Thursday, April SO, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Orefoa Fate T AT WILLAMETTE Campus Set For May Week-end By BARBARA JACESON (Carital Journal Oorraapondaot) ' Willamette university's an nual May week-end will start tonight. The campus has been nuking big preparation for the annual tprlng event. The May festivities will commence tomorrow at 1:80 with a par ade through downtown Salem. Queen Dona Mean of Bose burg will lead the parade, and Princesses Marie Corner of Bothell, Wash., and Jane Foo shee of San Leandro. Calif., will also be a part of the par ade. Willamette'! AROTC unit will march, and the univer sity band will provide music for the occasion. Freshman and sophomore men will vie for honors In the greasepole climb, to be held at 3:30 on 8weetland field. At 3 o'clock the annual tug o'war will be held between the fresh man and sophomore men, also at Sweetland. Students will Journey to Mc 'Culloch stadium for the Bar becue at 4:30, and tomorrow night the play, "Good News," will be presented for the sec ond time at 8:15 in the Parrish Junior high school auditorium. All living organizations will compete in the all campus sing Saturday morning at 10 o'clock in the gymnasium. Queen Dona and her court will attend the performance. The coronation of the queen will be at 1:30 on Eaton lawn, and in case of bad weather i . coronation will take place in the gymnasium. Students and guests will dance at 8 o'clock Saturday night at the queen s ball. i Sunday morning the YWCA will present a Queen'a break last at 8:30 In Lausanne hall. May Week-end will end with church Sunday morning. Quests Irom various high schools In Oregon, Washing' ton, and California have been Invited to attend May Week end. Fraternities and sororities have invited students to spend the week-end In their houses. fa A " Mr-!"' j . , 1 Woodburn Past presidents of Woodburn Woman's club who were present for the golden Jubilee banquet, April 22, are shown above. Left to right, seated: Mrs. Kate Wilson Landon; Mrs. R. L. Anderson, present presi dent; Mrs. Grace J. Austin, only living charter member; Mrs. Helen Cowan, program chairman; Mrs. Etta P. Hall; Miss Carrie Waterbury; Mrs. Gladys McLaughlin. Back row, Mrs. Mabel Nendel; Mrs. Christine Nelson; Mrs. Martha Jones; Mrs. Molly Maxfield Gcer; Mrs. Edith McCord; Mrs. Bertha J. Wilson; Mrs. Mary Austin; Mrs. Betty Randall. (Alyce Studio, Woodburn.) Wedding at Woodburn Noted Woodburn At a nuptial mass in St. Luke's Catholic church at Woodburn, April 25, Miss Edna Hermanson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Engel Her manson, was wed to. Edward Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Murphy. Rev. V. L. Mof fenbeier officiated at the 10 o'clock mass and double ring ceremony. Mrs. Frank Surmeyer of Es tacada was soloist with Mrs. Marie Donnelly at the organ. Mrs. Donnelly also played the wedding marches., Baskets of pink carnations and yellow Jim'Bergmann of Portland was chosen to be Rotarian of the month for his outstanding work as May Week-end mana ger. Bergmann is majoring in economics and plans to go into law next year. A collection of working mod els of Inventions by Leonardo da vincl was opened to the public in an exhibit today and will remain on exhibition until May 11. The inventions, which include a - printing' press, bridges, aerial bombs, and many other foresighted genius' works,' will be shown in the band room of the university. The Grants Pass a cappella high school choir presented a Tuesday convocation program for the student body Tuesday, Among the selections the group sang were "Oklahoma" and "Little Red Riding Hood." snapdragons decorated the church. Mr. Hermanson gave his daughter in marriage. Her wed ding dress was of white nylon lace over satin, with tight bo dice and long sleeves and a full length train. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a beaded headdress. She carried a bou quet of yellow rosebuds, ste phanotis and lilies of the val ley with white satin streamers. Maid of honor was Miss Inez Hermanson of Portland,, sister of the bride, and bridesmaids were Miss Hazel Hermanson, another sister of the bride, and Mrs. Donna English of Port land, sister of the bridegroom. The attendants were dressed alike in strapless frocks of of chid lace over taffeta with lace boleros and matching head dresses. Each carried a bou quet of purple chrysanthe mums and yellow lilies of the valley, with yellow satin streamers. Serving as best man for Mr. Murphy was Al Halter of Co- quille and ushers were Charles Sauvaln and William Bentley, both of Woodburn. Immediately after the cere mony, there was a reception at the American Legion hall, 200 guests attending. Mrs. Melvin Johnson was In charge of arrangements for the reception, assisted by Mrs. Tom Haugen. Mrs. E. E. VanGordon of Portland, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Clifford Xkiund ot Molalla cut the wedding cake. Pouring were Mrs. Kermlt Os- ness of Portland and Mrs. men Hermanson of Woodburn. Miss Darlene Majala of Portland and Miss Onslee Frost of Eugene served the punch. Mrs. Rob ert Williams, Miss Mary Ever son and Miss Elizabeth Xver son, all of Portland, were In charge of the gift table and Mrs. Paul Dlckman of Silver ton passed the guest book.. As sisting about tee room were Miss Joyce Homann, Miss Ade line Case and Mrs. Margaret Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy left on a wedding trip to San Francisco and Nevada and upon their re turn will make their home in Woodburn. For traveling' the bride wore a suit of blue gray with navy blue accessories. .- Engagtment Told Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. No ble Guy Mastenbrook an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mist Inez Eve lyn Mastenbrook, to Doyle Ed- Shower Given For .Miss Shank Miss Ksthryn Shank, who is to be married on May 28 to Ro bert Shaefer, was honored at shower and party for which friends entertained Tuesday evening In the Christian and Mlslsonary Alliance church. Guests at the party included the honoree and her mother, Mrs. Walter Shank; Mrs. Art Caswell, Mrs. Peter Frlesen, Sr., Mrs. Art Frlesen, Mrs. Henry Frlesen, Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Robert Fisher, Mrs. Paul Gunther, Mrs. Dan McLaugh lin, Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Mrs. M. T. Haverland, Mrs. . Warren Hoffman, Mrs. Mary Hansen, Mrs. John Hancock, Mrs. Floyd Larson, Mrs. Edwin Meeske, Mrs. Jettie Stewart, Mrs.. El mer Matlock, Mrs. May Pickell, Mrs. Earl Palmer, Mrs. Elmer Quiring, Mrs. Walter Rupp, Mrs. Don Sheets, Mrs. L. J. Sundvall. Mrs. Joe Valeck. Miss Ulyssa Dodge, Miss win Lantz, son ot Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Lantz of Coch- ranton, Pa. Miss Mastenbrook is a grad uate of Lebanon high school, class of 18S0. Her fiance grad uated from the Cochranton high school In 1947 and enter ed the service, in February, 1851. The wedding date has not oeen set. " 136 no. Commercial' ( 1 o r : 1 SBV RsllMSSjmMSlB ! IM rav r "r. Jk SI W IK ft'' 111 P nr. i 5 is 5 -f SraCIAt FUKCMASf! Reg. 45c Pound Salt Water Taffy 'A There's nothing like TRUE salt water taffy f a taets thrill and all the family win se for this in a tig wyl Baeb aleee is bidiTidnallT etoiM fiaTen. omple M Bounds at this sav in. Ill We Have Em! FADED BLUE DENIN Pedal Pushers 2 DAYS ONLY MU.4AT. total anr ftninltl m ft , HTVltMbl sSMHnu with nr 4 til rtn. Trim fit (lu. tMvfartfebU wtl m rmr vTMller!! . ttoM U i U . . . aim aTirs. f 4 14 rtMtn. AvmOtbla sm abartMl, Una Mi fMci awta Mai rm immmm Fresh New Stock! Reg. 1.19 Rubber BEACH I . Jf. '"S H l 1 i s hi BALL f i IT I ttmt wmi ItniT. nilM to mtn u, it lathm la .tau ter. Tha kl4, win lr wlia tt r Ik knr hlraKe nlra ni. SAT. tmt MOM. lr wall. alMka kut, UaM m to k n f Regular 10c Value - SOAP Cashmere Bouquet Palmoliye Lux T Limit I Bars Thurs. frl. I Only Pi V aaw 136 NO. COMMERCIAL 3 Department v; Head Due A visitor in Oregon during May will be Mrs. George