Friday, May 1, 1953 May Day Set At Gervais High Gervali Coronation of Queen Betty Hall will feature May Day exercises at Gervais high school in the auditorium at 8 p.m. Friday, May 1. A track meet is scheduled by the grade school Friday morn ing to be followed in the after noon by a baseball game be tween the Gervais Cougars and the Sublimity Saints. Baccalaureate services will be held at the high school May 10, and graduation exercises will be in the auditorium May IS. Valedictorian of the senior class at Gervais high school this year is Hoger Gratsingcr. Sharing honors as salutatorians Leith. Seniors who will give addresses are George Lanning, Arnold Schmidt, Carolcne Clark and Jean Manning. Other members of the senior class are: Patty Dunn, June Ethell, Lu cille Schindler, LaVerne and HONOR STUDENTS AT GERVAIS HIGH J '"'IT 1 1 - ledictorian of the senior class at Gervais high school this year. Betty Hall and Richard Leith, rom left, will share honors as aalutatorians. Miss Hall also has been chosen as May Day queen. mi.. l.itoH rfracd ' in nnv t I I i He mild otje, .... w rj Pmirf lfllK Order iniToepfer $100 damage, as well Woodburn Dispute The county court has signed an order closing the matter of. Jury Acquits Dr. 5. R. Smith Millie Plumb. Ruth Roeser, Betty Robinson, and Shirley Vandehey, Frank Adams, Frank Belleque, Frank Block, Roy Cuff, Donald Green, Bennie Greer, Millard Henny, Frank Muth, Donald Klecyzenski, Vir- of A. B. Toepfcr for the bene-jhe ,tates was the money lost fit of Frank Stasney. gil Lucas, Patrick McMannus, Bill Paulson, Gary Thomas, Douglas Pearson and Lloyd Young. when he laid off a day from bis carpenter work to be present at his place when the viewers were supposed to be there. The viewers failed to show up, Toe pfer claims S P 0 R T S . 1 1 1 1 -T"zt 1 II y I ak fiV I II 1 vv fv-t mm as all costs involved in the,' ir.miFiinn which totalled an additional $85.41. The proper-) Following deliberations of ty involved lies northwest of approximately three hours and Woodburn. la half, a Marion county jury TneDfer has presented tne 0t eight women and four men court with a bill of $16 which .returned a unanimous verdict of not guilty in connection with a charge of manslaughter involving Dr. Sherman R. Smith, Woodburn chiroprac tor. Dr. Smith was on the stand for a considerable length of time and vigorously denied that he had performed any sort of an illegal operation on the 87-year-old woman who had entered his office seeking assistance. The 65-year-old chiroprac tor made no attempt to hide his emotions when the verdict was read and before final ad journment was taken had shaken hands with his attor ney, Paul Burris, and each one of the jurors. The case was tried before Judge George R. Duncan. j Hog an Starts !SIW in Pan Am Mexico City (V-Ben Hogan, one of the greatest putters in golf Friday entered the second round of the $15,000 Pan American Open tournament hoping for a return of the touch that has won him vir tually every top prize in the game. . J Bantam Beti could do no bet ter than a four-way tie for fourth in the opening round Thursday with a par 72. Dave Douglas of Newark, Del., and Margarito Martinez, a Mexico City caddy, were tied for the lead as the field teed off on the second 18 holes. Each came through with a three under par 69. The only other player to break par was Art Wall of Honesdaye, Pa., who got home with 71. Al Zimmerman, the Pacific Northwest champion fro mi Portland, Ore., who shot the lowest warmup round on Wed nesday 67 had a 75, while Tommy Bolt of Maplewood, N. J., runner-up last year, got home with a 73. Stayton Drug Store Bought ' Stayton Sale of the Albus Drug store at 274 Third St., Stayton, to Ray Fitz of Salem was announced Saturday. Mr. Fritz will take posses sion of the business May 11 from Fred Albus, the former owner, who plans to retire. Mr. Fritz at present is man ager of the South Salem Phar macy. 1068 8. commercial si. He has been a resident of Sa lem for seven years coming there from North Dakota and Montana, During World War II Mr. Fritz served 27 months over seas as a captain with the First Ranger Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. He was 38 months in the service. Mr. Fritz is married and lives at present at 460 Ohmart St., in Salem, with his wife, Rosemarie, and three chil dren. Randy-, 6; Robyn, a daughter, 15 months; and Ron ald, two weeks old. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) r" """""' '" MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC'i Most Complete THevlaion Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Nirhi M61 lor 2-4728 Motorola TV FMDAT I is m.