.4Vi(V'"J,,;c.-;4.,'.:,c V' v v r 'J - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefon Pagt 18 Thursday, April 80, 195S V H IT' X g' H ' FOR SALE HOUSES Klumpp's EXCLUSIVE HOMES" S BEDROOMS Well loeatd In this e-year-old home Willi nerclwood floors, nice sited bath and larse kitchen with plenty of built Int. Located In the north end ol towo. Good elsed lot. ThU ctn be hen died for 91500 dn. end IBS per month Including Interest, Uxei end fire In ' turance. WEST SALEM A neet 3-bedroom home with llvlnr room end kitchen, Inside utlllt. ThU bouse le pleitered, ebout 14 yeere old nd very well constructed. Total price 4M0. ' "SUBURBAN LIVING" n thU IV acres, rery well lcoettd. wltb 3 welU. This home hae 3 bed room, living room with good fire place, dining room, kitchen, and aun- porch. AUo a aood fire alarm eyetem. A full baaemrnt with automatic eew duet heat piped to eaoh room. A good sited fruit cellar ana a oouoie ga rage. Total price idBOO. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor rest Portland Rd. Ph. J-16U ve., Richard 3-3184. aiw g4.aoo 3-bedroora home, nlahed. Phone 4-5170. .partly tur- al05' MEW 3-B.B. 1IOMF. hdwd. firs., fir. fur nace, lie. lot. 10500, with fltOO down. Cell air. Fletcher. BURT PICHA I7t K. High St. Ivee; 3-3703 Off. 1-4047 em Home on Willamette ' You'll enloy the nearly half-acre - lot on which this 3-bedroom home with fireplace is located. Wall-to-wall carpet. Very close In with bus past door- Yours for 110,600. Phone 4-0311. Ramsey Real Estate, Eve. 4-16H6. OlOS' OWNER WILL sell nice 3 bedroom home. . Located next to Klngwood. West fla- lom. Bee nice garden apace, tMOO with terms. Phone 45470. till Lown Down Payment Look what you cat for 18,600: bedroom home: third of an acre of ood aolli apple and cherry treea: ymg; dandr location for achool apd i tort. Trad In your trailer houae. Call 4-4311 now. Ramsey Real Xatata, ae. 4-lltW. 10S Si OWNER, new I bedroom ranch type house, in at Ylncenl district, Pnone 3-3 4M. a 104' iMflfr-OTRNISHIlD one & Half bed looma, VS. acre of food soli, Just sub urban East. Reaionabla term. Ph. t-e80. Ed Lukinbeal Realtor 433 N. High H104' OWNER TRANS FEBBED a-bedroom , view home, 1 fireplace, 1H Plumb- tt)rt playroom, double garage. Reason able. 38013. 330 roreet Hill Way. al04 rJtWl SHOULD o O.r. Real neat, 3 bdrma. 13x13 eaoh, If, bath, inelde utility .attached tame, plus aeparate 14x14 work ihop, 76x216 lot, plenty f apBP for that farden. Prd. it., one block to bua A atore, Call TD, 3-MIO. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 483 If. Hlfh - Eve. 1-8704 B104 LOOK! Modem home, tarai. uttllty room. CT.caa In, 100x300 on .fanUam River,' partly furnished, garden In. 13800 caah or ate Fred Llndeman, Realtor, Ltooj. r Hutch Inaon & Reed, Realtor. Mill City or a a tea. aios &Y OWNER, a bedroom suburban, large living and dining room, kitchen, Urge utility or TV room, double plumbing, fireplace, carpeted. 4 years old. Im mediate pouexulon. mile city limit, asai Ptaher Rd. alOS Klumpp's EXCLUSIVE HOMES "No Loan Costs" m this 3-bedroom home, all on floor, with nice living room and large kitchen with eating apace. Th bed room art ffood-alscd fc well arranged, A good oil heating furnace, attached anu. Located in the city. Total Ptle I9.B00. 11600 dn. r "A Home You Can Afford To Own" ThU new 1 -bed room bom with nice vine room with picture window, large kitchen with Iota of built-in, Im good-iUed utility room. Oil wall furnac. Mahogany door. Tour rwn well ayatem. A good-slaed lot txiVB. iisoo win handle. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor Mft Portland Rd. Ph. 174J Svunlnta: Richard 13884 slot TAKE IT AWAY OHVT tm down for Uila lorelr I'BIUHUUH RANCH J YLK ROUI. alMlern bath, Youngatown kitchen, large Urlng rm. ev dining rm. tomb. ocraet aria. Hdwd, tlrt. and T.A. AUTO. oil. PrPKD HEAT TO AU HOOMS. Located aorlb. ONLY IMM mt ahmy tan horn, avi. ra. 4iiat ornci DIAL kxCELLKNT UIIY-N.ar Letlt achool. new 1-bedroom. Phone t-lOM. alfl FOR SALE FARMS owner RarriniNO 408 A. Chehalle soil, futlr goeered far Irrigation, I wells and lakes, eery productive, good flahlne. huntine. an. l-br. house, one 1-hr, house, two lOxio ft. lllOi, J gheds MilOO and UrtO (1.. II A. mint, tc, alfalfa does well. Oood etalrr or stock ranch. Price HW.000 wi. n eou.vuv ctown. N il AORBa Toung ejrahard. good hone, garage, machine ehed. NORTH, met place, eie.lto, with 19000 down. IT ACRF9 No bldgj., long