Page 14 FOR SALE HOUSES Open House by Owner SAT. & SUN. - 2 TO 5 P.M. 10G0 N. 13th Large livi'ig room. Hardwood floors. Large dining room, Automatic Sandberg Large kitchen, lot of furnace. builtins. Attached plastered garage. 3 large bedrooms. Large lot. Bath with built-in lav. Block to Hi & Jr. Hi school. Fireplace. Close to bus. William T. J. Foster HOME 1540 OLIVE ST. IT YOU PLAN TO BUY OB SELL A HOME, FARM OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS Yean f Satisfactory Serylee LAKOE FAMILY HOMH J.600 6q. Jt. of happy home life In this three year old View Horn that has everything to be dftslred for convenience and space, four large bed rooms, 2 batlm. WuJJt-in closets. The huge living room hai floor to celling view windows us has the dining room. Large breakfast nook in the work-Bavin kitchen. Folding doors to tha rear patio. Tlie full dayllnht basement 1 finished like the upstalra and contalna a large recreation room with a comfortable fireplace. There Is alio a complete summer kitchen in the basement. Automatic OH Heat and Air Conditioning, Double insulated and weathers tripped. The glorious view over Mountains. City and Valley can never be -atructed. Ter raced flower bed. Sprinkler system. The owner has over 25,0O0 in this lovely home, for quick sale 120,000 In asked and will take a aniall tr home in trade as down payment. Just give us a ring and we will pick you up and show you this extraordinary bargain, call Today. 13-UN1T APARTMENT Near State House and Chopping Center. Over 910,000 annual groat income. Property in excellent condition. Never any racancles. Aged owner deire.s to retire and will Bell for 165.000. Take house up to I0 00 and 116.000 ea-sh. Balance mortgage. If you're looking for Income property with top returns, better call us at once. This it unuaunl. Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-8292 Will USUI ItlitSSS IlltSlll lilJIIIUI liltSJS.'ll IliUUSIS 1S11IIJIII rrs NEW! MIHIfllMMIMH 3TB DIPTERENTI llissmsijm ntinsisittitimiit IIIIIIIIM IS lllllllllt insnil it isiiiiii lilll is iiiiii I OPEN HOUSE 10:00 till t 00 f 160 Livingston Ave. Juat Off Lansing Ave. Stnwood panelled living room, fireplace, picture windows, colored bath fixtures. Bunny kitchen and dinette, tile features, loads of built ins, utility room, forced air oil furnace. Insulated and weather stripped. Price: $13,900. Terms. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 336T Portland Rd. Ph. 4-MS3 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY - MAY 3rd, 1953 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. 765 HANSEN AVENUE AMAZING VALUE S bdrms. 1348 aq. feet, forced air oil heat, fireplace, dishwasher, clothes wnfihcr, dryer, double lavatory, wonderful atorage apace. $13,500. ALSO OPEN 4010 ALANA Oo out Liberty Road to Browning turn left ap proximately U mile on Browning, left on Alana. Very spacious 3 bdrm. homo Iteduced to $12,500 for quick gale. CALL MR. OEfRER. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty at. Ph. J-2471 Evenings and 6unduyA call Peter H. Oelner I-IH168 J. K. Law 3-M13 Roy 1. rerrls J-M10 H. K. Lnymon 3-8159 OPEN HOUSE 2:00 to 5:00 - Sunday, May 3rd 2005 LAUREL AVENUE (I Blocks from t. Vincent IePaul Church! Tlil home has 1500 61- ft. floor space. 1 bedroomi. 14x20 living room, 12x15 dinmir room, excellent kitrhrn with nook, fireplace, large utility mom. gnrtitte with lots of storane'racp. ycais old. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4".7 Court St. FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE 245 W. I.DTHKH ST. Oil FAIRMOUNT HILL 1-4 T.M. RUN DAY Beautiful d'eorated, wonderful loca lion. Bellini tor PltA avpraHal 11 500. i860 T'nirifro Hood Ph 4-33! Eve. 2-;iS. 4-1706. 4-?73 a!0, fOR AI,i:--(t-rooiii house, lot .itoxf!0 ft. a b-irgnin. Cent art A. O. H.v Paltt City. Off. alu7 hY.W I. Alt HE 3 belriK'ii. home liiMi'.e iitllity. I'i pUiti-.i'itiv. lurse (1imi1' m raie i'f Kwrt-rrfii Ave. Ounrr end builder. Ear; fritnuter. 107 11V (IWNKH K:iEoud. r.ii.'