-aaarcb for Tomorrow y.10 p.m.-Lovo ol " 4 00 p.m. Trrr and FlralM 4:30 p.m.-Roir BMciri t:00 p.m. lco Kid J:S0 p.m.-Doug Edwards S:4S p.m. Tlmii or Bnr t oo p.m.-aporl 1:00 p.m.-Abotl and Coiti o 1:10 p.m.-You Ait'i '' 1:00 p.m. Bin Btory 1:30 p.m.-Dtnnli Dti 00 p.m. Ohno ol Ll(tlm :10 p.m. Adolph Menlou 10:00 p.m. Club ImbiMT 10:15 p.m. Bob considlnt i MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS ANTHONY EDEN BETTER London VP) The Foreign Office announced today that Foreign Secretary Anthony Edene "has gained some streng th following an operation Wednesday to remove fluid causing jaundice. Regalia of the peers at a British coronation include a fur cape on which are two rows of ermine for barons and viscounts, three for earls, three and a half for mar quesses and four for dukes. LEGALS Friday, May 1 Seabee reserves at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Saturday and Sunday. May 1-3 Organised Naval Air Reserve squadron AAU 893, at Salem Naval Air Facility. Rflll With WinnC Adcock, Milwaukee firit base PUII VI llll Ulliyj mani hoidg the ball he belted 475 fcet Into the center field aeata at the New York Polo Grounds the first time the feat has been accomplished ' In a regular game. In hla other hand he holds the bat he nsed for the tremendous third Inning wallop against tha Giants. The Bravei won the game, 3-2. (AP Wlrephoto) Jersey Joe Says Marciano Dirtiest Fighter tie s Met chio talked as if "the old guy" was going to concentrate on the body when he climbs through the ropes at Chicago two weeks hence. And Felix said it like a man who enjoyed tossing mud pies. "I think Marciano has had a bad rib," Felix insisted. "I think Joe busted one on him in their fight last September and I don't believe it has ever healed right. It's my opinion that was the reason for the postponement, not the nose." Punchy Puncher Serving advance notice that he would demand "protection" against Marcinno's alleged butting tactics, Felix com mnntrH raiistirnllv thai hn thought Rocky "is a little bill By OSCAR FRALEY Pleaaantvllle, N.J. -There waa anger In Jersey Joe Walcott's eyea today as he branded heavyweight Cham pion Rocky Marciano "the dirtiest fighter I ever met In (4 years of fighting." Jersey Joe, training in vir tual privacy for his return hot at the man who knocked him out last September, didn't want to start sliging mud as he sat in his closet-sized dress ing room having his hands bandaged. But the words tum bled out when he was needled about his quiet attitude. "You sound," one guy told the taciturn former champ, "like you were going out there io nave lea wiin me num. 'mnhv ..,. Didn't you learn anything the, -nut he can punch iaai lime IIIHI will neip you this time out?" Skull Punch "Sure I did." blurted Joe. "I learned he was the roughest and dirtiest fighter 1 ever fought. I learned he was a terrific butter and that's why I lost the fight. He butted me and cut my eyebrow open In the fifth round. He hit me harder during the fight than he did with that knockout punch in the 13th round, but the blood was In my eve and 1 didn't see the punch coming." With that, the man every-! body calls "the old guy,"1 bounced Into the rina and hammered three spar mates with everything In the book. One of them, a big fellow ealled Mat Anderson, bled pro fusely from the nose, but the needled Joe just kept batter ing his head. Leaky Beak The half dozen spectators In the tiny cinder-block gymnas ium figured, off his workout, that Old Jersey was preparing for an attack on Marclano's nose, the celebrated cut ichnozzle which caused post ponement of the fight from April IS to May 15. Yet, standing on the side lines, Manager Felix Bocchlc- Carter to Meet Araujo June 12 New York (U.R) Lightweight champion Jimmy Carter will risk his crown against No. 1 contender Georgia Araujo at New Yorks Madison Square Garden on June 12, the Inter national Boxing Club announ ced today. IBC President Jim Norris Araujo of Providence, R. I., said contracts have been signed calling for Carter to receive 42 Vi per cent of the gate and Araujo of Providence, R. I., ITVt per cent. The managers of both fight ers still are negotiating the split of the television fees. Jersey Joe's pilot admitted. So what Walcott's plan of attack will be remained some thing of a mystery. But there was no quetsion that he was fit. For he' now has done 100 rounds of boxing and 450 miles of road work in preparation for what will be his last Cin derella chance. You get the feeling, talking to him, that he is tense and just a bit drawn. The post ponement cost him some of his edge, yet you don't envy Mar ciano