Friday, May 1, 1953 S TOCKS By Tht Associated Prwn Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical AUls Chalmers . American Airlines American Bower it Liir.,- American Tel Ac Tel American Tobacco , Anaconda Copper , Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel , Boeinr Airplane Co. ..... Bora Warner Burro fx Adding Macli:i California .-sriiing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service . . Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vuliee Crown Zellerbaco , Curtlsa Wright Douglas Aircraft . . Du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pae. Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mlnlny Co International Hnrveitr' . 78', . 7ft . S3'. . 13 . 2'i .15SN iv't , 92 ' j .. 834. .. 151. ."! 37. 5!IS .. 28 .. 14 .. 83'i .. 21U .. 19 .. 8li .. ,. .. 41 .. U'i .. 7Hi 631, . S3', International Paper Johns Manville . Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporrted . ..... Iona Bell Montgomery Ward t Nash Kelvlnator New York Central .... Northern Pacific Reclflc American F - .1 Pacific O-aa it Kic r c Pacific Tel it Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C Pennsylvania fi R Pep.l Cola Co . Philco Radio Radio Corpomion Rayonler Incorp Rayonler Incrrp p: (Republic Steel Reynolds Mrtala Richfield Oil fiafeway Stores Ir: . Scott Paper Co Sean. Roebuck Co ...... Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard OH Cr.'tf. Standard Oil N J Studebaker corp Sunshine Mining Swift As Compnny ... Transamerlca Corp Twentieth Century Fa Union Oil Comptiny . ...... Union Pacific United Airlines . . United Aircraft ... ........ United Corporation ...... United States Piyv ood United States Sicel ...... Warner Pictures ... Western Union Tel Westlnahouse Air Bra!: Westlnghouse Electric Wool worth . 51 . is . . y . . 11 '. 61 . 33 . 11 V4 . M . 11 . 37 .I14i . 6'. . 60',, . 57 , 1 , SOH , Bk". sv. HI. 53 '4 70 Va SV. Ka 37', 3'i 1S 3flV, 1071. 51, 38'i 30 16 . 36 16 45 lek Market New York. tJP The atock market Idled iitletly rPlday wttn pncea moTini nar- Chanitejt of major fractions marked the outside edae In the ranie of talna and losses. Trading waa alow, and for the full day hit a rata rlhit around Thuraday'a 1.140.000 aharea. That total waa the alnce Oct. 30 of last year. DEATHS Mra. Mill abet h H. Brabaker Mr. Elizabeth R. Brubaker. at the residence, Salem Route 2, Box ISO, April , at the aaa of 78 yean. Survived by dauahters, Mri. Oeorae Wlndecker, Sa lem Mra. B. C. Moore, Kalamazoo, Mlrh., Mra. K. C. Moore, Chlcaao, 111., and Mra. W. M, Pin ley, Miami, Pla.; one aon, Jamea W. Brubaker, Havre. Mont.: and 10 grandchildren. Shipment will be made to Havre, Mont., by the Virsll T. Golden Co. for aervlcea and Interment. Georte A. Mlnaanmter Oeorae A. Mlnienmler, late fealdent of thla city. May 1 at the aae of 77. FdoUi er of Mrs. Geo rue Will, Mra. Bertha Parren, Miss Sara Minaenmler, all of Salem. Announcement of aervlcea later by the W. T. Rlgdon Co. Archie Charlea Brown Archie Charlea Brown, in hia city April 30, at the aae of 30 yeara. late resident of Ooldendale Route 2, Wash. Huaband of Doris E. Brown; aon of Mr. and Mra. Aley C. Brown, and father of Stephen and Glynla Brown, all of Oold endale, Wash.; brother of Arthur R. Brown. Fortuna, Calif., and Kdith Tuck er, Hermlston. Services will be held Sunday, May 3. in the Phillip Mortuary Chapel at Ooldendale under direction of the W. T. Rladon Company with in terment at the IOOP Cemetery In Oold endale. Warren C. lnman Warren C. Inman, late resident of Ml S. l!h St., at a local hoapltal April 30. Survived by wife, Luella K. Inman of f.alem: dauahter. Mr. Paye B. S'-upka nf Salem, and a on, Olen B-, Inman of Oreanlajte; two arandchlldren; alatera, Mrs. Eva KintT, Mrs. Alma Simpson, both of Iowa; Mrs. Rose Mills, Kansas; brother. Cecil lnman. Los Anaelea. Servient- will be held at the VJnil T. Golden Chapel Monday. May 4 at 3 P.m. with Interment at Belcrfat Memorial Park. John R. Shannon Jonn R. Shannon, at a local nuralng home. April 30. Late resident of 23 Fourth St. Survived by wife, May Shan non. Salem, and son. Roy 8iannon. Jordan Valley. Announcement of services will be made later by the ciouah-Barrick Company. Ernst Zielesrh Ernst Zlelesch. at the residence. 31 Garden Rd.. April 30. Survived by daugh ters, MLsa Emma and Mlsa Mar asrette Zlelesch. both of Salem, and Mra, Ben Savage of Independence; aon, Alvtn Zlelesch of Sslem, and two grand children, Oall Zielesrh of Salem and Robert Savaee of Independence. An nouncement of servkea later by the Clouvh-BRrrlck Chapel. , Mid-Willamette Obituaries M ii a . . J rS. May Arnold Alhany Mrs. May Arnold, 69, 531 Lyon St., died at a local hospital Thursday. Serv - ices are Deinn arranniu mi Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Fisher Funeral home. Burial will be in the Riverside ceme tery. Mrs, Arnold was a native of Minnesota and came to Albany in 1911. She was married to Wayne M. Arnold August 2!i, 1305 at St. Paul, Minn., who died in 1945. Surviving are two children, Mrs. Evelyn Huddleston, Al- hany and Clinton L. Arnold,! Richland, Wash.; three grand- children; a brother, Frank Williamson, Sylvania. O.; and three sisters, Mrs. Henrietta Magers, Albany; Mrs. Bessie Van Horn, Toledo, O.. and Mrs. Lou Carpenter, Laurenburg, X.C. Edward C. Hankel Turner Edward C. Hankel, "9. Rt. 1, Box 104. Turner, riied at his home Thursday. Mr. Hankel was born at Madison, Wis., July 13. 