Thursday April 30, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Ortgoa FOOD SECTION-PM IS Rickreall Blckreall The April meet ing of the Extension Unit was called to order by the chair man, Mrs. Cooper. Plans were made for the ex hibits for this unit for the Spring Festival wnicn wui oe held at Blckreall, May 7. A nominating committee was appointed to report at the May meeting when officers for next year will be elected, tms com mittee is Mrs. Hazel Whaley, Mrs. Montana Johnson and Mrs. Georgia Fox. Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Boyer are project leaders for the May meeting and they felt that an , electric stove was needed for a successful demonstration. Mrs. Cooper invited the unit to meet at her home, and the In vitation was accepted. Mrs. Monroe Cline of Inde pendence arrived at the noon hour and took moving, pictures of this unit In action beginning with the dinner, followed by the dishwashing, the business meeting and the demonstration of Ready Mixes given by Mrs. Whaley and Mrs. Johnson. The community club met at the school gym Friday eve ning. Howard Fleming called the meeting to order. S. B. Holt, clerk of the school board, presented the loud sneaker svs- ' tern to the school, the commun ity club and the Christmas pa geant committee. Responses were given by Su san Lewis of the school, How ard Fleming of the Commun ity club and Oness Whaley for the pageant committee. Officers for the club for next year will be Oness Whaley, chairman; Kenneth Wait, vice chairman; Mrs. Joe Simmons, secretary-treasurer. Following the business meet ing the six lower grades pre sented the program under the supervision of Mrs. Lewis, as sisted by Mr. Friesen and Mrs. Whaley. Delbert Isaac acted as an nouncer for the program which consisted of a tap dance by Marilyn Anderson and Susan Lewis; song by third and fourth grades, with Myrna Simmons at the piano; piano solo, Eileen Cadle; a dance "I See You" by the first and sec ond grades; a play, with Carey Schmidt, Susan Lewis and Donlee Schellenberg, Nancy Straley, Marilyn Anderson, Larry Morgan, David Whaley, Norman Weibe, Eileen Butler, Kay. Anderson, Mary Butler, Tommy Hansen, Marie Ce sare .Vincent Haworth, Mar lln Lowery. A piano duet was played by Ann Fleming and Caroline Haworth. Polk, Pomona Grange met Saturday with the West Salem Grange as hosts. S The meeting was called to order by the master, S. B. Holt. 'I Mrs. King, Pomona Home Eco ; jnomic chairman, gave her ! quarterly report, and an nounced that the Judging of ; jthe house dresses will be held at Rickreall grange hall May ..28. Carleton Brown the agricul tural chairman, reported on ' farm activities of eastern Ore ;: son. s Under new business it was ' decided to have a visitation ; program next year among the granges, to be worked on a point system. The committee appointed to work out this program is Mrs. Burns, master ; ,of West Salem; Tom Gibbons, jmaster of Monmouth and Vin Ijcent Haworth, master of Rick jjjreall grange. J Tuesday, June 0, has been se lected as Polk county day at the state grange, with Pomona Master Holt to make arrange smerits for the banquet. B The July meeting of Polk I Pomona will be a picnic with I Monmouth as hosts. This will I be the fourth Saturday in July. Mrs. King announced the Na tional Grange sewing contest which Is a luncheon cloth. She also requested scrap books and handkerchiefs for the display at the state grange, and tne canning contest which will be held again this year. This year there is a special prize to be given to the man in the grange that