Page 8 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 80, 195S if For Porch Snack "Ripe Olives on a Bun" are one of our favorite porch snacks. Split a frankfurter or hamburger roll In half. Cover with good-sized wedges of ripe olives which have been cut from the pits, top with a generous layer of mayon nalse mixed with chopped onion and curry. Place under broiler and broil until bubbly. Tips for the Kitchen Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich Do you have a springtime pot of chives on your kitchen shelf? Use the minced chives as a savory seasoning for mash potatoes. Add them to cream cheese softened with mayon naise for a cracker or sand wich spread. Sprinkle them over bowls or tomato - soup Add them to hot cooked but tered rice and serve with meat or fish. Any extra cake frosting? Let the small fry spread it on gra ham crackers.- ; , : When re-using oil for deep frying, add a small amount of fresh oil to replace that used in previous frying. To clarify oil after frying, just add two or three quartered peeled raw potatoes to the oil and heat gradually; fry the potatoes un til well browned, then cool the oil, strain it and store in the refrigerator until needed. . Plate Luncheon Plate luncheons for "just family" are step-saving for mother. Here's one that gets top billing: canned fruit cock tail in lettuce cups, 'sieved avocado spread on . toast, cheese sticks and raisen cook' ics. Everything may - be put on one plate and eaten In any part of the house. . , . , If your .fabric lamp shade is washable, you can clean it by plunging it into a deep tubful of warm suds; repeat in clean suds if necessary. Use a soft brush or a sudsy sponge on spots. Rinse immediately in clean water or use a spray. Wipe with a turkish towel and dry in a -current of air or near an electric fan. The secret of washing a shade successfully this way is to work quickly. Lyons "It's a list of out-of-town num bers I call often. I haven't got tho memory I'm supposed to hovel".. .A free booklet for listing your own long distance numbers is available at your nearest telephone business office . . . Pacific Telephone. Lyons Mrs. Paul Penning ton was the honored guest at the Three Links club meeting held at the hall Friday. Mrs. Albert Carr presided over the business meeting which fol lowed a twelve o'clock lunch eon, after which Mrs. Penning ton was honored with a shower. Attending were Mcsdames George Huffman, George Ber ry, Ray Roberts, Ray Sischo, Elmer Taylor, Ed Taylor,; Jake Let Others Shoot the Bulls WE SHOOT PRICES! PACKING HOUSE WHOLESALE PRICES Federally Graded, State Inspected for Your Protection! Compare and See the Difference! LOCKER tf)(o)C BEEF kI Vi or WHOLE 1 1 v ' or WHOLE SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 S. 25th St. Ph. 34858 Myers, Albert Carr, Clyde Lewis, Art Anderson, Marvin Berry, Mrs. May Patton- and the honored guest Mrs. Paul Pennington. Several from Lyons attend ed the Sigma Alpha national honor society held at the Stay ton high auditorium Wednes day evening, April 22, when eight students from Lyons who attend the Stayton high school were, initiated Pauline Schle wck, Donna Peabody, Pauline Bridge, Raymond Forest, Nova Ann Gerath, Darla Davidson, Cecil Bassett and -Janet Huff man. Little Freddie Goddell, two-land-one-half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodell, was taken to the Santiam Mem orial hospital Tuesday in a critical condition. He was re ported 'to be some improved Friday evening. Girl Scouts and their leaders, Mrs. Martha Cruson and Mrs. Thistle, were entertained at the meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge Wednesday evening, fol lowing the regular business meeting. i Bonnie Cruson acted as lead er. At the close of the evening, Millie Becket, Roberta Longe necker and Jean Roberts served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Toland had as their guests over ' the week-end, their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fctherston and daughters, from Prineville. . Mrs. Lola Smith from Cor nelius visited at the home of her son and family, Mr. and After you turn out' meat loaf, frost it with mashed po tatoes and place under the broiler until the potatoes are flecked a golden brown. Try this for a television snack when company'i view ing: Rub a bowl with a cut clove of garlic, then mash en avocado in the bowl. Mix in a little finely chopped onion, mayonnaise and salt. You may also cut-up a fresh tomato that has been skinned and aeeded. Serve potato chips and let guests dip them into the avo cado mixture. If you are watching your weight and feel the need of mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack,, take a glass of fruit juice or milk.