Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pagt 8
Miss Graham
Is Bride
Woodburn The Immanuel
Lutheran church at Woodburn
was the setting on April 26 for
the wedding of Miss Joyce
Graham, one of the twin
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Graham, of Woodburn, and
Robert Graham, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Graham of Sliver-
ton. The Rev. O. F. Braaten of
- Salem officiated at the double
ring ceremony in the presence
ef 150 friends and relatives.
Soloist was Miss Janice Ha'
nauska, accompanied by Mrs.
Glen Ahre, who also played
the wedding marches.
, The bride, given in marriage
by her father., wore a floor
length wedding dress of white
taffeta with net yoke. The
fingertip length veil was worn
originally by her mother and
the headdress was worn by her
grandmother 80 years ago and
also by her mother. The bride
carried an orchid on a white
Serving as maid of honor
was the bride's twin sister,
Miss Joy Graham, who wore a
lavender figured white dress
with matching mitts.. Brides
maids were Miss Donna Becker
of Woodburn and Miss Darlene
' Hendrickson of Portland,
wearing yellow figured white
dresses, with matching mitts.
Each of the attendants car
ried a nosegay of narcissuses
with lavender streamers.
Best man for Mr. Graham
was William Graham of Sii
verton, his brother. - Ushers
were Wayne Stubblefleld and
Herbert Heublein of Silverton
Ralph Hendrickson of Portland
nd Duane Beard of Silverton.
. The bride's mother wore
two-piece orchid colored rayon
faille with black accessories
and corsage of yellow daisies.
The bridegroom's mother wore
a black figured dress with
black accessories and a gar
denia corsage.
: ; A reception was held in the
parish hall. Cutting the cake
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Heads Group Mrs. Dale Brooks is the new president
for Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars. (Jes-ten-Miller
studio picture)
was the bride's aunt, Mrs.
Clyde Graham of Portland and
pouring was another aunt,
Mrs. Ed Goschie of Lyons. Mrs.
Violet Penrod of Salem, also
an aunt ol tne Driae, naa
charge of the gift table and
Mrs, Hazel Haubstein of Sil
verton served the punch. Miss
Cassandra Goschie, cousin of
the bride, passed the guest
book. Assisting about the
room were Miss Hazel Graham,
sister of the bridegroom, Misses
Janet Blanchard, Mildred Par
ton, Delores Toepfer of Woo
burn and Joyce Bretz of Salem.
The couple left for a short
wedding trip, the bride wear
ing a navy blue suit with white
accessories and orchid corsage.
Mr. Graham, a marine, will
return to duty in Florida May
IS. Mrs. .Graham, who is a
senior at Woodburn high
school, will finish school be
fore Joining her husband.
SILVERTON Quests at the
home of Mrs. Ida Doyle and
Miss Hanna Olson this week
are Mrs. Ralph Sheppard and
Tommy, Patsy and Marilyn.
The Sheppards are in Silver-
ton while Lt. Sheppard Is in
Junior Guild will meet with
Mrs. Robert Mallorie on Mon
day evening. Assisting the
hostess are Mrs. Ronald Reed
and Mrs. Newton Wimer.
SILVERTON Visiting at
the home of his brother and
ister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Byberg, this week is
Bjarne Byberg ef Lacanada,
Boots & Spurs
The early mid-season varieties are blooming
now. We want everyone to feel free to come
see them absolutely no obligation to buy.
We feature hardiness all larger plants field grown
without shade.
Prices start at 60c on Axaleas, $2.25 on named Rhodo
dendrons. Quantity discounts to 25.
805 Fairview Ave. -Phone 3-6382
Turn East from S. Coml., Opposite Erickson's Market
The club members left early
this morning for Jefferson to
take part in an annual parade.
They wore the green and white
shirts and green hats but at
their next showing hope to
have the new red shirts and
white hats.
The last dance of the year
will be May 23. This will be a
jean and cotton dress event and
all the members should attend
this big affair. Mark the date on
your calendar and come for an
evening of fun.
Friday night fun night was
put on by the Youngquists and
Lindemans. Floyd Seamster
announced and Jill Otte won
the special prize. Ray Gandy,
Claude Copeland and George
Stender won the three rope
scurry. Coffee was served aft
erwards by Mrs. Youngquist
and Mrs. Lindeman.
Ervin Ward eaUed the drill
Monday night in which 28
riders participated. Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Clark served the
Wednesday night coffee was
served by Chris Neetling after
the regular Wednesday night
club drill.
Winners Announced
Mt Angel Mrs. Clarence
Ebner, chairman of the poppy
poster contest sponsored by
the American Legion auxili
ary, announced the following
winners in. the contest at a
meeting Tuesday evening.
Class 1, grades, 4, 5, and 6
first, Virginia Sannes; second,
Leonard Butsch, and third,
Florence Bucholz.
