eimoftors, VaEdimqs odd Some Cisird f Solons Face Edmonton; SHS Meets Corvallis at 6 Salem and Edmonton, drained out of their Western s International league lame fet Waters park last night, liwlll try again tonight at i:15. ' i Jack Hemphill, who was scheduled to have pitched lor Salem last night, will do the Hurling for the Senators to night. Ho will likely be op- Vikings Go After Eleventh Straight Victory Tonight Salem's Vikings go after (their eleventh straight win tonight as they tangle with (the Corvallis high Spartans jat Water's Field. Game time rsix o'clock. The game was scheduled' aor Tuesday but doe to the sehanee of being postponed She game was rescheduled Mor tonight Harold Hauk's .Vikings won a doubleheader Saturday over the .Bend Lava Sears. f Sweet Home is playing the Vikings here Friday while the Salem junior '; varsity plays at Jefferson. f '' '" ! tchen Paces field in Golden West Shoot Reno Iff A topflight All- America, Rudy Etchen of Sun Valley, Idaho, paced the field Tuesday as the richest tourna ment in trap - shooting, the fjolden West Grand American, opened a six-day run. offering (16,350 added cash besides us al purse money and trophies. Etchen bested a blue ribbon field of All-Americans and oth er leading shooters in doubles By posting 88x100. tie was fol lowed by H. N. Ferguson, Fon ana, Calif., also an All-Amer- fca, .with 91, Fred KeUey, Al 'ton, 111., 9S and Arnold Kieg sjer, All-America, Seattle, 85. i Iva Fembridge, Phillipsburg, tan., easily annexed women's ionors With 93. , I Or. George Henton, Portland, Ore., wen the veteran's West ern title lor shooters over 65 ' with a 98. The two in a family - award was won by Charles and Dick Skeeters, father and son of Medford, Ore., with 196x200. 'X Class winners In five divi sions at 16 yards were: Tie be tween Clyde Fox, Merril, Ore., Rudy Ztchen and Berb Bush, Canton, 111., in Class AA, all With perfect 100s, Class A win ner was H. L. Sneed, Dillon, Mont., 100, Class B, tie between George Ron, Fontana, Calif., and X. McCoskey, Lake Tahoe, Nov., score unreported; Class C, X. MeKlnley, Greeley, Colo., 97; Class D, tie between C. A. Gunning, Longmont, Colo., and X. ti. Mylar, Laton, Calif. Softball Meet t Salem High School Tonight All players, managers, spon sors and prospective sponsors of teams in the Salem Indus trial and City Softball leagues are being asked to attend a meeting at Salem high school at 8 o'clock tonight. I The Softball leagues are due to start in about a month. 1 Ed Randall is president of the City Softball association. He will preside at tonight's jneeting. 9 Amick Steps Up to Head Job at Eugene f Eugene (U.R Lloyd Amick, assistant Eugene high football Coach for two years, has been iamed head pigskin mentor for next season. Amick succeeds his old boss, Jkank Nllsen, who gave up the position to enter private busi ness. t Beavers Return Moniz to Vies Hollywood (U.Bob Moniz, 'J5-year-old Portland Beaver outfielder, was returned to the .Victoria, B.C., Western Inter national League baseball team ioday as Portland Manager fclay Hopper made a required 5ut in his 22-man squad. Monii was purchased from Victoria this year, but it was riot an outright buy, The Beavers will keep a 24-hour fiotice option on the 5-foot-9 slugger. ri Hopper was required to make the cut to conform to a Pacific Coast League 21 jlayer limit. Choice of Monir. came only six hours ahead of .the deadline. fights Last Hight J" i6r Tm Auorlated prem Detroit Chuck Darer. 101. Laneloi, ttlch.. atopped Sammr Ololanl, 111, attmlord. Conn, 14. ' Mettee Cllr Manoel Arm'ntaro. 