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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1953)
'ir"wr-?y.-1(. ------ Saturday, Mar 2, 1953 Tele - is Radio-Television By DAVE I Wally Cox, who in less than a year has risen to high t popularity as star of "Mr. Peepers" on television, has cut cfciH first phonograph record. The disc now on sale, couples "What a Crazy Guy" J (Dufo) with "There Is a Tavern in the Town" on both 78 ; and 45 r.p.m. record speeds. "What a Crazy Guy" is a monologue written by Cox, concerning a neighborhood "character" named Dufo, who has strikingly original personality. Television Btars Red Buttons and Jackie Gleason have preceded Mr. Peepers in television stars turning to re i cording their talents on discs. j. Ralph ("This Is Your Life") Edwards will visit Bob 4 Hope's radio show next Wednesday, May 6 at 7 p.m. , Hope and his cast do a comedy-take-off on "This Is Your Life" with Bob as the principal subject. However, it Ralph Edwards hears about it and drops in to see "what's 3 going on. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY ' Date with Judy, 2. Mary Linn Beller, teen-aged star, is in "Randolph the Coward." Judy's brother doesn't want to fight a boy who bothers him. His family is convinced j he is a coward until a pretty girl intervenes. Life Is Worth Living, 3:30. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen .j, devotes his telecast to a comparison of the American and ' i Soviet constitutions. J: Superman will begin tuning weekly on Saturday after- : i noon. Show of Shows, 5. Ninety minutes of musical and com edy revue starring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Boston Blackie, 10:30. Blackio is forced into the schemes of Madalyn Warren, a secretary. She tries black .. mail, and plans to have Blackie kill the man she is black ; mailing. ; On Television KPTV (Channel 27) SATUBDAY 1:00 p.m. TV Tin Club 1:10 p.m. Blah op Ahtn 4:00 p.m lire Bet Id at 10 B:0O p.m. Show of Show 6:10 p.m. 4uperat.ii 6:30 P.m. Hit Ptrtdt 1:00 p.m. Jacklt Oleuon a:00 p.m. Dangerous Aulfnmmt 8:10 p.m. WrMtllng Badlliia 9:00 p.m. I've Got a Secret :30 p.m. PJayhouM of atari 10:00 p.m-Mr. and lire. North . 10:30 p.m. Nah Ttieater CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1 120 CENTBt SDNTJAT 00 a m. Tt Cama to Pm 9:10 a.m. rrontlira of Palttl 10:00 a.m. Candy Carnival 11:00 a.m. This Ii tha Lift la-iBi p-m. Hour et Decision 32'SO p-m. omnlbui 2:00 p.m. Thret O-ueiaai fl-15 p.m. Art Llnklstter S:30 p.m.-t It Now 100 p.m. F.ukla, Fran and OWt 3 30 p.m. Private Secretary 4-00 p.m. Comedy Hour 100 p.m. Fred Warlnt B:30 p.m. Mr. Peepera fl'00 p-m Red Skelton ( 30 p.m. What'e Mr Una 1:00 p.m-tudlo On. :0O p.m TV Plarhoult o:oo p.m. Tho Doctor :30 p.m. Tho Wen 10:30 p.m. Newe Review MARR RADIO TELEVISION INC Salem's Molt Complete Television Center 2140 S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV MONDAY l:J0 a.m. What'a Cooklnit 10:6 a.m. Mornlnf Newa 11:00 a.m. Bit- Parolt 11:30 a.m. Welcome Travtltra 13:00 noon Katt amlth 1:00 p.m. Double or Nothlnv 1:30 p.m. fitrtke It Rich 3:00 p.m Matlnet Theater 3:13 p.m. eearoh Tomorrow 3:30 p.m. Love of Life 4:00 P.m. W! BUI Hickoek 4:30 p.m. Hopaloni cauldr 6:30 p.m. Telenewi 6:45 p.m. Time for Beanr 6:00 p.m Alan Tounk 6:30 p.m. Sportaman Club 6:43 p.m Newa caravan 7:00 p.m Chevron Theater 1:30 p.m. Volet of riraitont 6:00 p.m. I Lovt Lucy 8:10 p.m. RM Button Show 6:00 p.m. Robert Monttomerr 10:36 p.m. Nlta Owl CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mkt ttwu mornings wirm is (msI PHONE 1-7431 troSbles? I I Cm ba aolfed If II h roar location la I I it ? Bad. Call - KB b f we'll aar bast uj E NOTICE WE ARE NOW REGISTERING HELP FOR OUR 1953 SEASON. PLEASE Af PLY IN PERSON STARR FOODS INC. CHURCH & MILL STS. Views BLACKMEB JOINS FACULTY mmmmmmmm Dr. Reginald Parker, who ha been appointed to the faculty of Willamette Col lege of Law. Parker Joins Law Faculty TV Ttexrinalrl Parker, nation' ally recognized law educator and author of "Administrative hum hppn aDDointed pro fessor of law at Willamette university. Announcement to this effect was made by Presi dent ft. Herbert Smith. Dr. Parker, who will assume his duties at the university next September, replaces Prof. Ttnv I.. Smith, who retires in June after being a member of the faculty since 1916. Smith was acting dean during the period 1942-46. r.nrrentlv assistant edltor-in- r.Viis nf the National Associa tion of Claimant Compensation Attorneys law journal, Dr. 