Page 16 REAL ESTATE COMFORT & CONVENIENCE If a rood location close to city is Important, sea this attractive ona bedroom hom today. It has a nice IIvIdi room, kitchen with dining area, garage, landscaped yard. 1.500, or 11,3(0 furnished, call Mr. Andenon. YOU'LL LIKE THIS Nearly new 3-bedroom home in a good resident lei district. Large llr lni room, kitchen and dining area, bth with tub and ahower.. utility room, garage, extra laria lot. Priced to sell at 110,760. 13,960 down. Call Mr. Keeni. $1,000 DOWN On, year old 3-bedroom home, eutomatlo oil heat, hardwood floor, ' well-arranied kitchen. Inside u'llllr room, epacloua lol with trees. Only-, with 11,000 down. ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Hr U a real family home with averythlng lor your eomfort. Lovely living room with paneled flreplice wall, dining room. 3 btdroomi and bath down, 3 bedrooms up with bathroom rouihed In, basement, oil fur act. l 1,800. Termi. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES W hive a good selection of new homes from 111.800 to $14,000, located In desirable residential dUtrlcu. Call 4-333 for further Information. Murphy & Kent, Realtors Mortgage Loans 460 North Church Evw. and Sunday: Anderson 3-17U. A DREAM iffl Thla i fch tlmt rf yaar you an appre ciate Nils home at 140 Ben Vista Dr. A Una bedrooms 9lm den with fire -place, at tract Its kitchen with look, oak trees add to the ewira nice yard. A-ear zarase. Lee Ohmarl JUST A STARTER HOME 27ft0 Take a look, it Is a 2 -bedroom home prsd road, deep lot. . SWELL SUBURBAN HOME FOR 8700 Hera li a fine little 3-bedroom Oardsni Annex. All streets pared, ewelltnt rasldentlel area. CLOSE IN ON COURT STREET Older ype home, t bedrooms and den, full basement with fwrnaet, owner says GET OFFER needs smaller home. A REALLY NICE HOME ON NORWAY STREET A modern -room boms with dfnlnr room plus nook In kitchen, radiant heatlns system Just years old and In good condition throughout, attractlrs sorner lot $13,000. FHA terms available. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Better built you can see the difference I bedrooms and den, party room In full basement, oxtra plumbing nearly 1600 sj. ft. floor space. 17,600. litis is one horns you will want to see, tall as today, ON BEAUTIFUL CANDALARIA . Overlooking entire valley to the Wast A wonderful home with every thing you eould wish for Why not hart as show you thru youTJ bt delighted with this boms. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 47 Court Strait Prion, 34111 J41H rt. LouU Lorcaz MWO Ralph Middy M4II enrr Torrmd 1300I . Ted Morrison SS040 REAL ESTATE 4IIIM iitmti uumt Mlll.Utll U4MIIIU MIMUII Uttllllll llllllltllMltUIMII Mtlllllll tt IllllllMI tiiiim it mmit HUH U SIMM I M SULLIVAN MAKE OFFER AND ACT QUICKLY! Vary fins t-rm. bungalow with bath, on Ige. lot, north. SUBURBAN, EAST Nice slat lot (14x34$), well land scaped. Weal 3-bdrm. horns, separate dining room, handy kit., hdwd, floors. Approx. 1000 eq. ft. floor space. I bits, ft school. 19,330. Loan available. PONY ROOM Looking for a place to keep your pour? There Is a small barn and antral on rear of Wxavs lot. A lovely lawn At setting make this attractive HE. 3-bdrm. horns a real are-catcher. Has patio, paved street, near school. Don't pass this one! Bur) flO.OOO. INCOME rem a 3-bdrm. be trot. apt. In this well-kept 3-bdrm. horns having 1)00 so. ft. on 1 floor, plastered, dbls ta garais, attractive rard, aood loca tion. A buy at 110,800. $800 DOWN W A. farm with 1-bdrm. home warn. TRADE your 3-bdrm. hie. for a St A. PAJUl with a grand view, sprints, ttty water, t-rm. hse. At other bldn. approx. 36 miiles HW of aletn. $1,000. STAGE DEPOT AND RESTAURANT N.W. of alem, iolng a good volume of but- ims. KiqulPDed for banauete. Hn elaes A beer license At poMlblllty of imuur bt vns arini", $13,500. ROBERT B.SULLIVAN REALTOR tits Portland Road Ph.: 4-6691 Br. Office. 307 N. Nleh Wh . phi,; 3-9704, 4-3346, 4-6441. 1-BIM , tl04' MODERN Ti'iME and 4 rentals In eaat .ril nr.. SIS h.p mn tt.i. 8J8.0O0. Win ttade up for farm or inc. p.v fliuerencr. SMA1J. FARM In Rood River valley modern l.hrirm lira., an. . ..... 