'l. Ph EXCHANGE MISC. WILL SELL or trade for cattle, bean pounder, bean stakes. 13 and 14 gauge wire. Terrell Alwood. 4001 Bute. nnl07' PERSONAL Ai,coiioir(:sANnNVMOi's, Oroup No 1. 3011 N. Commercial. Pb. 1-1517 pill' AUTOMOBILES 49 FORD V-8 $845 Cuetom club coupe, RAH fary aharp, very clean I '47 CHEVROLET .$645 Coupe. RAH, 1 owner, very good rub ber, clean, and excellent motor. '46 CHEVROLET $795 Cui torn tied hood and trunk, white aide walla, dean la and out. RON'S 1145 BROADWAY 51 PONTIAC $1895 Chieftain I deluxe eedan, fully equipped, low mileage and S-tone green. '50 PLYMOUTH $1265 Deluxe coupe, custom Tadlo, heater, tailor-made seat coven. 47 FORD 6 . $595 Deluxe tudor eedan. RAH, original finish, '41 Mercury motor with only 1,000 miles. WESTERN MOTORS 1163 Broadway I for s; eJX (Is -O7 JL. You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 13 Sedan, Hrdro., KAH 13403 01 Slsllon Wagon, Hrdro, RAH J.1BS 40 sedan, RAH 13m 40 Sedan Coupe, RAH ......... 1001, 47 Sedan Coupe, RAH 000 CHEVROLET 4 Sedan Coupe, RAH 1000 FORD 40 Sedan, RAH 47 Club Coupe, RAH BEST TOR LESS 41 Bukk. RAH 40 Packard, RAH 40 Chevrolet, H ...ooos ... too ,..0300 ... 100 ... 140 37 Chevrolet 7 14 Plymouth 00 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 6(10 N. LIBERTY PH. 1-4113 gl00 1040 MFRCl'RY, good conlltlon. Will take older car In trade. Phone 2-0100- aioe 1000 PLYMOUTH, radio, heater, good condition. 3473 Trade. Phone 3-1B09. alio 1R40 CHF.V. de luxe 4-door sedan, radio. healer, perl. cond. One owner. Must sell quick. 11000.00. 3-0184. OlOO MUST SELL 1040 Chevrolet Pleetllne. Redlo, heat er, white wall tlrea. Excellent eondl tlon Inside and out. Price to well. 1406 Jefferson. 0104' 1940 CHEV. convertible, power top. re. low. Cell after 4:30 p m. 1-T331 tu see at 1080 Boone Roal; 0107 7o47V.iyER. must seU, new tires, llfiv Phone 4-3290. 0107 DOWN DOWN TWENTY DOTJ.AR8 ICVEnY DAT CNTI1, BOLD 1D40 Olds Sedan TODAY $1235 1948 Buick Sedan TODAY $1075 OTTO J. WILSON Commercial at Center Phone 2-3P23 A AUTOMOBILES 13L SllUtHAKtK Champ. Very nlct condition. Low mileage. Very reason able. O. W. Hall. Ph. 4813 bllvtrton qllC '41 FORD Uaroon Convertible. Radio, beater, good rubber, excellent condi tion thruout. S3D6. Phone Oreen 44 or Illue (9, Mt. Angel. . qlOfi- CADILLAC lBiaClub "coupe. Or I g In at owner. Approximately t monthe old, barelr oOOO miles, will conilder ita- Uon wagon In trade. 3-4983. ql09 lBaB FIVE naiaenger Chev. Coupe. Radio and heater. 11251 Jefferson St. qlOS1 1DM) CHtVKOltT 3-Door Sedan. 4-&034 alter 6 p.m. Call ql06 BY OWNER: r40 DeSoto Club Coupe. Very good condition. Very low price. Phone 2-6731. ql06 mn t'KOSLEY elation wagon, 1165 or will trade for light pick-up and pay difference. Ph. 3-81M- aW It. 7 FORD V-l 3-door irdan. Excellent motor, new Uti.oIxtcry, $5B5. No down payment on approval of credit, open evening!. K. Smltli and Son Motors. lib Marlon. Phone 3-3040. v 149 NASH Statesman, 4-docr. over drlre, J 895, No down payment on ap proval of crrdlt. Open e Vfnlru. K. ftmlth and Son Motors, 3it Marlon. Phone 3-3040. v FARM EQUIPMENT L'KKD AVtRY two-plow tractor. t50. at Ward'a Farm Store. qbios USED FLOW TRACK, 4-H.P. garden tractor b 16-ln. tiller. New last fall, $175. Ward'a Farm Store. qbioM AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will aolve your prob lema and aave you money. Free estt mates, apeedy service. Center at Lib erty, qc- TRUCKS 1048 DODGE 1-TON, aluminum van, 50x16 tires, very clean. Will trade for car or pickup. 1910 Birch wood. Phone 4-3505. ndlTO a.eow'wFw.www)oew), HEAVY EQUIPMENT In Sacramento . , . OKI ANTIC BALE LOOOINO TRACTORS I INTERNATIONAL TD-14 with doier and winch. Guaranteed. Ready to go. CATERPILLAR D7 - t0 Series, Cable doxer and Hyster wincn. Penect ma chine. Excellent buy. CATERPILLAR D8 - 3U Series. With Johnson Bar Cat. cable dozer and Hyeter DdL winch. 100 FINANCING! (If you have an equity in some other equipment) RENTAL-PURCHASE TER MS I available to qualified buyers! 1ST PAYMENT 6 WEEKS If you're getting ready to go to work. Phone, wire or write NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. 