Thurcdar, April SO, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, Oregon Part II WANTED SALESMAN One or Two Territorial Salesmen j trier St. wM la Seleet or neartr Maamunllass. tilth eM eauBUahed aoiBpur over M m old, lust now pentae terrltorlee along tha Pacific Coast. Opportunlt to mib abort average galsrr, also aommlsston ud bonus. Bo ftbto to work la roar ova com saunltr and nitrbr. f solos a-tporlenee helpful out aot tateessarr oo o Ult 70a and par axpenaes. Thlo U no promotloa or armpathr oolM proposlUen. Thoao interacted in :' such trpe of ealee we definitely can not wo. Onlr those Intlrtsted la ptr f msntnl posltloni, eoa tarnish too beet i of raferencee, willing to work stsadr 1 and horo a lata modal oar, need applr. - roroaaal Interviews Only Mo Phont Coin in i. a. cvaia . room lit. kar- .. ION aOTKU Balem, Oral on. Wad. . tan rL aim 1 p.m., (at. Sua. all , dar. wiot ' WIIX ESTABLISHED REALTOR hat OP--.1 anlar for a ealeames. Sao Jo L. j. Bourns. 11W N. Capital. gglM FOR RENT . business butldinq ta Bauer. In autre at Xaliar Beautr Salon, Mm JIM' ' LARGE warehouse apaeo for rent or lease. Cimint noon, brick building. Down tows, xnaoira n. b mm rur aitura Co. moot i-tias. ! LEASE, business building, 4 Cor am district. Ml N. buieaiter Or., pbont 33406 or 44001. Hot' FOR RENT ROOMS -sleeping boom for 1 or J. m it, . Church. Phona 1-4331. . JklOT .iABGB BLEEPENO ROOM, prlrata batb. prlrata tntranct, parklnf ipaea for . - oar u nceaea. f wo. vapitoi in me ' Capitol Shopplnt Canter. Iklot . WARM, CLEAN, oomfortablt rooma, eloat In. Rtaaonaoie. oas no. Hltn. lklo - LABOE BID BOOM, kitchen prMltf at z latbr. aM. n etnttr attar 1:10. Jkloi BOOMS FOR OIELS Rltehen prlrlleil, uat tnurt nouat. eat r. wiatar. prions lilTI or ll0. lklM : LOVELY KNOTTY PINB room, private aatranea. Sultablt for oao room llfht- aouetkttplnf apt. f37.oo, 7eo so. com mtreiai. jkioy NICE LIOBTT boosekeeplnt room, Ladr. sat no. cnurcn. ikioi' "Nice SLfkriyo rooma, hot and cold water. ei no. nun. is: FOR RENT HOUSES UNrtJftNlSHED a.btdroom doplex, ex MPt rtuue. cIom In. KK. Phona Jew. (CUAN. 1 KDBOOM. ltTtnt room, . . aUtohra, aiinett. Amu M utilitlei , fiiraislied. AAolU. 60. afbon 3-1329, HICK, MaiHtBN, mU oouh. Mice ntunoornood. ou -89n. ni03 FUBN1SHED DUPLEX rocmi. lwta. Btwly ilecoratftd, cloit to Mhool, bus t s door. 47.60. intiaire m m m, 38th. jmios1 llMAlX HOUSE, partly ln.Ul.d. Phone 2hh between -7, jmior 1 BEDKOOM BOdtrn ilOUM, ttMhMl r4we, nr ibopplnt etnttt. Btove furnlibid. Adulti. Ho peti. Phone 4-JUS. Jml07 VWO BO. RN. house In Broofcs. Xlee. " ranit, refri., all hetter. Phone 43904 after 4 p.m. JmlOi PUBNISHED 4 bedroom house, utomv tlo oil heat, elose to Cap. Shop. Center end town, suitable to eua-rem sleep ' lnc rooms. Adults, tie. J-U57 afUr .. 9.m. jmi04 ' t-BIDKOOM unfurnished, newlr deco , , rated, Ens lewood dlstrlot, 968 per month. Call 9-4030 after S p.m. Jml04 FOB IALB OR miNT-4-bedroom Bias tered house, mo Bo. lth at. lmi04 DUPLEX 1 bedroom, unfurnished ei , aept stove and refrlcerator. Adults. a-4T0i. i imiw t-BEDBOOM HOUSE, gar ate, partlr fur :; nlshed, 160 month. Phone 3-6B03, , PUBIOSHED. Xitra loTely for a. $49, Store, bus. Phone 350W. JmlOB1 : IntW l-bedroom house with lots of closet apace, stove, refrlcerator, garage and - soma atllltles. Inquire 1008 . 19th J ml 04 OFFICE FOR RENT i- POUB OB FIVE-BOOM enilU. Oregon Bulldliur. Phone 3-4114. Jo" . O BOUND PLOOB office or store ipac fci ror rent, can at ntt ataratt, jo- FOR RENT APARTMENTS (W N. SUMMER, nlc, clean, l-room- and-oath, fnrnisnea, au utilities para, ' aralltbls afar t. Sea now. too. pl0 ArTBACTrv'E J-room apartment, eloaa ... to atate bulldinat and shopping een- itiiMn.tu v.ah.r !.tri Arimr. all ntllltlet paid. Alto pullman apart- mant. aas n. winter artar a p.m. Jplo " l-RBDROOM furnlihed apartment, Bol- '" irwood out. Aduiu. pnono tioo. JP10I' FURNUHED apt., prlrata batb, reduced rent, las No. Utn. JPlot' MCELT rURNIiHED l-room, bttb. eround floor. 