Friday, May lr 1953 Saiem (Lurches Sevealfc-Dar AavcatUU lumintr t f Hood. Sabbath achool 8:39 a.m. Topic: "Noan i uuicenaama ana ui Tower of Babel." Sermon bf putor, R. O. Schaff. fner u a.m. (SL Joaa'a laiheraa (Ma. Snot) Six. teenth and A itreeti. H. W, Qroai. oai. jtor. servtoaa at t and 11. Sunday achool 3 at 10. Holr Communion In the U o'clock Pint SplrtlnaUat 4U N. CotUie. T:30 j m. sp'eicer, mm, rrank Baxter. Topic: rennet, me unix rounaaiion, ( I Lablab Commaattr B. U, Booka, B.D., fpaitor. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Preach Tim 11, "What la Truth?" Junlori 7, h'ouni peoplt at T:5 led by N a dine pooki. rreacnini at a:jg. Tbema, "can Jaion Le Memorial MaUtadietCornar hi Jeffenon and Winter etreete. Irneit vresion uouiaer, minuter. Divina war. ship lervlce at It a.m. Sermon aubject. Frounaetioni or a cnrutlan Home,' burch achool at '9:45 a.m. Lablah Bethel AaatmblyLabUh VU- Bit. A. R. Brown, mlnliter. Sunday wcDooi is a.m. Mornma woremp u a.m, ffouUi eervke V p.m. Xvaneellith) eerv. Ice I p.m. MM-week eervlce Tbunday I II. JaaepJi'a Cathalle Chemekete. and inter. Rev, Joieph I. Vandarbeck. paa- ior. Sunday maaaaa t, 7, i. 9:16, 10:X fend 11:46, Confeailona Saturday 3:30 to i;jo ana 1:30 to b. rilrrla Hollneii Sunday ichool 0 45 tfornlnf worship 11, Junior and aenlor flitrtm Youth 6:30. XvartielUtlc 7:30. Ft ret Charch of Cbrlit, BclentUt Llb- frty and Chemeketa street!. Sunday enooi at li a.m. Mornini service at 11 Tjeason Sermon subject: "Everlaetint runianment. ' svenlnf eervlce at 8. Let-ajon-sermon aubject: "Everlaitlnt Pun Hhment." i Christian Missionary Alliance Vorth Fifth and Qalnes. Rev. Peul W. Ounther. pastor. Sunday school, 9:46 a.m. Hornini worship, Communion, 11 a.m. Alliance Touth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. fevenlng avaniellsm 7:30 p.m. Fa tor .preaches at both services. ; Beoraanlaed Church af Jesus Christ of ; Latter Day Balnta Seventeenth and if. Chemeketa streets. George W. Speed, Viator. Church ichool 6:45. Communion .nice 11. Evening worship I. Oeorie W. Speed, speaker. Vtret MethodistServices at the Ilel-i'.-BM theatre. Sunday 11 a.m. "How Are r Things at Home?" Sermon by the mln V Mar. Brooks H. Moore, minister. i.:7 Knlfht Memorial CangrecatUnal XaiU B. White, minister. Sunday school ife a.m. Lloyd H. Arnold, supt. Morn f worship 11 a.m. Sermon by the dtnlstcr, "Fisherman's Luck." Pilgrim fellowship for young people. -First Cons regatlonal 700 Marlon St. gtth R. Huntington, minister. Church 4shool 9:30. Morning worship service 11. jlgrlm Fellowship 6:30. $Graee Lathertn (BLC) Sunnyvlcw ajbd Lansing avenues. Sunday school ilp 11 a.m. L, W. Holte, pastor. Charts Jeaaa Chrlet wf Latter Day lata (Merman i FlfUi and Madison eeta. John E. Salisbury, bishop. Bap- Ismal seYvlce I a.m. Priesthood meet- ig a.m. Sunday achool 10:30 a.m. enlng -service i p.m. talea Trath Center 341 Chemeketa. Sunday achool 10. Bervlet 11. Topic: "In- kerpratatlon tne Ten commanamenta." Lev. Olive Stevens. r Flrit Church af God Cottage and fAAfi K. J. Mclntlra. minister, ''chris tian Brotherhood" Sunday mornings 8:30 to 9, KOAB. Sunday achool 10. Morning warship 11. Toung people'a meeting 9:46. livening service 7:30. wi lil11ia Vim (I raat RV. ai XT nansln ntvitrtr. HundslV school with classes for all ages. Communion service wiwi meesase oj xw. . flauerweln 10:46 a.m. Youth meetings tuHint TUhlo wrvlrt With message by Pastor Sauerwein 7:45 p.m. m. t.. f.n.sniii N. Church at. m. John L. Cauble. pastor. Sunday i school 9:30 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sermon by. tne pastor, me John L. Cauble. Adult Instruction class 9 p.m. Luther league o.ju. Wesleyan Methodist South 16th and Mill streets. W. A. Kaufman, paator. Sunday school 10 a m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Communion service 7:30 p.m. Friday. Quarterly