I Paga 6 FODD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April ao, 1953 Suggsted Luncheon Dish for May Day. .. For lunch on May, day spread the aunny atmosphere at your table. HowT With peppy deviled eggi, baked in Muce of. cream of mush- room soup. ' Thit Is a luncheon dish you tan practically iix while you prepare breakfast. That to, you an cook the eggs then. And later, devU the yolks with tippy seasonings. Some tips on the eggs will help to give best results. Have the water simmering Instead of boiling as eggi cook. Otherwise they may be tough. Cool the cook ed eggs quickly by running cold water over them; this helps prevent yolks turning Cheese Adds Bit Good as gold to tomato soup when flavored with a generous measure of grated cheese. A pleasing proportion to 1 can of condensed tomato soup with Vi cup of grated cheese 'plus IK cups milk. Use a sharp Cheddar cheese or a processed cheese, de pending on your . tastes. , Another delectable addition to 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese with regular tomato soup. A gourmet's meal when you top the soup with crisp croutons. Zat it with a light tossed salad. dark. And cool eggs are easier easier to shell and to cut. Eggs baked In a mushroom sauce, with a generous sprink ling of cheese, have a real melt in your -.mouth flavor Lamb Shoulder Is A Bargain, and Good Plentiful, bargain-priced lamb shoulder is fine for this meal In - one dish that needs only a salad, dessert and bev erage. Good eating for grow ing boys and girls as well as for their parents. . . . Scotch Lamb Stew 2 pounds lamb shoulder 1 tablespoon shortening 1 quart water Vt cup pearl barley 1 onion, sliced 2 tablespoons minced parsley 8 celery tops 2 teaspoons salt 6 medium potatoes Cut meat in 2-inch cubes, Brown in hot fat in a heavy kettle. Add water, barley, onion, parsley, minced celery tops and seasoning, cover and cook slowly 1 hours. Add peeled potatoes and continue cooking about ft nour. Canned apple slices, heated, and served with sugar and cream over split, buttered hot biscuits to a dish that every body, but everybody, will go tor in a big way. scniuinc FbvcrVcrfefy foe "different" intent. ehoote from 2 1 Schilling ayoring cmctsl A crisp salad of greens, radishes and cucumber ac companies the eggs nicely. last course, rhubarb betty with cream. Baked Deviled Eggs with Mushroom Sauce 6 hard-cooked eggs, cut in half lengthwise 2 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon prepared mustard Dash salt and pepper Dash Worcestershire . sauce 1 can (IVi cups) condensed cream of mushroom soup Yi cup milk Yt cup shredded sharp processed cheese Blend egg yolks, mayon naise, mustard, salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce stuff Into egg whites. Place eggs' In a small shallow bak ing pan. Blend soup and milk; pour over eggs; sprinkle cheese on top. Bake In a moderate oven (373 F.) about 30 minutes or until lightly browned. 6 servings. . Cheese for Salad Loaf Cheese at a milk alternate is best eaten as part of a meal rather than at the end of the meal for easier digesting. Cot tage cheese, not as concentrat ed as other varieties, has a lower fat content Cottage or cream cheese gives an inter esting flavor contrast In fruit salads. Cheddar cheese may be combined with left-over meat, vegetables, macaroni or rice in a cream sance for a main dish casserole. A melted cheese sauce makes a savory topping tor asparagus or broccoli. Here is the recipe for a cot tage cheese molded salad that is flavored with diced crisp vegetables. It's rich in milk nutrients and main-dish hearty. Cottage Cheese Salad Loaf 1 envelope unflavored gelatine cup cold milk tt cup hot milk S cups cream-style cottage cheese (1 pound) teaspoon salt 6 Bake deviled eggs in a sauce of cream of mushroom soup. They come out tasting like a "little bit of heaven". Sauces Aid to Broiled Fish Broiling to one of the easiest ways to prepare