1331 Stockton Blvd. Ill -647t tSacramento, California qflO.I- BOATS IS FOOT CALKINS Craft U-botlom boat. Been In water once. Will sell lor half price. Phone 3-1070 evenings. qql07a ONE MARTIN 60 outboard motor, years old. lk horse power. One Sea King & horse power, 1 year old. Both A-l condition. Your choice 1100. net. no 4th. tiq-or. SPECIAL AUTO 1948 CHRYSLER or DeSoto engine, com pletely rebuilt. $150. It Installed, 8185. Guaranteed. Call after 6. 4855 State.' QXlOO- 1 FINANCIAL EE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOE1 LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real aetata mortgages to contracts State Finance Co. l So. Hlth St. Ph. 3-4131 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the 'W out of your money problems. Up to $300 on snit.ll loans. Up to $?00 on auto loaas. STATE FINANCE CO, s-:io Phone 14131 M-223 IIlcli fit. rioo LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL It' "yes" promptly to amnlnvati men or women. 1-vlslt loan . . . phone first. You select bct payment date. Between payday Inarm. Phone, write or come in TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 105 8. HIOII ST., 6ALRM Stat License Noi. 8-123. M-IBft Loans over 1300 up to 81500 and up to JO month to repay made oy persona, Finance Co. of Marlon County undrr the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Orffon rl3B Lie S-133 and M-328 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear Tnp Tradrs" 13:08 Dally KHLM 13B0 Kc. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 138 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTK CREDIT CO. 182 South Churrh Parking a-Plenty Fh. 1-J4H Lie. No. M-130. S-154 MONEY TO loan on real estate. Phon till 3-071-4. 5 Interest If you have Idle lunda seeking In vestment, then ou are the type of person to whom we can be of ecrvlce. I-or ovrr Twenty-five Tears we hsve been helping people In tills community find prolltaoie wore tor "'"'; During this period e have promptly paid 00 semi-annual Interest payments totalling many Thousands of Doners. We are currently paying INTEREST on funds from 150(1 lo ISOOO. General Finnnce Corporation 110 B. COMMERCIAL ST flalem. Oregon pnone a-,ioi HOUSE TRAILERS " jjuy Hnreal'i B" I.ANA IsANE TRAILER PLAZA Trarte . 1B40 Lanrasler Ave. . Rental la II) IS1 r.Ql'ITV In 19M I thrrly htiune trailer. Phone 4-8115. U"5 31 It. ?7 (H)T Xrnir hfiice, t-U i i- "(llJ ' lfllUflll. I'J.'Xlf -ui'lir. i"ni LEGALS HI M.MONS No. aOB'il IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR KOON FUR THK COUN TY OF MARION. Wll.DA FAVE DAY. PLAINTIFF vs. ROBERT DAY, DEFENDANT. To Robert ly. drlcinlnnt above narnrd. In Ur name of the Mate or Oregon, yon are hereby reriutrpd to an- yur and innwr the complaint. Hied in t)i above suit, on or before May 8. 1BT.3; and If you foil to ani-ear and aner, lor the wani tnerroi, oininim will apply to the court tor a drcrpe granting arwrnUite divorce from yon and the relief prayed for. This summons In publisher! by order of Ihe Honorable Jtvepii Feltnn. a jiUe of the above named court, which order wiw. rnnde and entered on March 28, ISM. The Iimt day of publlcatlnn 1 April 4, 10S3 and the ls.'t I Mny 2, lH. C. WM, dou;ujn Attorney fur Plaintiff PO. Addrene, Oregon P.uiUiinR, Balem, Oregon. Apr.UUI,U,May2 Page is Mid Willamette Obituaries Pauline Dolp Willamina Funeral services were held April 30 lor Miss Pauline Theresa Dolp, 37, who died In Portland after a long illness. Services were held at St. Michael's Catholic church, cemetery in McMinnville. Miss Dolp was born at Seat tie, Wash., Sept. 3, 1915. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolp ot Grand Ronde, and a brother, Carl Dolp, Grand Ronde. Oliver Beds Sheridan Funeral services were held April 29 at the Sheridan Funeral home for Oliver Clifton Bcals, 65, who died suddenly with a heart at tack. He was born at Grants Pass Aug. 19, 1887, the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Beals. Surviving are his wife, Jes sie of Sheridan; two daughters, wenonan A. Brandy of Salem, and Algoma E. Beck of Camas, Wash. In charge of the com mittal services was the Moose lodge of Cnrvallis, and vault interment was at the Camas Memorial cemetery at Camas, Wash. STUDY BERRY PROBLEM The Salem Chamber of Com merce will cooperate with farmers and Marion county school officials should early maturity of strawberries result a shortage of school-age berry pickers, Ted Hobart, chairman of the agricultural committee announced Satur day. DIRECTORY EXCAVATINO Ben OUen Si Bona. Excavating, grad ing, Innd clearing. Phone 3-3080. oil)" Fl'RSITlIRK KKKIMKHINU Furniture reflnlshlng, repairing. d air Brock, 064 Norway St, Phono 383G7. ol28 Insulation, weatherstrip, aluminum acrcens. Free estimate. T. Pullman. Ph. 3-5085. oll2 MATTRLHSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full Una new mattresses. Ph. 3-4089. OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, tiles, tiling supplies, eafea, duplicators, auppltes, desk lamps, type writer standi. Roen, 458 Court. o KHAlU'ENlN'a AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert'a Sharpening and Repair Serv Ice. Lawiunowere, knives, shears, bi cycles and small motors. Ph. 34618 or 4M65. 18th and "D" Sta. oil KEI'TIC TANKS HameVa septic tanks cleaned., Una aervlce. Guaranteed, worn, TOone 3-7404. oiaa Mike's Septic Bel vice. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans sewers, orains. rnont 3-9488. . OHO Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to -Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-&32T. L. W. Caudle, spraying aod pruning. Pnone 4-1461. olOO ; TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remington. Royal. Un derwood portables. AH makes used mncliincs. Repairs A rent Roen 488 Court. TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service. Phone 4-8081. 073 Market, day or nig lit. ol!8 VENETIAN BLIND LAUrVDBY Canfleld's Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlsh in it. 1440 S. 12th. Ph. 4-5403. Pick-up. Delivery olU WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, houseclcanlng. Phone 3-3337. 347 CourL ADIIJNU MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented repaired. Roen. 458 Court. Ph. 3-8773. O. W. KLANG Wrecking Co. Builders' cliean aupplltA. 3-72A8 evenings. o!18 iTffl,Llo"ziN(l niilklorlnff. road clearing teeth. VtrgU Kursk er, 1010 Palrvlew. Ph. 2-3148. 0131 CASH REGISTERS Inrtant delivery or new RCA cash registers. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen. 466 Court. Ph. 3-8778- CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowing, dialing, needing. Ford equip ment. Marshall, 4371 Market. Phone 2-1343. 0108 II KESS MAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, bucklM covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 2-Pflll. olQg IHtlVlNO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or Mr. Sri ell ins. Valley Mo tor Co.. Balem. Phone 3-8147 or 4-3074. L.EGALS IN THK CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OilEOON POR THE COUNTY OF MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of ... .r...I., ., BASIL P. HTUPFKL, Deceased. NOTICK TO CREOITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undrriilEned, by an order of the Circuit Court, of the Stale of Oregon, for the County or Marlon, duly made and en tered on the 24th day of Anril, 1D53, was appr-iiitrd Executrix of the estate of Ha:. II P. Stiiplel, deceased, and has duly nu ii lllled as such. All persons having claims attains! said tutate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, and with the proper vouchers, to the underlined Executrix at Salrm, Oregon, within six month from the date nf the first nublieatlnn of this notice, said first publication bring marie on the 25th day or apt ii. MARY KKMMKRICK BTUFEL I- vrcutrlx of the Estate ot Basil P. Hiujilrl, deceased. W. W. .McKlnney Attorney lor Estate Salem. Oregon. FIRST PUBLICATION! 4-J5-S3. LAST PUBLICATION: -'J3-53. Ait 2?t Mf 2. 9 18. M. I ' , 1 ' Or V T Lam. N D Dr O Chun ND DIIS. CHAN l.M (.IIINKSE NAM ItOI'A Upstairs. 211 North I.Hiertw Office open Battirday only 10 a m lo I p m., 0 to 7 p m Consultation. Mood prr.Mire end urine test are free of rharce Practiced since toll Write tor attractive gift. No obll, gallon A t'P V t8i R. Commercial.- t