Conference. Youth service 7:18 p.m. Bvenins wo...... . m. rt.,1.1 i nitwrun state atreet at 18th: the Rev. T. M. Oebhard. pastor. Sun day services: Worship service with bap tism and confirmation by the pastor 10:30 a m Sunday achool 9:30 a.m. Port land group meeting of the Women's Mis sion. Federation 3 P.m. Tuesday, ves try meeting. Hflnth Ubertv at Miller street. Bible school 9:45. Mr. Aus tin creel, outatanmng you.n . t.1.a... n..r KQAB-1430 KC. Youth dramatic production 7:30. "The Seamless Robe." . i. . - mi fit at street. ,., n.nnii ftlflcer In charge. Sunday achool 9:45 A.m. Holiness meet . fT.. unM nf ninrv." Young people's Legion 6 P.m. Salvation meet ing 7:30 p.m. Mrs. mnu speaker. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. Thorn ton Jansma, assisinni i . m Mnrntns worship U --h(f Af the Wind," PMior Lloyd T. Anderson. AU-city unoir n.,.1 Vn.ith mttntlnsH 6:16 PHI r,.nu. .n.'n.l rvlre 1:30 P.m. "What the Bible Teaches About Heaven." rear earners Bant I it State and Elm Iraata Rv. Victor L. LOU C St, Pftawt y a-ai. n m Mnrnlnl WOT "hip li o cloca, pasior prewiuin. reopie Lfeague o.ju h.u. - pel service 7:ao p.m. c vi....i Am Paul rathelle Colum- ots and Myrtle sireeis. - in a. in . A it-lA a.m. Conies- ttnn. i ia to 6:10 and 7 to I 30 p.m. and before mawes. College Day al 1st Christian Church M , . i Silverion unaay, may is College Day at the First rhricllon fhnrrh Thf Work Oil Christian church. The work of the Northwest Christian col lege at Eugene, Ore., will be presented by Gerald Sawyer, student and youth director of the church. The pastor. Rev. Arthur Bates, and Mrs. Bates will take a group of young people to the State Christian En deavor convention at Milton, Ore., for the week-end sessions. Sunday evening the congre gation will loin the other churrhpa nf tn pitv in obser vance of Music Week at the tugene Field school at a o'clock. Pastor A. L. Hokon on of Calvary church will give the address. Youth Sunday a! Calvary Baptist Calvary Baptist church will observe youth Sunday, May 3 with a full schedule of acti vities on the program. The 11 a m. service will be ed bv the vnnth oi. ..j ...hi - - - ... aiiu Will be broadcast. Special SDeak- er will be Austin Creel, visit ins! VOllth anH ..,. u - -.... uu.BiauuiUH leader in the American Baptist Youth Fellowship. Austin was -nn. tt 4l.u delegates of the United Stu dent Christian Council to Tra vancore. A (nmpr nntin.i chairmah of the Baptist Stu- oeni movement, He was on a European work project in 1949. When ho alan miianAA the Baptist Youth Congress at Stockholm, Sweden. At the 7:30 n.m. nrrvlr Ih. youth of the church wiU pre sent me one-act religious dra ma. "The Seamlx Rnr," kv Esther Averill. Members of the cast include Fred Minifle, Marilyn Isaak, Charlotte Gra ber, Shirley and Gail Blush, Lorraine Bagley, Dave John son. Jarlr Vlolrpl .Tarro T3.U.... The story is 'of an Interesting origin, . set in tne day of Christ's life, with an intrigu ing plot involving the fate of the robe worn by Christ him self. Sodality Day for Mf. Angel Sunday Mt. Angel Annual Sodality Day will be observed in St. Mary's parish on Sunday. May 3, when all' members and can didates of the Young Men and Young Ladies Sodalities attend the 8 o'clock mass in St. Mary's church and receive corporate communion, followed by recep tion of new members into the sodality. ' Rev. Clement Frank, OSB, sodality moderator, will be cel ebrant at the mass and officiate at the reception ceremony. Following the church serv ices, the annual communion breakfast will be served in the dining room of St. Mary's school, to which all candidates and members are invited. Fea tured speaker at the breakfast will be John T. Bauman, who was the first prefect when the sodality was organized in St. Mary's parish. Monday evening, Sodality members will enjoy a social evening in the auditorium of St. Mary's