ThursdayApril SO, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcgioa Paga U No thanks Mom! . . . I'll for the Soap Television Viewers Soon May Talk Back to Sets f 'Las Angeles (UJS Television viewers acrosi the nation ioon will be able to "talk back" to their TV sets and express re actions to programs in prog- Plans Laid for Bridge Meet ' Preliminary plans for mak ing the fifth annual Willamette Valley duplicate bridge cham pionships here June 19-21 the biggest and most interesting ever held here were announced by Co-chairmen Arthur L. Lewis and Walter M. Cline at this week's tournament of the Salem Elks Bridge club. More than 200 experts, in cluding many life- masters, from the Northwest and Cali fornia are expected for the three-day meet Championships in mixed pairs, open pairs and teams-of-four will bring keen competition. Winners of a se ries starting next week will represent Salem in the main events, while single sessions in cluding the Friday evening Elks pairs,' will draw many en tries. The committee in charge also Includes Mrs. - C. B. Bentson, trophies; Mrs. Leona Taylor, fi nances; Mrs. Stanley Neuens, membership; Carroll Ford and Mrs. A. L. Lewis. In this week's tournament, consisting of 21 tables in two sections, winners were Mrs. W. R. Newmyer and Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Paul F. Burris and C. L. Newsom, Mrs. Walter Remmey of Brownsville and Mrs. Robert McKegion, Mrs. Bert Osburn and Mrs. Stanley Neuens. Others rating were Mrs. C. L. Newsom and Ray Ward, Mrs. A. C. Smith and Mrs. Roy Tokerud, Charles Tambling and Mrs. Donald Duncan, W. E. Kimsey and El mer O. Berg, Mrs. Arthur Bin egar and Howard Pickett, Mrs. F. C. Lutz and Mrs. George Rein, Arthur L. Lewis and Ralph S. Dannen of Browns ville, and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hogan of Taft. The mid-week series at the Women's club will end next Wednesday. Leader now is Mrs. Elmer O. Berg. First May mas ter point is scheduled for Fri day evening at the' Elks club, While the May 15 tournament will be devoted to charity with new duplicate players as special guests. Master point winners for April include Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Mrs. F. C. Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore of Scio, R. D. Hutchinson and Mrs. M a r 1 i n Thompson, both of Corvallis, and Mrs. Georgianna Thede and Charles Tambling. LEGALS '. NOTICE TO CRXDITOR8 In the County Court of the flUte of Ore on for Yamhill County. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, thftt the Under lined, John A. Peterson, ttu been appointed as Administrator of the es tat of Iva I. Peterson, deceaied, by the above entitled Court. All persons havlntr claim aialrut said estate are hereby notified and required to preaent the same, duly yertfied, as by law re quired, to the under lined at Marsh, Uarsh Daahney, Attorneys at Law, Mm National Bin It ButWIni, HcHinn ville, Oreion, within, six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published April 13, 1K3. Data et last publication, May 14. 1U. JOHN A. PETERSON Administrator MARSH, MARBH es DASH NET, , Attorneys for said estate. April . ID, May 1, 14, IffSI. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING As exeeutrii of the win and est its of DONALD HENRY UPJOHN, deceased, the under lined has filed In the Circuit Court of Oreion for Marlon County, In Probate, her final account In estate of said decedent, and Thursday, June 4, 1V5J. at f:is o'cMci, a.m., and court rooms! said court haTe been appointed by said court as the time and the Place for fcearlnr of objections to istd account and settlement thereof. LOIS OAMTJjLE UPJOHN, . As Executrix Aforesaid Allan O. Carson and Wallaoa P. Carson, Attorneys for Executrix Apr. 10, Mar f, 14, 31, M. 1MJ tAJ" What You Like Without Swigtoinadi never make the weight Box Derby! ress, says television executive Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff. Sarnoff , board chairman of the Radio Corp. of America and the National Broadcasting Co., delivered the keynote ad dress yesterday at the Slst an nual National Association of Radio and Television Broad casters convention. Posh Button Poll "We hope to be able to equip the standard home TV set with a button, which,, when pressed, will register . a vote of Ties' or 'No' at the tele vision station," Sarnoff said. 