Thursday, April 10, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, lak. Onto FOOD SECTION-ait T Spectacular pie They Gall This vA spectacular pie both In flavor and appearance! The brown crust contrasts delicious-' ly with the snowy white rice filling which Is studded with bits of fruit golden peaches, plump seedless grapes, cubes of pineapple and ruby red cher ries. This rice pie is really "easy ai pie" to make. The graham cracker crust goes together In a few minutes. The rice filling is. ready in short order and a Rice and Fruit Pie which may be kept In the refrigerator until serving time is ready and wait ing to receive big round of applause.. Spectacular Pie 'ingredients: 12 graham crackers, finely crushed (1 cup) cup melted butter or ' margarine IS marshmallows V4 cup milk ' 2 cups cooked rice 1 - "1 No. 2 can fruit cocktail X (IVicups) '; Method: I Mix together the graham cracker . crumbs and melted butter or margarine. Pack into the bottom and around the sides of n greased deep 9" pie pan. Bake at 350 deg, F. for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool. : Over a low heat, cook marsh mallows, milk and rice, until 'the marshmallows are melted and the milk has been absorb ed. Stir frequently. Cool. Fold In the fruit cocktail.. :Pour into the graham crack er crust and chill covered. This pie may be keptin the refrig erator overnight. If desired, whipped cream may be served with the pie. - .This recipe makes 6 servings. For Appetizer Canned Cling peach slices make an Inspirational appeti zer. Take equal portions of the syrup from the canned fruit, pineapple and lemon Juice and freeze until mushy. Serve over the chilled fruit. Decorate with a maraschino cherry or a sprig of mint. A Bean Meal Dry lima beans know no season, for they come in handy at all times of the year. On cool spring evenings jve like to serve baked lima beans as the one hot rish and ac company the excellent entree with thin slices of cold ham, aliced tomatoes said frozen dessert. Ballston Ballston Mrs. Mae Yokum, who has been Ul at her home, has been taken to the General hospital in McMinnville for treatment Mr. and Mrs. Bun Whitlow of Dayton spent Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Gould. The 4-H Sewing club met at the home of their leader, Miss Roberta Patty, April 20. Plans were completed for the 4-H Achievement day, which will be held in the Ballston com munity hall, May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly, Mrs. Bob Brooks and Adrian Brooks made a trip to the Sandy for smelt Saturday. The Sew and Social club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Howard Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coffelt and son, Allen, spent the week end at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tipp Coffelt at Valsetz. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dale of Sheridan visited at the Shade Snow home Sunday afternoon. J. E. Ruce was a Portland visitor Friday and Saturday. 1 MMaraot Smi Sheik ffi 4Mj! Kl4aV4jaJ1 lijsjjj, Monmouth Monmouth Mrs. Claude H, Boyd was elected president of the Women's Society of World Service of the EUB church at the annual election held at the horn of Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman Thursday. Other officers are: Mrs. W. A. Wil son, vice president: Mrs. A'. X McLarty, secretary; Mm. Guy rouz, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jaynes have announced the engage ment of their son, David, to Mildred Faxon of Toledo. No date has been set for the wed ding. . The last meeting of the So cial Hour club for the club year was held Wednesday with the president,, , Mrs... . George Cooper. Nine members had not missed a. .meeting and were given corsages by Mrs. Cooper. The new president, Mrs. Francis Haines appointed the following committees: Mrs. D. Dewey, Mrs. Paul Riley, Mrs. H. Van Loan, Mr.. C. Powell and Mrs. R. Maaske, program and place;. Miss Nell Link and Mrs. J. Lorence, sunshine; Mrs. H. Morlan, books; Mrs. D. Sear ing and Mrs. N. Edwards, book list. . Nineteen hundred high school musicians are expected to take part in the annual west ern Oregon district music eon- test to be held' on OCT 'cam pus Saturday, May 2. - Recent visitor at the Elmer Leedy home were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Lee dy and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ba ker of Imbler; Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Slough and- four chil dren of Corpus Christ!, Texas, nephew of Leedy. Dr. Ruben Maaske,' president of OCE . was . .guest. . speaker when OCE entertained mem bers of the Monmouth and. In dependence Chamber of Com merce, at the college- library building. Dr. Maaske returned last week from a four-month stay in Turkey, where he had gone to maxe a survey in teacher education for. the Min istry of Education and was chosen to go by the State De partment in Washington, D.C. A Quick Dessert . Prunes, cooked, pitted and sliced, folded into honey- sweetened whipped cream makes one of the best des serts you ever ate. And so easy, the Junior miss could take on the job. 1fry ROM)!.!, Haw Wnd of ftaidfe KuQatftHovatoCook! PES cocxjo Instant Ridding MAXES A HOT MEAL v r easy! SO EAST! Willamina WUlamlna Mrs. Alice Wa- bus, president of WW auxil iary No. 4111, has announced her' officers and committee chairmen for the coming year. The officers are, senior vice, Marjorie Lenaburg; Junior vice, Florence Ullrich; chap lain, Anna