4i. Cuba, knocked out Aorello Rl tin, Mi, posed .by Edmonton hurler Larry Manler, a righthander. Baseball fans will be treat ed to a double feature tonight. In addition io the Salem-Ed-monton contest, there will be a Salem-Corvallis high school game at 6 o clock. The Salem '. high Vikings have won 10 straight games. They were scheduled to have played Corvallis Tuesday, but that game was postponed on account of wet grounds. - : A single' admission ticket will entitle a fan to attend both the high school and Sen ator ball games tonight. (Br Tlit Associated Praia) The Lewiston Branca made It fonr-in-a-row in Western International League play Estacada Wins WVLMeet I. -,CTr4i t IIll flnd OvPT DvHen,IMoku'lnic,,ooleIars ' win the event at ibt Willamette Valley traek meet at MeCulIoeh ttadinm yesterday. Estacada high school won the saeet ; !!.' , . Improvement of Other Cars Forced Sutton to Rebuild -The ear whkh Lea liitton, 19(2 Northwest, readstar .rae log ' champion, will drive in Saturday's hot red races at Hollywood Bowl, has : been completely rebnllt since last season. s Racing fans may wonder why Sutton decided to rebuild his bug. After all, it did burn up every track in the North west last season. Why tamper with it? . , Satton rebuilt Us ' rod simply because several other ears to ran in the elrcnit this season are reportedly much hotter than the mount driven by Satton last year. Take, for instance, the brand new ear built by Don Waters, whose famous 73 car won everything it entered a few years ago. Waters, who lives in Salem, is expected . to enter something which won't finish far behind the winner in any race. . . Davey Defeats Sammy Giuliani Detroit W.B With a technl cal knockout triumph over a rough young ' middleweight southpaw Chuck Davey began fitting together today the pieces of the boxing career that Kid Gavilan nearly wrecked. The college educated boxing master returned to the ring wars last night for the first time since Gavilan thrashed him in a welterweight title fight on Feb. 11. - And Davey, realizing he "could not afford" to lose this one it he was to recapture any of his gate appeal, made good. Dancing and jabbing in his old style, and ignoring an eye cut that gushed for seven rounds, Davey pounded out a TKO vic tory over Sammy Giuliani at the 38-second mark of the 10th round when Giuliani no longer could defend himself. Davey, who tipped the scales at 1S1 pounds spotted his Stam ford, Conn., rival seven pounds but he was the master all the way. His only worry was Dr. Joseph Cahalan, the state box ing commission physicisn who examined the. cut after each succeeding round. "It was a good victory and a fight I had to win," Dewey said. "You can't afford to lose after you've been, beaten in a title fight" Yesterday's Stars (Br The nareclated Prim BATTINO Joa ArtrnrV lil'w.nfcu rBrarea. hit a borne run Into the center utM Dicaeneri or tne Polo Oronnda the (tret time a ball taai been hit thera In a reaular tame aa the Braree de feated the New York Olanta, 1-1. . PITCHING Bob Portertleld, Wethtnt. ten Senatori. toaied a flve-hlt ahutout the Senatora defeated the Chieaco White Sox, s-a. Wednesday night The undefeated front-runners shellacked the Wenatchee Chiefs 10-3 in one of the two games that went nine full in nings. Trl-City edged Calgary 8-7 in the other and Vancou ver downed Spokane 9-3 in a game called after seven in nings because of rain. Rain idled Victoria at Yak ima. Victoria and Yakima scheduled a makeup double header Thursday night. ' Wenatchee outhit Lewiston 13-8 but the Broncs capital ized on Wenatchee errors and some shaky pitching for the second win of the series at Lewiston. A four-run spree put the Broncs out in front in the third inning. They added four more in the sixth, two on Clint Cameron's triple, and two unearned runs in the sev enth. Rube Johnson's pincbhit double in the bottom of the Bob, Pendergraff of Salem has also entered a brand new car. Bob McGrptty's No. 30 car may prove tough to beat, too. He has installed a flat head Cadillac motor. Among top