Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    Pag 11
Friday, May 1, 1953
733 Tracts of Timber
Being Offered by BLM
Tha Bureau of Land Man
gement announced today that
S3 tract ol O&C timber total
ling 81,523,000 board feet, and
even tracts of uublic domain
timber totalling 11,133,000
board feet, will be offered for
k. sale during May.
v . The timber is located In
'nane, Linn, Benton, Jackson,
n Josephine, Coos, Douglas, Tilla
7i Vnok- Klamath, and Deschutes
Counties, Oregon; Clallam,
' :"-Wajh. and Idaho. Ida. V:'v .:
"J II!.-' Roscoe . Bell, regional sd-v
' xvjninistrator of -the bureau, said
1"' that irst ales of the month
; will be held on May 11 at Sa
1 Oem and Medford. Salem will
'offer by oral bid, six tracts to
.lllne 21.235,000 board feet;
.IMedford will Invite sealed bids
f .. on three tracts totauing z,io.v
"7 000 board feet. -.
Coos Bay will have 22,870,-
Middle Grove The first
benefit dinner of the year to
moe servea H l miuuic uivt
ehool this year by the com
kinlttee of the Associated clubs
" rwM be Friday, May 1, from
.. ' . J to 8 P.m. It will be a ham
'dinner with different prices
' lor adults and children.
' The Suear and Spice 4-H
' t elub have heltf the last regular
meeting- of the elub year. It
!"was at the Melvln Van Cleave
--if home and the demonstration
,T"t the spring show next week,
iJ, This club also will have
'Judging team at the show,
".-"Members will be Wilda Blank-
; enship, Deloris Chamberlain
,''vnd Linda Blankenship.
'- Plans were made for a pic
' nic by this club before the
' school year closes. Attending
the meeting were Mary Alt,
t" -.Linda Blankenship, Wilda
JjBlankenship, Carolyn Crum,
J-us-Delores Chamberlain, Donna
jTtsch, Gerald Gallagher, Jan
aujee Reynolds, Julia Blanken
ihip, Jean Schafer, ' Joyce
,-iTChamberlain, Karen Patterson
and Gaylene'Van Cleave.
The boys Spoon and Kettle
Cooking 4-H club met Monday
night at the home of Billy Joe
--Slimak. This club will have
,-Kone more meeting and record
-ooks were Inspected as they
must be complete for the last
Each member is to bake cup
cakes for the show demonstra
tion which their leader, Mrs.
John Cage, will pick up Mon
day night.
Present for the meeting were
Tom Latham, Don Anglin,
Dennis Scharf, Harry Scharf,
Charles Wyatt, John Anglin,
. and Billy Jo. These boy will
ill march in the show parade.
1000 Catholic Men
To March, Portland
Portland VP) An estimated
1,000 Catholic men of Oregon
are expected to march In the
fifth annual Loyalty Day pa
rade her Sunday.
The men, members of Catho
lic organizations of Portland
and other Oregon cities, will
attend Mass and Holy Commun
ion at St. Mary's Cathedral
jrlor to the. parade.
000 board feet ready for sale
on May 12; five tracts by oral
and five by sealed bid.
On May 13, Roseburg will In
vite bids on five tracts, total
volume 18,880,000 board feet.
Three tracts are being offered
by oral bid and two by sealed
Eugene plans to place nine
tracts on the block on May 14,
tnfjil volume of 18,655,000
board feet; seven tracts will be
hid on orally, two by sealed
Pnhlie domain sales start a
Salem and Medford on May 11
Each district is offering one
trnM- Salem will invite oral
hlrt on 2.305.000 board feet
Mfriford will ask for sealed
bids on 107.000 board feet,
Bend, Spokane and Western
Washington offices will hold
sales on May 19. Bena win in
vite oral bids on one tract and
sealed bids on another tract,
total volume 5,473,000 board
feet. This includes 1092 cords
of lodgepole pine.
Sookane will have two tracts
with 2,890,000 board leet avail
able to bidders, both by sealed
Western Washington district,
with headauarters at the re
gional office of the Bureau of
Land Management, Swan is
land, Portland, will Invite oral
bids on one tract containing
358,000 board feet.
Twenty-one parcels of O&C
timber, totalling 50,540,000
board feet were sold during
April for $1,314,989.00, which
was 23 per cent above apprais
ed price.
