Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 30, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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Thursday. April 80, IMS
1 - l .'ili : - 1
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Jo Anne Rogers, left, who haj been made valedictorian
of Central High ichool graduating dais in the Monmouth
Independence district. Gerald Reynolds, right, is saluta
torian. ;
Work Starts Soon on
Chemawa Power Jobs
: With the awarding of two
construction contracts by the
Bonneville Power Administra
tion, work will get under way
shortly on the first step of
the program for constructing a
major power supply substation
in the vicinity of Chemawa to
serve the central Willamette
Valley area.
Secretary of the Interior Mc
Kay has approved the award
of the contract to the Western
tElectric Construction company
of Portland on a low bid of
i (159,519 for the construction
t which involves the work inci
? dental to the installation of a
,75,000 -kva 11557 -kv step-
down transformer and related
facilities. '
; This substation will be in
itially connected to Bonne
r ville's existing Oregon City
J Salem 115 -kv transmission
: lines at Chemawa and will
' provide an additional point of
'dell very 'to the system of the
Paper Mill Pay Topic
For Conference
: Portland, W) Representa
tives of two AFL paper mill
unions will meet with manage
ment here Thursday to begin
contract negotiations.
The unions the Internation
al Brotherhood of Paper
Makers and the Pulp, Sulphite
and Paper Mill Workers rep
resent some 18,000 workers in
38 mills in California, Oregon
and Washington.
The present basic wage in
the Industry is $1.72 an hour.
Union representatives declined
to say what their requests
would be.
Portland General Electric com
pany at the supply voltage of
57 kv.
At the same time Secretary
of the Interior McKay ap
proved the award of a con
tract to Charles R. Schmiedes
kamp, of Portland, on the low
bid of $92,418 for the construc
tion of the control house at the
Chemawa substation.
In the future a 230-kv trans
mission line will be extended
from the Detroit area to Che
mawa to further reinforce the
power supply facilities through
a major step-down transform
er rated at 150,000 kva, with
operating voltage 230115 kv.
Rex Beeman will will be
resident engineer for the Bon
neville Power Administration
for this construction project
and will maintain headquar
ters at the Chemawa substation.
Poppy Contest
Winners Cited
Stayton Winners in the
Toppy" contest, sponsored by
the American Legion ' were:
Class one; ' first, Joan Fast;
second, Sharon Marie Johnson;
third, Janet Ross; honorable
mention, Lester Funk, all of
Class two: First, Lynn Smith;
second, Margaret Heater; third.
Janice Jungwirth; honorable
mention, Thomas George Crab
tree, all of Stayton.
Class three: First, Judy Mar
tin; second, Dolores James of
Scio; third, Mary Wyman of
Scio; honorable mention, Janet
The Judges were, Mrs. Ward
Inglis, Mrs. Walter Frye, Mrs.
Elmer Philippl, Mrs. Gene Dit
ter, Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr.
Percy Hyatt, Mrs. Buck and
Mrs. John Meal
The posters were on display
at the grade, school gym and
were judged Saturday. 1
The winners will compete in
the department contest, and the
final winners will be eligible
for the national contest to be
held sometime in May.
Local prizes will be award
ed to the winners. There were
over two hundred posters en
tered in the contest.
Off Color Jokes Ban
Stunt Paper at OSC
' Corvallls W) Publication of
the annual April Food Day stu
dent newspaper, the Thermo
meter, has been banned by Ore
gon State College President A.
L. Strand.
The annual satire of the re
gular student Daily Barometer
was indecent this year, Strand
said. The paper is published by
Hinta btckteb,!o of pep ana' cncrgr,
hsauUctm and dlnintM may be due to alow,
down of kidney function. Doc ton aar com
kidney function la rtry Important to sorx
health. When some ere ry day condition, aucb
aa strata and strain, causae this
function to alow down taanyfolksaQffernag
fine; backache-feel miserable. Minor blad
oar irritations doe to cold or wrong diet maj
cause sinus npnisnu or irequcntpaiiages
Don't neglect your kidney If these condl
tlona bother you. Try Doan'a Pills- mild d(
untie, it a amssing bow many times Doan
arira hannv relief from thaaa discomforts-
help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and filter
nusn out wast, ask lor new, large, econom
l lie and save money. Gt Doan'a PlUa tndav
The name of the famous
diampnd can be spelled Ko
hinor, Kohlnoor, or Kohinur
and means "mountain of
light." t '
on all . . . Shoes . . .