Northwest drivers to compete Saturday are Sutton, Bob Gregg, Pal mer Crowell, ' Frankle Me Gewan,. Cliff Miller, Dick Branlff, Cookie ookson, Er nie . Koch, Jack Timmlngs ' Harold Sperb, Bill Ltgg, Dick Brower, Bob Burgess,' Phil Fouber, Gene . Wilt in, Ray Davidson, Ray Lalng and Joe Smith. BELLOWS M 1 CLUB Jffkfr 1 ' BOURBON iPlI- I O (..tWw no- more to , BELLOWS q 0 at Avtie of- " O R at you' worrfe daf. 1 H 8 $io fBOURBOlD) H yf VsOHTBOtfUtONinSl' I J vjr Bellows Club Bourbon represent the lupcrior tjmi-J'. O fj quality slways anociated with this famous , wfcw"" J. ff M nunc. For those who seek Kentucky J jff Bourbon at its finest, Bellows offers superb 4 IfiL ij lightness and generosity of favor, That why 1 " V . h has long been a popular member ol America's 1 --j 3 Wjj fineit clubs. Isn't It time you tried it? aL' jfj ee. (Pint '9 SV" BELLOWS & COMPANY O AtTtMOM MASTLAHD O WIL Standings . . Br The Associated Prosi) ' WLPct. WLrct. Lewiston 4 1.000 Vancouver 1 I .400 3 I .140 Wenatchee S 4 .13! I 1 .10 Bomonton 1 I .3)5 II K0 Salem 1 1 JII 1 S .mo spoken 1 s .in Victoria Trl-Cllr Cellar; Wedaeseair'e Booeltc i TT1-Clty'. calearr V. , . ... , Lewletou 10, Wenatchee I. Vancouver I. Spokane S (fam walled In tth lnntnt, rain). Bdmonton at Salem, postponed, rain. Victoria at Yakima, postponed, rain. Theradar'a Sofcodele Wenatchee al Lewiston. Bdmonton at Salem, vicuna at Yakima (1), caitarr at Trl-Cllr. Only lamta achoduled.' eighth scored two runners and gave Tri-City a 2-0 edge in the series at Kennewick. The lead had ehanged three times before Johnson came to the plate for the Braves. Gus Stathos carried the load for Calgary, hitting five-for-five Including a bases empty homer la the seventh. Nick Ficek of Woodbum Top Individual Scorer in Meet By CHRIS KOWITZ, Jr. Estacada high school's Rang ers, struck by tragedy April 17 when two of their members were killed in an auto acci dent near . Eugene while en route to the Hayward relays, won the Willamette Valley league track meet on a rain swept track and field at Mo Culloch stadium . Wednesday. Estacada had four firsts out of the 14 events, and a total of S8H points. Sllverton was second with 33, Woodburn third with 31, Molalla fourth with 28, Dallas fifth with 24, Sandy sixth with 23, and Can by seventh with 12.' Mt. An gel, which is a member of the Willamette Valley league, does not compete in track, j ' Iron-lunged Stan Rutherford led the Estacada victory v by winning both the 880-yard arid mile runs. High Individual point- 1 maker of the day was Wood burn's Gene Ficek, who gar nered 12H points by taking ' firsts m the 100 and 220 yard dashes, a fifth in the jump, and ran the anchor position on Woodburn's win ning relay team. . , There were no meet records broken yesterday. :,-'.. Preliminaries were conduct ed in some events in the morn ing, with finals in the after noon. Finals results: ' 10ftl, Pleek (W)i I, Kraplcka (II): I. Keith . (D): 4, Vlekerman (): (. Wolt (W). Time, 1:0. M0 Plcek (W: 1, Kruplcka (alii . Keith (O)i 4, Prlcien (D): I, Kramer (W). Time, 14.5. 4401, Prleien (Dl: 1, Barman (C)l 1, Bowman (K); 4, Hutohendorx (BID; a, Dubarko (San). Time, !.. 40 1, Rutherford (SI I I, Brian (11: I, Peterion (San); 4, Wolf (C): I, Allnhln (CI. Time. 4:4!. Mile 1, Rutherford IB) l 3, Brian (X): 3. Ualone (san)i 4, Shepherd (SU)l t, Wrliht (C). Time, 4:4S. Low hurdlea 1, Mevera (San)l I, Shaw (811) I 3, J. Vlekerman (Bi; 4, T. Peaut bit (our-for-four for Trl-City. . , Spkana : pitchers couldn't find the plate at Vancouver. Clyde Dewitt started the pa rade, walking five men before he was derricked In the third. Two hurlers who followed him to the mound gave up six more passes. Spokane rookie Bill Holland had two-tor-two for the eve ning for a record of, eight-for-nlne in the series. ' . Ciliary 103 090 10 T S