THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April SO, 1953 P 1 J FOOD SECTION The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER UP NtmtHtum) ' CHAPTER U ; Blue eyes hot bra tv fierce lance from under shEtvy, tufted Brows, Moving wiui oevy oeuoer " atlon. Doctor half rose Iron the ehsir on the veranda of Crescent Moon Bay Hotel, but be didnt mile. "Been waiting lor you," he aid gruffly. ''Don't you ever help your low run uus pisoer .. "Doctor, .I'm very busy.. We're Hearing the end of the term, and you know what that meani." "If you could spend the after noon with Bob" "I had no choice. He was wait ing In my oar, Tbli will astonish you, I'm Mire, but .the truth Is I was practically kidnapped." . He folded his hands on his lap. "Have vou read the D&ner?" "No. But Bob told me all about it." She wagged a finger chldlngly. "Aren't you a bit ashamed? I dldnt take Dan to see you so that you could scrap. I wanted you to run ami ana go away on a vaca tion." He (aid crisply: There's a dan gerous young man, Ruth." Steel striking on flint produced the usual spark. "1 think that's a terrible tiling to say! Doctor, If you came here to draw me Into the argument you're wasting your time, I like Dan Curtis. I think he's a fine man." His voice grew harsher, "I wont ay ne anouia oe aangea, out i co sav ha should be drummed out of the profession which he's always oeen no way to praeose up uniu now. That's oulte enoughl" ' "That's only the blglnning. And don't bring up the fact that you think you're in love with him. It uni pertinent." , HI WJV HWM " t.U ' "We had a grand talk," he went on. I offered to take him In with out cost. He countered by offering to make me the director of his hospital if I would agree to stop pressing J or a community Hos pital." He shook his white-maned head, Utterly baffled. He growled. Ha threw his head back to bellow his scorn for those who cheapened the noblest profession In the world. But he met the large, glowing brown eyes and they brought him back to reasonable state of calm. He remembered that people had to be led, not driven. He remember ed that Ruth was the daugnter of the Clvlo Betterment Society's candidate for mayor. She had to be won over. If she were to sup port Dan Curtis the result would be defeat. There It was, as simple and horrible as that. "It works this way," he said heavily. "With the community hospital out of the way, Dan Cur tis and several businessmen will build a hospital. They'll establish a monopoly. Top rates could be charged and people would have to Eiy them or else. Eventually a rger hospital would be needed. Since Dan Ourtls's hospital would be serving a need, the city would naturally be asked to contribute so much toward the construction and maintenance of the new place. More money rolling In, a bigger Investment than ever, or a blraer business asset, of you wish. A business, no less. So much profit oh each broken leg, so many divi dends on so msny operations. Pretty, eh?" "RloUcuVous, she chuckled. There, that's why you need a va cation. You've been working