when "the old guy" says: "I been praying." ' I Even at his age, it's a loo," helluva parlay. NOT1CB Or INTENTION TO IMPROVK Mtirgareit street, from Engle Avenue to the Went city Llmlti Line NOTICE HEREBY IS OlVEN that the common rounctl of the city or Salem. Oregon, deema it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and In tention to Improve MAROARETT STREET, from the west line of Enrle Avenue to the vest city limits line. In the city of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley intersections, the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, providing drain age, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said atreet with a 2i inch asc-haltlo concrete pave ment 30 feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council April 13, 1053. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and apeciflcatlons mar ba examined by any interested party. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and inten tion to make the above described lm provement by and through the atreet improvement department. Owners of property liable for the coat of making auch improvement may file written remonstrance against tha same with the city recorder at any time with in ten days after tha final publication of this notice. By order of the common aouncll April 11, 1SJ. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. Data of first publication April 17, 1K5.1. Data of final publication May 1, 1S63. Apr. 17, 34, May 1 Monday, May 4 Organized Marine Corps reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Deserve tralnliiR center. Company B, 162nd Infantry regi ment, and headquarters detach ment, Oregon National Guard, at Salem armory. 8414th VAR squadron at ORG armory. Oregon Mobilization designation detachment No. 1, at ORC armory. Active Duty Spot! Durinit the months of Mav and June there will be active duty officer vacancies for 2.807 volun teer Air Reserve officers, 2,163 of them pilot and 644 observers. Officers selected for these va cancies will be assigned to Air Force units within the continental limits of the United States for at least six months before they be come eligible for overseas duty. Further information on the va cancies and the grades and re quirements are available at Fourth Air Jrorce headquarters. Arrives in Korea With the 45th Infantry Division In Korea Pvt. David P Wright whose wile makes her home in Salem, Oregon at 225 Cummlnus Lane, has recently arrived here for duty with this division. A Jeep uiiyc, ui iieauquarcers company of the 120th medical battalion Wright entered the Army In Sep- icwuer, iwoa ana received his Dasic at uamp picKett, va. He was an employe of the Trask Lumber company at Tillamook. Oregon, twivi w entering uie service. Rotates to Japan Yokohama Mai. Vance O. Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Smith, Independence, Oregon, has been rotated to Japan and joined uie uppiy secuon oi tne Armed Forces, Far East hr-dquarters, after 11 months of Knrpn t. major, who came to the Far Fjist io monLns ago ana served In Ko rea with the Eighth Army head quarters, was commissioned earlv in world war II and in that vmr served wun ine Hixui Army In the Southwest Pacific and the Philippines. He has the Bronze Star Medal and the Commenda tion Ribbon. The wife and son of Smith are making their home in cuKeiie. LEGALS " Can ba ealvaS If mm year leeatlan la B:j II , bad. Call as f jjl J ? we'll da ear bast fesj Sjhwet good pie- y CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 428 COURT 1120 CENTER SATURDAY 10:00 ft.m. Kld nd Co. 11:00 m. Talent Patrol 11:30 am. S Victory 13:00 noon Horse Rftcintr 13:30 p.m. Data wiin juar 1:00 p.m. Sport enow 1:15 p.m. Kentuckr Derby 1:48 p.m. Port Bhow 1:00 p.m. Lon Rimer 3:30 p.m. Arthur Godfrey 4:00 p.m. TV Ton Club 4:30 p.m. BUhop Bheen ft:30 p.m. Superman :00 p.m. All Stir Revna :0D p.m. Show of Showi 7:30 p.m. Hit Parade 1:00 p.m. Jackie Glens on 0:00 p.m. I've a Secret 0:30 p.m. Wreatllm Heidllnei 10:00 p.m. Balance Burin et 10:30 p.m. Boston Blaclcle 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. North 11:30 p.m. Naah Theater SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. It Came to Pas 0:30 a.m. Frontier of Faith 10:00 a.m. Candy Carnival 11:00 a.m. Tht It the Life 13:30 p.m. Omnibus 3:00 p.m. Three Guenet 3:15 p.m. Art Link letter 3:00 p.m. Invitation Playhouit 3:30 p.m. Private Secretary 4:00 p.m. Comedy Hour 6:00 p.m. Fred Warlna 630 p.m. Mr. Peeper 8:00 p.m. Red Skelton 0:30 P.m. Wh Ufa My Llnef 7:00 p.m. tudlo One 8:00 p.m. TV .Playhouse 0:00 p.m. The Doctor 0:30 p.m. The Web 10:30 p.m. Bob Com I rt liii 10:45 p.m. New Review MONDAY 11:00 a.m. Bin Payoff 11:30 a.m. Welcome Traveler! 