1 fruit itms, pasture and hay. Trade i .ruccr. or omer bus. price 130,000. wv-n,,.a onA-r. nAni.'n in Taaim v.lley, modern new bldss., owner e.r ranch will e.rrv inn h.. . round. Price 160.000. Would consider ..ii opcraun, inr. C. A. MlUXll REALTY h) E. UlU.r, Ph. 4.H17, ,,iem C104 CHOIf'E rniLN-xei mm n. .7: 44 by urn., pi., furnished modem Hv.wv, Terms, rhoac E.I.D ,?.7Ml.-. . .10. WANTED REAL ESTATE BVn.DINO LOT WANTRn ZTTTT1 In, dUtance Calvary Baptist church rnon.4-iBil eves. cat07 OREAT BITTINn nrui.n 7T1 and acreaiaa. List your, with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderenn, Perm '""t. Jhone 4-444. Eve. 4-3114. aa JroTICE! It your property te toiTaair lent or exchamo. list it with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS J 63 SJIl8ri St ,a (IE ARE badly In need of I and l-bed-room homes, In Leslie Dist. Also seed home anywhere with emeu down pay. menu. What hare youf AL IfiAAK, REALTOR, FH 48111 If no anawer, ph. 4-3341 aa Ll.AftRimi) AIIVERTiaiNO Per Word I lime a Per Ward 4 Per Ward, I llmee ft Per Word, 1 month ogt No RffindtMlnlnim 1e) Werdt. REAPKRK In Loeal Newg Celimn Only, Per Word ft Mmlmaai l3 Wards Te PUce Ad In Same rj'i Psprr, Phone t-l4M Before 10 .m. REAL ESTATE Construction Financing nona -M Keene 3-0T 105 Jtudy Calaba (nearly new) home located fci Manbrln WANTED REAL ESTATE WB ARE In need of good houses to sell, in or near fralem. II you wish to list your property for sale, eee ORABENHORST BROfl., REALTORS. 134 . Liberty Ph. 3-3411 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE rOK BA1.R OR TRADE lor a place with .create. Modern 6-room houie, ha. 1-roon apt. Private entrance, alio eitra aleepint room. Baoh furnished. Double tarate. Lot 71 by 180. All (or 13.000. 18tt so. 13th. Cbl04 NEW 1-unlt motel, electric heat, a Kres on hlway. Take lood home up to $10,000. About ISOOO equity. OWNER must aell. aroue. ,10,000 yr. Peo ple aUchani., Rltr, UcMlnnvllle, ureaon. i cblOO' WANT TO TRADE my 1400 equity in to Hud.on Pacemaker aa down payment timym nmi inone ...... COIOO tOoOCv-TnADB for lood new home to fie.rwo, or make an offer on this j-oorm. nome la perfect condition, oloie In and on a nice creek lot. Call MR. MXTZOIR, 3-8B80. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 431 N. HIGH Xve. 4-371S .hins. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCHISE eiesman lor exclusive dlstrlbutor ahlp. Salem terrltorlea available. Nat. ampalan on proven Industrial equip ment. ,1000 Inventory should net tlOOO aso. up. boi 71, Capital Journal. cdioi rOR SALE by Owner: 17(4 acres cleared. iwmuj ior eieiusive nouslna project. 1640 leet lake frontsse en popular Devil, Lake, Price 15.000 cash. Larce aoven-room house Included In price, Bxeellent opportunity for building con tractor. Property located one mil. est of Ocean! ake. edioe BUSINESS and property, by own.r BROOKNOOK RESTAURANT. Brooks. Tavern, earda, pool. etc. will con alder trade. C.U 1-lin or 3-M73 cdl06 LARQE iitui and hod'r shop for sale ...... un anc. North. Phone 4-1403: nlihts Phone J-,148. crllOB- IIWO SODA fountain In toori condition. " ior ,ouo. wriu Tom Hill, Wlllamlna, Oreion, Rt. 1. Cdl0& MMO-CAPX. Ideal fnr husband and wife! Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 4MN. Hiah St. .!,. Own Your Own Business tie Independent w " taverna. laundries, fond mkls., furniture, restaur. nil. molels fountains, bakeries, lunches and many others avallsbls for sale. If you want to buy or sen a busi ness opp. in the Willamette Valley belter in: FRANK. LOCKMAN, Real Est "Bus. 0pp. Specialist" 037 Palrtrounds d. 4-638 BUSINESS & INCOME . OWN 1 Pu. to aril or trade (or m Xt r B,lr Reason for -u m Mf ano atone. Pox IS, Oer Tilt. eel 05 FURNITURE FOR SALE imiimi LAIUIK OFBN PR ID AT A MONDAY BVENINOS WANTED FURNITURE i LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BIEP-Whlte I.e." Ie. Lock.r pork, lie. Nothln, down i moc. to pay. Custom kllltna. Trailer loaned free. Seles Co., 1318 Mts. Fn. l-tnt, aa ffll AUCTIONS AUCTION TONIGHT. 