'Parker is also on the faculty of Northeastern university in Bos ton. He was formerly on tne law school staff of the Unlver lv r Arkansas and summer school staff at University of Idaho. Dr. Parker holds A.B., L.L.B nrl .in. Hpirrees from the Unl jverslty of Vienna School of Law and Political Science. His doctor juris was granted sum ma cum laude. He practiced law in Vienna from 1927 to 1939. Since returning from Europe in 1938, Dr. Parker has served a research assistant at Lou isiana State university law school and attorney to the V. t. treasury department and the National Relations Board. Dr. Parker's wife, the former Hedy Kobler, holds a doctor Juris degree from the Univer sity of Vienna. She practiced law In Austria from 1934 to 1936. They have two daughters, Evelyn and Eleanor Ann. Cherry City Electric JS9 Chemeketa Phon 2 6762 Jackie Jones Crowned Queen Jackie Jones, one of the most DODular young women in Sa lem High School, was crowned May Queen Friday night. The coronation took clace in the High School gymnasium on the occasion of the- Student Body formal Tance, which was attended by over 400 student, carrying through with the theme "Coronation Seranade. Other members of the High School royalty, serving as the queen' princesses were: Carol Svlnth, Nancy Rust, Nancy Moorefield, Betty Zahar, Nancy Osterberg and Virginia Lively. Queen Jackie is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Jones. She was crowned by Pat Lar gent, president of the Student Body. Check-Your-Bottle Service Going Out Liquor by the drink will probably be the rule rather than the exception in Salem clubs and liquor-serving restau rants next week, representa tives of several of the establish ments indicated at a meeting Friday. The check-your-bottle type of service will probably go out completely in most of the places and will be available only on request In others, even though the present licenses will be good until the end of the year. At least one owner indicated that he would not even serve from the customer's bottle for those, who already had bottles checked there. Of course the bottles can be checked out, he said. Eight Salem public and pri vate clubs have been issued the new licenses already and sev eral others have applications on me wltn the liquor commis sion. Monmouth Home Destroyed by Fire Monmouth The John Isaac residence, a quarter mile off Highway 99W on Gun Club Rd., and most of its contents was destroyed by fire of un known origin Saturday morn Ing. Mr. and Mr. Isaac and their three sons were absent at the time the fire was sighted and reported by Mrs. C. M. Stone, a neighbor. Firemen from Independence and Monmouth were called, but were able to save only household equipment standing on the back porch. Neighbors have offered housing accommodations until the Isaac family can make other arrangements. COMES TO WU Celia Koch, who will join music faculty at Willamette University in September. Music School Adds Teacher Celia Koch, who will receive her Master of Music degree from Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N. Y., in June, has been appointed instructor in cello, theory and piano at Wil lamette university. She will be gin her duties at Willamette In September. Miss Koch received a B.M, degree from Eastman in Sep tember of last year. She was a member of the Eastman Junior Orchestra, Little Symphony and first cellist in the Junior Reading Orchestra. Prior to her study in Roches ter, Miss