.lt.!i st 3 trdi'ii!n 11 In roiim, li'ii, din inn runm. n-n ti.e hatli, full bftKjr't. ravdut furnflir. fiteplave. p. illy, d-'achrd girane fil, rti n'j.? u, to r h a -:o T:ioiiHV"n A.e. ah1' 0M II 1IJ. -:! i - 2 hr, li),';it( .1 next lo K:r,(,s leti-. lim t- ui-.i it : ;t:: ten-: 44". t MsMI II i ,it hTlSlNG Per H nrrt fl times Per Word Per Vturit, 3 Ifint Per Kurd, I ninth Ne Retmiri 1 in imam li Ut RMm itKtn I oral ,em ( ,.u Only, Per Herd Minimum 10 Word To Place Ad In S;mif Day Paprr. Phniic 2-2 10 Drfnre Id n.m. FOR SALE HOUSES BUILDER PH. 23800 nlt-e lawn and shrubs, 4 pnone 3-iiitj a 10V FOR SALE HOUSES FREE COFFEE AND DO NUTS 31 HO LIVINGSTON AVENUE Aiuitlier new on.l dilfeirtit home. Hi' sutinl by Evelyn J. Boyd, ltulll by Roy H. Bvyd. Public welcome all day Hu inlay The Bnyda. 1 ois "llv" OtVNFH, Krlrer district, 1 acre, ft-room home, 3 bedroom, den with flre.'lacr, oil floor furnace, double garnve, good well. Close to new store and kium1. Pamily fruit. 3-5M7. 19b CummlnA Lane. a!0 RYM. 11 A u ( i A I N ," Vr 1 iVte sal e ." T bdniv house, Ennlfwtwd DUt. KlU-hen, bresk fa.t nnoX, lining, living rm. Weather trliMrd, tnMiUled, new torofo air I'.irrice. ti'. bfiTr... 0:'.'. f ;re- U t .1 ew... A . in. aOV MOUTHS 3 -bedroom view home, full li'fuunt, a firrplares. radiant heat, lare living room, dining room, break fast rivin. Choice euburban. 3-133C a lOd Kfiii K7Riira"l, NobHiH WK lhNT oltrn a nke home to oltrr tn tliii dt'!ra!j vtiovl dl trsct T!ie 6 rm .nie jh in ltrfecl mini it I i'u, has 3 l)rlr.Hi and den. tlrtTisi-f. aut.t lirat. lull bnie niei.t :th rr,:eaiion ruu Tree. HiTUlis anti liMtM f nirv'.ftrn tlf (ivrly t'.'t ner K't. Imm'il:a!e o,',iip.itn-y i:rr hnt re,!ti.'M rri.e t.' $::.loo It w an !stei! I.-r lUfn'O M take n. lla;. on cnirs Srvorin Koalty Co. 335 N H:sh At P;al 4-U. Fve. a. tut I.' KOM. 3 tuiMi, ftiiVie,"fu!iuture M.-.I. l.T.l 4;ii 4-j..-'.. a'.Ofi' Ml, 111! iitii.'f brdri'om ho lis e!" SU . i ':-. flr I-- ;e :-lt uttful i mum' :'. KMI It P: IU 1 3-l-ed. h -.y- mi-h ti:ie(; lame m.t t . M;;.!r u: lilt r (orcrd air bent, take lute rar or pickup in ttaile all" I Hi nit ohm liou'e, ohoKe !o ation. csi: : i1-? I'arl.y I .ir a;oi' M - 3-hetlrnoui home, fcli.;(d. Phone 4-647$. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWN1R: Nearly new 2-bedroom borne. 2260 Townsend Way. alG9 HUDKINS BUY LINES BRAND NEW Choose- your own colore. Beautlfu. ranch-type i-bedrni. home. Dbl. bath, birch kitchen. Im. living rin. with pic ture windows, raised fireplace heart a, dining rin., entrance hall. 1SX32 party room wito firrpl. Hath and Idr. rm. In btmt. Dbl. garage. Within two block of new S. fialern High School. You could not build this house your self for 919.000. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTOR tftO N. High 8t. Pn. 1-4129 Pn. rves. 1-0100 FOR SALE LOTS Bl SlNTSS LOT N. E. cor. Market & Evergreen, ph. 3-8835, Walt Socolofbky. Real Estate. aal07 BEAUTIFUL VlW LOT In trade "for your equity In your house. Phone 41411. aalofl LOTS Top o' Candalarla. East view. M'ix 150 ft. One of the few remaining choice lota in tnis area. Kelter lot. 88x139. Small down pay ment on $800 price. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS IM N. Hih St. PI. 3-4129 Ph. Eves. 1-4160 aaiuo' LOTH 0M11.12, no restrictions. Electri city, North. $475 ana smi. giu aown. $10 a Mo. a-aflll. Eve. 3-6012. aulOS' LAROE HOME sites In beautiful King wood Heights, $1,000 up. Eajy terras flee owner. Phone 3-8413. aaio.11 FOR SALE FARMS BIL VETTON H1LL6 PARMI 117 acrea slightly rolling loam soil I eicelk-nt roada to farml Routes & aervltei of every klndl 2 story home completely renovated recently: fi:g barn, hen bouse it usual outbldgsl bO A. thriving oats, 12 A. fescue. 65 A wooded pasture! 