Page 4 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 80, 1953 Fish-Rice Chowder Make this "meal in kettle" often, but especially when min utes are ahort and the family ii demanding something to eat in hurry. With inexpensive rice, a marvelously delicious and really quick meal is easy-to-fix as boiling water. And that is just about all that is neces sary in this "fast" rice and fish chowder. The ingredients need absolutely no special at tention before they are cooked and a dish to make a "family feast" is ready while the table is being set. MEAL IN A KETTLE Ingredients: 1 cup uncooked rice 1 8-ounc j can tomtato sauce ltt cups uncooked mixed vegetables 1 pound frozen fish fillets, cut in pieces too not thaw) 3 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper (or more if desired) 8 cups water Method: In a large saucepan or soup kettle, mix the rice, tomato sauce, mixed vegetables, frozen fish fillets, salt, pepper and water. Bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possl ble. Cover with a lid and leave over this low heat for 20 mln utes. If a thinner chowder Is desired, add additional water. This recipe makes 10 servings. 1 f v flL m m ft ii p i t SEEP P GMISSIOJJ (pronowncei Wm tliA avIm uitfla sMMMMMf . ll vaiih fiwe immmssviii product so popular in Italy! fft new, dlffsrsnt, and very wnvtuat! It's Minlwi lasagne, a (ru HoHan favorittt Ukt all Mluten products, this unusual extra extra wide macaroni product is maae or Rneit ingredients and with a skill that's unexcelled. Use In any mac aroni redpe-and. for a real treat. , try the authentic Dalian recipe en the pockoQsf I W ..V V Nourishing Peanut Butter Popular With Children The age of the children in a family can make a consider able difference in the grocery bills, food economists of the U. S. Department of Agricul An Orange Steamed Pudding Whatever the season, steam ed puddings are liked now and then. Here is one featuring orange. ; Steamed Orange Pudding IV cups sifted cake flour 1V teaspoons baking powder Vt teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar Vt cup water . 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 2 tablespoons orange juice Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. 'Beat egg yolks until light in color and gradually add sugar and wa ter, beating constantly. Add orange rind and juice. Add flour to egg mixture and stir until smooth. Beat egg whites until stiff and gently fold them into the flour mixture. Turn into a greased 8-inch tube pan. Cover with waxed paper and make a hole in paper over the tube. Place pan on a trivet in a steamer over 1 inch boiling water. Cover steamer or ket tle closely. Use high heat at first, then as the steam begins to escape use low heat for rest of cooking. Steam 1 hour. Turn out on cake plate and serve hot with strawberry Hard Sauce. Strawberry Hard Sauce cup margarine V, cup confectioners sugar Few drops vanilla, brandy or other flavoring Vi cup sliced strawberries , Cream shortening until very soft. Gradually add sugar and flavor with, .vanilla or. other flavoring. Fold in strawber ries and chill before serving. Use Canned Foods Here's an easy salad to make with canned foods. Canned shrimp, crab and ripe olives. Cut the olives from pit into large pieces and combine with the shrimp and crab. Add some sliced celery and toss lightly with mayonnaise, ac cented with generous squirt or two of fresh, lemon juice. Incidentally, this is good hot or cold. ture remind parents. Food needs increase as .. children grow and develop, reaching a peak in the teen years. Family foods costs rise accordingly if children are to have an ade quate diet. Teen-age boys need some what more food than girls of the same age because of their larger size and because they generally are more active phy sically. But mothers often find that arranging an adequate diet for a teen-age daughter may cost as much as that for a son because girls often are more "finnicky" about their food so may need to have ap petites encouraged by espe cially attractive and flavor some dishes. Most teen-age boys eat more than their fathers, need more food than their fathers. So just stop muttering, Dad, when theV come back for more and bigger helpings. Teen-age girls need plenty of iron-rich foods; leafy green vegetables, eggs, meat, poultry or fish with liver or other or gan meats at least once a week. Mothers will do well to note this, especially. Favorites With Children . Any Boy Scout leader will tell you that peanut butter is one of the favorite foods of growing boys. Girls like it, too. Rich in protetin and vita min B, peanut butter is one of the most helpful of foods; should be kept on hand; used in ways like this: Peanut butter and chili sauce in equal parts. Peanut butter and jelly or jam in equal parts. j Peanut butter and raw car rot with mayonnaise, using Vt cup peanut butter to 1 cup grated raw carrot and 2 ta blespoons mayonnaise. ' , Peanut butter, baked beans, pickle and salt , and pepper with just enough milk to mois ten. Peanut butter and pickle rel ish using cup peanut but ter to Vi cup relish. Peanut butter and minced green pepper and mayonnaise. Peanut butter and marma lade on banana or nut; bread is wonderful eating, too. Leftover Casserole tforp'n a delicious leftover tiirlrev rnfiserole that can be put together in no time. Com bine diced turkey with equal amount ot sliced ceiery ana some halved roasted almonds. Bind together with mayon naii:e . and season with salt and Ipmnn llliee. Put in a ahallnw .haker. iDrinkle with grated cheese and crushed potato chips. Bake in very hot oven about 15 minutes. IIS We're Storting Spring With a , . 