13:00 noon Kate Smith 1:00 p.m. Double or No thin 1:30 p.m. Strike It Rich S:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 315 p.m. Search Tomorrow Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMER Liberace, the talented pianist featured on Wednesday rifrhts over KPTV is receiving fan mail by the tons at KPTV, Jan Webster, public relations director, reports. Miss T.V. contest conducted by KPTV is over but no body knows who won! Fine predicament indeed. . . . 'Herbert Mayer, president of Empire Coil company, and owner of television station KPTV, is due to arrive in Port land Monday. Three-dimensional movies are on the way for Salem. Reports Thursday indicate that they will be showing in the Grand Theatre before the month of May is over . . . "House of Wax," 3-D movie currently showing in Port- land will be the frist picture shown. Freddy Martin, the band leader who has been around the music circles for a long, long time is due in Portland Saturday night for a one-night stand at Jantzen Beach ; . . Martin who features top quality dance music has made a big hit on television disc shows in California. . . YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Calvalcade of Sports, 6. Jimmy Herring vs. Ralph "Tiger"' Jones. Ten rounds middleweight bout from St. Nicholas arena in New York City. Abbott and Costello, 7. "The Vacation." Bud and Lou have a hard time getting away on their "vacation." J The Big Story, 8. Reporter Rolfe Edmonson discovers murder in an "accidental death? while working on th Atlanta (Ga.) Journal-Constitution. Favorite Story, 9 :30. "The Copper Penny," stars Henry Hull, Joyce MacKenzie and Ross Elliott in a story of Jan Collins who returns to a small New England town after failing to gain stardom on Broadway. Club Embassy, 10. Mindy Carson leads the cast on a river boat excursion. Some songs to be featured are "Side by Side," ."The Very Thought of You," "Cruisin' Down the River," "Pretend',' and "Ferry Boat Serenade." YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY Kids and Company, 10. Donald Reed honored as "Kid of the Week." Kentucky Derby, 1. Seventy-ninth running of the Ken tucky Derby at Churchill Downs, Ky., Mel Allen and 'Phil Sutterfield at the mikes. Date with Judy, 2. Mary Linn Beller, teen-aged star, in "Randolph the Coward." Judy's brother doesn't want to fight a boy who bothers him., Hjs family is convinced he is a coward until a pretty girl intervenes. Life Is Worth Living, 3:30. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen devotes his telecast to a comparison of the American snd Soviet constitutions. Superman will begin tuning weekly on Saturday after noon. Show of Shows, 5. Ninety minutes of musical and com edy revue starring Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca. Boston Blackie, 10:30. Blackie is forced into th schemes of Madalyn Warren, a secretary. She tries black mail, and plans to have Blackie kill the man she is blackmailing. 1 I Kit, rv T 3$ AkS' s ml v mrr I AOVKRT1SEMENT FOR BIDS Staled bid, will be received by the Ore on State Board of Hither Kduca tlon, Room 100. Commerce Butldlnc, Oregon Stale College. Corvallls, Oregon, until 3 00 o'clocH p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, on FrWay. May 33, lt3. for the Aiierniitjiu io me Men aymnuiiim Oregon State College, CorvallU, Oregon. Separate bldj win be rereived for the tienerai worn, for the Mechanical Work, or a combination of both Items. Drawings, spec Miration, and forms 1 of contrnrt documents may be obtained : at. the office of the Phynlcal piunt, Room ' No. 3, Benton Hotel, Oregon State Col- i lege. Cnrvallla, Oregon, or from Burns, ! Bear, MrNell & Schneider, Architects, t at 3040 S. K. Belmont Street. Portland, Ore on, upon a deport ol J. The deposit made nnon the drawing, snerlllratlons and forms of contract i riocumrnu, will be refundrd upon return ' within two i9t weeki after opening of " the bids by actual bidders of the draw ing!, specifications, and forma of eon tract documents In tood condition, but to non-btddera only if returned no later I than two weeks prior to bid openlnc. Bid security In the form of a bid bond or certified check payable to the, Oreinn State Board of Hither Education will be required in an amount not leu than 10 of the bid, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damaees should the bidders refuse or neglect to enter into a contract and provide aullahle bond for the faith- I ful performance of the work In the event i the contracts are awarded them. ' The jiurcessfut bidders will he