1873, and came to Orccon from WB.-.hington in 1907. He had made his home in his farm near West Stayton for 27 years. Mr. Hankel was married to Marv Lebeau at Portland, In 1907. Surviving are hii widow; t MA R K E T QUOTATIONS Portland rioocrt UST Balittl.i T.nlitlT.. auweel t. i. medial, , ch.nit: Premium qualltr. mail. S.".?-. . M p" acloll, - . M" "'"' Ib.l llm qual .Z..J. CL "cod """. 4-67e. Valler rout.. i0d eouotr. points 3 ,,,, u,. iitr-whoituit ro e bulk tutu i. whol,.ale. ,r.du a, jc,,,,, c. A irede. II ICOrt, He: B, to .cor., lie; Somi."0"' b, """ "rlc" Sililci pnc. la Portland -..iWt., uKtoi alnelea. II-llc .5 '.L"' '' "-": trlplau. 'i." 111. I. Whalaialar. CmrfHwa m..iumib do jou, caaai includad (.o b. .vi.tBiiu, n irini lira S7i..i.i. . r.rllani Dairy bkaraai Bollar Prlc. lo ratanira: arada AA .." nci a carioo. 7ar: A nrlnta ai. carton, 73c: B pnnli, lie ' Dtia To ratallera, Orad. AA law, 3c; A laria. t-0c: AA madlum 0o; A medium, 6Bc: A amall, nominal. Car- o aaauionai. CbaaaPrlca to ratallara. Portland, Oreion alnallj. ISla-SOe! 5-lb. loavaa, S3ii.53'4c: trlplata, mc lau than .In. laa. Pramlum brand alnilaa, I6',c: loaf, (OAte. Proeiiaid American aheeia. 5-lb. loavaa to retail, 43i-4Cc lb. Paallrr Life Cklckene INo. 1 aualltT, f.o.b. planti.) Fryeri, 11 rbi. He; -4 Iba, ate; rooitcra, m Iba. and aver 3c: heavr hena. all walibu. IS-Me! lltht hana, all welibu, 13-34c; old rooat era. 15.18c. Draaaaaj Chltkeae Prrera, ay-3 Iba 43-4Se: roiatera, 43-44c: lltht hena. 31 33c: haarr hena, 3-37ci cut up Inert, all velihte, 43-44c. abblta Arerair to Kroarera' Ltae abltes, 4-5 lbs.. 35-37C. i t iba.. 3). lie lb., old doea. 10.14c: f.a hlehar a.k dreaaed frrera to retallera. Il-eici cut up. 66.68c. Caaalrr Klllaa Met la ' Veal Top Quality. 40-43c lb.: rouab beavlra. 0-33c. H.aa Lean bloekera. 34.1le: acwi liahi 3I-30C. Lamba Beat, 40-43C lb.; aprlnaert nominally 48c lb. cull -utility, Mollon-Beat, 14-llc K -izc. Beef Dtlllty eowa, 3C-30e lb.; canner- cult era, 31. 33c; ahells down to 31c, rrein uressea Meat Wholesalera to retallera; Dollars per cwt.: Brer steera. choice bdo-?oo lb S7.00-W.00; good, 36.00-38.00; commercial 3. 00-36.00; utility, 31.00-34.00; cows, commercial, 38.00-32.00: utility. 37.00 31.00; canners-cutters, 35. 00 -3 P. 00. Beet Cats (Choice steers) Hind quarters, 45.00w60.00: rounq, 46.00-61.00; full loins, trimmed, 81.00 68.00; tri angles, 30.00-33,00; fore-quarters, 33.00- ji.uu; enuexs, rr.oo-4i.oo; ribs, 48.00 62.00. Veal Oood-eholce, 43-63; eommer cial, $37-48. Calves Oood-eholce, 143-63; com mercial, ji-e. Lambs Prime springers, 40-10 Iba.. wj jo; mooa, fto-w. M ..t ton Good choice, a 11-30 Pork Cats Loins, No. 1, 8-12 lbs.,' S62- tot; anouioers, is mi., ias-43; spare ribs, 150-57; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs.. 57- Smoked Bans Skinned. 157-13 ,60 Us. fined lard in drums, 111.60-16; slab bac on, 148-1)6.50. Portland Mlseellinesne Celery Cal. flat erats. 3-3' dos., 3.25-4.25. Pew to 34.50 Ore., 62.25 12.50. Onlene50-lb. sacl;a West Oregon yel lows, med. No. Is, 2.76-3.00; Texas white wax, 3.50-4.00: Texas y el Iowa, 2-ln. men., a.oo-76 per no id. sack. Fata tees Oregon Russets No. 1, 4.00 6.00; name brands to 4.755.00: bakers, 6.00-50; 35 lbs., site A, 1.40-65; 10 lb. mesh, 46-55c; paper, 40-4c; No. 3, 60 lbs. 1. 40-50; Idaho Russets. No. 1A. 5 .80-6. 00: fi-10 lb, bales, 1.30-60; Florida Triumphs, No. 1A, 50 lb. sack, 3.25-60; Calif, long wnites, rfo. l, so id, sack, 2.75-3.00. nay u. u. NO. 1 green alfalfa, de llvered ear lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly $36.00 ton; Seattle, 336-37. woei urease basis, Willamette val ley medium, 50-IUo lb.; Eastern Oregon fine and half-blood, 6t.-62. Willamette Valley lamb wool. 42c Hides Calves. 1S-21C lb. according te weights; green klpi, 17-I9c; bulla, 4-6e; green butcher cow hides, 7-Oo. F ilber Is Wholesale selling price No. I large Barcelonas, 34-26c Ib.i grower prices, orchard run, 1416e lb. Walnuts Wholesale selling price, first quality large Pranaitettea, 33 -3 3c lb.; grower price, orchard run, 16-lSe lb.. few best to lie Portland Grain Portland UFi Coarse grains, 16-day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: No bids. Wheat ibldl, to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Unquoted. Friday's ear receipts: Wheat 25: bar ley 7; flour 2; corn 4: oats 3; mill feed 3. Chieaao Grain Chicago OP) Grains spent most of the session milling around aimlessly on the board of trade Friday, but toward the close a allrhtly firmer note developed. This was particularly true of wheat and soybeans. Dealings were rather light in con trast to Thursday's tyiesaion, wfcen the market met heavy selling pressure. Sev eral wheat contracts dipped Into new seasonal low territory, although May held above its low scored Thursday. Wheat closed unchanged to M higher, May $2.16'.