hlghwar frontaae. lia.iM win n.ooo down, north of .eni. Id AORKS ktl.slon Bottom soil, good 1-B R ome, other bMes., all can be Irrl- ra. 10'inen weu. iio.ioo, with tfe ih ACRns newberg soil, good duck pond. 11 A leered. Prlca I14.17S. with down! w hart other good farmg. Set our farm man-DON WALL. Burt Picha 171 N. Hlsh St. Xvh: 48487 Halem, Oregon Off.; 1-407 bl03 Journol Wont Ads Pay IHRMHUI AIIVKKTIKINO Per Werd I llenee Pee Ward Ite Per H.rd, I llnee M Per Vferd, I en.aili ape Na K.raaae Ml.lmaae tl Ward.. In Ueal N.we r.lenn Only, Per Ward 3, Hlnlxani I, Wera. I PUc Ad In Same Paper. Phone i-lUH Bpfort) 11 a.m. a 44494,24552 FOR SALE LOTS KINGWOOD helthu. Bice lot with large lllee bush. 1100. General Reel Estate. Mi CenUr. 3-3313. aalOS" DOWN! AVI. 15000, corner lot loOilM. excellent view of city A) ratne. Treea, In city. Ph. 14U7 evee. aa BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT In trade for your equity In your bouse. Phone 41611, aalM LAetai HOME sites la bceutlful Kins. wood Heights, 11,000 up. Easy terms, flee owner. Phone t-1411. saint FOR SALE ACREAGE I1I.30O TEN beautiful acres, north, all In crop, good 3-bdnn. Engluh style home with full besmt., lots of flowers, shrubs & treea. Call PECK 3-MM. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 41 H. HIOH Eve. 1-5411 bb04 $500 DOWN buy W acre Id Prlngle dUtrkt, outh, with JBR home nearly com pit tod. Chicken hie., fence, garden la. f)9M. lull pilct. $800 DOWN bun 1 eere near Oervefi, north, with J -room hie. loa-ft. drilled well, chick en hee. 3-ear aerate. Owner celled to service. 41250 oo Una or tak food oflrr (or cash. . 10 ACRES Morlhwiit, with old l-br. honif, live stream, good outbids. 4M full price. 1 ACRE PLUS Oa IDE north. Ideal location for trailer court or cabin. Hu lovely shad treea. Older 3brdroom home. Oood well. $10,000. With, consider trad for rental la Hollywood dlat, B. Isherwood Realtor 1:C Wallace Rd. ph. 4-5303 W105 REAL ESTATE $500 LOTS Juat two togthr and very good. Seeing la believing. Business Location Tn butlDitu sone la property lo ted at 3081 State St. Two-bedroom older type home, deep lot with alley. Please do not disturb tenants. G. I. Approved J this two-bed room plastered home with hardwood floors thruout, over 900 K It. of floor apace with Inside utility room, attached garage, fenced-in back 7a rd with aw Intra for the kiddles. A vary good buy for only 87500. $1500 DOWN ' Stafliih type lft-atorr horn with full basement, three bedrooms, fire place, Englewood district, near school, quick poaseialon. Money To Loan Want two or fahr good family homes to place loan on at i up to 830,000 eaay repayment term ftp to 30 year If needed. ' Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38311 Eve. 17317 . cl04 CHOICK CORNER, 107ft No. Capitol. 88 by 1J0H. Pivt furnlihed modern apt. 30,000. Terms. Phon Eatep, 8-8708. cl04 MODERN HOME and rantaU In seat ern or. 1140 per mo Income. Price 36,000. Will trade up for farm or Inc.. pay difference. MALL FARM In Hood River valley. modern 1-bdrm. home with S hatha, fruit treea, paature and hay. Trade for grocery or other bus. Price no nnn 12VACRB BTOCK RANCH In Yakima Tauer, moaern new bidga., owner aayi ranch will carry S00 head cattle year round. Price 880,000. Would conalder salt operating inc. C. A. MILLER REALTY 470 K. Miller, Ph. 4-6417, Balem y 0104 LOW DOWN PAYMENT 1. North - St. Vincent dlatrlct. Possible 1800 down, 4-bedroom, larse dlnlns iwwtn, pmiwa aircet, dus at door, 7. South - tap down, only 13800 full price. Small unfinished. Bath fixture uotuuru. f. Sou thee it - riM down. New 9.h4. room with hardwood floora, attached sarase, on paved street. Built under r.H.A. Inapectlon. 4. Keller - 8850 down. I -bedroom only 84M0. LoU or horns for the money. Plenty of fruit tree, paved street. I. Northeast - 500 down, oniv saboh tuti price, l-bedroom home on lart lot. Paved street, slosa to new school. I. North - 1160 down. 840 per mo. i-fa.it. room home on large lot, food garden aome wors. only 83M0, REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml loulh nigh alreet Ptione 3-nol ITione arenlnas and Sunday: 4-H71. I-9IU, 4-iiM, 4-ean, j.jh. elM' mini iuiiiii Wlltlllllt Mlllllllt IMIIUII MMItllll BUY ItlHIIIHMIIIIM , ,T WIIIIMIMIIIMIIIt Mllllllll II lllttlMM llltllll It IUIIIII IMIM U IIMII SULLIVAN MAKE OFFER AND ACT QUICKLY ! Very tin l-rm. bungalow with bath, SUBURBAN, EAST Nle. an. lot II4I34I), well land scaped. Neat 