Page 10 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 30, 1953 BUSY BRUSHES K S3"- .U- ls ... si A MntanR anrf nv-nfoasinnfll nnintprll RWflrm Over & tWO- tory frame home in Ogden, Utah, as they set a new world record for house painting of six minutes S3 seconds. More than 100 men worked on the project Sponsored by the Odgen Junior Chamber ol Commerce to spark a city-wide clean up, paint up campaign. (UP Telephoto) Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Mrs. William Yoder of Forest Grove spent the week-end - visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Yoder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones of Portland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Godsey. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young spent the last few days with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Howard and family In Portland., , . . . The annual dinner , of the Woman's club in Grand Ronde was held In the library build ing last Thursday evening. Spring flowers were placed on the . tables and about the rooms. Each place was marked with placards ' bearing the words: "Eternal Vigilance, Is the Price of Freedom.",, , A three-course dinner was served to approximately . 35 members and guests. The guests present were Mrs. ' M a r i o n Weatherford, president of the Oregon Fed oration Womans Clubs, Mrs. Ernest E. Hall, first vice pres- ldet of the OFWC; Mrs. Ray Morrison, president of Willl mlna Civic club; Mrs. H. A. Parrett, state chairman Gar den Department of the OFWC; Mrs. Virgil Hlder, of Willa mlna, and Mrs.' Royce Coan wife of the Rev. Coan of the Methodist church in , Grand Ronde.' ? ." A short business meeting was held, conducted by Mrs. Walter Murray,' president of the Grand Ronde Womans club, Reports . from the various committees were given at this time. Following the business meeting Mrs. Weatherford was introduced by Mrs.. Murray who gave a talk, basing her words on the conservation of natural resources, the theme of which was preservation of our American heritage. .' During the entertainment movies were shown by Mrs. Adam MaePherson, after which she took motion pictures of the group. Mrs. Ernest Fischer was a visitor in Salem last Thurs day. ,. Marion . Merry Ann Gliders square dance club started again after the Easter vacation. Entertaining In honor of her husband's birthday. Mrs. F. C. Schermacher with the assist ance of her daughter, Mrs. Warren Ezell, Invited for din ner Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mclll- ney, Gary and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ezell, Shirley and Linda of Salem, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Calavan, Mr. and Mrs. Herman De Langh and the honor guest, F, C. Schermach' er. .. The Textile Painting club met with Mrs. J. L. Calavan for their last meeting this spring until early fall. Every one brought a sack lunch. . Scarlet fever and measles are reported in ' many homes among the school children. Mrs. Warren Gray will leave Wednesday for Seattle where she will visit her daugtv ter, Dorthea, for a few days. Mr. and, Mrs. Wendel Lane and family, who have been working on the Warren Gray farm, have: moved to Cover- dale and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stricklan and two daughters of Aurora are going to be the new help on the Gray farm. Sheridan John Schucbman of the Merchant Marines re cently sailed for the Far East on the cargo ship S. S. Oregon. The Yamhill County Federa tion of Women's clubs will meet at the Sheridan Metho dist church, April 27. The an nual meeting will begin with registration at 9 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Krauthoefer, Jr., are the par ents of a son, Thomas Ray, born April 10 at the McMinn vllle ' hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kraut hoefer, Sr., of Sheridan and Mrs. Mary Bailey of Crescent City, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Norman c. Valet of Amity are the parents of a son, born April 12 at the McMinnville hospital, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Butler of Sheridan are the grandparents. Kenneth Frack of Sheridan has been elected historian of Hawthorne Manor at Oregon State college. He is a sopho more in pharmacy and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frack of Sheridan. Allen Brown left this week for Anchorage, Alaska, and Nenana to begin the summer season as pilot on the M. S. Panama. Mrs. Clay Tatom Is recover ing from her recent illness which had her hospitalized. Francis Wiser is home on a 14-day : leave following boot training at San Diego. He will report at Bremerton, Wash., to the S. S. Indiana. Addison Darr celebrated his 91st birthday this week when his daughter, Mrs. Eva Mabee, entertained for him. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Ma bee and sons of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Mabee and family of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mabee and daughters of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Unruh and sons, and Haven Unruh of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oldham have returned from a trip as far east as New Orleans, La. They also visited in Texas and Missouri. Mrs. Ethelyn Goulart of Oak land, Calif., is visiting her par- lOOK FOR rXSSE TH,$ ftlaJ'1S4 C3 3 Nucoalsffte one fobuy- ...the first yellow margarine wffh food value In every single ingredient! Everything in today's Nucoa Is good for youl No benzoate preservative, no syathetie flavoil Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden arotene, rich In vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting ftucoa margarin. Is made by the makers of Best Foods Jteol Mayonnaise. Next time you buy, buy NUCOAI T FIRST IN QUALITY U Nutrition) H Natural Flavorl Ajwmjs Thrifty Sheridan ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Woodward of Sheridan. Eugene Spencer, MM3C, has been visiting here on his 30- day leave. His ship is the U.S.S. Wedderburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Criger of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Sheridan, are the parents of a son, David Lowell, born April 13. - Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow H. Wilson of Grant Pass are the parents of a son, Eldon Wood- row', born April 2. He is the grandson of Mrs. Harley Wil son and Guy Tatom of Sheri-dan. The organization meeting of the Nazarene church was held last week. Elected and in stalled officers are: Rev. Harry Burk, appointed pastor for one year; Cecil Balrd, Sunday school superintendent; Mrs, Marion Amerlne, treasurer; Mrs. Harry Burk, missionary president. Easter Sunday the church held the first service in their new building at 53S S. Bridge St. The charter will remain. open until after the revival meeting from May 13-24. Unionvale Unionvale Ivan L. Craw ley of Broadmead was a din ner guest Monday with ' his siter, Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lynn Gubser of McMinnville were Wednes day -afternoon guests of his son and' daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ersel Gubser of Un ionvale. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. A. C Dickpver of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser entertained with a birthday dinner Sunday. Her birthday was Sunday, April 26, and he will be 87 May 2. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogue of Taft and their daughter, Mis Emma Hogue of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen of the Neck district Mrs. Charles Clow, accom panied by her granddaughter, Mrs. Mary Johnson and two children of Oakland, Calif., re turned Friday. Mrs. Clow had visited two weeks in Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Donald Donald Mrs. William Gro- shong of Donald has been en tertaining her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Bolton, and her husband of Adna, Wash., the past week. Mr. Bolton is superintendent of schools at Adna. Past presidents of the Wom en's Benefit association of Don ald had a luncheon meeting at Scappoose last week. Those at tending were Mrs. Ben Quinn, Mrs. William Bushman, -Mrs. Ben Eppers, Mrs. Donald Ep pers, Mrs. Martin Krupicka, Mrs. William Blttick and Mrs. Leslie Eppers. , Mrs. W. E. MartUl was at tempting to crank their tractor last week when the crank flew back and Injured her arm and also sturck her on the head. She was not seriously injured. Mrs. T. G. Adylotte, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Green, who has been down from . Alaska since February, has just spent a week in Eugene visiting relatives. Bill Brown, who recently had an operation at Salem Gen eral hospital, is home again and recovered. 1 - ' Donald Mercantile continued to hold its lead in Inter-city bowling competition Monday night with a 4-0 win over the second place' Jones-Zundel squad. Third place Woodburn Garage topped fourth - place Bernards 4-0 , and fifth place woodourn r eed bested Lacey s 3-1. Donald had high team game of 949 and high series went to Woodburn Garage wltM ZB10. D. Hatcher had individ ual high scores of 207 game and 607 series. Pleasantdale Pleasantdale Leon Blanch ard has arrived home from Port Angeles, Wash., where he was employed on a church (construction job for about three weeks. He was accom panied by his son, Leon, Jr., and they spent part of the time travelling to Seattle,, Olympla and Victoria, B.C. Recent callers at the Bus Hadley home were relatives from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Leighty. . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sloan entertained at dinner recently, having as guests their neigh bors, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King and his mother, Mrs. Pauline King. House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blanchard on the week end of April 19 were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Epperson of Coburg. Wayne Freshour son of Mr. and Mrs. Granville Freshour of Carlton, was a houseguest of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freshour, 'for sev eral days. - Gary Freshour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gailan Fresh our of Dayton, spent Sunday night, April" 19, with the fam ily. On Monday Mr. Fresh our' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freshour of Wecoma Beach, spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Melzer, Pleasantdale, and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Melzer and baby of Monmouth, all spent the week-end of April 19 in Sherman county, visiting three other sons, Ver non, Millard and Wayne Mel zer and their families. ' Sunday evening, April 19, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fenian d were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Christenson of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Burgess of Newberg. Webfoot Webfoot Eleven members and one guest, Mrs. Ella Bran ham, attended the regular meeting of the Webfoot Social club, held Thursday afternoon at the home , of Mrs. Albert May. A surprise ' birthday party honoring the oldest charter member, Mrs. Ames Holdredge, who was 83 April 25, was a fea ture. She was presented with cards and gifts. Mrs. May baked the large angel food birthday cake, served with Ice cream. Attending were Mrs. Hold redge, Mrs. Branham, Mrs. Ralph Curfman, Mrs. John Hackworth, Mrs. T. Lyman, Mrs. Allen May, Mrs. Clayton Richards, Mrs, Archie Shafer, Mrs. Roscoe Roberts, Mrs. a. m. vernon, Mrs. ueu Mor- gariedge,- Mrs. Albert May, six cnuoren were present The next meeting will be neia in mree weexs at ine noma of Mr. and Mrs. Allen May. when the annual election of of ficers will be held. lour paitys great, Hon, and so is your fttri Wine r 1 LI 1 N.Marion High Johnson will be a guest of rel atives here for two weeks. - The North Marion Huskies will travel to Willamina for baseball Friday, May 1 at 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 2, is the district music contest at Monmouth. Tuesday, May 5, at 2:30 p.m. the North Marion Huskies will play Yamhill on the latter's diamond. Wednesday, May 6, the B squad will go to Molalla for baseball at 3:15 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, May 7. 8. and 9. is the district track meet which will be held In Salem. PETRI TOOK TIME TO BRING YOU GOOD WINE PTRI WINE CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAIIS, At last! A really non-scuff floor ml mm wnfo ooo because it's fortified with new hard-lustre Simolite iV-r iS l iMrtBiiBMMiic TuecuiKicV f i f t ii ReiiDC llCT TUCMDIAVlN ! - - i U' 4 iVfill MY FLOOR IN JUST 5 J I STAYS ON. NEW SIMONtt Sr hiSjSM MINUTES-AND WATCH NEW I i IS TRULY WATER-REPELLENT (7 V'q SETS SO HARD EVEN . , - J iKTV 1 SIMONIZ SET CRYSTAL- 1 -THANKS TO THAT SPECIAL J tN-k U 1 1 POUNDING HEELS WONT , Y ' I ( rt HARD AND BRIGHT. IT I MD-LUSTRJESIMOUTE! ; st? pVSCUFF THE SHINE! J iH-fTj ft 11 ko HUFRNftf NO wroNGf; (rirka no scuffing! l fortified ita' , har(j.IlStre IJjiUT J siMoiiiisFioonuiF; New discovery by SIMONIZ for busy kitchens! Yea, it's natty non-scuff! A shine so tough, one easy waxing huts up to S weeks thru heaviest kitchen traffic. Here's the secret: Now Simonii Self Polishing Floor Wax is high-lustre wax, fortiBed with Simolite, a new hard-lustre ingredient. That's why it outwears, outlasts fwry ordinary wax. Goet on easiest-no rubbing. A cinch to rewax, too, when necessary I Best of all, you wax (ess oftrn. Hard-lustre Simolite makes New Simonii Non Scuff Floor Wax so water-repellent iff extra easy to keep datiling clean. And even roughhouse children won't mark, won't streak, won't scuff HI Yon don't wax again up to 5 weeks. Get New Simonii Non-ScuS Floor Wax today.