Pag 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April SO, 1953 Graduation Day at Sfayton High May 22 Stayton The seniors . of fitayton Union high school will graduate on May 12. H. D. Ma haffey will be the speaker for the evening. Baccalaureate if planned for May 17, with Rev. Kenneth Abbott as the apeaker. ' , ' The aenlor klp event la scheduled for May 23-28, with the itinerary still undetermined. , Murder in Italy has decreai ed sharply in recent years to about an average of three a day, tiici iniRi!! y$ftezi VfoftDD SEAGRAM'S s iUID BE SDHE 4 WHEREVER TOT GO m vl 6 mjSB0 7 ! cow f 1 M?M&wl 3 -'iM-sKsirlB Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N. Y. Sure PTA At Dallas Elects Officers Dallas Installation of the newly elected officers for 1853 84 was the highlight of the last meeting of the high school PTA. Installed as president for the coming year was Mrs. Boss Simpson. Mrs. Clinton Buiter was installed as secretary with Mr. Himes as treasurer. Mrs. Art Woods who was unable to attend the meeting will serve as vice-president Program included a panel of students and parents with Paul Davis and Mrs. E. . Salisbury serving as moderators. The panel topic was the co-opera tion of parents and teachers with the problems of youth. Students participating in cluded Russell Wells, Harold Stevens, Shirley Goertzen, Mary Lou Chambers. Mrs. C. C. Long represented the par ents in the discussion. . The program continued with numbers presented by the mu sic department under the direc tion of George Thompson, mu sic teacher. The boys quartet and the girls trio both offered selections with solo numbers by Mary Bell and Alvina Sulll van. The host committee was com posed of Mr. and Mis. H. Dash iell, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gibbs, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Morrison. CAP to Send Local Teacher to Colorado Salem's Civil Air Patrol is planning to send some man or woman teacher to a "National Aviation Education Work shop" summer . course to be held at the University of Col orado in Boulder from July 23 to August 25, Lt. Wilbur Garrett, commadner of the local unit, said today. : All expenses will be paid. ' Course of instruction will cover basic facts on flight. terial navigation, communica tions and control, national and international problems of safety and control, airports and vocational opportunities in aviation. It is designed to enable the teacher to impart aviation knowledge upon his or her return to the classroom here. Selection of the teacher will be on a competitive basis among those who apply, with an examination the basis. Ap plications must be in the hands of the Civil Air Patrol here by June 1. Manuals contain ing the Information needed to pass the examination will be furnished the applicants for study. , State Board to Wait For Dental Decision Portland VP) The State Board of Higher Education de cided Tuesday to wait for next month's Legislative Emergency Board meeting before making any plans for a new dental school. The question is whether about $300,000, expected from sale of the old building, can be used for the new school or is to be deducted from the 12, 200,000 fund voted by the Legislature. The Joint Wa'va and Mean. Committee told the board the sale money could not be used to equip the new school. The board had planned to use it for equipment. ...... Silverton Patients Are Hospitalized Late reports on the condition of Mrs. J. P. A. Hansen 87 sureerv natient at SUvertnn hospital, were "fairly good." Mrs. mnsen was entered at the hospital Monday. Also a natient at thn Innal hospital is Mrs. Roy Morley unaer treatment for a heart condition, having entered Mon dav. Emil Grant, an emnlov t tne pond of the Oscar Johnson mill, suffered painful injuries when the first finger of his right hand was crushed be tween timbers Tueadav. He li mucn improved. During colonial times ship load of iron pyrites, compar atively worthless mineral, was shipped to England from the United States In the belief that it was gold. m i Talis one good look and you'll see Instantly the reasons for Mercury's famous style leadership. Unified Design does away with bulges, for sleeker, trimmer lines. Helps nuke Mercury quieter on the road, easier to handle, beautiful to look at, . ism Lilly 'W. t Hear what your Mercury: dealer has to say about ' its proven economy and performance. Remember, V I , Mercury has always had a V-8, not a straight 8. Find out how taty it U to mov up to Mercury. Plan to put this great ear through its paces soon. Feast your eyes on Mercury's decorator interiors with your choice of