Saturday, May 2, l53 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . RADIO PROGRAM I STEVE ROPER ' The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER . AP Newsteatursi) MM X I WOUUTT CALL K THAT'S PROBABLV THE POUCE.KIT fc- TwSv kO inSPECTOW I $lill!l r cmmOK . ASKING IF SEEN VOUR EDITOR tCfo ESsWYnT MEN 1 Purely vou can APPBKwi-efAOU cw hatu.jt be? -finance or !SpJ B&r STEVE, THE AWKWARD POSITION L FRIENDSHIP? WIIIIMUI; .III VJ lNEV8 WANTm I m vims 4 j MMMYrii.t?i hi- ir-r Mil1: i iii 1 1 ) sam POGO - - - W - " - ITft I - - fcfle jwm. al ORPHAN ANNIE - , ' i I I T , I ! ( UMaa petlft HflLUMfoV "tl I URE- HE6 A WINOBAS-V'liS KIT, VWRE tWNrtMTt- T I lEHT- All HIMS6LP TO BE DRAFTH) OOWT BE I f OH, BUT WmMMRg Lal youVt BIABTIOTH I THE VWRIES I I TO HEAD A DRIVE I CYNICAL. I UtwIOLO 1 HE KWW6 WHAT THe MfcA I I mucditiiitk unauixniiii insciiwwnoa I run. I I II p53nv- II PEOPLE ARE FOR IiAWJI J OPPH-'' J rWWt, I HOPE- II I L HOSTAt HERE- i V VT "tflM "a. a ii . u h. i .at i r v mm ast v iwJ::.;xnuiMn i ir .n ni i-"Sit 'ii i s yipe.PT ii i r it n i -v,w msi iiRsk ii w. II II LTa III -Jr?-L-M I i r i LIL ABNEK ' - - - - MliSUSVOKUHl OH-sOr'.'-MAH 1 THEN THAR NO ON THE AH GITS CtmlttT T MADAME, NO' fS YAH GUESS J AM IS SUXIfJ NHAPPV MARAIAGCl tEMSE ViftSTIM' COMTRARV. AHWt I" ".TT "L PRETTIER TMAM I irLL BE SOCRI PTO ) I OVfR .T-MAH I TIME WIF 41 AH NEVER POU-ArN. DOLLARS AHTHOOQHTA' AWRIGHT. ) .TO THE. HUSBIM MOSTWIODefW MAD IT A-DAV C TmL wTlTSL. ' R-MHr EF AH 1 AFTER aLLs HAPPV ISBAID- IS PORE AS TiOGOOD. ) PiNtlOMM A Mt ? DRAPS OVEa y AH IS A 2SS!f5 r A'RSISiP church rtvT 2 SlT rr twww1 wwpdeV- HOP ALONG CASSIDT " " I 'rT MWEKENT I WH-WHW A ME WA6 JUST HERE HIP FILE? I I EXACTLY WHY 15 HE " I'M SURE I HAVENt I I r6?. W,BoA1Lf CA&&PDY EITHER, I HEAMT LLEP WKTHLKS'PKOfEm. I ABANPNEP MINE V ABIGAIL, PAIOIHaT' L ,!,H'SKTSlafK Jv .MARVIN f J LL MflNK ANP I WERE AKP I NEAR THE 6IT6 Of VKfula- J KM LATE IN THE EVENING. V CVERHEARV TKE TRAttt action. that battle ferjw? A ii rv.w. in mmMummKBT- k ij. i c. , - i uyfssa ? ,-i II CS.I 'XWJi WBWmtLJ ft IPR IW" IRV TTJ3 i aWtMSIW 1 v1a v iNa. smmiL (ii Kcst iy iiftAXW iV'Va By Ahrenl 1 " 1 KgtTt Mirmr-- HmtaSaaM nA-r 1 fcf U fi I MUTT JEFF g il REX MORGAN. M. D. " I 1 fr uavw anus dasco un " L. I I i H El I . 1 INMK EMOTIONS, A I MOUKOgSO.' - . l.l fc SSA 111 I SHEILA TURNER 1 5lP, BARU StETOLD J UJfsS I 1 IL J YOU LOOlfTlKDl II I CTlIII Iii I I5NT PEAD.' VS.. MOefiAN AND AAE 1I 1 1 rv.',,"'". rn c rbxj tke at hi xx c h - -EveRYTHiN6 j fl III T PWWNfilNS THE St.IWIWfUK I . I KZ.0 I JrTlf I 1 M T'A I Alt A.- BiS'i I ' pffiji e,LA j PHH DONALD DUCK ' W1 " M' ! . ERIIIENS IQeTLL I 1 Tlook.' pon't tell me you I M but you ousht ) 1 13 I rk 1 1 I h "II EfiiH SRDlERlA LriAtr rw TiAAiNOTICEO VOL? COULP ELL THIS FOOP f I T SEE THE C -j V) ESfd tCttShltK FOSfjJEHAV'i ;gUTr75- (FRONT PORCH J f t jW rwUllpiE yMEsTa sTuheetJCAPe !; iw MArT WORTH ' " S . - ' . Aik ilt lJ',Bi',"'A,lll I I I r " rTTI "AFTERnAD WL&OOD- 1 I AND VOUVE BEEN HIDING UNDE.R 1 rM 4UR J I I PRor.aocoANuw R , mTsftSlommi? rvEAM?.r.T woulwt do 2" u.u 1 k.., ;x fur? wft-H I tc r was 1 1 it N PVS r1 CHAPTER 18 The celebrity nibbled on fat underllp. HIa eyes rolled a though seeking an avenue oi escape. Then he recalled tlie teeretary'i tug gesllon and bit spirit