too hard and it's left you worn out. In the first place, Golden City wouldn't stand for that. In the second Place, Dan Isnt that sort of man." He heaved a long sigh. "He's that sort of man. I'd be paid for doing exactly nothing except keep ing my mouth shut. Don't you understand? It isnt the Idea of service, but the Idea of making iacney. "And what's wrong with a doe er making money?" "Nothing. I'm all for H. But there a difference between mak ing money and gouging people. What do the poor do, will you tell me that?" "He'd take them in, I suppose." ' "How could he aford to, unless he overcharged those who could pay? Now stop being aHlyl" "Why dont you ask Dan all that. Doctor?" T intendt e." came the grim re Joinder, n may as well tell you now that I shall fight this thing through to uie Diner ena. This was more serious. SuDDOse Doctor won? Suppose Dan had to Selsewnere to practise ms pro alon? Suppose Dan left before all this confusion Inside her had been dealt with? suppose "The think I want to know, Ruth, if what , you propose to do," That was when Dr. Ambrose Ml in his anxletr to nrotect bis people, made his big blunder. wow looc nerei uovwuiiy ms honevuur uo to vou lor a DUSiness reason. You're Enhralm's daugh ter. If you side with him against me, against your iauier, hi nave an efect on the outcome, and you know it. So" , But therewas where Ruth's mind caught up with his words. Anger shot her from the chair. "What an evil thing to say I Doc tor, how dare you I " . This isn't a game, Ruth Car lisle. The lives and welfare of people are involved." But she'd dwelt in tension too long. "I won't listen to you I" she cried. "I think you're the most hateful man I've ever met, so therel" Before he could recover his aplomb she'd turned on her heel and gone running into the family's cottage at the rear. In her flight he had his answer, and the answer left him somewhat disturbed ... (To Be Continued) The broods of cicadas which appear each year, do so In 17 year -cycles, . the different broods being numbered from 1 to 17 with the brood of 1936-1953-1870 being one of the largest. STEVK ROFUt VOU tUtBCt OOTT PtASDOn1 (THINK M&SrtVE P ASK ME hMT B BQpgV- iiaNnaii; rue sibi TWINS TO DEFERCE A BATTLE ALL NIGHT BETWEEN A BUSINESS HEAD IN ONE CCeTrefR --AND A BtUKBe HEART IN THE OTHER n i Jill Li I m llvew l fogo "say, Mote, us KefTN TMJNICIM''-U.TURUJ&VVII IA 1 WATGHInr l BECOMg i evwbFKtrr an : THMKtNfl oftus erowMS Men i uvsi e tun- twu MATdM eaULBMar cin un itn ""-r-" I,, A 46. in ACswar me asassm we've Bevmsur iu -atv. aiiaiu AwtfAPy I J ORPHAN ANNIE ZLTMJt Sk u a, Jlvu vym Y7F tMvxnyjST M fml ton uauis.. m ' l rfZs- Carol Curtis Pattern 598 Kitten Bomanoe" Transfers. Seven little charmers of the cat kingdom to use on kitchen towels, children's table cloths, on the squares of a small bedspread, on nursery curtains, jsacn little "Prince" and "Princess" figure Is by 6 inches and is to be em. broidered in gay reds, blues, browns and yellows. YouH find these adorable little motifs useful for many sorts of gift-maklngl Send 30c for