Saturday, May 2, 1953 Pas 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Bevos Suffer Fourth Loss n Row; Beard Fails to Hit GREATEST FIGHTS of the CENTURY Lo, Angeles Hollywood 1 Portlind li San Francisco II Sacramento II Oakland 11 Sun Diego 10 10 .( ,Si .SM .41 .lit .JSi .111 Portland looked like an up- PCL STANDINGS ii d-comlng ball club when It w l rn. o.b. Invatrlprl Hnllvuinnri fnr ho:Xtllt 1 10 .177 current series, but (our straight setbacks, three of them shut outs, have put a damper on the team's drive and knocked it from third into fourth place in the Facifie Coast League stand ings. Hollywood took over the their spot Friday night, beating the Beavers twice, 4 3 and 9-0. Portland scored two runs in the final inning of the first game to take a 3-2 lead but Tommy Saffell slammed a long hit to center with Chuck Ste vens on in Hollywood's half and circled the bases for an came to me ana salvaged the Friday', Besulls: Kacramenlo 3-9. Loa Angeles 1-T. Hollywood 4-t. Portland 3-0. Seattle 4, San Prancuco 0. San Diego 10, Oakland e. Saturday', Probable Fitchtr,! Oakland (At ueltel 1-1) at San DHio 4C11H Fannin 40-0). Portland IFred Sanford 1-1) at Holly wood Llord Hlltio l-3i. Lo, Angeles (Willi, Jlamicdell 1-1) at Sacramento (Row Osenbaueh l-li. Saattla istava Naar 3-1) at aen Pran- cUco (Ted Shandor 4-Ot. inside-the-park homer and the winning run. Hollywood's third base coach, Gordon Maitzberger, tried to flag down the flying Saffell but he kept going and) second game, 7-5, althought barely staggering In, The Angels are showing signs of drooping, even though Sac ramento has been playing heads up ball from the very start. beat the throw to the plate by Ken Cables held Los Angeles io live niu in tne opener and the Sacs got to Cal McLish for 10. Bill Padget got credit for the second game put he needed help from Bill Moisan. Oakland's pitchers were wild and gave up 13 bases on balls as San Diego beat the a whisker. Portland's Lyman Linde stopped Hollywood outfield er Ted Beard's streak after he had hit safely in 12 suc cessive times at bat, tying a PCL record of 23 year's standing. Plrat game: rorllaod (II B Auitln.aa Russell, rf Heitelll.lf Aril. lb Eggert.Sb Bainikl.I Heard, p a.Rslcn ,lnt 1 i 1 Walbel. 0 I H O A 3 4f(l!,tf 3 0 Walla.r-I 3 OPMIlMl I OPtllnr.l! 3 1 Btard.r 4 3 Hotflr.l 1 Braaa.c Od-Ounk 0 Kjhrk.a a-Walne Walah.p e-Bassal Hilda Lyon.p Shprd.p l-ilrtoa 1 Totali M I 10 13 Totals 34 31 I a Angled tor Heard In llh. b Kan for Baseell In 8th. e Blnalad lor Walill In tit. d Grounded out lor Braaan ta lUk a Filed out for Koshorea In Tin. f Bala on error lor AKcpard t 7VA aHan for Reich In 7th. Two out when wlnnlni run acrad. Portland (Ml tot - Hit, Ml al t I Hollywood 000 H 34 Hlla 010 W Winner Shepard; Loser WelboL U4S -rsus OAJE OP 7A jeIO(JS iLOVcS COUVr' iVaOEATT WAT CHAMPOASHif II Pitcher: Heard , Walbel , Walib ,, Lynn ... Bnepard X Arft Lint, Saffell, IP AB R I n IIH 30 3 4 3 3 1 H 4 3 1 i 17 1 I 1 1H 1 I I fa I 1 3 I Ecicrt, R Austin, Robinson, Braaan. Koahorek, ate,. Linde forced Beard to fly Acorns, 10-8. Manager Augie out in the first game of thejualan used six hurlers in an doubleheader, but Beard then attempts to save the game but rapped two hits in his next two a four-run splurge in the sev tries. Mickey Heath of the old enth by the Padres clinched it. Hollywood club jointly holds the record with Beard. Harry Fisher fashioned the second game shutout, allowing five hits and scattering them. Seattle bumped San Francis co, 4-0, and took over the league lead. Jim Davis, a resi dent of San Francisco, limited the Seals to six hits and got