Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 30, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon
Thursday, April 30, 1953
Paw i
In . the
Edited kj WIE FORBES
Falls City
Revival services are being
held at the Free Methodist
church all this week beginning
at 7:30 pjn.
Rev. George RoseberTy, Sa
lem district superintendent,
will be the guest speaker at the
Falli City Methodist church
Sunday, May 8, at 7:30 pjn.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hen
thorne made a trip to Oregon
City Sunday to visit their son,
Martin, and family.
Mrs. Charles Rash and chil
dren of Salem visited with her
aunt's family, Mrs. M. L.
Thompson, Saturday.
Mrs. J. R. Strauss entertain
ed the Falls City Garden club
recently at her home.
Mrs. John Chamberlain con
ducted the business meeting.
The group decided to pur
chase a shrub for each church
'in Falls City. .
They plan to have a flower
show In June.
Um Flh.l rtuthrlriff and
Mrs. Chester Benefiel had
charge of the program.
Guests present were Mrs.
Freden, Mrs. Holmes and Mrs.
Purdy and children. '
. Mrs. Chester Benefiel will
entertain the club May 28.
Mrs. Lucy Palmer Is visit
ing at Springfield.
Mrs. Lilian Kltchln, Mrs.
Neva Poland and Mrs. Marie
Sullvan were In Dallas and In
dependence recently.
Everett Lamprecht of Hub
bard was a Friday evening
caller at his parents home. He
took his sister, Violet, home
with him for a week-end visit.
. A. R. Reed made a business
trip to Dallas last week. ,
Rebekahs elected to attend
grand lodge in May are: Mrs.
riM.ta .Tnalln anil Mri. Ruth
Larlmor. Their alternates are
M T llll.n Wtehln and Mrs.
Mabel Falrchild. ,
The annual Mothers and
Daughters tea and style show
was held in the high school
gym Thursday afternoon.
- Miss Betty Hall was com-
MMlatAii tnr t'Am alrls who
modeled their clothes made In
Dorothy , Caspars sewing
Two piano duets by Carol
Reillng and Jean Manning and
two accordian numbers by
Nancy Buford were played
during the show.
C-Den house was held by
Mrs. Glen Trussell at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H- R. Hanea in Gervais Sunday
afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock
In honor of their 28th wedding
Manv friends and relatives
paid their respects to the
couple, who have made their
home for 18 years, coming
from the Lake Lablsh district.
In 1928 and have one daugh
ter, (Luzerne) Mrs. Trussell.
Guests from out of town
were H. F. Hanes of Gaston;
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Gourley
and Mary of Albany; Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Trussell of Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bierly
and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Short
of Woodburn.
Junior Womens club held Its
April meeting with Mrs. Gary
Cutsforth at her home Thurs
day evening:. Anrll birthdays
of Mrs. O. Hoye and Mrs. J.
.Phillips were marked with
gifts. High prize went to
Freda Manning, low prize to
Mrs. N. Nibler.
Officers elected for the com
ing year were: President, Mrs.
R. Chrz to succeed Mrs. Hoye;
Mrs. Nibler, vice president
atirrenHH Mlu Manning: Mrs.
Jake Cutsforth succeeds Mrs.
G. Cutsforth as secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Chrz will be hostess for
the May meeting.
The Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Manning born
April IS, was baptized Sunday
at Sacred Heart Catholic
church by Rev. G. Snlderhon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Manning
were sponsors. She was named
Joan Marie.
Mother's day will be the
theme of the lecturer s pro
gram, at the grange meeting
Friday night. May l.
Serving refreshments will
be Mrs. Elmer McKee and Mrs
Edwin Powers.
Members of the Pratum
Macleay Home Extension unit
were guests of Mrs. Virgil
. Burson, for an all-day meeting
at her home, Tuesday. '
The demonstration subject
was care of rugs and uphol
stered furniture, with exten
sion agent Ermlna Fisher as
During the business session,
with Mrs. John Feldschau pre
siding, reports on 4-H club
work by Mrs. Albert Mantle
on 4-H club and on legislature
by Mrs. M. M. Magee.
