THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortroa FOOD SECTION Pagt II Thursday, April 30, 19SS Hubbard The Spring Festival In Sa lem was attended Saturday by 11 member! of the, Hubbard Extension unit. Mn. R. C. Mains and Mrs. Lester Keller were auditorium hostesses in the morning. ..-.. A display on Norway was set by the exhibit committee, Mrs. Wayne Bridge, Mrs. Harry "Schei and Mrs. Ella Stauffer, 1 : Also attending were Mrs. . T. Rose, president, who accept ed the "Standard Unit" award for the unit, Mrs. X. C. Boyd, Mrs. Elmer Nelsor, Mrs. A. L. Murphy, Mrs. Floyd Dominlck and Mrs. McCoy. north of Hubbard with free program for the evening. Cof fee and doughnuts will be serv ed and favors given- the chil dren. The new theater will be operated by Tom and Harry Moyer of Portland. . Frank Anderson was induct ed into Arion temple, Pythian Sisters, , at the . last meeting with past chiefs in the chairs, including Mrs. George Leffler, Mrs. A. F. deLespinasse, Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. L. M. Scholl, Mrs. Jesse Fallen. Floor work was directed by Mrs. Sadie Rich, Mrs. Leffler was commend ed on her letter perfect ex emplification of the lengthy Initiation work. - Mrs.' Harold Colgan presided over the business session. A spring gardening motif was used for the table decora tions for the social hour under ' direction of Mrs. Colgan, Mrs, Art Zehner and Mrs. Marvin Barrett. t Mrs. A. F. deLespinasse spoke on "Fifty Years Ago" honoring -the charter members of Una temple, Pythian Sis ters, at Aurora during their 83rd anniversary celebration Also attending from Hubbard were Mrs. L. M. Scholl, Mrs, A. J. Smith, Mrs. Ella Stauf fer and Mrs. Anna Scholl.' The' Smiling Sewers 4-H club .finished their year with a party .. for , their . mothers, eight fourth grade girls, and Mrs. Elizabeth King and Mrs Archie Axtell, fifth and fourth grade teachers. Mothers present included Mrs. Forrest Cousatte, Mrs, Wesley Courter, Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. W. G. Bollander, Mrs. Henry Lettenmair, Mrs. George Pardey, Mrs. George Clark and Mrs. Archie Matti- son. Committees were selected with Carol Courter, Carolynn Blackwell and Marie Mattison in charge of cakes; Kathy Par dey, Karen Jones and Arleta Clark, games; Judy Letten malr, Invitations; and Sharon Cousatte and Janet Paulson, decorations. The 12 girls in the club completed their pro ects for the year under the di rection of Mrs. Russell Rollof- Amity Amity The Baptist Wom en s circle held its April meet ing Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jewell Steele. Mrs. Andrew Wakeman presided. Officers elected were: Mrs. W. H. Loop, president; Mrs, Harold Pickett, vice president; Mrs. Louis Lynch, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. ' Ray Konzel man, White Cross secretary; Mrs. Elmer Chritsensen, spirit ual life secretary. - Reports were given by i number of women who attend ed Central Willamette Baptist Women's societies at McMinn ville Baptist church, April 16, Mrs. Milton Lehman was elected as a board member of the association Mrs: J. O. Casteel gave the devotions . and assisted her daughter in serving refresh ments. Eleven members at tended. The Three Links club of In dustry Rebekah lodge met with Mrs. Cordis Morrison at Perry- dale, Wednesday evening, April 22. it. . . . A no-host dinner was served at 6:30 p.m. ..' ' Officers elected were uorma Morrison, re-elected president; Elma Nason, vice president; Elona Wood,' secretary; .Gertie Richter, treasurer. Hazal Gibbs and Bessie sor- ensen were appointed on wie by-laws committee: Ralph and Elona Wood, will be hosts for the May .meeting, The senior class play, Amity high, school, ."Professor, How Could You?" will be presented May 1 In Amity high school gymnasium. , Cast of characters includes John Haffley, Jim McKinney, Ailene Allison, Marianne Vasey, Vernon Bant sari, Dawn Truett, Carolyn Wilcox, Jim , Turpen, Helen Ojua and Roy Kitchens. The grade school presented Wheatland Mr. and Mrs, Joe Beaty of Wheatland were Sunday guests of her' brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist; her aunts, Mrs. Aria Hagstrom and Miss Nora Smith, at Portland. : Returning home, they were callers at the home of Mrs. Clarence - L. Fowler. Mrs. Smith, who has been seriously ill in the Good Samaritan nos pital since March 17, has been moved to her boarding home. Wheatland Talbot Talbot Mrs. Charles Weiey has been In the Albany hos pital following a heart attack but Is improved and Ms oeen moved to the home of her daughter, Mrs. . George