fige 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April SO, 1953 Grant of $1000 If Authorized Crown Zellerbach Founda tion of San Francisco hai au thorized a $1,000 grant to Wll lamette university for tha aca- demio year 1933-54, Freildent G. Herbert Smith announces. Purpoae of tha grant Is to en courage and assist In comple- , tion ox the undergraduate edu cation of a student whose char acter, ability and field of study Indicates that be will make a contribution toward industrial and social progress in the Pa cific coast area. Selection of the recipient for the Crown Zellerbach scholar ship will be made by the uni versity scholarship committee. Eligibility requirements for the scholarship stipulate that the awardee be in the third or fourth year of undergraduate study, a United States citizen and a major in the field of phy sical science. , Rofanans af Dallas Sponsor Camp Fire . Dallas The Rotary club today heard Mrs. Hollis Smith a explain the objectives of Camp ' Fire, and the organization of : it as well as the way in which - Camp Fire, operates for girls in Dallas. Mrs. Smith, chair man of the Polk County Coun cil, explained the need for con ' tinuous . sponsorship for the group. ' ... . Ait Woods, president of the Willamette Area Council, spoke also of the organization and its functions in the com munity. s The culmination of the pro gram occurred when Mrs. L. V. Hiebert, field director, showed slides of Camp Kilo wan and told about the forth coming camping season. At the close of the meeting the Rotarians moved to accept the responsibility of sponsor ing the Dallas Camp Fire or ganization and by this action became official "Camp Fire Dads." " . " " .' "- ' Hubby Delivers v Rolls to Wrong Sale Dallas Last Saturday, dur ing a cooked food sale held at Margaret's Florists in Dallas , by a group of Rlckreall wom en, they were puzzled when a stranger emerea, Dunging some rolls his wife had cooked! Despite Joking comments from the man to the effect that the rolls probably weren't safe - to eat, the women cheerfully accepted them, and later had no trouble selling them. In fact the entire incident was sue- : cessful so far as the Rlckreall women were concerned ex cept that .they couldn't find out who the man was, nor why he should, bring things to their ale. v ,. :. Neither, it seems, could the man's wife understand why the women at the sale had eemed unfamiliar, until she thought to ask where the rolls had been taken. Then the answer became clear. There were two sales in town, and sure enough, the rolls had gone to the wrong one. Only the male cicadas can make sounds. Leek younger after 30. i HORMONE CREAM OMtrtioe u I GroanMi agent known for combating ilgm el ooel Now for tho price of pitta face creems J ou cut ctutlljr prolans th lonljr oob of youth ,. . combat wrinkle dry nets, tgint coatoan with too mired, of kormonetf wi . nil nu mi mi it Ittk. . I I ' tt M i a B lt III- M , Ml 1 HI III nf a b, .1 160 NO. LIBERTY ST. - SALEM, OREGON .' Cg , . ... I FREE PARKING I - -a Wonderful Show of y( V V Fashions ! New Styles, I ( . ( A I Pv. I ' - I f Park Off the Street 1 '.V.,' I Jyx y ' Nw Fabrics Sizes f s nn? 4 :;f Js& for Juniors, Misses, 1 ' SHOPPER'S . vpiX-lj W Half Sizes ... Ready As s. High at Ferry st 0 tLr ' IA T Penney's N0W ! f f MARION CAR S : k 'TTlW ' S. CnmP.uilK Ferry ( 'f IY i ' 1 . ' -rfBtWs Ask your sales person 1 v. t? I . f 1?V JT rVt'JS, .to validate your I ,f -if 4I - :". - X MV7J.V.I parking check for p0 1 . ''' 58 f il 7 V vCs3 ViiiHJ1 . Ulli lUiv 1 tf a rHv J?. , 'iff p at a - . i ' x nA w V .iu,...r ' . .fWI Kff 'n " Mil r- . . u , till 9 p.m. ' - ROMANTIC FROSTED SHEERS PLUS MANY, MANY MORE! ' 10 75 Penney's Foshlon Floor (Second) COOL, DARK HEMSTITCHED SHEERS g90 PLUS MANY, MANY MORE! Penney's Foshlon Floor (Second) LOVELY NEW COTTON SHEERS PLUS MANY, MANY MORE! - C90 Penney's Downstairs Store Store Hours 9:30 a.m.. - Friday Night