3083 Chtrrr Av. ddl04- PETS REGISTERED Dalmatian puppies. Phont MonmoutnM13. !llol! YOl'NfiPARAKEETS for 40thei'a Day lit. Pliont 4-4028. ecl05 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM lt McCoy, on. block ..It of N. C.pltol. It, block, north of Madison, ph. J-OM7. eeiae' BKGIHTKKEl) Siamese kitten, reason able. Phone 4-5M0. ecio TOR SALE purebred Shetland shoepdoi puppiri. miuniui? vvHiMi. mi Road. eclM' MARKED Collle-Shepard pupplu, Mtie, fD.UU. rTIBJ, fai.VU. -o. tClH MOOHE TROPICAL PIHB, ParakeeU, turtles, supplies. 2 muss Irom Lancast er on Macfear road. 4-1771. Closed WednMdiyji. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 7 HOLKTRIN heifers, 3 white face heif ers, Holsteln bull, $ 3-rr. steers, good locker bee. Rt, 3. Box 45. 3' miles esjit of Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 4001. Al. wsts home from I to I pm. el04 FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. ncx up your rrrsioL.ogs, ttnqueis and wood. 191 so. Com'l., phone 3-7731. ee ANDERSONS hand picked slab wood, 3 cords. $14. Phone 37761 or 44363. eel OS West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1536 Edge water phone dalem 3-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. ftP BUI A Li rOK SO LATS Planer trimmings, $t load. Phone I7T31 FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMP CHICKS, 17.S0 pr C. w.rd i rrm bio. iioi OOI.DIN BROAD nd N.w H.mpJhlr. onicki, hatcnid .verr Mond.y .nd ThurMlBr. Our .hick, trow roi'i Htteh.rr, 3o Stat. t. Ph. -4,. f. WANTED Color. d b,o. 1.,'a B.tcri- .rr. phon. 3-3881. FOR BALK Twice weekly, day-old emeu in New H.mpenire, P.rm.ntera, RmI, White LMhorm. Auitr.-Whlte. While Rock., White Wyandottea, Pr menter cockerel., tee Hatchery, phone 1-3881. J. PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oemo, plant any time now to July, 13.60 per 100. Phillip. Bro... Rt. , Bol 403, 3 miles east 4 Cornerj en State St. Ph. 43081. if HELP WANTED NOW IS THE time to relUter lor a Capital Journal new.paper route. No Sunday delivery, see circulation ntr. NOW KEOI8TER1NO PICKERS for 30 acres Irritated strawberries near BrookJ. Contact Alan Winner, 3 miles north of Central Howell. Phone Silver ton 34793. glOfi' WANTED: Experienced tabulating equip. ment operator for Interesting assign ment m progressive department. Con tact Personnel Division, State High' way Building. glOft WANTED Elderly couple for lliht chorea In txchangi for free rent. Gar den, milk, egg and fruit furnished, Por Information, write W. Denny, Rt 1, Aurora, Ore. gl04 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED MAN In automotive ac cessories and speed equipment. All re plies confidential. Write Box 78, Cap ital Journal. galOfl EXPERIENCED fry cook. Avoir J. B. Drive-In, 3330 Fairgrounds Rd. galOS TO UNO MAN for car hop. Woodroffe's Bsn Shop, 3400 Portland Rd, No phone CilLS. WANTED window and Interior display man, preieraoiy oeiween meases of 18 and 35. Experience essential. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gomery ward. g. HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED car bop. Apply J. B. urive-in. zijo Fairgrounds. gbl05 GIRL WANTED for housework and care or 3 children. Room, board, wages, Must want steady Job. 3-9JS6, 3-1047. gblOfl" WK HAVE AN excellent opening for young lany orrice assistant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Most be good typist and accurate. Permanent po sition. See Doctor Brown at Brown's Jewelers, 184 No. Liberty. gb CI.ERK-TTPI8T, experienced, food on inures, rermanent 8 day week. Write Box 76, Capital Journal. bl06 GJRI, OR WOMAN Ceneral housework, miuiv cmia care. wo. nererenfes re quired. Live In. Private room and bath. Writ Box 77, Capital Journal. gb- WA1TRKNS. Woodrolfe's San Shop, 3400 """" no pnone cans. gb CAR hops Part time. Woodroffe's San anop. jhio Portland Road, EDUCATION EARN WHILE YOU LEARN KEEP YOl'R PRKSBNT JOB BUT Make Those Spare Evenings Count for Something! PIIEPAHE POR A PLEASANT OFFICE 10R ATTEND NIOHT -I001, AND TAKE ONE OP Ollfl. Short Courses HORTHAND. OHTXia BOOKKEEPINO TTPFwrtrrmo START MONDAY NIGHT May l..1ia. Mornln, School Afternoon School 1-4 NIOIIT SCHOOL MONDAY AND THURSDAY I M-t Merritt - Davis Scliool of Commerce 420 STATE ST. . SALEM OYER THE MAN'S SHOP WANTED SALESMAN Wr.1,1. EKTAHMKHKII Ut. M.TOTT. 