Koch attended the Lawrence Conservatory o f Music in Wisconsin for four years. Her undergraduate acti vities Included membership in Sigma Alpha Iota musical sor ority and the Lawrence College little symphony. ESTATE SALE For tote to the highest bidder, dwellings located at 1010 N. Cottage St. ond 2487 Maple St., Salem, Ore. Terms and conditions of sale may be obtained from Pioneer Trust Company Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon I 1 " aaneti Hi ' 'If1 I aaawawia.111 I .1 ,nfw,..r-, 1aa47aUI'-. . . . f I ll CXm tfi I stll' Mrs. Mabel A. Lockwood, national president of Ameri can War Mother, pins a red carnation on the label of Governor Patterson's coat. Observing the ceremony is Mrs. Glenn W. Prather, president of the Salem chapter. Carnation sales in Salem begin May 8. Delores Picha Winner In National Art Award When the 26th annual na tional high school art exhibi tion opened today at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, under the auspices of Scholastic Magazines, it was announced that Delores J. Picha of Sa lem high school is represented in the exhibition. She won a scholarship to Cornish school in Seattle. Her two pieces in the show are an opaque water color and a painting in mixed media. Miss Picha is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Picha, Route S, Salem. Her instruc tor is Mrs. Douglas H. Stearns, art teacher at the high school, who described her as an out standing student. Zielesch Services Monday Afternoon Funeral services will be held at the Cloueh-Barrlck chapel Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock lor Ernst Zielesch, Salem resi dent since 1943, who died at his home at 3740 Garden Road Thursday following an illness of a vear and a half. Interment will be in Belcrest Memorial Dark. Born in Gartz, Germany Jan. uarv 23. 1872. Zielesch, with his Darents. Frederick and Wil hemlna Zielesch, came to the United States at the age of years and the family settled at Elkton, S. D. He was married December 7, 1898, at Elkton to Margar ette Schirmer, who died in 1943. The couple lived on farms in the Dakotas and Minnesota un til 1907 then moved to Oregon and settled on a farm near In dependence. Zielesch farmed there for 37 years, remaining there until the death of his wife, at which time he moved to Salem. For a time he was Interested in the amusement park at Jantzen Beach. Zielesch attended the Evan gelical church. Survivors inciuae inree daughters, Emma Zielesch and Marguerite Zielesch of Salem, and Mrs. Ben Savage of Inde pendence; a son, Alvin Zielesch of Salem; and two grandchild ren, Gail Zielesch of Salem and Robert Savage of Independ ence. Sweet Home Logger Hurt in Accident Sweet Home--Logan Miller, head loader for the Gilbert- Eaton Logging Co., is in the Lebanon Community hospital wlth a badly fractured leg suffered Friday when a log rolled on him off the land ing nlatform. The accident occurred on the Cilbcrt-Eaton logging opera-! tlon on the Calapooia river 13 miles from Sweet Home. Miller resides in the Holly district near Sweet Home. Rookie shortstop Harvey j Kuenn of the Detroit TlRers at-' tends the University of Wiscon sin during the off-season. ALWAYS A COFFEE BARGAIN AT H & H GROCERY FOLGERS 2:t FIRST WAR MOTHERS CARNATION SALE ii aiMMaaaarlW-'ft'' Extending from May 2 through 31, the exhibition is the climax of the scholastic art awards school-year pro gram, with preliminary re gional exhibitions held in 37 areas earlier this year. For ward to Carnegie Institute for national judging by a group of 31 judges were those en tries which had previously been awarded gold achieve ment keys by regional juries. tor areas where there were no regional shows, entries were screened in Ptltsburgh by a preliminary iunr. who followed the same high stan dards as the regional juries In selecting the work for the final judges. Students submitted about 150,000 entries for scholastic art awards this year from all a states and U.S. possessions, ivuoui