makes the best jelly. Webfoot Webfoot subordinate grange No. 718, juniors, were treated to a taffy pulling party at the grange hall Wednesday eve ning when Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Lofton and Mrs. Ray Mc Manlmie were in charge. Mrs. George Doud of Web foot grange has been ill with a severe cold and was unable to attend Pomona grange held at Cove Orchard Saturday, April 25. Mr. Angel FTA to Entertain Seniors ML Angel The Future Teachers of America chapter at Mt. Angel Women's college is sponsoring "Senior Day" on the school campus, Thursday afternoon, April 30. High, school girls In their senior year are invited to spend a half day with the Fu ture Teachers; and if interest ed in teaching, to take scholar ship test during the early af ternoon, ' Those who cannot take the test on a school day may do so the following Sat ft A-f iin .. am PSlVs;i;Y.Y 5 a For the Best of Foods For All the Family at Every Day Low Prices Shop at IGA SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY.1, 2, 3 Morrell Pride As Advertised in LIFE MAGAZINE feed lsQiein) Thick Sliced Sealed Pack New Curt Keeps It Fresh Longer CDCriAl IP.A DIIDrUACE US. Graded Good an Fresh Colored Pan Ready & Buy a Supply of These Quality Chickens for Freezing LJ u 1 BEEF Roast Cascade Tender Cured Smoked PICNICS Top Quality Pure EKh Ground SEEF u mm u Rs. 2nr Chuck Cut Wall Trimmed Short Shank Small Siiai NEW EVERYDAY LOW PRICE A IGA DeLUXE A KA FANCY Frt. Cocktail "V 1 35c QUALITY HALL (READY TO SERVE) ', SALADETTES . . ... IGA SOLID PACK Tuna 3ja 25' n uu Ul at 11 - II 29' 39' 17- cm M.I L KMFI HAKE THE SUN 6L0RY SALAD COTTAGE CHEESE HUE PLATE COVE OYSTERS Uncle Ben's Converted can rice i oz. Pkg. IGA SPICED 2$ LUNCHEON MEAT TOILET TISSUE 4L35' IGA Dog House DOG FOOD 3 cans , 2L 5 cans Save at This Law Price IGA Marlene (Fancy Quality) L- Pkgs. Gerbers nanonai BftBY 3abyE2 Fnnrl cO 0 for 35c KARO SYRUP Cream of Wheat "r 23 c 3lc Campbell's Tomato Soy cans AMERICA'S PARTY DRINK Full Quart RVc Assorted Flavors Plia kWt DtpoiH - Bring Ymit Emptkj It KA 20 BLUE BELL POTATO CHIPS WtHilOc 1A Coupon Pie 6 Food SkNor 29' CHEEZ-IT CRACKERS 229' This Raytheon TV Sel Given Away Monday, May 4, it Slate SI. MM. All tickets ef tin three Salem IOA Stores will be pooled. Ton need not do present to win. Bedster for this set prior to closing , tune Sunday. - This Raytheon TV Set Will Be Given Away FREE on June 1 Register As Many Timet At You With This Raytheon TV Set will be given away FREE on Juno 29 No obligation . . Coma in today and register at Vista MM. Orcutt's Mkt. Stale st. Mkt. Last Chance for Eastern Oregon Netted Gem Potatoes hnV No. 1 YELLOW Onions 5 us. LOCAL ' ' Asparagus 2, b, LOCAL STftAWURRY ?V Rhubarb Q. 2 2S( VAN CAMP'S . Pork & Beans ELSilMR! PWE (NO SWU ADDED) Grape Juiced IM DEN'S (MskM 5 AserU Nm-M Milk) STARLACrdPki. STEHrffLD WHOIE SWEET PICKLES MA SM KREEM SHORTENING CRISCO WA MTAl WEST BLACK TEA WHITE TAPIOCA W (5-$E00 3' 39' 23' Snowy Powdered! Bleach 49c Kind to Baby's Clothe Gold Seal Glass Wax . 59 M.INO US YOUR COUPONS MAILED TO YOU ON Vel Fab Ig. Pkg. Vm Sc Coupon 2 lg. Pkg. Die 10c CoepM 30' 60' Palmolive Soap 3 !2 29' Palmolive Soap 3 35' Cashmere Bouquet 325' Cashmere Bouquet 3 35' Peter Pan Soap 3 : 25' . Ajax Cleanser 2 25' ig. Hg. VGA EASE or SOAP GRAINS 25',J8' IGA Reserver the Right To Limit Quantities VISTA MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 304S S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTT'S MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD urday afternoon.