Officers elected for the com
ing year were Mrs. Donald
Madder, chairman; Mrs. Albert
Mantle, vice chairman; and
Mrs. M. M. Magee, secretary-
The May meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Cor
nelius Bateson,
- Valley;
Bethel Park
Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson were
week-end guests In the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William Keyes,
Park youngsters enjoyed a
weiner roast at the Gardner
Johnson home Tuesday night.
The occasion was Harold John
son's ninth birthday.
Ralph Bowcut, Bremerton,
Wash., and Kenneth Bowcutt,
Portland, were week - end
guests in the home of their
uncle, Rev. S. D. Splesz. '
Buena Vista
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather
spent Friday in Eugene, Mr.
Prather attended the Loggers
Congress and Mrs. Prather
visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Rogers of Inde
pendence were Sunday eve
ning dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Drazdoff.
Mrs. Thelma Pruiett attend
ed the State Parent-Teachers
association meeting in Medford
last week. She is an officer
in the high school PTA here.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic
tor Bride at a party Saturday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Farm en, Mr. and Mrs. John
O'Hara, , Mr. and Mrs. Russ
Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Harmell and Francis Byron.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold With-
row and Mr. and Mrs. Leland
Prather spent Thursday smelt
fishing near Troutdale, and
this week-end Elza Long, John
Drazdoff, Elmer Busby, Harold
Busby, Dennis and Marvin
Busby all got their limit.
Mr. . and Mrs. C. C. Ham
mond of Woodburn were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Hultman. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber
drove to Gervais to visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Wells Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold with-
row spent Sunday at their
daughter s home in Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bacons, help
ing care for Mrs. Bacon, who
has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells
attended the anniversary din
ner and meeting at the Friends
church In Salem as special
, The Farmers Union will
have Its monthly meeting May
8 at the community hau with
a no-host supper.
Miss Nina Moon of Indepen
dence and Gordan Wells, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells,
were married Sunday in Ste
venson, Wash, i They were at
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Carylyle of Corvallls. They
are honeymooning at the coast
In Canyon Drive apartments,
They will live In the house on
the Grounds place near his
parents and will work In Sa
lem for the. state, bookkeeping.
Willamlna Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Hellend of Salem
were weekend guests of her
mother, Mrs. Julius Jensen.
Larry Drill returned home
from the hospital Monday,
where he had been confined
since Friday evening with a
broKen arm.
Steve Brock was honored
Sunday on his 10th birthday,
when his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Orley Brock, took him to
the Beaver baseball game in
Portland. Others making the
trip were Gene Brock, Mr. and
Mrs. BUI Denton and Mike,
and Mrs. Roseada Haenny and
children of Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Zetter-
berg of Newport were Satur
day guests at the Floyd Zetter
berg home.
Mrs. Hubert Garrabrant of
Hood River was a guest of Mrs
W. C. Tremblay for several
days last week.
Sunday guests at the Russell
Watts home were Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Timberlake of Newberg,
J. R. Hall and Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Hall of Sandy.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franklin
of Corvallls were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Mr. and Mrs. Walde Fors
man and Jan spent the week
end visiting with friends and
relatives in Washington.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds
and family of Dallas were Sun
day dinner guests at the Jim
Monaco home.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Neal and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McKinley
visited Wesley Harrltt in a
Daiias hospital Tuesday, where
he is suffering from a broken
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickey
and family visited his grand
father, Mr. Frack, In Amity,
Sunday. He has been 111.
The late Franklin D. Roose
velt hurled more opening day
pitches than any U.S. presi
Submitting to major surgery
at Silverton hospital, Monday
were Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen, 87,
who was officially reported as
doing -jairiy wcu. .
I . tMM . M
Miss Jean Down, 14, a ires-
man In the ValseU high school,
underwent surgery for the re
moval of a growth on her leg,
at Silverton hospital, Monday
forenoon. Her mother, Mrs.
James Down . (Jeannette
Marsh) is remaining in Silver
ton at the home of her par
ents, the Joe Marshes, during
her daughter's hospitalization
of several days.