6 great springs & creek I Family fruit A garden! Un usual y handsome homcsite with wide, sweeping vlewl Owner will take Salem area home & cash or sell. Price Is only 123,0001 C. W. 8TULI ER, Rltr., Balem, Ore. 905 Edgewater At. Ph. 25557 or 45782 bli .W7 ACRES, mountain hi me. Ideal resort prospect for horseback riding, fuihlng, hunting, t room modern house, light plant, fine land, fenced, crow fenced. meadows, several large springs, good water, t reservoir prospects, range right, 3 email sawmills, timber, farm machinery, small 'Cat', Jeep: In South ern Oregon. Total price 125,000. Terms. Write to Ivan W. Farmer, Rt. 1, Box 450, Ashland, Oregon. b!05 20 Acres IRRIGATED of very good soil. All under Irriga tion. All well drained soil, moitly Willamette Silt. Located north on paved road, to mile to stores, school bus by door. Buy this one with or without buildings. The owner will trade for 3 to 6 acres with buildings or sell on easy terms. Evening Phone 35358 or 38241 REALTOR PHONE: 4 4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. FOR SALE ACREAGE $500 DOWN buy Mi acre In Pringle district, south, with 3-BK home nearly completed. Chicken hses., fences, garden In. $5950 full price. $800 DOWN buyi 1 acre near Oervnls. north, with 3-room hte. 102-ft. drilled well, chick en hse, 3-car garage. Owner called to service. $3250 on terms or take good offer for cash. 10 ACRES Worth west, with old 2-br. home, live stream, good outbldgs, $7600 full price. 1 ACRE PLUS On B9E north. Ideal location for trailer court or cabins. Has. lovely shade trees. Older 2 -bedroom home. Oood well. $10,000. Might consider trade for rentals in Hollywood dist. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. Ph. 4-5383 hhlOrV REAL ESTATE REALTORS 1 A. MOD. fi-RM. bungalow, full base ment, auto, oil hot water furnace, first class condition, beautifully land scaped, shade and Uower.i. ehoke aur dMi land. clive In, imvlng raid. Will take modrrn trailer hnue as part, terms. W, 765 00. Mod. 1-bedroom home, partly furnished, near new. an escellr nt place for re tlrrd couple, plenty of garden land. l.onUril 2 hlorkii rouIH of H rooks, mi eitnt sliU' of rncltic Hiwy. tire Ikh. I.I.250U0. Total price, to settle e-tnte. See our rliolce list of farms at Wood burn, where the soil 1a better and the price less. f0 New 3-Bedr. Only I1190O. extra large kitchen and dinette Larue utility room lige It-. -lug ro-m l'is of sl-rat e.r.-e. F r,ed air oi; iiKnace Ped M. aiv.i e. to nt'linoi bue. 1U ACRE and a clran and neat mull home for' only MiXH) 00. , i0 00 down. easy monthly pitymenu. Oood garden spot. lb minutes to dovntoun. $250 DOWN 10 full price, J -bed room home In cluding kitclien raniie. eltculiiior end a dareno. In gtod rn .:r and im meiia:e Vie.:on in fa.: Biown.r duinct of N K. fia'.ein. Irp lot C"ue to srhool. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND lN'SUKANCK 301 e Hith Ph, riione Krimi,a and PunOnr 4-IA71 . s-js . 4.i:ss . 3 .: urn s-.i:m WANTED REAL ESTATE VMNTID from rwner-3 r--1:e. :v: to I10(HX in south dirtrvi r-n1-, HI II, DIM HIT UANTIU S.-uth. tt.e dlMsme Canary Par'im viu: I'tiotir 4- MS er! OiT.i!; GUI T HI VIN(i"lrMNI lVr"ltT:i- and acres.p. List yours Co'.':a',,i land Cr Cre T T. Andfri.Mi. Eann Aseal, Phone 4-444. E'.e. 4-S714, ca mm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE COMFORT & CONVENIENCE If a f d location close to city ta Important, see this attractive ne bfdroom home today. It hat a nice living room, kitchen with dining area, garane, landeeped yard. 17,600, or l,Jt0 furnished. Call Mr. Andenon. YOU'LL LIKE THIS Ntarlt nr 2-bedroom home In a good residential district. Large liv ing room, kitchen and dining area, bth with tub and shower, utility room, garane, eitra large lot. Priced to sell at 110.750. 12.350 don. Call Mr. Kne. ,$1,000 DOWN One year c'.d 3-bedroom home, automatic oil heat, hardwood floors. wrll-arranrd kitchen, Inside utility room, spacious lot with Ireea. Only 110,800, with 11.000 down. ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Here U a real family home with everything for your comfort. Lovely living room with paneled fireplace wall, dining room, t bedrooms and bath down, 3 bedrooms up with bathroom roughed In, basement, oil fur nace. $13,800. Terms. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES We have a good selection of new homes from 111,600 to 14,000, located bl desirable residential districts. Call 4-229S for further Information. Murphy & Kent, Realtors Mortgage Loans - Construction Plnanclnt 40 North Church Phone 4-1243 Bve and Sunday: Anderson 3-1744. SOUTH Lovely 3 Er. home. I yrs. old. Penced yard. Inside utility, dining room. 3-car garase. A view home. South. $14,000. Terms. CLOSE W Older 3 Br. modern home. Neat A clean. Extra large lot. 6 blocks from State offices, Terms. Meke a good Investment rental. WANNA TRADE? Your 3 or 4 bdrm. home for a amaller one such as-- 1. Cute 3 Bdrm., fireplace, knotty pine, large fenced yard, trees. Excellent rents.. Price 15,750. 3. 3 Bdrms., attractive 3 yr. old plastered, ahaked, nleely arranged home. Price 18.760. 3. V'ry close In older 3 Bdrm., buement. furnace, fireplace, garage, small lot. Price 18,050. "NEEDS LARGER HOME" Only reason for offering this nearly new two Br. for sale Is Mother has come to live with as, and we must have more room. Buy our equity. Pull price $10,450. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 16 1 S. Huh Andy Kalvonen - Ph. 37163 A. Weill Grabenhorst Specials ARHB3TTNO HOME APPEAL Suburban Ranch Type with lot 108 by 175 It. Beautifully landscaped. Shaded patio Here Is a home for children 3 bdrms., llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. with french doors to patio dream kitchen with nook. Dble. garage, CALL J. E. LAW. Mc KIN LET DISTRICT Just completed t bdrm. ranch type home, hdwd firs., fireplace, Inside utility, auto oil forced air heat. OE. dieh danher. planter box, trees, paved street. A real buy at $11,500. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER. BUSINESS EI, DO. . Located on Edgewater Street In West Salem. Size 60 by 60 ft. Concrete walls plumbing, A fine bldg. for garage. Price $9500, CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. CHILDREN CAN PLAY HERE Wonderful family home, 4 bdrms.. llv. rin. with fireplace, din, rm., nook, and 4 acre for children's play area. Walnuts and cherries. One block to school. Price $13,600. CALL PETER H. OEISint. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Llv. rm. with fireplace, convenient din. rm , 3 lge. bdrms. Very nice wall to wall carpeting throughout. Vene tian blinds. Floored attic - Utility rm. Patio and beautiful yard. Price $11,850. CALL H. K. LAYMON. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Peter H. Oelser J-0968 J. E. Law 3-5113 Roy S. Ferris J-6010 X. K. Laymon 3-8459 QUALITY PLUS In this exquisite Ranch-style home; beautiful 14x22 living room with fireplace; cheerful dining room; well planned tunny kitchen and nook; two large bedroomi with ample closets; inviting Redwood den; tile bath. Corner lot in new district. Auto Sprinkling system. Rich carpeting, drapes, and A-l appliances included. It will be a pleasure to show you. (Asaoc. una Cluett Ss Kenyonl 19fl0 Fairgrounds Rd. (re. 3.8053 REAL ESTATE HOME & INCOME Very attractive duplex, completely furnished with extra nice furniture.1 DeMiined to look like a large ranch home, ehady lot mlth 100 ft. frontage far F.i a park. Extra 4 rm. furnished home At 3-car aarape In the rear. Price V.5nn. LIKE NEW 2 br. home with garden spare In W. Bnlem. Close to school it buft. Only 14750. NORTH SIDE Slave you been looking for a large well pltuined 5-rm., late built home wlrti fruit & nut trrr and garden spot? On bu.s line. Price flOT-OO. EASY MONEY Kor J3I.VWI we can show yon an In come property that 1 p;iylnn M400 ann. Owner lives out of town. Far In formation. Call Bon Cleary V A I T F.H M I 'AC. It AVE H K A 1 .1X1 HS 1211 Kditewntrr 3M0l, Kve. Cl0i Circle This Wo run sclilom otler a vahic like this Jl I, Mil) buys niiKivrn 2 llr. homi' itl si'.ir.' guest room. Fr.llre tntrrior lrc on ted In liannoniiinj cnior. Mittoh In drape.i Included. Uniwual tire p. nee. Dining room with built-in book s'lelvej. situated