quailed. Well, we may ai well spend the summer at the hotel. As a matter of lact, I like the place. I like that young Nancy Carlisle a great oeai. "Her sister?" Langley Curtis got up. "Are vou lust mine her. Dan? Are you trying to turn the candidate's daughter against him and the old doctor?" "As a matter oX fact, Uncle, she's quite a girl. A bit unworldly, yes, a bit Inexperienced. But nice. Vou know what? I find her fun to be with?" Langley's eyes began to twinkle. "Ill tell you something, Dan. The man who has the woman he loves has much more than money. Re member that." Dan rumbled laughter. "You matchmaker I Oome on: let's have some chow and get back to Golden He wondered If you could fall In love Just like that. He won dered . why he'd fallen in love when there was no room in his life for such nonsense. Yet what grand nonsense Jt was I It was a relatively large room with a low, beamed oeiUng. It had high windows which pre cluded a view of the world, but after she'd grown accustomed to them Ruth thought they were a good Idea. They needed neither windows nor shades, yet periect privacy was guaranteed, rortner more, furniture oould be placed along the walls directly under them with consequent saving of space. And quletl By straining her ears she just managed to near uie rumDie on vanic on main Street a block away. She turned to Mr. Drlscoll of the Golden City National Bank. "Very nice," she declared. "Of course, youd be expected to give the walls a fresh coat at paint, a aoctors ounce must be clean, you know." He reflected. That'd be pretty expensive, tmin. Ana we're jet- tine the place go pretty cheap. As a matter of fact, If ft wasn't a doctor we'd ask more. But Mr. OBrien thinks the doctor should be encouraged." "Very kind of Mr, O'Brien, I'm sure," grinned Dan. He glanced around. This was a big moment lor nim. rxr tnis neo betrayed, for this he'd connived, for this he'd robbed himself of his own respect. Yet he felt that it was worth the price he'd paid. Now, at hist, his life was beenning to mean something. At thirty-four he was at last beginning to strike off on his own. . He met the quiet, almost grave brown eyes, "what do you think, Ruth, Think rtH make a good office?" "I'm not an authority, Dan. You forget the only doctor's office I know anything about belongs to Dr. Fell." "Reception-room Is large enough. My workroom could be larger, but with a little figuring I guess we could utilize all the space there Is. And the plumbing setup is perfect. Add a sink in the worxroom ana we a oe sec- Mr. Drlscoll nodded. "You could have a heavier electric current put in Dei ore uie end oi uie week, That would take care of your equipment, Dr. Curtis, II you u take a two-year lease well add the sink and circuit at no extra cost. As I said, Mr. O'Brien thinks you should be encouraged." Ruth nodded. It was the best available suite in town. It wouldn t be too far from the townspeople to walk, yet It was Just far enough removed from Main Street to get it out of til noisy hurly-burly business atmosphere. "I'd take It Dan. Even if you build the hos pital you'll need an office in town, A hospital would have to be built on cheap ground, wouldn't It? The only cheap ground available now is aoout a mile norun oi nere." He nursed his line. This was the moment. Once the lease had been signed