1 room, kltebentttt. 094 R. commercial. IplM NEAR STATE bulkllnii, clean, fur- nltned apt., private Data. Ttt taanon ' Jplo' ' MODERN FURNISHED 1-btdroom dU' oler. redecorated, ftrate. 3210 Rrer- maa at. jp.u. CLEAN 1-BACHELOR apartment, and l and l-bedroom furnlthad apartment. ' Inst, department and trocerr ttort. ' Near shopping oenter. Call J.lvol. iPlM" 1 BEDROOM unfurnished court apart. ' ment. With rante, refrigerator and ' TV antenna, tor s. mn. join a BOOM NICE aoartment. PrlvaU bath, - t N. Church. Phone I474o. Jplll BtJ.JO Furnlahed l-rm. apt- ntllltlet paid. 340 DlvUlon. 45S. JplOT S'ROOM, newlr decorated, private bath, flrat floor, will lurnlthed. Ml No ' Hlth. JP104" FURNISHED ont bedroom acta. 157.50 One bachtlor apt, 147.10. 170 No. winter. 1-1143. 1P103 4 ROOM furnlahtd apartmant. A retu lar 1 bedroom borne, and roomr. 005 S. Summer. JplM NICE LARGE I room upatatre apart ment. Adults onlr. No pets. Clot to atalt bulldlni!, Ahopplnt Canter. 110 Otmet, Phone mn. ipiot S ROOM FURNISHED apartment, utlll Ilea furnatbed. Lars rooma, aeparate bath. No objection to child, phone 41511 befort 7. 3110 Lanilnt. JP104 newly DECORATED, furnlabed aparf- mentt. for amolored ladr. Also tm plored aonplt. OIom la. ell No. Chareh St. 1P101 FUBNTSHED l-bedroom apartment, cloia In. Phone 4-5578. JP101 t-BOOM furnltbed court apartmtnt, 150. loot Mad lion, phone 177M. JplOf VEBY ATTRACTIVE court apartment, 1 . rooma and batb. Furnished or Un furnlthed. OH beat. 1st So. 17th. Ph. 1-lllt dara, or S-I7ii after p.m. IplM' FURNISHED bachelor apartmant. Utili ties para. Near stale and taiu out. ltlt Trade. IplOl CLOSE IN, olean aad comfertablt. 1 reome rornlahed, uananr. l-toei. IpIOJ 1 BEDROOM, furnlihed apt., newlr dec orated, oolae In. Phone t-0714, lplM S ROOMS, prlrata bath, tntranct, (urn Isbad, clean, aloaa la. an St. Bltb. : 1P104 NICELY FURNISHED apartmtnui Am baaaador Apta. HO No. Sumratr. IP PRIVATE TBBEE-ROOM MmlabM oourt apartment, clean. Adults, oao, ttu Portland Road. Iplol' PI'BNISHBD one ar two bedroom court apartment. Croat In. lotte. Iplof a-BOOM FURNISHED Ml S. SUV Phone tSMt. IP1M FOR RENT APARTMENTS l-BIDBOOM court apartmtnt, appU aaoat foralabad. Rear Shopping Can tor. Adam. lUi Trada ntm, Jpltv BOOM furnished apartment. Range, drr. Utiuuee paid. Mil Haaal Art. clean downitelrt rsfrlgirator. Iiun 110. Phone -K. IPIOS" gXrULAL Mralaood Vocation, Inquire B. Pboaa 1-tlR. apartments, food U Stiff rural rara. IP IXamaiTt. l-roaaa, now, grand floor. bath, laria, food nana J-lllT. fplM' LOST t FOUND LOSTi Red mala coekar. Litoaaa all Can Hit). Reward. klOJ LOST hrown billfold ooatalnraf service leava paean, same Letter Jaeober. Fsep monor bat pita return popora to AJMrta rreemen, 1W3 wuiiame Ave. 1111' MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS TJ-DRira MOVE YOtJRSXLP . . AVB U ncxura stasis vams TXXACO STATION it court st. . raoHi i-wi PAOl SllVEHSOM oaf AL MKPPORD ga" SALHI SARD at O RAVEL COMPACT Contract work ' Road Claariat . Dltabtaf Sawar and Baa Mural qulpmaat Rental , Ditching br tba Pool Phoo Dara l-ttoi Brae, or t-1411 ' ' : . 8alam. Ortfoo m DENTAL PLATS REPAIR l-rm. sbrtici in most CAtras ' OR. HARVEY SEMLXR, DENTIST Adolpb Brat., Steto Ja Commercial Stt. MAT.KM WW. 1.1.11 .m. .'