3-bdnn. home, separate inina room, nandy gt., hdwd. rioora Approa. looo iq. n. floor ipare. I bite, to school. IS.1S0. Loan available, PONY ROOM umklnr far a place to keep your ponf There la a small barn and orral on rear of Kt2n lot. A lovely lawn setting mak this attractive r j-Bono, nom a real ere-catchtr. Ha patto, paved alreet, near school. Po&t pass this one I Buy I 810.000. INCOME irora a 3-bdrm. baimt. apt. In, thU weu-iept i-bdrm, horn hatini iioo n. on i iioor, piaiiered, dbl ea- raav, a.iraciiTe yard, good loca ttoa. A buy at 810.800. $800 DOWN A. (arm with 1-bdra, home 10 Vara TRADE Vour S-bdrm. ha, for a K A. waru with a grand view, sprinis, city water, 11. iui, tm onifr Dina. approx. JS 01 BBicm. 81.W0. STAGE DEPOT AND RESTAURANT N.W. of Salem, doing a good volume of bin lness. Equlpprd for banquvta. Haa elaaa A beer license ptvw.Milty of "liquor by th drink". 911,000. ROBERT B.SULLIVAN REALTOR ISM Portland Road r. ofllce, 3,7 N. Hleh tve, phi.i .,T4, 1.3341, Ph ! 4-IM3 Ph .! 4- Mill, S UM alM' REAL ESTATE innatiHtM WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WS NEED LISTINGS, particularly hlfbtr priced homes and all types with low down payment. Stop - Here's Value! t-bedroom horn wltH bamnt. Extra ft beth. Bus by door. S bias, to school. 100 i 300 lot, Cltr wetir. New roof. 3-car tarai. Price Is only 8600. Beat This Gorgeous Home It' raally upr. Breathtaklnr view. Oorieous rooms, t full baths. Lovely wall to wall carpets throughout. Extra larf dlninr room. Lovely fireplace In llvln room Plus an estra In the beautiful den. Thla la bo doube one of the fine it homes en Ih market. Price Is only 835,000. How's Your Eyesight? If you can ate and ludse value. you couldn't mlaa on this on. Com pletely remodeled Inside. Brand new oil furnace. Plreplace. Spacious llvln and din Ins room. New wlrlns and plumblni. Several walnut tree. 4 bedrooms. Pull price 88500. You'll Always Hurry Home rf you should bur this on. It's lovely. 1 unuauallv Jars bedrooms. Beautiful tiled bathroom plus extra H bath. Plreplace. Located near Leslie achool. Corner lot. Pary room In bailment. Oil heat. Automatic sprlnsllny ayitem. Consider trade on nice smaller home or Income property. Pull price 831,300. WANT TO RETIRE? If to, here's an Ideal property for you to manai. ii-room hotel plus 1 apt., 1 lltht housekeeping room, 1 rented for office. Nice livlni auarttr for owner. New oil furnace. Owner will eonalder home aa part payment Pull prlo only 838,000. 4-PLEX Completely furnished. Very dsalrabl location. Extra lot for parkins. Extra bldr. for etorai and utility. A real buy for 913,700. Terms. Grocery Sacrifice gulp, has been reduced to $1,000. Inventory at coat. Very rfealrable loca tion and lease. Owner forced to sell quickly. Established many yra. Apprx. volume about 810,000 per mo. Sublease leavea rent aimoat nU. Better hurry If you want this one. CALL FOR DAN TEAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3683, or UK, CftAWTORD, STVE. Tn. 4-8030. or MR. KlOOmS, EVZ. PH. 4-8494. If no anawer, call 4-3348, . 5-ACRE DANDY Close In east. Very food modern 4 bdroom home. Basement. New chick en house, saraire, milk houie. Peara, cherries, walnut, strawberrlea. Full price 813,100. Will exchante for mat Aome in city, what have your 3 ACRES Best of aoll. Extra modern home In excellent condition. Excellent variety of fruit. Pine yard. Only 10 miles xrom saiera. Price 1 only 800. BERRIES I A. strawberries. 12 A. canaber. Ties. Balance of land In clover, wheat and paature. Bo A. total with 4B under cultivation. All under Irrigation. Over 3000 it. Irrigation pipe. Very good mooern z-oeoroom nome. onion house. machine ahed, tool house. Pull price is onir ,3.,oog. Better get It In time to narvest the berries. CALL FOB MR. LIAVBNa, VX. PH. t-vm. n no answer, call 4-aaa. UORTOApi LOAN! 10-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phone. 4-1311 or l-lllo SM PORTLAND ROAD ve. Phones: I-47SS, 4-1414, 4-JJ31, 4-1010 or l-IUI -X no anawer, phon 4-3341 olOl FUTURE HAPPINESS will be aaaured In this new 3-bed room deluxe home on West Aural, Orad A hardwood floors, economical wall furnace, enchanting kitchen with larsa sating area, llvlnr room with picture window overlooking city, best oi oHincis, cios 10 city scnooia, large garden area, not built to aall, but own er haa had to make other plana, 81800 down bure H with Immediate posacs- sion. -joiai price iio.