line fielding support. Artie Wilson, Ranier in fielder, socked a homer over the right field barrier In the seventh. It was only the fifth homer of his pro baseball career. Wilson also figured in four double plays Seattle turned in to stop potential Seal rallies. Los Angeles dropped its third straight game to Sacra mento, 2-1, before it finally Oakland 300 000 110 ( t : San Diego 002 030 41' 10 1 Ayera, Van CuyJc (31, Bamberger (5) Mann (71, Waters (71. Candlnl (01 and Heal; uina, Benton II) and Pocekar, ana. HBP By Heard (Salfelll. LOB Portland f; Hollywllj 4. 3B Braaan. JB Roblnaon. Hil-Saffell. Sac Walah. RBf Austin, Ruaeell. Basaall, Walls, Restelll. Aaffell 3. DP Long, Koahorek and Long: Austin, Baslnskl and Arft. T 1:46. u carlueel, Sllv and Doran. ' t X) 14) Hollrweoe TeT h o a! umvjf 1st game. T Innlnaa: Loa Angeles 100 000 01 I Sacramento 001 ooo 13 10 McUeh and Tappa: Oables and Rlt- Chey. 3nd game: Loa Angele 001 eoo 0007 10 3 Sacramento 000 00 3106 9 3 Padget, Moisan it) and Evans: Floras. nornapie i . jonnson ei. Kimnau is . Barkelew ill and Rltchey. Seattl 010 003 1004 3 Ssn Pranclaco .... 000 000 000 0 6 0 Davis and Ortela: Slnaleton. Brad. ford (0) and Tornay. Hialeah showed a 10 per cent increase in betting the last 10 days of its 19S3 meeting, with a daily average of $1,717,702. ( HellrwMd B H O A I 3 0 4 3 10 4 0 3 0 4 111 Second game: Portland () B H O A Austin. sa 4 3 3 J Barrel. ft Ruuell.rr 4 6 0 0 Beard. rf RestellMf 4 110 Walk.lf 4 11 Reich. lb 4 1 13 1 Philips.) I 0 1 3Hndry,3 Basiukl,3 0 0 0 3 Malnr,c 3 0 3 4 Kshrk.a Oladd.o 3 0 3 0 Fliher.p ijinar.p l o o 0 a-Robba 10 0 0 Welmkr.p I 0 0 3 Totals 33 ( 34 14 Totala 37 14 71 7 Plied out tor Lined in Ith. Portland 000 000 000 0 Hits loi no on: s Hollywood 300 330 00 9 nit, 300 B41 11. Pitcher: IP AB R H CR BB SO unae 4 10 7 i 1 3 Welmaker .. 4 13 1 7 I l Fisher 0 33 4 t I 1 I Loser Linde. I Handler. Malona. R Lone . siaf. fell. Walls. PhllllM. Handley. Malnn, Koahorek, Fisher. HBP By Planer IBa- alnskll. LOB Portland 7: Hollywood 4. HR Long. BB Restelll, Saffell, Beard. rbi Lone 3, Father. Saffell, Beard. Handler, Malone 3. DP Reich. Austin and Reich: Phillips. Handler and Long. T 1:47. u Sllvft, Doran and Carluccl. A 4013. Bill Holland To Re-Enter 500-Mile Race Indianapolis W) Bill Hol land, never worse than second In four Indianapolis 500-mile races, was back for another shot at auto racing's biggest prize when the two and one- half mile speedway track open ed officially Friday. Outlawed by the American Automobile association for the last two years for entering an unsanctioned race, Holland hadn t even been permitted In side the garage area. The AAA reinstated him last winter, under bond, and he signed up with Karl F. Slick of Winston-Salem, N.C., the air freight man, to drive a proven "hot" car in this year's May 30 classic. Holland's vehicle is the four- cylinder, rear-drive auto in which Jack McGrath led the 1952 Indianapolis race until his clutch started slipping. Mc Grath set a record of 131.497 miles an hour for the first ten laps. Minor League Scores (Ey The Associated Pressl AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Indlanapolla 5. Kansas City 4 (11 inn.) Louisvuie s, joieao i. Minneapolis 3, Columbus 1. Charleston 3. St. Paul 3. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUI All games postponed. TEXAS LEAGUI Shreveport 6, Dallas 4. Houston 6, Oklahoma City I. San Antonio 10, Tulsa 3. Fort Worth at Beaumont, postponed. WESTERN LEAGUE Des Moines 3, Denver 1 (11 Innings), Other game postponed. PIONEER LEAGUI Ogden 1, Boise 0. Oreat Fall, 1. Pocatello 0. Idaho Falls 4, Billings 3. Magle Valley at Salt Lake City, post poned. wet grounds. Yesterday's Stars BattlM Pete CaUtigllont. PUtaburzil. Pintei, homered twice, singled and drove In three runs. Pittsburgh de feated Cincinnati, t-3. ritcning sonny Dixon, Washington Senators, came In u i relit! pitcher with the bases loaded and none out in the ninth Inning against at. Louts and struck out the aide to aave a 6-9 Tic tory for Washington. Milwaukee Braves Play Like They Might Threaten Louis . Philadelphia Washington Detroit ... AMEI1CAN LEAGUE W L Pet, ....11 113 41 ,400 .US .000 .300 .333 .103 Frlday'a Besulls: Detroit 1, Philadelphia 3. Chicago I, New York (. Washington 0, St. Louie I. Boston I, Cleveland 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pot. O.B. Brooklyn 10 I .(41 Philadelphia, I .443 U St. Louis 1 4 .( 1 Milwaukee 7 I .411 1'4 Chicago .400 It, Pittsburgh .400 4 New York 10 .333 I Cincinnati 1 ( .300 ili St. Louis 3, New York 3. Brooklyn 8, Chicago 3. Pittsburgh I, Cincinnati 3. Milwaukee ft. Philadelphia 3. Salurday'a Prebabla Pitchers: St. Louis at New York aimer (0-1) vs. Connelly (0-0). Cincinnati at Plttaburgh Podblclan 10-31 v. Lapalme (0-3i. Chicago at BrooklynKllppatetn (1-0) vs. Hoe (1-01. Milwaukee at Philadelphia Surkont 13-0) vs. Kanslanty 11-11. By CARL LUNDQUIST . i New York (U.R)-Jolly Cholly Major Leagues Grimm says he is afraid the National League is too strong for his Milwaukee. Braves to i New York make the first division, but!Cn,c,I(, rival managers feared today he Boston was kidding them. The transplanted boys from Boston, who wound up a weak seventh last year, right now are playing as though they might finish up among the con tenders. When the Braves started their Eastern swing, Grimm said he thought the league was much stranger and that even fourth place was too much for him to hope for. Bui wun a combination of power and good pitching and a much improved defense, they have been caus ing plenty of trouble. Hot Bats Last night at Philadel phia they won their third game in four starts on their Eastern trip, topping the Phillies 5 to 2, on Jim Wil son's six-hitter. Wilson also hit a home run as did slug gers Joe Adcock and Andy Pafko in a 10-hit assault as the Phils lost their third straight. Brooklyn made it five straight and took over first place with a -5 uphill win over the Cubs, while Pitts burgh made it three in a row with a 8-3 victory over Cin cinnati, and the Cards topped the Giants, 3-2. In the Ameri can League, the White Sox out lasted the Yankees, 6 to 5, Washington edged St, Louis 6-5 Boston pUmmqled Cleveland -1, for is fourth straight win, and Detroit ended a six-game losing streak against Philadel phia, 7 to 3. Pinch-Hitter in Clutch PeeWee Reese borrowed Duke Snider's bat for the second day and hit his sec ond homer with it to climax four-run eighth inning rally that gave Buss Meyer his second Dodger victory. The Cubs had gone in front 5-2 with three runs in the eighth, two coming home on ! August of 19S1 with their win over the Reds. Paul Pettlt, tne $100,000 bonus pitcher, won his first big league game with relief help, giving up six hits before going out in the seventh. Pete Castiglione drove in three runs with two homers to pace Pittsburgh's 10-hit attack. a single by Toby Atwell, who also hit a homer and drove in four Chicago tallies. The Pirates made it three straight for the first time since High School Scores (By The Associated Press) Basrball Pendleton 10-11, La Orande - Oswego S, Wy-Etit 1 Hsrriiburg 7, Hatiey 1 Hlllsboro 2, Forwt Orove t - Cascade Locks 8, Culver 0, District l-B championship Jelell 13, Knappa