L. Holm of Chicago, 111., national president of the Ladles auxil iary, veterans . of foreign Wars. . I, i , a Plans for her visit, announc ed by Mrs. Carl Oberg, de partment of Oregon president, include a hospital visitation to the Veterans facility at Sam Jackson Park on May I In Portland, and an auxiliary luncheon in Dallas on May B. Mrs. Holm will be a guest at the kick-off dinner launching the bond-a-month drive by Mary Pickford in Portland, May I, at the Columbia Atn letlo club. Honoring Mrs. Holm, Dallas, McMlnnvlUe, Independence, WUlamina, Valsetz, and New- berg auxiliaries included district No. IS, will be to charge of the luncheon in Dal las on May f, the district hav ing gained the highest per centage of membership throughout the state this year. Auxiliary members. Veteran of Foreign Wan and represen tatives of other organisations are invited to attend the II o'clock event in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Reserve- tions ere in charge of Wanda Dodge, 808 Falrview, Dallas. A department meeting a t I o'clock will follow the lunch eon, auxiliary memebrt only to attend. Mrs. Oeerge JU Helm CDA Party Mt. Angel Fourteen table of bridge and 100 were enjoyed by Members of the Catholic Daughter of America at their toolal meeting Monday eve ning. Awards were presented to Mr. Xmil Boehsler, Mrs. Raymond Dude, Mrs. Charles Boehsler and Mrs. Lee But. K4reshinetrts were (erred by the hostess cotrwrilttec, Mrs. Adolph Itsel as general ehalr- May Luncheon : WilkBe Friday ' An event attracting a large group for Friday will be the May day luncheon for all wom en of St. Paul' Episcopal church. The affair will be at the parish hall between 11:80 and S p.m. Mr. It. H. Baldock and Mrs. C. B. Spencer are on the hoe pltality committee. Assisting in greeting guest will be two representative from each of the ' women'! arouc in the church a fol lows: Ml Ulva Derby and Mrs. A. D. Brown, Junior guild; Mr. Robert DeArmond and Mr. Joseph Dover, St. . Mary guild) Mr. Donald Me Carter, Mr. Junes Walton, St Anne's guild; Mrs. C. B. Spencer, Mr. Sam B. Stewart, St. Paul' fulld; Mrs. Philip W. Allison and Mr. O. K. DeWltt, St. Elisabeth's guild; Mr. Hasel Johnson, Mis Elis abeth Porter, tt. Agnes sjutM; Mr. Frank Shafer, Mrs. John Dyke, tt Helena' guildj Mrs, Lester D. Green, Mrs. H. B. CoIUm, It. Cecilia' guild. ' MM. Susan d Lisle il chair man for the tea. Neva Woolery, Mis Irette Downing, Miss Ruth Orirrun, Miss Ruth Dague, Mis Beth Hoffman, Miss Mary Lou Van es II, Miss Joyce Hansen, Mis Helen Jean Oirrard, Miss Pearl Larson and the hostesses, Mis Arlen Haverland,- Miss Dar lene Pickell, Miss Marilyn Hamilton, Miss Shirley Mc Cann and Mis Mar oris Van-ell. Now Many Weer FALSE TEETH ffyt h More Cotnfoff JumrTH. a altaaajit aataHa. (aaa- acid) powdar, kilk lain krrth tut nralr- To tit us talk tm mm om fort, Jut aprlkkla a Uttla raSTasTH on rmr alaM. Mo mamnr, iomt. pt toit. ar faaliu. Criaoki "alaia aflar" (dantim braath). Oat TAB V SKI H at aar 4raf awra. s? N0W! BARGAINS GALORE en oil... Shots.. . Stocking! . . . Sportswtar . . . Drtsiti . . . Lingerie . . . Bogs 15S N. Liberty Phone I-Illl OPBN ntTDAT N1QHT HL I NEW POTTERY - SERVICE FOR 4 5peokJ loirodtwtory oBtt A brand-new design - "California Trellis" with dark brown leaf and treHli pattern on toft yellow background, hand-painted under glaze. So bright and cheery, It makti 9.95 lit -' fitting down to tho table a rtal pfoivrt, Special storter et Inelude 4 mipt, rt, salad plorei, end dinner platei. MaHhlng open itodc pitcH oho available. LOWEST PRICE WE'VE BEEN 7" Skillet, only M Stainless Steel Top-notch quality at a rock-bottom price. Gleaming, clean-easy itainleit iteel. Cool bokelite handle It welded on no food catching rivets. Complete with hanging hook. HANDY BEECHWOOD BOWLS' i Reg. 49c ea. 3 for 1 Save now At our regular price, they're good at thtf sale price, they're great. These Japanese im ported bowls are ideal for salads, popcorn, candy, and nuts. Get 6 or more and save.