on $2500 lot In Pair' mount Hid district, Below Appraisal fe t:n.i line 2 Hr. home on well land, spired loi .Hrllir.g for 7J' 0. APpraL rd HA ISoOO. fipot:r,s5. done to b is K-1 all tiie ads. Wfiere ran yo.i fir.d ar.o .,rr h'U'.iP ,o fur h:on pi. Ii irwil arprniyrd tsIup? Tiien CAll 115 ! lAiur.v.indji Road Ph 4-3395 Ee. 4-1V0 - 3-iiJ - 4-4373 elO!. ! WANTED REAL ESTATE NlirUE: U your property Is for sale, rrnl or exfV.aiige, ILst It with ua. We Vsie all kin! of cash b-.ners STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS y s Hkh Pt. ca V. ARE b.ui:y ln nerd of jTand 3-bed-too hi liuiKv in LcMe Dit. Also need horns am!.rre ith sn'.all down psy rner.'. U'-at tae yvi? AL ISAAK. REALTOR, PH. 43311 If no anfUf., ph. 4-4.t$ ca HE Aid. :n nrr.l v'. gocd hou.ei to e'.!. In cr nrar Salem It you wish to 11 't ,'v:r rrorert for sa. see GKAllENlUHUi V RKOe , RE A I TORS. H 8. Luiertf Ph. 3-l'47l ca To Place Classified Ads Fhonc 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Keene 3-6078 cl05 Phone 31639 . PH. 11738 A. X. Beckett - Ph. 14391 elOT Ph. 4-S394 or 1-S5S1 or 4-4373 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE NKW 7-unit motel, electric heat. 3 acres on hiway. Take good home up to 110.000. About 15000 equity. OWNER must sell. Grosses $10,000 yr. Peo ple's Exchange, Rltrs., McUlnnvllle, Oregon. cblOfi WANT TO TKADE my MOO equity In 50 Hudson Pacemaker a down payment on home. Have some cash. Phone 44284 cblOfi1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPEN For inspection all day Sundar, May t. Mack s Landing. FiaiHNO RESORT 8 mllrs out o Kernvllle on the SlSeti River. Nice home, cabins, boats, motors, boat house and store. In fact fully equipped. 119,500 10.0oo down or will cuiu.der home in Salem to 1S, 000 as part payment, Jl'ST ASK POIt DAVID OFFICE DIAL 4-'4191,2 4552 yj CdlOS tifcRVKfc laundry showing net profit. Mint sell at once. Will accept home. farm, equity or what hare you to M,00) as down payment. Balance terms. 4H6 N. Church St. edl07 RU.1MH.K MN take care store route. I'l:ribute. Collect. New product. Pro tecte.t territory, rain excellent week- It tiii-nin R Jh W Km Cr t.i j MlTinevota. rdlO.s FRANCHISE Salesman for exclusive dutrlbutor ahip. Sa:e:n territories available. Nat. campaign on proven industrial equip ment. lloOO inventory should net I1O00 mo. up. Bex 7a. Capital Journal cdlOT Bl'SINf ss and property. Vr ownei RWKNCxK RlTAURANT. Brooks. Tavern, cards, pool, etc. Will con sider trade. Call 2-11B2 or 3-9072. CdlOS JOE PALOOKA L-T W II T PRFErE tytLi-t OF RIGHTS "V5 ' have -t$jQJp l"s6-" ftiffiitr'' 'fflW T0.1E. J-jjf il"1 KAUIFULLY- WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED U8TTNGB. Particularly higher priced homes and all types with low down payments. YOU CAN'T SPEND A NICKLE on thlA home. It's spotlessly clean. In very good location. Near Highland school. Yard both front and back Is ver attractive. Insulated. Att. garage Pvd. fit. and driveway. 3 Bedrooms plus smaller child's room. Pull price only 18V50. Terms. THIS IS A HONEY for a man that has a hobby or anyone that needA an extra room for storage such ae, a painter, cabinet maker or small business man. There Is an Ideal bldg. In rear for the same. Beside? the home Is extra lovely. Has full buement. Fireplace. Spacious living room. Unusually well built. Spacious garage. In&ulated. Lots of builtins. Lovely yard and shrubs. Owner leaving state. Pull price only 113,300. F H A terms if desired. ST. VINCENT DLst. 3 Bedroom home. Spotlessly clean like new. Sep. utility room. Lg garage. Lots of builtlne. Several cher ry trees. Full price has been reduced to 18000. Terms If desired. QUALITY HOME NEW DISTRICT This area is well restricted. Lovely brand new 3 bedroom house. Fireplace Forced air oil furnace. 