Part 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Thursday; April 30, 1953 Improve Phone Lines to Needy Hubbard Improvement to the telephone service in the Hubbard area for aubicrlbera of the Needy telephone eora pany is at hand. , At a recent meeting of the director! of the company, ar rangements were completed and work has been itarted on the construction of six addl i iinm u reaulred by the Bell Telephone system to Join to the telephone came wnicn runs underground Just west of Hubbard. The connection will provide direct service to Portend for all long distance calls, and lo cal service will be improved. Dr. A. F. deLesplnasse, pres ident of the Citizen's Mutual Telephone company of Needy, Ltd., revealed the long await ed plans. Melvln Mitts, man ager of the company has hired additional men to speed the building of the lines. 16 Lebanon Boys In Soap Box Derby - Lebanon Sixteen boys are so far registered for the Salem soap box derby in July, with the winner to go to the finals , at Akron, O., later In the sum- ; mer. The youths are building their own ears, designed on national requirements. They are seeking sponsors for the projects. The official wheels and axles are paid for by the sponsor. The boy la allowed to spend up to $16 on other material. The boya attended a derby how this week at the Chevro let garage with films flown here from Salem. t Loeal boys will be taken to , Salem, July 12, for the event by the Pruitt Transfer. Lee Pruitt has donated one of his big vans to haul the local rac ing ears to the Salem speed way. ,. Keizer Kelier Moving into its new location about the first of May will be the Keizer News, which is owned and operated by Lynn Martin. The News, which has been - located In the old Reiser Kor ner store building since Mar tin has published it about nine ' months, will have mora usable apace in the building which was buUt by the Kaiser Build art Supply and is Just west of the lumber yard en Che- mawa Rd. Newcomers to Kelier are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Crowe and daughters, Nancy nd Joan. Their new residence is 637 Wayne Dr. in the Man brin Gardens district. They are from Portland, Mr. Crowe be- " lng the retail representative f the Union Oil Co. Vickl Joy Humphreys, 114-year-old daughter of Mr. and , Mrs. Norman Humphreys, 5080 . Newberg Dr.. was a winner in the recent contest sponsored by Studios, Inc. Royal Teets, eon of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Teets, arrived home Saturday afternoon from Wash' lngton, D. C, where he has been a student at the Kendall college . the past year. Royal came home by plane by way of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Martin and daughter Dlanne motored to Detroit dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mossier, Mel and Judy, motored to Kel so over the week-end to visit Mrs .Mogster's sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mc i Gohan. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. (Rusty) Teets over the week-end were their on and family, EMlc Myron ets. Myron is stationed at Ta- coma, where he and Mrs. Teets and daughter Deborah make their home. ba? fk ce in ini jj hMMd JZn 13. ...anW...IA iTm- a m icavKX L , cwoa wi sw j?ir flfty B w 9 JS awtoto Mm af yaw fivrl (DC JJjJ" w ISgjH ify ania m, ri CALL &Qf 3-9191 . or Soar ia-ri a&ay Service .. . Ift ae loafer staffer f "PINK PILLS for PALE PEOPLE" The drugs your pharmacist stocks re flect milestones In medical history. The prescription demand for new medicines approved by the medical profession Is anticipated by your Owl Pharmacy. Irlag Your Proscription: to Your Owl Drag Storely Haiti IJsftoo Non- Smear LIPSTICK TRIO Dmp Pink, Ceral ana Rtal Rial K.J. W.n't lunar 90 We all , .'anywW.l I hi metal cases TOWl" HORUnus- II TAATU DACTE - -STl 2 -69JL59 HALF PRICE TUSSY SALE CREAM DEODORANT big $1 