-, corn V, lower to H high- May $1.5614-.oat Va lower to H higher, May 7il-H. rye to 1 cant higher, May ll.MW. soybeans higher. May $3.01'44, and lard 8 to 10 cents a nunarea pnunas miner, $10.55. Cblcaee Onlsna Chicago K Suppllei moderate, prac tically no demand, market weak. rack sales 160 Iba. I: Texas Graaea 0. ft. l. 3-tnch and larger car l.. Street sales 160 lbs): Texas Tellow Berumdas 3 to 1-Inch 1.75-1.86. few low as 1 ftP. 3-tnch and larger 10-1.75; Grano 3-inch and larger 1.00-3 ft; Cry stal Wax 2 to 3-lnch 1.75-2.00; few 3 25. daughter, Mr. Helen Gilbert, Turner; two sons, Edward, Jr., I Salem. ant Donald R. Hankel, j Scio; two ,ister,i Mrs. Mary , WnKner Wilbur, Wash.; and Mrs Minnie Allen, Staylon Stayton; four brothers, William H., Alo ha. Ore.; Victor and Carl of Calgary and Frank Hankel, Edmonton. Canada; nine grandchildren and two great- Grandchildren Fnnpral jtervicpn will be, hpid t the Weddle Funeral Home. Stayton, at 11 a.m., Saturday, May 2. Burial will , : be in the Catholic cemetery it Stayton. 1 - Vjeorge U. Jtorr Silverton George D. Scott, 79, 120 Fisk St.. Silverton, died Thursday, April 30. Mr. Scott was born on a farm in tne union niu uibu it. 1873, and lived there untiJi five years ago when he moved tn Silverton. Siirvivine are hii widow, .... .. . Alice, aiivenuii, ww .una. .. D. Scott, Sublimity, ana riar ley Scott, Lvons; a daughter, Mrs. Wallace Ncal, West Fir; I a brother, Hershal Scott, Sil verton; nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.. Saturday May 2, at the Weddle Funeral Home, Stavton, with the Fcv. W. H. Lyman oficiating. Burial will be in the Union Hill cemetery. SALEM MARKETS C.M.IU4 frM rum ml Satoaa awalara i.r i. iiiian. . c.tlul Jmiy cK.ri. Ia.4 4.117.) Mil T,,4 trUni , tin r.n.i. mi ,m. ki. ...a...... llOQ.iD. bail. til lluli ! JO.! SO. Dalrr Tti - ! 5!-l II iM k. ul, 14.35-t IS 1100 ' F.lltrr Bavlac PriiawaiArMl ..vara He; eld niiun, lie; .olorl fowl, c. In bora (owl. iit: looit.ri. IM. dial BarlbaT riewKi... 11 ia. Ian i ..-sc. aiKiiuoi a a. e; aidlun A, 41-aOc: amall. Oe. Kh.l.ial. rrlm Iti whslaaal. rle.i oar.U n. blth.r lhaa h. prlna labon. Lana crada A tanarallr wot! v sir; rrieaiuna. lac. Bailarfat BurlDi prlei: Pranlun. TO- fie: MO. 1, IT.IIc: KO. 3. 18c. Baltar.WhllUaala .iri. a i.v iv.t llbau, .c. Cbieara LleaelMk Chlcaao tnUit hot, took another umoio rrmar. in a err alow and un even market, price, war. la in an am lower on butcher, and K cntt to 11.00 on on joh. noma aaiaa ar hoaa welrh lnr more than 310 paunde ware down 60 to 76 centa. The hoa top waa 133.60 a hundred pounda, Salable hoaa totaled 6,500. Slaughter ale.rt and hellera ware about Heady. Cowt and bulla were alow and ateadr to fully 36 centa lower. Vealara war. aetlv. and eteady to 11.00 hither. Half a load of choice 1,160 pound ateera brouaht 638.00. Salable cattle receipt, wera 1,600 head, about 600 below .xptctattona. Salable aheap totaled 300. r.rlla.d LI.HUik Portland 01 rj Cattle far week 3TM market uneven. calvea for weak IM: n.rkat aanati aic.ay. Hot. for week 173S; market 50-75c hither. Sheep for week 676. Prtlaad laileUc Market Portland (UBNumber 1-A Deaehutei and Klamath Pal la rmiet potato! were quoted by wholesalera at 3.7ft4.36 a hun dredweight with name branda aell lnr at or aoove at Portland wholesale I Produce trading today. Ordinary quality were Taiuea at what handler! could 1 . Dealers at Redmond were reported only buying supplies when they have an order to fill. On the Eaat Side Farmers' market, radlshea ware five centa higher at 60 centa a dosen In volume lota; : rices for moat other seasonal produce Items held about steady. BODY RECOVERED Portland (U.PJ A body re covered Irom the Columbia river near Sauvie Island has been Identified as that of John Wendell Austin, 35, the coro ner's office said today. Austin fell into the Willamette river Dec. 13 while working as a lookout on a river barge. LEGALS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE Bush Street, from Commercial Street to Ssginaw Street NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose snd In tention to Improre BUSH STREET, from the wet line of Commercial Street to the east line of Saginaw Street, In the city of Bslem, Marlon County, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing aatd portion of said street to the established grade, providing drainage, constructing .cement concrete curbs, and paving aald portion of si Id street with a 3'i Inch aaphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feet wide, In accordance with the plana and apeclflcatlona there for which were adopted by the common council April 13, 1963, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by thla reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plana and specifications may be examined by any Interested party. The common council hereby declares tta purpose and Intention to make the above described improve' ment by and through the atreet Improve ment department. Owners of property liable for the cost of making such Improvement mar file written remonstrance agalnat the same with the city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication of thla notice. By order of she common council April 13, 1963. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Date of first publication April 17, 1953. Date of final publication May 1. 1953. April 17. 24. May 1 DIRECTORY EXCAVATING Ben Otjen k Bona. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 3-3QB0. 0113' FURNITURE ECFINISH1NG Furniture reflnishlng, repairing. Rd gsr Brock, 664 Horway St. Phone 38367. o-M INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Ph. 3-5986. Ol"' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pull line new magtressea. Ph. 3-4069. ej OFPICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, (llesf filing supplies, safes, duplicators, lUPPllet, desk lamps, lype wrltr stands. Roen, 41-6 Court. ' SHARPENING AND REl'AIR SERVICE Obert'a Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knives, aheara. bl cvcies and small motors. Ph. 34H or 451. llth and "D" Ms. ol WPTIiTANks Ramal'a a.ptle tanka .l.anaO, line aervlea. Ouaranteeo work. Phone 1-1101. ! Mlke'a Eeptle Olerrlre. Tanka cleaned. D rooler cleana aewera, dratni. Phone 1-0166 ollO1 Sewer, aaptic tanka, oralna cleaned. Ro-to-Rootar Bewer 8er.lf.. Phon. 1-6)21. a' L. W. Caudle, aprarlne and prunlof. Phone 1-I1C1. 0106' TYPEWRITERS mlth. Corona. Remlniton, Royal. Un derwood portablea All make, nied machine.. Rrpalra Ji rent. Roen, 466 Court. . TKuYiaioN Prompt television and service. Phone 4-5911, day or nlghl. radio repair 113 Market. ollB Venetian bund launurv CanMeld's Laundry. Pepsin. Reflnish lng. 1440 . 13th. Ph. 4-5403. Pick-up. s,n;rNiNQ Acme Window Cleanara. Induitrlal noor wailnt. houaerleanlnt. Phone J-33JT 147 Court. ADD1NO MACniNIS All make, uaed marhlnea aolrt, rentad. repaired. Roen. 466 Court. Ph 3-6773. O. W. KLANO Wrecklnt Co. Butldera' cep auppll.J. t-"76S evenlnaa. alia nt:Li.no7.iNo PulMorlnt, road eL.rlni t.alh. Vtrgll Hmlrr. 1010 Palrvlew. rn. 1-114. ol3l : CASH RCOISTiai Initant deiu.rj ar n.w RCA ea.h rM(,t,. ah malea. Bold, ranted. paired. Roen, 464 Court. Ph. 3-677) CUSTOM PARM WORK Plowlna. daftelne. a.edlhe. Ford .Quip, ment. Iter, lull, 4311 tlark.t. Phone 1-1141 O106 IIRPSSMAKINO Aiteraliona, hernalKehlnt, b u 1 1 a a I, burklea coTered, btittonholea. lira. H M Allend.r. 1-6611 old.' DRmNo'lNSTRIJCTION I-esrn to drlte the "Kai Drive" way. can or see air eineiiina, valley mo- tor Co., Salem. Phone 1-3147 or ,,c t', J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon FOR SALE HOUSES SUBURBAN EAST $22,500 t bedrooma, full baiament, I tlreplacaa. IS acree, doubt, laraae. lfa lmpoaalbla t .aplaln all the added feature, contained In Ihe home. If you ar. looklni for full value In a lane bom. call an thla on. today. ENGLEWOOD - N. 18th St. $9,900 I bedrooma. fireplace, full hajement, auu. furnace. A real bur la a dandy location. SUBURBAN EAST $6,950 1 blocka cut of 4-Oorntrt, I badroomi, alt. taraae, larit corner lot. Need redtcorailm In and out. I mm, pouauion. Ternvj, f course, are offered on all proper! tea advertUed. If you ar aiktnt a aeniftiie price, we can aell your properly. Coniult Kllaore If you wlah to aell. CLAUDE KILGORE REALTOR & AUCTIONEER 14S N. CAPITOL EVE. PH. 4375S PH. 4-6082 Open House by Owner SAT. & SUN. - 2 TO 6 P.M. 1060 N. 13th Large living room. Large dining room. Large kitchen, lots ef builtins. 3 large bedrooms. Bath with built-in lav. Fireplace. William T. J. Foster HOME 1540 OLIVE ST. , it you plan to buy or SSLL A HOME, FARM OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS rears Satisfactory Service LARGE FAMILY HOME 3,1100 So.. Ft. of happy home life in thla three year old View Home that has everything to be desired, for convenience and Four lsrge bed rooms, 3 baths. Walk-in closets. The huge living room hm floor to celling view windows as has the dining room, Large breakfast nook in the work-saving kitchen. Folding doors to the rear patio. The full dsyllaht basement Is finished like the upstairs and contains a large recreation room with a comfortable fireplace. There is also a complete summer kitchen in the basement. Automatic Oil Heat and Air Conditioning, Double insulated and weathers tripped. The glorious view over Mountains. City and Valley can never be obstructed. Ter rfA rit.vir hixia. Horinklpr avxtem. The owner has over $25,000 In this lovely home, for quick sale 120.000 1 asked and will take a small er home in trade as down payment. Just give us a ring and we will pick you up and ahow you thla extraordinary bargain. Call Today. la-uurr apartment Near State House and Shopping Center. Over 110.000 annual gross Income. Property in excellent condition. Never any vacancies. Aged owner desires to retire and will sell for 65,0O0. Take house up to 110,000 and $16,000 cash. Balance mortgage. If you're looking for Income property with top returns, better call ui at once. This is unusual. V Severin Realty Company 335 N. High St. Dial 4-5943; Eve. 2-5695, 3-3292 FOR SALE HOUSES TRADES! WILL TAKE TRAILER Seller will