school. On the agenda, which will start at 8 o'clock, will be initiation of new members and an evening of dancing. High school seniors will be In charge of arranging the pro gram. Immanuel Lutheran To Hold Communion munion will be celebrated at the morning services in Im manuel Lutheran church Sun day, May 3, with the pastor, Kev. Arnold w, jveuon speaK ing on the subject, 'The Spirit of Truth." Because of the sacred concert at Eugene Field nuriitnrtum. ffiven bv the com bined choirs of the Silverton churches, there will be no meeting of the Luther League this Sunday. The annual mother-daugh ter banquet will be held Saturday evening, May 9. Mrs. Rnhert Rnse. eeneral chair man for the event, announces that tickets are now on sale. Kundav. Mav 3. will mark the close of the spring cloth ing drive for Lutheran World Relief. Dr. David Ferguson Goes to Woodburn Woodburn Dr. David Ferg ttenn a retired Presbvterian minister of wide experience whose Home is in rraium, nas been appointed temporary pas tor for the Woodburn and Beth el Presbyterian churches until a regular pastor can be secured. Dr. Ferguson's last pastorate was at Mill City. He is an ex army chaplain, serving with both the British and American armies in World War I and was In France with the U. S. army. He has been much in demand as a speaker at commencement exercises and gave the gradua tion address at Woodburn sev eral years ago. He will preach his first sermon Sunday, May 3, at the Bethel church at 10 1 .1, IU.... 1 1. a.m., ana at wuoauurn n. e s.rRrn roNCERT n. 11 - A nr.aBm nt sacred selections will be given Sunday, May 3, al i:si p.m. in the American Legion hall by the piano pupils of Mrs. John Sheley. Hopewell Churches fUiwwiM RL'B Re- H. I. Wldrner. PaiaOr. UUP"" ".tia s- .... - - wtrhlp 11 m. Youth Fellowship 1 p.m. Salem Camp of Salvation Armr Band I p.m. Gervais Churches rint rrssSFUrlaa oanals. R". ntil TTsmblsr. ir.lnl.tsr. Blbls setlol IJ am. MornlPS worthlp 11 am. Youm people l meeimi 1: Woodburn Churches St. Lake's CatbaUe V. L. Mortenbeter. pastor. Harrison between 3rd and eta Pbone Mil. BuiKlar services T a.m.. t a.m., 10:M a.m. Weekday mass 1:13 a.m. ChrUtlaa sf. Lincoln and Doud Sta. Oeorie Sprinter, pastor, fundar school i .m. service 11 a m. CftrUiisn o deavor 1 p.m. Kvenlnc service pm. rwMaara-a-lllT K. - Lincoln St. Ar thur Ooble, pastor. Phone eole. Sunday achool l;4S a.m. Worship U a m. and 1:11 p.m. Toune People t il p.m. Htabard flespeJ Sunday achool 14 a.m. worship 11 a m. . Yount people's meeting 1 p.m. Ivaoins aervlcea at 1:30 Pa. Trinity Itkerea Tvo Biles south, of Monitor (Missouri Synod) John B. Werth. pastor. Sunday achool t:30 a m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Immaauel La there Doud li Oswald streets. J. W. Carlson, pastor. 41T Ind street. Phone t-Slel. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Sermon U a.m. Free Methodist You n and Oaten Bti, Oeorie Norsworthy. pastor. Phone 6103. Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Preachlni 11 a.m. and 1:46 p.m. Assembly af God Second and Lincoln streets. Ernest Ulum, pastor. Phone i26. Sunday school 0:45 Pre echini" 11 a.m. and 1:40 P m. Young People 1:40 Bible Baptist Old Washington school, Oaten street between Lincoln and Young street. Rev. Relnhold Brendier, pastor. Sunday school 9:4ft a m. Worship serv ice 11 a.m. and 1:46 p.m. Young People 0:44 p.m. Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east on Union School road. Worship 10 a.m. Sunday school 10:45 a.m. Gervsls Presbyterian Ernest Trent blay, pastor. Phone Oervals 3071. Sun day achool 10 A.m. Worship 11 a.m. CE 1:30 p.m. Monitor Community Fall Gaspe! Mon itor. Rev. Z. A. Myers, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Young people f p.m. Evangelistic S p.m. Ptlrrlm Holiness Aurora. Rev. Bruce Chambetlaln. Aurora, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Eve ning services 7:30 p.m. Cbsrea f J.hl Chrlat f LOS Belli Paul school House. SuDilty ichool 10 a.m. Sacrament mieUnf 7:30 p.m. fh. ReorcanliH Charch af Jim Chrlat af Latter Dai SalnU Second and Oarlleld. Oeorce E. Omani, paitor. Phone 3021. Church school 10 a.m. Pnachlnc 11 a.m. and S p.m. Zlon Lea- sue 7 p.m. Nlaares Lathiraa Monitor. Sunday school 9:46 a.m. Worship service U a.m. the first Sunday of lach month. St. Mary's BDlseepal E. Lincoln at Cupid's Court. Rer. T. M. Baxter, vicar. St. Philip and Bt. James, May . Holy Communion -7:30 a.m. Church school 9:45 a.m. Holy Sucharist and sermon 11 a.m. Methodist Young and B streets. Phone 8013. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Church school 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Church af God Third and Orant 8ts, Church school 10 a.m. worship 11 a.m. and 0 p.m. Young People 1 p.m. Kev. EdwarcT H. Baldwin. St. Ames Catholic (Hubbard) Attend ed by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday masses 1:30 a.m. ai--a l i-.l... -los-flstlrl rA TrA worship 11 m. Younc People 7 p.m. Hubfesrd Cnrraatilonl Rev. Terl Heatlnii nl Rev. Mllo Heecker alter- netting, the service. Sunday ichool 10 a.m. CUureh services 11:16 a.m. Sunday School by W. Salem Baptists The West Salem Baptist church announces that Sunday school classes will begin this Sunday at 9:45 in the West Salem city hall. A Sunday school committee was appointed last Sunday night to arrange the Sunday school program. The church extends an in vitation to the . parents of the West Salem area to bring their children to Sunday school. Classes will be conducted for both children and adults. The opening services last Sunday were well attended. Following the evening service the group voted to incorporate as the West Salem Baptist church. Rev. Kenneth Tobias, the field director for the Con servative Baptist association of Oregon, was present to assist in the organizational work. Registration for Vacation School An advanced registration for the summer Vacation Church rhnnl. which is to be held June 8 to 19, has been an nounced for this Sunday by First Presbyterian church. Children four years oi age on un to those attending the sixth grade are eligible to en roll. The school will consist of kindergarten, primary and junior departments. The early registration will enable the church to more ade quately plan for the needs of the school. Enrollment cards will be available In the Sun day school. Mt. Angel Seminary -'Laity Day' Sunday Mt. Angel For the fifth con secutive year, Mt. Angel Sem inary will be hosts to visitors on "Laity Day," Sunday, May 3, from 12:30 to 5 p.m. "Laity Day," a tradition es tablished five years ago, is the only day of the year that vis itors are allowed to see all parts of the seminary as well as other interesting departments Mt. Angel Abbey. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. OrtfM Girl Scouts Attend Regional Conference Sweet Home 13 senior Girl Scouts whose leaders are Kathryn Thometi and Victory Clark, attended the Northwest Regional Conference at wind Mountain,, Wash., last week' end.' The camp Is tha summer camp for Girl Scouts In the Portland area. And the Port land council was host for the conference. , The theme for the confer ence was "Senior Girl Scout ing and How to Make it Grow." The ' girls were taken to Portland by Mrs. A. L. Tho metz, Mrs. C. E. Hark and Mrs. Gordon Layton. Friday night the girls spent with friends in the Portland area. ' A chartered bus took the girls the rest of the way Saturday. Tney returned to Sweet Home Sunday night. Leader Kathrvn .sThometz'a Troop 48 from Sweet Home included Misses carol Lay ton, Mary Jane Hyde, Dorothy Anne Dishaw. Thelma Sever. son, Esther Morgan, Janet Karetvold, and Margueritte Kartevold. Trooo 114 of Liberty riix. trict under the leadership of Mrs. rj. . Lewis, Victory