..........). UILDING MATERIALS SHEET IN O 118 per U. Wihil. It lasts. Short 3x4, 115 per M. Bli lot of oak trim at your priee. O. W. Riant wreck inr Co. Can be seen at 801 n. Commercial. malOB KEITH BROWN'S Window Screen Time HEAIXITJAKTEM FOR BYLOCX ' , CKITKS. STANDARD SIZBS ON HAND MAHOGANY DOORS l-Oie-lxlH o HC trade 1 I.H 1-tM-lllH RO HC A trada ... 10.01 1-SxS-tilti RO HC A trad 11.07 l-Bx-lr.lA RC HC A trad 11.74 Raton Plr. H" to Slf" all elite to 4U n ... ft. Plrroa "A" all altea to 4x8 ,...11 so. ft. SHAKES -' U" stained shakes with under- oourao 411.00 to It" Beeutr Wei cartoned thanes with undereonrtt - 10 colors ..$11.60 so. Work Clothes and Carpenter Over alls 5 off KEITH BROWN LUMBER YD. Phone 1-S1U Front at Court St. WE OTVE tail ORBRN STAMPS i ma BUILDER'S SPECMI-Ntw planed lum ber, 116 par M. and up, delivered. 1-3041. mailt PLYWOOD Pine aaiortmenfc of Re J, Interior and interior. Han ecoratiYe and hard' wood Plywoods In stock. Bee them I Screen Doors 8.88 up. Tension tlte wd. Screens. Wallboards of every kind, star, as ii-o. s. Hooiing. many col ors. Si4 gutter Ho ft. No. 1 red oak fur. in heated room to insure dryness, Plr fit. 8B.80 1X4 D & U Pig. 98.50. Door, Doors Doors. Mahogany, Birch, Plr Slabs, and Panels 8,85 up, Use our free, cheerful estimating service. Nothing down, 18 months to pay. Prat delivery. Mo order to email, It's appreciated. Portland Road Lbr. Yard OPDC ALL OAT BAT. . 848 Portland Bd. Phone 4-4413 ma Building? Mew weatherstrtpped windows, com pletely assembled, hundreds tn stock ready to to, 814 up. New picture windows ...11.00 Mew doors 8'8"x6'l" 88.50 8-tab thlekbutt roofing 8988 Unpalnted cedar shakes 88.78 Reverie trap toilets, complete ...836-60 Mew 80' '1 18" wash basins 117.80 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...sso.M Mew shower cabinets, complete. 848.00 Colored bath sets Bargain 600 -s el. steel sepUe tanks 883.60 4" soil pipe .70 Mew electric water beaters .888.60 Mew steel garage doors ....656.80 Asbestos swing , 88.60 Mew plasterboard 4x1 81-48 Exterior whit paint (tal ) .,..83.85 Mahogany ttt birch plywood... bargain Water proof wall board, 4x8 ....81.76 Screen doors 68.06 DOORS Hundreds of fir and hardwood doors; birch, mahogany and tumwood. Pick your choice. Bargain. SHINGLES Mo 1 per IQ 88.35 Mo. 3 per sq. gs.oo Mo. S per sq 64.00 CilBU CAAHT DISCOUNT 360 SQ. 6. G. LONG & SONS Phona 4S081 t ml. north of Keller REDUCED t.OO PER DAY UNTO, SOLD I onlr Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. S-spsed shift automatic starter. Startlnt prlct April 14th, 13II.H MAY 1ST, $211.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front At court St. Pbont t-0111 WE C4VI b. H. ORSEN STAMPS ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No, It, 11 Inchea clear. Ml No, I, 1 Inchet eltar, 14. Na aap wood or calls. Come and set them. Ted afnlltr, Salem-Xadeptndenc Road. Ph. Salem 1-11M. ma PANS ICS, toe doten. 1S1I Mldwar Drlrt. Phont Ittll. maioe- NURSERY STOCK SPECIAL, SALE I-rtar-old nrld red atalees, ale. Warlnt't Nuraerr, 103S Oat Hill Are. (Turn eatt from ME at South VUlatt tarernh mbloo' OERANCUUS. FUSCaBIAS ISc DZLPRiNTUafS 1 tor 11.00 TUBEROUS BEOOH1AS .. I for 11.00 DAHLIA BULBS NAMED ,. I for 11.00 OLAD BULBS S Di. for 11.00 RTERBEARINO 8RAWBERRT PLANTS MERRILLS GREENHOUSE, BROOKS mbl07 CHOICE OLOXINEAS now bloomlnt. VUltort welcome at tuiem'S Airieen Violet btadanarura. Fuchate, petunia, aomatot at btodms plants. Oppea'a Oreenbouat, 41 Aubura Rd. mbll4 cnTSANnttutts, too taritiet, tnt- llsh American hardr, euahlons, spoons, apraere. Oeranluraa, delphinium!, Lu pine, AsttlMi. etc. Black's, 1370 Cha mawa Rd, ltb miles Eatt of Reiser. 