Successful bidders were:
Loomis & Wilbur, Yamhill,
Oregon; Scotts Mills Lumber
Company, Silverton; Amstutz
& Jarnagin, Silverton; River
side Lumber Company, Sheri
dan: M. & M. Woodw o r k 1 n g
Company, Portland; Keeney
Bros., Blachly; Allum Bros.,
Eugene; Madonna tc Arnold
Lumber Company, Cottage
Grove; Barker Lumber Com
pany, Eugene; ' S. I. Elwood,
Drain; Pacific Lumber Distri
butor, Inc., Riddle: South Fork
Lumber Company, Drain; The
Long-Bell Lumber Company,
Longview, Wash.; Herzog Log
ging Company, Myrtle Point;
The Robert Dollar Company,
Glendale; Dollar & Patterson
Company, Inc., Glendale; L. E.
Edmonds Lumber Company,
Medford; Chiloquin Lumber
Company, Klamath Falls.
A total volume of 6,996,000
board feet, of public domain
timber was purchased for $09,
437.10, at 17 per cent above
appraised price. Purchasers
were: Walter Roberts, Blachly;
Pacific Lumber Distributors,
Inc., Riddle; Wolverine - West
ern, Burns; Willow Ranch
Lumber Company, Willow
Ranch, Calif.; Leonard Lund-
gren Lumber Company, Bend;
Everett L. Cox, Grangeville.
Idaho; Biles -Coleman Lumber
Company, Omak, Wash.; Len
nart Oaterdahl, Eatonville, Wn.
Ask Life Terms
For Habiiuals
Albany Three Linn county
prisoners serving sentences at
the Oregon stale peniiemmry
were brought here Thursday
mA t-& A .1
on order oi uuinci auwocji
rnnrtnev Johns to laee Ha
bitual criminal charges.
The three are Jack orvllle
Mann, Ares Welch ana Wil
liam W o o d r o w Deiawter,
named in complaints filed in
circuit court by the prosecutor,
charging each with having
been four or more times con
victed of fejonies.
All three were brought to
the Linn county Jail by offi
cials of the sheriff's office
Mann was last sent to tne
Denltentiary March 13 under
sentence by Circuit Judge Vic
tor Olliver to five years for
larceny from a person, accused
of robbing Charles DeRush
Nov. 5, 1951, and was con
victed by a jury on March 10,
1952, after he had pleaded in
Welch was indicted jointly
with John Roberts by a cir
cuit court grand jury on a
charge of burglary not In a
dwelling accused of burgla
rizing the Foster Tavern, July
31, 1952. He was sentenced to
serve two years on Sept. 12,
Deiawter is serving a 15-
year sentence for assault and
robbery while armed with a
dangerous weapon. His sen
tence was pronounced in cir
cuit court here Dec. 8, 1952.
Each of the three is charged
with having, suffered three
previous convictions. Should
they be convicted of being
habitual criminals each will be
subject to a life sentence.
Flowers and Sport Events
Predominate This Month
6 Years for Forger
Caught in Pendleton
St. Louis, m Richard F.
Reemta, 28, Jacksonville, Fla.,
who was arrested In Pendleton,
Ore., last fall, was sentenced
Thursday to six years m a fed
eral prison.
Reemts estimated he passed
$10,000 worth of bogus checks
in a spree starting last July.
Flowers and sporting events
predominate the Oregon pic
ture as shown in the May
events list published by the
Travel Division, Oregon State
Highway Department.
Wlldflowers, including a:
leas and rhododendrons, color
the highway waysides and two
celebrations honor their preS'
ence. Florence will hold Its
Rhododendron Festival on May
16 and 17 and Brookings will
celebrate with its Azalea Festi
val and Flower Show on May
30 and 31. Other flower shows
are the Rhododendron Show at
Crystal Spring Gardens, Port
land, May 2-3; the Iris Society
Show, Visitors Information
Center, Portland, May 9 and
the Salem Garden Council
Spring Flower Show, Isaak
Walton Clubhouse, May 9-10.
Two trout fishing seasons
open during the month, East
ern Oregon stream fishing on
May 2 and lake fishing on May
Music will accompany spring
flowers at Ontario Music Week,
May 3-6; May Music Week, La
Grande, May 4-8 and the Ben
ton County Music Festival,
Coliseum, Oregon State Col
lege, orvallls, May 5.
Agriculture takes the spot
light at the Malheur Spring
For simple headache and
simple neuralgia caused by
a common cold, headache,
naial congestion, fever,
muscular achat and pains,
temporary constipa Hon
Only at
Open Daily, 7:30 a.m. - p.m.
Hundays, 9 a.m - 4 yn.