Mar- latt. ' A. R. Winston, who suffered a heart attack three weeks ago is improving and hopes to return home from the hos pital in Salem this week. Puts On Blue Bonnet To Get Most For The Money! W - n MKS. HUMAN WOUK You, too, will love Blub Bonnet Margarine's delicate, sunny-sweet flavor 1 Blub Bonnet makes bread, toast, hot rolls, and vegetables taste bttltr than ever! You'll appreciate Blub Bonnet's nutrition. Unlike most other mar- framnaa Dr.irai RAHMffT Mtnfnfna finfh physical education program . vitamins A and D as much year- 1 n the school gymnasium Thursday evening, April 23. William Plue and May Lucas were in charge. i round Vitamin A and D as you get in the high-priced spread for bread! net JjLUB bonnet Margarine costs Itss than half as much as the high-priced spread. So put on Blub Bonnet and be tun of "all 8" . More men than women are I Flavor, Nutrition, Econom-e-e! blind. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rollof- son have purchased the Gornv ley house from Mrs. Ines Gormley who will move Into a house being built for her on her son Frank s place at Au rora. The Rollofsons are moving to the home of Mrs, Rollofson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam King, until Mrs. Gormley's house is completed. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Morris re cently returned from a week's vacation spent In eastern Ore gon and southern Washington. Grand opening of the Hub bard Drive-In theater wil be held Thursday evening at dusk I IT SOC009, (AMERICA'S FAVORITE) 2 MIDGET MARKETS 351 Stat 1128 Center MOTHER'S DAY As a special treat, many of our customers will be taking Mother out to dinner at one of many outstanding Eating Places in Salem. We appreciate that because most of them serve MIDGET MEAT.) Here are some suggestions for you 'amateur' cooks (husbands and daughters) who like to 'strut their tuff at home and give Mother a rest. .... , ; - Ham Roast m 65c Pork Steak i 55c Pork Roast a 41c Center Chops 79c Hints: A fresh ham (leg o' pork) or picnic roost with dressing and apple sauce. Pork steak, breaded and simmered in tomato sauce. Center chops, cut thick and . r . .i f casserole, or have a pocner or mem ro srurr. .U.59' IB. 45" fllflfC CTtAffC .WU.) JICAIU A Favorite STEER ROASTS Tender, Lean VEAL STEAKS Is Bread VEAL PORTERHOUSE. LB, LB, 59' 75' HERE THEY ARE We hove hod so many calls. A limited Supply LOIN BACON BACKS S u 55' REGULAR PICNICS Jr. . 4E' COTTAGE ROLLS Nice to Slice LB. Our Center St. Market Is Open Until 7 p.m. Friday Evenings Until 9 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS I r 4o yck a bosket of values like thtie mlj Orchids All Day Saturday for the ladies . . Direct from Hawaii . . . Land of Surtshino DEL MONTE nCARX Bartlett Halves No. 2 DEL MONTE SLICED No. 2 Pineapple ML MONTE : i n.M.u sliced Flat Size DEL MONTE Pineapples DEL MONTE Prune Juice Quart glass . Ml UAMTI Pineapple Juice of 25 $4i t 4 for .00 DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail 5U 2. M DEL MONTE EL PEACHES . . . M 2 m .29 (or u 2QJr for t . . 33' DEL MONTE peaswim . .w 22 No. 303 . . TOMATOESrr DEL MONTE LIMA BEANS KM UAUTt BEETS . . . 7 : 4H kisrVkJTVB? ' '. Tomato Paste ... . . ' IT'S ALL NUTRITION Nucoa . 1B.2S)' ill bllDE Tall mi rwixt. pi milk I SUB Can 2 25' Aflonning's Coffee .S9' HILLS BROS. FOLGER'S M.J.B. COFFEE Lb. 59' Palmolive n 3 25c Itth 3 ft? Soap UKMONmi 3.25c Cleanser 225c BljrjS COTTAGE " 29c IP Zee Tissue Egg Noodles Starkisf, No. 1 fall VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS No. Vi cons 2 for 45c DOG FOOD i, !!. 3 25c en re o-n. usher's fHh Eoch io-h. bog hKtt X pkg. CAKE FLOUR FISHER'S BLEND Y3C I Uf Ym CttpM WESSON on 69c WITH COUWN SNOWDRIFT J U. CAN no - 70t ESSON OIL. tHOsWNINO i WITH COUPON 7 Snowboy Cello Carrots 2' 25c Local Asparagus urr 2fe 33c Solid Fresh Lettuce u 12c BANANAS PLANTATION SALE ba i i r -m mm irsm m. . .kimt w U.S. Inspected - Boneless SWISS STEAKS u 1 lb. 10 oz. Pqn Ready tmrcnr ceiio ru i Liu c $11.00 Pkg., EACH trn nr. GROUND BEEF 3 1,,. Tv Pure All Meat MINCED HAM sliced ib. Large Old Fashioned Cf FRANKFURTERS 31 m Fresh PORK LIVER Pure Lean 35' LOCKER BEEF FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO LIKE THE 1BST QUALITY Choice Grade Corn Fed Guaranteed 165 to 185 Um. to the Sid CUT THE WAY YOU LIKE ITI SY jl DOUBLE WRAPPED FREE! CZ tZ b, Another boat load of those fine gold en ripe bananas has just arrived at ( Ebner's Park N' Market fresh from the plant a 1 1 o n. Come in and see l M ill.. Pl.y. DEL MONTI GARDEN SHOW fAll MEAT BAKERY VEGETABLES LOCKERS