Mrs. Allan Foster announced
the meeting of Cub Scout pack
No. 01, at the Eugene Field
school, where many awards of
advancement and accomplish
ments were made to the mem
bers under the direction of Dr.
Ralph Schmidt, assisted by the
den mothers.
Much Interest was evidenc
ed in the plans for the Scout
Parade and Circus to be at Sa
lem, on Waters Field, at 7:30
o'clock, the evening of May 9.
The three delegates from the
Silverton Parent-Teacher as
sociation have returned from
the. state convention held In
Medford during the latter part
of the past week, where the
PTA program theme was "Bet
ter Homes, Better Schools, Bet
ter Communities," In Oregon.
Jennell Moorhead of Eugene
directed the business sessions.
The local delegates - ware
Mrs. Harold Toft, Mrs. Eugene
Smith, and Mrs. -Wilbert
Peron, Silverton publications
chairman. The convention re
port will be presented to fel
low members at the Thursday,
May 7, meeting.
Also at this session, recently
elected officers are to be In
stalled. Mrs. Allan Foster will
serve as 1963-84 president with
Mrs. Ralph Schmidt the retir-
lng president. '
The Oak Park Motel, owned
by C. J. Montag of Portland,
was sold recently to K. L.
Mendenhall, realtor . of Port
land. This property, reported
to be valued at $40',000, Is in
Gates and has eight units and
car ports. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Struckmeler who own and op
erate the Gates Variety store
will manage the motel which
is just adjacent to their store.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 Struckmeler
moved into the motel Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cammack
who returned recently from
Bolivia, where they have been
for the past five years doing
missionary work, will be at
the Gates Community church
Sunday, May 3. A basket din
ner wil be held at the church
at noon. . .
Mr. Cammack was principal
of the local high school sev
eral years ago.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hearing
and two children of Stayton
were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Morrison. The Hearings were
former residents of Gates.
From Silverton Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Miley were Mrs. Miley's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bol
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Willam Athey
of Lebanon- were Sunday
guests at the homeo f Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Stewart. Mrs.
Athey and Mrs. Stewart are
sisters. .
Mrs. Elmer Klutke attended
the Spring Festival of the Ma
rlon Co. Home Extension units
in Salem Saturday. Mrs. Klu
tke was chairman of the com
mittee in charge of the Meha
ma unit's display at the festi
val. Mrs. Rosa Roten was sur
prised at the home when her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Amos
Roten, invited a group of her
friends to help her celebrate
her birthday Thursday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Tur-
nldge of Cutler City were
Gates visitors over the week
end. Mrs. Turnldge, who was
seriously 111 tor so long, is al
most recovered. Mr. and Mrs.
Turnldge were dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Burrel Cole and callers at the
home of Mr. Turnldge's uncle,
L. T. Henncss.
Other guests at the Henness
Lake home were Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Currey of Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. George Russel,
Weaver Clark, Mrs. Betty
Johnson and son, all from
Hlllsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Knutson of Mill City, and Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Nydigger and,
two daughters of Lyons.
"Buddie" Davis, son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Davis, has ac
cepted a position in Seattle
with the New York Mutual
Llge Insurance Co. Davis only
recently returned from Japan
wncre ne naa been in service.
Mrs. Cecil Haun has been
seriously ill at her home for
the past two weeks and though
April JO, Miy I, it 1:15 .M.
When the
with a top tompany of SO In the
of Colle Ufa
Cttl 3 3081 w at Sfeiero t U
far Riisnsd Stibl
rannrted to be soma better is
still under a doctors care.
Mr. and Mrs. w. a. Jiuasoa
are announcing the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss
rrnl Hudson to Niel Saraent
of Tacoma, Wash. No definite
date has been set lor we wea
ii!ii Th hride-slcet. a for
mer student at Oregon State
college, is at present employed
in Portland. Mr. Sargent, the
prospective groom, is now at
tending school in Portland.
notmit Detroit - Idanha
high school students will ap
pear In a 3-act myswry piay,
"The Skelton Walks", on Fri
day evening. May 1, at the
school gymnaium.
