Pag J FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 30, 1953 Good Eating Habits Are Started Early; Pointers Outlined by Foods Writer Br ZOLA VINCENT l foam WrIUr) This week'i food story Is de voted to ways in which wise parents can provide keys to the good eating habits of their children. So ominant Is the emotional angle of child health today thai the U.S. chil dren's bureau has made this the Child Health Day theme for 1953. ' ' ' President Eisenhower's proc lamation, setting aside May 1 for the nation's children, fo cussed around greater public understanding of the emotion al,, social and spiritual growth tof children as one way to off set "stresses and strlans of our times." The silver anniver sary year for Child Health Day teams up with National Baby Week now being celebrated. Certainly bette. babies grow up to be better children, bet ter adults. The Key Boys and girls between young children and . adoles cence are in that awkward, loveable, sometimes irritating stage, too often misunder stood. These children want to be so grown-up, yet they are till such babies at heart Eat ing, : sleeping and other rou tines tend to adjust themselves if boys and girls at this age find happiness, security and affectionate companionship in their homes. Pointers for Parents Parents, however, need to be relaxed and free from fa tigue to cope with the spirit of these youngsters and to make happy home. To pro mote good eating habits, wise parents will set good exam ple by eating the right foods themselves. Assume children will accept the food served.. Be calm and confident they will eat it and enjoy it. Give children smaller serv ings, particularly of new foods. Let them ask for more. Expect some table accidents, As awkwardness goes, good manners will come. . Let children share in table conversation. Encourage stim ulating conversation. Refrain from using this time for scolding. Encourage out-of-door play so that appetites will be keen, not fussy. ,,i Establish the custom of a "quieting" time Just before meals so children come to the table relaxed, not tense or ex Washing up, helping to put food on the table, pleasant mealtime; tills is a good se quence. Let children go marketing for the family sometimes, and add to mother's list some wholesome foods of their own choosing. Help children learn to cook and serve. Sometimes let them prepare end serve a simple meal alone. Let children feel that they are responsible for their own well-being and that they are expected to follow healthful ways of living, simple diet, thorough skin cleansing, regu larity of eliminations, outdoor play, early bedtime. Show an interest in the lunchroom and other' health activities of the children's school. ' Save some time each day for companionship with children to promote close family relationships. Encourage children to "loaf." at home. They will if they find understanding and friend ly guidance, games to play, the makings for milk shakes, lem onades, simple sandwiches. . The After School Snack Make home the place chil dren choose for entertaining. Urge them to bring their friends home. Good food ha bits and social ease develop with hospitality. The after school snack is a "must" with many school-age children. They'll be happy If mother is home when they come in from school. They'll enjoy an occasional surprise on the snack table. . They'll be proud to bring companions home where they can serve a little snack; let them have it right in the kit chen or take a tray out-of doors. ' Make them responsible for both serving and cleaning up. Ideal foods are fruit, fruit juices, milk, milk drinks, cookies, ice cream, bread and butter, raw carrots, crisp cer eaj with milk,, baked . custard . . . or lemonade ana cooKies. Lemonade, Plain, Fancy Just keep plenty of the froz en concentrate for lemonade on hand in your freezer or the refrigerator freezing com partment and let the young soda-fountain geniuses in your family operate at will. Plain lemonade is wonder ful and a 6-ounce can of the frozen concentrate makes a full quart in a minute. A top ping of beaten egg white or marshmallow mix makes a frothy lemon float. Mix the lemonade with other fruit juices, orange, prune, I v, f r-3 :.) "- tt , t f - t,i t-y w r 3rH?r " CP ' -?,'''" mrr i't. 3 ' i.f fcuniMi mm 111111 1 nwiuii 11 1 mmmll For Children Make home the place children choose for entertaining. Snacklng for instance is a "must" with most school-age children; sharing snacks developes both social experience and personality as one can plainly see by looking at fatty Ann ana jnixe. grape, apricot for popular fruit coolers. For a