r FrMav M t inr J f JBOO Today's Menu Z,Je5Soup with Crouton. Stuffed Egg nd Tomato Salad Bread and Butter l"ruit and Cookiei Beverage Stuffed Egg and Tomato Salad Ingredient: 4 XT. A l "tl'U leavpoons cream Campus Readies for Big Events By ANN CARSON University of Oregon, Eu gene, (Special) Duck preview - aiiu success and If -iuuiii cream oi the high school seniors had .. evaPrated milk, few droDs la. much fun as the university 2 ,auce- 2 teaspoons pre- Diuucuw aia i am sure that i ,,wa' y CUP chopped they will register at Oregon In ?Uvs' PaPrika. 2 medium the .fall. conln size tomatoes. shrank At the All-Campus Vodvll "fi French dressing. Delta Gamma and Sigma Nu' ,"f.tno.d: Cu8W into halves took the honors. Delta Gam- m u , e and remve yolks. ma presented a parody on a wn cream, tabasco fundamentals II class and Sie- nd mJ"tar. Mix in olives. Fill ma Nus DresentPrt "r.t. r...i eM whites with yolk mixtnr.. In." They went from song! of ,kIe w.lth PaPrUta- Qer the "rough & tough" range to lTa M- ArranSe 2 stuffed egg the soft harmony of Hawaiian ve? and 2 tomato quarters music, with intermediary sta T - . reens Ior eah erv tions. . J.n Accompany with French The all-campus auction took ' JHaKes erving TllflPA VrfH n.r ... - - a. cci HUUI1 Willi I I A all of the proceeds eoln tn , KOUD f WoH World Student Service fund. n A I Groups ranging from beauty April 26 including ,! t double auctioned. ".were ring ceremony on Sunday, I AnHI Oil .... r - J ' a I j ii i Irene Eu- Tours were onni,. c... deUWitt of Albany and James day morning, and Salem sen- w "TIn- George iors viewinl .wm H- HbM read the 4 o'clock Barbara Franzwa, Claudia .r;ie relatlve" and Waters. Marv sh, ..r,.l? lend ' the First Methodist Lenold Garv Plr: The bride Is the daueh- ny Caughell. "l Bna . E. El- That afternoon thaw v,, i. ",6, roruana and the famnhihlan .h, prioegroom's mother is Mrs t " : -"""." "eDau Melv n Hnrriino faiun ana a panhellenic ton mu C , 'Clarice Waters, Mary Shrunk wiI 6 ,S,nc? ,was deoted Patti Deeney and Jirfie MU?er X5 W tU"ps and m were some seniors th . " l" in white fed, oasiieis. candelabrums with i For the college sanlnr. u l1?w?per! .were. Plad on was rather wistful to see those f !t ,me Sf tne aItar- Liht ;whc , Vould enter' school ne St Mil' jcitr. we tnnuaht n i T - fun of ouF foui yean T and LedSf;. nTayl';playedtoe rather wished that SS'HK JS . and a?cnpa- SdMMffi ,.?iV. 1."?aa8 by her ,-rtat "Time Marches On." faUte 'suit Sm?l V"3" a i . lame suit with navy accessor- Staprans Exhibit Up Up soon, next week to be exact carri . p K "owers. She A finalist amonw SfffWafplnkbahy week-end asDirants u Tno .. . Marie Miller, who . L ola ln was fcusy In cam, .-7.51 1 S0" fl??or an.d the brides- i - . . MMC liiaiQ Wfll IWrtf V nit 1 T5-.1 also co-chairman of the Both attendant. i-.TAj. ' reeK-ena. . . . iuh Mothers' Wov . - i . . 5"u A":aQDanas oi shaded incides wi h J mw wv" "rs. They carried id. It is wondTi 4'r. m-K?-a , Wlu e "nations f -occ i ouu iHWHiinpr tirnnir T uausuwn or aroia McLaln acted as best ji o wyuj- man aim usners were Virffii tig meeting old friends, and Baker, Lee Miller and George i .HuviiBiB wuu invert ave eraduatinc hildren will nrnhM CI on J uJi " . "f ae j - -- i "! uiiucjraoms mother lather wistful, too, because the wore gray suits with white ac- j "cumuiiy pian- cessones ana gardenia corsaecs. ipd and will rertolnltF hi ITn11n.,.lnn i B.. & . """- " wMwii,6 ww ceremony tne wi cm i .uic uiceiea guests at a re- ose who attend. ception in the fireplace room k V ,V """" " .uuicii. xeuow tUllDS eing all of you mothers (and and snapdragons were used on thorn 4nr S iL. I IUa J:i . . r ccn.