there 'd be no turning back. He'd be committed. He'd have to go through with it or lose what little self-respect he had left. It would truly be war. Mr Drlscoll smiled uncutousry. "Perhaps," he suggested to Ruth, "Dr Ourtls would like to think it over. There's no hurry. We'd be glad to give him an option far a week." A very grateiul young man nodded his dark head. "Let me sleep on It. Mr. Drlscoll. Let me give you my decision tomorrow afternoon." "Certainly, sir." They went back to the dull gray day. West of town, great creamy oanics ol log were rolling in j ram uie sea, ana even aoove the hubbub of Main Street traffic they oould hear the foehorn sowuung on one Dreaxwater. Hum wondered if the Dauntless Me had beaten vie log to land. She wor rled about Rod and Johnny and Mr. Hurrord. There was always uie possimuty on oeing run down by one of the great freight-boats neoaea lor uauen Gate Channel, Such ttiinas had haooened before Three years ago 1 said." said Dan Oiirt.ln "hour about a sandwich and some eof fee? I forgot to eat lunch." "WS haVft tklnffn in Mir fiwhn Why don't rou have a anufe with me m wie oottaee V" He (net her eves. She was sur prised to see a aulek fluah raen ui us meeu. perceiving It, she wondered. Feellnir hin trembllnc nana in nets, sne suTierea a vio lent attack of sMdnem. Thte lnv wnat ioou K maae at people, oniiciren n winea cnesa siioi (to Be continued) Sports Commentator Speaks to Rotarians Woodburn Bob Blackburn. radio sports commentator and announcer, who with Rollie Trultt broadcasts the Beaver baseball games, was the guest speaker at the Woodburn Rot ary club Thursday noon. He was introduced by Lyman Seely of the program commit tee, and gave humorous high lights and incidents of his broadcasting work. Special guests for the day were Coach Marshall Barbour and his basketball team of Woodburn high school. Team members present were Sam VanArsdale, Willard Thomp son, Bob Withers, Manager Paul Edwards, Deimar 'Wolf, Duane Balrd, Bob Dryden, Royal Hastie, Jerry Plank and Royce Norris. Roy Miller received a pin for one year's perfect attend' ance at Rotary and KUIan Smith received a two-year pin. ROOM & BOARD YOU TOLD UNCLE BERT THE OIL COMPANY PAID 300.000 FOR THE LEASE ... NOW YOUVE ADDED ANOTHER LAYER ID THE CAKE AND MADE rr4OQ00o....THArs QUITE A KNOT IN THE YARN VOUvE KNITTED . AWM-KM....I REFUSE TO DISCUSS THE SUBJECT k AMY AA0RE..M3U SEE THIS GOLF PUTTER ?.. .VELLI GOT AM INSPIRED IDEA HOW TO CHANGE ITS DESIGN SO A GOLFER CAN IAVR0VE HIS PUTTING BY 75 PERCENT.-. MINE WILL BE KNOWN AS THE PUFFLE PUTTER r vi rvirr r I ACROSS I. Parcel of ground 4, Article 8. Flog 12. Slender nnlal II. Body of church 14. Toward shelter 15. Doleful 18. Move 17. Anxiety 16. Mixed rain and snow JO. Word for word SI. Cry of a est 24. Black liquid 25. Cork 29. Essay XX. frame of a vessel 14. Serpent SO. Baked clay 97. Home of a famous witch M.CaU 41. However 49. Pair 44. Wash the hair 49. Come la 52. Weary M. So be It 55. Charge with fear 50. Heated chamber 17. Condiment M. Edible teed 59. Nuisance SO. Salver 61. Sin Solution of Yesterday's Ptsle 00 WM l.Not so mush 1 Iridescent gem I. Motion of the tea 4. Pert of the toot ia i1 f ' i4 I4 I t L"-b W Vi VI" 73 U p 7Z ;f i ;r tt;r sf1 y, : vr if iz.ia s p a-5 srjjrpr 53 rrs srs vT ar .bi 2f as arprpr Jfr-J sftersr 3 5T ST s" 9 ftS yv, & if.-. ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' UT OF THE TRAP AND ON THE GREEN 1. Make lace .Wicked T. Deserve .Wound made by a tear t. Wlngllke 10. Blood fluids 11. Back of the foot 19. Work 11. Gentle blow 33. Spider's trap J5.That girl 311. Wine cask 37. AnUque Jfl. Fish egg 10. Deen hola II. Addition to s Duildtng 11. Female rufl 35. Insect 98. Corded cloth u. Mcore 42. Browned bread 44. Halt 45. Bec'l workshop w. woo. ox war 47. Persian poet 49. Binding fabric 60. Pitcher 51. Raise 54. Old musical note KGW K0IN KEX SM NBC SI. CBS 11M ABC jmjiBc U:Ms Nis p.ul B.r. Top Trades SPjJjr MJ u0, lt:S0r. W. Wart Jack O.sns Ga, Ms sp r M.. Uasu. ljjj u.ln... Aunt Jrn-7 JaO O.tni Mle uu - :J5 5t.ll. Oallaa oodlw u M M,J. U.,ua 1:50 H id. Br.w. Ga4lt.p KapJVMl ' T'in Mai. Uasu :Mjriala Bill aedliw C.I. TUmsf s S" J ... M.J. Uai.. 1:15 n. fs. r.rr.n.dir., c.i iibdm m.. . , J M l M,u j:0 L. Jane. 0.dlr., M . it't tt M.slo Ml. 1:45 DW. Wtf. Carl H.M.T "''" " -- ,. - :j6 Tr.,.l,ra w,k,i. Bill Blnr DaUaa ""a, M.sloM.l. :P'- Nal R...a,.r, I" JJ' nl I. h.'hcOIk Show Sail. M.I., 9:45 P. O.rtowa, Ton.l.llr Far tht OlrUMe McOir ' - T Ufa Baal., MaTia Uw, S'J "!!" . :" '" ' J.Mb"mta,sa.'r'.ICa..H.mlar.. ;. " Z jfl Msla Bos Sfrkhai ,"' C.s. Carl M...O Mat e Mart " 1;5 rl Bake, Haw Tiro. 8am Ba,aa Mo.lo Mart anl S;M BUI Slara Ed Marrow Merrla Circle Bob Beo.oa Train; EIIIi' laak :l5N. "l..NawaV. Tinkler Bob Be...a '; S',"f B:5Srira.laaa World Todar Ch.t H.ntlj Mu.l. Supper t ub VaU.P ark 5:45rir..l.n. frank Com Bob Oatred Ma.le gupper Club Ma'io 6:00 Belaa Mu.l. .Bob Hawk Weatherman O., Heater SaiPMr Claili C"JeJJ 1:16 Balai ftu.1, Slob Hawk lima. EdilloiNlw. Supper C ub "'"'" 9:10 Bob and Bar Command Good Serenade Supper Club World News 6:45 Bob and ay Theater U.lenlns 8am Hares Supper Club m ;M nin.h Shar. u Thamas Una Bans. Could Thla Ma.lo Jf""i 7:15 Nat l. Bneln. 5. Spa" Lana Bense, Be Tea Mu.l. ""i.," J:!.!aTJ", tTi..!...., i"l. 0.1d Of! BandeUnd T:4 Al Ooodman Talent Seam Hall ol Star. hoe. "'"'" I'M BaHrla? ?"P.?:j . Srmphonell. a II ", Y Sill ?'"' Mlehael Mutie gM,ball Jnnlor MU. sharna Ma.le " i !:M TalapkM. Gin. Hardr B"1' :j.l2" Js1""" Faltoa lewis iaiia J"1" nal nnal Bdltlei Behind Stan Nfrtt'Sewa I II lJH "'"-tows Dane. Tim. "-! Silii s" .! 5! c"""n'lal Ira..arT Daaea Tim. News S "J Z. ' ! Iava.lls.tar BaaH yZ Tim. Hall HUM Banr l:Sifem Chamber Da.e. Time F.nlaar lonl 1:11 L. MeCaa Forum tZ. Hldnlte J '" !" 1:41 Cllr Oo.n.u Ma.le Daaea Time - H:Sw Maw Off Lf s..JW-a iMalodr Man 1 ""V0 Don't Blow Tour lop You, too tin own i beiuWul Raytheon; "5 Trader Louie will take most anything In trade. Trader Louie 1820 liu Ave. h. 3855S TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. S:M M..le Time BFD Orosaa Farm Hear iN.w. Braakfaal IWaai. Maladp :15 Maalo Tlma KOIN Klaak Farm Hoar. TlmikMPOT Nook Waaa. Melads ::1S M.elo Tlma KOIN Klo.a Farm Hoar New. Broakful Farm Rtwa :4- tar. Tama KOIN Klock Farm Harm'ny Haa, Nook Nawa B6 Coantrr Id. KOIN Klaak Flrat tdlllon New. Brtakfaat Medltatlona JohnnrWUl New. M. Asranikr Breakfast Nook Koao Kloek ;i Nawa Nawa Bab Garrad Gans Breakfaal Koao Kloek 7;45 K Maajl.s H. Babbitt Bab Baaoei Sam Hayes Naak Koea Klock !.C Old Sonsa Can. Nawa Braakfaal Ceell Brawn Jim Dandy Keaa Black :l Old Sonsa Daye Valla