2 car garage Insulated. Eullt by one of Salem's best builders. Pull price $15,000. SPORTING GOODS AND BICYCLE store. This business Is doing very well. In good town. Could be expanded. Rent on bldg. only $80. No blue sky. Every thing goes for Inventory plus aiOOO for zixtures. Requires about $9000 Invest ment, TAVERN Several pool tables. Card room. Cafe, which Is rented, almost pays rent on entire bldg. Extremely low overhead. Thla place has been a money maker for many years. Full price $11,000. WHOLESALE BUSINESS Extra la rue volume. No dead stock. Trucks and equip, in ery good con dition. Requires a rather large In vestment but Ideal for the right party. No phone Information please. Shown evenings only. CALL FOR MR. KIOOTNS, EVE. PH. 4-5494 or DAN IfiAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3633 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-5020. If no answer call 4-2248. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON do we get one like this. 3 A. suburban with nice home built In 1938. Best of soil. Only v-i miles from Salem. Bam. hoc house, 3-car garage. May consider exchange for home Inside city up to 000. If you like an acreage this Is It. Full price H4.7S0. iy2 ACRES Close tn north. Very modern 1 bed room house, garage, fruit house, pvd. St. 1 A. strawberries. 300 ft. lrrl. pipe. New television set, tractor, plow, har row, spring tooth. Everything goes for 19,450. 40 ACRES Only 12 miles from Salem. 4 A. ber ries. Amity soil. Very modern I bed room house. 40x40 barn, chicken house, garage. Tractor on rubber, mower, rake, disc, harrow, garden tractor. Oood well. Everything goes for $17,500. Owner leaving state. CALL TOR MR, LEAVENS, XVE. PH. J-4735. If no answer call 4-2248. MORTGAGE LOANS 20 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 3-4735, 4-5494, 4-3S33. 4-5010 or 3-3558 If no answer, phone 4-2248 cioe BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR sale by Owner: PUfe acres cleared, reiwiy lor exclusive housing project. 1640 feet lake frontage on popular Devils Lake. Price 15.000 cash. Large seven-room house Included In price. Excellent opportunity for building con tractor. Property located one mile east of Oceanlake. cdl06 LARGE garage and body shop for sale or lease. On 9E, North. Phone 4-1482: nights Phone 2-8148. cdlOfi I lino SODA fountain In good eonditlon. win tell for $600. Write Tom Hill. Wlllamlna, Oregon, Rt. 1. cdl05 Own Your Own Business Be Independent We have taverns, laundries, food mkts., furniture, restaurants, motels, fountains, bakeries, lunches and many others available for aale. If you want to buy or sell a buM ne. opo. in the Willamette Valley, better see: FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 3037 Fairgrounds Rd. 4-6.153 BUSINESS & INCOME GARDEN COURT SALE BY OWNER Beautiful year-old 4 unit building. Fine-st of construction, quality, and design. 2-3723. celOV BY OWNm 3 epu. to sell or trade for home in or near Salem. Hea-ton fo: selling in aue and alone. Box 86, Ger V! cel05 WANTED FURNITURE Journal Want Ads Pay i -'""iiiitMgmiTiisjriggrgeM LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER Btlr'-Wrilu lace .lerelord. Jc. Locker pork. Sic. Notblm lown. moa. 10 pay. Custom kllllna. Trailer loaned Iree. Balem Meat Co.. 13!! 8 j j j'js ts i'j s srslrrt J t mi nrrr'-' PETS i w.tMtu iarge type aog. uui. KKtilSTFKM) Dalmatian puppies. Phone Monmouth 62: Z. c10" ToTnG PARAKEETS for Mothers Viy gift. Phone 4-5028. c HOLLYWOOD AUL' AHII'M-lttS McCoy, one block east of N. Capitol, 1 h blocks north of Madison. Ph. 3-6897. ecl28 FOR a ALE purebred Shetland sheepaog puppies. (Miniature CoUiesi. 2765 Che miii Road. ecl06 wri.L MARKED Collle-Shepard puppies. Male, $5.00. Female. $3 00. 2-2662. ecl06' MOORE TROPICAL FIBH. Parakeets, turtles, supplies. 