Stout; patriotic In struetor, Oeraldlne McNamar conductress, Georgia Rasmus sen; guard, Josephine Rumrlll flag bearer, Addle P. Curry; banner bearer, Bea Curry; sec retary; Btfie Morrison; treasur er, Harriett House; color bear ers. Nancy Coddlngton, Mil dred McKlnley,. Pernlec a Soulos and' Myrtle Davis. ' Committee chairmen are: es say and Americanism, Geral dine McNamar; youth activi ties, Clarice Ellis and Nancy Coddlngton; community serv. pSTARLArt B loch Package Make S Or. B Non-For Milk I 4F0R$11 Capitol Irreg. PEARS N..2tt CM EMnoro Sol Id Pack Tomatoes Elsinore Solid Pack TUNA J-ai. ct Dai Monte Garden r PEAS 5 -u$l r StemfeW Whole Dill I PICKLES 7 FOR Elsinore Fancy CATSUP a. 7 SJ Tasty Pak (Gravenstein) APPLE SAUCE N. JM CM Ice,, the auxiliary; rehabilita tion, Josephine . Rumhill and Clarice E 1 1 1 1; memberthip, Harriett House. The high school PTA met this week to Install officers for the 1958-14 year. The officers are: Emll Howell, president; Mrs. Walter Murray, first vice president; Mrs. Paul Yoder, second vice president; Mrs. K. E. Shetterly, secretary; Mr. Harley Mishler, treasurer. The Hillcrest Good Cheer club, met Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Gordon Alley.' The ladle hemmed diapers to be donated to the Shrine Crip pled Children's hospital. Next month they will sew night gowns and Jackets for the W verly Baby home. Mr. Henry Jones of' Sheridan won the quilt which was raffled off by the ciub. recently, ... Member present were Mes dame Dorothy Bahr, Helen Hamilton; Velma Hamilton, Del All 4 $1 A $1 Spreckel's 4$1 $E Highland Market IERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Doily 00 HleMswd kit, (sRS-fMS Jennie Clinton, Lena Page, Helen Barrett, Iris Hutton, Gertrude Dickey, Selma King and Pauline Schukar. Shirley Booth of WUlamlna received her nurse's cap at St Mark's Episcopal church In Portland recently. She wa on of 39 nursing students at the Good Saraaratan hospital who were capped in the ceremony. Mr. and Mr. . Kenneth E. Shetterly have announced the engagement of their daughter Kaye, . to Frank ; (Pete) Rey nolds, son of Mr. and Mr. J. R. Reynold of Fall City. Twenty-four WUlamlna high school students went to Beav- erton recently to compete In the annual district vocal, and instrumental solo and ensem ble contest. Six played solos, and five sang solos. . Those playing in the Instru mental , class were Ted Cook, Nancy Mlschler, Jeanette Sin gleton, Pat Park, Donna Still FOR THEY GET THEIR WORTH DURING OUR SPRING DOLLAR SALE COME IN TODAY Kitchen Queen HRk Monte Tomato Pure i'U:)CE.flS;l MILK gar Special Prices Effective May l-l BEEF ROAST 6r.d.A LUNCH MEAT W PICNICS Cascade 6 lb. average LB. 39) TOMATOES Sun ripened LB. CELERY (,i tmAlT POTATOES m m.m Lemmon's Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner' S9S N. Commercial well, Margaret Cunliffe, Har- lena Baker, Alta KoUn, Mf ry Lou Nalmen, Joan Bowers, Dorothy Jahn, Myrna Lang- ley, Linda Beck, Sandra Ma tocha and Violet Jahn. Those In the vocal solo di vision were Jeanette Single ton, Dorothy Harper, Da Ban yard, Jeanette Johnson and Mariana McKlnley. Paintings by Herbert G. Ry dell of WUlamlna are included In the current exhibition of Cascade Artists which is being shown In Miller's department store in Saltm. The exhibition wlu continue through May IB. Cascade Artists 1 composed of a limited number of artist and craftsmen who use various me dium, but are now partlcu larly enjoying watercolor. Weekly painting session were in progress for over a year before the name was assumed In February of 1982. Mr. Rydell I a private log - BUY IN QUANTITY AND SAVE! Tall cans 10-lb. CM. tores fteoerve the Blfht To Umlt Quantities Carter's Market RIID CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily 17ft m Mtrkd (H S4I7I Macleay Macleay Elizabeth Keyser, a sixth grade pupU, won hon orable mention In the "Picture of the Week" contest The Macleay baU team won the game played against the Pratura team Friday at Pr turn. ' The score was 28 to 13. ' Members of the 4-H club are busy making signs for the par ade at the 4-H club fair to be held at Stayton. Mrs. Ethel Ramus- and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter have been re elected to teach here next year. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hopkins have as their guests their daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. L. Hopkins, and granddaughter, Danielle. glng operator here. He 1 a graduate of Oregon State col lege, and an ex-mining engineer. 3 FOE! $21 Hlnor Fancy Fruit Cocktail - 3 $1 Elslnore Froeitono Peaches 00 , Nollea Umtfok Syrup Nonea Mf IU BEANS $00L Cream -. v ffi ll tf00 e PEASE- SOUP TISSUE Wourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Sfoytofi V7 Their son, a member of the air force, la attending training school In Denver. . , H will be stationed near Riverside, Calif., where his family will Join him when ha has completed hi training. i' ' ' Melt mint Jelly and pour over grapefruit sections; serve with lamb. LOCKER DEEF VKIU-SKOtt'SKCUU , IAIY STEER lEEF Front Quarter . . 28 c lb. 14 or Whole... 31 eb. Hind Quarter . . . 36c DON WYMORE SALEM MEAT CO. ' I4S5S 1325 S. 25ft St. ARE HAPPY 2; 3$. Jl Monte Corn 303 cans Paper Napkins FOR I i' 10, 10 JE io ja 10 Jl TOMATO TsH cm M.D. TM 111 GerWs BABY FOOD 12 c $a SunahliM Cookie Hydrox-39' Quality Food Mkt. CHIT WATTE, Owner Delivery Twke Dally ' 1701 (alr X. M J W21 taent-iCMKi iucmom co. fomfm i