Breakfaal Family Altar Jim Dandy Koea Kloek :M M.slo Bo. n.ien Trent Breakfaal Haren of Jim Dandy Keen Kleek g:4S Made Be. Gal Sunday Ciab Best Jim Dandy Nawa f:MNewa Road Ufa 9 a.m. Edit. News Mr. Smyth Woman. Tl. t:15 Mi.ia Bo. M. Ferklna stare Today Melody Mr. Smyth Muilc S:tt Mula Bo. Dr. Malona Break Bank Faatars Call Mr. Smyth Pl.n. rat. :4.1 V. Llndlahr Oalda Llsht Break Bank Ban. Canntel Mr. Smyth Pessy La la:M Brad Mra. Burton D. Gardner Glen Hardy Baak Fanaa Baya 1S:1I Beyaalda Perry Maaon Chat HanU'y Tela Teat serenade Beoerds lS:St Strike 11 Nerah Drake My True Answer Mm Baak Faaea Bare 19:41 Bleh Brlahter Da Stary Maaie Serenade Baeards S:C Da.bla at Music Sparkli WhLperlnT" Ladlaa Fair Baak Fewaa Baya ;1 Nalhlac Grand Slam Girl Marries Udlea Fair Sereeiada Baeerde :BS) Bo and Bay House Llndlaha Q.eea far Baak Fans Baya ;SJ Bob Hope Party Barney Keep Day ' serenade Beeerda DIAL USTtNQ KOAC, ill :H, Ores. Beparaar.i S:U Maafai Chlldraa'a Thaatsrl S:ll, Boas, sms alii li:M, Nawa A Weatkari U:ll, tfaaa 'Wl ':' "nm. oour, a., Farm Bear: 1:11, S.keal of Air I l:H, Far' Made, nfOAs Maadar A. M.: 1I:M, News ! Women i 1:1 rwn Weathatl U:1S Banalally far ,.. chdl Wamaa; !!:, Sehaal Fain U:M. Cenoorl , , ,. Pickets Off Livesley Building Pickets who have paced the sidewalk in front of the Lives ley building since April 18, 1952, have been withdrawn by Local 160, Building Service Employes union. They were withdrawn after Circuit Judge Rex Kimmell announced that he would issue a permanent Injunction against the union. The matter of whether the picketing was illegal was taken into the courts after service emloyes of the Lives- Carol Curtis Pattern 8eJ 385 Flowfr Embroideries. There are four pillowcase embroidery de signs In Uiis transfer pattern carnations In shades of lovely pinks; stylized tulips, daisies and a stylized "Fleur-de-Lis" design. Enough pretty, flowery designs to make four different sets of pillow, case gifts or four sets of match ing guest towels. A nice pattern to have on hand for pick-up em broidery work on long, sunlight filled summer afternoons I Send 30c for the CARNATION DESIQ.NS (Pattern No. 385) color charts for working all four de signs, sketches of all stitches used finishing Instructions, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PATTERN NUMBER lo CAROL CURTIS Capital Journal. 665 Mission street' 6a Francisco 6, Calif. ley building withdrew from the union. The union con tended that the formation of a separate organization by build ing emplyoyes was an evasive proceeding. Owners of the building countered with the assertion that there was no labor dispute, therefore pick eting was Illegal. Judge Kimmell held that the Oregon law of 1937 which protects the rights of unor ganized workers against inter ference from labor or employ, ers was operative in this case. Rranit Vt- a n.ti u . . button "th;VbFoVThl Pro."" ond It can come to the party right after Its Job backstagel With lJlt,.cJellt tnPhl onl Kylefor a purpose ... this apron is verv much in the llmellghtl No. 2907 Is cut in small, med lum and large sizes. Medium cov erall takes 34 yds. 35-lnLltUB apron". 2H yds. 35-ln 8 Rawttt 4sn --.- i a -- . . m .77 4W rAriiaiN with iff"- 6r?le N'SSer and REA1T Ar.dT, ,PArrERN BU REAU. Capital Journn , 652 Mis. ton su-eel, San Francisco Calif. I