accept trailer house In trade on 1-bedroom home on third of acre with apple and cherry trees. Priced at 15,400. Low down payment and easy monthly payments. NEED 3 BEDROOMS? Owner will take in 1 or 3 -bed room place on Maer type s-oearoom nomr on nice lot. or win am .or o.jw w contract with good terms. Make your offer. WANTS NEAR McKINLEY If you have a I or 4-bedroom home with basement In that ares, let us know. Our customer has 4 bedrooms with banement on Hansen to trade. The price Is 114.750. NEEDS LOT SOUTH Owner of 3-bedapom ranoh style home will take In trade lot valued at around 11 00n, and located near Balem Height school. His lovely 113,750 home Is in that vicinity. PLENTY OF LOTS Horth OlalM. M00. Rtthlsnd and B. Vincents district, flOsiao. l.4oo. North Winter, 44x194. tl.SOO. View ! lot aotith, I0X33, ll.OOO. West Salem view. 111x116. fl.ftOO. (OOURTBBY TO BROKER. RAMSEY REALTY MM H. Com'l Office 4-3U Sve. and Sim. Jtm Ramsey, 4-1SV6 a!04 PRICE REDUCED TO $B260 On this very nice a Rm. home. Bed rmi. are large and this home Is in excellent, condition inside and out. Ail. garaae, patio and large lot Hex 111. P AIK MONT HI1.L I Bed Rm. home only A9ftO. All an one floor. Very elean. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 If. Hlah Phone 4S4I3. fce. 14. 4I&4J, 7S29, 27401 a!04' BY OWNER Bnglewood, English at rig t bedroom, living room, den, dining room, nook, tile bath, full basm't, sawdust furnace, fireplace, psllo, detached aarsge. Full prtr 113,760. will go F.H.A. 630 Thompson Ave. BIOS' It ROOMS, I bath, furnace, furniture. 60.600. 1173 4th Rt. 4-3JIB0. a!06' ALL RLKrTRIC, 1 bedroom houie, 14S6 Perrr, Phone 1-1011. 1-J475. alo" IMA CHOU1.D io Of. Real neat. 1 bdrma. 13.13 each, laa. bath, tnelde utility .atlached aaraae. plua aeparate .hop, 76.3'lf. lot, Plntr i r that aarden. Pd. at., one 14114 work of apace foi block lo bua at atore. Call ED. 3-6680. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 4S3 r HlSh - Fe. J-B704 B104- BXf.RLI.KNT m'f-NfSr Uslle school.! LEGALS NOT ICR TO 'KK!TOR Notice Is hereby liven Ohal the under- I slened hss been, br an order of the! Circuit Court of the Mate of Ores on for Marlon Ctmnty. been appointed Ad ministrator of the Mate of Orcie O. Wearer, deceased. All persons he vine; clsima aiainst the estate of Dyrle O. Wester, dcrsed. art hereby notified to present the earnr Terlfled as required by law, to the underlined. AtHminntratfir o! the Est ate, at tht law olflcM of Wlnnlcn At Dlmlca, 40a Pacific Bids , Rnsehura , Oreion, within in months from; the due of this nntire DATKD and first published ttiis lotn day of April, mi. WUbert D, Wearer. Administrator of the Fstati of Drcle O. Wesver. deceeed April 1ft. 17. 34. Ml 1. 1SI. fc Jo U mO I Waflt AtjS Pay FOR SALE HOUSES Hardwood floors. Automatic Sandberg furnace. Attached plastered garage. Lrge lot. Block to Hi & Jr. Hi school. Close to bus. BUILDER PH. 23800 FOR SALE HOUSES Klumpp s EXCLUSIVE HOMES" 3 BEDROOMS Writ located In this 4-year-old home with hsrdwood floors, nice sued bsth and large kitchen with plenty of built ins. Located In the north end o town. Good sized lot. This can be han died for 91500 dn. and fflfl per month including Interest, taxea ana lire in surance. 'WEST SALEM A neat 3 -bedroom home with living room and kitchen, Inside utility. This house is plasterer), anoui i years and very well constructed. Total price 140(0. "SUBURBAN LIVING" on this 3' . acres, very well lcoaled, with 3 wells. This home has 3 bed rooms, living room with good fire place, dining room, kitchen, and sun porch. Also a good fire alsrm system. A full bssement with automatic saw dust hest piped to eanh room. A a ood lined fruit cellar and a double ea rs. Total price (WfiOO. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor JOftS Portland Rd. Ph. 3-143 Rvr.. Richard 3-3MU. al04 XEIZER DlflT 1 B R. home on a lot 100x130 ft. Good well. $MH with II S00 down. 3-BEDROOM HOME Older type 3-bedroom house close In on North 16th St. Lot 13x155 ft. Hsi city Waaler or own well. fM0 with S down. LIVE IN ONE Rent the other. Close to at. Joseph's ehurrh on N. Winter at. One 3-B R. house, full bsmt., lee. llr. rm., oak firs., fireplace. Also mod. J-rm. hou with full bsmt. on same lot. double garase. 134.100 with 113.000 down will handle. BURT FICHA IT N. High Bt. Office: f-4047 Allan Fletcher: 3-3708 el04 KP.I7.FR Dl.trlrt: Beautiful new 3-bed-room home with dinette, larae ll.lnt room. Inalde utllltr, forced air heat. Will lake late car or pickup In trade. 4-47. 1-1177. , altr. 4-rfiiroom houee, choice Joe. Hon. call 4-4604. .106 64,ftMI 1-bedroom home, pert!? fur nished. Phone i-il1. atos- JftT" OWMRr Nearll new 1-bedroom home. 1360 Towniend War. a 100 bwNr.R"wtl.l."aell nice 1 bedroom home. Located neat 10 Klnewood, Waat Sa lem. Ha, nice aard.n apace. IfrttOO with t.fmi. Phone 45470. am' Br oWNFR. new 3 bedroom ranch trpe houee. In at. Vincent dl.trlct Phone fe - ru!.l,rl j room, HPJ) one half bed re of good soil. Just sub- .bi. Ressensole terms. Ph. , . 