'nine for a seaman. 6 re joe l Bourne, 1140 H. Capital. ciiot THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon AUCTIONS FREE PRIZES SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 4840 CENTER ST. SALEM Saturday, May 2, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Large home of good furniture and antiques at auction. Furniture 12x15 Wool Rug, 8-P. Walnut Dining Set, 8-P. Maple Early Amer. Dining Set; 2 End Tables, maple; Coffee Table, maple; 5-P. Grey New Chrome Set; A. B. Apt. Elec. Range (good); 6-Ft. Frigldaire . Refrigerator; 1 Daveno; 2 Chests Drawers; 8 Good Dining Chairs; S-P. Breakfast Set; Maple Chest; Ma ple Bed; Box Sp. & Matt., full size; Maple Single Bed, Box Sp. V Matt.; Baby Bed & Matt.; New Wool Quilted ' Comforters; Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner; New Linole- ' urns; 2 Swing Rockers. ANTIQUES 13 P. Old Punch Set; Oak Chest; Oak Desk; Dishes and misc. of all kinds. 3 Rockers; Lamps; 2 Phonographs; Picture Frames; many misc. Items too numerous to mention. Come and see. 2 Lawn Chairs; Lawn Swing; Truck Load Shrubs and . Azaleas; New Outside White Paint 3.50 gal. Linseed Oil 2.75 gal. Thinner 75c gal. Buy Now. Automobile Eastern Oil, 2 gal. 1.25. Seed Spuds, Gems & Burbanks, $2.75 hun. Good Eating Spuds $2.75 sk. LIVESTOCK SALE AT 2 P.M. We sell by head or weight. Veal, Baby Calves, Cows, Hogs or any you have. Come spend a Saturday day and evening. Enjoy yourself at a good lively auction. Lots of fun and bargains galore. It's Scotty's. Col. Ernest E. Scott Auctioneer Ph. 46433 WANTED SALESMAN One or Two Territorial Salesmen over 30, needed In Salem or nearby com m unit las, with old established eompany over M years old. Just now opening territories along the Pacific Coast. Opportunity to earn above average salary, also commission and bonus. able to work In your own com munity and nearby. Sales experience helpful Vut not necessary as wa train you and pay expenses. Thla Is no promotion or sympathy sales proposition. Those interested In such type ot sales we deiiniiely ean not use. Only those Interested In per manent positions, can furnieh the best of references, willing to work steady and have a lata model car, need apply. Personal Interviews Only No Phone CalU 8XS J. B CLTMIS - ROOM 33S, MAR ION HOTEL, Salem, Oregon. Wad. thru Prl. after 1 p.m.. Sat. fc Sun. all day. iflOS WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT CHILD care, my home, Holly wood district. Phone 4-54BV. hios CHILD CARS In my home, days. Call sou. I, nivo CEMENT WORK and flnlahlnt. A Bom beck, phone I-M74. lt),S N. tth. hi OS DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE In country home, pickup and delivery. Phone H10S. h!07 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of palntlnv, brush and spray, furnlah references, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3,44. hi OH MARY'S PLOWING and dlsclm, prompt service. 4-144,. ' hl04 MTCKENHAM'S DAT NURSERY State licensed and Inspected. Phone a-7,7B. hill1 MOWERS SHARPENED at door, afake It run easy. Phone 3-4314. hlW TILLING WITH new II. E. Rotary tiller. Evenlnis I-I13S. 13.10 hour. hllO CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call S-8411, 4-1413. hlOS ROTOTILLINO Ph. 4-4133. Mlddlo drove Nursery, 4930 allrerton Road. h!04 LIGHT CRAWLER, doslni, dirt level ing tradlni. Phone 1-1330. hl3 GRADING, lerellni, backfllllnf, lawns, Eardena, By hour, Job, Phone 3-3041. M3, ROTOTILLINO evenlnie, a a t ur d a y a, suaays, Keiier area, pnone i-sa,,. hl07' TREE WORK. Topplnr. trlmmlni, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0315. hiia" PLOWING, DISCING, leyellnf. ,3.90 an hour. Phone 4-3111. hl33 NEW lawn.. Rotary hoelne. Pree esti mates. Duane wolcott, Phono a-,137. Mil PAINTING, Paper-hamlnt, free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5333. hioe LANDSCAPE