135 N. Commercial
Dairy Tour, Ontario, May 7;
Linn County Spring 4-H Club
Fair, Albany, May 14-16; Mal
heur Spring Jersey Show,
Nyssa, May 23 and Fat Lamb
and Wool Show, Lebanon, May
May sporting events include
the Ontario Amateur Golf
Tournament, May 1-3; Oregon
Open Golf Tournament, Col
lumbia Edgewater, Portland
May 4-6; Dog Racing, begin
ning May 8 at Multnomah Sta
dium, Portland; State High
School Golf Championships,
Albany, May 8-9 and Tennis
Championships, Oregon State
College, Corvallis, May 11-12;
Rose City Amateur Golf Tour
nament, Rose City Course,
Portland, May 13-17; State;
High School Track Champion
ships, OSC, Corvallis, May 15-1
10; jr. aiaiom, uass a. a and :
Associated Women Skiers, I
Tlmberline, Mt. Hood, May 10;
Alderwood Tournament, Port
land, May 16-17; Pendleton
Open Golf Tournament, May
18-20; State "A" Baseball
Championships, Albany, May
21-23; Northwest Quarterhorse
Meeting and Races, Pendleton,
May 21-23; State B Baseball
Championships, Drain, May 22
23; Father and Son Golf Cham
pionships, Oswego, May 24;
jack Kramer and World Cham
pionship Tennis, Inc., Coliseum,
Corvallis, May 26; Willamette
River Boat Races, Newberg,
May 30 and Netarts Crab
Derby, Netarts, May 30 through
July 25.
Several rodeos and horse
events dot the May calendar,'
too, including the Pioneer
Posse Spring Show, Milton-1
Freewater, May 1; Annual i
Junior Rodeo, John Day, May
16-17; Pacific Northwest All
Indian Championship Rodeo,
Tygh Valley, May 23-24, and
the Josephine County Sheriff's
Posse Rodeo, Grants Pass,
May 80-31.
Other community events in
clude the Scout Circus, Pendle
ton, May 9; May Days Festival,
Milton-Freewater, May 14-16;
Business and Professional
Women's Club State Conven
tion, Grants Pass. May 15-17:
Pacific Northwest Shrine
Council, Medford, May 15-16;
Pet Parade, Eugene, May 16;
Umatilla County Pioneer Re
union, Weston, May 22-23;
Championship Rooster Crow
ing Contest, Rogue River, May
23; Memorial Day Parade, Til
lamook, May 30 and Fleet of
fibers Timoe Bay, May 30.
Generol Bulldozing
Day or Contract
PH. 28850
1445 Saginaw
Mike Hmm mornings warm u toast
PHONE t-7431
For sola to the highest bidder, dwellings located et
1010 N. Cottage St, and 2487 Maple St., Salem, Ore.
Terms and conditions of tale may be obtained from
Pioneer Trust Company
Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem, Oregon
r r toti
Ix'rV on all ... Shoes .. .
I Or Stockings . . . Sportswear . . .
Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags
SEE ... ENJOY . . .
Fishing and Hunting Big Game
Around the World by Merle Tobias
A Spectacular Moving Picture in Sound and Color
Fish - Big Game Amazing Scenery!!
The dream trip every sportsman would like to take
Action, Thrills, Adventure ... 2 Solid Hours
Mr. Tobioi trovthd : 48,300 mil.s and cov.r.d 29 courtrin by plant, boat, ox-carr.
Admission Adults $1.00 Juniors t 50c
Leslie Junior High School
MAY 5 AND 6, 8 P.M.
Sponsored by Salem Chapter Izoak Walton League. Tickets
available at the door. This show has shown to capacity audi
ences all over the Northwest.
1288 State St.
Phone 3-6489
At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this
fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices
on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker.
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
ISoasi H) Steak InM
Round T-Bone Rib Steaks
fresh .ground mi, 29
Fresh Ground
lean short ns
SONARS fiffll m Aft
ROAST or STEAK W Hearts and Tongues ..
YoungHenj"r45jage 29'
Fully Drtsstd end Drawn sMHMJV LB. CW
mw mam m
Itst Miction of Fancy loHtrn Ortgon Hartford btaf. Don't fail to taka advantage of thosa Bricti Can...;..
aroarr may d arranged, nmnmj wwm m imu jwvw Par
Half or Whole
Front Quarter
Hind Quarter
3 6 1jC
Rlm Fancy Oregon Brand i m.
JT Sliced Bacon , 491
Tender, Lean, Meaty