THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, Hay 1, 1953 Bruce Williams General Memorial Day Chairman At a ipeclal meeting of the Salem Federation of Patriotic Orden Wednesday night the group elected Bruce Williams, Salem attorney, as general chairman of the Memorial Day program and parade to be ob- served on May 10. ; Son Stupka wai elected a aiitant general chairman to as gist In planning the program and the selection of committees and division parade command en. Plana are in the formative ataee to make this year's pa rade and program one of the most successful that Salem nas observed in recent years. Business concerns, fraternal, churches, civic groups and the general public are given special Invitation to attend the Memo rial services at the cemeteries and on the Marion street bridge and are urged to assist by par- tlclnatlon in the parade. An nouncement of committees will be made as soon as possible so that all those wishing to par ticipate may contact the proper committee chairmen. At a large representation of the auxiliaries of the federation Mrs. Ted Ullakko was elected mural chairman of the veter ans memorial church service in one of the downtown churches en Sunday evening, Mi y at. Mrs. Austin H. Wilson, Sr., was ahoaen assistant general cnair- man to assist Mrs. Ullakko in planning the program and the appointment 01 conunincc. The Sunday evening program will be a candlelight memorial . service for all veterans of all , wars, Including Korean veter an!, of Marion county who have '- cHed during the past year. Special invitations are being font to all veterans organize. ttons in Marion county to par ticipate In the. service. Chap lains of the various veterans groups and funeral directors will assist in the tabulation of names. Special effort will be made to contact and invite the aext of kin of all deceased vet erans. James Calloway, president of the Salem Federation of Patri otic Orders, said today the pro vgram is new to Salem and that If successful the Federation will make It an annual affair. He said the Salem veterans graves committee will assist with flags at the local ceme teries again this year and urged cooperation of families of de ceased veterans by giving in formation to the men in charge. A special effort will be made to induce all business concerns and the public to display the American flag en Memorial day. In 1934, the liner Olympic followed the radio beam sent out by the Nantucket light ship and collided with the lightship, sinking it Building Permits for Month $792,994 The outstanding building oarmit for the month of May, shown on the records at City Hall, was Salem Memorial hos pital wing, to cost $288,833'. Permits for the month total ed $7M,W4 in value and 103 in number. Permits for new buildings totaled S420.040. of which I $333,980 was for new homes. The 60 alternation permit for the month totaled $37Z,38. The male rhea, a South American ostrich - like bird, has a harem of hens who all lay their eggs in one nest aft er which he hatches the eggs and raises the youngsters. wvoiauow"1'"" an (TAHITI J9t North Howe The North Howell Extension unit will hold it last meeting of the year May 6 at the home of Le Roy Esson. The hostesses for the day will be Mlna House and Mrs. Bam Brown. The demonstration for the day will be "Becoming Good Buyer." Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fos holm and son. Bobby and Jerry, were dinner guetta Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rlchter of Canby. Sunday guests at the home et Mrs. Amy Beer were Mr. aad Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave and daughter, and Joe Van Cleave, all of Sllverton. Mrs. Loren Roble and chil dren, Hod and Kelly, spent Monday afternoon at the home el Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe. Mrs. Amy Beer spent Sun. day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hattie van Cleave at Ha xel Green. Complete Lawn and Garden Supplies We Have in Bulk Fertilizers Com. Sulfate, Co. Nrtrott Potash, Phosphate LAWN SEED Free use of lawn roller, seeder end fertiliser epreader with purchase For your convenience open until 8 p.m. week days and 9 to 4 Sunday Valley Farm Store S935 SffverfM Ked Mnm 4-4M4 I L . aeaaaaaaaaaai W mm wmm mm mmsmim. u For That Smile of Beauty e Tooth tes Pepsodenf Tooth Paste Pepsodent Chlorodent Am-i-denf Totb Paste Am-i-dent Chlorophyll ECONOMY SIZE CoM Favorite of the Whole Family WHfc Ml PMPM TOOTH PASTE SIlT mil UME SIZE TOOTH PASTE URM SIZE 69' 69' 53. 53' Headache Relief BUFFERIN 53c Tin of 36 Fein Reliever ANACIN 39c Tin ef SO Woodbury Cold Cream 39c 2.t-ez. tiae Plus tax Poequln's Dry Hand Cream 30c the MQ Plus tax Poeqttin't Regular Hand Cream 30c eiie MQ Plus rax H7C Cleaneing Cream PONDS Large aiae Qfi Plus rax OtC Oeanelnf, Cream PONDS 31c SmaH site Plus tax Dry Skin Cream PONDS 55c Medium eiie Plus tax To hum Powder PONDS Small siie ft Plus tax X7C Cashmere leuquet Hand Lotion With Dispenser 49c Giant site Plus tox Hand Lotion TRUSHAY 49c Medium tiae Plus tax Johnson Baby Oil 49c Johnson Baby Powder 5" 49c Johnson Baby Povder 25c Johnson Baby Cream 49c Johnson Baby Lotion Johnson Baby Soap Mennen Baby Powder E 49c Med. Stat 49c tech 19c Vkk'i VAPO-RUB S7:79c Antacid Powder BISODOL 59c MUM Deodorant 39c Med. eiie Plus tox POR THE HAIR Vitalis Med. Bottle, Plus Tax 53c LUCKY TIGIR Rose Hair Oil 19c 4-ex.botrle Plus tax Cooling Mentholatum ft 79c Shampoo , DRENE 57c Medium Sixe ARRID Deodorant 43c Reg. aixe Phis tax 63' i ,, i . ... LARGE JLII . - fir v5rjE if M CCtGATE faS CCUATi gS TOOTH HZ? lOmgJ POWDER I mm mm jigf ommt a f omen PSSK'f rovtJkVK 7t vomum 7 ilWJgllWWIM"MJUU" . inn &h COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 63 rov&uvff m COLGATE par 69 vom save 1U COLGATE LATHER CttM S3 nrir mm i CASHMERE BOUQUET m LOTION ewHiaa 43 torn save 17t 3 rov Avt7t s COLGATE CKUSHLESS StMnMCIUI Q7 7" aan. LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO 4 0Z.M fioo 30 Palmolive Lather Shave Palmolive Brushless Shave MKT SHE UKH SIZE 53' 29' Molle Brushless Shive Barbasil Shave Mennen Lather Shave Me Siie 43c le else 39C itch 53c Mennen Skin Bracer ?.ux' la. C(A4k Ck.u IaIiam Plus juaivnii jiiatc tviivii Lislerine Antiseptic Tax 4-ei. T-es. 59c 59c 49c MISCELLANEOUS VALUES Alka Seltzer m Alka Seltzer Bromo Seltzer Bromo Seltzer . Jeraen's Lotion bilk n jann . wDbpeeier, gierrrl jIh Prtfl fK 29c 54c 29c 57c 98c ph 49c White Rain Shampoo 60c l42" Shampoo 2 57c Conti Castile Soap 49c a e x WHdroel Cream 00 )A Hair ionic tmxyc Toni Cream Rinse 53c Gay la Bobby Pins !,Tflp25c Gayla Bobby Pins 25c f fell Hen PtrMMirt ii PA Tom Refills ..,'1.50 Lilt Refill r: ' ' . JU5 Shadow Wave Kit '2.00 Gi Gi ette Blue Blades"!.- 49c etie Blue Blades V 98c Mennen Spray 59c Dr.Wesfs Tooth Brush-59c Dr. West's . Brush 59c Band Aid Plastic K. 39c Band Aid Plastic K 59c fteth wWt l -ij- M Wmm I WVOi Bandages Bandages Adhesive Tape Absorbent Cotton Q-Tips Throat Swabs 49c Cotton Picker Cotton m 59c Red Cross Cotton Balls 35c Coets mm aid wt-xi 35C M 18c M. 27c 20c BNtWHur yV- I flllllli yTTi "PS. 07 ELESS Sfff SHAVE au' tfs flMMNCMM (Off MMUin , T?J!? . JEN e-s Hy mfm L 53 W W of 79 k 1H Dial Deedercmt SHAMPOO 67c J'4-ei. Tube Luster Creme SHAMPOO 53c Medium Site lry NopklB U's KOTEX 2Pk9,. 77c Prices effective through Sunday, May S, at Safeway Stores In Salem TOV SAVi 17t revuvi omuuomr