3 mllej from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Closed FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preito-Lc,. Brlqueti and Wood. 198 60. Com'l., phone 1-7721. AMlFRKON'R hand picked alab wood. 2 corda, 114. pnone 37751 or 4(253. eel08 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELTVFRY Pickup Wood 1529 Edaewater Phono Salem 3-1031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 10 DAYS Planer trlmmlnja, IS load. Phone 17721 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMP CHICKS, 417.50 per C. at Ward'a Farm Store. no" GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks trow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 38J0 Stat, St. Ph. 3-4S69. WANTED Colored hena. tee'a Hateh- ery, phone 2-2B61. r FOR 8ALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire, Parmenters, Red. White Lexhorna. Austra-Whlte, Whit, Rocks, White Wyandottes. Par- rnenter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-ZBUl. I' PRODUCE ORGANICALLY GROWN tree ripened oranges and urapefrult. The most de licious Juice you will ever drink Rhubarb, asparagus and spinach for freezing. Your complete produce needs at prices like wholesale. Phillips Brothers Farm Market, 6590 Portland Road. 3 blocks north Lancaster Drive. 2-4512. Jfl07 NETTED GEM and burbank seed po tatoes, ai rea, sno Portland kg. Phone 44078. fflio GOOD REED POTATOES Netted Gems, plant any time now to July, $2.50 per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5, Box 493, 2 miles east 4 Corners en State St. Ph. 43081. HELP WANTED FURNISHED apartment In exchange for I hour dally light work. 140 No. 33rd. 2-9835. 107 CARRIER BOYS Now Is the time to register for a Capital Journal newspa per route. No Sunday delivery. See cir culation mgr. i NOW IS THE time to register for a Capital Journal newspaper route. No Sunday delivery, see circulation mgr. NOW REGISTERING PICKERS for 10 acres Irrigated strawberries near Brooks. Contact Alan W leaner, S miles north of Central Howell. Phone Silver- ton 34793. B1051 WANTED: Experienced tabulating equip ment operator for interesting assign ment in progressive department. Con tact Personnel Division, State High way Building. K105' HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE Man to demonstrate simple Item to filling stations, garages and Fleet Operators In Saiem area, weeki: guarantee and commissions up to $200 to $400 weekly for the right man Write H. G. Pearson, B fe B Mrg. Co., Bloux City, Iowa, for details. ga-105 EXPERIENCED MAN In automotive ac cessories and speed equipment. All re plies confidential. Write Box 76, Cap ital Journal. geiOG' EXPERIENCED fry cook. Apply J. E Drive-In. 2230 Fairgrounds Rd. ga!05 YOUNG MAN for car hop. Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. ! WANTED Window and interior display man, preferably between theages oi 18 and 25. Experience essential. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gornerr Ward. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE JOBS - JOBS - JOBS FREE PLACEMENT For all students. Enroll now and get ready for a good Job. Office Jobs are Increasing. These Good Jobs go to those who are specialised. Night school Mon. and Thurs. & to 0 o'clock. DaJ ocnooi won. iiirvunn rri. a.m. o 4 p.m. call 21415 for Information, MERRTTT DAVTS SCHOOL OP COMMERCE 420 State St. - Over the Man's Shop gblio EXPERIENCED car hop. Apply J. B Drive-In. 2230 Fairgrounds. gblOV GIRL WANTED for housework and care of 2 children. Room, board, wase. Must want steady Job. 3-6J36. 2-1047 ibioe WE HAVE AN excellent opening for young lady office assistant, bookkeep ing and ci edit work. Most be good typln and accurate. Permanent po sition. See Doctor Brown at Brown's Jewe.ers. 184 No. Liberty. gb' IT.ERK-TYFIST, experienced, good on figure. Permanent & day week. Write Box 76, Capital Journal. gbl06 OIVL OR WOMAN Oeneral housework, assist child care. $80. References re quired. Live in. Private room and bath. Write Box 77, Capital Journal. gb WAITP-thS. Woodrolte'a Han Shop. Sloo l Portland Rd. No pr.or.e a;i. tb ! CAR Hors-Part time. Woodroffe s sin Hhop. .1400 Portland Koart. ,h WANTED SALESMAN ' THIS IS IT If you're between the ages of 21 and M and have a good ear, are making les than tlOO week, are Interested in a voslllon with a top national or- anlration where you never haie to worry again about unemployment, with wonderful promotional oppor tunity. You might be the man we are looking tor. Drop In and see Mr. Ludlow. Senator Hotel. Tuesday, May 5lh. 2 pm. and 7.30 p m. SHARP is.07 HE HAS DIGGER BACrvEP INTO A CORNER., AND IS PUMiaL'N& the Airae, YVMO TRIES TO SPIN CXIT...BUT SEEMS Pinned. tme crowd 45 sere AM &&. Saturday, May 2. 