1-4150. mtlM REDDING PLANTS Siirtrton Orten Heuaea tht beat in teraalumt, fuc hilts, palatonlums, all other plants. Cebbete and lettuce lie per doten. ill so. Wator, aa road to surer creek Falls. mblio. NURSERY STOCK EOaS OB WINDBREABV Prirtt, ISUT- ej. camellias, ooauert, taiem. rn. Mln. SetT Bellrwood Drive, tablet For S.I. MISCELLANEOUS 1 ELacTBKi tawlas machine. Ala. Mod al A panel truck. Pbont l-iooi. Blot' RAT BASS TIOL, full slat. Fboao l-Ttll OABAOB DOORS, nnflaltbed furniture mada to orowr. Ban ell oarpantar ana cabinet repair jobs. Prices raasoaablt. Woodworking Fixit Shop 1171 No. IS Ph. 1-53U Bill OARDEN TRACTOR aulUrator and disc. 117S Dearborn Ave Xelatr district. 1 B104- FERTILIZER Pulrtrlttd, rottad manure. dallTored anrwreera s-ST7t ar t-eoii nlol Organic i . Fertilizer pre. 'tt weed tttdt. and odorltaa. Sack or bulk ordert delivered. Phone I-111T. . Bill M.CUIXOCR CRSIN SAWS, SOS Edte- weter. Witt Salem. Saltm Loctlnf sup plr. Ph. 4-1841. a SSUIBS BID SALE! ONB LOT"! BOOKS, USED, Approximatcir owe each, coaaistlnf of Plotlon, Non-flc- Uon, Ttst ai Tecnnioai poou. These Bookt will be told "AS IS" "WHERE IS". Bidder, art uried to Intptct propertr beiora tuDmutins bids. PLACE OP SALE: Departmant of Finance St AOmmiatra tlon. SURPLUS PROPERTY SECTION, 110 Norway street, Salem, Ores on. ' INSPECTION: - At Place of Sale. S:oo am-l:M pro (PBT). Monday tbroucb Frldar. ax. eept belldars. SEALED BTD PORUS: Catalofues mar bt obUlnad St Place Of salt. BID OPENINO DATE: 3:00 P.M. (P8TI Mar 11, 1051. Bids win pa aeceptca until openins date. A dspotlt will be required. Bids will bo opened at the Department of Finance Si Administration, SURPLUS PROPER TT SECTION, 110 Norwar Street, Sa lem, wtfon. THE STATE OP 0nn SSrglVIS THE RIOHT TO "REJECT ANT AND ALL BIDS. nlOS1 FOR SALE Good uaed blut davenport anaontir, am. 35370. nioi1 METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental types. residential and Industrial. Mo Job too large or too small. Material onlr or jod complete. Free estimates. B OR KM AN LBR. fe HDWE. CO. 8480 State Street Ph. 1-1701 103 LH APT. ELKC. range less than one rr. ova. . singer sewing machine. 90. 4-pe. breakfast set, 08.60. Lawn mower, as. Dressers, choice, 7.W. Beds, t2. Springs. 13. Mattresses, 5. SNOOKS BARGAIN CENTER 116 Broadway ph. 4-1130 nl03 14x14 TARPAULIN, new. 141S N. 4th. nlOfi1 WEBTIKOHOUSE electric dryer 183.60, like new. Olenn Woodry's, 1006 N Bummer. n!03 U GUM VENDORS on location, bargain price. ..tvo sayriie Ave., evenings. nl03 LABOE LIMED oak dining table and cnairs a8.O0. oienn woodry's, 1600 n. aummer. nlOS HOWARD walnut piano and bench, ex Weltui VWastitbtVU, N4(r. at IV OO. Attn. nioa KITCHEN STEP stools 3.86. Olenn woodrys, 05 N. summer. nlOS1 LADT'S USED D BESSES, blouses, salts, slsa II. cheap price. 2420 N. Mh. nlOS 4-PC. BEDROOM suite with IB matt, and con eprinia W9.50. oienn Woodry's, 1000 N. Bummer. nlOJ SEVERAL USED one-man power saws at waroa rarm store. nlOB' MISC. OARDEN tools and hand tools. Priced to sell. Olenn Woodry's, 1605 H, ' Bummer. nlOJ STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing porch columns, furniture 1145 It. Liberty. nlll ELECTRIC FENCE controller . Glenn Woodry's. nlOS1 GARDEN TBACTOB, good condition. Phona 4-J511. nlOS ELECTBOLVZ Tacuum cleaner, all at caenmenu, n.wt, oienn woodry's, 160ft H. Bummer. nlOS CLOTHLINB POSTS, iron legs tor ta bles, furniture, rallies.. 1145 M. Lib erty. nl24 GOOD TWIN size cotton matt. 1 10.9ft. oienn woodry's. nlOJ FOB SALE Upright Oulbranson piano, Phone 21403. nlOS COIL SPRINGS 2.95. 