fish because It cooks so quickly ana re quires a minimum of handling from the stove to the table. Though nothing approaches the sheer deliclousness of fresh broiled fish liberally sprinkled with lemon Juice and amply seasoned, any of the sauces on this or the preceding page make unusually outstanding dishes from most broiled fish. Don't overlook the sauces you may list among your favorites even though you've never served them with fish. For broiling use split small whole fish weighing up to two pounds. Or use fish steaks, fillets or seafood such as shrimps, lobster or soft-shelled crabs. 2 teaspoons grated onion 1 cup finely diced celery Yi cup finely diced green pepper . Soften gelatine in cold milk. Add hot milk and stir until gelatine Is dissolved. Blend in cottage cheese; add salt, onion, celery and green pepper. Turn into large ot individual molds and chill until firm. Unmold and serve on watercress with tomato wedges and mayon naise. Yield: 6 servings. Brush the fish before broil ing with a little of the Kitchen Bouquet browning glaze. Arrange fish to be broiled on he rack in the broiling pan, or on a Heat-proof serv ing platter, and broil about 4 inches from moderate heat in pre-heated broiling compart ment. It is unnecessary to turn fish fillets and split whole fish. Remember that a sheet of aluminum foil placed under the fish will make your dish washing simpler later. Sour Cream Sauce 8 tablespoons butter cup sliced scalllons cup diced green pepper teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon lemon juice teaspoon kitchen bouquet Melt butter in small sauce pan. Add scalllons and green pepper. Cook over moderate heat about 3 minutes. Add seasonings, sour cream, lemon Juice and kitchen bouquet. Bring to boil and let simmer a couple of minutes. Pour over broiled fish. If desired, return under broiler until lightly browned. Makes about IK cups sauce. Spicy Tomato Sauce 3 tablespoons chill sauce 2 tablespoons lemon Juice 1 teaspoon Worcestershire teaspoon kitchen bouquet Yi teaspoon dry mustard ; heat thoroughly. Pour over Y teaspoon curry powder broiled or toaked fish. Makes 1 Combine all ingredients and about Yi cup sauce. ' MEM HASTEN HOME FROM WORK WITH WHEN WIVES BUY MEAT HERE. YES INDEED THE BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK Cascade U.S. Inspected PICNIC SHOULDERS ra Lb. 49' VEAL ROAST 59. VEAL STEAK 65' sLb. 17.8. Good and Choice Guaranteed Tender Steer Beef Roost Lh 49' All Meat Wonderful Flavor fiOl Old Fashioned Wienies tb.3" Roasting Chickens ,,.55' PURE GROUND BEEF 39 Lb. INTRODUCTORY Wk0C I lusmTiuMtjl mmmm FOR LASTING FREGHMEOG... TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER TODAY! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER WORTH D2ts,.!.ir" BLUE DELL POTATO CHIPS TO TM OlMIBi Hono allow boom ICt on Hit ragglar Wc also of tlm loll Ntoto Chip. Cctipom will bo rodMoiod mkly by your ragular Moo Soil nkw, or II doilrod, Hwy mat bo mHod dlrod M IHm M Potato Oil Company, PorMaftd, Orooo. Attoptaoio al Hilt coupon oXonoH colly tolliorlm yoo lo od at ear ogoot hi too (odoptloo of Mi covpe. cold onopal of 10c pin 1c kwolllnaj ckorgo lo bo rolKooiwd by Hot Bolt. Coik voteo lJOc fearer mot pay total ra II aay. Covpoa oold hi Hot whtft loud or roaftictod by low. THIS OFFER EXPIRES MAY 31, 1953 COUPON UMITt ONI I O A FAMILY l HERE'S WHAT K SLICES OF It VA AM It : rs- r ? V f CAN DO FOR YOU I Stay on the beam..Keat I sAtts of Sunbeam give you 600 ttnrgy imltsl And think of the wonderful things , you and your family can do with all this revitalising pep 1 Your son can ride his bike for 4 hours ... your husband can swim one whole hour ... vt can danee a whole evening! Yes, every slice of Fresh Energy Packed Sunbeam gives you extra pep for work or play 1 Make a note now to put Sunbeam Bread on your family's "must" list . . . for grand eating and brand new energy at breakfast, lunch and supper . . . every day I