1953 WANTED SALESMAN Kl-iliTATE Salesman be, Capital Journal or U Ml Broadway 4333 Broker, One or Two Territorial Salesmen 3S needed in -,,, IZr r.""ve., . I"-, oteninf territories aloca me Pc"o ''opportunity to earn above ave:... aim also coiomu.lon and bon. i "able to work In your owo com. ss; j" neceis.ry as we train you and pay "l-me'ls no promotion or sympatny sales proposition. Those Interested ln such type of sales .. dellnlte y can not use. Only those interested in re manent positions, can furnish the bf.-t ol references, wlllln, to work sle.oy and haie a late model ear, need aPP.r. Personal Interviews On.y - !o Pnone Calls SF.K J. B. CL1MIE - ROOM 3. MAB- ION HCIKU aiem, thru Frl. after 3 P m.. Sat. 4: Sun. a.i WANTED POSITIONS CAIUliN. Flimril bed and lawn pre parauon. Plowlns. dlctne. levellne. rototlllinf. Service Center. Phon. 43573. EXPERT t'IIU.D car,, my home, Holly wood district, l-nonr ." CHILD CARE ln my home, days, call 25!.2!. CEMENT WORK and flnlanlnf. A Boni- beck. phone s-vn.s. lava r,. oi. DF.l'ENDARI.Fl CHILD CARE In country home, pickup anu oru.e,,. 3S108. "10'' WILIi DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of palnUny. brush and spray, furnlah references, by hour or contract, i-ii. MICKEMIAM'S DAV Nl'RSERY State licensed and Inspected. Phon, 3-1876. Mil' MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run easy. Phone 3-43H. 11109" TUVKISa A DISCINO tMMEDlATR SER7CE. Phone 3-9300. hllO" TILLING WITH new 54. E. Rotary tiller. Evenlnas 3-83J3. 13.50 hour. hllO CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re. modeling, free estimates. Call 3-8411. 4-1623. hlo LIGHT CRAWLER, dozing, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 3-3220. hl29" GRADING, leveling, backfilling, lawns, gardens. By hour, Job. Phone 3-3041. . h!29 KOTOTILLING evenings, Saturdays, Sudays, Reiser area. Phone 3-5385. M07" TREK WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. hll2" FLOWING, DISCING, leveling. 13.50 an hour. Phone 4-3111. hl:3 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming, planting, lertulrlng. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hl30" NEW lawns, Rotary hoeing. Pree esti mates. Duana Wolcott, Phone 3-6127. hill PAINTING, Paper-hanging, free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5522. hioe LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming, planting, fertilizing. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hl05" NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. Phone 4-2941. hios BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave, Phone 23180. hue PAINTING 6 years experience In Salem. Pree estimates. Phone 3-7552. hl25 WANTED TO RENT SMALL 2-RED ROOM unfurnished house, near Hollywood or Capitol Shopping district. Elderly couple. 3-4362. Jal07 BUSINESS MA1V wants to rent or lease good house, would sign one year lease, pay good rental, restore prop erty ln first class condition. Need three bedrooms, prefer fairly well out. Olve location of home in reply. Write Box 80. Capital Journal. Jal07 Ft'RNIMIED Iiorsr. man and wTfe! H. C, Galey, 771 Ro. 21st. Salem. jallO RESPONSIULE party will pay substan tial rent to lease or rent alee 3 or 4-bedroom house by June 1. 4-2231. jaios EDUCATION EARN WHILE YOU LEARN KKFP YOUR PRESENT JOB BUT Make Those Spare Evenings Count for Something! PREPAHE POR A PLEASANT OFFICE JOB ATTEND NIGHT SCHOOL ' AND TAKE ONE OP OUR Short Courses IN J.HORTHAND. OREGO BOOKKEEPING TYPEHHrnNO START MONDAY NIGHT May 4, . 1 pro. Morning School o.ij Afternoon School 1-4 NIOHT SCHOOL MONDAY AND THURSDAY 8 00-9 n, Merritt - Davis School of Commerce 420 STATE ST. - SALKM OVER THE MAN'S SHOP hlilO!" By Ham Fisher ,.h. . .M IVtTrla. 4