,Mlss Kazuko inuzuxa ana
Mrs. Evelyn Gearhart are fac
ulty directors. . ,
The cast Includes the fol
lowing students: Robert Lady,
Edna Golden, Maria Vlckers,
Donald Snyder, Anna Bess
fort. Jewels Hill. Eva Lou
New, Raymond' Wallace, Ver-
na Warthen and Mariene men
ardson. A musical vesper service will
be presented In recognition of
national music week, Sunday,
May 3, at 4 p.m., in the Detroit
school library. .
The program is being pre
sented under the sponsorship
of the Detroit Women's Civic
Mrs. Ruth Skldmore is gen
eral chairman for the affair.
The public is Invited and there
will be no charge. .
Howard Dean is a patient at
the Veterans' hospital, Sam
Jackson park in Portland,
where he is undergoing tests
preparatory to orthopedic sur
gery. . ; t
Several weeks' convales
cence at the hospital will be
required following a spinal op
eration. '
Paul Dillard of Eugene ' Is
staying' with the Dean, family
at the Detroit ranger station.
Other' visitors at the Dean home
last week-end were1, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bacina and two
sons from Eugene.. , :
Mr. and Mrs... Gale Fagan
are traveling north for a week's
vacation.. While they are gone,
Mrs. Carrie Mason is substi
tuting for Mrs. Fagan as' cook
at the ranger station.
Mariene White visited her
family, the O. J. Whites, last
week-end, returning to North
west Christian college at Eu
gene, Sunday.
Gale Christenson visited
family and friends in Newberg
last week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore
were week-end guests at the
George . Stegmuelier farm
home' In Corvallls last week
Mrs. Lawrence Petery has
joined her husband at their
new home the Detroit ranger
station. Their household goods
arrived Monday and they are
now getting settled. Mrs. Pet
ery, a trained nurse, has been
recently employed in a Van
couver hospital
The Deanha PTA elected the
following officers at a recent
meeting: Mrs. Allene Kettle
son, president; Mrs. Alice
Moore, vice president,- Mrs.
Goldle Storey, secretary; Mrs.
Edna Tucker, treasurer.
' The election was by unan
imous ballot in favor of the
recommendations of the nom
inating committee which in
cluded Mrs.' Lorraine Sophy,
Mrs. wayne Woodward and
Mrs. James Gordon.
Mrs. . Chsrlrs rrnmn tta.i.-
ed bv Mrl. Leo Cnunn wmm
hostess for the Home Exten
sion ulnt at their home Mon
day with the meeting begin
ning at 10:30 a.m.
The project was "Outdoor
Meals" with the two Mrs. Cru
sons project leaders.
In order to have a camnftre
a fire was built in a wheel
barrow and placed on the ce
ment porch, where they pre
pared the meal.
Election of officers will be
held at the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Palmer
have announced the arrival of
a baby girl born Monday at a
Salem hospital. She has been
named Tamara Sue and has
three older brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Roye of
Elgin spent the week-end at
the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Roye.
Saturday evening they all
went to Lebanon where they
were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Laddie Pesek.
The occasion honored Mrs. E.
Kitchen Re-Opened
Serving S:St PJW..T11T
Have dinner or a snack at
the New Village Inn!
Small Group or Large
Groan . . . The Food Is
Always Tops.
"The Three Guts'
Appearing nightly this
week and next
1057 Portland Rd.
Honor students from St
Mary's school for the six weeks
period are: First grade:. Mary
Beltel, lVouise Voltin.-and Den
nis Kreitzer. Second grade:
Carol Freres, Patrlc Jacoby,
and Arlene Blevers. Third
grade: James Zoltoske, Bar
bara Voltin and Kent Scher
macher. Fourth grade: John
Fery, Judy Lackner. Nathan
Geraths and Mary Ann Foltz.
Fifth grade: Fat Freres, Doris
Adams, Karla Van Drelsche,
James Van Handel and Janice
Fery. Sixth grade: William
Burrell, Linda Murphy, Joyce
Welter and Luke Pietrok.