required 1 to furnish performance bonds In the amount of the full contract. All bidders must comply with the laws t of the State of Oregon reiatmt W the qualifications of bidders. Title Chap ter i. Oregon Complied Laws, Annotate!.. The Oregon state Board of Higher Ed ucation reserves the right to rejert any or all bids and to waive all informal lues. ORFJCION STATIC BOARD OP HIOHF.R KDUCATION Hy Dr. Charles P. Byrne. Secretary, Kugene, Oregon Notice of Retlstrallon ef Trademark Notice la hereby given that The O. M. Scott At Bons Company, an Ohio corpor ation qualified to do business In Oregon claims ownership of and has filed with the Secretary of State of Oregon an ap plication to register the trade-mark "AMERICAN LAWN PRODUCTS" appearing; In block, script or other usual types of print on cardboard cartons and boxes and on ban and other containers appropriate for the parkatina of lawn arass seed, fertiliser and related products This notice la published. In compliance with the provision of Section 43-308 of Oregon Trade-Mark Laws. THE O. M. SCOTT ft SONS COMPANY P. C. Williams Vice President and Treasurer Published May 1, , 15, 1053. Color T-V to Be on Market Within Year Washingon 0J.P) Rep. J. Arhur Younger R., Calif., said today color television is ready for commercial use and should be made available to the pub lic "within another year." Younger is a member of the House Commerce committee which recently concluded an extensive investigation to de termine why color TV has not yet been put on the market. LOUDER THAN LAWYERS Auburn, Calif. (U.R) Superior Court recessed its session for 15 minutes yesterday because of a storm. The thunder was so loud the lawyers couldn't hear each other. TY TROUBLES? Technician! on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th rh. 45512 J25995f for this SENSATIONAL new SUBURBAN Raytheon WAGE OFFER ACCEPTED Portland, () Drivers for the Portland Traction Co. voted Thursday night to ac cept a 5 -cent hourly in crease. H. L. Thomas, union business agent, said the agree ment offered by employers also raised pensions $5 monthly to a total of $60. It Comeback Campaign BounrlnK back from his it- fal at Itllk hanria nf rk.m. pmn Kid (javllan, Chink Davey peppers away at welter. welht Sammy Uulllani at Detroit. Davey won a technl cal knoikout when the referee stopped the fiRht at 38 sec onus of the 10th and final round when Guiliani was un able to defend himself. (I P Telepholo) lot. T. T Lam. H D Dr. O Chan KJ3 IiKS. CHAN LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS rpstiilrs. 241 North Liberty Office open Saturday niv 10 m to I pm, I lo 1 pa consultation, blood pressure and urine testa are free of tharge Practiced lnre ttt Write far attractive lift H wbll' f stirs SOMETHING FOR NOTHING? Don't bi fooled by "fret service" and "bor gains" in TV sett and service. Reliable television service is certainly not a surplus item in this area and any "bargain" you get in TV k either paid for in hidden charges or else it of little worth. No one in business gives anything away and stays in business. , We offer honest and fair prices with no hid. den charges. Our service is done by college graduates with extensive TV and electronic engineering experience. Our shops are equip, ped with the finest test equipment available OA2Vy0M,iwb,, in 1uick- reliol ""ice. 90 of all TV trouble, con be fixed In your Why not get the best at an honest rate? Our customers are eur best advertiser!. Dealers in Motorola & Stromherg-Corlson TV CAPITAL TV SALES & SERVICE 1430 lroodwoy Phone 4-6402 that brings you the matchless picture We have 3 TV Toblet used tor tloor demon- n -i-b..--No.tHssoo stration only. $20 val- . . . m.j.i M.tna ues. As long as they last we will present you the table of your choice at no axtra charge. TRADES: We will aive vou a fair trade-in allowance on your radio or combination, and the amount f the allowance may be used for the down payment. U WIEJ SETS A I V in m PEP" AIL-CHANNEL RICIPTION (VH'.UH') 5;y .tW ONI freot receiver, wit SlHGlt-KNOt ttawtf Crnl . V T. It en lnirWiml, kufll-In tunt kfta) Clrtwll, tjaitg-fiafcl M pf . V Vu rotation ol JM! pra. VHI Oionnaltl 2. Yo ft on IfitrV ' Vidufll, buiH-m Tvaar dad Circuit iitUuJ l .uiui Msaetinn of fc. H 0 a UMP thllsl - - " svir-r wnennD Tuning is easy, cetfre,tvwiui , f ;; -cmttinuouD channel drum-dinl. Tune, thrtugh VHF ' l ' TltlD ...... . ... , oim unr, wiinout, switchover. ' . i 'jt " j 8 BO"t Raytheon AiUChannel GwuLleo. nUUK5 '? P m --Evenlnrs 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. J Hed- Frl. CFIfht Nlirht.) Open it p.m. iPiiBAiir 220 N. Liberty Telephone 4-4742