Trl-cur in (x lb s II S Roberta, Levenson II) and Llllardl Sni der and Pesut. Wtnatchet 001 0M too J 1) I Lewleton 04 004 30 IS S 1 Cubre, nesmussen (1) and CultUl Col- llna and Cameron. Spokane ....300000 03 S S Vf.ncouvtr , ouiooe J Dtwltt. Palm (3), Worth (4) and Sheets; Hernandtl and Lundborc. lOini called In toventh Innlnl ba eauta ol rain.) Bdmonton at Salem, poitnoned, rain. Victoria at Yakima, soetponod. rala. Vlekerman (B)i I. Weaellnk (San), Time. 11.6. Hiih hurdlea I. Shaw (Sill; I. van Artaaie (W)i 3, Kltamuier ID) 4, Sin clair (X): s, Bowman (B). Time. 17.1. javeun l, Anaeraon (SU)i l, Phelpa IM: i, York i 4. Anderion (San): B. stephena D. Distance, 141 feet, lnehei. Shot 1. Rlehea (all): I. Jamaion (II: I. Lee (W 4. Hovland (C)l I, Keren (sani. Time. az.o. (San). Distance, 42 feet, I htchea. Dlscue 1. Jameson (Bli I. Lee (Wit 1. Watson (Eli i, McCammon (Sim I, Ramlow .(San). Distance, lit feet, inches. Pole vault 1. Tjrban (8an)t l. lie be tween BeckMC) and Herbert (B); 4. tie between Wessellnk (Ban), Shaw (nil) and Davis (SU). Beleht, 10 feet. HUB Jump 1. Haaen (Mil 1, Holdorl (D); 3. tie between Sinclair (II, KH- aene' (E) and Parker (X). Heliht, I feet, I Inches. Broad jumii 1, Wallace (B)l 1, Kru plcka (Mi: , Priesen (D): 4, wolf (Wli I, Plcek (W). Distance, 10 feet, lnehea. Relar 1. woodburn (Wolf. Huraene. Kramer, Pleek) i 3. SUvertonl 3, Bsta- oada: 4, Uolellai I, canbj. Time, 1:11.1. Bearcats Meet Lewis and Clark In Two Games - Coach John Lewis' Willam ette Bearcats, rained out of a scheduled game with Portland State Tuesday, resume North west Conference action this week-end in a pair of games with the .Lewis and . Clark Pio neers; : ...The Bearcats currently boast three wins and one setback in conference play, having knock' ed off Pacific twice and split with Liniield. i. .Lewis probably will throw his. ace righthander, Andy George, at Lewis and Clark in the first game of the series, which is set for Portland Fri day. The two teams collide again at McCulloch Field Sat urday afternoon at 2:80. The likely Willamette hill nominee for the Saturday clash will be Mickey Coen, also a righthander. LOCaL if UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATID PRESS . Salem, Oregon, Thunday, April SO, 1953 Ted Beard Won t Elliott Pitches for San Francisco u Man ager Bobby Bragan of Holly wood it so anxious for slag ging Ted Beard to break the PCL mark for consecutive hits that ha won't let him play to night lit Portland starts south paw pitcher Glenn Elliott. The twist is that Beard also is a - left-hander, and his chances of collecting a hit the first time up against the Bevo chucker would be considerably diminished. So Torrid Teddy, burning along at. 12 for 12, may have to wait until Friday before going after Mickey Heath's 23-year-old record., The Rains Came .'Bragan announced ' his de cision after last night's game between . Portland and the Twlnks was rained out. The same thing happened to the Hollywood-San Diego and Los Angeles-Sacramento contests, Bearcat Track Team Travels To Walla Walla Winners of four straight dual meets this season, Ted Ogdahl's Willamette cinder squad ven tures to Walla Walla Saturday for a contest with the Whitman Missionaries. Off their record to date, the Bearcats appear to be one of the outfits to beat in the con. ference meet, set for later in May.