maintenance, prunlnf. trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hiot NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. Phone 4-3,41, nioo TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Garden lawns. Phone 3-1530, 3335 Evergreen hl04' ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave, Phone 331HO. hll4' PAINTING 6 years experience In Ael.m. Pree estimates. Phone 3-733. Mas WANTED TO RENT BY MAY tlUh. 3 bedroom hotue, un furnished with fireplace and oae ment. City er auburban. References. Couple. Phone 3-KU.a. Jal04 TOt'NO WORKING COITPLB with baby and doc want 3 -bedroom home, sa me, by Mty 15th. Oood references. 11017 JMM Hnt)SR on email acreage, close in. i 10 miles OK. Barn, chicken houne. Permanent. References. Phone 3-3530. J a 104 mtRPONtUUIaE oaTtr will nay substan tial rent to lease or rent nice 3 or 4 -bed room houe by June 1. 4-3331. FOR RENT RiTRiNRfiB BtnLDINO In Reiser. In quire at Reiser Beauty Salon. 1-3376 310" LARGE warehouse space for rent or leant. Cement floors, brick building Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9185. J FOR LEASE, business building, 4 Cor ners district. 463 N. Lancaster Dr.. Phone 334K41 or 44(W. MM' FOR RENT ROOMS SI.EEFINU ROOM for 1 or 3. 7W N. Church. Phone S-4SSI. 1H107' LARUE SI.EKPINU ROOM, privet, bath, private entrance, parking apace for ear If needed. 410 No. Capitol In the Capitol Chopping Center. Jkl04 WARM, CLEAN, comfortable rooms, close In. Reasonable. ,33 No. High. Ikl04' ROOMS FOR fllRUa Kitnrn prunes,, use entire house. 046 N. Winter. Phone 34311 or 3t0. jainn,.,ee.,eef.ei ROOM & BOARD WANTED BI.EDFRLT couple 10 board FOR RENT HOUSES 4 BEDROOM, redecorated. 306 stoon street, Sllverton. Phon I 4143, Stl rton. ymlM AUCTIONS FOR RENT HOUSES ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, elec tric range, hardwood floors, auto matic heat, lnaulated. 3333 Maple Avenue. JmlOfl REALLF ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom du plex. Available June th. 460 N. Win ter. JmlOO' UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom duplex, ex cept range. Close In. 950. Phone 3-5689. " Jmiov CLEAN. 1 BEDROOM, living room. xiicnen, ninette. Range and utilities f urate tied. Ad ni U. $50. Phone 3-1330. Jml05 SMALL HOUSE, partly furnished. Phone 3-0064 between 5-7. - Jml04 TWO BD. KM. home In Brooks. Elec. rangt, rem., oil heater. Phone 42904 arier 4 p.m. im!04' S-RmROOM, unfurnished house, 330 month. See at 1710 N. Front. 4-327B. JmlOS BMALL West Salem house, den and work shop on first level., Living, kitchen, bedroom and bath on lower level. Oood Tlew. Garden space. 5S per month. Phone 3-3383. JmlOO" CLEAN 4-bedroom house, full basement, wood furnace, wired for range. 00. 4-3405. JmlOfi rURNINHEI) 4 bedroom house. automa tlo oil heat, close to Cap. Shop. Center ana town, suitable lo sub-rent eleen. lnc rooms. Adults, $75. 1-4057 after 6 Pm- JmlCM FOR BALE OR RENT 3-bedroom pies tered home. 1180 So. 15th St. Jml04 FURNISHED. Extra lovely for 3. 45 01 ore. oua. pnone 35085. JmlOB N1?W l-bedroom house with lots of eloiet space, stove, refrigerator, garage and aoma utilities, inquire 1305 N. 19th. Jml04 OFFICE FOR RENT FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM aulte. Ores on Building. Phone 3-4114. jo DESIRARLE office rooms 36 to '105. Heat, UghU, Janitor lnc, 444 Center St. Jol05 GROUND FLOOR office or I tore space ror rent, can at run Market. Jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE furnished Pullman apt. private entrance. 534 judson. 3-4885. JplOO' NICE 4 LARGE rooms, furnished, bath, In Shopping Center. Phone 37841. JplOO S20.M ONE-ROOM furnished house keeping apt., close In north. Call Burt Plcha. 370 N. High. 3-4047. Jpl05 SALEM Housing Authority has vacant units for qualified persons, inquire at Housing Office, 1300 B. 18th Bt. JplOO PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. 350. 