the Kitten Tin. mance Design (Pattern Na 688) transfers, color chart, stitch il lustration, YOUR NAME, AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 662 Mission street, San Francisco 6. Calif. I f "FORTY f TWT GUV OT TH' 1 I I FffTftt. miles'- M nujN'eTntuNWHo 1 rrSV WflSflLVJWrS MSHrV l ( VEAHM READ 1 ACROSS TV MAW I rrrrwfts roaototh'sooa k I truck cupped If the bovs hit B HIM LflgT NK3HT- a BETTERTI MNETy c: MRTVMn-EST0 JISJ30 S iTHEHOSPrmLIH II "SSSlJ''' I is a I use a Hosprmt, I J WEEK. 1 1 IN THIS TOWN J I 101 R I J JURE-BUT MHtfoA I LIL ABNER ISM.DNKSHTJ?') HOPALONG CASS1DY vooIlgat NCrromu'Vou "- OSED TO J LEAVES TH' ROOM, IT SIRff CAIN'T A IS ACCORDIM'TO SLOB- I HO, BOy.' BOV1AW LAW, AH IS J NOW US NOW A GAL, AM' AH L GOAL'S f OBEVS ANY LAW, ' r CAN S NO MATTER HOW SX RASSLEiTj HOOWUATIN' X . dMfc7f'TiuiNiNcjvp rr, ' THESE DOG PATCH PAZZUNTS ARE TOO STUPID TO HOBEV SLOBBOVIAM LAW. THEY MIGHT NOT EMJLLrLlWYOU AGORL. SO LATS SKIP-TOWN; WMLKt Y(JU LAN titisIN A NEW LIFE. DEARIE.'.' TuK& LIKE THE4Errs THE0LD1 I PIAalNA6 HUE CM! 1 PEXTER IHE. JJ S I TV I II owu r"kJnkJ II Mciitfjfi, frlsnd Wisni V KHUMI T I lodutdcrtlata ROOM BOARD By Ahren ...AKKAAirl NCAlK rV TUC Oil mccrwFcv RVUC nniu A Rlfi DPFIKIPCV Pai tuc ruucoc OF THE PRQPEpry 4Y1yv) fro A LEASE. ...AND WE CDODVE GOT it kju svufi Kiirvni unsniJT COUE IN.'...Arl( ftO&H IF fCU H0 A SLUT IN xAM HtAR IT WXJU7 AVAKt A MNfc pieey BANK U JUST STOPPED ME Ftm GOING UP TO AN ATTIC RAFTER MTH A R0PE...M3U TOLD UNCLE BERT, THE PRICE WAS SO0,000.... AMDNnwrrc fAOQOOOl i B m HUNDREL6BANO SUP OF THE W TONGUE mm WHEN THE VEW PETERED THAT MINE TUNNEL WE CUT, PEXTER PttWPEAKEP TKAVELEP MU6T fflfri SOHE F0LK6 SAY HE I StfUARELY UNPER THE PIEP A HERMT 6flrlE- RIVER V MEET TH' WHERE IN THESE HILLS. BATTLE TRAIL FROM V WCKSKM PEYWPTHAT THAT THE ANSWER WMAT A I'VE BEEN LOMIIU rBWff MCTT JEFF We'REGOWafWE CANT I to the go there?' porkolubjJmott;tHev fj2f THREW YOU S, EKffl OOT LAST T)MJ6HTwiLL, BE DIFFERENT throw THEM OUT JfflClTHERE ANOCCOtfrMA --v- TPS? IMS START COUNTIKS I ?i.TiEM M yJm?ri-M& VET THAT d REX MORGAN. M. D. BUT THEWS SOMCTHINS tfon i must teu THE LIEUTENANT, KB A.' P I WBVB TUfED VOU TOO I i much, sheila; wb i nun n tuu ant irv k' - DONALD DUCK MV HUSBANP PPNT BE Of NATURAL CAUSES, J UBUTHNANT.'ne WAS "T- . MU3eRED...BVMfi ) TABAai IAB(iMLD MART WORTH lCt J Bt MADt AIL THt wrttfM 'lli PRESENT?V HAV" J UBBV HAS WORXtD MHAHOONX THr). . UH MY4TERY, 1 THINK rrSFrrriNft that she Should i FlRST.GWEN.tMUST 1 .. TtU VOU THAT OR. cALtfi qui ) &k. I GOODMAN AND HIS WIFf. ARE J V J ttfSSZS yj7 AOIr- wjjJrii RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at Oar Television Themtre ' See Them In Action Beore You Bay Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, WMtinghout OfEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION CO 375Chemeketa Phone 3-4311 FRIDAY P.M. KGW M HBO Bekitf Will Stills WIS Wb. ta Bm Hllltw DallujOttlnr BrvdO4fry PUlm BUI r. r. r.nwi DM'l Wlf TrftrtMr Dr. rsl Qitimr luit BwatU. Suit Bra Miita Bra 45Urt Bkr IBIU Slfr NlWl FSt