- Chief Willamette tbreaU at Walla Walla will be Bill Van Horn in the hurdles. Dean Ben son and Larry Standifer in the hurdles, Layton Gilson in the discus, Stan Neperud in the javelin, Jim Hitchroan in the shotput and high jump and Ralph Stephenson in the dis tance events. For all Ford hydraulic equipped passenger cars BRAKE RE $1750 Here's what you get: Labor . . . complete set exchange brake shoes . ( ( 8 lock rings . . . brake fluid . . . road test. DRIVE IN TODAY I Statistics show that in States where safety checks are required, 33 of all can checked have defective brakes. See your FORD DEALER for VALLEY MOTOR 17 S Center Street PCL STANDINGS ;.. w l Pet. w hcl. MtU M t .X FrlMO M 11 ,414 Los AniU OsUitvBH io u Portland W M .ifi tHcnnnto IT . Hollrtrod M IS .SU MaOImo 1 Ml WattaMttfty'l aMlt stu 7, suk rrancMco 4. Oakland at Ban Dltwo, rain. Portland at Hollywood, rain. Loa Angelas at saeratnanto, rain. However, the weather ' was fine in the Bay area too fine for the San Franclicc Seals who wore belted 7-4 by Se attle. The victory hoisted the Mrs. Crothers Top Lady Golfer Mrs. Morris Crothers won the Johnson prize for the "best golfer of the day" in ladies' play at Salem Golf, club yes terday. Mrs. Crothers had low gross for the day, and also won class, A with a low net of 79. Mrs.' John R. Wood and Mrs. Thomas Hill tied for class B honors with 78 apiece. ' Mrs. Robert Cannon and Mrs. Homer Goulet won class C and D. respectively. Salem Golf club ladles will Qualify next Tuesday and Wed nesday for their annual spring handicap tournament. TIDE TABLE Tldaa far Tall. Orenn Mar. US (Compiled br V. S. Oaaat and Oeedello Sarver. Portland, Orecen) Rlih Watera Law Waters SO - M'lS a.m. I.a ' - :o ajn. -. - l:0t p.m. 4.7 l:U P.m. S.f lea? Htih Watera Low Waters Time Hrteht Time Hearnt 11:44 a.m. 14 1:13 p.m.. 1:30 a.m. 0 4 . 1:0 a.m. -1.0 ' titt p.m. 1.1 ! 1:83 a.m. -1.0 1:10 p.m. S.O ', 1:43 a.m. -0.0 S;01 p.m. 1.1 , 1:41 p.m. , 1:01 a.m. 4:17 p.m. . 1:M a.m. . 14 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 1:1 p.m. , 1:00 a.m. .' 7:30 p.m. 1:19 a.m. S:M p.m. "7 10:11 a.m. 10:11 p.m. 3.1 11:34 a.m. -C.I 11:17 p.m. S.t 13:35 p.m. -0.3 M a.m. 1.4 1:13 p.m. 0.1 in iinprt tf IMtMwl itrftty Itoiitii SMrtr lh hritr-lnslvilfy CMHrittM m Nlibway Serftfy yaur fORDDEALIR Ifart ytv tJarbii Dy.e FREE 10-POIIIT SAFETY CHECK y Steering V' Brake Rear View Mirrors Windowa ' j Windshield Wipers NO COST I - LI NED SPECIAL (gul Vilut 23.80 HtWS AND KATUKP Page IS Play If Bevos Suds into a first place tie wlft thm AfteFAll. . Davie Melton, the Seal short stop who occasionally quaffs a pre-game prescription to get the butterfie out of Us stom ach, committed the much-feared boot that sent Seattle on its way. '" . " ' " ' !. -Butterflies Cot Him ' 4 in the eight, Kay Ortelg smacked a .. hopper toward young Davie, who fumbled the ball. Oitelni was sate easily. Then Artie Wilson lashed tremendous triple out to the right centerfield flagpole to ram across what proved to be the winning run. Just to be sure, the Ra Inters tacked on two more in the ninth anyway. Art Del Duca, who rescued Bill Evans tn the seventh,, got the victory. Bob Muncrief, who came on in the eighth for the, Seals (ot the loss his fourth. The veteran relief ace is wlnless. Seattle ' ...;.oov vn iia-r ea w San PraneU...'...001 OO0 IOO4 I s Bvana, Del Dim (7) ana Orwell Me. OalL Clooah (7), Uoncrlef (I) aaad Tee. nar, Tieraiera w. Minor League Scores -.- (By The Atsoolatad Press) . ! . , INTSBNSTIONAL LBAQUB Toronto 1, SprlnafleM S (1 anamsak Montreal S, Rochester t. -. Ottawa S, arraouea 3. Balthnoro S, Buffalo 4. ' . AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Toledo 3, Indianapolis S Charleeton 13. Coltunboa S.t Xansaa CUT 9, LoulsvUM S. " ' Onlr samee Ichadnlad, : TIXAS UIOIA Dallas 4, Hoastan S. San Antonio 10, Port Worth " Talaa s, Beaumont 3. Oklahoma cltr at Shisrspset. paaw. ' : """""'WBSTEBW UUaCS All sajnea posttwnod. . PIONSSB LSAOUS v,: . . BiUlnae St, Pooatano T. ' Idaho Pain 10, oroat Pans . . Other samaa ratned aau ' OQISJtOB BaSUUM. ' .- ' (Br The Aeeociatao Prees) Whltwortb I, aaatera Waahtnitoa B. Seattle at , Pntet aosnS, poatponeS, rain. V"Homi V Front Light " V Rr Light lint . Exhaust Syatera NO OBLIGATION I Budget Terns CO. Salem, Oregon '