-eiiu. urjne g table wan renfnm n,uu , vv wini & tWO-tierp wpHflntf noiPi. u j , ,, " . .bac Willi , - - itv-cuuo tuc v iiwwci- uecorauons. Mrs, :ather svmbolin; Durk Prevlow Ralnh MI71 or a tt-- n BLTlnnmno fVinea ntVin bwa I Willtnm. ifin ft-a ' hg in, and Junior Week-end the cake. Mrs. Geortre Tvrpr . ...uafc nuv BlC KUIIJIC "J MIC UUnUl DMV . ftnrt but. Mrs. Albert Miller tinned th. This present week has been coffee. Mrs. Glenn Mollett was vprv blisv nni for nil llvlntf I in chfirra et tha ia.a.;a - . u - O I D w.w .LbCIUUIli brganizations because the All- After the reception, a buffet uampus sing eliminations are supper was served at the home iaking place. At almost any- of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- fime oi tne aay or nignc you iouo jiast oecona avenue, an hear musical strains float- to 20 relatives and friends of ing out of the windows. I ... Whs Klein Feted 'Ut Briday Shower 1 Mt. Angel Complimenting ilMiss Clotilda Klein, bride- lelect of Vincent Spenner of jBtayton. Mrs. Lester Harpole fcnd Miss Rosalie Harpole were hostesses at a bridal Ithower given in her honor Tuesday evening. Guests included Mrs. An drew Klein, Mrs. Norbert : May, Mrs. Michael Gasper and ' the Misses Annella Bauman, Verna Klein, Delia Schaffner, Agnes Schaffner, Patricia ' Bisenius, Helen Weissenfels, : Anita Rehm, Bertha Hassing, Oatherlne Ilg, Delores Schul ! lz, Maxine Gilles, Anna Pfei : fer and Alice Pfelfer. Miss Klein and Mr. Spen ner will be married at 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning, ; May 0, at a nuptial high mass ; in St. Mary's catholic church ,: here. Visit From South Silverton Visiting last week : Jfrom San Luis Obispo, Calif., were Mrs. H. N. Kiev and her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. James Vail. They were the bridal coudIp Mr. and Mrs. Harding left on weaaing trip to southern Ore gon. After May 3 they will be at home at 416 Denver, Al bany. The bride was graduated from the Commerce high school in Portland and the bridegroom attended Albany high school. Mr. Harding is employed by the Southern Pacific Railway company. Family Reunion Mt. Aneel Mr. and Mr. Roman Schefers wore hn.t at a family reunion Sunday at tneir Home. Those cresent were Mr and Mrs. ienrv sr-hpfpr. tut and jwrs. Liinus schefers and Mrs, Maude WilKerson of Woist- minster, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. wiiirea T. Schefers and fami ly of Hlllsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Wendlln J. Schefera and family of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Pat Blenkush and family of Silverton: Laurence H. Sche fers of Astoria, and Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Schefers and family. house gruests of Mrs. Kiev's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Byberg and daugh ter, Carole. Mrs. Kiev was honored at a luncheon, Tuesday, at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Nelson of Immanuel Lutheran church, Her grand daughter, Carole Byberg, pre sented her with a life mem bership pin for the Woman's Missionary Federation, Mrs. R. B. Lester planning the ceremonial . The travelers left for San Luis Obispo on Tuesday. SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC For functional disturb ances, nervous headachts, nervous, irritability, excita bility, sleeplessness. $1.00-$1.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily, 7:30 a.m. . 8 fjo. Sundayi, g .m. - 4 p.m. 135 N. Commercial iTB".aaa..asaMBSMi r!C MP L CAPITAL V J KITCHENS r Housewives' Delight 181 N. High St. I 31xVx "Willi i in -v v -v-At BARGAINS GALORE on all . . . Shoes . . . Stockings . . . Sportswear . . . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, BeJm. Qm By LANETA KING Mainlands Stsnrani 9M. year old, Latvian-born artist,1 ia offering his third one-man how in Salem at the Clifford Gleason Studio. Anrll 90 in May 14. The artist has hung fifteen lane oils lmnrm.lv In coior interest. This Show. With on. YxanJ tlon. the "Sunset niitrlot I- mainjy concerned with investl Ratlns nlBinenti onnlUH in layers one ovpr ihm nfhr glazes. By glaring over a pink, ior instance, a green of con siderably more power can be Obtained than with color. This process, which has iung lascinatea artists and Is familiar in tha colors of many 18th and 19th century masters, here is made COn teni DOl-firv hv rnnnef. t w w tt us hit iyi heavy lmpasto pigments from a palette knife. These two op posing techniques within a Canvas m-ndure a Mtln,l color display of strong lights i uu oarxs mat is tvnfaiii, modern as seen In all nr sn rans" "StlU Llfes," his "Broad way Oakland," his "Bay Scene" and "Mission Dolores." "Chinatown, San Francisco" is a narticulnrlv vonvmB . 1, ..(jutuun pyiUBUJCU abstractly and .worked up to a icrrmc yeiiow light from Out Of darks 'T... c., lisht" uses a prpAn.iAncii low to give the mood of ap proaching rain to the sun of a street In Seattle, hi. - A,o Ulic picture of local setting, "West oaiem- assumes the typical valley color tone quite dif ferent from his Californian scenes. "I am striving tn hrin artistry into painting of por- waiLS, mr. staprans says. The whole canvas must be of sufficient aualitv in iv. press the mood of tha .uKum iUSt as In nthn ..!.1U - - jauiMJiKB." Accordlnelv. In "A in..un the head is deliberately simple "isamst a warm pattern of deen brown. - 1 - " wuao,. ine head of "Anna" i. .etl against a dvnaml hank. ground of sla that i. ried forward tntr. tha thM " . ... u a t ana shawl of the foreground. 10 this viewer, a well-in tegrated atudv with a ft,n creative canvas is his "Mar garet," where the artist has placed the flowine- curve a a figure in repose within a I setting ot verticals and Horizontals. If the seriousness finr? nrA. mise of Mr. Staprans' talent points up tne quality of fu ture shows, the TVinnlo tit Salem can look forward to some fine exhibits Gleason's. We Give and Redeem H: Greentamps liberty street store Slight Imperfections! Save 25 to 30! CANNON'S COLORED PERCALE fitted SHEETS Cannon's extra fussy about their theets, to when there's a pulled threap, a slight misweava they ab solutely refute to call them perfect! 1 1 and It meant extra dollars toy od for you! They'll lighten tha load of bed-making , . . make sleep-time colorful dream. SEVEN PASTEL COLORS: Shell Pink Aquamarine Lagoon Green ink U'oe True Blue Moonlight Yellow Sunset Rota Your choice of: Double Size Fitted Twin Size Fitted 81x108 Size Flat IF PERFECT Double size Twin size - 81x108 Flat Cases - -4.39 -.3.98 .3.98 98c DOMESTICS POWHSTAIR.S IIBERTY STREET Open Friday Nights 'til 9 A ana1 Al.l 4 ISf n . . , i.aa- 1 IB 34 m ciol Week COATS OOO 3& end Vduesl Women Reg.V ait Sun 99 lored- i, Cnchions! ... 5! Brief ' 15 .11 wool toPJa, Banish Odors zlt with 0d:r-.lc jtor xim efearKC!y ccuvctetf 9? IN tMLROPHYLL PUJ imO WSf MMel vox 1.48 rOR ODOR4AAJTIR- IlSawC DEOOOHOIR AND VIAl Of SIX O-M CmotOrWllWAPf W (AoOUTiWEIKSSUPMY) Mo neeo to ruu wlta strongmaiiinf sprayi or mistst No need for unattractive bottles i' I Gabs, Flannels, Sharkskins! MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Made by a foremost men's wear manufacturer top quality rayon-acetate fabrics expertly styled and detailed! Excel lent for sports, school, dress or work. Popular tones of tans, browns, blues, grey, green, navy; waist 28-42. 95 ('7.50 each) Pagt 7 ', ' I -Hi Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M.