&oo. see harry VAN HORN, EVEB. 4-17TO. ornci dial 4-'4494, 24552 A HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS filverton. Oregon 4 ma. st bath. Just outalds e4ir li too, 8oo down acre Just outside city on hlshway, nearly new. 1 large rm. st bath, ce ment foundation, wired for rang, etc.. a nice a pot jo Mtc ooe-bdrm. modern home, 1 big lata, wonderful view, soma furnlih Ina 8ST00 4 rma. st bath In good location, big lot . ales sondltioo, 84800 T rma. A bath, basement, plastered. somer lot W x lit', must be aoid to settle aalau foo T rma. st bath, full baiement, wired for ranie, electric water (heater, piaa tered, fireplace, etc., nice big lot, fine location, aee this 87800 Aimoat full acre on corner, both atreela paved, t rms, at ball), wired for rams, etc., baiement, furnace, fireplace, double sarase, lots of trees and shrubs, an excellent famlly-alsed ho 01 aB500 Buai&ea opportunity, popular recre ation center, reitaurant and billiard room, all equipment, new largt bids., good lease 8300 g acres, all cultivated, food 8-nn. it bath, one floor, cement foundation, wired for ranie, electric water healer, double garasa and thop. barn and chicken boua. drilled well, aome far nlshlnii 14300 7 acres cloa to Bllverton on paved hlshway. good 1-rm. modern home In fine condition, cement foundation wired for ran, Insulated, etc., good barn, thop, chicken tbouies, sts this Is a dandy tsooo 10H arrta. neatly all aultivatxi eeilenl soil, well developed for apeclalty v.vk., 11 1 11 two, Ttry tooa family, sued home, baiement, new oil furnac fireplace, wired for rani. tc m enin hd, barn, a beautiful place, horn alona nearly worth the r' 118.800 acres, nearty au suitlvated, on pared hlehwar, good 8-rra. st bath, very good barn an dother bids.. in 818.000 M acres, about 11 suitlvated. eras a.rawoerriea, good aprtnc and yr. creek, 3-rra, nous nnftalahed, Ml- 154 acrea. over ttnahle. r. Irrieation Tight, farm bldts. sat paved road, set it ng.ooo Writs or tall tor our new bulletin. Before you buy or sell CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon 7 REAL ESTATE ' ROY TODD Real Estate KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Beautiful lse. t-bdrm. bom only 4 yra. old. Very In. living with flre- place. Xdg. kitchen with eat. spsc. Lot Is very large, atrect In front st back af lot. Excellent location and view, price 112,000. Call sir. Vandsr - vort, stlaauaa. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT t bedrooms. Mies Irving, kitchen, bath. Wired for rang. Oaraae. Lot 48x187. Nlc lawn st shrubs. I walnut, 1 apple, grapi. M blk. to bua. Only 188D0. CaU Mr. Rucb, saletman. HOME & BUSINESS 4-bdrm. boms wltb living, dining, kitchen, bath. Beta well back on lot wnleh baa 120 ft. htway frontage and 820 ft. deep. New 40x1 1 build ing en front of lot. Can ba used for radio or TV repair shop or beauty parlor, Price 111,800. Call sir. Simpson, saleamsn. . 33 ACRES Irrigation for II ae. 1140 ft. Irrigation pip. Bix 7-gal. sprinklers, l-bone turblns pump. I ae. can berries, I ac. perm, paature, t a, oat s vetch. 12-atancblon barn. Chick, hae. Le. home with V bdrma., living, dining, kitchen. Vb ml. to sch. Price 812,000. Call sir. Rueh, talesman. $ GRADE A DAIRY US Acre. 18 ae. pasture, 14 ac. winter peas and abrucel. 82 ac. ry grass. II ac. spring crop. Ls. reservoir for Irritation. 40-atanchion barn. New 10-atancblon milk parlor. Bull st calf shed. 3 calving sheds. Modern 7-room home. Alao 3 -room cabin for hired, help. About . mllee from Balem. A steal at 828,000, or would take 2- or S-bdrm. homt In Balem. CaU sir, Blmpson, aaleaman. ROY TODD, REALTOR IN atata surest ' OIllc. phone l-IMl Vve. phon,: Vanderrort 3-13,1; Rueh I-7I1I: lmpson I-I33I; Todd J-17J1 - e , . WANTS TO TRADE 14o0 Square Peet, S-bsdroom home. NEW! Large, large living room, with nlc flrPlac. Big lot. will take older home in trade. Priced 114,780. Call Jim. ENGLEWOOD 3-BDRM. $12,300 Full bassmant, good fireplace, new furnace, and on a big lot. This home Is IS yeara old. Owner anxious to sell. Call Jim. MAKE US AN OFFER S Bedrooms on 1 floor, wall-to-wall carpet In living room and dining room. Nlc utility. Large lot, auburban. northeast. We have thla home listed at 17.800, but owner wants offer on pries and down payment. Call Chat for appointment to ae. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Tbl neighborhood grocery store haa living quarter, and ths owner will sacrifice this paying business for 84,600. plus Inventory. Living quarter are ever th atore. I loo a month rent for both store and home. Inventory approximately 82,000. Por appointment to sea, call Dale Rayburn. DRIVE BY 2397 HAZEL ST. $5500 Tea, drive by 2387 Hasel 83 tree t and look at this elder, but nlc 4 bedroom home. Priced at 16500. And then make tu an offer on down pay ment. Be first to aee this home, and you will then want to b th first to gall Chet and clpae th deal. 3 BLOCKS FROM BUSH SCHOOL , Thla 3-bedroom horn It very neat Inside and out. It haa a nice eom ; blnatlon living room and dining room, a dream kitchen with breakfast ' nook, utility ln.baaement, aeparat garage, an esceptlonally nle patio, and beautiful yard. All thl can b yours for 10,0000. For appointment le , call Dal Rayburn. 3 BEDROOMS AND BASEMENT Vary well located at 320S Center Street. Nice large living and dining room. Oood alts bedrooms, and hardwood floora. Very well landscaped let. Fireplace and sprinkling system In back yard. For further informs tlon, call TlbbttU. FIRESIDE COMFORT In this exceptionally well located S-bedroom auburban home. Fireplace, hardwood floora, inside utility, very well landscaped. Neat as a pin lnald and out. Well priced at 80850. Call Tlbbetta. f RAWLIN'S REALTY CHollrwood District, Realtor) MM X. Capitol Office 3-4M4 or 4-1711 Kvenlng phones Tlbbetta 3-7431 Jim I-M7I cnet 3-I339 Dale artmrn 1-3041 ( Grabenhorst Specials NO. I BtmiKras ZONE Don't be sorrr rou didn't buyi there are atlll good bug, and locetlono In the merket. 1. 10 x 100 Corner main Interaectlon 1,350 1. B0 g 100 - Oood potential i,ooo I. 100 x 14B Area developing fast older home on lot 7.000 4. 100 X 13 . Vera good ,,1S) I. 100 x 130 . Comer 1500 . 100 x 700 . Main Arterial Trackee 15.000 T. n x 103 - Reduced from 111,000 - Now s.ooo cau. rot rrnRia, co-op. broker ODR DRIAat HOUR Beautiful Tlew. lie. lot, dble. plbg., toll basmt., dble, garage, I bdrma. with dble. closet., built-in drawere, Jge. Ur. rm. with raised flreplaae, lee. din. rm, kltohen, fuU of bullt-lna, lovelg nook. Auto. oU forced air furnace. In fact, thla home haa everrthlng for con venience and gracious living. CALL J. X. LAW PAIRHOUNT DISTRICT Well built I-room home, fireplace, nook, neamt., economical wood furnace. Prlc. 10790. CALL PETER H. OIHSER MeKINLRY KHOOL DISTRICT Brand newl Immediate posiesaloni Kenen atvle, I-bdrm. home with llr. rm., din. rm., kitchen with brkf. lAIMON ,0m' " " ,h! - H5.400. CALL It. K. . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS M4 a. Llbertv St. ,h. , .,, Bvenlngg Jk Sundavs aall J. B. Law 3-1113 . Peter H. H. K. Larmon 3-I4M R07 J-errla 3-aoio COMFORT & CONVENIENCE Iff a food location sloa to elty la important, aee this attractive ene Mreom home today, it ha a nice living room, kitchen with dining 87.800, ftnaeraon. YOU'LL LIKE THIS l-bedroom home In a .. ; .. "" . "''" a. CaU alr Keen. m $1,000 DOWN w.n !,.,;I.!1,i,Vb4r00.n, ?J""- " l"at, hardwood floora, CWwllhcv.o'dowwn.',,,,',' ,"e""" "h ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Mere le a reel famllv Home with everrthlng for your eomtort Lovelv la !;do.0,m,"U.P",",I "rT'I" "' room. I bedrooms and Sacl. STl iM. T, UP b"lrom '. basement, oil fur- NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES inwd,.i;.v;,: MsHsr ssvss ssras: Murphy & Kent, Realtors alorlgaa. Loans 4N North church vea. and Sundai: Anderson 3.1744, REAL ESTATE C. W. REEVE COAiCT FTBHtNO RWORT Jtxcellent loeatlon. highway front as. Boat ha., dock, boats, motor i, tackle, S apt., alao beautiful hom an S A. of beautifully lendecaped greunda. Ideal location for motel. Owner win consider torn trade, priced at only esVeBuo. WANT A OOOD FAfUJf 80 A. of W Harnett solL located nerth. All under suit Old home but n excellent repair, also lot of out bldis. and good well, could do some Irrigating. This ta a good farm and price. e oniy ni.voo. I-BDRM. NORTH New l-bdrm. home, lee. L R, A DR., iirpi,icf), etauuim Kitrnen noos, Forced air heaL Imulated. Thta la lovely horn en to, lot and priced at oniy 91 moo, I ACRBB Here I an Ideal acre as only I miles out. Oood has., gar. chicken sue. 000a water system. Only 8000. 800 DOWN S-bdrm. hae. with small attic.. Is, gar., looiio-tu lot. rull price 14878. Basy payments. a w. rxbvbX realtor MM Mission et. Ph. lM v. lMt or riot FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ROUTIIM helfen, I white face helf. are, Holetela bun, I l-ir. iteera, good looker b. RU I, Bog am. 3' miles aaat f Pen 4 Cornere. Ph. 4001. Al- REAL ESTATE or tB,3f0 furnished. Call llr. good residential district. Larg. Ilv. oin arllh tub and ahower. utmtr " at 110,700. 