Stockings . . . Sportswear . . .
Dresses . . . Lingerie . . . Bags
f , iMii. Y t j r: g 5pE -z S s s 3: g pz 5 3s zz z
fci ' "ii.t y ? z
m B
. . . superstition ruled the med
leal world. Quack remedies, fan
tastic belief . . . were prescribed
without discrimination. Today.
Doctors prescribe only iritd and
true, McitntificaUy provtn drugs
and methods. In fact we must
carry a huge stock of drugs in
order to fill your Doctor's order.
Bring your prescription here for
the very finest in Expert Pre.
405 Sfale St. (Corner of Liberty)
We Give ZC G'eert Stamps
Sigma Delta Chi, men's Jour
nalistic fraternity.
In a sharply worded state
ment, Strand said: Responsi
bility of student editors should
not be swayed by a few smart
alecks who have little regard
for the college and are seeking
mostly cheap publicity for
A teak tree must grow for
almost 100 years before It is
between six. and seven feet
through at breast height, often
considered the best size for
harvesting. :
4-H Clubs Wait
Spring Show
rour-H clubs from all parts
of Marlon county will converge
on Stayton May 4-8. Stayton
Civic building will be the cen
ter of activity for the 4-H
Spring Show.
Preliminary entries Indicate
a close race between cooking
end clothing divisions for the
biggest show. Final ' entries
close at 7 p.m. Monday eve
ning, May 4, at which time all
exhibits are to be at the Civic
building In Stayton.
Judging of exhibits starts at
8 a.m. Tuesday morning among
the following projects: cooking,
clothing, knitting, homemaking,
woodworking, art and bird stu
dy. .
' fifteen girls from Cooking
II and III projects will com
pete In the Sponge Cake Bak
ing contest from t to I p.m.
Tuesday. Six Bread Bakers will
do their best before the Judge
from 3 to 8 p.m. Tuesday after
noon. . ,
The wool sewing contest will
find four older clothing project
girls competing Tuesday after
noon from 2 to 3.
. Clothing team and Individual
demonstrators will take up
most of Wednesday with Thurs
day's schedule almost full with
homemaking, art, health and
cooking demonstrations.
Demonstration and ' contest
entrants will be competing for
the right to represent Marlon
county at the 1883 State fair.
Albany Assaulting a Leb
anon restaurant cook last fall .
proved expensive for 'Walter
E. Wire when he appeared for
trial In Justice court Wednes
day. A district court Jury
swarded Goldle GaU, who ac
cused Wire of assaulting her
September 31, 1882, $800 dam.,
ages as compensation. .
We must make room for New Merchandise therefore Bishop's offer these
terrific timely values! All first quality, merchandise from our regular stock 1 . v.
some discontinued patterns and broken sizes. Come in today for the clothing
buys of a lifetime!
Sorry, wc can't mention names, but it's the most famous
17.50 Value
(These are slightly imperfect)
17.50 Value
100 Virgin Wool
Plains & Plaids
Most All Sizes
'TIL 9 P.M.
Long and short sleeves in rayons and Plain and fancy patterns. All colors,
rayon acetates. All nationally fam- all sizes
ous brands.
u to 1
oo 72
. ' ' Formerly
2 pnee ?"
2 price
Check This Chart for Your Size
6 6Vi 7 7'i 8 8' 99Vi 10 IQ's 11 11 'a U12'i 13
AA 1 2j 1 1 1 1 j
A I 1 1 2 1 1 I 2 1 1
I 2 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 fi
C J I IJ I 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 1
P 3 1 1 2 1 1 1. 2 3 1 2
e 1 1 4 in 1 1 1 iii i i i i i n
Values to 20.95
Brown or Black - Kid or Calf - All Discontinued Numbers
Have -
Formerly Sold at 4.15 - NOW ONLY
(Fine 10-oz. Denim, AND They're Washable)