au.uuu nieces won places in regional exhibitions. A total of 1.460 entries have won places in the national show, representing 26 differ. ent classifications in. the fields ol pictorial art, graphic arts, commercial art, designs, sculp. ture and ceramics. and crafts. The 546 outstanding nieces in this national show received cash awards of $25 each, do nated chiefly by leading con cerns in the art industry who served as natoinal co-sponsors with Scholastic Magazines. In addition, 109 seniors won scholraships to art schools and colleges on the basis of their outstanding portfolios. Delores Picha, Salem High School student, who has won national recognition in art. ARTIST ' 1 ; ' i Attention Dairymen & Family Cow Owners We offer yon the ojiTinrtunU? to have your cows bred b a trained technician to bulls DMa proved ta li amon? the top 2 of all proved studs In the nation. Through artificial insemination many cows can be bred with one collection from the stud Instead of Just one cow. Therefore we can offer you the services of these high index proved Sires for much less than you would normally expect to pay. Compare these advantages with the method you are now uslnr;. 1. We offer you Improved herd production. 2. Elimination of disease through tho use of sterilized equipment. S. No dangerous bull to handle. 4. A good conception rate through the use of fresh semen only. This all adds up to more money In your pocket Mr. Dairy man and more rich milk In your pall Mr. Family Cow owner. We are now In 28 slates and have 6 stud farms supplying semen. Our overall stud average Is well over 500 Lbs. B. F. baaed on 305x2. Call or write us for Information. No registration or mem bership fee. No minimum herd requirements. Service Fee $8.00 up to 25 miles from Woodburn $10.00 25-40 miles. Includes 2 repeat service at no extra cost if necessary. W Warren's Proved ip Sire Service Technician Chuck Harter Woodburn, Oregon Phone 41 91 DEATHS John S. Sajtnnen John R. Shannon, tt local nun lnt home. April 30. Lata nuMant of 3344 Fourth Bt. survived by wife. Nancy May Shannon, Salem, daughter. Mm. Lillian ianarum, pampa, Kuno; Mra. Emma McComont, Rutkln, B. C.t Mrs. Dorothy Whitney. Helena. Monti Mra. MarKle South, Portland. Ore.: Mrs. Albert Wil cox. Heno, Ktv.: three aona. Charlea H. Shannon, Taft, Oalif.f Raymond P. Shannon, Clatikanle, Ort.i Roy U. Shan non, Jordan Valley; ilitir, Mra. Mattle Mosier, Jeim, Wyo.i 31 grandchildren, 12 treat grandchildren; 1 great-treat randdaushter. Service will be held Tuesday. May & at 1:30 p.m. at Clomh- Bar rick Chapel. Mn. EUiabeth R. Brnbaker Mrs. KalEaoeth R. firubaker. at the residence, Salem Rout 3, Box 330, April 39, at the ui of 18 yean. Survived by dauchtere, Mra, deorg Wlndecter, Sa lem, Mm. R. c. Moore, Kalamaioo, Mich., Mra. K. C. Moore, Chicago, 111- and Mm. W. M. Fin ley, Miami. Fla.i on ion, Jamea W. Brubaker, Havre, Monti and 10 grandchildren. Shipment haa been made to Ham, Mont, iot aervlcs and Interment Monday, May 4 at 2 p.m. by VlrU T. Golden Oo. Warren C, Ionian Warren C. Znman, lata resident of Ml loin ot.. at local hojDltal Anrii in. Survived by wife, Luella X. Inman ol saiem: daughter. Mm. Fays B. Stupka ol Salem, and , son, Olen B. Inman ol uccsniBKei two granaoniiaren; auteri. mm. evi, King, Mn. Alma Simpson, both ol Iowa; Mra. Roie Mills, Kansas; brother, Cecil Inman. Los Anaelej. Bar. ice wui d nua at tne virgu t. golden cnapei Monday, May 4 at 2 p.m. with interment aeicrui Memorial Park. v, w. a. iyman. oiiioiatlns. Ernst Zieietch crass Zleleaeh. at the Tatldtnea. I7in Qarden Rd.. AnrU 10. Survivod h ainh. tera, Mua Emma, Eieiuch and Mlsa Mar garetta Zielesch. both of Salem, and Mm. Ben Savaaa ol IndenendcnM; mm AiTia Kiaieeen or saiem. nd two grand- wiiraieo, utu zieiescn or Baiem and nuocrt savase oi lnoepeuaence. Serv ice wui do neia uonaay. May 4 at p.m. at Clouch-Sarrlck Chapel. Inter ment at Belcreet Memorial Park. Rev. Janeion and Rev. Plaher olllelatlng. Oaorga A. Mlmenmler Lorta