party special, bake pink lemonade by adding cran berry or loganberry juice, Glngerale as a mix adds spar kle; or mix the frozen con trate with soda or sparkling water and add a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream for a de licious ice cream soda. Cookies are the perfect accompaniment for lemonades. ; Lemon Oatmeal Cookies Use some of that frozen lemonade concentrate to add flavor and Interest to these: I cup puffed raisins' cup sugar 1 cup shortening 2 eggs '' 2 cups flour 2 cups oatmeal 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon . V teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda 2 tablespoons raisin juice 2 tablespoons frozen con- trate for lemonade 1 cup nutmeats, optional Simmer raisins gently in a little water to "puff" them; drain, reserving 2 tablespoons of the juice. Cream together sugar and shortening; add .beaten eggs and mix well. Add other ingredients in order giv en. Drop by teaspoonsful on ore&sed baking sheet and. bake In 400 degree oven bdoui iu minutes or until done. About 4 dozen cookies. Asparagus Salad Good Serve Asparagus-Appetizer salad with a zippy dressing to tempt tired appetites. A toast ed cheese sandwich will make a wonderful plate-mate. Mayonnaise Vinaigrette 1 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons French dress ing 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped pars ley 1 tablespoon chopped chives 1 tablespoon chopped pirn- lento 2 tablespoons bread and butter pickles. Salad 18 stalks asparagus, cooked 3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced . Salad greens Combine . - ingredients for Mayonnaise Vinaigrette and let stand in refrigerator for one hour for flavors to blend. Use only tips of asparagus for sal ad. Chill thoroughly. Arrange on individual salad plates with sliced egg and salad greens. Yield: 6 servings. Meat Sauce On Rice For Dinner There will be no tardy tots avoiding the table if it is broad cast that rice with a savory Italian Meat Sauce is coming from the kitchen. The wonder ful aromas from the skillet or the saucepan will be plenty of publicity to arouse any "dally ing Dads" and bring them to the head of the table In a hur ry. Ground beef is browned un til every bit of the meaty flav or is developed, then the meat is smothered with a tomato sauce. Rice is topped with this intrigulngly good meat sauce and a dish which would please even Nero, is ready. , Rice and Meat Sauce 2 tablespoons fat cup diced onion . Vi cup diced green pepper 1 pound ground beef 2 8-ounce cans tomato sauce cup tomato catsup . 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce , 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 iVi cups hot cooked rice -Method: Melt the fat in a saucepan or skillet. Fry the onion, green pepper and beef in the fat un til the onion and pepper are tender and the beef is cooked through and slightly browned, Add more fat if necessary to keep mixture from sticking, LAdd the tomato sauce, the to mato catsup, norcesiersmre sauce, salt and pepper. Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes. Serve over the hot cooked rice. This recipe makes 10 serv ings. If you're the cook, give yourself a vacation once in a while and prepare easy menus. Here's the way to make a delicious Tamale Casserole. Empty into a casserole, 2 small cans chicken tamales, 1 can chill con carne without beans, ' 1 (4 H -ounce) can chopped ripe olives and 1 No. 303 can whole kernel corn. Bake In a moderate oven about half an hour. Broiled Ham Steak Is Decorative for Sunday Now here's a dish to hang your hat onl Make your "day or rest" a two-meal proposition bv serving beautiful broiled ham steak decorated with pi-miento-Dineapple flowers for Sunday brunch. Guaranteed to satisfy even the most man sized appetite and make it a long time before Sunday din ner. The gay red of the canned plmlento and yellow of the pineapple add . glamour, ' and the combination of flavors, is wonderful! For . other flavor interest, rub the ham with brown sugar and mustard be fore broiling. Glamorize' Hanf You'll need: . ' 1 pounds of smoked ' ham steak cut 1 inch thick (serves 6) teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon brown sugar 6 to 8 slices of pineapple for flowers 1 4-oz. can of whole plmle- Dill Pickles For Hamburgers Let your favorite teen-ager try this clever shape variation of the ever-popular hamburger next time the youngsters stage a simple supper.' Chopped dill pickles give a special flavor to delicious . burgers that are broiled in the rolls and served with out Pickle Barbecue Sauce or your own favorite. Zesty Dillburgers ' (Makes 6 servings) 1 pound ground beef chuck Yi cup chopped dm picKies 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 teaspoon Worcestershire . sauce ' 1 tablespoon catchup 6 frankfurter rolls ' In a bowl, combine first six ingredients; mix well. Cut rolls lengthwise but do not cut through bottoms. Divide beef pickle mixture into 6 equal parts and shape to fit frank' furter rolls. Place filled rolls on broiler rack; broil 4 inches from source of heat 8-7 min utes, or until burgers are done tos for flowers' Rub ham on both tides with mixture made of mustard an) sugar. Cut plmlento flower centers ' with small scalloped cookie cutter and place in cen ter of each pineapple slice. Brush with melted butter or margarine. Place ham on rack in pre-heated broiler (400 de grees) three Inches from flame and broil for 10 to 12 minutes; then, 3 or 4 minutes before ham is finished, add pineapple pimiento flowers so they will be good and hot and slightly edged with brown. You might - a ' ' Mnt llrnnnm I111-0 1 Good for Variation - Nutritious warm drinks other than those involving milk, are few and far betweeoT; Had you thought of hot oranim' juice? Very little of the high Vitamin C content of orange juice is lost through the short-' heating required; so little thai the juice is still the best sources of this valuable vitamin. Heat' oniy to serving temperature- do not dou. And 01 course,'' .w.. ....... , (..g serve this with hot biscuits; and something as simple as'!! scrambled egg the pineap- ple-pimiento flower will give ' each plate a gay, festive touch.' Miracle Tarnish Remover 1 EASY-AID & Just Dip and Riiue o Wjj Silver Sparklet in Second I -r Save hours of time, liquid EASY-AID does not scratch or wear . . . Cleam tarnlih from ornate patterns where other cleanert cannot reach. Non-toxic non-flammable. Clean hollow ware or large flat pieces with special free EASY-AID applicator. Excellent for gold, copper, brass or jewelry. Economical retalnj Hi strength to the last drop. 4! flwpir Mm feafured Wherever You Sea Before storing meat, remove It from its wrappings; butcher paper absorbs juice and sticks to meat. Here's a different kind of sandwich for lunch: Season creamed cottage cheese with a little grated onion or minced chives and spread between slices of whole wheat toast. Spoon hot tomato sauce over the sandwiches and serve at once. BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Aged Cheese u54c Year Old Bacon Squares u 21c COTTAGE CHEESE Pint 25c Beef Roast Guaranteed Tender 4K !:BoneM69, Ground Beef 39 c Lb. RIB STEAK u. 65c SHORT RIBS u 29c Caponlzed FRYERS t.$1.39 GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROADWAY TIME IS THE BEST TIME ALL THE TIME Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 ib.. 29c Field Grown 4J Q Tomatoes, 2-lbi. JLwQ Cucumber! 3 for . . . . , 25c Macaroon Creme COOKIES Lb!pki-43c REMEMBER OUR EGGS ARE COUNTRY FRESH Sweet Sixteen MARGARINE 2 ib. 45c RADISHES & GR. ONIONS 2 bun. 9c SUGAR 10. b, 99c Sprocket's Tomato Juice 24t'49c Del Monte SALMON Chinook Rote Con 29C Guaranteed to Be Good Hot Master BREAD Every Day at 4 p.m. Except Tues. & Sat. CELERY Fresh, Tender, Crisp Bunch 15c COFFEE u 89c Golden West GRAPEFRUIT 2 can. 29C Old South MILK 6 can. 79C All Pure BOILING ONIONS 10, b. 19c Strawberries Flown in Freih at Lowest Market Prices! Bedding Plant, of All Kinds Vigoro, End o' Weed, Lawn Rake. Cove Oysters 39c Cottage TANG Qt.39c BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market St., Store Hour. 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day No Limit. Buy All You Want Price. Good Fri., Sat., Sunday C&H SUGAR HOLIDAY MARGARINE GERBERS TEETHING BISCUITS Pkg. 23 BORDEN CAN MILK cans Ci RINSO Large fljAx Pkg. iL&U OCCIDENT DEVILS FOOD 5 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT HUNTS Pkgs. CAKE MIX 99' K. f. Klnjan's 12-M. can Luncheon Meat C BUMBLEBEE j)(0) Chunk Tuna mrJ KITCHEN QUEEN C Flour 25 k. I7' LIBBYS Roost Beef Corned Beef Can 55C ill 49c Tomato Juice 46-oz. can CM PARKAY MARGARINE ib. 25" SUNSHINE CRACKERS 2-lb. IK' Box W SUNNY JIM SYRUP 5-lb. Q can OJ - HUNTS PEARS No. Vi can HUNTS Tomato Sauce . 5 Limit 3 Con. FRESH MEAT SWIFT'S "SWEET RASHER" Sliced Bacon , 59' The "One" with the "Premium Cure" RIB STEAKS , 49c BEEF ROAST 39c ARMOUR STAR PICNICS Lb. 49c ROUND STEAK Boneless Lb. 59c Vst Yon Coopon WESSON OHf WITH COUPON 63c SNOWDRIFT 3 IB. CAN Q4f vvv I uiccenij nil A 1HO.TINIHO QUALITY PRODUCE Tomatoes FRESH Asparagus Grapefruit while WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY I avimcCemt 2 ibs. 29 e each No. r POTATOES 10 5 if