fine fabrics in a wide variety of - colors. See how Mercury's exclusive pilot-type instru snent panel adds to safety and convenience. mm DRIVE IT HOUR mi GET THE FACTS YOU'LL GO FOR ITS HONEST VALUE $ymbolithig las fngnu t M AUtar Comir't MM Aimhmtmr "SO rm WWOftf OH AslMffcofl Jtootf! WARNER MOTOR CO. Darlene Powell In Queen Lead Lebanon Darlene Powell maintains her lead in sales of festival buttons which will add to her score in being judged for queen of Lebanon's straw berry fair, June 4-8. Miss Pow ell -has 9360 points, a margin of 1800 over Jean Williams who holds second place. Various festival chairmen were named by the fair board thia week. A. B. Cash will again secure bands for the event; chair of the Industrial parade will be Ken Mayer; Frank Groves, street dance; Mrs. V. E. Wilson and Ben Kenyon, flower show; Mrs. Curt Wilbur, children's parade. Ralph Scroggin will head the construction department and William Warden is secur ing talent for the street plat form shows. The horse show at the San tiam Wranglers race track is headed by Joe Yearous. The cake committee will be aided by the Jaycees who will be responsible for cutting and serving the 5000-pound dessert. Extra Gallery Hours For Da Yinci Display The Willamette university are gallery will be open until 9 p.m. week days, during the special show of Leonardo da Vinci invention models, Dr. Cameron Paulln, are director said. The gallery will also be open to the public Saturdays and Sundays through May 10, the last day the display will be located on the campus. Da Vinci's unique models, as Interpreted by Roberto A. Guatelli, are from collections of the fine arts department of International Business Ma chines corporation of Mew York. The exhibition at Wil lamette is one of seven acta now touring the world. Three Salem Men Go to Medical School Three Salem men are among students who have been admit ted to the 1953 freshmen class at the University of Oregon Medical school, according to an announcement issued by the admissions board this week. Tbey are Mervin E. Brokke, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brokke; Douglas F. Dougherty, son of Mr. and Mrs, James F. Dougherty; and George A. Por ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Porter. Brokke and Dougherty are now completing their pre-medi-cal studies at Willamette uni versity, and Porter is current ly attending Oregon State col lege. They will begin the four year medi'M course in Septem ber, i At Sweet Home Sweet Home Municipal Judge Kd Russell Invoked heavy fines on two Sweet Home men Monday night in Municipal Court. Wesley E. James, 17, was fined $50 for throwng bottles in a downtown street, but $25 of this was suspended. The fine was paid. Walter G. Gwynh, SO, was fined $150 for driving while his driving license was revoked plus $5 fine for failure to atop at a stop sign. The court sus pended $75 of the $155 and the remainder was paid.. It has been found that X- more damaging to living tis sues than those of 2,000,000 volts, provided the total dos age is the same. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Make Hmm Horning! warn u Isul PHONE I-74J1 THE BEST WAY IS... GREYHOUND Only Greyhound Gilders mm GO ONE ROUTE RETURN ANOTHER! Greyhound serves all 48 states and Canada on 5 mainlroutes East and vast connecting network of highways. Relax, see, save . . .with finer bases, mor scenery, more service everywhere at low cost. Greyhound! VIA SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, ALBUQUERQUE Features: Oregon Coast, Redwood Empire, Shasta Cascade Wonderland, famous California Missions, Yosemite and Sequoia Natl Parks . . . pin Grand Canyon, Indian Country, historic Alboquerque, VIA SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, EL PASO Enjoy Oregon sad California features hsted trader Rcmte 1 above , . . plus Colorful Southwest, Tucson, Phoenix, fascinating Border cities, and El Paso, gateway to Mexico. VIA RENO -Thrilling features: Shasta-Cascade Wonderland, Feather River Canyon, Lake Tahoe, spectacular Sierra, exciting Reno, beantiful Salt Lake City with Mormon Temple, Tabernacle. S VIA PORTLAND -Travel thru Spokane, Fargo, Minneapolis, Chicago ... or via Columbia Gorge and Salt Lake City. See amazing Yellowstone on the way. Wide choice of scenic routes through Midwest Wta Cf ATTIC ver, Victoria, Banf Ike Ixmiee, JettpeH See these vfG wonders, eras Greet Lakes Beeion. on this bemrti. jJH1 ful route East by Greyhound. . h Cotft So liftf to S So Mthl J. L WELLS, Agent 450 No. Church Phone 2-2428 s ar ea. o iff 430 No. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.