L. MrCa S. blink KOIN I KEX IKSLM I KGAE S7t CBS 1 UvS ABC MM HBC MS K.C. CH (M It WwdrWsm Aani Jenny Bath Alhtvn Uta Wakalr Roienarr , Toaefntly ' Blrkaui Snnt Jual KlrUuB HliUut 14 Hum W.rll ttUfi 'Frank Cms rami Barrar Naaa Bdlllai Jack Owana Jack Owena Bar Wail Bar Wait Ear Waal Bar Wart Mailt Bitu BUI Blar Fir OlrU Far Olrla rrtar Tania saalrrsl Cm Saatml Caa Har Tlasa Mirrr Clrali V. Flnklir Chat BaalUi Bak OarraS Tap TraSaa NW Haws oar asa Mull BsMar saiaar Salaar Spider KlrkwaaS KlrkwaaS Laokr II Banefe Nan Maila Maila Maiic FalL Lawla HaaUarwar Cart Haiaar 8am Baraa BBar-B B-Br-B lid BUI Hlckak Nam . mmt. Maama Mai. iaaa Mai. Laana Spider spider Bplaar Spider Sao. Beera Jlai Daaa Jlaj Oaadr Jlai Dendr Jim Dandr BUdles Krarl Maila Mart Hails Mart iMatle Mart Mr,ila Mart iMoile Mart Mails Mart iMaiie Mart KOCO UN LBS L Lasama MaL iVaana MaJ. laana Mat. Laana MaJer Uana Mule Melatr iMaris MslaSr piarle MMsdr Blaila Tea Want Mails Tea Waal miaah Shire la CUM. J. C. Swan HraL-Flah. M Belli Wllk Marie Jadr Caaara Jaa C Ultra Testa SpetUfM Sparta Madllattaa L.Thenua Oa Spat . Jardaa Maa'a Wsrld News FartlaaS Bit finee FuaUjlMr. Kaea Mr. Kaea Ja Slallari Jr. Mitt Bait X'lara I riara Fraedeai rarata Beperter Sparta Fata tDaasereaa AiitnranL News L. MeCsB Kllr Csanra Clip CosnoU Sglslrn Off .WsatSsmaa iBjna Edltlaa Kd. Llitnhia B. Blaekbsrd IBraaphanilta BraipnaBetta na far AO (Fan far All Mr. 1. C Beperts CaplUI Cleakraaaa S Stir Final Interrtews Treirsrr Banditaai CUT Club Address IMaiie Mails Silent NW Newt Sparta Niva Saaa Bares Flihla FUkla FUhu Flikls Jlta'r Fldlar LerliUUra CUea BIS Clue EM Usba Steele Adrantarer Hanaaalas Din. Caaeart Oaile- BirrleU Oerllie Afeher Final EdIL Daaea Time Oaaea Time Daaea Tlmt Daaea Time Daaea Time Daaea Time Daaea Time Oak, Hiater.Meile Marl Olea Bardr roltoa LawU Maila Maile Baalad SUol Newiraal Nsws Official Dat. Official DaL Mailt Newa Mailt Daaee TimelMelodr Maa Maile Mart Mailt Mart Maile Mart Caadlellrtk KaadlaUtth Newa lustre oteaarr Istar Slav Baatutaae BaaditaaS Daceat Da at Baaeball Rue ball Baaeball BeieeaU Baaeball Baaeball NUht Newa Nttht Sena tNlibl Senr Mint Sena Nlnl Sear Nliht Sana Nliht Star sin Oft ix fa n u : (X r, uon 1 DI0W Iour l0P if, Js vt,mtmiUKlM " Trader Louie will take ' most anything In trade. Trader Louie 820 Urn kn. Ph. 38558 SATURDAY S A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. Becerd Beem iBecerd Beem Heeerd Beam IBeeerd Beem; -MVtecerd Beem ;15jBeeard Baem .aalReserd Beam : K. Mu.tar Maria Bra Mailt Bra Mailt Bra . Maile Baa .Weit. Stan KOIN Kleak KOIN Klaek BODI E3esk KOIN Sleek Newa Newa Ceanmer Thealtr ad Tadar Stars Over Hellrweed Bewdr Dead: Rawdr Dead: Hawdp Deed; Bewdr Dead: Adrenlnre Bk. Caralral Baltrwaad Break! art Marr Lea Tartar lira aad I Heme Heatt ISralllnr Ed MeCaaaeU Whafi New Bems Arent Faa far All i far All Clip Bespits Cltr Barpltall IMaiie arltk Gltla hfeet Ml ism Meet Mimes Mews Oraai Cant. Give aad Take Farm Bear Farm Bear Farm Bear Farm Bear iNewa Timekeeper Marek Time NW Newe lit Edlllea Aereasky Tela Newa