Thursday, April 30, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Apple-Mint Jelly From Canned Juice Mint flavor just naturally r goei with lamb, doesn't it? So your family is coins in nW Apple-Mint Jelly with hot roast mum, coio sucea iamb, lamb cnops. tiOOKs wonderfully gay, too, served as a Bnarklv fropn garnish on orange slices set arouna tne meat. .. . But there's more! The lively mint taste also clnrtfipa nnrlr or ham, lends zest to chicken or duckling, steps up beef and . veal. Apple-Mint Jelly likewise belongs in the snack rienart- ment ... as a Jolly Jelly withJ i cracxers and cream cheese. - Make aDDle-mint IpIIv vnni, ;' self and use apple juice, ; nanoy at any grocery store. Thanks to ready-to-go apple Juice, this jelly is triflin' simple to put logetner. And easy it certainly is:. . . ' one, two, three and the jelly can be poured Into glasses to ; set. iv u turn out tender, quiv ; err. invitinelv ereen tn rnlnr i a reai perker-up for family and company meals. I : APPLE-MINT JELLY I 2 cups apple Juice . 8 cups sugar . S drops green vegetable coloring " eun linuM nprHn teaspoon spearmint extract s Measure juice into large -, sauce pan. Add sugar and mix jwell. Place over high heat; " brine to full rnllinff boil: stir. ; ring constantly. Add enough green vegetame coloring , (about 5 drops) to give the de I sired' color. Quickly add pectin 1 and extract. Brina tn full mil. J Ing boil; boil 1 minute, stirring I constantly, nemove irom neat, ' skim, onnr onirklv Intn lol'n glasses. Paraffin at once. Yields .. aDout a six-ounce glasses. - (Note: Let jelly stand several ,1 days before serving.) For Sandwiches ' J The 4 V4 -ounce size con jtainers of chopped ripe olives ' are perfect for sandwiches. I They're particularly delicious ' In egg salad sandwiches. Al ' low 1 tablespoon chopped ripe olives for each egg. Add a dash of curry powder for ' a tasty assent. j... enter TREE ; Trip to Paris" Contest 'and get your n ft ft nnynt nc Sfi? PERFUME BY TUSSY ' JUST FOR LETTING US SHOW YOU THE NEW 1953 Special 14 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL fj9 GEORGE E. Allen 'Dressing Up' Budget Items Many would-be meal com plements that are easy on time and budget, can be dressed up for service as a main dish. If you hadn't thought if it try one of these convertibles tonight, and see if it doesn't fill your fans to satisfaction. Stuffed Bacon Rings -3 cups soft bread crumbs . from day old bread Vi teaspoon salt v V teaspoon pure monosodlum glutamate teaspoon pepper Vi teaspoon powdered , marjoram Vt cup finely chopped onion Vi cup chopped dill pickles 1 tablespoon minced parsley Vi cup melted butter V4 cup water ; 6 slices bacon : ;.. Combine all Ingredients ex cept bacon; blend thoroughly. Line 2-inch muffin cups each with 1 slice, bacon; fill with Vi cup stuffing. Lap edges of baron over stuffing. Bake in hot oven (450 F.) 15 to 20 minutes. Remove at once- to hot serving platter.. Serve as meat accompaniment: or for luncheon with mushroom sauce. . . . 1 ' ; t Noodle De Lux cup butter Vi cup blanched almonds, sliced 1 (8-ounce) package broad ' noodles, cooked and drained 1 cup cultured sour cream Vi teaspoon . salt Vi teaspoon pure'" monosodlum glutamate 2 tablespoons poppy seeds 1 tablespoon celery seeds 1 .clove garlic, finely minced " Melt butter In cake pan under broiler. Add almonds; toast until golden. Add to hot cooked noodles with remain ing ingredients; toss lightly. Serve hot In place of potatoes. Serves 8 to 8 . generously. Frankfurters served with hot, canned apple sauce make a dandy main dish. Add a crisp green salad and, for dessert, a milk sherbet made from a mix . . . and you have a springtime meal that's easy, economical and appetizing. Quick Breads Quick breads and coffee cakes the baking powder variety are a boon to stream lined living. Add some chewy raisins to these preparations and they take on a new -look and definitely superior taste. Sugar cookies with ra.sin "faces" delight the young fry. Good Spread . One-half cup of canned ap ple sauce, spiked with lemon Juice, and whipped Into a 2-oz. package of cream cheese, comes out as a delicious spread for whole-wheat bread or crackers. FOOD SECTION Pift S Peppi Tasty er Steak. Entree Looking for a quick-cooking main, course? Try one of the simple Chinese meat recipes. You can't do better than this one for Pepper Steak, for in stance. It Is easy-to-do, delic iously satisfying and it is ready for the table In 15 minutes! Pepper Steak 3 tablespoons fat 1 clove garlic, minced Vi cup finely diced onion . 1 pound round or flank steak . IVi teaspoons Kitchen Bouquet 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper 2 large green peppers 1 teaspoon cornstarch i tablespoon cold water, or . vermouth ' ' Place fat In frying pan over moderate heat. Add garlic and onion and cook about 2 min utes, stirring frequently. Mean while, cut meat In thin strips about 2 inches long and the di ameter of a pencil. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with Kitchen Bouquet. Stir well to coat meat evenly. Add slivered steak to onion In frying pan and brown lightly, stirring frequently, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and add the green peppers which have been cut into thin strips like the meat. Cover tightly and con tinue cooking until the pepper Is barely tender, about 10 min utes. Blend together the corn starch and cold water. Add to meat and peppers, stirring con stantly until juices thicken. Serve immediately with hot cooked rice or buttered noodles. Yield: 4 servings. ; , ' Tasty Dessert Even though whipped cream la not without calories, It doea come In ' mighty handy to whip up quick and delicious dessert. This one we think la very,' very good.' Into a cup of aweetened whipped cream, fold a cup of diced banana and - Vi cup roasted almonds. A tablespoon of rum flavoring afford a most exotic flavor. There'll be no , complaint when this dessert 1 served, "Have you a little bam left over? Dice it and add it to canned baked beans ' befora heating. . . - . ' Right now grocers are featuring Kraft G)tfege Cheese and the makings for this new t (V tg&z A ' , It blends the flavors foh a perfect salad... ru it 1 "' 1 for. your next luncheon party. It's so good, so pretty, so easy! . Pick up canned iliced pineapple and other ingredient! from your grocer's "Sun Glory Salad" display and Kraft Cottage Cheese from the refrigerator. Make sure it it Kraft Collage Cheese you use. For Kraft it made in plants designed especially for cottage cheese, and is made from specially-purchased milk to produce a clean, balanced taste that harmonizes perfectly with the good flavor of other choice salad ingredients. Chill the Kraft Cottage Cheese in the carton 30 minutes or longer. Run knife around the edge of the cheese and invert carton over bed of salad greens. Tap bottom of carton sharply and cheese will fall in smooth cup shape. Cut pineapplt slices in half and place around the edge of cottage cheese,! press in lightly. Garnish with maraschino cherry. Serve with' Miracle Whip Salad Dressing for perfect eating, ; '