3560 Portland Road. Jpi39" MODERN, unfurnished 1 bedroom 4- room apt. 1140 S. 13th. Julio 635 N. SUMMER, nice, clean, 3-room- and-bath, furnished, all utilities paid, available May 6. See now. 360. Jpios ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment, clote to state bulldlnxs and shopping cen ter. Automatic washer, electric dryer, all utilities paid. Also pullman apart ment. 468 N. Winter after 8 p.m. JplOC 3 -BEDROOM furnished apartment. Hoi. lywood Dist. Adults. Phone 3-6300. JP108' FURNISHED apt., private bath, reduced rent. IRS No. 13th. jpl05 NICELY Fl'RNIDHKD 3-room. bath. ground floor. 1 room, kitchenette. 694 N. Commercial. JplDR NEAR STATE bulldlngi. clean, fur nished apt., private bath. 763 Marlon. JP106 MODERN FURNISHED 3-bedroom du plex, redecorated, garage. 3310 Brey mnti Bt. JplOS CLEAN 1-BACHELOR apartment, and 1 and 3-bedroom furnished apartment. Each private bath, steam, wathlns facilities paid. Block to atate build ings, department and grocery store. Near shopping cmter. Call 3-1351. JPltW I BEDROOM unfurnished court apart ment. With range, refrigerator and TV antenna. 007 S 13th. Jplll ROOM MCE apartment. Private bath. 588 N. Church. Phone 34746. JpU7 3-ROOM. newly decorated, private bath, first floor, well furnished. 663 No. High. Jpl04 4 ROOM furnished apartment. A regu lar 1 bedroom home, and roomy. 404 s Hummer. Jpl06 I ROOM FURNISHED apartment, utili ties furnished. Large rooms, separate bath. No objection to child. Phone 49531 before 7, 3310 Laming. )pl04 1 ROOMS, private bath, entranre, furn Htsh. ishec, clean, close in. 493 so. JP104 JOE PALOOKA HE CANT 60 TMe ROUND f VP. CROtVO 1M.. PUT YFR eVfl&HT ON 1M. fLT ...PON'T LETUP.'.' J HUM... OH... "i a V. YEAH... I ' i i I i 1 -.r-v .wrrrvsi i a.tfiPii i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3. ROOM furnished court apartment, ,50 iom Uadlson. phone 977,0. IplOO' S4I.W Furnished 3-rm. apt., utilities d. d. 340 Division. .a.JO. jp'v. NICELY FURNISHED apartmenla; Am. bassedor APIS, eov no. Bummer, iv rt'RNISHED one ar two bedroom court apartment, uioae in. suase. jpiup 3-ROOM FURNISHED 495 . 31at. Phone 34807. JP10B1 l.REDROOM- eourt apartment, appll anees furnished. Near Shopping Cen ter. Adults. 1430 Trade street. JPI05 3 - ROOM furnished clean downstair. apartment. Range, refrigerator, laun dry. Utilities paid. 140. Phon, 1-0004, 3761 Heeel Ave. , JPI0&1 SEVERAL furnished eoartments, good location. Inquire H. L. fluff Furniture. Phone 3-lltrs. jp EXQUISITE, S-room, bath, large, good view, ground floor, pnone 3-1117. jplOl1 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS D-DRrVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE 14 riCKUPfl STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION (1, COURT ST. PHONE 3-1,31 PAOR STEVENSON and AL HEPPORD m Power aarden Makers for Rent. Power Lawn Moware tor Rent. Both on hourly basis reasonable Oeo. E. Allen Howe., 335 N. Commercial ml04' SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Days 33408 Bras. 3-4417 or 1-7413 Salem, Oregon m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY SIMLIR. DENTIST Adolph B14g., State As Commercial Sta. SALEM FH 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS SHEETING lift per M, while It luU anort axe, sis par m. Big lot bf oak trim at your price, o. W. Klang nrecKing co. can be seen at 607 N, Commercial. malOfi KEITH BROWN'S Window Screen Time HEADQUARTERS FOR RYLOCK CR3SXNS. SJTANDARD SIZES OH HAND MAHOGANY DOORS J-OH-lxlH C HC A grad I ,.33 3-4a-3HH RO HC A grade ... 10.93 1-OiO-SxlH RC HC A grade .... 11.07 I SK-tilH RC HO A grade 11.74 Heaon Ply. V to 110" all sliea to 4X0 00 aq. ft. Flyron W all ilaea to 4x3 ....31 aa. ft. SHAKES II" Stained Shak.s with tinder. eouree 113.00 eq. 1," Beauty Wat eartoned shakes with undercourse - 10 eolora ..$13.30 aq. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Phono 3-0111 Front St Court St. wi orvE sax oreen stamps ma BUILDER'S SPECIAL New Planed lum ber. 315 per M. and dp, delivered. 