alem 'A Authentic 'M4 (juifo U Setter Xttty THE HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY FOOD SECTION LATEST IDEAS FOR YOUa MARKETING Published Thursday lack Waak Edited by Marian Uwry Fiichtr Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 30, 1953 Child Health Day Featu in Menu Suggestions, Food Ideas G apital AJoiirnal Corny as Springtime But Mighty Good Eating Peppy Corn ... To perk up a spring .meal. Canned corn is plentiful this pring so give this popular vegetable the glamor treat ment for family meals. Here are three ways to dress It up; any one of them will taste de licious with hamburgers, bak ed, potatoes and a salad on a night when you want a quick supper. Note, too, that you can use either whole kernel or cream style corn in these recipes. Peppery Cora Ingredients: 2 - tablespoons butter or margarine, 1 medium green pepper (sliced in rings),, one 1-pound can yellow or white whole kernel corn, Vi cup catsup or chili sauce,. teaspoon tabasco sauce. Method: Melt butter; add pepper rings and cook until partly tender. Drain corn; add liquid to pepper and boil rapidly until reduced to V cup... Add corn, catchup or chill sauce and tabasco; heat to serving temperature, Makes 3 to 4 servings. ' ' ' - Note; If ' yeHoWTJT" "White cream stvle corn In used, add corn and remaining IngrediI ents to cooked green pepper; heat. ; . ' Nutmeg Buttered Corn . Ingredients: One 1-pound can yellow or white whole kernel , corn, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, Y tea spoon nutmeg. Method: Drain corn; boil liquid rapidly until reduced to V cup. Add corn, butter and nutmeg; heat to serving tern' perature. Makes 3 to 4 serv ings.,', ..... '. . Note: If yellow or white cream slyle corn is used, mix all ingredients; heat. Chill Com - Ingredients: - 4 slices bacon, one l-pound can yellow or white whole kernel corn, Vt cup chopped onion, 2 table spoons butter or margarine, Vt teaspoon chili powder. 'Method: Fry bacon until crisp; crumble and reserve. Pour off drippings. " Drain corn; add liquid with onion to skillet. Boil rapidly until liquid is reduced to Yt cup. Add corn, butter, chili powder and reserve bacon; heat io serving' temperature. Makes 3 to 4 servings. ' fNofe:' If yellow or-white cream style corn is used, cook onion in 2 tablespoons of the bacon drippings until tender but not brown. Add crumbled bacon and remaining ingredi ents; heat. Many Variations For Banana Shakes ' ' Child Health Day further re minds us that banana milk shakes are delicious and signi ficantly nourishing since they contain milk and the well rounded supply of vitamins, essential minerals and quick food energy found in banana. Banana Milk Shake , 1 fully ripe banana 1 cup (8 ounces) cold milk Use fully ripe banana that Is flecked with brown. Peel ba nana. Slice into a bowl and beat with rotary egg beater or electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Add chilled milk; mix well. Serve immediately. Makes 1 large or 2 medium sized drinks. Banana Chocolate Milk Shake. Add 1 tablespoon choco late syrup before mixing "shake." - Banana Orange Milk Shake. Use Vi cup orange juice for half the milk. Add Vi teaspoon sugar before mixing milk shake. Banana Spiced Milk Shake. Sprinkle ground nutmeg or cinnamon on top of milk shake just before serving. Foods for Children Featured Berry Time Soon; Try This Dessert . National Child Health Day and National Baby Week are being celebrated -. throughout 14 the country. It seems approprl ate that we pause a moment to pay tribute to those manufac- turers and processors of baby foods who have packaged, can. ned and glassed so many fine products of mother's conveni ence and baby's pleasure and nourishment -Grocery stores have hand' some displays of baby foods worthy of your special atten tion; ideas and suggestions ga lore. Citrus fruits and all dairy products are also Important it ems when it comes to feeding the youngest generation. Beef continues in heavy sup ply with prices reasonable on fancy cuts and positively low on the cuts for pot roasting, stewing and grinding into ham burger. Lean cuts are highest in protein while cuts with con siderable fat are highest in food energy. Raisins. Raisin production was heavier than usual last year because fewer grapes were crushed for wine pur poses, results is a fine supply for eating out of hand and for using in salads and many bak ery products. ' Onions Supplies are excep tionally neavy, the current crop Being me imra largest on rec ord. Casserole layers of plenti ful potatoes and onions with a bit of milk and seasonings; maybe top with crated cheese. Dairy Products May is one of the peak production months for dairy products. Cheddar cheese, cottage cheese and non fat dry milk are bargains in good nutrition. Other PlentUuls Turkeys .are '.substantially lower for the large sizes and it is newsworthy that youna fry er turkeys are about due to- aff-- rive in retail markets. .