A. MlnzenmUr. lat. ataU4ank Kf this city May 1. Brother ol Mrs. Oeorte Will, Mrs. Bertha Parr en, Mlaa Sara Muuiamiir, au or Baiem. Announce' ment ol atrvleaa later tor the w niifion to. Edrar Fulton Hannah Edgar Fulton Hannah, at th resi dence, 380 Hrubeta Road, Salem, May 2, Survived br ulster. Mra. Jeisi Phnifn. Pickens, Nebr. Announcement of gervlcei later or virgu T. Golden Co. Perey Blandell Percy Blundell at Portland Mar 9. ww resiaens or so ilinr St.. fialem. Survived by wife, liarle Blundell, Sa iem; oausnier, mm. Eileen windedahl. Salem, aU grandchildren: three alBten. Mrs. Blanche Frleraon. Sacramantn. Calif.: MM. Edna Davidson. RK-nmnntr) Calif.: Mm. Eunice Bos; Call!.; brother, Clarenct Blundell, Sa-, jem. Announcement os aervlceg Jeter by BETHEL TV MEETING Bethel The Bethel local of the Farmers Union will meet at 8 p.m., Monday, May 4, at the school house. LOCKER BEEF SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL BABY. STEER BEEF Front Quarter . . 28c Vi or Whole ... 31c lb. Hind Quarter . . . 36c DON WYMORE SALEM MEAT CO. Phon 34858 1325 S. 25th Jl. Fire Chief to Have Hew Car Five local auto dealer ub mltted bids this week for a new Salem fire chief' car, with bids ranging from $1,112 for one model of the Ford to $2,100 for a racKara. viner Dias lUDmitted were for Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Buick. Ford and Chevrolet sub mitted two bids each for dif ferent models. Th bids included heater, de froster, directional signals and the trade-in of the present chiefs car, a 1947 Chevrolet. The new car will also be fire engine red. Sufficient funds for the new car remain in the present fire department budget, City Man ager J. L. Franzen thought. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY AnnlUn ReJ?alr on All Major Appiiances and ajj g Appliances-Guaranteed ServicePlckup andDeliverron Large Appliances , Ivan Roysa and Walt Claus. Owners AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph.3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY , Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ordbr" BRICK WORK FRANK'S SERVICE Fireplaces, pauos, planters, brick teps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2055 opeciauzlng In Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call tor Reservations for Dinners and Partieg CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS BLOCK Approved - Reinforced -Rpftnn Manufacturers of Mortar an x-umice or concrete - Also ummrey Blocks T. Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers - Air Com. pressors - Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tito Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets ' Estimates Gladly Givenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St. OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 85S Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 130 S. liberty 310 Court, Downtown 2440 Grear, Medical Cmtol 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Motorola Dealers Pick up TELEVISION HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION 395 N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE . INSTALLATION SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television Specialists In the Pag 18 Bids and recommendations will w mo city council lor eonslderatln at its next meet- TUNIS OFFICIAL SLAIN Tunis, Tunsia (UJS National ist terrorists shot and killed Deputy Mayor Chadlin Kastal- !ii t7 ? maln ftt of this French protectorate capl- hi wire FUEL OIL BILL By Ihe 10th To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charge service. ' UlEMfUHOIl DEALERS CREDIT ASSOCIATION Ph. 26545 INSIDE and OUTSint Ph. 2-6596 FAIRGROUNDS RD. TANKS Ph. 37324 CO. 14th & E. HOYT gular Precast Septic Tank Blocks - Interlocking Blocks Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 24 HOUR SERVICE Ph. 3-9123 SF I We yi4 Green Dl Give'" Stamps III O'f Ji I Rodlo-Televliion 1 880 Stote for sW General Electric and Delivery PH. 4-2271