Clark. Alice- Pierce, and Eileen Downer. Mrs. Clark was one of the camp councelors at the conference. Pilgrim Holiness Special Service Services are in nrosress and will continue through oufc the week ana over Sunday, at the Pilgrim Holiness church, 2285 Carlton Way. Rev. Frank Mills of southern California is the evangelist. Rev. Mills nas spent years in Mission work and dealing with the underworld. Saturday even ing he will give some special experiences relative to his work with them. Services are at 7:30 each evening. Rev. Vernon Story, pastor. Willys See this new kind of car with the niggednMi ef the 'Jeep', the rwrery of an airliner ... at your Willys dealer. Wsai rlort at 1 49 9 52 fsr a Aara-lark l-Daar taaaa, P.OJ. Tcaada, OM pla. HaVal Taws, IWi m Uasjl Tim W ear), PrafsM rtswr ChariM. Oaflenal, astra. 352 No. High Amity Churches aaiut P. Brar. aastor. aiua- u.r srnoM it SB. nankins wvawp a . iiasuas asrtin s a-st. , Vkarak af OkristBsMrt PcwsU. Vas ter, aials aeboal 1 a.m. Mornini or sfcla 11 a.a. Christian BaaaMtr : s. Aaull alasa I X is. Irsnlns Mrr- 1:N a.m. Choir ivaaUM S:N im MMkaSI.1 Da.ll Vslnasltar, mlnUt.r. vindar ached la afornlnl irorahla 11 a.n. Toaut raUawahla s:N . ana- Bios same, s a m. - Oak ran Cfcaaal PaTH FotBdutar, aalnlstsv. saernlna warship 1 44 am. Sunday Mhool tt:4S Imilll af OaSrrank K. alaaaa. pastor. Sunday aabool 1:41 a a). Mora Ins warshla ,11 h.M. Iran Ins aarrlaa 1;M 90 and 9 District Meeting Held Here The North Willamette dis trict meeting of the "Ninety and Nine Brotherhood," held early in the week at the Liber ty Christian church drew 103 men who were served a dinner by the women of the church, - Principal speaker was Gene Chamberlain, pastor of the East Side Christian ehurrr ef Portland. The program, in charge of George Wright, consisted of song service led by Layton Da Shields; vacal solo by Vern Moore, French horn solo, Mar g a r e t Seegar; reading by Charles Moore and a short play by the Dallas delegaUon, i Woodburn 4-Square Evangelism Move Woodburn A children's evangelism crusade, the third in a series by different depart ments, will be held this week end at the Woodburn Four square community church. Friday evening a sound film, "The First Step," will be shown and special music provided by the junior Sunday school. Sat urday night another film, "Rolling Stones," will be shown with special music by the Ca dets, and a message by Rev. Clarence Ostrom. Sunday eve ning music will be provided by the Foursquare children and the meeting theme will be "A Little Child WiU Lead Them." All meetings begin at 7:45 pjn. ana tne puduc is invited. istheBmyWorf sj ' i'---' "' ' St. Fox College Choir At Friends Church The 45-voice a 'eappella choir of George Fox college in Newberg, under the direction of Mrs. Lydia A. McNichole, is scheduled for an appearance in Salem when (hey sing sacred concert at South Salem rrleids church, May 3, begin ning at 3 o'clock. During the 19S3 season, the choir will oresent nnw as enn. certs In the three Pacific coast states. -A great variety of lnaoirla tional numbers will be offer ed in the concert here. In cluded will be numbers bv both historical and content Dorarv comrjnsers. Two num bers by Praetorius, one nf the earnest ana most prolific writ ers of ehurch music, will be suns' bv the srnun Rn-V. work "Blessing, Glory and TTisoom win oe on of tne hirhlis'hts of the concert. Sne rla I rransrpfnstnt i nth well-known favorites will be presented. Soloists will include JHek Zeller, Salem basso. Silverton Methodists Set May 4 Program Silverton The second ob servance of the week for the Methodist church will be the program on Monday nifht. May 4, by the children divi sion of the church achool. The observance will be at 7 p.m. Mrs. Dwight Foote is general chairman of the com mittee making arrangements and is also Suprintendant of the Junior