Seventh grade: DeAnn Palmer,
Marjorie O'Connor, Michael
Hendricks, Kenneth Van Drel
sche, Norman Geraths, and Ro
bert Stuckart Eighth grade:
Linda Van Handel, Katherine
Kirsch, Arlene Minter and Rita
The students of Union high
school will present their play,
"The Robe, on Tuesday, May
8, at the Star theater. The
admission charge will go to
the new Santiam Memorial
hospital. , ,
The 39th annual alumni
homecoming of Stayton high
school will be held May 9.
The day will begin with the
crowning of a May queen from
Union high school, at 10 a.m.,
and exercises by students from
both grade and high schools, at
the high school. -
A baseball game has been
scheduled between teams of
the high school and the alumni
for 2 p.m. The annual alumni
banquet is to be held at. 8 In
the high school gym, and danc
ing in the grade school gym
at 10 p.m. - " . '
Officers elected at the an
nual business meeting at the)
First Baptist church Sunday,
April 26, were:
Deacon, W. R. Konzelman,
(3 years); deaconess, Mrs. W.
R. Konzelman, (3 years); ju
nior deacon (1 year) Wendell
Martin; trustee (3 years) Har
old ' Pickett; treasurer, Ted
Lehman; financial secretary,
Tillman Loop; church clerk,
Mrs. W. H. Loop; Sunday
school superintendent, G. E.
Gilasple; pianist, Mrs. Ralph
Delegates to the Oregon
State Baptist convention, Sa
lem, Calvary Baptist church,
L. Roye on .her birthday an
niversary. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Deck
er, Clarence, Jr., and Sue Ann,
Mrs. Opal Strom, and Mrs.
George Hubbard of Eugene
were Sunday; guests at the
heme of Mr. and Mrs. George
Huffman. Mrs. Huffman is a
sister of Mrs. Decker and Mrs.
Strom, and a daughter of Mrs
Mrs. Cora Corbett of Salem
spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Bressler. Mrs. Corbett is a
sister of Mr. Bressler. She also
called at the Earl Allen and
John Worden homes.
T -J
I I -Tiiom 27829 1
Alan Ladd
Deborah Kerr
Grerory Peck
law . .aaB1ssjskw s
IBmm i i j i
TOMORROW!... And Don't Forget
Adults 50c (inc. tax) 'Till 5 P.M.!
One of Hie Year's
Outstanding Pictures!
May 5, 6, 7, were the pastor,
William P. Bray; Mrs. E. H.
Lehman, . Mrs. M. ; J. Lehman
and Mrs. M. T. Henderson.
- Myrtle Circle No. 68, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, held a pub
lic installation of officers
Monaay evening, Apru zt, in
IOOF hall. :
Mrs. Alma Owens, grand
representative, assisted by the
grand team, district No. 21 of
Newberg, and . Mrs. , Cordis
Morrison, grand representa
tive, installed Russell Lawson
as guardian neighborr Carrie
Kidd, past guardian neighbor;
advisor, Elma Nason; magician,
Alta Snodgrass;.' clerk, Gertie
Richter; ' banker, John . Ma-
hood; attendant, Ethel Law-
son; inner sentinel Rose- Bin
man; outer sentinel, Pearl
Manning; captain of the guard,
Ralph Wood; flag bearer, Opal
Lohley; musician, Cora New
man; managers, J. R. . Panek,
John Lohley; press, Irene Pan-
ew; senior guardian,' Vema
Woodburn The spring
flower show, sponsored by the
Woodburn Garden club, 'will
be Saturday, May 2,' at Wood-
burn in the building at 164
Hayes street, formerly occu
pied by the Woodburn Music
store. It Will be open 2 to 6
p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
The theme will be "May Bas
kets" and committees will in
clude: '.'.
Flower show chairman, Mrs.
Ralph Bair, Aurora.
Staging, Harold Colgan,' A.
G. Cowan. i
Entries, Mrs. Fred Frentz,
Mrs. Roy Kuns.
Tea, Mrs. Charles Conyne.
Junior exhibits, Mrs. Harold
Educational, .'Mrs. R. K.
Plant sale, etc., Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Covey;
Placing committee, Mrs. Lela
Hugill, Mrs. Tina Owre, Mrs.
James Livesay.
Judges, entertainment, Mrs.