1.96, I.W. Olenn wooarr s, leoa n. aummer. nios1 FUBNTTUBE, rugs, miscellaneous house hold items lor sale. 1881 Park Ave. FLOOB LAMPS 4.K. Olenn Woodry's, leofi n. aummer. nlOS1 WE ARE OVERSTOCKED on used ra dloa and combinations. Come In and aee our exceptional bargains. It to TRADER LOUIE 1070 Lana Ave. - nl04 llxti PLATE GLASS mirrors, a bargain at oienn woodry's, 1600 M. Bum mer. nioa1 COIL SPRINGS Excellent condition and mattress, no. Phone 44947. nl03- NEW MAHOGANY dining chairs, a real buy at 12.96. Olenn Wood rye, IB N Bummer. nioi Singer Electric Walnut Cabinet sewing machine. Bewj forward and rt verse. Free sewing lessons. 640 dis count. Singer Sewing Center ' 110 N. Com'l. nlot OPEN FRIDAT until S p.m. Olenn Wood- rrt, itot n. summer. nioi ANTIQliB hand carved tolld black wal nut bullet, ll Hlntt. Pbont 3147 titer I. nlot OPEN FRIDAY until S p.m. Olenn Wood- rrt. itot n. aummtr. nloa SH R.P. ROLLEN ttrdea tractor, plow, tuiurator and srass outtsr. a-ioss. nl05- OPEN PRIDAI until p.m. Olenn Wood. ISAa W anmi-,, .,A.a Singer Electric Portable ews rorward and reverse. Regular set of attachment. Look like new. Per unpaid balance. Singer Sewing Center 110 N. Com'L nlOS" OPEN PBIDAT until S p.m. Olenn Wood- rr's. loos N. Summer. nlot MERRYTPLLBR, used S houra. 140 dla- count. pnone 4-sse. nlot FINE MAROOANT PIANO, vsrr reaaon- aoie, lata co. cottatt. moi" ROTTED MANURE i,Soo rardt, too bait we hart ovtr bad. For food ortanlt rtaultt order rotted cow manure that rou can use without leer, te.oo per rard. 4 rarde IIS. f rarde lit. 10 rants S40. Plet a tones, leva ttona, fence poatt, 4x4 ttakat and ruatlc red cedar frnclnr. Pbiuipt Brot, Rt. I, an tti, PH. 41011, saltm. I at i 4 Contra, a- AUTO MOBILES BEST BUY'S BUIGK .' VACATION DELIVERIES FOR MAY -Jl)NE-.JULY ' ; PICK UP YOUR CAR IN EITHER " CHICAGO, ILL. or FLINT, MICH. , AS LOW AS $2355 Buick Special 2-door equipped with heatf)r & defroster, . direction signals, and license. " Available for Immediate Delivery in Salem 'New 1953 Buick Special 2-door Sedan . $2841 , ...... i .. INCLUDING: .UNDERSEAT HEATER DEFROSTER f , FOAMTEX CUSHIONS : .. . EASY-EYE GLASS DIRECTION SIGNALS . . . , ... LICENSE . , ; .:, OREGON'S OLDEST AUTOMOBILE AGENCY orro j. Company ; ' ; COMMERCIAL AT CENTER LODER BROS. 1951 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY SEDAN Completely equipped, radip, heater, hydramatic, light blue finish. . x 1950 OLDS. 76 2-DR. SEDAN : . ' Radio, heater, hydramatic, popular blue finish, 1950 OLDS. 88 DE LUXE SEDAN ' Popular 2-tone blue with radio, heater, hydra matic and all the accessories. 1951 FORD VICTORIA Overdrive, radio, heater, white side wall tires, dark green finish, 1951 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY SEDAN A very excellently cared-for car in every re , spect. All the accessories, 28,000 miles, dark 1 - green finish, $1700 off new 'price. - 1948 OLDS. 98 CLUB SEDAN A new factory engine just installed, along with radio, heater, hydramatic, make this a top buy today. LODER BROS. . Tour Osdsmoblle Dealer fro Center DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1951 DeSoto De Luxe Carryall. Auto, trans., fluid drive, low mileage and very clean. R&H. 1947 Plymouth Special De Luxe Club Coupe. Heater, very clean. , - , 1941 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan. Auto. trans., heater. 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook Convertible Cpe. R&H. ; 1950 Ford Custom V-8 4-door Sedan. O.D., R&H. 1951 Pontiac Chieftain De 'Luxe Six 2-door Sedan. R&H. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook Club Coupe. Heater. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-door Sedan. Heater. ' MANY, MANY MORE TO ( CHOOSE FROM ' W. L. Anderson, Inc. 854 N. LIBERTY For Sole MISCELLANEOUS 930 ALLOWED lor your old titr beater on this new 42-tallon a atom -tie elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance. 375 Cbemeketa. Ph. 1-4311. n USED waihinr machlnea, il ls and up. VI ATE B APPUANCB CO., 3H Cbe meketa. n .SALIJJ OIE0KL Roller and ball bearinn for trueki And tractore, J77 flllterton Road n Gravel and Sand AnrtblDt In freeel, wholtaale and retail. VALLEY SAND At ORAVIL CO. PH. 9-4001. n rati Weatlnthouat sewlno oaachlnes on all tloor Samples. Sare up to 40. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 111 Che ueketa. a PLASTIKOTE requires 00 trsxlnt. Por tour floors or llnoltum. YEATEn AP PUAWCS CO, lit Catmetett. o CEDAB TELEPHONB end tlectrlt oolea. renee aoete, beto poau ano tlaxea. Phllllpt Broa.. Rl. I. Soi l, tollee cut ol t Corner. Ph. t-lotl o DEEPFREEZE homl freeterl. YEATER APPUAMCS CO.. l Crunektta. BEPBIOIBATOBE, NEW ud astd. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Che- roekata. o OEP1TAL BED for tilt or rent. H. L. Stiff Ptirnltura Co. Phont l-tiu o PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Orottp No. I. tost , commirtlal. n. i-ttll 1W AUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-S823 ' ejlOC Phone 3-79TS a 104- PHONE 4-3492 AUTOMOBILES M-0 "Merrr OedsnobUf "M" Sedaoetu. Straliht eklft, food for famllr witb ahUdras. $645 SHHOCK atOTOft CO. Wlter. Ohetneketa Ooes to Oh area Omb t a.m. ta I p.m. .lot Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Top truck aeala price lor eeoond and am irnwm nr. Lena anfl abort. WEST SALEM LBR. CO. list Wallace Rd. rt. t-1711 nam WOODSY WANTS Pianos. Phone 141 II. nt" LOGS WANTED' iStod Mill. Lanttha I 4" ar lr " Dlamiter r to II" savmlll, LratUis 11' ens iMiH. m.meiM a' a a." Top pneaa paid. Burkland Lumber Co. ELECT BIO kANOEB. WoodrTa, Pa. l-iut. sa- AUTOMOeiLES IMI STUDEBAIEB aoararUolt, rirr im. roon. i-tisa. tiio.- '47 Buick t 4 4-4oar Sodsa. t-aSM alaak trar llnlan. lUttT, exealletit mo. A takidoiu Bur si $795 Stan Baker Motors VllSt) It MIlB Phoot J-I4SS 1M FOB SAU-rSil Dodl. panel, 4-speed iransmlmlon, good ruaotr, radio, beater. A good bur, raasonably priced. lew, H. Capitol. .103' at CBEV. Strlellse Da laut -D Sedan. Radio, beater, one owner, perfect oond, tor oulok salt, (ion. Phone I5le. - .101 1M1 rOBO St ton pickup, Phont Win iwr e p.m. .ids- '48 Mercury Station Wat or., with ui aaotllent kodr. It' l-sttt, t-pest enter aar laln. sTai low mllaatt and It In alltnt tfeapt, " ( $895 Stan Baker Motors TJnlon at Hlth Phont 1-IHI olOJ1 L-C "Luurr and Comfort" - ' '4t Bttdion Commodora "I" 4-door, tflmooth flow ol power, lorelr interior. $1295 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Ohemtketa Ooes to Chureh Open a.m. to p.m. qiof ltoe CHEV. l-door sedan. Radio, heattr. bast '10 in town, afoat sell because leaving for aervlce. Mak mo an offtr. 1330 Line Dr. I-W31. Qlol INT uncoln oiutom t-door. Motor OTirbanled recentlr. 100 rubber. (771. Phone Itool or after 4:10 phone Mill. OlO DOWN ' . DOWN TWENTY DOLLARS BTVERY DAT virrtL solo . 1949 Olds Sedan TODAY f 1288 1948 Buick Sedan TODAY $1095 OTTO J. , WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 IMP CBEV. 3-door, radio, heater, back. up directional Hints, 11100. One own er. H. B. Boeeh, Brooki, Ore. Phone 43037. .104 '17 PLYMOUTH, good transportation Make offer. Phone 40130. ql0l 1MJ roRD V-l 3-door ledm. Excellent motor, new uyholaterr, 1500. No down parment on approval of credit. Open avenlntt. K. smith and son uotora. 141 Marlon. Phono t-1040. q" INI NASH stttttman, 4-door, over drive, I&B5. No down ptrmtnt on ap proval of credit. Open evening.. K. Smith and Son Motors, 140 Marlon. rnone s-soio. 1952 Chrysler Saratoga Club $2699 110 H.P. V-l Pluld-Matlo 1961 Buick Super Sedan 2298 Drnaflow, radio, heater 1951 Ford 8 Cuitom Se dan 1698 Fordomatle, radio, heater 1950 Buick Super Riv iera 2095 Drnaflow, radio, heater 1951 Plymouth Cmbrdg. Sedan 1498 Low mlletgi, heater 1949 Buick Rdmatr. Riv iera 1898 A gptrkltr loaded. 