Deparment. Mrs. Norman L. Dodds Is suprln- tendent of the primary depart ment. Mrs. Lloyd Taylor is superintendent of the nursery. Mrs. Douglas Harrell is gener al suprintendent ef the ehurch school. ' REED TO BUILD DORM Portland, () Reed College announced Thursday it would ouiia a tnree-ttory women's dormitory on the campus with tne aid ol a recently $280,000 government-loan. The dormi tory will house 76 women. It is scheduled to be ready for use by next February. Rarely have you hd the cportonity o estpross pride of ownership in a car ao beautiful at the low, sleek, rakish, Coniinental-atyled Aero Willys m tod still obtain to much aafety, luch ttiperb performance : : ; with 10 little drain on the purtt for prchj or for prtion and mintnanct. Your car dollar couldn't be better Invested. (Owners report up to 35 miles per gallon of gas with overdrive.) lyiLLYSvaw STATION WAGON lert Two-Purpot Car in Amtrica - For Pfcasur or Buine$t New, smart styling ; 1 1 better performance : 1 1 new handling ease. Seats six in new comfort. Extra seats easily removed to give over 100 cubic feet cargo space. Interior washable. Drive it today. 7vm'c-powered for more efficiency ; . . greater economy. Drive it today. ELSNER M0T0RC0. Back Boys State At Silverton Silverton Tor 4h consecutive year, the members of the Silverton I .Inn. m bo financially responsible for senains a voun man in p State, a state and n.llnn.l n Ject of the American Legion eacn year. Robert Miller, riesn n hnU. in the Silverton high school, and, Howard George, high school principal, will make the selection from ' bnva nf nut. standing qualities, and report 10 uie cnairman of the Legion Boys' State committee. The fiMialnn wi. Wednesday evening's dinner program of the Lions club at Double J. The first list of nominees for officers in the Lions club for the coming; year was announc ed by F. M. PoweU In the ab sence of the chairman, Ernest R. Ikman. William Robblna headed ihm list for president; for first vice- president, Ralph Adams; second vice-presideat, Maurice Schnorenberg; for third vice president, J. L. Taylor; secre tary, Quinten Istell; treasurer, Harrv Sherwood: four nnmln. ations for tail twister, Cordell woodau, Vaster Sydell, A. L. V. Smith and Robert Miller; Lion tamer. Jamaa (Than. M. rectors, two to elect, Norman Nyhus, CUrtnee Morley, Sam siaden. Officers sr. in k lnilll May 30. at tha haiua nf Will Leisy. , MT. ANGEL CONCERT Mt. Angel Benedictine Kil ters of Mt. Angel Academy will GREAT REVIVAL ef POWER .A Deliverance for All Body astd lonl - Heor Don Whits), Yoamfl fvortMli ' ' SATURDAY, P.M. SUNDAY Special Bongs and Music "OO LOOKS WITH FAYO" ' Sermon Sunday, 11 a.m. - : - SUNDAY SCHOOL, t:45 A.M. 1 FAITH TABERNACLE 11S NORTH FIRH ' : . .. Paw present their a-rarix aohnni ...... lc students in recital Sunday afternoon, May 3. This annual vom is slated to begin at 2 p.m. In the Women's college auditorium. Linn County Makes Quota for Red Cross Albany Linn county reach ed Its $23,000 Red Cross chap ter quota Thursday as small donations continued to add to the growing total, Ken Edick, county fired chairman, announ ced. The quota 12000 more than In 19S2, was reached through the efforts of Linn county community chairmen who topped their quotas in the fund-raising campaign, Edick said. Communities which topped their quotas were Shedd, Lebanon, Holley, Brownsville, Harrlsburg, Albany and Scio. Hubbard Ceremony - Hubbard Dedication of "The Women's Gift" will be held during the worship serv ice at the Hubbard Com munKy ehurch (Congrega tional), Sunday, May 3. A candle light ceremony led by Mrs. Glen Purdom, Mrs. R. C, Mains, Mrs. Russell Rollofson and Mrs. Zane Yoder will in clude the offering of the gift WOKSHtf WITH US Eisinere flrttfre MJNfUY 11:00 .m. Ufo&&G& KSLM 11:30 to 12 AKIWHGJATHOMfr at the ' , HUT NfflM)Mn (WMCH rooks . Moor, Minister II Salem, Ore. A