- , Now that fresh strawberries are coming In, try combining them with canned apple slices as a super-duper topping for breakfast cereal. - Want quick curry sauce for snrimp? simply add curry powder to condensed canned celery soup, dilute with a little bouillon, and heat. ; Fruitland Fruitland , Mrs. William Anderson, Mrs. Carl Fischer, ! Mrs. Ted Witham were hosts to the Fruitland' Women's circle at the church annex Thursday afternoon. - ' Mrs. R. Thomas was in charge of the business meeting. Loretta Southwick and Pat Miller of Fruitland 4-H cook ing club demonstrated cookie making and treated the wom en with samples of their bak ing. Mrs. Ivan Smith. Smith is a teacher at the Mari-Linn school. " Mr. and Mr. Rudolph Brader of Bend, former residents of Lyons, were in Lyons Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Brader called at the Alex Bodeker home while Mr. Brader did some fish' ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stev ens and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens were called to Sher idan, Wyoming, by the death of Mr. Stevens, father of the two men. Mrs. jim Lande has re turned home after a trip to California, where she was guest of relatives. NEW "QUIK-BEAT" CAKE SAVES 750-300 STROKES! ONIY SNOWDRIFT GIVES YOU THIS "QUIK-BEAT" CAKE IMPORTANT: For best results when hand mixing, be sure to use one of these SL J?? 2 mfnufes beafingl !i to li less work large cooking fork or mixing spoon with big slots Have Ingredients at room temperature In large mixing bowl, break up... Vi cup SNOWDRIFT ' Important: Use only Snowdrift, It's pre-whipped for you. Add-" hu I J'4 cups sifted cak flour Sift .11 together J JJ4 2P00" doubls-otflon overabove... bWno powder . Hi cupt sugar I teaspoon salt Blend ingredients, beat 1V4 minutes, scraping sides of bowl ircoucntly. (Count 225 strokes for hand beating. With electric mixer use low speed; scrape sides during beaUng, the beaters afterwards.) Add. ..VI cup milk with I teaspoon vanilla Blend, then beat to smooth out batter, about 75 strokes (Vi minute, electric beater). Turn into 2 ?refse? 8-'ncr' lyr pans, lined with paper. Swirl ork through batter. Bake in moderate oven (375"F) 25 to 30 minutes. CHOCOIATI AIMOND ICINOi Blend 5 toblcupoons Snourtrft with Vi cup sited cocoa. Add 3 etips tt;td confectioners' sugar and Vi teaspoon salt alternately with Vi cup milk. When smooth, add 1 teaspoon almond flavoring. Frost cake. Decorate with blanched almonds. Snowdrift shortening is pre-whipped 2000 times! you hat piinty with Mixitl Package direc tions for leading cake mixes call for 450 to 600 strokes. Hard work you can short-cut only with pre-whipped Snowdrift and its "Quik Bcat" Method. Delicious as only homemade cakes can be! And you'll save up to 300 strokes! twici as quick as most quick-method cakes! Don't beat and beat! We can promise you half the armwork and luscious cakes, but only if you use pre-whipped Snowdrift and its special "Quik-Beat" recipe! IWwdriftL 0 II UirrcnU fill II II wui " a II NEW UGHTlft SNOWDRIFT FRUITS fir VEGETABLES If If s In season, Model has it Lb. 10c ..Lb: 7c FRESH LOCAL SPINACH SOLID NEW CABBAGE ..... MIX VEGETABLE SALADS.,.. ......cello VC ' 28 ITEMS OF. . VEGETABLES New White Potatoes Green Peas - White Cauliflower Green Broccoli - Local Asparagus Spinach Egg Plant Watercress - Romaioe Green Peppers - Bunch Carrots - Turnips Beets Celery - Celery Hearts Cucumbers Tomatoes - Red ' Radishes - Green Onions Artichokes Zuchinnl -Solid Cabbage Rutabagas Parsnips - Firm Lettuce Parsley - White Onions -. Rhubarb-Fresh Corn . Fresh Pineapple , Strawberries Vigoro f, Boost Tour Garden and Lawn 10 lbs. 95 c 25 lbs. 1.85 50 lbs. 3.1 5 DEL MONTE CANNED GOODS SALE This is the last week to make the big savings by buying 6, 12 or 24 cans HUNT'S TOMATO PRODUCTS TsT.,DKM95c 549c 323c .. 325c SOLID PACK iAO TOMATOES 2s &l jfC TOMATO JUICE 13H-oz. TOMATO HOT SAUCE. . . .... i TOMATO PASTE. . ...... Good Grocery Buys TREE TEA BAGS TREE TEA BAGS ,. MAUUIMAt fflFFFF 'Miiiiiiiw vi i fct, Keg, 2 lbs. S1.85 HEINZ PURE HONEY Mb. jar ....... SCHMUCKER'S GRAPE JAM 2,b jar COLUMBIA DILLS , .lb, Quart iar (Plain or Kosher) SWIFT'S BONED CHICKEN . ..... SWIFT'S BONED TURKEY . ....... ARMOUR'S ROAST BEEF . . . ARMOUR'S CHIPPED BEEFjar ... INSTANT SANKA COFFEE Large INSTANT BORDEN S COFFEE Large iar Let us Keaeem xour coupons 49c 19c 93c .......49c .......33c . .....39c "2 cans 89C 2 cans 89C 59c ...... 35c . . $1.19 $1.35 No. ZVi . 46 oz. SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING UE((AU All Let Us Redeem. nEJjUil VlL Your Coupons ..... . DAD'S ROOT BEER 10 . PEPSI-COLA i2,. . .. . ;. (Plus Bottle Deposits) DOLE CHUNK PINEAPPLE DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE FRESHIES 10 LARGE IVORY SOAP 12 GUEST IVORY SOAP DIAL SOAP Ref. ... ... DIAL SOAP . WIZARD WICK sol. ZEE WAX PAPER 125 AERO FLOOR WAX 3 a,. 93c Quart 69C 49C for for for for for for Quart 49c 69c 59c 89c $1.25 95c Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 30-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly Service No Charge for Delivery Rhode Island Reds FRYERS Pan Ready 65' lb. Roasting Chickens Oven Ready 55 ib. ... U.S. Choice RIB STEAKS 69' ., Saratoga Boneless LAMB CHOPS 89 lb. Now! Enjoy the "Instant" that (Jill You don't have to sacrifice real coffee flavor for instant coffee convenience. You get both with New Instant Chase & Sanborn 100 real coffee that tastes like it! This grand new "instant" has the rich flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee, yet dissolves in a flash! If you love fine coffee ... if you like to save money here's an offer that's meant for you! These large, Special Label jars of delicious New Instant Chase & Sanborn save you 201 over the regular price. Don't miss this big introductory sale. See your grocer today supply is limited! So good you'll make it your regular coffee! i T"tHI WESSON OIL SHORTENING! MM D Wmo Oil S Snowitilt Co., Inc. 100 REAL COFFEE