1948 Naih 600 Sedan... 745 Overdrive, hitter. 1947 Buick Super Sedan 950 ami In. overhauled. 1949 Dodge 6edan 1095 . Beautiful condition. 1946 Buick Super Sedan 795 Radio, htattr, good. 1946 Ford 6 2-door.... 698 Radio, heater. OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Ctnltr Phone 9-1131 1M DENNIS the MENACE DENHIS! im xwr Father &coh aiohbi : AUTOMOBILES 52 Dodge Sedan. BAH, Suld drlvt, onlr 1.300 actual miles. Don't past up this burl $1795 .Stan Baker Motors. Union at Hlth ' ' Phont I-14M " olM FARM EQUIPMENT USED AVBRT tWO-pVOW tTMiOf. B50, at Ward'a rarm atore. jdioo' USED stXOW TRACK, aardan tractor l-ta. tuiar. new )M xan, 11.78. Ward'a farm atore. go 103' AUCTION 1ALI M traetori, M0 olher farm lmplemente Inoludlnr plow. duoa, oaiera, oomDmee, mowert, aw,, at Falrfrouada, Rucene. Oreton. Sat urday, Mar Ind starting at 10 a.n. sale apooeored by Willamette, Valley rora iracior XMaieri juro. qdjot- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROURLRT VallfT alotor Co. axperta will aolva your prob- lema and aara yon money. Free mU mateit apeady eervloe. Center at Lib erty. TRUCKS 10" DODQE""-1-ToW, aluminum van', .50k16 tlree, very clean. Will trade " for car or pickup. 1810 Blrahwood. Phone 4-3606. odtOS 1M1 STUDEBAKER H-ton, H1. 19ST Ford H-ton, sotn vary lood. U10 K. Liberty. StMl. qdlOS is DODOBi 38.000 mllei. oerleot eondt- tlon. Covered atook rack. Union OH Station at North Dallaa. qdlOS HEAVY EQUIPMENT ' In Saoramento . . . OIOANTIC SALI LOOOlNa TRACTORS! INTERNATIONAL TD-14 with doier and winch. Quaranteed. Ready to to. CATERPILLAR D7 - so Serlee. Cable doier and Hyeter winch. Ferfeot na china. Excellent buy. CATERPILLAR D8 - KT Seriea. With Johnaon Bar Cat. cable doier Mid njsw U9U wincn. 100ft FINANCINOI (It you hare an equity in aoaat oeher equipment) . RENTAL-PURCHASE TERM B I available to qualified buy ere 1 1ST PAYMENT 9 WEEKS If you're letting ready to to to work. Fhont, wire or write NATIONAL TRACTOR CO. Stl Stockton Blvd. HI f-fl47 Sacramento, California qelM- BOATS SEE THE NEW V-bottom Healcraft ooaia maoe in ana watt for weittrn en. la and 14 ft. in also. Ray Neal. Jafferaon, Oreton. Phone Itl or aee your dealer. qql04 FINANCIAL BEB OT FOB PABU, CITT OH ACRXAOI WMSS-BItT OP TMMitiM WB BUT Real eaUU morttatti a) oontracU State Finance Co. ill So. High St, Ph. 1-4111 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let ua take the "1U" out of your money problems. Up to 1100 on email ioane. up to pan on auto loan. STATE FINANCE CO. S-311 U-331 tlh St. Phona Hill MT 1. rlo 5 Interest If rou Bare Idlt funds aaaklne ta. raatment, then roo are the trpt of peraon to whom wt ean bt of terrke. Por orer Twealr-flre Veen wt hart been helping people In thle oommunltr find profitable work for their moner. During Milt ptrlod wt hart promptly paid 00 teml-annoal Intereet garmente totalling rnsnr Thouaanda of Dollara. We are currently paring 1 INTEBBIT aa runaa from uoo to nooo. General Finance Corporation IS! S. COHMIRC1AL ST. Saltm, oreton Phona l-llll re Lit. S-133 and U J34 and ROT H SIMMONS IMSUnANCB AND LOAMS Hear 'Top Yredea" M Dallj KSLM 13M Bs. OlrrSHAL PTNANCX CO. LOANS III So. Commercial St. Tea. l-llll PR1VATB MONET ' SoMlal Ratal and Ttrma On Larttr Lotna Long and Short Tlma Parmente ROT R. SIMMONS . 