.-.ewV-jat, Friday, May 1, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Sale. Orefom STORE HOURS: 9:50 to 5:30 ! : rt ft I If rCS? X ! f ii ' SS APRONS ... $1.89 to $2.98 ! I Jfh. ?"k Dainty I It's a mild word or description for I H ? Jutt I these at Miller's. Bheer organdies of perma- 1 Jwro'Vr '' ?L F I I nent Ilnih wlth 1806 OT emhroWel7 trtm ' Jsf&ffjg w. li"- 31 PL hostess style in washable sheers In white and ! 5tP, .w fi. f " pastels. Gift wrapped, of course, j I jgWwTT 1 , f Th better kind! (Notion Dept.) Xl ,4V' vAk" Titgse. ife- GIFTS .. SwiHankin J It'i a way Mothers have of never telling what they want, but we're crafty we know a hundred and one things they'd love. A box of Swiss hankies for her dressy wear ... a comfortable house coat with' slippers , . . handsome stationery for personal letter-writing, a smart traveling wardrobette case. Guest towels to show off their home making talents. But hints enough, now come and choose from our "bright ideas" selection. Shop Miller's Now For Best Mother's Day Gift Selections! SCARfS .1.98 ot $5.00 Pure aUk squares and oblongs in sheer pastel prints and plain shades for summer. Mother will like these. STOLES $3.98 to $14.98 Fashion Is ranting about them I Knitted and jersey , stoles are right out In the front of fashion's spring and summer wearables. White, yellow, pink, navy and grey. Some with metallic threads. . PERFUMES $1.00 up Choose from such wanted brand names as Charles of the Rtti, Jacqueline Cochran, D'Orsay, Dermetlcs and others at Miller's. Bath accessories, Colognes, soaps, travel sets. Gift wrapped. STRAW BASKET BAGS. . . . .$1.98 to $2.98 "the new carry It all in novelty design straw bags with loop handles and flop tabs In bright colors and natural. Art needle dept. Downstairs. QUAKER LACE TABLE CLOTH $23.95 Large family size! 12x90 inch Fine quality Quaker Lace dinner cloth will be a pleasant surprise for . Mother on her big dayl See the new ones at Millers. EARLY AMERICAN BEDSPREADS. . .$25.00 Recapturing the lost weaving art . . . these early American type bedspreads are lovely to use and lovely as a decoration. A heritage of the hand looms. COLORED SHEETS by Pequot; Set for $7.00 Large 81x108 pastel colored sheets In pink, yellow, blue and light green, BATH TOWEL SETS. $2.89 to $4.25 2ND (31 FLOOR J r i Miller f Gifts J Gifts i Distinction She'll Love oNew SUN-DRESS $17.95 Gloves. $1.65 to $3.98 Famous brands! Fine quality nylons in Hansen or Van Raalt brands are here for your Moth er's day gift choosing. White, pastels, navy or black m all sizes. Calloway's fine quality bath towel sets lare bath towel, hand towel and wash cloth In gift box. LUNCH CLOTHS $4.40 to $8.95 With four to six napkins to match. Colorful In large floral designs . . . Just what Mother needs for lawn parties. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES. .. .$49.95 New I Modern Improvements I Guaranteed 30 years! Parts and service I Here's the best buy on the mar ket. See It demonstrated at Miller's I Buy it for Mother. S5.00 down. Bal. on easy terms. Downstlrs. AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKERS. . . . $13.95 A joy to use for the perfect toffee . . .automatically. . . . surprise Mother on her big day with a new sun-back dress of pert Everglane cham bray, homespun rayon or crash weave. One piece dress with bolero. She'll love It and you, too, for your thoughtlul ness. Size 12 to 20. Dressy Sheer BLOUSES s5.95,.$9.95 Easy to launder . . . these new nylon sheers with the new vertical and horizontal pin pleats are the last word In smart blouse fashions for Mother. Also won crepes and linen-uke sheer cottons. White and pastel. 2nd floor. SUMMER POPLIN PLAY TOGS New! White Sta new summer eihUi for Mother. Young mothers . and mothers not so young like Wh fc Stag because the fit and workmanship make them the smartest outdoor clothes ob tainable at any price outar White Stags now while choosing la so good. Young Mothers Prefer JANTZEN SWIM Handbags . $5 to $15 SUITS . . Fashionable! Reliable! Fine quality calf, reptile, patent and many of the better quality of fabrics are here for Mother's Day gifts. II "Bib Tucker" fit $ 15.95 Flowers . 50c to $1.98 New shipment! Now! Give Mother her favorite flower in a little boutonnlere pln-on for her , coat, suit or dress. These are quite natural imitations of daisies, carna tions, roses, violets, etc. OkJAothl A . 1 K i ,fe.W'- Bar-MU Cam Oil II "T tt W.miw T Cameo The perfect gilt for Mother I The Bur-Mil Cameo patented "Wonder Top." "Wonder Top" hat an en tirely new, different kind of welt.',., It distinctive weave stretches both' ways with active Mother'a every move. It never binds at the top 1 never strains at the knee (where runt to often ttart in ordinary stockings). The result: better fit, greater comfort and much longer, wear. And with the "Wonder Top" go all the other famous Bur-Mil Cameo qualities of iheernest, ttrength, luscious colors and the overall misty glamour of Face Powder Finish. $150 Fnimi sWklac Strain la Every PmMm Only a pair Sheer IS denier High twist entire to -, hit.. 7- House Coats "'w duster i Jee the r , . . one of the many new styles of Jantzen swim suits Is the on. sketched here known as th. Bib "N" Tucker. Pencil - siim and tucked Into as pretty lia as you'll find by aJntzn. Tail ored tucks . . . petal bra . . . nothing but flattery! Young Mother's will like the new Jant ien swim suits . . . Miller's have a wide choice of new styles Just received within the past few days. Priced W.M up. MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS IN LARGE ASSORTMENT. GIFT SHOP. Fag I V