13.330 down. Cooitrusuon Financing Keena 3407, FURNITU JtEFOR JALE nv PIECE blonde dlnett, set, elt leef. in. Ph. 4-4730. dlOl purnuure Auction tonlte at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-8908. dl0. Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA I S I THEM'S TMr-Bta...THE CHAMP tVALKS I I MI60SH, KIO...CAN JUST FAN ME V TM EVEN SJ. UNSTEADILY TOWROTHJ WRONG CORNER W LAST ANOTHEB. AND KEEP ItUWfO tMX 'e .UJlli ROUNO M THIS HEATm. P POURING V vVATCHIN'... - VlGGER , ULL . L THtSvVAV. 1 t. MEB8E WE OU6HTA.. WATER ON ) WE. IS TRYINU ' s JOY... r 4f I POfTT vVANTXMA W 1Y HEAP. Wt OUGMTA-. S -nAKE Tiy 7 - REAL ESTATE NELSON buy on Contract Thla desirably l-bdrm. heme la near Hoover cchool, ona Big. ta cltr bus. II Is nle.lv landscaped, haa 4 good baarlng eberrr tries. Prlca HMO. Call Al. Watte, 3-734. Apt. House - Close In elf-operating 11-unlt garden court apt., 4 grs. old, good cond. Owner will trade 130,000 equltv for farm or ceo tel. Call Mr. Schmidt. Kingwood Heights vnrwHOUB and incoui Opportunity to combine a fine lew noma and nice income, wnm w a hlahlr reatrletad district. Tola te really dlfferentl Price I31.W0, Call llr. Schmidt. 3 BEDROOMS ONB BLK. TO XJB&LIB SCHOOL Thla home 1 Just being ottered to day. A real opportunity for a lamlly with achool children. In eight of tub lie Biar grounds M awlmmlng pool. walking distance to 1 school. Newly redecorated I -room home with full basement, sawdust heat, all for 810,800. G.I. TERMS BOnT TO EE LXVBD XN Btart to own that thorns you've been thinking of for rears right now. You'll find this f-room one-floor home lo cated on th south aide Is esay to like and alao easy to own on the O. I. terma. 811.000. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTOR T03 M. High it. Ph. I-IMO TRADES OWNER WANTS. TO TRADB hla I nr. home, south, at ffTftO, for S-br. les to vuy racsing co. OWNER WANT TO TRADB his late built l-br. home, east, at 88380, for larger with basement. Also will take late model ear. OWNER VANTB TO TRADE hla larger Candalsrla home at 113,800, for cloae to let built l-br. WANCHER WANT TO TRADB Ills TO acre with 1st built ranch type home located east, at 181,800, for in come property around the cam prlee. Want action on account of health. SUMMERS RtALTOR 1735 STATC ST. PH. 3-4eo ANT TIUI WANTED REAL ESTATE BOTLD1NO LOT WANTED South, Walk ing distance calvary Baptist church. Phone 4-1841 eves. ealOT CLAUDE KtLdORI Needs a few listings on homes and farms for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-4043. 1103 N. CAPITOL. ea' GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreages. Llat your with Colbath Land Co. Beo T. T. Anderson, Perm Agent. Phon 4-4404. Eve, 4-2714. cs NOTICE: If your property is for sale. rent or exc Dense, uat it witn us. w have all kind of eaab buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS - 153 S. High St , ca WE ARE badly in need of I and J-bed- room homes. In Leslie Dlat, Alao nd home anywhere with small down pay ment. What havs you? AL ISAAK. REALTOR, PH. 41311 If no answer, ph. 4-3341 ca WE ARE in need of good house to sell. In or near fialem. It you wish to llat your property for sale, aee ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 8. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 cs EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE KCZER DIST. 4-B.R. house, hdwd. firs., nearly new, ahake exterior, lse. lot, $13,000. WIU trade for S to 10 A. north or east. TRADE POR ACREAGE Nearly new S-rm. houi. oak fir. att. sarase, lie. lot. close to school, 00850. Trade for 1-B.R. house, good ear or acreage. TRADE POR PARss Motel and Trailer Court, coniuta af C-nn. house occupied by owner, two 3-B.R, unlta and two 1-B.R. unlta, also is, trai er space witn sanitary fa. ditties, close to Industrial section and full moat of the time. Will trade for sooa i arm. 930,000. Burt Picha 7 N. High Bt. Office: 1-404? Mr. Pie t chi r: 1-1701 etolol fHtOO TRADE for good new home 1 10,000, or make an offer on thla j-oorm. nome in perfect condition. cloae in and on a nice creek loL call MR. METZGER. 1-M80. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor " hiuh Zr. 4-1710 cfaltu BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCHISE altsman for exclusive dUtributar. ship. Salem territories available. Nat. campaign on proven industrial equip ment. iiw inventory should net 11000 mo. op. ax 7S, capital Journal. edl07 TAVERN AND 7 CABINS A good paying builness nronertv and all for aale. flee owner Prl. or flat, ev ening, Pt. Hill Tavern, T miles west of wmamina, ore., on Highway II. edIOl "FISH" AND MAKE MONET AT THIS WELL- nnuwN riflHINO RESORT. Illntu forces sal of this money-making bui lness and sellers will take nice home In Balem as part payment. Protert consui pt nics g-bdrrn. hom. larg basmt,. forced air heat, store, cabins, boat 1, motors, landing wharf, boat hae. and many other features I could Show YOU. PRICED RIGHT AT SIS AOS 1 uuiB. CALL DAVID, aTVX. PH. 41701 OFTICX DIAL. K 44494,24552 I v. A BBBBBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBiaBHMM 3 WANTED REAL ESTATE FARM WANTED! ' 2 TO 300 A. IN POLK CO. WE HAVE A PARTY INTERESTED IN A LARGE GENERAL FARM IN POLK COUNTY. IF YOU HAVE SUCH A FARM FOR SALE OR KNOW OF ONE WHO ' HAS, WE WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING YOU CALL US Clyde Prall - Realtor 164 So. High Ph. 4-MI1 - Ask lor O. A. William. W. S.l We need bom, and business llitinga also; whr not call tu? : Iym. aall 4-1014 ealoie USINESS OPPORTUNITIES aoOO CAPS, Ideal for husband and wife. Bid. building, low rent al 30. Ph. I-HM. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 433 N. High St. ' cdl04 Own Your Own Business Be Independent We have taverns, laundries, food mkta., furniture, restaurants, motele, fountains, bakeries, lunchee and many others available for aale. li you want to buy or sen a busl us .pp. la the Willamette valley, better eee: FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 3037 Palrgroundg Rd. 4-1313 cd' BUSINESS & INCOME ST OWNER 3 apU, to sell at trade for home In ar near Salem. Reason for selling at ag and alone. Sox 14, Oer Tals. eeioft MOTELS MOTELS $19,000 Attractive malts an highway. 113,000 oaulty, trade lor farm or home. $20,000 11 units, MOOO handlei. An have kitchens, bathe, aaragee. $1,000 MONTH INCOME t unlta .trallere, gee. Excellent location on 99E. Two can handle. 115,000 down. IM.Oa LATE BUILT, It Halts, all mod ern, kitchens, highway location, cloae In, IIS.000 down. STAR REALTY 8330 o. Pacific Highway t Phon 3-3061 el03 WANTED FURNITURE 2 mi ."M'ka.SH.MMhd. M-tl iii:itiivii'intiii'iiin LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White face Hereford. 1 6e. Locker pork, 36c. Nothing down. 6 mo, to pay. diatom killing. Trailer loaned fre. Salem Meat Co., 1130 8. asm, rn. i-ms. PETS REGISTERED Dalmatian pupplea, Phone Monmouth 0273. eclOS1 TOUNG PARAKEETS for Mother's Dsy gilt. Phone 4-5031. ecl05' WANTED Puppy for gUlld" pet. Phone 40017 evenings, eclm HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1958 McCoy, one block eait of N. Capitol, 1 blocks north of Madison, Ph. 1-4607. eciai1 MOORE TROPICAL PISH, Parakeets, turtles, supplies. S miles from Lancast er en Macleay toad. 4-1771. closed Wednesdays. ecllO FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick VP lour PrestO'Logs. Briquets bdo wood. 1BI AO. Com'l.. phone 1-7731. ee" Hiway Fuel Co. awduat tuba aerrloa, all kinds wood, phone 3.1144. e ANDERSON'S hand picked alah wood. 3 oords, 114. Phone 37711 or 44353. eel0l West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1" CLEAN IMMEOIATX DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1931 Idgewatar Phono galem 1-1031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL POR N PATS Planar trlmmlnga, II load Phone 17731 ... FOR SALE POULTRY NEW RAMP CHICKS, 117.10 Per C. a ward a pann store. tioi' GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire coieas, natenea eeerr asondar and Thursday. Our ahlcka grow (eater, roi'e Batcherr, 3130 (tat. St. Ph. 3-H6I. . WANTED Colored hene. Less Batch f err, phone 3-3161. FOB BALE Hampshire aappette'a fryore. aooui 4 ids. lie. Bring containers. Pete aUller, Brooks, 3nd place N. Parkerarllle sch. rios FOR BALI Twice weekly, day-old chicks in New Heropahlre, Parmentera, Red. White L.i horns, Auitra-Whlta, While Rocks, White Wrandottes, Par menter cockerels. Le, Hatchery, phone 3-3II1. . Journal Want Ads Pay AUCTIONS d AUCTION! Complete five roomi of furniture. Everything fotil Tonight t 7:30 o'clock. East Salem Auction 122S LANCASTER DRIVE WANTED REAL ESTATE PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oema, plant any time now to July, ll.M per 100. Phllllpe Broe., Rt, I, Bog 4,1, X miles east 4 corner, am Stat, st. Ph. 43011. If. HELP WANTED NOW UGIflTEKING PICKEStS lor 10 acre irrigated a tr aw berries near Brooks. Contact Alan Wlesner, 1 mile north of Central Howll. Phone ihrar ton 34703. a 10ft- WANTED Elderly soupt for light chores in exchange for free rent. Oar den, milk, esss and fruit furnished Por Information, write W. Denny, Rt. 1, Aurora, Ore. gio4 HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED HAN In automotive ae ceaaorlea and speed equipment. All re plies confidential. Write Box 78, Cap ttal Journal. saios YOUNG MAN for car hop. Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Portland nd. No phone calls. ga WANTED Window and Interior display man, praieraoiy oetwoen tnoagea ox It and 36. Experience eaaentlsl, Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Mont gomery Ward. ga HELP WANTED FEMALE WB HAVE AN excellent opening for young lady office eaalatant, bookkeep ing and credit work. Must be good typist and accurate. Permanent pe tition, flee Doctor Brown at Brown's Jewelers, 114 No. Liberty. , sb WOMAN POR light homework, sleep In, cau at hbo suasion lor inter Tlew. Phon 45O60. . gbl03 CLERK-TYPIST, experienced, good on figures. Permanent dsy week. Write Box 78. Capital Journal. gblOB OIBL OR WOMAN General housework. ssiist emid sere. ago. References re quired. Live in. Private room and bath. Writ Box 77, Capital Journal, go" WAITRESS. Woodroffe's ten Bhop, 1400 peruana na. no prions cau. b WANTED Lady for general office work in nome oiiic or insurant Co. In tervlewa by appointment. ButtevlUe Inaurance Co., Woodburn, Oregon. Phone Woodburn Mil. gblOJ STEADY JOB helping care for Invalid lady and as lit Ins with housework. Por white or colored woman, HO month with board and room. Box 74, Capital Journal. gbl03 CAR HOPE Part time. .Woodroffe's flan Shop, 3400 Portland Road. gba WANTED POSITIONS EXPERT CHILD care, my home, Roily, wood dlatrlct. Phone 4-5481. hlOl CHILD CARE In my home, dan. call 3S531. hlM' CEMENT WORK and flnlahlng. A Bom beck. phone 3-W74. 1305 N. Itb. hlol DEPENDABLE CHILD CARS In country home, pickup and delivery. Phono ""! hl07. WILL DO CEILING, one weU or entire house. Do all kinds ot painting, brush and epray, ftfrnleh referencee, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3B44. hlOB" GOOD CHILD care. Will pick up child ren. References. Phone 4-58M. hlOS MARV'S PLOWING and discing, prompt service. 4-5449. hl04" MICKENHAM'S DAT NIIRSERr-teta llceneed and Inspected. Phone 3-7578. hill" TILLING WITH new II. I. Rotary tiller. Evenings 8-83JI. 11.50 hour. hllO CARPENTER cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call 3-84U, l-'l. hioi OTOTILLINO evenlnis, S a lords, a, BUdays, Kelaer area. Phone 3-IIIS. hl7 TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Injured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0315. hll3" MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make II run eaay. phone 3-6314. hl03a PLOWING DISCING IMMTDIATS SERVICE. Fhoue 3-9300. hl03 PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. 13.10 an hour. Phone 4-3111. hill NEW lawna. Rotary hoeing. Pre, esti mates. Duane Woleott, Phono 1-1137. hill PAINTING, Paper-hanging, free eitl hlOS mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5333. LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r n n I n ff, trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. hlOB NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. hioi Phone 4-3141. GARDEN. PLOWER bed ud team Pre paration. Plowlnt. discing, leveling, rototllllng. Service Center. Phono 43573. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, doling, dirt level hlOl ing, grading. Phong 3-3330. TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Oarden lawns. Phone I-I33S. 3351 Brergreen. hlOl' BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 3130 Lansing Ave. Phone 33180. hll4' PAINTING 5 year, experience In Salem. rrre estimates. Phone 1-7553. niaa WANTED TO RENT BT MAT 13th. i bedroom hom. un furnished with fireplace and bass mant. city or auburban. References. Couple. Phone 3-9013. Jalo4 TOUNO WORKING COUPLE 1th baiy and dog want 1-bedroom home, ea rsse, by Mty 15th. Oood reference, aiorr jiot HOUSE on small acreage, close In. 1- iu mil ok. Barn, chicken House. Permanent. Reference. Phon 1-330. 1104 AUCTIONS PHONE 4-1971 By Ham Fisher wan a one froa I ea I , ea. imI