Class 2, grades 7 and 8, first
Jeannette Wolf; second,
Nancy Ebner, and thh-d, Grace
Monitor school, first prize,
Mark Klug.
a national citation was
awarded the local unit for
having reached a quota of 100
members, which now entitles
them to four delegates to the
state convention at Seaside in
1 June.
Mrs. Bernard Kirsch and
Airs. rt. u. Appleby were
named to select the winners
for the Girls State from
among the candidates at Mt.
Angel academy and Mrs. Ray
Ruschcr was named as chalr
i man for a dance in the Legion
Married April 25 J.I II, b Ml
Lebanon At a nuptial high
mass in St. Edward's Catholic
church on April 25, Miss
Isabell Schmidt was wed to
Paul Ostermann. Father Pius
Baur officiated at the S o'clock
service and music was by
St. Edward's choir. Pink and
white snapdragons decorated
the church.
The bride is the daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Nick
Schmidt, and the bridegroom
is the son ef Mr. and Mrs.
Henry John Ostermann of
Scotland. Texas. The Oster-
manns came north for their
son's nuptials.
For her wedding the bride
chose a white satin dress with
full train, and fingertip veil
held in place by a pearl tiara.
She carried a Prayer book on
which rested white orchid.
Mrs. Lawrence Schmidt was
matron of honor for her sister-
in-law. She wore a blue net
and taffeta frock with head
dress of yellow carnations.
Herman Ostermann,
brother, of the bridegroom
was best man, and ushers were
Norman and Lawrence
Schmidt, brothers of the bride.
At the early afternoon re
ception, Miss Catherine
Schmidt, the bride's aster,
poured; Mrs. W. A. O'Brien
cut the cake, and Mrs. Ann
Stenberg, Mrs. Christine
Tillenback, Mrs. Felix Miller
and Mrs. Leona Monroe as
sisted in serving.
When the couple left on
their wedding trip, Mrs. Oster
mann wore a navy blue en
semble with white accessories
and her bridal orchid as a
corsage. They will be at home
on Dewey street after May 1.
Circle Meetings 1
Listed Next Week
Silverton Circles of the
Immanuel Lutheran Women's
Missionary Federation will
meet this week at the follow
ing places: t
Circle 5, on Monday at 8
p.m. with Mrs.' E. V. Swayze,
Mrs. Marshall Satern as co-hostess.
Circle 6, on Monday at 8
p.m. with Mrs. J. L. Dyrud,
Mrs. Adnie Tokstad assisting.
Circle 1, on Tuesday at 2
p.m. in the Fireside room,
Mrs. Nels Haugen and Mrs.
H. N. Omholt as hostess.
Circle 2, on Tuesday at 2
p.m. with Mrs. R. O. Solum,
Mrs. Karen Tostenson assist
Circle 3, on Wednesday at
2 p.m. Mrs. George Towe,
Mrs. Olaf Tokstad as co-hostess.
Circle 4, on Wednesday at
2 p.m. with Mrs. Tom Ander
son, Mrs. Ida. . Winslow
Transport Pilot Dies
In Crash at Chicago
Chicago (UJ9 The pilot of a
C-47 transport was killed early
today when the plane crashed
during an emergency landing
in a suburban area northwest
of here.
The Air Force Identified the
dead flier as Maj. Floyd F. For.
tin, 33, assistant professor of
air science and tactics at North
western University.
Prince Charles has a manly scorn for the assistance of
his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, as he tries to hoist him
self into a windw ledge in Balmoral castle in Scotland.
Then Princess Anne emulates her brother, and gets to her
mother's arm with help from Charles. These pictures
were taken by a photographer from a private studio late
last summer when the royal family was vacationing at
Balmoral, and have just been released by Buckingham
Palace with no explanation for the time lapse. (AP Wire-photo)
New Zealand Topic
Lebanon The Study club
heard a discussion on New
Zealand at this week's meet
ing at the home of Mrs. R. M.
Hayden. Speaker of the after
noon was Mrs. E. Allison of
Auckland, New Zealand, who
is in Albany this year where
her husband, an exchange in
structor, teaches In the junior
high school.
Mrs. Allison presented an
Interesting sketch of the his
tory, topography, climate, pro
ducts and manner of life in
New Zealand.
Mrs. Harvey J. Schmidt,
program chairman, Introduced
the speaker.
Arrangements of lilacs de
corated the living room, and
the study session was preceded
by a social hour.
Mrs. Harvey Schmidt will
be hostess for the meeting on
May 12.
hall planned for May 80. The
unit voted a half 4-H scholar
ship to a pupil at the Monitor
school for outstanding work
in 4-H. The proceeds of the
march of dimes was donated
to the Leprosy fund.
Gold Star Mothers will be
special guests at the Mothers
day program slated for the
May 12 meeting. Speaker for
the evening will be Rev. Bren-
den Shea of Mount Angel prep
school. Mrs. Cleta Butsch was
named chairman to arrange
the program.
The past president's club
conducted initiation ceit-
monles for four members,
Mrs. Elwyn Chrisman. Mrs.
Maurice Hammer, Mrs. 3. Van
Cleef and Mrs. Francis Lulay.
Election of officers will be
at the June meeting, with
installation slated for July.
Junior officers will be bir
italled at the same time.