4.13 n. nun imr HUDKINS BUY LINES BRAND NEW Choce Tour own rolora. Beautiful rsnrn-fpe l-beilrm. hume. Dot. bath, birch kill-hen. If llvlna rm. with pic lure inflows, relied fireplace hearth, dinir.s rm.. entranre hall. 15x33 parly room uh f irMl. Bath and Idy. rm in b-ml Obi. aarsie. Within two bora. nf new . ffslem Hlah School, Yfi ff-'iid noi build thla house your itelf fnr llm Chas. Hudkins & Son RKALTORJt- 0 ff Huh Ut. Ph. t-41 Ph, Kves. l-ftiao alOiV i)UFl TRANHMRRrn 3-bvlroom vifw n'T. I fireplaces. I plumb Ini p:vrnom dnuhle israBe. Ressnn eb.e. 10I 3 Poreat HUH Way. ai0" PS FOR SALE LOTS DOWNS AVB. 81000, eorn.r lot 100H10 Eie.ll.nt vl.w of rlty At mine. Tree., in city. Ph. 34667 av.a. aaloa1 BBAI'TIFl'L VIEW LOT In trade for your Multy In your hou... Phone 41671 aalM LOTS ISO ft. One of the tew remaining choice m i iivc arts. Keieor lot. Blillv. Small down pay men. on 9000 price. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS HO K. Blah St. Ph. 1-4136 Ph. CVM. t-6160 aaioo LOT Must, no voitrlctloni. Ilectrl city. North. 1476 and 6850. 110 down. aio a aio. 3-Mii, sve. j-6613. aa!05' LARGE HOME altee In beautiful Kini- woon neiinta, 61.000 up. Eaay ternia. Se. owner. Phone 3-8413. aal05 FOR SALE FARMS SILVER TON HILLS FARM! 117 acres slightly rolling loam soils! I excellent roads lo farml Routs & services ef every ktndl 3 story home completely renovated recently! Big barn, hen bouse k usual outbids I 0 A. thriving oats, 13 A. fescue. M A. wooded pasture! I great springs creek! Family fruit garden! Un usually handsome homeslte with wide, sweeping vlewl Owner will take Salem area home cash or aell. Price la only 23.0001 C. W. eTTULLER, JsJtr.. Salem, Ore. a Edgewater St. Fh. MS57 or 45733 bl 3tl ACRES, mountain home. Ideal resort prospfici for horseback riding, fishing, hunting. room modern house, light plant, fine land, fenced, cross fenced. meadows, several large springs, good water, x reservoir prospects, range rights, 3 small sswmllls. Umber, farm macninerv, small 'Cat', Jeep; in South ern Oregon. Total price $35,000. Terms. Write to Ivan W. Farmer, Rt, 1. Box wftO. Ashland, Oregon. bl05 20 Acres IRRIGATED of very good sol). All under Irriga tion. All well drained soil, mostly Willamette Silt. Located .north on paved road, ft mile to stores, school bus by door. Buy this one with or without buildings. The owner will trade for 3 to ft acres with buildings or sell on easy terms. Evening Phones S.lSM or M341 REALTOR PHONE 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. FOR SALE ACREAGE llf.,600 TEN beautiful acres, north, all in crop, goon s-onrm. jaigiian style home with full bastnt., lots of flowers, shrubs k trees. Call PECK 3-OflSO. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. HIGH Eve. 1-613 bblOV $500 DOWN buy Vt acre In Prlngle district, south with 3-BR home nearly comolfted Chicken hiss., fences, garden in. $6960 tun price. $800 DOWN buys 1 acre near Oervals, north, with l-room hue. 103-lt. drilled well, chick n hse, 3-car garage, owner called to service. $32Mt on terms or take good offer for cash. 10 ACRES Northwest, with old 2-br. home, etream, good outbldgs, $7600 full price, 1 ACRE PLUS On ME north. Ideal location for trailer court or cabins. Has lovely shade trees. Older a -bed room homi Good well. 110,000. Might consider trade for rentals In Hollywood dlst, B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wsllace Rd. Fh. 4-8363 bhlO.V REAL ESTATE $500 LOTS Just two tot ether and rery a ood. Aeelnt Is bcllevlne. Business Location In buslnws aone 1 la property lo csted at 209 fllate fit. Two-bedroom olrirr type home, drp lot with alley. Plesse do not disturb tenants. G. I. Approved fa this two-bedroom Plastered home with hardwood floors thruoiit. oyer S00 so. ft. of floor apace with Inside utility room, attached aaraec, fenced-in back ysrd with swings for the kiddles. A very mod buy for only i7!)(io, $1500 DOWN Ens lis Ii type 1 'i-story home with full bsjiemrnt, three bedrooms, fire place, Enalewood district, nesr schools, quick possession. Money To Loan Want two or three lood fsmllr homes to place losns on t 5 up to lift. 000 easy repayment terms up to 30 yeara If needed. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. JM18 Kve. 17111 CI04- C. W. REEVE coast nan ino resort excellent location, hlahway front ate. Ent hse., dock, boats, motors, t settle, t apts., also beautiful home on 1 A. of besiillfully landscaped around. Ideal location for mo.el. Owner will eonlder some trade, priced at onlr 3 5,00. WANT A OOOD FARM? 60 A. of Wllamelte soil, located north. All under cult. Old home but In excellent repair, also lots of out bides, and i ood well, could do some trrleetint. This Is a food farm and priced al only 119.000. t-RDRM. NORTH New 1-bdrm. home, lee. LR, St DR., fireplace, beautiful kitchen A nook. Forced air hest. .Insulated. This Is a lovely home on lie. lot and priced at only S00. I ACRE Mere la an Ideal sr.rease only I miles out, Oood hse., ear. U chicken hse. Oood water svaiem. Only fflnoo. WOO DOWN l-bdrm. hse. with small attic, lee. tar., loono.ft. lot. Pull prlre 141m. Ksay payments. C. W. R Bit VI, REALTOR 1M0 Mission Bt. Ph. J4ft0 Be. 3 