191 So. commercial St. Ph. -Ill LOANS UP TO $1500 an 'Slenttura. furniture. Car AT personal It's "raa" promptir to tmplortd men er woman. l-rltlt loan . . . pbont flrat. Ton itlitl but ferment data, Between pirdsr loane. Phona, write or aome la TODAY I Personal Finance Co. lot S. BIOH ST., SALEM Sttts Not. S-ltl, at-lH Loans tret 1100 up to HMO and up to 10 months to rtpar made br Ptraonal Plnanel Co. of Marlon Countr undtr the Industrial Loss Companlai Sol ef Oreton. rlf4 By Ketcham FINANCIAL' MONET TO loan an real aetata. Phona s-oial. rllie ACTO LOANS TniXAMBTTB CREDIT CO, - , , in South Church Parking a-Plentr Pit. 1-1407 ' , Lie. BO. M-1M, I-IM HOUSE TRAILERS Bur , . Bargains Salt LAKA LANB TRATLsTR VLABA . Trade , 1040 Lancaster Arc, . Rental telOi tl root trailer house, sleeps four, ex cellent condition, rnone g-ooot. ttioi' tOB IALB Koult; In 1H1 Ubsrti houaa tralltr, 31 ft. 4-BllB. taioj- MACHINERY mill SELL Ford tractor, Uta ntw t ft, John Deero htc; a sac tpring tooth: 4 wheel trailer: amp reasonable offtr will not be rtfuttd. Bt. I, Box 4n. m miles east of Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 41001, Alwara homo to p.m. not DIRECTORY ADDINO KACHUfES All makes used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roan, 466 Court, Ph. 3-6773. o. w. KI.ANQ wracklna Co. Builders eheap supplies, 1-7301 erenlnta. olio BULLDOUNQ BuUdotlng, road clearing teeth. Tlrtfl Uuek.r, 1010 pelrrlew. Ph. 1-1146. olll CAS8 BEOISTEBS Instant dellrerr of new RCA cask registers. All makei, told, rutted, re paired. Roen, itl Court, rh. 1771. CUSTOM PABM WORK Plowing, discing, attdlnt. Pord equip ment. ISarshall, U71 Market. Phont 1-1341. u old DBESflMAKWa Alltratlont, himiutchini, bat toss, bucklss covered, buttonholes, Mrs, H. M. Allender, 3-0011. olo, DBIVINO INSTBTJCTION Uarn to drlrs the "Kerr Drtre" war. Call ar tta Mr. sntlllng, Valler Mo tor Co, Salem, Phone 1-1147 or 4-1074. EXCAVATINQ Ben Otlen At Sons. Bxcaratlng, grad ing, land clearing, phont 1-1060. Qll3 rrjRNiTUBB BEPnriBHnfa Furnlturt rtflnlthihg, rtpalrtng. Bd gsr Brock, tot . Morwar St, lhono 1307. OI3I INSULATION Insulation, wsatbtratrlps, aluminum scrum. Frsa astlmatts. T, Pullmsn. Ph. I-0MI. - olll MATTBES8IS Capitol Bidding, raaovatee. Full hnt new mattrestii. Ph. 3-40U. e orncB PUBNITUBB SUPPLIES Dtak ehslrs, fllss, 'filing aupplles, safes, duplloatotrs, supplies, deak Ismps, trpe wrlter ttanda. Roen, 4H Court o SBABPENINV3 AND BEPAIB SEBTICB Obert'e Sharpening and Repair Serr let. Lawnmowtrt, knives, sheers, bi cycles and small motors. Ph. S401I or 431(6. Uth ond "D" Sts. oll SKPTIC TANKS Hamel'a septlo tanks alsanad, lino ssrvles, , Ousranteed work. Phona 1-7104. 013S Mlkt's Ssptlo Service. Tsnks slosned, D'rootsr eleant ttwtrs, drslns. Phona l-oiat. olio Sewtr, itptlc tanke, drabi eliantd. Ro to-Roolar Sewer Serrtot. Phont 1-1337. o" L. W. Caudle, tprarlng and pruning, Phona 4-1491. O106 TmWBITEBS Smith, Corona, lUmlngton, floral. Un derwood portable!. All makn naed machines. Bepalrt as rant. Roes, 466 Court, prompt television and radio repefr service. Phone 4-Iltl. 113 Market, dar or nltht, 0116 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY OtnfleM'e Laundrr, Repairs, Reftnlah Ing. 1440 S. 13th. Ph. 4-6401. Plok-up, Dellverr. ' CHI WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Xnduatrls! floor wailns, houseolianlna. Pbont 31337. 147 Court. o SALEM GIRL IN PLAT ' Marcla Seeber, 134S Norway, Salem, will play a role In the unpublished play, "Alfred," presented by the drama depart ment of Llnfleld college, Mc- Mlnnvllle, Ore., April SO and May 1 and 3. This performance will be the premiere of the pro duction on the West Coaat. Miss Seeber la a sophomore lan guages major at Llnfleld. Dr. T. T. Lam. R.D. Dr. O. Chan B-0 DRH. CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS DpsUtrs, HI North UbtrtT Office open Satsrdap onfr 10 am. ta 1 p.m., I tst f p.m. Conmltitloa, blood priaanra and nrlna teat, are free of eherse Practiced Mnea 1611. wnit for attractive tin. Bo obligation. I