3-3043. mallO PLYWOOD Fin assortment of Re, Interior and exterior. Many decorative and hard wood plywoods In stock. See them I Screen Doors 6.95 up. Tension tlte wd. Screens. Wallboards of every kind. atart at $1.40, 4a8. Roofing, many col ors, 3x4 gutter 15e ft. No. 1 red oak fig. In heated room to insure dryness, l"lr fig. 00.50 1x4 D ft U Fig. 98.50, Doors, Doora M Doors. Mahogany, Birch, Fir Slabs, and Panels 6.95 up. TJse our free, cheerful estimating service. Nothing down, 36 months to pay. Pree delivery. No order to email. It's appreciated. Portland Road Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAT SAT. 3145 Portland Rd. Ffaone 4-4431 ma KEITH BROWN'S Close-Outs We are closing out our entire Jtoek f Lawn Mowers, Heetrtc and Oas. Also Card en Hose. Regular Sale 316" Hand Mower 334 60 16.75 118" Ou Rotary Mower 116.06 04.44 316" Elec. Hotary Mower 71.80 67.44 318" Elec. Rotary Mower 79 98 50.80 60 Feet Plastic Hose IM 4.76 KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front Court St. Ph. 3-6111 We Olve BAH Oreen Stamps Building? New weatherstrlpprd windows, com pletely assembled, hundreds m stock ready to go, 114 up. New picture windows 18.00 New doors 3-8"x8 8" 35 60 3-tab Ihlckbutt roofing 86.9? Unpalnted cedar shakes .86.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete , ls 50 New 30"xlS" wsxh bulns 117.50 Cast Iron bath tub., complete .. .IF9 50 New shower cabinets, complete. 13 00 Colored bath sets Bargain 500 -f al. steel septic tanks 363.50 4" soil pipe 70 New electric water heaters ..164.30 New steel garaae doors 165.00 Aibeatos aiding go 5D New plasterooard 4i8 61.40 Kiterior white paint fgal.l .... 12.95 Ktahogany b birch plywood ..bargain Water proof wall board. 4x8 ,...6176 Screen doora 16.93 DOORS Hundreds of fir and hardwood doors: birch, mahogany and gum wood. Pick your choice. Bern in. SHINGLES No 1 per eq .69 ib No. 8 per iq tvon No. 3 per iq. 84 00 CASH A CARAT DISCOUNT 35c SO. C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 4S051 1 ml. north of Kaiser PANSIRS, 0c doren. 3636 Mdwey Drive Phone 36811. me 104 PEOPLE have Been TAKEN FROM THE ARENA WITH HEAT PROSTRATION.. ITA4U5T BE TERRIBLf FOR THE FI6HTERS UNDER TH( RINO LIGHTS, a, DENNIS theMENACE 11 iW SE? I TOW yoil 7HATONE VWS STRAWBERRY ) BUILDING MATERIALS REDUCED 36.00 PER DAT UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor, 3 -speed shift automatic starter. Starting price April 14th, 3386.50 MAY 2nd 206.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd, Front Court St. Phone 3-9111 WT OWE t. H. OREEN STAMPS a Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. ts, 13 Inches clear, M; No, 3, e Inches clear, 34. No eap wood or eulls. Come and get -them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 3-1198. i NURSERY STOCK EVERGREEN SALE Shrubbery, Orna mental Trees, r.ed Azaleas, 4 lor 31.00, Merrill's Oreenhouse, Brooks. mblOfl SPECIAL SALE 3-year-old vivid red azaleas, 85c. Warlng's Nursery. 1D3S Oak Hill Ave. (Turn east from WE at South VUlsse tavern). mbiOT GERANIUMS, FUSCHSIAS 35c DELPHINIUMS 3 for 3100 TUBEROUS BEGONIAS .. 3 for 3100 DAHLIA BULBS NAMED .. 3 for 31. 00 O LAD BULES 3 Dx. for 81-Ofl OVERBEARING SRAWBERRY PLANTS MERRILLS GREENHOUSE, BROOKS mbl07' CHOICE GLOXINEAB now blooming. Visitors welcome at Sslem'a African Violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato tt bedding plants. Oppen's Oreenhouee. 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4 CHRYSANTHEMUMS, 500 rarities, Eng lish American hardy, cuihloiut, spoons, spiders. Oerantuma, delphlnltims, Lu pine. Astelbes, etc. Black's, 3370 Che mawa Rd., lk miles East of Keller, 3-4360. mblOS' BEDDING PLANTS Sllverton Oreen Nouses the bast in geraniums, fuchsias, peiagonlums, ail other plants. Cabbage and lettuce 35c per doren. 817 So. Water, on road to Sliver Creek Palls. mbllO1 AZALEAS IN bloom. Hardy varieties. Popular colors. 35c to 33.00. Sales yard, 3630 N. 5th. Strayer Aialea aar den, 555 Locust. mbl07 COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plants. Middle Grove Nursery. 4930 Sllverton Road. Phone 4-4633. mbl04 HEDGE OR WINDB REAR Privet, Isur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 33183. 3497 Hollywood Drive. mbI08 For Sole MISCELLANEOUS USED INNER - SPRING matte.. 10.00. oienn Woodry's, loos r. summer. nl04' BART BUGGY, scale. Infant ctothri to 1 year maternity clothes 14. 