SMS or 4M4f f!04 Circle This We can seldom offer a value like this 111.500 burn modern 3 Br. home wiih spar guest room. Entire interior dec orated In harmonlxtng colors. Ms (ch ina drapes Included. Unusual fire Plare. Dinlnt room with built-in book aheivea. Bltuated on 13500 lot In Fair mount Hill district. Below Appraisal fe this fine 3 Br. home on well land scaped lot. Belling for I7lft0. Apprais ed FHA 18500. Bpotless. Clone lo bus Read alt the ads. Where can you find another home aelllnr so far below professional appraised value? Tlien call Ul 11610 Palrarniirida Bnad Ph 4-3366 (te. 4-1701 I.8MS 4 4671 lOt- REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials i LOCATED ON 1IIU. CREEK 1 !. prnklln. ar.t.m Ura. Pall. - Shaa. Tr,,I Complata In avarr d.taU. War aptwlatmant CALL ROY TORli co-op. Broker. BAROAIN - TWO EPACKXJB BDRtitV Cut. I ,r. old hom.. 11, rm., 16121, IS aata plba., tlraplac. approi. lot , it. now laduaaA t. 613,600 Jar aillc CALL PETER H. OET8ER. " CHOICE HOME IN CHOICE LOCATION Qualllr. .harm. oa..alaaea In Inla S tirm. bom., parllallr floorad attic that could ka flnlahad lata I mor. bdrma. At bath. Lovalr Ut. rm. with Roman arltk Ilraplata. kltch.n with dla. at... full bath with ahowar, utllltr room. Iba alnala aaraia. Auto-oll lorcad air lurnaca. OALL J. X. LAW. J606 STATE STREET No. I Bualoaw Zona. Lot lOlxM eornar lot. Waal (or Bu,mM D..lopment. Hou.. with 1 apti. Prle, 6CW0. 61006 oown. Balanc. 600 p.r month. CALL O. H. ORABEWHORST. JR. TERMS niUVDIATE POSBEBSION ... 11000 Down I Bdrma. Mo. Bualnwa Eon. 60760 00 61000 Dowl 1 Bdrma. 1 Yaara Old 6M90M 6 T60 Down I Bdrma. U6t North 4th OHraat 11090.00 CALL H. X. LATMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit s. Lib.rtr at. Ph. i-mi v.alnoa a, ftandara oall f Rot Parrla 1-6010 J. E. Law 1-1 in p.t.r . i-oooi . K. Larmon 1-1660 , REAL ESTATE CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 LULLABY HOME AUONO THE WHISPER INO Pill TREES In a btautlful auburban araa. Lara. LR. f.rm trp. kltch.n, 1 bdrma., l.raaa. VERY NICE HOME for 1"S0. TERMS. CALL DAVID, Eva. ph. 41101. RICH MAN'S ESTATE AT A POOH UAN'R PRtri Beautiful FRENCH COLONIAL 3 -bed room w den. Home on 3 4 acres ol land, Large 30x40 hobby shop or party room. Shetland pony barn and many other nice features. LET ME SHOW IT TO TOU. CHEAP AT 133.900, CALL DAVID. sTVE. PH. 41703, LOOK HERE " A' LOT FOR THE MONEY IMME DIATE POSSESSION PARTLY FUR NISHED, Lara. Itv. rm. A kltch.n eomb. 1 bdrm., alnol, taraaa. Beau tiful corner lot. ALL FOR $33f0. T FIRMS, SEE MRS. OOLEflBRE, EVE. PH. 26379. SUBURBAN BEAUTY HAS dream kitchen, large dinette, comfortable Uv. rm., 3 good-alied bedrooms, oil heat. hdwd. firs., ga rage. Large lot. Total price l50. OOOD TERMS, SEE MM. OOLEft BEE, EVE. PH. 35371. Possible $450 Down CJTB STARTER HOME on 1 .era 1 bedroom with large wardrobe aloe- ei. Knotty pine paneled llvlrur room Nice clean kitchen. 64-ft. well. TOTAL " ICE S4BM. See HARRY YAH DORN. rn, i iwa. . 62 ACRES OH KIOHWAT KBAR ILVsTRTOK. 41 A. In cult., bal. good pasture, a. bdrm. modern home, large barn, an Ilk hse, city water, fruit. A OOOD BUY FOR 111.000. TERMS. SEB T. T. AHUSKBUN, KVS. PH. 43714, 37 ACRES .BY 1 A. nice orchard stterrles. pears, peaches, spring water, l-rm home with full basmt. Js furnace. Barn. 3-car garage, about 40,000 ft. of saw umtoer, tractor toola ao at $14300 , Terms, terms. WOULD CONSIDER TRADE FOR NKAR RUE URBAN. BEE Te T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 49714, 5 ACRES Kait on Bunnyrlew near Lancaster, ood home. 3 bdrms.. LR. DR. kitchen. baV) down, unfinished up. Variety tree fruit, small barn, chicken hse. Price 111,600. BEE T. X. ANTJBRJBON, SVF., PH. 43714. U ACRE With ond one.lvtrm jhk hAnn T.R kitchen. hth rm mra.. mu N.r. ALL OARDFN .SOIL. PRICE 13500 and move risht In for M00 down. SES T. T. A1TOERSON1 EVE. yji. ei7ie. DAVID .41703 VAN HORN - 41705 OLFSBKE - 97f ANDBRBON - 4WT14 orricE DIAL HOME & INCOME Vary attractive ouplex, completely rnlshed with extra nice furniture. Deafened to look like a large ranch home. Ahadv lot with 100 ft, frontage faces a park. Extra 4 rm. furnished home Ar S-car aaraae In the rear. Price llfl son LIKE NEW br. home with garden space In W. Balem, Close to school At bus. Only , NORTH SIDE Have yon been looking for a large ell planned 5-rm.. late built home llh fruit At nut trers and garden spoil1 On bus line. Price HO.ftOO. EASY MONEY For 131. MM we ean ahow you an In come properl y that la pa rlnr IA4O0 snn. Owner Uvea out of town. For In formation. Cell Bon Cleary. WALTER MliWIRAVE R FA I, TO HA 1311 Fdiewater 35109. Eve. I693t clOV UTURE HAPPINESS will be assured In this new 3-bedroom deluxe home on West Rural. Drarie A hardwood floors, economical wall furnace, enchanting kitchen with larve eatinx area, llvlna room with pure. window overlooking city, best oetjtjtotrkt, close to city arhoole, larae garden area, not built to aell, but own er has had to make other plans. 11500 down buys It with Immediate posses sion. Total prlre 1 10,500. Bee HARRY VAN HORN, FVW. 4-178. OFFICE DIAL TRADES OWNER WANTS TO TRADE his i br. home, south, at 34150, tor 3-br. close to Valley Packing Co. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE hla lale bulit S-br. home, east, at 13350, for latter with basement. Also will take late model car. OWN PR WANTS TO TRADE his lereer Csndaiarla home at 913.500, tear close In late built 3-br. WANCHER WANTS TO TRADE his 70 acres with late built ranch type home located east, at 131. 500, for In come property around the same price. Wants action on account of health. SUMMERS REALTOR 1735 "TAT ST. PH. 1-4601 ANY T1MP. f 104 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 K 44494, 2-4552 A LMT 11 1.11 I Pag is RIAL ESTATE hair.. aN.IAni.i u . . a REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES f, Wl NIED L18TINOS, partleularli hlahar priced homea and 611 typa wltb 'T low down paymenta. Stop - Here's Value! 1-bedroom home with basement - Katra Vi beth. Bus by door. 3 blka. to school. 100 z loo lot. City water. New'4 roof. J-ear aaraae. Price Is only KftOO. - Beat This Gorgeous Home Tt'a really super. Braathtaklnf view. "2 Ooraeous rooms, fujl baths. Lovely T wall to wall carpets throughout. Ixtra 7 lane dining room. Lovely fireplace ? In llvlna; room plus an extra in the f beautiful den. Thla la no doubt one f of Ihe finest homes on tht market. Price la only 135,000. How's Your Eyesight? If rou ean see snd ludte values,,. tou souldn't miss on this one. Com- T PletMy remodeled Inside. Brand new 7 oil furnace. Fireplace. Bpaelous Uytni- J and dlntnf room. Hair wiring nnd ? Plumbing. kUveral walnut trees. 4 1 bedrooms. Pull price noo. J You'll Always Hurry J .Home . - K you should buy this one. 's.eT4y.J I unusually lsne b-dxooms. Beaut 11 nil Ulsd bathrooms plus extra bath.T Flreplavce. Located near Leslie aehooLl Oorntr lot. Parr loom in baaemant.1 tatSffi Bit oil heat. Automatic sprincllng system. Z Consider trade n nlco tunaUer homo I r Income property. Full price aai.loo, I - WANT TO RETIRE? 1 It m, hara'a an lwaael propartr U Tou U manage, ll-room hotel plus ant., 1 light - housekeeping room, 1 tj ranted for otflcs. lilcs living ttuaTterai for owner. Mew U fumacg. Ownvri ' will consider horaa aa part pay-nan. Pull priest only aM,o00. . ,(, t 4,-PLEX Completely turnlahad. Very daalrakla4 location. Bxtra lot for parking. Extra bldi. for storaia and utility. A reaU buy for 13,700. Terms. . , Grocery Sacrifice Vnulp. has been reduced to 97,000,$ Inventory at cost. Very desirable loos- tloa and lease. Owner forced to sell quickly. Established many yrs. Apprx. volume about UO.OOfl nsr mo. uh.ln4 leaves rent almost nil. Better hurry ii you want in is one. JCALL FOR DAN OBAAK. KVE. PH. or MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-S404. la. no answer, csli 4-334. 7 5-ACRE DANDY ' J Close Jn east. Very good modem 4 bedroom home. Basement. New ahlek4 en house, garage, milk house. Pears. cherries, walnuta, strawnerrlet. Pull i Fries 111,700. 3 ACRES Bsst of aoli. Extra modern kome an scellent eondltlon. Excellent vwrlefty of fruit. Fine yard. Onlr 10 miles from Balem. Price It only HM. BERRIES I A. atrswberrles. 11 A. tansber rles. Balance of land In clover, wheal and pasture. 50 A. total with 44 under eullivstlon. All under Irrigation. Over 3000 ft. irritation pipe. Very good modern 3-bedroom home. Onion house, machine shed, tool house. Full pries It only 134.000. Better get It In lima lo harvest tht berries. CALL FOR MR. LEA VKNfl, EVE. PEL 1-47IS. if no answer, call 4-334. MORTOAOE LOAN 10-Year Maturity i1 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4 -Bill or 1-7130 J 3034 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones; 1-4735, 4-5434, 1 4-3633, 4.5010 ST I-3AAI K ao answer, phone 4-3341 i tl04 , jT 10-UNIT COURT $15,000 ell or trade for home or acreage. , Nearly completely furnished. Approi. 34 yrs. old. Considerably below actual value as owner anitous to aell Immc diatelr. Terms or discount for cash. . APPROX. y4 ACRE-aMIO DN. 5 yrs. old. 3-br. modern home, full ' concrete foundation. Paved streets. Onlr 5330. TRADE ACREAGE FOR NOME U.arre. with Ifl.vr -nlii nlutattat C br. home. East. Variety of fruit, barn and pasture. 17390, or trade for 3-br. , home tn city around same value or, less. Cell Nell Knlttrl. Eve. ph. 43310. FURNISHED HOME 1600 DOWN ' M0 mo, Immediate possession. I br., Uv. rm., ktt. and bath. Att. garage. corner lot. liflftO. New3-Bedr.; Only 11100, eitre large kitchen and dinette. Larea utility room. Irfe liv ing room. Lota of atoragespace. Forced air oil furnace. Paved St. and close -to arhool and bus. 1VL- ACRE and g clean and neat small home fnr only 13000 00. 1500 00 down, easy " monthly payments. Oood garden spot, . It minutes to downtown. $250 DOWN I42&0 full price, 3-bedroom home In cluding kitchen ranae, oil circulator and a daveno. In good repair and Im-n mediate posseSHlon. In fast e rowing district of NI. Salem. Larae lot. -i Close to school. reimann ;; REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml a. Hlah It. Phone 1-1101 . Phon. Kv.nln.66 ftn4 aundar 4-171 1-1461 . 4-136 . 1-47 4-631 . 1-334 w M ;! 'o ii i! n li d 'I t