'He added that stations might even hold a national pushbut ton poll, the results of which could be tabulated automatic ally by electronic computers at a central point. Tbree-D TV Impressive . Meanwhile, newsmen and convention delegates called the first public showing of three' dimensional television, demon' strated yesterday by the Amer ican Broadcasting Co., "im pressive." ' , ' . ' . Viewers wearing polaroid glasses saw rocket ships and puppets on the 3-D screen. Only one picture appears at a time on the screen, but the human eye retains its impres sion after it has flashed off, giving the spectator an Illusion ol depth.. . . . , ABC engineers said it would be possible to convert a home TV set into a 3-D receiver for $150. We Give and Redeem Green Stamps GABY hits tho Value Swee t Home Orders Sewer Construction Sweet Home The first reading of a revised building ordinance was heard at the city council meeting Tuesday. The present building ordinance calls for 000 square feet floor space in a dwelling in Zone 1. This requirement was reduc ed to 780 square feet minimum. Other action taken at this meeting included granting of Cook First in Speech Contest William Cook won first place in a speech contest at Beaver Hall Wednesday night, sponsored by the Knights of Pythias. Patricia O'Malley won sec ond place and James Person third. All are Salem High School students.- Judges were James Calvert of Salem Toastmasters club; Mrs. George Beane, . Salem Toastmistress; and Captain Walter Lansing,, state traffic division. . The winner received a lov ing cup and will take part in a state contest. Following the contest a reception, was given by Centralia Temple, Pythian Sisters, and by the Knights of Pythias. Larry Springer and Bob Payne entertained. In charge of program . and refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Decatur, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein. "FJood of Fire 5 Feet High" Kills 5 in Texas Kilgore, Tex. W Five per sons were dead here today aft. er a "flood of fire five feet high" struck their home when lightning exploded a crude oil tank. Seven Negro homes were de stroyed and two others dam aged yesterday when the bolt of lightning struck during a violent rain and thunderstorm. The exploding tank set fire to another 500-barrel storage tank, arid other oilfield equip ment. Although many oil wells dot the area none was ignited. CARNIVAL AT RICKREALL Rickreall ' Resident of Rickreall are sponsoring, a car nival in the school gymnasium at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 2. Mrs. M. B. Findley is general chairman. Feature acts will be presented. Music will be by the Rickreall orchestra. DURING EASTS MT0RT . ' - You don't washer will ment . . . to pay the portunity hour and Washing so ACT NOW! Trade in today! a sewer contract to Floyd Gra ham of Lebanon. Graham was low bidder with 13B72.S0. Other bidders on the sewer construction project were H. Den Herder of Lebanon, Stone burner Construction of Spring field, and Brown Brothers of Albany. Mrs. James Slaight and Mrs. Cordia Braun came before the Council requesting the water main be extended on south 12th Ave. This request was referred to the Water Commission for con sideration. The city of Sweet Home had previously sent a bid of $650 for a Harley Davidson motor cycle to the Toledo city coun cil. The bid was accepted and the council . appointed City Manager Jess Parker to inform the city of Toledo that the city of Sweet Home would accept the motorcycle on those terms and pay for it out of the 1933 94 budget. The council appointed Fred Palmer to serve on the budget committee in place of Wayne Roberts, who is unable to serve because of illness. Councilman Harold Mellin ger moved that Dr. Robert Monson be appointed to replace Dr. R. S. Langmack as city health officer. The motion car ried and' Dr. Monson's duties will begin July 1, 1853. The proprietors of Lee's Pas time came before the council asking for a building permit to build a cooler onto the present structure. The permit was granted. A license was granted to Lee's Pastime to operate non-gambling card tables for a fee of $ 1 per table per year. , The planning committee rec ommended the council to pur chase property at the end of D St., off 8th Ave., for the pur pose of extending a through street to 11th Ave. The owners of the property arerfoe Wilson and L. R. David son. - . ( . . The amount of land to be purchased is 40 ft. by 244 ft Councilman Williard Arnold moved that the council accept tne planning committee's rec ommendation. The motion car ried and council directed City Manager Jess Parker to enter into the agreement to purchase the parcel of property' out of this year's budget. Cherry City Electric fsM 338 Chemeketa Wj2ll Imm 24762 f lgjf COURT STRICT Bullsoyc ! need cash to have this new deluxe EASY Spiodrier with Automatic Spin-rinse delivered today. Your old cover the full down pay and then take 78 long weeks balance. It's a wonderful op-, to reduce washday -to wash at the same time