Ray Glatt
Hospitality, Mrs. H.F. But-
terfield, Mrs. George Sweaney.
Horticulture, Mrs. John
Ramage. , -
Arrangements, Mrs. A. G.
Cowan, Mrs. Gordon Seely.. .
Susan Hsyward
Charlton Heston
, Wm. Lnndlsan
- In Technicolor -
"Abbott ft CoateUo
Ronjbld Reaf an
STAGE 8:30
ad Hb Stir Discovsrf
Al the HimMnd Orgiitl
Ns Advints in Priest
I FuuriiohhlJ nlH
Hopewell The prayer
meeting of the Hopewell
E. U. B. church will be held
this week at Peter Parvin
home. "'.' , ,
The Hopewell school was
closed Friday afternoon, In
respect to the funeral of Roy
W. Hammer, husband of the
principal of the Hopewell
school. Mrs. Stettler of Salem
has been substituting for Mrs'.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Step
hens showed their travel pic
tures . at the Pleasantdale
Community club Friday
evening. ; :
Mrs. . Clifford Stephens of
North Bend, Ore., visited with
Mr: and Mrs. Howard Step
hens recently, also spent some
time with her mother. Mrs.
Eva Purvine of' Lincoln.
Verner Setala, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Kustl - Setala. has
been 111 at his home in New
burg, for the past three weeks.
He Is recovering from re
currence of tropical fever con
tracted in the Hawaiian Is
lands during the war.
Mr. and Mrs. Kustl Setala
and family received a letter
from Finland last week, in
forming them of the death of
Mr.. Setalas's aunt, who was
90 years of age.
Mrs. Mary Pekkola of Mc
Minnville, mother of Mrs.
John Ojua, was a week-end
guest of - the John Ojua
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers
Record Breaking
To date we hoye broken all sales records for the month
of April and it's ne wonder with these . . .
Superfine Quality Suits
Selling at These
Over SOI new 185S style 100 wool worsted-fabrics to
ehoose from. New patterns, colors, and weaves. Most dur
able, long-wearing, shape holding, stay pressed gabar
dines, sharkskins, twists, flannels and fancy worsteds. Over
5700 retailers throughout the United States have agreed
that these well known famous makers of these custom
tailored snlts are the greatest clothing values in America
at regular prices.
list Chance
To Buy Them at These Miracle Value-Giving
Regulor $45 to $48
Regular $60 to $65
2 FANTS SUITS AT $47.50 & $55.00.
All new 1953 styles, finest quality, 100 wool wonted
fabrics. New patterns, colors, styles and fabrics at great
Come in and see the most beautiful line of salts, sport
coats and slacks you have ever seen at prlres you'll be
glad to pay, ... We have plenty to choose from in slies
to fit all regulars, shorts, longs and stouts.
CHELSON HATS $5.00 & $7.50
Open friday Hite Till 9 o'clock
J.J. Clothes Shop Slated.
called on Oscar Lafferty and.'
the L. W. Scoggan family of
Grand Island Sunday after
noon. 'i .1 t
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currle
and family,- of .Gales Creek,
spent the week-end with their
parents, the Henry Deedons,!
and Neil Curries.
, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirkwood'
of WesUake, Calif., called on
his father, Tom Kirkwood in!
Hopewell, Sunday aiternoon..
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen'
and family and Mr. and Mrs.:
Clarence Legg went ; amelt'
fishing Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.:
John-Geisler and Ed Loop'
also went smelting this week.i
Fruitland Mr. and' Mrs.'
A. E. Dalke Sunday , enter-:
talneri Mr. and Mrs ' TTari...,'
Dalke and four, children,' Kar-i'
en Stanfield of Albany, Mrs.!
Sarah rinllrp Mrs Nhn.l. :
Helen Thiessen of Dallas, and'.
Mr. and Mrs. William Battel;
and Dick Bartel of Portland. I
Friday Nlfht r Open 6:45 J
Back Hudson JulU Adams!
Dinah Shoro - Alan Yeing ;
Both in Technicolor .
- Price Smashing
Regular $50 to $55
Regular $70 to $75