Philomath 9, Monroe t Track , Eugene 112 913, Cottage Owe H 710, Oakrldge 40, Bprlnftf ield 41 , Pleasant Hill 38 3ft, Creswell 30. Wil lamette 24, Elrolra 20. University 11 16, Junction City 7, Florence 1. Lowell 232 li, Coburg istt, liapleton 40, Triangle Lake 34, Mohawk 31, Mc Krnzle 20. Hlllsboro 90ft, Beaverton f-3, Pores t Grove 33, Tlgard 18 Vi, Sherwood I. Milwaukee 87, West Linn A6, Ortgoa City 7&. Salem tHV, Oresham M, Portland Sehoola Grant fit, Roosevelt M, Benson IT. Jefferson 86 Vi. fraanklln 34tt. Wash- lniton 8. Vancouver. Waah.. 74. Lincoln H. Cleveland M. Paul Richards Engages in Severe Rhubarb Chicago, (U.R) American League President Will Har ridge, who yesterday imposed the heaviest mass fines in league history, had a chance to day to levy another imposition. The possible victim this time was Chicago White Sox Man ager Paul Richards, who ob jected vehemently yesterday to a ruling by umpire Jim Duf fy which gave Mickey Mantle, the youthful start centerfielder of the New York Yankees, his fourth home run of the year. Mantle's ball apparently htl the wall in left center field, about halfway to its top. And as Mantle pulled up at second base, Duffy waved him around to score the first run of the game. Then Richards went into ac tion, apparently jostling Duffy severely in making his protest. The action ended with Rich ards waved out of the game and with the Sox manager waving "down with Duffy" as he head ed for the dugout. Harridge levied the first fines of the 1953 season yesterday, imposing a tab of $250 on St. Louis Browns' catcher Jim Courtney, $150 on Yankee in fielder Billy Martin and Browns infielder Bill Hunter, and $100 each on Yankees' Allie Reynolds, Gil McoDugald and Joe Collins. Fiahts Last Night Nw Terk Ralph "Tiger" Jonas, 114, Yonkers, N. T., outpointed Jimmy Herr ing, 160, Brooklyn, 10. 4 DON'T LET YOUR FUEL GO THE CHIMNEY IN SMOKE! RIGHT NOW IS THE IDEAL TIME TO COMPLETE ARRANGE MENTS FOR A NEW IRON FIREMAN HEATING SYSTEM! Small Monthly Payments as many as 36 months to pay! m i oM be" -m. ! rW- .T I , r,-- p-- z r - - main" U Wc THIS efjy law I 1 at Automatic ELECTRIC Ignition NO PILOT FLAME Iron Fireman electric ignition with room thermostat makes this oil floor furnace ai fully automatic at the moat costly heatiag lystem. Fuel-saving "Channel Flame ' burner is automatically ignited bums only when you need it. No troublesome, constantly burning pilot flame to consume valuable oil and iorm soot and carbon. For wall installation, it has warm and cold air registers on both sidei with adjustable damper for directing desired volume of warm air into either room. Connection for warm air duct to upstairs room. Forced draft, forced circulation with oiled-for-life motors. Call us today for mora Infor mation or come m for demonftratioii. swtomatic en nooi PIMMACI Same quality and outstanding fea tures as wall furnace. Finest heating of its type that you can buy. Wide) ntnge of models and sinf. etaSewel - ,Vi Milk yor o WW P uoMIS A (4 " a. " t0 a I W V aagav awaa wa Phone 2-6882 C.J. 2725 PORTLAND ROAD Qukk-trcting ro frrt-twtx boiler with Efficieot heat transmission and null inter volume make this Iron Fireman highly responsive. Automatic controls hold home warmth exactly where vou want regardless of outdoor Mather. Choose the automatic fuel yogi prefer -coal, oil or gas. ' Convert sow to Iron Hremaa iwin bmtt-bi antomotic firing wnh automatic home healing. Trent your family to perfect freedom from basement drudgeryl Ak for our frtt heating survey. City tolor Iroa Ftr. a. s-, g mm.t Mt .niort ;e Ti rl e ig ,1- a- rt IRON FIREMAN FURNACES