Bemlarwap Breakfaat Breaataat News Karlar Ian Mail Haves St Kelt Terlaai laa laaa Patral Space Fatral Stars af Temerm Stare af Temerrew News Iriarlaal USA . iFIarlaad ISatardar Salata Salerdir Salata ISatirdtj Salata ISatardar SalaU News Marek (Ima Faatar's Call Barnla Glen Bardr carter Skew Oar Tewa Weedbara Blrk Sehaal Maile Bear Farm Preea Farm Freaa Satardar Batata Satardar Salata Pelk Ceaatr natter Farti IfUtUr Farti Flitter Farti Flatter rarli Platter Farti natter Fart) Flatter Part, Flatter Farla Platter FarM IPIatlar Platter Fsrta Weitera Mtledlea Farm News Newe EOCO Eleek KOCO Bleak KOCO Eleek Eatea Serr. rreadtr Bill Praadlr BaB Ceacert - ueaeen Newa Pi bile BeaM ;Clab Time Elda Caraer Aant Batlla In. W I.I Hereaade Sal. MaJer Leant ' PartrjMiler Laana TM Mta.l EOTN M 1.1. e tut. t U p-av EZX HJS, t ta r-m. aK0AC lilAT. USTTNO KOAC. SSI iCOAC Sal. AM- 1:M News! It lis, "xw"'' EipeclaUr tar Wemeat Ua Caaeart Bill; U:tt. Newel :, Maria at Maatenl :tt, Eieanlaaa ta Sclaaae, P.M. U:t. Nawei IS. Neaa Farm Beari litt. Navy Shawl Site, EipeclaUr ler Wemeai l:N, Ortitn Beparteri t:tt, Sperla Fara aaati t:. ChUdraa'a Tkaatari :tt. News, Wiatheri 9;1B. Farm Bean S:tO. Caeaar Calaa Faraml :tt, Mallei p:u, Meaila-tlanl ie:a, Bin un, Woodburn Couple Home From Tour headed for Death Valley and among the placed visited were Reno, Nev., Lake Tahoe, Fur nace Creek in Death Valley, the Hoover Dam, Phoenix, Ariz., and in California they made several stops on the re turn trip including Indio near Palm Springs and Berkeley. Woodburn Mr. and Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo returned Sun day night from an extensive vacation trip of two weeks in their car, traveling 3700 miles. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Nlebert of Stayton. , The group left April 11, ACROSS 1. Long stick (.School of whales .Hark ot a blow 11 Notion lLQuldo's highest note 11 General Bradley 15. Meditative 18. Large plants IS. Unhappy 10. Meshed fabrie J1.PI1 23.EU IS. Small explosion 18. Rubber tree 10. Dug from the earth 13. Nobleman IS. Steer out ot the count 17. Pal brown 18. Trial lm- pressloB 40. Free 41. Before 41. Leaping anlma 45. Bird's beak 47, Sound ot cattle 41. Scarlet 11. Fast 15. ni at ease 18, Pack ID. Australia bird 60. Expense 61. Only 62. Female nut . 63. Body Joint Solution of Yesterday's Pinole . B0Wre LXarly European 1 Scent 1. Unasplrated 4. Devoured 5. Jewel 6. Swiss mountains 1 I1 l1 lv b v I F I" T TT-ukTi 7 P3' gr"?a?r?r wwf vrvrp" r'lr rrr-n ifipr W"irTr ifrj- rr- JT""" fa t1 ir- l,l,l l?r -ft.-.--. ,,lli,,lll rp -775 rr t " y'ia'w1" rr rr n T,n t-s . . d We.aliatwae a) T.Pwnlnsula in Asia (.Period .Height laBody ot - church 11, Waste allowance If, Brother ot Jacob 17. First man 22. Thickness 24. Untruth 25. Vigor H. Bowing fjnpTemsfrl n. Draft ot treaty M. Attention 1KB miitakaa IX Payable 14. Old card gam 18. Succeed 19. place for raising produce 41. Randy 44. Poitpon 46. Very dark 47. Disorder 48. Tot place ea 10. Rounded roof 11 Black U. Otherwise . 14. Head: French 56. Be indebted 17. Regret