go easy on your pocketbook! Exclusive Spiralator Anion. No set rubs needed. You may not get a chance like this again QUANTITY DEFINITELY LMMTfl DURING SALE no down Payment Ex Board Will Decide on Move The executive board of the Chamber of Commerce will decide when and where the chamber will move when it vacates the present quarters in the Senator hotel. It was delegated this au thority at a meeting of the board o directors Wednesday night. . The most probable place Is the space In the Pa cific Building on South High, next to the Elsinore Theater, now occupied by the Christian Science reading room. . Ted Hobart, chairman of the agricultural committee of the chamber, aald the annual farm tour will be June 5. The tour will go to the north part of the county this time, instead of south as last year, and the tour will end with a noon luncheon at a place to be named. . Use of all' car parking space about the Capitol group of buildings by ttop - employes and home-towners came in for some sharp criticism: ; Nelson Hickok said that hundreds of tourists come to Salem ex- -m & MOTOROLA GIVES YOU: i Built-in All Channel Tuning i Glare-Guard Screen j Stand-Out- Picture Super Power Chassis V Custom, Cabinet Work NO Strips to Buy! NO Adapters to NO Receptors to Buy! $ YOUR SET INSTALLED FOR Open Evenings 'Til 9 pressly to see the Stat House and find that they aren't able to get near it Ross Pratt chamber presi dent, will appoint a committee to confer with the directorate of the Senator baseball club to see what can be done advancing the sale of stock. ibdut more 10 Present Statue Walla Walla " U. S. Su preme Court Justice William O. Douglas has agreed to give the dedication, address at the unveiling of the Marcus Whit man statue May 22 toy Wash ington, D. C. ' ' i Rep. Holmes R., Wash., an nounced the jurist's acceptance of an invitation Wednesday. The Southeastern Washington congressman is in charge of ar rangements. . Douglas is a 1922 graduate of Whitman College here and is a. student Of the history of the pioneer missionary. . Thetatue will be unveiled in the capltol rotunda and later wiU be placed in Statuary HaU. Mrs. Goldte Rehberg, chair- man of the Whitman Founds CONSU5 TV COsVifUTI WITH , ' ANTENNA f' INSTALLATION V W-DAY SERVICE POLICY TO BE GIVEN AWAY MAY 29 PLUS 5 TV ANTENNAS (COMPLCTCLY INSTALLED SY JUFfY TV) ABSOLUTELY FREE! HERE IS ALL YOU DO ... iyvti ME XT TIME YOU ARE NEAR SMILING JACK'S DICKSON'S MARKET, DROP N AHD REGISTER. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. , ; NOTHING 5 MORE DRAWING. 5 MORE ' PRIZES DOWN WITH FREE 90-DAY SERVICE POLICY SflflMN Live Bombs in San Diego, Calif , Naval bombardment with live ammu nition of San Clement Island continued Wednesday follow ing a blazing night-time shell ing of the island in the first operations of the largest war games on the West Coast since 1048. ' For the first time the new Third : Marine Division was afloat watching the shelling from a dozen attack transports. Destroyers and rocket ships made-up the bombardment force with shore fire control parties on the beach' directing the shelling. , , . ; The maneuvers against an enemy ' assumed to have in vaded the Southern United States from Mexico and moved as tar north as Santa Bargara will Include the simulated use of atomic weapons by both the task force and "enemy aggres sor" forces. A total at 120 Navy ships tlon, reported $29,000 of the $30,000 statue cost has been raised by donations from throughout the state. : ... TO BUY! NO MAY 1-8-15-22 i 3 F' Antsnna, Installed ; Buy! wfeBf G JACK'! Corner Center and Church Plenty of Free Parking en Our Lot Just Drive In and 130 aircraft and heli copters - arc involved along with 14,000 Marines and 80, 000 sailors. .The Marines will storm ashore on the river strand, south of Coronado, Thursday Three Airline ' Washington, ( The appli cation of three airlines to ex-, pand Pacific Northwest serv ices were taken' under advise ment by the civil aeronautics board Tuesday. . v ; Three recommendations by CAB examiner F. Merritt Ruh len were before the board: . That Northwest Airlines be authorized to transport per sons, property and mall be tween Portland and Seattle, . J. That United Airlines be -authorized to transport per sons, property -and mail non stop : between , Portland and 3pokane. . i.V i.-. r . 3. That Western Airlines be . authorized to operate between Portland and Seattle. At pres the airline . is not permitted to operate between the two cities on flights which do not begin or stop at San Francisco or points south. - 1 OBLIGATIONS! May 29 21 Console with a kj.i i muiuruiu Antenna, Installation, and 90-Day Service Policy Call Today 3-9600 mmmmmmmcsssszA