Bloody Clothing and
Human Flesh Puzzle
Klamath Falls (U.B Klamath
county sheriff's deputies, at
tempting to solve the mystery
bf blood-stained clothing, a
battered suitcase and bits of
human flesh found in a rail
way yard here, learned today
the clothing probably was stol
A blood-spattered man's hat
and a traveling bag, containing
men s accessories, were found
in the Southern Pacific rail
way yards here early this
week. Bits of human flesh were
discovered Monday along the
tracks about a mile distant.
Identification located in the
suitcase gave the name of Fred
Peters of Eugene.
Eugene police said they had
received a report from Peters
saying someone entered his
home the night of April 24 and
stole a suitcase and clothing
which had been laid out for a
Radiation Delays
Atomic Bomb Test
Las Vegas, Nev. W Intense
radiation from last Saturday's
atomic test at Yucca Flat
Thursday forced postponement
of another nuclear experiment
scheduled for this Saturday.
The test will now be held
May 16, the Atomic Energy
Commission announced in
shuffling dates for the next
three tests in the spring ser
ies. Last Saturday's big explo
sion left residual radiation so
strong on the ground that it
was unsafe for workers and
scientists to set up equipment
for the scheduled test.
Longshoremen's Union
Is Sued for $100,000
Portland, VP) Oliver J. Ol
son tc Co. followed its charges
of a longshore slowdown by
miling a $100,000 damage suit
here Thursday.
The federal court complaint
named tne International Long
shoremen's and Warehouse
men's Union, 48 oficers and
members of two locals. The
shipping firm said a slowdown
on cargo - loading started at
Coos, Bay, Reedsport and Gar
diner, Ore., April 21.
The company asserted this
violated a working agreement
as well as damaging the firm.
Death Again Widens
GOP Congress Lead
Washington, VP) For the
fourth time since last Novem
bers elections, death has wid
ened temporarily the narrow
margin by which Republicans I
control the House of Rmrfcl
Latest congressional casualty
was Rep. Garrett Lee Withers
of Kentucky, who, like three
other House members of the
83rd Congress who have died,
was a Democrat.
The 68-year-old Withers, one
of the few men to serve in the
House after a term in the Sen
ate, died late Thursday of a
cerebral hemorrhage at the
nearby Bethesda Naval Hos
pital. 27,000 WORMS STOLEN
Arcadia, Calif. U.R) Kesin
ger's worm farm reported to
police yesterday that someone
stole 27,000 worms woth $108.
Fishing season opens today.
Silverton Choirs to
Give Sunday Recital
Silverton -Mrs. Knute Dig
erness, chairman of Music
Week in Silverton, is announc
ing a Union recital by the com
bined choirs of Silverton
churches,, at Eugene Field
school auditorium, at 8 p.m.
Sunday, May 8.
The program will include
the address by the Rev. Ar
vid L. Hokonson of Calvary
Lutheran church; Scripture
reading by The Rev. Joseph
Cooper of Christian and Mis
sionary alliance; and benedic
tion by the Rev. Joseph A.
Luthro, pastor of Trinity Luth
eran church and president of
the Silverton Ministerial association.
Numbers for U.S. highways
are even for east-west and odd
for north-south routes.
Xou win compliments when
you drive a MARION MOTORS
used ear. Our late models are
clean inside and out. Sea
them TODAY don't delay!
1950 Nash Ambassador Fordor,
radio, heater, red, hydramatic,
nylon seat covers, two-tone fin
ish, squirts, perfect tires. Hera
A Luxurious Car $1AQC
for only lf
" fcafcaLaaBBBBBawMW
2 Men Die in Alaska
Crash. Woman Survives
Ketchikan, Alaska TO The
sole survivor of a plane crash,
in which two Ellis Air Lines
mechanics were killed, was
flown here Thursday night by
a Fish and Wildlife Service
Mrs. N a j a Johnson was
found conscious at the wreck.
age which claimed the lives of
her husband and William L.
Johnston. The three had left
Ketchikan on a fishing trip
Washington, OR The 82,000
acre lake to be formed behind
McNary Dam would be named
Lake Umatilla under a bill in
troduced Thursday by Rep.
Coon, (R Ore.)
In Thursday' paptr tht
price of Coffee appeared
Incorrect In EBNERS PARK
It should Have read . .
All Fop. Brands
Come in for a demonstration todavl
Salem, Ore.
168 Marlon Sf.
1 never used such
fine fuel..."
v- '
HONE 3-8863
Cherry City
889 Chemeketa
Phone 2-6762
$49 5
Brand New
Full 88-Note
Spinet Piano
Popular Make
Used Uprights $yQ FA
Priced from l7.D U
Phone 2-8708 "
S 1M 5 Ri-h St.. Cl. r 9
153 S. High St. - Salem, Oregon
Across from Elsinore Theater
Effective Fridoy, May 1
NOW.Better-than-ever Thru-Bus
service to Southern Calif, and East.1
PHONE 3-3815
520 N. High St.
FLOYD McNALL, Loco Aaent