3-3515. nlOfl1 NEW HOLLYWOOD headboard. pImi cover, 6.95. Glenn Woodry's, 1905 N Summer. nl04' VERY GOOD dining room 33x54 blonde table and 4 ehalrs 836. 606 Vtsta. Phone 3-69B9. nl05 WAFFLE IRON 31.50, heat lamp 61.00,' quilt tops, iron kettle, miscellaneous antique china, glass, girls clothing 6 year. 3-6953. nl04 NICE CHILD'S wardrobe cheat like new, 19.95. Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Sum mer. nl04 1 ELECTRIC sewing machine. Also Mod el A panel truck. Phone 3-300:, nlOV LARUE TOOL chest, miscellaneous arti cles. Phone 41306. n!05 CHROME DINETTE set. swing rocker, zenith console radio, lawnmower, Phone) 3-5030. n!05 KAY BASS VIOL, full else. Phone 3-7513, ni05 NEW CRIB A new mattrejw, Inner spring . v-irnn nirorj , miro n. Bum mer. mo4 GARAGE DOORS, unfinished furnlVure mam to orotr. omsii carpenter and csblnet repslr Jobs. Prices munnthii Woodworking Fixit Shop '375 Wo. II Ph. 1-I3M nll3- reuoillAfRl refrlserator, I Only uienn woodry s nlo. GARDEN TRACTOR cultivator and disc no uvarnorn Ave., jtelrer district. mot I IN. COTTON mattress In ,ood eon; dltlon. 110.00. 307 B. 3lh. nlOO I4LACK IRON dinette seta, 5 pc.. ( Oienn Woodry. litre N. Bummer io.,5. Organic Fertilizer Pree al weed ueds. and odorless Back er bulk orders delivered. Phone I-1U7. nna. NEW orrtt'E desk. Blonde Ilnleh. at 50. .rani, leos n. Bummer. n!04- r BY Ham Fisher T HEV. l'IVXJT... Y rVAIT...""1""! 1 1 I HURRY UP... ME AN' . J fln., v T Friday, May 1, 1953 By Ketcham For Sole MISCELLANEOUS LADY'S BICVCIJD In lood condition. Verr reasonable. 433 Jellerson t. !, GLASS TOP coffee, lamp & end tables, 0.05 ea. Glenn Woodry's nl04 MeCULLOCR CHAIN SAWS, 008 Edle water. West Salem. Salem Lonlna Sup plr. Ph. 4-1S41. I4ll TARPAULIN, new. 1411 . 4th. BIOS AOWAJtD walnut piano and benob, ex. cellent condition, ,339. 370 Bo. 14th. nlOl LIKE NEW floor lamps, ,4.00. Olena Woodrys. 1006 N. fiummer. n!04'' SEVERAL I'SED one-msn power eaws at Ward's Perm Store. nlOO" STEEL elothesllne potts, planters, ratl in, porch columns, furniture. 1145 N. Libert;. nil! GARDEN TRACTOR, food condition. Phone 4-3311. nlot CI.OT1ILINE POSTS, Iron lets for ta bles, lurnlture, ratlines. 1145 M. Lib erty. n!34- POR SALE Uprllht Oufbranson piano. Phone 2-1403. nlOS DANDY PLAYING, older strlo radio, 110.00. Glenn Woodry's. mot' FURNITURE, rues, miscellaneous house hold Items for sale, Ifldl Para Are. nl04 WE ARE OVERSTOCKED on used ra dios and combinations. Come hi and see our exceptional barxalns. 10 to 1M.0. TRADER LOUIE 1870 Una Ave. n!04 Singer Electric Walnut Cabinet aewinr mechlne. Sews forward and re Terse. Pree eewln, lessons. ,40 dis count. Singer Sewing Center 130 h. com'l. USED WASHER. 816.00. Olcnn Woodry's. jouo n. cummer. U104 ANTIQUE hand carved solid black wal- nuv Dunei, iw nines. Phone 319BT after 6. . bim 3V4 H.P. BOLLEN garden tractor, plow. cuiuraigr a no grass cutter. 3-1638. nlOB Singer Electric Portable sews forward and reverie. Regulsr set of attachments. Looks like new. For unpaid balance. Singer Sewing Center yum i. n l os "'"J MAHOGANY de(k. 35 00. Oienn iv. vj n. summer. nl04" ROTTED MANURE 1.000 yards, th, best we have ever had. Por tood ortanlc results order rotted cow msnure that you can use without fear. 15.00 per yard. 4 yards " "rds 125. 10 riJ t) clones, lava stone, fence posts, 1,4 t'' " '"1 '"'" red cedar fencln,. Phillips Bros., Rt. 5 Box ... .J- -"081' "" J ml. i 4 corn.",, flATPta r-T, Roller and ball be.rlnes for truck, and tractors. Bllverton Road '-""en. rn. 1-3081. N. Summer. " "ooorr',, ,0 Tffii,... " rnnne 3-9185 n NWM 5!!i?iELUE0JW i-UGS WANTED VVOODRY WANTS PpiV. LOGS VVANTED" Stud Mill. Lenelhs 8' 4" or lr ... Dlameler " to ! ,?' ' Too prlce paid 10 M ) Burkland Lnmh or I V. Tnrt... r-- Phone lllj Uc B-133 and and INSURANCE AND LOANS .Hr." Trade." 13 00 Dan, K8LM 3 GENERAL P1NANCE CO o So. Commercial st. Tel. i-m, i.osn. e and Short Tim, Ferments 13, !.V H "'MMONS 131 io. Commercial Bt. pn. j. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO l South Church a . ....,',rk'n, piemp Ue. No. ,., L Sj i