Jar..." fA nown plus tax Tussy Craam Deodordant instantly stops perspiration odor checks per spiration moisture! Gives day-long' daintiness protection. Safa for nor mal skin and fabrics. SHONTIX Speciall 10c BoHle of CASTILE SHAMPOO wM Tike Shontex Formula Hair 1 S.lp Condltitntr Ml c IT.BO Value! ' Owl Repeat Value! New Roy en lot In Covered FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS 16.14-kwfl pillows with washable satin covert, in severel pes tal colors. Vofse 4 95 cJHSiGBBRC 1 2 ;in I R In The Copitol j 4 1 j - II Shopping Center I I , POT HOLDERS 19c PAPER NAPKINS 9c ALUMINUM FOIL 21c FRICTION TAPE BAMBI MILK MUG SANDPAPER PACK STEEL NAIL CLIPPER HOLLYWOOD LIP j ICECREAM Chocolate, Dovol 4fl-Collc NURSER SET 2 l-oi. Nursers 60c I 4-oi. Nurser 10c 3 Extra Nipples ........30c $1.20 Value QOC Piece Set T5 Ml TmbsecJg Travblaf Try BAN To Breek Baby's . Thumbsuclring Habft. Harmless Liquid Llbbey Ice Up Glass Water PITCHER Attractive Ivy Design! leed-drink Server! Holds pee-rts! VASELINE HAIR TONIC A taw 4 t a a daily ahackt dry ttalp; kalr laeki t eia. Giant Slia 7 AYDS FOR REDUCING MONTH'S sutfiy 2.98 Now reduc without diatlng with thlt tasy plan. No druflt, laxativts, or moisago. J 2 15c asserted Mm. . 2 15c IW'wIds rails: 39c Favorite with Km KldtflM. 15c Textures. 13c 25c. BRUSH , 9c apply llpilkk 2 63c ; Phillips Milk ( MtgiMsli-50c Tubas 29c Vinllli, Striwberrf . fullOiurl BABY BIBS Plio film 8c ID CEO CCT "ventle Lay- 300 att, 40-Pca. . CHUX DIAPERS fl"p.".'m'.'ii 1w Nylon BOTTLE BRUSH 9c SAFETY PINSar? 8c Formula Pitchers SZX 59c J. & J. Baby Teak 4W 25c Mead's PABLUM uw 43c 59 I Borden BIOLAC,, 34c f . Jet "ClfwMea" , STEAK KNIVES Metal Waste BASKET h-. i.hiI wmo hi. ij a kf.u rlvatt. far sittil ' $4.$ Value! , mm and llnlnf. S ef.yl Reg. Sfc . 49e NOXZEMA Medicated CREAM Reg. 15 t Prince Albert TOBACCO i 25c J.tll Sin Sndotr Jar, ll Velaal 59c DIAL Deodorant la handy, an kraakakla aqaaaia battla. eSL 67c Fresh Roasted MIXED NUTS '.'r CASHEWS h59c DIAL Doodorant a A juMr e i Mat DM. WffHfttfiit TACKLE DOR wtttiSocttonod , . ; 171 70 ContHevorTray V,'f 1 1 V Of seamtess drawn steel. II Approx.I"xr'.Ofl U IToirr Own Floral Aquarium! "FOREVER FLOWERS'" Aergeeusly eolered flowers seeled m- glass, preserved forever. Heavy, non-tilt Add a new decorating not to your occasional tables. Ideal paperweight! ' "Tlp-Top" Reg. Oaeroateed , POCKET SHOE LACES WATCH Dfp.ndcbU Ntw Hvf fnovtmtnt, Chrom st. Black, Tnr: W.7S Chsks Valut! Ufhrwalfkf, Cafarfal TV TRAYETTE Metal Stood Folds far Storage! Beautiful baled enamel trays in hry, Royal Anthurium or Cardan Bouquet. Idee for serving with or without the sturdy stand. For TV snecks, buffets, cerd parties, beekyerd berbeeuesl Steeds 24" high. . Robbcr-Haoed fog si FUSE, PLUGS 1, II, 16, 15, It . Amp. TUMBLERS 3c & Jim Reaed, Alamtutm STEAK BROILER It" eaMar pm aaa a awa far kliaiim. Da- , navakla raak. ' ffl Q9 W U4i In i with !, 1 tl.4t Votuel Shall Skapad Reg. 10c FLASHLIGHT Cltar Glass ASH TRAY BATTERIES perkling Oeelanl 2 toe Value REYNALDO IANKERS PULLSIZI ERMCTOS H.l.-I. hiia' ' taiy an tka itn kaf. I1M tea el M . For Windows... Squge & IVAGHCR 9cVALUEI Detible-dutyf Sponge plus ' squeegee; washes andwlpesl i3aGQ!JE31 black base. '.' 7c . feldlag CAMP STOOL Heavy finch uat. New ftOC Brown, White 3c Only WT 79 (Mom MB'- GLASS BUTTER DISH Hetae J R. Cube wMti ' Sever tap breebki year beslc e wash eayl Sffvc la97 m BtwfcMflih)ll UUnSRY on CART now Rwetproof olwWiinwn folding stand on wheels. "Basket" with clothespin peckel Is removable for washing. All 5c CANDY BARS GUN OR MINTS 3.10c 9c rVwfy Vt OFF I PmHIiocI Top, Wkktr OothH KIAr.1IPGR $.95 VALUE I 449 Owl's super family site hamper in choice at love ly pastels. Woven wicker sides provide ventilation and won t snag clothes. Peartized plastic topi 1 BEG. 28' .-KLEENEX. Tl S30N. Capitol, Salem ion 30 15'