-. - Fish supplies, especially froz en nallbut and. fillets of had dock and cod are readily avail able at reasonable to bargain prices. . ' Citrus Fruits Valencia or anges will soon be coming in and the crop is tremendous. Both fresh and processed grapefruit will remain good Buys throughout May. Tomato juice, canned toma toes, edible fats and oils, dried beans and peas, peanut butter and many seasonal vegetables are on the list of really good buys. For Gingergread , New trick for gingerbread! Blend cup of sour cream sauce and freeze in your refrlg erator. Cut into squares and serve atop gingerbread hot from the oven. My! it's good! about 'mother's 'coffee ? treat him to Hills Bros D y . r."5r 5r! f!9 1 C19 . .9 ?? 9 CI0.?8. J Strawberry season soon is here. Tuck this recipe away for a special dessert. Ice Cream Pie 18 marshmallows -2 tablespoons strawberry juice Few drops pink food col - oring 2 egg whites, stiffly beaten cup sugar. Yi teaspoon salt quart vanilla ice cream , (firm) Raisin Bread A homemade raisin quick bread made with biscuit mix Is perfect for sandwiches to serve with salads. Cut the slices thin and spread with a cream cheese and walnut filling. 1 Cup fresh strawberries, sliced 9-lnch paked pastry shell Melt marshmallows and strawberry juice over low Tossed Salad Toised salads are becoming very popular on western menus because they personify casual living which is so typi cally western. Then, too, there's an economy about tossed salads which allows the hostess to use left overs with dlscreation. At a - neighbon hood supper the other even ing, the tossed salad had the usual variety of greens, juli enne strips of bologna and cooked lima bean which had been marinated in rich French dressing were added. heat, folding until mixture is smooth. Add coloring and cool. - Beat sugar gradually into atffly beaten egg whites until they hold a peak. Add salt. Then gently whip in the cooled, marshmallow mixture. Fill pastry shell with very firm ice cream. Cover with layer -of strawberries. . Top with .. the meringue, swirled gaily. Rush to broiler and brown quickly. Tuck un safe mm ed. strawberries in swirls, and serve immediately. 5 to 6 servings. When you are ironing, re member that an iron heats more quickly than it cools. So first iron the clothing and other pieces that need low tem peratures; iron cottons and linens that need high tempera tures later. Banana Pancakes For Sunday Breakfast 'An efficient shortcut to Banana Pancakes is to make them with prepared com mercial pancake mix, Banana Pancake Short-Cot ' Follow the package direc tions for mixing. Heat the griddle slowly over low heat while mixing batter. For every 2 cups of dry mix used, lightly fold into the batter one cup (1 or 2 bananas) of finely diced, fully ripe bananas, be sure skins are flecked with brown. Bake on hot brlddle. allowing Mi cup batter for each pancake. When bubbles form on surface of pancake and edges are firm, turn and bake until browned. Serve hot with butter or margarine and syrup. honey or preserves. Salads for All On of pur neighbor serve salad tray wheal the'- enter taining. It contain an as sortment of salads and every one may choose hi favorite.. It's novel idea and colorful The last party we attended had - individual servings of cold slaw with : rlpe olives, avocado : ring and fresh asparagus, fruit cocktail and cottage . cheese. With . that variety no one was dlia point ed. - It you wrap ground meat in molsture-vaporproof material, you can store it safely in th freezer compartment of - your refrigerator : for": about ' two weeks. - Luncheon meats, liver, kidney and fish may also be stored this way for about thl length of time. - i . - jwwmmm -tm r-y m -rt ' i ffNl i FAB 'pi) VEL MSB I Your coupon worth 10 on the --flffffR ' I With your coupon, save 5 cent, on the ' ScZZf $ I; regular pnee of 2 large-sue o 1 - VfflZ I regulalr price ofl large or 1 giant VeH f & I g.ant...ze pew Fab. Get Fab for . "gJPS I Make, di.he, shine without wsihing f J T I whter, bnghter washes! ; - I r wip.og no J I M- . I I Burn" to hands with VELt I I I U on WESSON OIL S I on SNOWDRIFT I Vour coupon worth 10 on the regular Oil I Your coupon worth 10 on the regular II fHtSjffj I , ' Pf'S f 1 qt bott,e ot 2 P'm bottles K H I price of one 31b. can or two 1-Ib. can JgVSM! 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