9 16 IUI liliy JfM.IIJ llllll M ' - till WHWAHW- hn M It's Smart Save Money Prices EHecHve 0 Frl.,JH.,$ua, Here Are Some Specials for You Penny Pinchers. Phone in Your Order Now! 32 U - Mm ALL NUTRITION Nucoa ib. 25' BEST FOODS Mayonnaise 0. 59' 46-01. HUNTS Tomato Juice 23 AA LARGE RANCH Fresh Eggs JS CRISCO 3 lbs. 89 TENDER MEATS VALLEY PACK PICNIC HAMS ,39' OUR USUAL FINE QUALITY Ground Beef3,b,T OLD FASHIONED FRANKS 3$H oo lbs. A GIANT TIDE Pkg. 68' Folger's Coffee lib. 85c ih.$1.69 SUGAR SO 98 QUICK or REGULAR Mother's Oafs 2. 39' Pkg. Tup nd Saucer Premium SPAM 12-oz. can 45' FRESH PRODUCE FRESH GREEN Asparagus S 1 ,b, 25' SUNKIST Juice Oranges , B' CUCUMBERS t,d, 10' FRESH GREEN CELERY Ring Bologna 3 $uoo lbs. A Per Bunch it Free Parking-Daily Delivery Service Open till I P.M. Friday, Saturday, Sunday Souffle Salad For May Day Colorful One This "May Day Souffle Salad" is as pretty and bright as the buttercups in your May Day basket! It's one ot those delightful new souffle salads made the ' fast-frost method. You can even forget the dres sing for It's molded right in with the golden canned cling peach slices, orange and ba nana. We suggest serving it with a platter of cold meats and cheeses for an attractively simple, wonderfully refreshing summer buffet. May Day Souffle Salad 1 package lemon-flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water Vt cup cold water 3 tablespoons lemon Juice Vt teaspoon salt cup mayonnaise 1 orange 1 banana . 1 cup canned cling peach allces Salad greens Dissolve gelatin in hot wa ter. Stir in cold water, lemon Juice and salt Add mayon naise, and beat with rotary beater until smooth. Turn into refrigerator tray and place in freezing compartment 15 to 20 minutes, until mixture is set about 1 inch in from edges, but soft in center.- Meanwhile prepare fruits. ' Pare, quarter and slice orange. Peel and slice banana, and drain the peaches thoroughly. Turn gel atin mixture into bowl, and beat until smooth and fluffy. Fold in fruits. Turn into in dividual molds and chill until firm. Unmold on salad greens to serve. Makes 6 (6-ouiice) molds. Watch your textures when you are planning a meal! Never serve a creamed meat or fish dish with a creamed vegetable. Don't serve a vege table with a sauce when pot roast with gravy is the main course. Color Appeal of Foods Important To Younger Folk ; How food looks Is important to small-fry. Always use at least one bright-colored food in each meal, such as bright green peas, orange gelatine, sprig of parsley. Use egg yolks beaten Into white sauce. Enliven cream sauce with a golden ' snowfall of cooked, grated egg yolk. Garnish soups with cheese croutons prepared by dipping bread cubes into beaten eggs, then grated cheese, and then sauteed until golden brown. Top desserts with sliced ber ries, tinted whipped cream, Jel ly, raisins or finely crushed peppermint candy. Toddlers Like Texture Children prefer foods served lukewarm, such as cooled mash ed potatoes and partially melt ed ice cream. Creamed foods are more ac ceptable on cubes of bread rather than over toast. Gummy or thick puddings are voted out; use more liquid in your, child's puddings. Dry foods are ignored, even when served with sauces; a souffle of the food is easily eat en. Finger foods, such as a wedge of cabbage or toast stript are easy to manage. The two-year-old likes car. rots and beets because of color and sweetness. Butter and cheese are favored foods. Food jags are prevalent; respect then) and cooperate. Appealing Salad Here's a pretty and tasty salad platter which will make guests remember the occasion: Avocado slices sprinkled with lemon juice and salt, sliced oranges crowned with thin onion slices,' prunes stuffed with cottage cheese and chives, whole fresh straw, berries with stems on. A French or cream dressing li in order. 1288StateSt IIIIPLL'S Phone3-6489 At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house MPIan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm CutsBlade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford lEilF Aim Steak ruL Round T-B6ne Sib Steaks Fresh (nil I0NOQS NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN TIP ROAST or STEAK .......IB. 69' 59' TENDER LOIN : 89' FRESH BEEF JJtJHI Hearts and Tongues YoungHensT419'$aiiie Fully Dressed and Drawn awMMsf MgW LB. 29' Best selection oF Fancy Eostern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fall to toke advantage of these price. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. ' Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter Pound Pound Pound $VA 2S,2C 36,2C Baby Beef LIVER Tender, Lean, Meaty . 39' atocon .'49 CHICK STEAK LB. oc J368 State St Phone 3-313